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The ANES Bibliography

The ANES Bibliography is a work in progress. It currently includes over 8,000 citations that make use of ANES data or questions.

The Bibliography is offered as a research and teaching resource that should be useful for many different purposes. Given the importance of ANES data in the fields of electoral politics, public opinion, and political participation, the Bibliography should be an excellent resource for researchers, teachers, students, and other professionals interested in research in those areas. It is not, of course, a comprehensive bibliography in those fields because only research relying at least in part on ANES data is included.

  • Global Search: The search box at the top of this table provides the global search functionality. For example, type 2016 into this global search box and it will return search results containing 2016 in any of columns.
  • Individual Column Search: Each column has its own search/filter box. The column searches/filters are cumulative, so you can apply multiple individual column searches/filters.
  • ANES Data Used: This column search box offers a simple text search. That is, the search results of 2016 will also include 2016 Pilot.
  • A better filtered result (e.g. used '2016' but not '2016 pilot') is provided on each study page under Data Center. See the bottom of the left menu in each study page (e.g. 2016 Time Series Study).
Author Year Title Other Information Publication Type ANES Data Used

Do we have your latest publication using ANES data? Is anything else missing? Please use the brief form below to let us know. We strive to make the ANES Bibliography current and complete. You can help!

Bibliography Submission Form