We need your voice.
For over 75 years, the American National Election Studies have been asking people to share their opinions on American life. By taking part, you help provide an accurate picture of what Americans think about their society, politics, and many of the issues facing the country.
To learn more, visit our answers to questions about the study tab. If you received an ID number, you can use the button below to get started, otherwise someone from the ANES team will be in touch with you.
Thank you for your participation in the study. We appreciate your time and effort!
Contact us:
Phone: 1-800-759-7947
American National Election Studies
Institute for Social Research
University of Michigan
426 Thompson Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Website: https://electionstudies.org/
Email: [email protected]
What are the American National Election Studies?
For over 75 years the American National Election Studies have been asking people about their opinions on many aspects of their lives and the lives of people around them, especially about presidential elections.
Every textbook on American government uses information from this study, as have thousands of researchers and teachers around the world.
Who is sponsoring the study?
The study is being done by the University of Michigan in collaboration with Stanford University, Duke University, and the University of Texas, with funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation. We are not affiliated with any political or media group.
How did you choose me?
Your address was scientifically selected from among all the addresses in the country that receive mail.
What is the purpose of the study? Are you selling anything?
We are not selling anything. The purpose of the study is academic research funded by the National Science Foundation. The only way to know how people really feel about American life today is to hear from people in their own words. This study is part of a long-running effort to learn what Americans think and feel about their society, politics, and many of the issues facing the country. By taking part, you help provide an accurate picture of what Americans think.
How long will this take?
It takes 2 or 3 minutes to answer a few questions about your household to make sure you or someone there is eligible for the study. After this, one adult member of your household may be asked to participate in a full interview. The full interview should take about an hour.
Is the information confidential?
Yes. It is very important to us to protect your privacy. We have interviewed more than 60,000 people over the last 75 years and have never revealed anyone’s personal information.
Your answers will be combined with answers from other people to make group statistics. When we release the results of the study, nothing will be included that would identify you as a participant. No one outside of a small number of researchers working on the study will ever be able to know your household participated. You may stop the interview at any time and you may skip any individual question you choose not to answer.
How will this research be used?
We combine your answers with those from other households and then we add up the results to get a picture of the whole country. We will publish these results on our website. Researchers and journalists from across the country will use the results to write articles and books. Teachers and students in high school and college will use the results in classes, and policy makers will see what Americans think. Your participation is essential to make sure your voice is included.
How do I recognize your field interviewers?
If you have been selected for an in-person interview, your interviewer will visibly wear a badge identifying them as an employee of the University of Michigan. The badge includes their first and last name as well as a large picture.
More questions?
If you have any additional questions, feel free to call us at 1-800-759-7947 or email [email protected] and visit the study’s webpage at https://electionstudies.org/ to explore the rest of the website.
If you have questions about your rights and welfare as a research participant, you can contact the Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board at 2800 Plymouth Road, Building 520, Room 1169, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Or call 734-936-0933 / 866-936-0933 (toll free) or email [email protected].