FILE anes2000to2004merged_var.txt ----------------------------- ANES 2000-2004 Merged File Codebook variable documentation file VERSION 20110812 (August 12, 2011) ============================================================================= DESCRIPTION OF CODEBOOK DOCUMENTATION ============================================================================= DSETID - WT04 Vars specific to ANES 2000-2004 Merged file (this file) M000003 - M001810 Vars from the ANES 2000 Time Series Study M021001 - M025201 Vars from the ANES 2002 Time Series Study ('panel' cases only) M041201 - M045209 Vars from the ANES 2004 Panel Study Except for prefix "M" at the beginning of variable names, variable descriptions are the same as in documentation for the stand-along studies. ============================================================================= VERSION Dataset Version ============================================================================= STUDY DESCRIPTIVE: Version of ANES dataset NOTES: ------ This is the version of the ANES 2000-2004 Merged File release in format: 2004ANESVERSION:yyyymmmdd TYPE: ----- Character ============================================================================= DSETID Dataset ID ============================================================================= STUDY DESCRIPTIVE: ANES dataset ID NOTES: ------ This is the ANES dataset ID of the ANES 2000-2004 Merged File: 2004.M2000 TYPE: ----- Character ============================================================================= ID Case ID ============================================================================= STUDY DESCRIPTIVE: Case ID VALID CODES: ------------ 001-1811 NOTES: ------ This is the ANES 2000 Time Series Study (pre-election) case ID. There are gaps in the numbering. TYPE: ----- Numeric Dec 0 ============================================================================= 2002ID 2002 Case ID ============================================================================= STUDY DESCRIPTIVE: 2002 Pre Election Case ID VALID CODES: ------------ 0001-1513 NOTES: ------ This is the ANES 2002 Time Series Study (pre-election) case ID. There are four gaps in the numbering. TYPE: ----- Numeric Dec 0 ============================================================================= 2004ID 2004 Case ID ============================================================================= STUDY DESCRIPTIVE: 2004 post election case ID VALID CODES: ------------ 001-897 NOTES: ------ This is the ANES 2004 Panel Study 4-digit case ID. There are gaps in the numbering. TYPE: ----- Numeric Dec 0 ============================================================================= Years Years. Year Participation ============================================================================= STUDY DESCRIPTIVE: Year Participation 2000-2002-2004 VALID CODES: ------------ 1. 2000 only 2. 2000 and 2002 3. 2000 - 2002 - 2004 TYPE: ----- Numeric Dec 0 ============================================================================= Waves Waves. Wave Participation ============================================================================= STUDY DESCRIPTIVE: Wave Participation 2000-2002-2004 VALID CODES: ------------ 2000 ONLY: 01. 2000 Pre 02. 2000 Pre - 2000 Post 2000 AND 2002: 03. 2000 Pre - - 2002 Pre 04. 2000 Pre - - 2002 Pre - 2002 Post 05. 2000 Pre - 2000 Post - 2002 Pre 06. 2000 Pre - 2000 Post - 2002 Pre - 2002 Post 2000,2002,2004: 07. 2000 Pre - --------- - 2002 Pre - --------- - 2004 Post 08. 2000 Pre - --------- - 2002 Pre - 2002 Post - 2004 Post 09. 2000 Pre - 2000 Post - 2002 Pre - --------- - 2004 Post 10. 2000 Pre - 2000 Post - 2002 Pre - 2002 Post - 2004 Post TYPE: ----- Numeric Dec 0 ============================================================================= WT00PRE 2000 Pre-Election Sample Weight ============================================================================= Sample weight for Pre variables --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a 6-digit variable with a coded decimal point and 4 actual decimal places. A poststratification adjustment using the 2000 CPS March Supplement estimates as the standard was done for the combined RDD and area samples. The cells were formed by crossing 6 age groups by 4 levels of education. The age groups were: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+. The education levels were: < high school graduation, high school graduate, some college, and 4 years of college or more. TYPE: ----- Numeric Dec 4 ============================================================================= WT00PO 2000 Post-Election Sample Weight ============================================================================= Sample weight for Post variables --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a 6-digit variable with a coded decimal point and 4 actual decimal places. 0. No Post IW TYPE: ----- Numeric Dec 4 ============================================================================= WT02PRE 2002 Pre-Election 'Panel' Weight (2000-2002) ============================================================================= Pre-election Post-stratified weight --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a 6-digit variable with a coded decimal point and 4 decimal places. This weight compensates for the unequal probabilities of selection for respondents in different size households and for different non-response across geographic sample design categories. A post stratification adjustment used the 2000 CPS March Supplement estimates as the standard. The cells were formed by crossing 6 age groups by 4 levels of education. The age groups were: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+. The education levels were: < high school graduation, high school graduate, some college, and 4 years of college or more. TYPE: ----- Num Dec 0 ============================================================================= WT02PO 2002 Post-Election 'Panel' Weight (2000-2002) ============================================================================= Post-election Post-stratified weight --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a 6-digit variable with a coded decimal point and 4 decimal places. See note WEIGHT.1; WEIGHT.2 values are constructed for the cases reinterviewed in the Post. 0. No Post interview TYPE: ----- Num Dec 0 ============================================================================= WT04 2004 Panel Study Weight (2000-2002-2004) ============================================================================= STUDY DESCRIPTIVE: 2004 Panel Weight TYPE: ----- Numeric Dec 4 ============================== M000003 Process.6. Pre only or Pre-and-Post Numeric Process.6. Pre only or Pre-and-Post --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Pre-Election and Post-Election interviews 1. Pre-Election Interview only ============================== M000004 Pre.Admin.1. Mode of Pre IW Numeric Pre-Admin.1. PRE: Mode of Pre IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Personal (FTF) 5. Telephone ============================== M000005a Pre.Admin.2a. Form - E section Numeric Pre-Admin.2a. PRE: Form - E section administered in Pre --------------------------------------------------------------------- Section E questions about R's personal financial situation were randomly selected to be administered either in Pre section E or Post section H. 0. Section E not administered in Pre [Post section H P001410-P001417] 1. Section E administered in Pre [P000398-P000406] ============================== M000005b Pre.Admin.2b. Form - F6-F9 half sample Numeric Pre-Admin.2b. PRE: Form - F6-F9 half sample --------------------------------------------------------------------- The series of questions F6-F9 concerning "most important problem" was administered to a randomly selected half sample in the Pre 0. R not selected for F6-F9 Pre administration 1. R selected for F6-F9 Pre administration [P000431-P000438] ============================== M000005c Pre.Admin.2c. Form - Q1-Q11 or Q14-15 Numeric Pre-Admin.2c. PRE: Form - Clinton retrospective Q1-Q11 series or Clinton affects/traits Q14-Q15 series --------------------------------------------------------------------- Rs were randomly selected to be administered either the Clinton retrospective (Q1-Q11) or the Clinton traits and affects questions (Q14-Q15 sections) in the Pre. The questions for which R was not selected for Pre administration were administered in the Post (S1-S11 and the S14-S15 sections). 1. Q1-Q11 asked in Pre [Clinton retrospective P000807-P000846] 2. Q14-Q15 sections asked in Pre [Clinton affects and traits [P000847-P000861] ============================== M000005d Pre.Admin.2d. Form - G section lib-con Numeric Pre-Admin.2d. PRE: Form - G1-G5/G1.T-G5.T or G6.E-G10.E Lib/Con format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned to either the standard 7-point scale format for Liberal/Conservative placements, or to an experimental branching format. The standard format items are G1-G5 (FTF) and G1.T-G5.T (phone); the experimental format items are G6.E-G10.E (FTF and phone). SELF PLACEMENT G1a Standard format FTF = P000439 G1a.T Standard format Ph = P000439a G6.E-G6c.E Experimental FTF+Ph = P000442-445 CLINTON PLACEMENT G2 Standard format FTF = P000448 G2.T Standard format Ph = P000448a G7.E-G7b.E Experimental FTF+Ph = P000450-452 GORE PLACEMENT G3 Standard format FTF = P000455 G3.T Standard format Ph = P000455a G8.E-G8b.E Experimental FTF+Ph = P000459-461 GW BUSH PLACEMENT G4 Standard format FTF = P000465 G4.T Standard format Ph = P000465a G9.E-G9b.E Experimental FTF+Ph = P000469-471 BUCHANAN PLACEMENT G5 Standard format FTF = P000475 G5.T Standard format Ph = P000475a G10.E-G10b.E Experimental FTF+Ph = P000479-481 1. Standard format G1-G5/G1.T-G5.T (FTF/phone) 2. Experimental format G6.E-G10.E (FTF and phone) ============================== M000005e Pre.Admin.2e. Form - H1 or H1.E Numeric Pre-Admin.2e. PRE: Form - H1 or H1.E economy retrospective format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned to either the standard (H1) or experimental (H1.E) format. 1. Standard format H1 [P000488a] 2. Experimental format H1.E [P000488b] ============================== M000005f Pre.Admin.2f. Form - H2 or H2.E Numeric Pre-Admin.2f. PRE: Form - H2 or H2.E employment retrospective format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned to either the standard (H2) or experimental (H2.E) format. 1. Standard format H1 [P000492a] 2. Experimental format H1.E [P000492b] ============================== M000005g Pre.Admin.2g. Form - H4 or H4.E Numeric Pre-Admin.2g. PRE: Form - H4 or H4.E economy prospective format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned to either the standard (H4) or experimental (H4.E) format. 1. Standard format H4 [P000496a] 2. Experimental format H4.E [P000496b] ============================== M000005h Pre.Admin.2h. Form - H11 or H11.E Numeric Pre-Admin.2h. PRE: Form - H11 or H11.E imports format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned to either the standard (H11) or experimental (H11.E) format. 1. Standard format H11 [P000511a] 2. Experimental format H11.E [P000511b] ============================== M000005j Pre.Admin.2j. Form - H12 or H12.E Numeric Pre-Admin.2j. PRE: Form - H12 or H12.E isolationism format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned to either the standard (H12) or experimental (H12.E) format. 1. Standard format H12 [P000513a] 2. Experimental format H12.E [P000513b] ============================== M000005k Pre.Admin.2k. Form - L3 medical insur. Numeric Pre-Admin.2k. PRE: Form - L3/L3.T or L3.E/L3.TE medical insurance format --------------------------------------------------------------------- FTF (7-point scale): Respondents were randomly assigned to either the standard format for Govt/Private Health Insurance self-placement, or to an experimental format. The standard format is L3a; the experimental format (with reversed scale) is L3a.E. PHONE (branching): Respondents were randomly assigned to either version 1 or version 2. The version 1 format is L3a; the version 2 format (with reversed coding) is L3a.E. 1. FTF Standard L3a/ Phone Version 1 L3a.T [P000608a/P000610a] 2. FTF Experimental L3a.E/ Phone Version 2 L3a.TE [P000608b/P000610b] ============================== M000005m Pre.Admin.2m. Form - L6 or L6.E Numeric Pre-Admin.2m. PRE: Form - L6 or L6.E affirmative action format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned to either the standard (L6) or experimental (L6.E) format. 1. Standard format L6 [P000671a] 2. Experimental format L6.E [P000671b] ============================== M000005n Pre.Admin.2n. Form - M4 env vs. jobs Numeric Pre-Admin.2n. PRE: Form - M4a/M4a.T or M4a.E/M4a.TE environment vs. jobs format --------------------------------------------------------------------- FTF (7-point scale): Respondents were randomly assigned to either the standard format for Environment Versus Jobs self-placement, or to an experimental format. The standard format is M4a; the experimental format (without "haven't thought much" option) is M4a.E. PHONE (branching): Respondents were randomly assigned to either version 1 or version 2 . The version 1 format is M4a; the version 2 (without "haven't thought much" option) format is M4a.E. 1. FTF Standard M4a/ Phone Version 1 M4a.T [P000707a/P000709a] 2. FTF Experimental M4a.E/ Phone Version 2 M4a.TE [P000707b/P000709b] ============================== M000005p Pre.Admin.2p. Form - N1 or N1.E Numeric Pre-Admin.2p. PRE: Form - N1 or N1.E school voucher format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned to either the standard (N1) or experimental (N1.E) format. 1. Standard format N1 [P000741a] 2. Experimental format N1.E [P000741b] ============================== M000005q Pre.Admin.2q. Form - P1 women's role Numeric Pre-Admin.2q. PRE: Form - P1/P1.T or P1.E/P1.TE women equal role format --------------------------------------------------------------------- FTF (7-point scale): Respondents were randomly assigned to either the standard format for Women's Equal Role self-placement, or to an experimental format. The standard format is P1a; the experimental format (without "haven't thought much" option) is P1a.E. PHONE (branching): Respondents were randomly assigned to either version 1 or version 2 . The version 1 format is P1a.T; the version 2 format (without "haven't thought much" option) is P1a.TE. 1. FTF Standard P1a / Phone Version 1 P1a.T [P000754a/P000756a] 2. FTF Experimental P1a.E/Phone Version 2 P1a.TE [P000754b/P000756b] ============================== M000006 Pre.Admin.3. Month of IW Numeric Pre-Admin.3. PRE: Month of Interview --------------------------------------------------------------------- 09. September 10. October 11. November ============================== M000007 Pre.Admin.4. Day of IW Numeric Pre-Admin.4. PRE: Day of Interview --------------------------------------------------------------------- Coded 1-31 ============================== M000008 Pre.Admin.5. Month and day (MMDD) Character Pre-Admin.5. PRE: Month and day (MMDD) of Interview --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the day and month of interview in MMDD format. ============================== M000009 Pre.Admin.6. No. days after election Numeric Pre-Admin.6. PRE: Number of days before election --------------------------------------------------------------------- Election day was November 7, 2000. 1-63 days ============================== M000010 Pre.Admin.7. IW length MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Admin.7. PRE: Interview length --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: interview length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the interview as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Average Pre interview length is 68.35 minutes. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA; INAP, partial IW (5 in Pre-Admin.26) ============================== M000011 Pre.Admin.8. IW number Numeric Pre-Admin.8. PRE: Interview number --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01-53 ============================== M000012 Pre.Admin.9. Date of beginning VQ file Numeric Pre-Admin.9. PRE: Date of beginning VQ file --------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to the VQ file loaded when the interview began. Changes were made to the VQ (application) while in the field. The next variable documents the VQ version in use at the end of the interview; note that if an interview was temporarily halted and a new VQ was installed prior to the resumption of interviewing, the VQ in effect for some questions would not be the VQ coded here. 0. VQ dated 8/15 1. VQ dated 8/30 2. VQ dated 9/5 3. VQ dated 9/6 4. VQ dated 9/8 5. VQ dated 9/25 6. VQ dated 9/28 7. VQ dated 9/29 8. VQ dated 10/5 9. VQ dated 10/19 ============================== M000013 Pre.Admin.10. Date of ending VQ file MD: EQ 99 Numeric Pre-Admin.10. PRE: Date of ending VQ file --------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to the VQ file in use when the interview concluded. Changes were made to the VQ (application) while in the field. Note that if an interview was temporarily halted and a new VQ was installed prior to the resumption of interviewing, the VQ in effect for some questions would not be the beginning VQ (previous var). 0. VQ dated 8/15 1. VQ dated 8/30 2. VQ dated 9/5 3. VQ dated 9/6 4. VQ dated 9/8 5. VQ dated 9/25 6. VQ dated 9/28 7. VQ dated 9/29 8. VQ dated 10/5 9. VQ dated 10/19 99. INAP, partial IW (5 in Pre-Admin.26) ============================== M000014 Pre.Admin.11. Flag- change in VQ MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Admin.11. PRE: Flag- change in VQ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Several changes to the application were made during the field period. This variable flags whether a suspended interview was resumed with a different version of the application. 0. No change 1. Change in VQ 9. NA, partial IW (5 in Pre-Admin.26) ============================== M000015 Pre.Admin.12. Advance letter sent? MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Admin.12. PRE: Advance letter sent? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. No advance letter sent 1. Advance letter sent 9. NA ============================== M000016 Pre.Admin.13. Payment amount MD: EQ 99 Numeric Pre-Admin.13. PRE: Payment amount --------------------------------------------------------------------- 00. R requested no payment 20. Twenty dollars 40. Forty dollars 99. NA ============================== M000017 Pre.Admin.14. Payment mode MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Admin.14. PRE: Payment mode --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. R requested no payment 1. Check 2. Cash 9. NA ============================== M000018 Pre.Admin.15. Payment date MD: EQ 9999 Character Pre-Admin.15. PRE: Payment date (MMDD) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999. NA; R requested no payment ============================== M000019 Pre.Admin.16. Tape recorded? Numeric Pre-Admin.16. PRE: Tape recorded? --------------------------------------------------------------------- New interviewers had to tape record 2 of their first 5 production interviews; experienced interviewers were required to tape record 1 of their first 3 production interviews (FTF or phone). Tape recording was conducted with the respondent's permission. The IWR made a self-evaluation and sent the tapes to their field supervisor. 1. Yes 5. No ============================== M000020 Pre.Admin.17. Verification Numeric Pre-Admin.17. PRE: Verification --------------------------------------------------------------------- Approximately 15 percent of interviews (completed or partially completed) were randomly selected and verified by field supervisors for new interviewers, and 6 percent were randomly selected and verified for SRC-experienced interviewers. Verification was attempted by phone (phone interviews) or by letter (FTF interviews) within 3 days of interview date. If no contact/ response with the respondent was made after 3 attempts, a replacement line was selected. The respondent was asked whether they were interviewed by the interviewer of record, the approximate length of the interview, and whether or not the interview was interesting; in addition , 3 questions were asked about content of the interview. NOTE: for verification codes, a "don't remember" response is considered a non-match. 0. Counted for Ann Arbor office, not selected for verification 1. Flagged for verification (interview number selected) 2. Verified OK (all verification data match original data exactly) 3. Verified with discrepancy (only one piece of verification data does not match; everything else matches exactly) 4. Not verified (more than 1 piece of information reported by the respondent at the time of verification is different from that collected at the time of the original interview or finalizing the case; further probing results in assignment of either code 3 or code 4 as a final code) 5. Unable to verify (R is contacted but is unwilling to participate in verification exercise or the respondent cannot be reached; this includes: reaching the household by telephone but not reaching the respondent, and includes sending the verification latter to a household but no letter returned after 3 attempts) 6. Verification limit met (used when the verifier has already completed the needed verification level). ============================== M000021 Pre.Admin.18. Evaluation Numeric Pre-Admin.18. PRE: Evaluation --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Not evaluated 1. Flagged 2. Evaluated 3. Evaluation received in Ann Arbor office 4. Cannot evaluate ============================== M000022 Pre.Admin.19. Conversion indicator Numeric Pre-Admin.19. PRE: Refusal conversion indicator --------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to interviews initially refused by someone when an interviewer was first attempting contact. The source of this refusal may or may not have been the Respondent; result code 43 [contact, resistance by R] or 46 [resistance not by R] for any call (not the final result code) turns this indicator on. Conversion may be made by the initial interviewer or another interviewer. If the conversion is not made by the initial interviewer, the interviewer of record is the interviewer obtaining the conversion. 0. Not a refusal conversion situation 1. Refusal conversion situation indicated ============================== M000023 Pre.Admin.20. Persuasion letter MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Admin.20. PRE: Persuasion letter - flag --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. No persuasion letter sent 1. Persuasion letter sent 9. NA ============================== M000024 Pre.Admin.21. Date per letter requested MD: EQ 9999 Character Pre-Admin.21. PRE: Date persuasion letter requested (MMDD) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999. No persuasion letter requested ============================== M000025 Pre.Admin.22. Date persuasion sent MD: EQ 9999 Character Pre-Admin.22. PRE: Date persuasion letter sent (MMDD) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9999. NA; INAP, no persuasion letter requested (9999 in Pre-Admin.21) ============================== M000026 Pre.Admin.23. Type of persuasion letter MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Admin.23. PRE: Type of persuasion letter --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A. Too busy 2. B. Too personal 3. C. Not interested 4. D. Too old 5. E. Evasive 6. F. Gatekeeper 7. G. Not at home 9. NA 0. INAP, no persuasion letter sent (0,9 in Pre-Admin.20) ============================== M000027 Pre.Admin.24. Telephone calls Numeric Pre-Admin.24. PRE: Number of telephone calls --------------------------------------------------------------------- 00-42 ============================== M000028 Pre.Admin.25. FTF calls Numeric Pre-Admin.25. PRE: Number of face-to-face (FTF) calls --------------------------------------------------------------------- 00-22 ============================== M000029 Pre.Admin.26. Final result Numeric Pre-Admin.26. PRE: Final result --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Interview, complete 5. Interview, partial ============================== M000030 Pre.Admin.27. Sample release (all 1) Numeric Pre-Admin.27. Sample release (all 1) --------------------------------------------------------------------- All cases coded 1. There was a single release of the entire sample. 1. Released at start of the field period ============================== M000031 Pre.Admin.28. Lang of IW (all English) Numeric Pre-Admin.28. PRE: Language of IW (all English) --------------------------------------------------------------------- All interviews conducted entirely in English (code 1) 1. English ============================== M000032 Pre.CSheet.1. Flag- missing CS Numeric Pre-CSheet.1. PRE - COVERSHEET: Flag- missing Coversheet --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Coversheet not missing 1. Missing coversheet ============================== M000033 Pre.CSheet.2. Color of coversheet MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.2. PRE - COVERSHEET: Color of coversheet --------------------------------------------------------------------- FTF coversheets were blue or green. Telephone coversheets were yellow. GREEN COVERSHEETS: used by FTF interviewers when updating the area probability sample. Type II updates involved addition of unlisted (hidden) HUs at the selected listed address: for example, once the IWR was inside the HU, he or she may have noticed that the house was divided into separate and complete apartment units that were not apparent from outside. Each interviewer received a set of unlabeled coversheets that had a provision for adding up to three unlisted HUs discovered at the listed address. 1. Blue 2. Yellow 4. Green - FTF type II updating 9. Missing coversheet (1 in Pre-Csheet.1) ============================== M000034 Pre.CSheet.3. PH- type phone # MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.3. IF TELEPHONE RDD: PRE - COVERSHEET Item 3: Since the phone number I dialed is produced by a computer, I do not know whether I'm calling a business, a home, a dormitory, or some other type of residence. (Which is it?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Business 2. Home 3. Both 4. Group headquarters 5. Cell phone 9. NA; Phone mode and coversheet missing (1 in Pre-Csheet.1) 0. Inap, assigned FTF mode ============================== M000035 Pre.CSheet.4. PH- business with residence MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.4. IF TELEHONE RDD: IF BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER: PRE - COVERSHEET Item 3a: Does anyone live there on the premises? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 5. No. 9. NA 0. Inap, 2,3,4,5,9 in Pre-Csheet.3; assigned FTF mode ============================== M000036 Pre.CSheet.5. PH- bus res has personal# MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.5. IF TELEHONE RDD: IF BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER: IF SOMEONE LIVES ON THE PREMISES: PRE - COVERSHEET Item 3b: Do (they/you) have a different phone number inside (their/your) residence that is for personal use? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Have other 2. Use this 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.4; 2,3,4,5,9 in Pre-Csheet.3; assigned FTF mode ============================== M000037 Pre.CSheet.6. FTF- HH listing from MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.6. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: PRE - COVERSHEET Item 6: Household listing obtained from: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. HU member 2. Neighbor 3. Apt. manager 4. Landlord 5. Observation 7. Other (specify) 9. NA; FTF and coversheet missing (1 in Pre-Csheet.1) 0. Inap, assigned phone mode ============================== M000038 Pre.CSheet.7. Selection table MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.7. PRE - COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: Selection table --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Selection Table is used to select a respondent from all household members who are eligible adults.(An eligible adult is a U.S. citizen who is 18 years of age or older by Election Day.) The Selection Table appears on the Coversheet below the Household Listing. After a complete listing of the HH is taken, each eligible adult is assigned a "Number" based on the criteria of gender and age [beginning with the oldest male as number 1, males are numbered by increments of 1 according to descending age; females are numbered by descending age starting with the number one higher than that assigned to the youngest male]. The interviewer then uses the Selection Table to determine the "Number" of the eligible adult to be interviewed. The Selection Table itself consists of 2 parallel columns. In the first column the interviewer circles the total number of eligible adults in the household; in the second column (same row) is identified the Number" of the person who will be the respondent. There are 8 different Selection Tables used and they are randomly assigned. [Note that although only 8 tables are used, there are 12 codes in this variable because the 8 tables are used in cycles of 12; this procedure is used to equalize the probability of selection for each eligible adult]. A summary describing all 8 Selection Tables appears below. PERSONS PERSON SELECTED (person "Number") --------------------------------- A B1 B2 C D E1 E2 F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 1 2 2 2 4 3 5 5 6 or more 1 2 2 2 4 5 5 6 1. Selection table A 2. Selection table B1 3. Selection table B2 4. Selection table C 5. Selection table D 6. Selection table E1 7. Selection table E2 8. Selection table F 9. Missing coversheet (1 in Pre-Csheet.1) ============================== M000039 Pre.CSheet.8. Number of elig adults MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.8. PRE - COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: Number of eligible adults --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: In addition to completing the HH listing on the coversheet, the IWR entered a value for number of eligible respondents in CSMS. For this reason, cases with missing coversheets may be coded in this variable. 1-7 9. NA ============================== M000040 Pre.CSheet.9. Number inelig adults MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.9. PRE - COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: Number ineligible adults --------------------------------------------------------------------- These are usually adults (over 18) in the HU who are noncitizens. Note: cases with missing coversheets may be coded in this variable from information in call records/thumbnails. 0-6 9. NA ============================== M000041 Pre.CSheet.10. Household composition MD: EQ 99 Numeric Pre-CSheet.10. PRE - COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: Household composition --------------------------------------------------------------------- The HH composition code is derived from information provided in the household listing. "Adults" are 18 years of age (by election day) or older; all individuals included in the HH composition codes below refer to adults. A designation of a HH member as "the householder" (HHR) describes HU member who owns or rents the home (in whose name the lease is held). Cohabiting couples are coded as married (30,40, 50-52). Roommates of opposite sex are coded 11,12,21,22; in all cases of unrelated roommates the respondent is HHR. If R identifies self as married/partnered but spouse/partner is residing elsewhere (nursing home, job requirement or other reason), R is coded as adult male HHR/adult female HHR (codes 10-22 and 60-95) and is identified as married/partnered in marital status question. In cases 8,49,77,157,377,535,580,814,1087,1117,1202,1212,1381, 1639,1731 the partner/spouse identified in P000909 (marital status) was not a resident of the HU or was residing elsewhere on temporary basis. In cases 1281,1516,46,312,133,23,222 there is no information about spouse/partner in HH listing or elsewhere other than marital status question. Note: cases with missing coversheets may be coded in this variable from information in call records/thumbnails. 10. 1 adult male HHR 11. 1 adult male HHR plus 1 other non-relative 12. 1 adult male HHR plus 2 or more non-relatives 20. 1 adult female HHR 21. 1 adult female HHR plus 1 other non-relative 22. 1 adult female HHR plus 2 or more non-relatives 30. 1 married couple: no children or all children living at home are under 18 40. 1 married couple plus 1 other relative 50. 1 married couple plus 2 or more other relatives 51. 1 married couple plus 1 other non-relative 52. 1 married couple plus 2 or more non-relatives 55. 1 married couple plus relatives and non-relatives 60. 1 male HHR plus 1 other relative 65. 1 male HHR plus relatives and nonrelatives 70. 1 male HHR plus 2 or more other relatives 80. 1 female HHR plus 1 other relative 85. 1 female HHR plus relatives and non-relatives 90. 1 female HHR plus 2 or more other relatives 95. Relatives of opposite sex, unclear who is HHR 99. NA ============================== M000042 Pre.CSheet.11. R person number MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.11. PRE - COVERSHEET HOUSEHOLD LISTING: R person number --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: cases with missing coversheets may be coded in this variable from information in call records/thumbnails. Coded 1-5 9. NA ============================== M000043 Pre.CSheet.12. FTF- type structure MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.12. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD1: Describe the type of structure in which the respondent live (sample address) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Mobile home 2. Detached single family 3. Multi-family 4. Apartment house 5. Condo complex 7. Other (specify) 9. NA; missing coversheet (1 in Pre-Csheet.1) 0. Inap, assigned phone mode ============================== M000044 Pre.CSheet.13. FTF- gatekeeper MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.13. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD2: Is there a building manager, security guard or other gatekeeper whose cooperation you need in order to gain access to the R's housing unit? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 2. No, but building is locked/ subdivision is gated and locked 5. No 9. NA; missing coversheet (1 in Pre-Csheet.1) 0. Inap, assigned phone mode ============================== M000045 Pre.CSheet.14. FTF- type gatekeeper MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.14. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: IF GATEKEEPER/GUARD/MANAGER/LOCKED ACCESS: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD2a: Check the box below which best describes the situation --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Building manager or other Gatekeeper must let you in the buiding (on the grounds, into the mobile home park) but then you are free to attempt contact with R's HU 2. Building manager/other Gatekeeper must get permission from someone in R's HU before you are allowed to make contact with the household 7. Other (specify) 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 9 in Pre-Csheet.13; assigned phone mode ============================== M000046 Pre.CSheet.15. Resistance from contact? MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.15. PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3a: Was there resistance from any contact person? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 5. No 9. NA ============================== M000047 Pre.CSheet.16. Contact resist-waste time MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.16. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(1): Resistance from contact person - SURVEYS WASTE OF TIME; PREVIOUS BAD EXPERIENCE --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000048 Pre.CSheet.17. Contact resist-too personal MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.17. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(2): Resistance from contact person - CONTENT TOO PERSONAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000049 Pre.CSheet.18. Contact resist-confidentiality MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.18. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(3): Resistance from contact person - CONFIDENTIALITY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000050 Pre.CSheet.19. Contact resist-not interested politics MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.19. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(4): Resistance from contact person - NOT INTERESTED IN POLITICS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000051 Pre.CSheet.20. Contact resist-too busy MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.20. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(5): Resistance from contact person - TOO BUSY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000052 Pre.CSheet.21. Contact resist-health MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.21. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(6): Resistance from contact person - POOR HEALTH --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000053 Pre.CSheet.22. Contact resist-other MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.22. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(7): Resistance from contact person - OTHER (SPECIFY) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000054 Pre.CSheet.23. R refuse initially? MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.23. PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3e: Did R refuse initially? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 5. No 9. NA ============================== M000055 Pre.CSheet.24. R break appointments MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.24. PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3f: Did respondent break any appointments --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. None 1. One 2. Two or more 9. NA ============================== M000056 Pre.CSheet.25. Was R contact resister? MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.25. PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3g: If contact persons resisted [if CD3a was "YES"], was the respondent the contact person who gave resistance? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 5. No 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000057 Pre.CSheet.26. SUMMARY: did R resist MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.26. SUMMARY: resistance (built) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This counts any resistance identified according to Pre-CSheet.25 or in Pre-CSheet.27-Pre-CSheet.33; however, cases "not marked" throughout variables Pre-CSheet.27-Pre-CSheet.33 may have been unmarked due to complete omission rather than due to the inapplicability of any of the resistance categories to R. 1. Yes, some resistance identified 5. No resistance identified 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000058 Pre.CSheet.27. R resist-waste time MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-CSheet.27. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON WHO RESISTED: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(1): Resistance from R - SURVEYS WASTE OF TIME; PREVIOUS BAD EXPERIENCE --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 0. Inap, 1 in Pre-CSheet.25; 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000059 Pre.CSheet.28. R resist-too personal MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-CSheet.28. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON WHO RESISTED: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(2): Resistance from R - CONTENT TOO PERSONAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 0. Inap, 1 in Pre-CSheet.25; 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000060 Pre.CSheet.29. R resist-confidentiality MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-CSheet.29. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON WHO RESISTED: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(3): Resistance from R - CONFIDENTIALITY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 0. Inap, 1 in Pre-CSheet.25; 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000061 Pre.CSheet.30. R resist-not interested in politics MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-CSheet.30. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON WHO RESISTED: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(4): Resistance from R - NOT INTERESTED IN POLITICS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 0. Inap, 1 in Pre-CSheet.25; 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000062 Pre.CSheet.31. R resist-too busy MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-CSheet.31. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON WHO RESISTED: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(5): Resistance from R - TOO BUSY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 0. Inap, 1 in Pre-CSheet.25; 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000063 Pre.CSheet.32. R resist-health MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-CSheet.32. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON WHO RESISTED: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(6): Resistance from R - POOR HEALTH --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 0. Inap, 1 in Pre-CSheet.25; 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000064 Pre.CSheet.33. R resist-other MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-CSheet.33. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON WHO RESISTED: PRE - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(7): Resistance from R - OTHER (SPECIFY) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 0. Inap, 1 in Pre-CSheet.25; 5,9 in Pre-Csheet.15 ============================== M000065 Pre.CSheet.34. IWR est income (CSMS) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Pre-CSheet.34. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: PRE - COVERSHEET CSMS INTERVIEWER EVALUATION (F10 SCREEN CARD ITEM 1): What is the estimated income of R's household? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Under $10,000 2. $10,000-25,000 3. $25,000-50,000 4. $50,000-105,000 5. $105,000 and above 8. DK 9. NA 0. INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000066 Pre.CSheet.35. IWR est race (CSMS) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Pre-CSheet.35. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: PRE - COVERSHEET CSMS INTERVIEWER EVALUATION (F10 SCREEN CARD ITEM 2): What is the race of R's household? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See also survey variables Y30(1)-Y30(3) for self-description by the respondent, item ZZ.2 describing IWR's observation of R's race, and the Post equivalent of this variable in Post-CSheet.31. 1. White 2. Black 3. American Indian 4. Asian 7. Other 8. DK 9. NA 0. INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000067 Pre.CSheet.36. Certainty of race (CSMS) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.36. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: IF INTERVIEWER HAS IDENTIFIED RACE OF HOUSEHOLD: PRE - COVERSHEET CSMS INTERVIEWER EVALUATION (F10 SCREEN CARD ITEM 2a): Is this definite or probable? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Definite 5. Probable 9. NA 0. INAP, 0,8,9 in Pre-Csheet.35 ============================== M000068 Pre.CSheet.37. Hispanic HH? (CSMS) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Pre-CSheet.37. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: PRE - COVERSHEET CSMS INTERVIEWER EVALUATION (F10 SCREEN CARD ITEM 3): Is R or R's household of hispanic origin? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See also P000184d, P000184e (Post version of these variables) and Pre survey items Y30x/Y31 and Y31a/Y31a.T. 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000069 Pre.CSheet.38. Certainty if Hisp (CSMS) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-CSheet.38. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: IF INTERVIEWER HAS IDENTIFIED HISPANIC STATUS OF R/R'S HOUSEHOLD: PRE - COVERSHEET CSMS INTERVIEWER EVALUATION (F10 SCREEN CARD ITEM 3a): Is this definite or probable? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Definite 5. Probable 9. NA 0. INAP, 0,8,9 in Pre-Csheet.37 ============================== M000070 Pre.IWR.1. Interviewer of record Numeric Pre-IWR.1. PRE: Interviewer of record ID --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-digit ID ============================== M000071 Pre.IWR.2. Supervisor Numeric Pre-IWR.2. PRE: Supervisor ID --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-digit ID ============================== M000072 Pre.IWR.3. Interviewer gender MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-IWR.3. PRE: Interviewer gender --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Male 2. Female ============================== M000073 Pre.IWR.4. Interviewer education MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-IWR.4. PRE: Interviewer education --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 1-8 grades 2. Some high school 3. High school graduate 4. Some college 5. College degree 6. Master's degree 7. Ph.D. 9. NA ============================== M000074 Pre.IWR.5. Interviewer race MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-IWR.5. PRE: Interviewer race --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. White 2. Black 3. Native American 4. Asian 7. Other 9. NA ============================== M000075 Pre.IWR.6. Interviewer ethnicity MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-IWR.6. PRE: Interviewer ethnicity --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. No ethnic identity coded 1. Hispanic 7. Other 9. NA ============================== M000076 Pre.IWR.7. Interviewer languages MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-IWR.7. PRE: Interviewer languages --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is not available in 2000. 0. NA ============================== M000077 Pre.IWR.8. Yrs Interviewer experience MD: EQ 99 Numeric Pre-IWR.8. PRE: Years Interviewer experience --------------------------------------------------------------------- Interviewer's years of experience and: 99. NA ============================== M000078 Pre.IWR.9. Interviewer age (bracketed) MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-IWR.9. PRE: Interviewer age (bracketted) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 18-34 years 2. 35-40 years 3. 41-45 years 4. 46-50 years 5. 51-55 years 6. 56-60 years 7. 51-64 years 8. 65-79 years 9. NA ============================== M000079 Pre.Sample.1. ICPSR state code MD: EQ 99 Numeric Pre-Sample.1. ICPSR state code - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: 3 cases were misidentified in the Preload as PA but should have been NJ. These cases are coded 96. See Post- Summary.24 (P000260). NEW ENGLAND 43. Florida 01. Connecticut 44. Georgia 02. Maine 45. Louisiana 03. Massachusetts 46. Mississippi 04. New Hampshire 47. North Carolina 05. Rhode Island 48. South Carolina 06. Vermont 49. Texas MIDDLE ATLANTIC BORDER STATES 11. Delaware 51. Kentucky 12. New Jersey 52. Maryland 13. New York 53. Oklahoma 14. Pennsylvania 54. Tennessee EAST NORTH CENTRAL 55. Washington DC 21. Illinois 56. West Virginia 22. Indiana MOUNTAIN STATES 23. Michigan 61. Arizona 24. Ohio 62. Colorado 25. Wisconsin 63. Idaho WEST NORTH CENTRAL 64. Montana 31. Iowa 65. Nevada 32. Kansas 66. New Mexico 33. Minnesota 67. Utah 34. Missouri 68. Wyoming 35. Nebraska PACIFIC STATES 36. North Dakota 71. California 37. South Dakota 72. Oregon SOLID SOUTH 73. Washington 40. Virginia EXTERNAL STATES 41. Alabama 81. Alaska 42. Arkansas 82. Hawaii 96. Misidentified location 99. NA ============================== M000080 Pre.Sample.2. FIPS state code MD: EQ 99 Numeric Pre-Sample.2. FIPS state code - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: 3 cases were misidentified in the Preload as PA but should have been NJ. These cases are coded 96. See Post- Summary.24 (P000260). 01. Alabama 30. Montana 02. Alaska 31. Nebraska 04. Arizona 32. Nevada 05. Arkansas 33. New Hampshire 06. California 34. New Jersey 08. Colorado 35. New Mexico 09. Connecticut 36. New York 10. Delaware 37. North Carolina 11. Washington DC 38. North Dakota 12. Florida 39. Ohio 13. Georgia 40. Oklahoma 15. Hawaii 41. Oregon 16. Idaho 42. Pennsylvania 17. Illinois 44. Rhode Island 18. Indiana 45. South Carolina 19. Iowa 46. South Dakota 20. Kansas 47. Tennessee 21. Kentucky 48. Texas 22. Louisiana 49. Utah 23. Maine 50. Vermont 24. Maryland 51. Virginia 25. Massachusetts 53. Washington 26. Michigan 54. West Virginia 27. Minnesota 55. Wisconsin 28. Mississippi 56. Wyoming 29. Missouri 96. Misidentified location 99. NA ============================== M000081 Pre.Sample.3. 2000 state abbr and CD Character Pre-Sample.3. 2000 state abbreviation and Congressional district number - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable provides the state (2-character Postal abbreviation) and congressional district number of the location of R's residence at the time of the 2000 Pre- election interview. Washington D.C. is blank in this variable. Note: 3 cases were misidentified PA in the Preload but should have been NJ. These cases are coded "9996". See Post-Summary.24 (P000260). ============================== M000082 Pre.Sample.4. 2000 FIPS state and CD MD1: EQ 9999, MD2: GE 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.4. 2000 FIPS state code and congresional district number - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- FIPS state code resides in first 2 digits, CD number in last 2 digits. Note: 3 cases were misidentified PA in the Preload but should have been NJ. These cases are coded 9996. See Post-Summary.24 (P000260). 9996. Misidentified location 9999. NA 0000. Washington D.C. ============================== M000083 Pre.Sample.5. Congressional district no. MD1: EQ 99, MD2: GE 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.5. Congressional district number - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-52. Note: 3 cases were misidentified PA in the Preload but should have been NJ. These cases are coded 96. See Post-Summary.24 (P000260). 96. Misidentified location 99. NA 00. Washington D.C. ============================== M000084 Pre.Sample.6. ICPSR state and CD MD1: EQ 9999, MD2: GE 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.6. ICPSR state code and congressional district - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- ICPSR state code resides in first 2 digits, CD number in last 2 digits. Note: 3 cases were misidentified PA in the Preload but should have been NJ. These cases are coded 9996. See Post-Summary.24 (P000260). 9996. Misidentified location 9999. NA 0000. Washington D.C. ============================== M000085 Pre.Sample.7. Did R vote outside IW CD? MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Sample.7. Did R vote in state and CD of interview? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. R voted in state and CD of interview 1. R did not vote in state and CD of interview 8. NA if vote was in state/CD of interview (4 in Post C1 and 8,9,0 in Post C3) 9. INAP, R did not vote or NA/DK if voted; no Post interview; IW location misidentified in the Preload (1 in Post-Summary.24) ============================== M000086 Pre.Sample.8. State/CD -vote outside CD MD1: EQ 9999, MD2: GE 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.8. State and CD of vote cast outside CD of interview --------------------------------------------------------------------- The first 2 digits represent the state FIPS code, and the second 2 digits are CD number. Where the state differs but the CD number is unknown, the state will be coded in the first 2 digits but the last 2 digits will be 99. 9999. NA if voted outside CD of interview (8 in Pre-Sample.7) 0000. INAP, 0,9 in Pre-Sample.7 ============================== M000087 Pre.Sample.9. FIPS state and county MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.9. FIPS state and county - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable has been blanked to preserve respondent confidentiality. The FIPS State code is represented in digits 1 and 2 of this variable, the FIPS County code in the last 3 digits. ============================== M000087a Pre.Sample.9a. County (alpha) Character Pre-Sample.9a. Name of County - Interview location (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable has been blanked to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent. NOTE: This variable was constructed for use as preload in Post-Election C3 (variable P001243), which attempts to ascertain specific registration location of the respondent. It should be noted that, although county identification in this variable for face-to-face interviews meets normal standards for accuracy, the P000087a Post preload data for RDD cases were created by imputing area code, central office codes and similar listed numbers. ============================== M000088 Pre.Sample.10. Primary area name Character Pre-Sample.10. Primary area name - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable has been blanked to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent. This is a character variable for the Primary Selection Unit (PSU) name. See appendix "Notes on Sampling variables". NOTE: This variable was created from the segment file. Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and segment identification, it could not be provided with this variable. ============================== M000089 Pre.Sample.11. Primary area code MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.11. Primary area code - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable has been recoded to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent. The 44 PSU codes listed below (110 through 482) have been recoded to values 1-44 in random order. See appendix "Notes on Sampling variables". NOTE: This variable was created from the segment file. Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and segment identification, it could not be provided with this variable. 110. Boston, MA 230. Milwaukee, WI 120. New York, NY 239. Wheelng-Steubenvl OH 121. Philadelphia, PA-NJ 240. Des Moines, IA 122. Nassau-Suffolk, NY 250. Richmond-Ptrsbrg, VA 130. Chicago, IL 255. Columbus, GA-AL 131. Detroit, MI 257. Jacksonville, FL 132. Cleveland, OH 258. Lakeld-Wntr Haven FL 141. St Louis, MO-IL 260. Knoxville, TN 150. Washington, DC-MD-VA 262. Birmingham, AL 152. Baltimore, MD 273. Waco, TX 154. Miami-Hialeh, FL 274. McAllen, TX 170. Houston, TX 280. Salt Lake C-Ogden UT 171. Dallas-Ft Worth, TX 292. Fresno, CA 181. Denver, CO 293. Eugene-Springfld, OR 190. Los Angeles, CA 434. Saginaw, MI 191. Seattle-Tacoma, WA 464. Gardner, MA 194. Anaheim, CA 466. Decatur Co., IN 196. San Francisco, CA 470. Mower Co., MN 211. New Haven, CT 474. DeSoto Parish, LA 213. Manchester-Nashua NH 477. Chicot Co., AR 220. Buffalo, NY 480. Montgomery Co., VA 226. Atlantic City, NJ 482. El Dorado Co., CA 000. Telephone sample (RDD) ============================== M000090 Pre.Sample.12. Segment number (blanked) MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.12. Segment number (blanked) - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This variable was created from the segment file. Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and segment identification, it could not be provided with this variable. This variable has been blanked to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent. 3-digit code and: 000. Telephone sample (RDD) ============================== M000090a Pre.Sample.13. Segment name (blanked) Character Pre-Sample.13. Segment name (blanked) - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- See appendix "Notes on Sampling variables". NOTE: This variable was created from the segment file. Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and segment identification, it could not be provided with this variable. This variable has been blanked to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent. ============================== M000091 Pre.Sample.14. Number of HH units MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Sample.14. Number of household unit --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-5 and: 9. NA 0. Phone IW ============================== M000092 Pre.Sample.15. Census region Numeric Pre-Sample.15. Census region - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Northeast (CT, ME, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) 2. North Central (IL, IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI) 3. South (AL, AR, DE, DC, FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV) 4. West (AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY) ============================== M000093 Pre.Sample.16. Belt code MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.16. Belt code - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- See appendix "Notes on Sampling variables" and the appendix CENSUS DEFINITIONS. Coded according to the 1990 Census and 1990 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) definitions, 1990 Census Population reports (as reported in the 1992 Annual Metro, City and County Data book) and 1990 Census "urbanized area" (as shown in the 1994 Rand McNally Road Atlas - 70th edition. NOTE: This variable was created from the segment file. Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and segment identification, it could not be provided with this variable. 1. Central Cities of the six largest (population over 4,500,000) Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas (CMSAs), plus the 15 next largest CMSA/MSAs (population over 2,000,000) 2. Central Cities of CMSAs and MSAs with fewer than 2,000,000 population (exclusive of those in the 21 largest CMSA/MSAs -- code 1) 3. Suburbs of the six largest CMSA/MSAs and 15 next largest CMSAs/MSAs 4. Suburb of all other CMSA/MSAs 5. Adjacent Areas: includes all territory beyond the outer boundary of the suburban belt, but within 50 miles of the central business district of a central city 6. Outlying Area: includes all territory more than 50 miles from the central business district of a central city 0. Telephone sample (RDD) ============================== M000094 Pre.Sample.17. Population in 1000s MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9996 Numeric Pre-Sample.17. Population in 1000s - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- The actual 1990 Census Place population is coded in thousands, rounding to the nearest whole thousand (from the 1990 Population total for the city/place as reported in the 1992 Annual Metro City and County Data Book). NOTE: This variable was created from the segment file. Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and segment identification, it could not be provided with this variable. Actual population in 1000s and: 9996. Telephone sample (RDD) 9999. 9,998,500 persons or over 0000. Rural place, no defined Census Place, or Census Place with fewer than 500 persons ============================== M000095 Pre.Sample.18. Census size of place MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.18. Census size of place - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- See the appendix on CENSUS DEFINITIONS. Coded according to the 1990 Census. The major objective of the Census Bureau in delineating urbanized areas is to provide a better separation of urban and rural population in the vicinity of large cities. An urbanized area consists of a central city or cities, and surrounding closely settled territory ("urban fringe"). Size of Place codes 21 and 41 include areas that are in the "urban fringe" but are not Census Places. Note for Codes 50-53: in a few cases, Non-MSA PSUs (based on the 1980 OMB SMSA definitions) contain areas which are now part of a 1990 PMSA or MSA (based on the June 1990 OMB definition). In these cases, the Size of Place Code for any SSUs (segments) within such areas are coded in the "40s" rather than in the "50s" as shown. This occurred in El Dorado county CA (the major part of the El Dorado/Alpine Co, CA PSU #82) which is now a part of the Sacramento CA MSA, and also for one SSU (segment) in the Gardner MA PSU (#64), which is now a part of the Worchester MA MSA. NOTE: This variable was created from the segment file. Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and segment identification, it could not be provided with this variable. THE SIX LARGEST CMSAs PLUS THE 15 NEXT LARGEST CMSAs/ MSAs (I.e. those coded 1 or 3 [possibly 5, rarely 6] 11. Central Cities (these would have been coded 1 on the Belt Code SUBURBS OF THE 6 LARGEST CMSAs AND THE 15 NEXT LARGEST 20. Rural (including rural places with less than 2,500 population 21. 2,500-9,999 plus other urbanized areas ("urban fringe" not in Census places) 22. 10,000-29,999 23. 30,000-49,999 24. 50,000-99,999 25. 100,000-149,999 26. 150,000-349,999 27. 350,000 and over, exclusive of cities coded 11 CMSAs/MSAs W/LESS THAN 2,000,000 POPULATION CENTRAL CITIES IN CMSAs/MSAs WITH LESS THAN 2,000,000 POPULATION (2 on Belt Code): 30. Under 50,000 (identified by OMB, June 1990, as Central Cities 31. 50-000-99,999 32. 100,000-149,999 33. 150,000-349,999 34. 350,000 and over SUBURBS IN CMSAs/MSAs WITH LESS THAN 2,000,000 40. Rural (including rural places with less than 2,500 population) 41. 2,500-9,999 42. 10,000-29,999 43. 30,000-49,999 44. 50,000-99,999 45. 100,000-149,999 46. 150,000 and over "NON-CMSA/PMSA/MASs" 50. Rural (including rural places with less than 2,000,000 population) 51. 2,500-9,999 52. 10,000-29,999 53. 30,000-49,999 00. Telephone sample (RDD) ============================== M000096 Pre.Sample.19. Census tract/ed indicator MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Sample.19. Census tract/ed indicator - interview location (blanked) --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This variable was created from the segment file. Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and segment identification, it could not be provided with this variable. This variable has been blanked to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent 0. Enumeration district 1. Tracted 9. Telephone sample (RDD) ============================== M000097 Pre.Sample.20. 2000 Sampling Error code Numeric Pre-Sample.20. 2000 Sampling Error code --------------------------------------------------------------------- See Sampling documentation in this codebook. The first 2 digits contain the 200 Sampling Error Stratum code and the last digit represents the 2000 SECU or Sampling Error Computation Unit code. ============================== M000098 Pre.Sample.21. 2000 Census NECMA/SMSA Numeric Pre-Sample.21. 2000 Census NECMA/SMSA - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- See appendix "Notes on Sampling variables" and the appendix CENSUS DEFINITIONS. NOTE: This variable was created from the segment file. Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and segment identification, it could not be provided with this variable. 360. Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, CA 520. Atlanta, GA 560. Atlantic City, NJ 720. Baltimore, MD 875. Bergen-Passiac, NJ PMSA (Former code and title: 6040 Paterson-Clifton-Passaic, NJ) 1000. Birmingham, AL 1123. Boston-Lawrence-Salem-Lowell-Brockton, MA NECMA 1125. Boulder-Longmont, CO PMSA 1145. Brazoria, TX PMSA 1280. Buffalo, NY 1600. Chicago, IL 1680. Cleveland OH 1800. Columbus, GA-AL 1920. Dallas-Ft Worth, TX 2000. Dayton, OH 2080. Denver-Boulder, CO 2120. Des Moines, IA 2160. Detroit, MI 2400. Eugene-Springfield, OR 2760. Fort Wayne, IN 2800. Fort Worth-Arlington TX, PMSA 2840. Fresno, CA 3000. Grand Rapids, MI 3360. Houston, TX 3600. Jacksonville, FL 3760. Kansas City, MO-KS 3840. Knoxville, TN 3965. Lake County, IL PMSA 3980. Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL 4480. Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA 4720. Madison WI 4763. Manchester-Nashua, NH NECMA 4880. McAllen-Pharr-Edinburgh, TX 5000. Miami, FL 5015. Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon, NJ PMSA (former code and title: 5460 New Brunswick-Perth Amboy-Sayreville NJ) 5080. Milwaukee, WI 5120. Minneapolis-St Paul, MN-WI 5350. Nashua, NH PMSA 5380. Nassau-Suffolk, NY 5480. New Haven-West Haven, CT 5483. New Haven-Waterbury-Meriden, CT NECMA 5600. New York, NY-NJ 5640. Newark, NJ 5700. Niagara Falls, NY PMSA 5775. Oakland, CA PMSA 6160. Philadelphia, PA-NJ 6200. Phoenix, AZ 6280. Pittsburgh, PA 6453. Portsmouth-Dover-Rochester, NH NECMA 6760. Richmond, VA 6780. Riverside-San Bernardino, Ontario, CA 6920. Sacramento, CA (1990 MSA definition) 6960. Saginaw, MI 7040. St. Louis, MO-IL 7160. Salt Lake City-Ogden, UT MSA 7360. San Francisco-Oakland,CA 7600. Seattle-Everett, WA 8003. Springfield, MA NECMA 8080. Steubenville-Wierton, OH-WV 8200. Tacoma, WA 8800. Waco, TX 8840. Washington, DC-MD-VA 9000. Wheeling, WV-OH 9243. Worcester-Fitchburn-Leominster, MA NECMA 0000. INAP; location not in SMSA (MSA)/ NECMA 9996. Telephone sample (RDD) ============================== M000099 Pre.Sample.22. 2000 CMSA MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Pre-Sample.22. 2000 CMSA - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- See appendix "Notes on Sampling variables" and the appendix CENSUS DEFINITIONS. The six largest CMSA's are marked with **. NOTE: This variable was created from the segment file. Because the RDD telephone sample did not have PSU and segment identification, it could not be provided with this variable. 07. Boston-Lawrence-Salem MA-NH 10. Buffalo-Niagara Falls NY 14. Chicago-Gary-Lake County IL-IN-WI** 28. Cleveland-Akron-Lorain OH 31. Dallas-Ft Worth TX (Since Dallas and Ft Worth were made separate PMSAs in 1990, this new CMSA was added 34. Denver-Boulder CO (Since Denver and Boulder were made separate PMSAs in 1990, this new CMSA was added in 35. Detroit-Ann Arbor MI** 42. Houston-Galveston-Brazoria TX 49. Los Angeles-Anaheim-Riverside CA** 56. Miami-Fort Lauderdale FL 63. Milwaukee-Racine WI 70. New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island NY-NJ-CT** 77. Philadelphia-Wilmington-Trenton PA-NJ-DE-MD** 78. Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley PA 84. San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose CA** 91. Seattle-Tacoma WA 96. Telephone sample (RDD) 00. INAP, Location not in CMSA. This includes old code 32 (Dayton Springfield, OH) which is no longer consolidated in 1990 since Dayton and Springfield are combined in a single MSA in 1990) ============================== VAR 000099x Pre.Sample.22x. 2000 MSA MD1: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.22x. 2000 MSA - interview location --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the 2000 MSA for the full sample, including the the RDD telephone component. This variable has been blanked to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent. Metropolitan Statistical Area code and: 00. INAP, Location not in MSA. ============================== M000100 Pre.Sample.23. 2000 Census Tract 1 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 996 Numeric Pre-Sample.23. 2000 Census Tract 1 - interview location (blanked) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable has been blanked to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent. ============================== M000101 Pre.Sample.24. 2000 Census Tract 2 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 996 Numeric Pre-Sample.24. 2000 Census Tract 2 - interview location (blanked) --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: No 2000 case corresponded to more than one Census tract. ============================== M000102 Pre.Sample.25. 2000 Block 1 MD1: EQ 99, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Pre-Sample.25. 2000 Block 1 - interview location (blanked) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable has been blanked to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent. ============================== M000103 Pre.Sample.26. 2000 Block 2 MD1: EQ 99, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Pre-Sample.26. 2000 Block 2 - interview location (blanked) --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: No 2000 case corresponded to more than one Census block. ============================== M000104 Pre.Sample.27. 2000 MCD MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.27. 2000 MCD - interview location (blanked) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable has been blanked to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent. ============================== M000105 Pre.Sample.28. 2000 CDP MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9999 Numeric Pre-Sample.28. 2000 CDP - interview location (blanked) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable has been blanked to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent. ============================== M000106 Pre.Sample.29. 2000 FIPS place code MD: EQ 0 Numeric Pre-Sample.29. 2000 FIPS place code - interview location (blanked) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable has been blanked to protect the confidentiality of the Respondent. ============================== M000107 Pre.Summary.1. Pre timing - section A MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.1. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION A --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000108 Pre.Summary.2. Pre timing - section B MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.2. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION B --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000109 Pre.Summary.3. Pre timing - section C MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.3. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION C --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000110 Pre.Summary.4. Pre timing - section D MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.4. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION D --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000111 Pre.Summary.5. Pre timing - section E MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.5. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION E --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 Section E selected for Post administration ============================== M000112 Pre.Summary.6. Pre timing - section F MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.6. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION F --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000113 Pre.Summary.7. Pre timing - section G MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.7. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION G --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000114 Pre.Summary.8. Pre timing - section H MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.8. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION H --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000115 Pre.Summary.9. Pre timing - section K MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.9. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION K --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000116 Pre.Summary.10. Pre timing - section L MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.10. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION L --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000117 Pre.Summary.11. Pre timing - section M MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.11. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION M --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000118 Pre.Summary.12. Pre timing - section N MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.12. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION N --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000119 Pre.Summary.13. Pre timing - section P MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.13. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION P --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000120 Pre.Summary.14. Pre timing - section Q MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.14. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION Q --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000121 Pre.Summary.15. Pre timing - section R MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.15. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION R --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000122 Pre.Summary.16. Pre timing - section S MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.16. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION S --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000123 Pre.Summary.17. Pre timing - section X MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.17. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION X --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000124 Pre.Summary.18. Pre timing - section Y MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.18. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION Y --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000125 Pre.Summary.19. Pre timing - section Z MD: EQ 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Pre-Summary.19. PRE SECTION TIMING - SECTION Z --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA ============================== M000126 Post.Admin.1. Mode of Interview MD: EQ 0 Numeric Post-Admin.1. POST: Mode of Interview --------------------------------------------------------------------- See Post-Admin.1a. 5 cases re-assigned to phone mode in the Post were administered FTF in error; note that several of these cases, although administered FTF, used telephone logic in the interview. 1. Personal 5. Telephone 7. ADMINISTERED USING WRONG MODE: FTF re-assigned to telephone but administered as Personal interview 0. No post IW ============================== M000126a Post.Admin.1a. Mode switch flag Numeric Post-Admin.1a. POST - MODE SWITCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- 200 FTF Pre cases were selected for reassignment to Phone administration in the Post. Of these, 168 were completed interviews. Assignment of all Post cases (interview and non-interview) are described here. 1. Assigned FTF, not switched to Phone mode 2. Assigned Phone 3. Assigned FTF, switched to Phone mode ============================== M000127a Post.Admin.2a. Form desc 1 - H in Post MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Admin.2a. POST: Form - section H administered in Post --------------------------------------------------------------------- Section E questions about R's personal financial situation were randomly selected to be administered either in Pre section E or Post section H. Because assignment was set during Pre administration, this randomization was unaffected by the randomization failure which took place during a portion of the Post field period. 0. Section H not administered in Post [Pre section E P000398-P000406] 1. Section H administered in Post [P000410-P000417] 9. No Post IW ============================== M000127b Post.Admin.2b. Form desc 2 - K format MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Admin.2b. POST: Form - K2 format --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to have the K2a-K2d office recognition battery administered with or without the use of probes [P001446a-P001454]. NOTE: see item Post-Summary.124 (P000262) for description of the randomization failure which took place during a portion of the Post field period. 0. K2a-K2d administered without probes 1. K2a-K2d administered with probes 9. No post IW ============================== M000128 Post.Admin.3. Mo. IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric Post-Admin.3. POST: Month of interview --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. November 12. December 00. No Post IW ============================== M000129 Post.Admin.4. Day IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric Post-Admin.4. POST: Day of interview --------------------------------------------------------------------- Coded 1-31 and: 0. No Post IW ============================== M000130 Post.Admin.5. Month and day (MMDD) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9999 Character Post-Admin.5. POST: Month and day (MMDD) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the day and month of interview in MMDD format. '0000' is used for cases with no Post IW; '9999' indicates NA ============================== M000131 Post.Admin.6. No. days after election MD1: EQ 96, MD2: GE 99 Numeric Post-Admin.6. POST: Number of days after election --------------------------------------------------------------------- 96. INAP, no Post IW 99. NA ============================== M000132 Post.Admin.7. IW bef/aft Gore concession MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Admin.7. POST: Interview taken before or after Gore concession --------------------------------------------------------------------- Gore concession: December 13, 2000 0. Before 1. Day of concession (Dec. 13) 2. After 9. NA; INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000133 Post.Admin.8. IW length MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric DEC 2 Post-Admin.8. POST: Interview length --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: interview length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the interview as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. The average Post interview length is 63.76 minutes. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA; partial IW 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000134 Post.Admin.9. IW no. MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 99 Numeric Post-Admin.9. POST: Interview number --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-44 and: 99. NA 00. INAP, no Post Interview ============================== M000135 Post.Admin.10. Date of beg VQ file MD: EQ 0 Numeric Post-Admin.10. POST: Date of beginning VQ file --------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to the VQ file loaded when the interview began. Changes were made to the VQ (application) while in the field. The next variable documents the VQ version in use at the end of the interview; note that if an interview was temporarily halted and a new VQ was installed prior to the resumption of interviewing, the VQ in effect for some questions would not be the VQ coded here. 1. 11/7 2. 11/10 3. 11/16 (1) 4. 11/16 (2) 5. 11/18 6. 11/27 0. No Post IW ============================== M000136 Post.Admin.11. Date of end VQ file MD: EQ 0 Numeric Post-Admin.11. POST: Date of ending VQ file --------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to the VQ file in use when the interview concluded. Changes were made to the VQ (application) while in the field. Note that if an interview was temporarily halted and a new VQ was installed prior to the resumption of interviewing, the VQ in effect for some questions would not be the beginning VQ (previous var). 1. 11/7 2. 11/10 3. 11/16 (1) 4. 11/16 (2) 5. 11/18 6. 11/27 ============================== M000137 Post.Admin.12. Flag- change in VQ MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Admin.12. POST: Flag- change in VQ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Several changes to the application were made during the field period. This variable flags whether a suspended interview was resumed with a different version of the application. 0. No change 1. Change in VQ 9. INAP, partial IW; no post IW ============================== M000138 Post.Admin.13. Release MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-Admin.1a. POST: Release --------------------------------------------------------------------- Because of the turnaround time needed to prepare it after the Pre interviewing was concluded, the Post sample was released in 3 releases. 1. Release 1 - November 7 2. Release 2 - November 15 3. Release 3 - November 21. 9. NA 0. INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000139 Post.Admin.14. Payment amt MD1: EQ 96, MD2: GE 99 Numeric Post-Admin.14. POST: Payment to R - amount --------------------------------------------------------------------- 00. R requested no payment 20. Twenty dollars 40. Forty dollars 96. INAP, no Post IW 99. NA ============================== M000139a Post.Admin.14a. Interviewer incentive MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Admin.14a. INTERVIEWER INCENTIVE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning October 26, 2000, interviewers were paid $10 for each completed interview. 0. Post interview date not in incentive period 1. Post interview date in incentive period. 9. INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000140 Post.Admin.15. Payment mode MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Admin.15. POST: Payment to R - mode --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. R requested no payment 1. Check 2. Cash 9. NA; INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000141 Post.Admin.16. Payment date MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9999 Character Post-Admin.16. POST: Payment to R - date (MMDD) --------------------------------------------------------------------- '0000' is used for cases with no Post IW or 0 in Post-Admin.14/ Post-Admin.15; '9999' indicates NA. ============================== M000142 Post.Admin.17. Tape recorded MD: EQ 0 Numeric Post-Admin.17. POST: Tape recorded? --------------------------------------------------------------------- New interviewers had to tape record 2 of their first 5 production interviews; experienced interviewers were required to tape record 1 of their first 3 production interviews (FTF or phone). Tape recording was conducted with the respondent's permission. The IWR made a self-evaluation and sent the tapes to their field supervisor. 1. Yes 5. No 0. INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000143 Post.Admin.18. Verification MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Admin.18. POST: Verification --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes in Pre-Admin.17 (P000020). 0. Counted for Ann Arbor office, not selected for verification 1. Flagged for verification (interview number selected) 2. Verified OK (all verification data match original data exactly) 3. Verified with discrepancy (only one piece of verification data does not match; everything else matches exactly) 4. Not verified (more than 1 piece of information reported by the respondent at the time of verification is different from that collected at the time of the original interview or finalizing the case; further probing results in assignment of either code 3 or code 4 as a final code) 5. Unable to verify (R is contacted but is unwilling to participate in verification exercise or the respondent cannot be reached; this includes: reaching the household by telephone but not reaching the respondent, and includes sending the verification latter to a household but no letter returned after 3 attempts) 6. Verification limit met (used when the verifier has already completed the needed verification level). 9. NA; INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000144 Post.Admin.19. Evaluation MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Admin.19. POST: Evaluation --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Not evaluated 1. Flagged 2. Evaluated 3. Evaluation received in Ann Arbor office 4. Cannot evaluate 9. INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000145 Post.Admin.20. Conversion ind. MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Admin.20. POST: Refusal conversion indicator --------------------------------------------------------------------- This refers to interviews initially refused by someone when an interviewer was first attempting contact. The source of this refusal may or may not have been the Respondent; result code 43 [contact, resistance by R] or 46 [resistance not by R] for any call (not the final result code) turns this indicator on. Conversion may be made by the initial interviewer or another interviewer. If the conversion is not made by the initial interviewer, the interviewer of record is the interviewer obtaining the conversion. 0. Not a refusal convesion situation 1. Refusal conversion situation indicated 9. NA; INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000146 Post.Admin.21. Persuasion letter MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Admin.21. POST: Persuasion letter - flag --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. No persuasion letter sent 1. Persuasion letter sent 9. NA; INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000147 Post.Admin.22. Date requested MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9999 Character Post-Admin.22. POST: Date persuasion letter requested (MMDD) --------------------------------------------------------------------- '0000' is used for cases with no Post IW or no letter requested; '9999' indicates NA. ============================== M000148 Post.Admin.23. Date sent MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9999 Character Post-Admin.23. POST: Date persuasion letter sent --------------------------------------------------------------------- '0000' is used for cases with no Post IW or no letter requested; '9999' indicates NA. ============================== M000149 Post.Admin.24. Type letter MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-Admin.24. POST: Type of persuasion letter --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A. Too busy 2. B. Too personal 3. C. Not interested 4. D. Too old 5. E. Evasive 6. F. Gatekeeper 7. G. Not at home 9. NA 0. INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000150 Post.Admin.25. Tel calls MD: EQ 99 Numeric Post-Admin.25. POST: Number of telephone calls --------------------------------------------------------------------- 99. NA; INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000151 Post.Admin.26. FTF calls MD: EQ 99 Numeric Post-Admin.26. POST: Number of Face-to-Face calls --------------------------------------------------------------------- 99. NA; INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000152 Post.Admin.27. Final result Numeric Post-Admin.27. POST: Final result code --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 IW complete 05 IW partial 51 Refusal by R 52 Refusal by person other than R 54 Initial refusal, not reached for conversion 61 No contact 63 Noninterview, permanent reason 66 Interview begun then terminated, insufficiently complete 67 Noninterview, other reason 68 Could not Locate R ============================== M000153 Post.Admin.28. Result date (NI) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9999 Character Post-Admin.28. POST: Result date (Post noninterviews) --------------------------------------------------------------------- '0000' is used for cases with Post IW; '9999' indicates NA. ============================== M000154 Post.Admin. 29. Flag - mode switch MD: EQ 0 Numeric Post-Admin.29. POST: Flag - pre/post mode switch --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P000004 and P000126. Some interviews conducted FTF in the pre were administered by phone in the Post. 1. Pre FTF and Post FTF 2. Pre phone and Post phone 3. Pre FTF and Post phone 0. INAP, no post IW ============================== M000155 Post.Admin.30. Lang of IW (all English) Numeric Post-Admin.30. POST: Language of interview (all English) --------------------------------------------------------------------- All interviews were conducted entirely in English 1. English ============================== M000156 Post.CSheet.1. Flag- missing CS Numeric Post-CSheet.1. POST - COVERSHEET: Flag- missing CS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Coversheet not missing 1. Coversheet missing ============================== M000157 Post.CSheet.2. Color of coversheet MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.2. POST - COVERSHEET: Color of coversheet --------------------------------------------------------------------- Pink coversheets were copies of coversheets that were in transfer. NOTE: for an unknown reason, some cases assigned to FTF mode were administered using yellow (phone) coversheets. 1. Blue 2. Yellow 3. Pink 9. NA 0. INAP, coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000158 Post.CSheet.3. Item 1. R at samp addr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.3. POST - COVERSHEET Item 1: Does (NAME) still live here? R STILL LIVE AT SAMPLE ADDRESS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Interviewers omitted filling out this box (code 9) on 227 coversheets. 1. Yes 5. No 9. NA 0. INAP, coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000159 Post.CSheet.4. Item 2b. PHONE: New phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.4. IF PHONE MODE: IF R DOES NOT STILL LIVE AT SAMPLE ADDRESS: POST - PHONE COVERSHEET Item 2b: New phone number available --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Available 2. Not available 9. NA 0. INAP, 1,9 in Post-Csheet.3; coversheet missing (1 in Post- CSheet.1); FTF mode ============================== M000160 Post.CSheet.5. Item 2b. FTF: Addr status MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.5. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: IF R DOES NOT STILL LIVE AT SAMPLE ADDRESS: POST - FTF COVERSHEET Item 2b: Address is: STATUS OF NEW ADDRESS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: in cases where the Post interview mode was switched from FTF to telephone, the blue FTF coversheet have already been assigned and some personal contact attempted; for some telephone cases data are found in this variable because the FTF coversheet was retained. 1. Out of range 3. Within range 5. Can't find 9. NA 0. INAP, 1,9 in Post-Csheet.3; coversheet missing (1 in Post- CSheet.1); Phone mode ============================== M000161 Post.CSheet.6. FTF type structure MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.6. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD1: Describe the type of structure in which the respondent live (sample address) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: in cases where the Post interview mode was switched from FTF to telephone, the blue FTF coversheet have already been assigned and some personal contact attempted; for some telephone cases data are found in this variable because the FTF coversheet was retained. 1. Mobile home 2. Detached single family 3. Multi-family 4. Apartment house 5. Condo complex 7. Other (specify) 9. NA 0. Inap, coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1); assigned phone mode ============================== M000162 Post.CSheet.7. FTF gatekeeper MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.7. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD2: Is there a building manager, security guard or other gatekeeper whose cooperation you need in order to gain access to the R's housing unit? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: in cases where the Post interview mode was switched from FTF to telephone, the blue FTF coversheet have already been assigned and some personal contact attempted; for some telephone cases data are found in this variable because the FTF coversheet was retained. 1. Yes 2. No, but building is locked/ subdivision is gated and locked 5. No 9. NA 0. Inap, coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1); assigned phone mode ============================== M000163 Post.CSheet.8. FTF type gatekeeper MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.8. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: IF GATEKEEPER/GUARD/MANAGER/LOCKED ACCESS: POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD2a: Check the box below which best describes the situation --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: in cases where the Post interview mode was switched from FTF to telephone, the blue FTF coversheet have already been assigned and some personal contact attempted; for some telephone cases data are found in this variable because the FTF coversheet was retained. 1. Building manager or other Gatekeeper must let you in the buiding (on the grounds, into the mobile home park) but then you are free to attempt contact with R's HU 2. Building manager/other Gatekeeper must get permission from someone in R's HU before you are allowed to make contact with the household 7. Other (specify) 9. NA 0. Inap, 5, 9 in Pre-Csheet.13; coversheet missing; assigned phone mode ============================== M000164 Post.CSheet.9. Resist from contact MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.9. POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3a: Was there resistance from any contact person? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 5. No 9. NA 0. INAP, coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000165 Post.CSheet.10. Contct resist-waste time MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.10. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(1): Resistance from contact person - SURVEYS WASTE OF TIME; PREVIOUS BAD EXPERIENCE --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000166 Post.CSheet.11. Contct resist-too personal MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.11. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(2): Resistance from contact person - CONTENT TOO PERSONAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000167 Post.CSheet.12. Contct resist-confidentiality MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.12. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(3): Resistance from contact person - CONFIDENTIALITY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000168 Post.CSheet.13. Contct resist-not interested politics MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.13. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(4): Resistance from contact person - NOT INTERESTED IN POLITICS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000169 Post.CSheet.14. Contct resist-too busy MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.14. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(5): Resistance from contact person - TOO BUSY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000170 Post.CSheet.15. Contct resist-health MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.15. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(6): Resistance from contact person - POOR HEALTH --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000171 Post.CSheet.16. Contct resist-other MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.16. IF RESISTANCE FROM ANY CONTACT PERSON: POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3b(7): Resistance from contact person - OTHER (SPECIFY) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000172 Post.CSheet.17. R refuse initially MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.17. POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3e: Did R refuse initially? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 5. No 9. NA 0. INAP, coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000173 Post.CSheet.18. R break appts MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.18. POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3f: Did respondent break any appointments --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. None 1. One 2. Two or more 8. NA 9. INAP, coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000174 Post.CSheet.19. Was R contact resister? MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.19. POST - COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3g: If contact persons resisted [if CD3a was "YES"], was the respondent the contact person who gave resistance? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 5. No 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000175 Post.CSheet.20. SUMMARY: did R resist MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.20. SUMMARY: did R resist (built) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This counts any resistance identified according to Pre-CSheet.25 or in Pre-CSheet.27-Pre-CSheet.33; however, cases "not marked" throughout variables Pre-CSheet.27-Pre-CSheet.33 may have been unmarked due to complete omission rather than due to the inapplicability of any of the resistance categories to R. 1. Yes, some resistance identified 5. No resistance identified 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000176 Post.CSheet.21. R resist- waste time MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.21. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON AT CD3a: POST- COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(1): Resistance from R - SURVEYS WASTE OF TIME; PREVIOUS BAD EXPERIENCE --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 1 in Post-CSheet.20; 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000177 Post.CSheet.22. R resist- too personal MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.22. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON AT CD3a: POST- COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(2): Resistance from R - TOO PERSONAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 1 in Post-CSheet.20; 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000178 Post.CSheet.23. R resist- confidentiality MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.23. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON AT CD3a: POST- COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(3): Resistance from R - CONFIDENTIALITY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 1 in Post-CSheet.20; 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000179 Post.CSheet.24. R resist- not interested in politics MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.24. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON AT CD3a: POST- COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(4): Resistance from R - NOT INTERESTED IN POLITICS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 1 in Post-CSheet.20; 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000180 Post.CSheet.25. R resist- too busy MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.25. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON AT CD3a: POST- COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(5): Resistance from R - TOO BUSY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 1 in Post-CSheet.20; 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000181 Post.CSheet.26. R resist- health MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.26. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON AT CD3a: POST- COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(6): Resistance from R - POOR HEALTH --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 1 in Post-CSheet.20; 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000182 Post.CSheet.27. R resist- other MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.27. IF R WAS NOT THE CONTACT PERSON AT CD3a: POST- COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3h(7): Resistance from R - OTHER (SPECIFY) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Marked 5. Not marked 9. NA 0. Inap, 1 in Post-CSheet.20; 5,9 in Post-Csheet.9; coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000183 Post.CSheet.28. Ever make contact (noninterview) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.28. POST- COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3: Were you ever able to make contact with someone at this housing unit? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 5. No 9. NA 0. INAP, noninterview and coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000183a Post.CSheet.28a. Ever contact R (noninterview) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.28a. POST- COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD3d: Did you ever have any contact with the respondent? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 5. No 9. NA 0. INAP, 5,9 in Post-Csheet.28; noninterview and coversheet missing (1 in Post-CSheet.1) ============================== M000184 Post.CSheet.29. Reason no contact (NI) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.29. IF NO CONTACT WITH HOUSEHOLD FOR POST INTERVIEW: POST- COVERSHEET CONTACT DESCRIPTION Item CD4: What was the reason for no contact? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Nobody home at any call; no info about household could be obtained 2. All occupants away during entire study period (i.e. long vacation, illness); info obtained from neighbor, manager etc. 3. Nobody answered door but think somone in HU [FTF: when visits made] 4. Could not obtain access to HU 7. Other (specify) 9. NA 0. Inap, 5,9 in Post-Csheet.28; coversheet missing (1 in Post- CSheet.1) ============================== M000184a Post-CSheet.30. CSMS estimated income MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-CSheet.30. IF FTF MODE: POST- COVERSHEET CSMS INTERVIEWER EVALUATION (F10 SCREEN CARD ITEM 1): What is the estimated income of R's household? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Under $10,000 2. $10,000-25,000 3. $25,000-50,000 4. $50,000-105,000 5. $105,000 and above 8. DK 9. NA 0. INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000184b Post-CSheet.31. CSMS estimated HH race MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-CSheet.31. IF FTF MODE: POST - COVERSHEET CSMS INTERVIEWER EVALUATION (F10 SCREEN CARD ITEM 2): What is the race of R's household? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See also survey variables Y30(1)-Y30(3) for self-description by the respondent, item ZZ.2 describing IWR's observation of R's race, and the Pre equivalent of this variable in Pre-CSheet.35. 1. White 2. Black 3. American Indian 4. Asian 7. Other 8. DK 9. NA 0. INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000184c Post-CSheet.32. CSMS est HH race certain MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.32. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: IF INTERVIEWER HAS IDENTIFIED RACE OF HOUSEHOLD: POST - COVERSHEET CSMS INTERVIEWER EVALUATION (F10 SCREEN CARD ITEM 2a): Is this definite or probable? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Definite 5. Probable 9. NA 0. INAP, 0,8,9 in Post-Csheet.31 ============================== M000184d Post-CSheet.33. CSMS estimated Hispanic MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-CSheet.33. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: POST - COVERSHEET CSMS INTERVIEWER EVALUATION (F10 SCREEN CARD ITEM 3): Is R or R's household of hispanic origin? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See also P000068, P000069 (Pre version of these variables) ans Pre survey items Y30x/Y31 and Y31a/Y31a.T. 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK 9. NA 0. INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000184e Post-CSheet.34. CSMS est Hispanic certain MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-CSheet.34. IF FACE-TO-FACE MODE: IF INTERVIEWER HAS IDENTIFIED HISPANIC STATUS OF R/R'S HOUSEHOLD: POST - COVERSHEET CSMS INTERVIEWER EVALUATION (F10 SCREEN CARD ITEM 3a): Is this definite or probable? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Definite 5. Probable 9. NA 0. INAP, 0,8,9 in Pre-Csheet.37 ============================== M000185 Post.IWR.1. Interviewer of record MD: EQ 9999 Numeric Post-IWR.1. POST: Interviewer of record ID --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-digit ID 9999. NA ============================== M000186 Post.IWR.2. Supervisor MD: EQ 9999 Numeric Post-IWR.2. POST: Supervisor ID --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-digit ID 9999. NA ============================== M000187 Post.IWR.3. Interviewer gender MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-IWR.3. POST: Interviewer gender --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Male 2. Female 9. NA 0. INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000188 Post.IWR.4. Interviewer education MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-IWR.4. POST: Interviewer education --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 1-8 grades 2. Some high school 3. High school graduate 4. Some college 5. College degree 6. Master's degree 7. Ph.D. 9. NA 0. INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000189 Post.IWR.5. Interviewer race MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-IWR.5. POST: Interviewer race --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. White 2. Black 3. Native American 4. Asian 7. Other 9. NA 0. INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000190 Post.IWR.6. Interviewer ethnicity MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-IWR.6. POST: Interviewer ethnicity --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. No ethnic identity coded 1. Hispanic 7. Other 9. NA; INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000191 Post.IWR.7. Interviewer languages Numeric Post-IWR.7. POST: Interviewer languages --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is not available in 2000. ============================== M000192 Post.IWR.8. Yrs Interviewer experience MD: EQ 99 Numeric Post-IWR.8. POST: Years Interviewer experience --------------------------------------------------------------------- Interviewer's years of experience and: 99. NA; INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000193 Post.IWR.9. Interviewer age (bracketed) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-IWR.9. POST: Interviewer age (bracketted) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 18-34 years 2. 35-40 years 3. 41-45 years 4. 46-50 years 5. 51-55 years 6. 56-60 years 7. 51-64 years 8. 65-79 years 9. NA 0. INAP, no Post IW ============================== M000194 Post.Cand.1. House race type MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.1. House race type --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. DEMOCRATIC INCUMBENT RUNNING 12 Dem incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN CHALLENGER 13 Dem incumbent running -- OTHER CHALLENGER 14 Dem incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 19 Dem incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CHALLENGERS REPUBLICAN INCUMBENT RUNNING 21 Rep incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC CHALLENGER 23 Rep incumbent running -- OTHER CHALLENGER 24 Rep incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 29 Rep incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CHALLENGERS OTHER INCUMBENT RUNNING 31 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC CHALLENGER 32 Other incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN CHALLENGER 34 Other incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 35 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CHALLENGERS 36 Other incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CHALLENGERS 37 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CHALLENGERS 39 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CHALLS NO INCUMBENT RUNNING 51 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 52 Dem incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 53 Dem incumbent not running -- OTHER CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 55 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDS 56 Dem incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CANDS 57 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CANDS 59 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CANDS 61 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 62 Rep incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 63 Rep incumbent not running -- OTHER CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 65 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDS 66 Rep incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CANDS 67 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CANDS 69 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CANDS 96. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 99 NA 00 Washington DC ============================== M000194a Post.Cand.1a. Retiring House Repr name Character Post-Cand.1a. Retiring House Representative name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Cases coded 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification) are blank in this variable. ============================== M000194b Post.Cand.1b. Retiring House Repr code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.1b. Retiring House Representative code --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 41. Democratic Representative--retiring (district with open race) 42. Republican Representative--retiring (district with open race) 96. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 99. NA 00. No retiring House representative; Washington DC ============================== M000194c Post.Cand.1c. Retiring House Repr gender MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-Cand.1c. Retiring House Representative gender --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 1. Male 2. Female 8. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 9. NA 0. No retiring House representative; Washington DC ============================== M000194d Post.Cand.1d. Winner of 2000 House election MD: EQ 99 Numeric Post-Cand.1d. Winner of 2000 House election in R's district of interview --------------------------------------------------------------------- 30. Independent/3rd party incumbent candidate 31. Democratic candidate in open race 32. Republican candidate in open race 33. Democratic incumbent 34. Republican incumbent 35. Democratic challenger 36. Republican challenger 39. Independent/3rd party nonincumbent candidate 99. NA (R's correct district not determined, 96 or 99 in Pre-Sample.1) 00. Washington DC ============================== M000194e Post.Cand.1e. Winner of 2000 Senate election Numeric Post-Cand.1e. Winner of 2000 Senate election in R's state of interview --------------------------------------------------------------------- 09 Third party or independent Senate candidate --incumbent 10 Third party or independent Senate candidate --nonincumbent 08 Third party or independent Senate candidate --2nd nonincumbent 11 Democratic candidate in open Senate race 12 Republican candidate in open Senate race 13 Democratic Senate incumbent 14 Republican Senate incumbent 15 Democratic Senate challenger 16 Republican Senate challenger 99. NA (R's correct district not determined, 96 or 99 in Pre-Sample.1) 00. No race in state; Washington CD ============================== M000194f Post.Cand.1f. Competitiveness of respondent CD MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Cand.1f. Competitiveness of House race in 1998 in respondent's district --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1998 districts were stratified for competitiveness by the winning margin of the elected candidate. 1. Least competitive 2. 3. 4. 5. Most competitive 9. NA (R's correct district not determined, 96 or 99 in Pre-Sample.1); Washington D.C. ============================== M000194g Post.Cand.1g. Open seat in 2000 in respondent district? MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Cand.1g. Open seat in R's district in 2000? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. NO 1. YES 9. NA (R's correct district not determined, 96 or 99 in Pre-Sample.1) Washington D.C. ============================== M000195 Post.Cand.2. House Democratic cand name Character Post-Cand.2. House Democratic candidate name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Cases coded 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification) are blank in this variable. ============================== M000196 Post.Cand.3. House Democratic cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.3. House Democratic candidate code --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 31. Democratic candidate in open House race 33. Democratic House incumbent 35. Democratic House challenger 96. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 99. NA 00. No Democratic candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000197 Post.Cand.4. House Democratic cand gendr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-Cand.4. House Democratic candidate gender --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 1. Male 2. Female 8. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 9. NA 0. No Democratic House candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000198 Post.Cand.5. House Republican cand name Character Post-Cand.5. House Republican candidate name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Cases coded 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification) are blank in this variable. ============================== M000199 Post.Cand.6. House Republican cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.6. House Republican candidate code --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 32. Republican candidate in open House race 34. Republican House incumbent 36. Republican House challenger 96. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 99. NA 00. No Republican House candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000200 Post.Cand.7. House Republican cand gendr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-Cand.7. House Republican candidate gender --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 1. Male 2. Female 8. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 9. NA 0. No Republican House candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000201 Post.Cand.8. House Ind cand name Character Post-Cand.8. House Independent/third party candidate name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Cases coded 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification) are blank in this variable. ============================== M000202 Post.Cand.9. House Ind cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.9. House Independent/third party candidate code --------------------------------------------------------------------- ** THIS CODE IS USED ONLY IF NAME APPEARS ON CANDIDATE LIST For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 30. Third party or independent House candidate --nonincumbent ** 38. Third party or independent House candidate--2nd nonincumbent ** 39. Third party or independent House candidate--incumbent 96. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 99. NA 00. No Independent/third party House candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000202a Post.Cand.9a. House Ind cand party Character Post-Cand.9a. House Independent/third party candidate party --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an alpha variable ============================== M000203 Post.Cand.10. House Ind cand gender MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-Cand.10. House Independent/third party candidate gender --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 1. Male 2. Female 8. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 9. NA 0. No Independent/third party House candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000204 Post.Cand.11. Senate race type MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.11. Senate race type: STATES WITH SENATE RACE STATES WITHOUT SENATE RACE Arizona Alabama California Arkansas Connecticut Colorado Delaware Idaho Florida Illinois Georgia Iowa Indiana Kansas Maine Kentucky Maryland Louisiana Massachusetts New Hampshire Michigan North Carolina Minnesota Oklahoma Mississippi Oregon Missouri South Carolina Montana South Dakota Nebraska Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York North Dakota Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. DEMOCRATIC INCUMBENT RUNNING 12 Dem incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN CHALLENGER 13 Dem incumbent running -- OTHER CHALLENGER 14 Dem incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 19 Dem incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CHALLENGERS REPUBLICAN INCUMBENT RUNNING 21 Rep incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC CHALLENGER 23 Rep incumbent running -- OTHER CHALLENGER 24 Rep incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 29 Rep incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CHALLENGERS OTHER INCUMBENT RUNNING 31 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC CHALLENGER 32 Other incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN CHALLENGER 34 Other incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 35 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CHALLENGERS 36 Other incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CHALLENGERS 37 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CHALLENGERS 39 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CHALLS NO INCUMBENT RUNNING 51 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 52 Dem incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 53 Dem incumbent not running -- OTHER CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 55 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDS 56 Dem incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CANDS 57 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CANDS 59 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CANDS 61 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 62 Rep incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 63 Rep incumbent not running -- OTHER CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 65 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDS 66 Rep incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CANDS 67 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CANDS 69 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CANDS NO RACE IN STATE 81 DEMOCRATIC INCUMBENTS, no race in state 82 REPUBLICAN INCUMBENTS, no race in state 85 DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN INCUMBENTS, no race in state 96 Code 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 99 NA 00 Washington DC ============================== M000205 Post.Cand.12. Senate Democr cand name Character Post-Cand.12. Senate Democratic candidate name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Cases coded 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification) are blank in this variable. ============================== M000206 Post.Cand.13. Senate Democr cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.13. Senate Democratic candidate code --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 11. Democratic candidate in open Senate race 13. Democratic Senate incumbent 15. Democratic Senate challenger 96. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 99. NA 00. No race in state; no Democratic Senate candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000207 Post.Cand.14. Senate Democr cand gender MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-Cand.14. Senate Democratic candidate gender --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 1. Male 2. Female 8. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 9. NA 0. No race in state; no Democratic Senate candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000208 Post.Cand.15. Senate Repub cand name Character Post-Cand.15. Senate Republican candidate name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Cases coded 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification) are blank in this variable. ============================== M000209 Post.Cand.16. Senate Repub cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.16. Senate Republican candidate code --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 12. Republican candidate in open Senate race 14. Republican Senate incumbent 16. Republican Senate challenger 96. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 99. NA 00. No race in state; no Republican Senate candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000210 Post.Cand.17. Senate Repub cand gender MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-Cand.17. Senate Republican candidate gender --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 1. Male 2. Female 8. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 9. NA 0. No race in state; no Republican Senate candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000211 Post.Cand.18. Senate Ind 1 cand name Character Post-Cand.18. Senate Independent/third party 1 -candidate name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Cases coded 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification) are blank in this variable. ============================== M000212 Post.Cand.19. Senate Ind 1 cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.19. Senate Independent/third party 1 -candidate code --------------------------------------------------------------------- ** THIS CODE IS USED ONLY IF NAME APPEARS ON CANDIDATE LIST For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 09 Third party or independent Senate candidate --incumbent ** 10 Third party or independent Senate candidate --nonincumbent ** 96. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 99. NA 00. No race in state; no independent/third party Senate candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000212a Post.Cand.19a. Senate Ind 1 cand party Character Post-Cand.19a. Senate Independent/third party 1 -candidate party --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Cases coded 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification) are blank in this variable. ============================== M000213 Post.Cand.20. Senate Ind 1 cand gender MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-Cand.20. Senate Independent/third party 1 -candidate gender --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 1. Male 2. Female 8. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 9. NA 0. No race in state; no Independent/third party Senate candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000214 Post.Cand.21. Senate Ind 2 cand name Character Post-Cand.21. Senate Independent/third party 2 -candidate name --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Cases coded 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification) are blank in this variable. ============================== M000215 Post.Cand.22. Senate Ind 2 cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.22. Senate Independent/third party 2 -candidate code --------------------------------------------------------------------- ** THIS CODE IS USED ONLY IF NAME APPEARS ON CANDIDATE LIST For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 08 Third party or independent Senate candidate --2nd nonincumbent** 96. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 99. NA 00. No race in state; no independent/third party Senate candidate; no 2nd independent/third party Senate candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000215a Post.Cand.22a. Senate Ind 2 cand party Character Post-Cand.22a. Senate Independent/third party 2 -candidate party --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Cases coded 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification) are blank in this variable. ============================== M000216 Post.Cand.23. Senate Ind 2 cand gender MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-Cand.23. Senate Independent/third party 2 -candidate gender --------------------------------------------------------------------- For 1 case (NA), district/state race information is undetermined; this is a Pre-only case. 1. Male 2. Female 8. 1 in Post-Summary.22 (error in CD identification; 3 cases) 9. NA 0. No race in state; no Independent/third party Senate candidate; no 2nd independent/third party Senate candidate; Washington DC ============================== M000217 Post.Cand.24. Outside Hse Dem cand name Character Post-Cand.24. House Democratic candidate name - Vote outside CD of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is blank if Pre-Sample.8 (P000086) does not have the exact CD of outside vote identified. ============================== M000218 Post.Cand.25. Outside Hse Dem cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.25. House Democratic candidate code - Vote outside CD of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 31. Democratic candidate in open House race 33. Democratic House incumbent 35. Democratic House challenger 96. No democratic candidate in 'outside' CD 99. 1 in Pre-Sample.7 (P000085) and Pre-Sample.8 (P000086) does not have the exact CD of outside vote identified (outside state) 00. 0,8,9 in Pre-Sample.7 ============================== M000219 Post.Cand.26. Outside Hse Dem cand gendr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-Cand.26. House Democratic candidate gender - Vote outside CD of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Male 2. Female 8. No democratic candidate in 'outside' CD 9. 1 in Pre-Sample.7 (P000085) and Pre-Sample.8 (P000086) does not have the exact CD of outside vote identified (outside state). 0. 0,8,9 in Pre-Sample.7 ============================== M000220 Post.Cand.27. Outside Hse Rep cand name Character Post-Cand.27. House Republican candidate name - Vote outside CD of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is blank if Pre-Sample.8 (P000086) does not have the exact CD of outside vote identified. ============================== M000221 Post.Cand.28. Outside Hse Rep cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.28. House Republican candidate code - Vote outside CD of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 32. Republican candidate in open House race 34. Republican House incumbent 36. Republican House challenger 96. No Republican candidate in 'outside' CD 99. 1 in Pre-Sample.7 (P000085) and Pre-Sample.8 (P000086) does not have the exact CD of outside vote identified (outside state). 00. 0,8,9 in Pre-Sample.7 ============================== M000222 Post.Cand.29. Outside Hse Rep cand gendr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-Cand.29. House Republican candidate gender - Vote outside CD of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Male 2. Female 8. No Republican candidate in 'outside' CD 9. 1 in Pre-Sample.7 (P000085) and Pre-Sample.8 (P000086) does not have the exact CD of outside vote identified (outside state). 0. 0,8,9 in Pre-Sample.7 ============================== M000223 Post.Cand.30. Outside Hse Ind cand name Character Post-Cand.30. House Independent/third party candidate name - Vote outside CD of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is blank if Pre-Sample.8 (P000086) does not have the exact CD of outside vote identified. ============================== M000224 Post.Cand.31. Outside Hse Ind cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.31. House Independent/third party candidate code - Vote outside CD of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 30. Third party or independent House candidate --nonincumbent ** 38. Third party or independent House candidate--2nd nonincumbent ** 39. Third party or independent House candidate--incumbent 96. No independent/3rd party candidate in 'outside' CD 99. 1 in Pre-Sample.7 (P000085) and Pre-Sample.8 (P000086) does not have the exact CD of outside vote identified (outside state). 00. 0,8,9 in Pre-Sample.7 ============================== M000225 Post.Cand.32. Outside Hse Ind cand gendr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Post-Cand.32. House Independent/third party candidate gender - Vote outside CD of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Male 2. Female 8. No independent/3rd party candidate in 'outside' CD 9. 1 in Pre-Sample.7 (P000085) and Pre-Sample.8 (P000086) does not have the exact CD of outside vote identified (outside state). 0. 0,8,9 in Pre-Sample.7 ============================== M000226 Post.Cand.33. Outside Hse race type MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.33. House race type - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMOCRATIC INCUMBENT RUNNING 12 Dem incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN CHALLENGER 13 Dem incumbent running -- OTHER CHALLENGER 14 Dem incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 19 Dem incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CHALLENGERS REPUBLICAN INCUMBENT RUNNING 21 Rep incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC CHALLENGER 23 Rep incumbent running -- OTHER CHALLENGER 24 Rep incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 29 Rep incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CHALLENGERS OTHER INCUMBENT RUNNING 31 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC CHALLENGER 32 Other incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN CHALLENGER 34 Other incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 35 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CHALLENGERS 36 Other incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CHALLENGERS 37 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CHALLENGERS 39 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CHALLS NO INCUMBENT RUNNING 51 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 52 Dem incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 53 Dem incumbent not running -- OTHER CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 55 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDS 56 Dem incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CANDS 57 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CANDS 59 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CANDS 61 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 62 Rep incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 63 Rep incumbent not running -- OTHER CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 65 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDS 66 Rep incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CANDS 67 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CANDS 69 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CANDS 96. Washington DC 99. 1 in Pre-Sample.7 (P000085) and Pre-Sample.8 (P000086) does not have the exact CD of outside vote identified (outside state). 00. 0,8,9 in Pre-Sample.7 ============================== M000226a Post.Cand.33a. Outside Sen race type MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.33a. Senate race type - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMOCRATIC INCUMBENT RUNNING 12 Dem incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN CHALLENGER 13 Dem incumbent running -- OTHER CHALLENGER 14 Dem incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 19 Dem incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CHALLENGERS REPUBLICAN INCUMBENT RUNNING 21 Rep incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC CHALLENGER 23 Rep incumbent running -- OTHER CHALLENGER 24 Rep incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 29 Rep incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CHALLENGERS OTHER INCUMBENT RUNNING 31 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC CHALLENGER 32 Other incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN CHALLENGER 34 Other incumbent running -- UNOPPOSED 35 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CHALLENGERS 36 Other incumbent running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CHALLENGERS 37 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CHALLENGERS 39 Other incumbent running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CHALLS NO INCUMBENT RUNNING 51 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 52 Dem incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 53 Dem incumbent not running -- OTHER CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 55 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDS 56 Dem incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CANDS 57 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CANDS 59 Dem incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CANDS 61 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 62 Rep incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 63 Rep incumbent not running -- OTHER CANDIDATE UNOPPOSED 65 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN CANDS 66 Rep incumbent not running -- REPUBLICAN AND OTHER CANDS 67 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC AND OTHER CANDS 69 Rep incumbent not running -- DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLICAN, OTHER CANDS NO RACE IN STATE 81 DEMOCRATIC INCUMBENTS, no race in state 82 REPUBLICAN INCUMBENTS, no race in state 85 DEMOCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN INCUMBENTS, no race in state 96. Washington DC 99. R vote in another district but not another state 00. 0,8,9 in Pre-Sample.7 ============================== M000227 Post.Cand.34. Outside Sen Dem cand name Character Post-Cand.34. Senate Democratic candidate name - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is blank if R did not vote outside state of IW. ============================== M000228 Post.Cand.35. Outside Sen Dem cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.35. Senate Democratic candidate code - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Democratic candidate in open Senate race 13. Democratic Senate incumbent 15. Democratic Senate challenger 96. No race in state; no Democratic candidate 99. R voted in another district but not another state 00. R did not vote outside state of IW; Washington DC ============================== M000229 Post.Cand.36. Outside Sen Dem cand gendr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-Cand.36. Senate Democratic candidate gender - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Male 2. Female 9. No race in state; no Democratic candidate 0. R did not vote outside state of IW; R voted in another district but not another state; Washington DC ============================== M000230 Post.Cand.37. Outside Sen Rep cand name Character Post-Cand.37. Senate Republican candidate name - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is blank if R did not vote outside state of IW. ============================== M000231 Post.Cand.38. Outside Sen Rep cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.38. Senate Republican candidate code - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Republican candidate in open Senate race 14. Republican Senate incumbent 16. Republican Senate challenger 96. No race in state; no Republican candidate 99. R voted in another district but not another state 00. R did not vote outside state of IW; Washington DC ============================== M000232 Post.Cand.39. Outside Sen Rep cand gendr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-Cand.39. Senate Republican candidate gender - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Male 2. Female 9. No race in state; no Democratic candidate 0. R did not vote outside state of IW; R voted in another district but not another state; Washington DC ============================== M000233 Post.Cand.40. Outside Sen Ind1 cand name Character Post-Cand.40. Senate Independent/third party 1 -candidate name - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is blank if R did not vote outside state of IW or if there was no independent/third party candidate in 'outside' state. ============================== M000234 Post.Cand.41. Outside Sen Ind1 cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.41. Senate Independent/third party 1 -candidate code - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 09 Third party or independent Senate candidate --incumbent 10 Third party or independent Senate candidate --nonincumbent 96. No race in state; no independent/3rd party candidate 99. R voted in another district but not another state 00. R did not vote outside state of IW; Washington DC ============================== M000235 Post.Cand.42. Outside Sen Ind1 cand gend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-Cand.42. Senate Independent/third party 1 -candidate gender - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Male 2. Female 9. No race in state; no independent/3rd party candidate 0. R did not vote outside state of IW; R voted in another district but not another state; Washington DC ============================== M000236 Post.Cand.43. Outside Sen Ind2 cand name Character Post-Cand.43. Senate Independent/third party 2 -candidate name - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is blank if R did not vote outside state of IW or if there was no (2nd) independent/third party candidate in 'outside' state. ============================== M000237 Post.Cand.44. Outside Sen Ind2 cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Post-Cand.44. Senate Independent/third party 2 -candidate code - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 08. Third party or independent Senate candidate --2nd nonincumbent 96. No race in state; no independent/3rd party candidate; no second independent/3rd party candidate 99. R voted in another district but not another state 00. R did not vote outside state of IW; Washington DC ============================== M000238 Post.Cand.45. Outside Sen Ind2 cand gend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Post-Cand.45. Senate Independent/third party 2 -candidate gender - Vote outside state of IW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Male 2. Female 9. No race in state; no independent/3rd party candidate; no second independent/3rd party candidate 0. R did not vote outside state of IW; R voted in another district but not another state; Washington DC ============================== M000239 Post.Summary.1. Post timing - section A MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.1. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION A --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000240 Post.Summary.2. Post timing - section B MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.2. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION B --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000241 Post.Summary.3. Post timing - section C MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.3. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION C --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000242 Post.Summary.4. Post timing - section D MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.4. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION D --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000243 Post.Summary.5. Post timing - section E MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.5. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION E --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000244 Post.Summary.6. Post timing - section F MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.6. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION F --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000245 Post.Summary.7. Post timing - section G MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.7. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION G --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000246 Post.Summary.8. Post timing - section H MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.8. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION H --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 Section H administered in Pre; No Post IW ============================== M000247 Post.Summary.9. Post timing - section J MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.9. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION J --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000248 Post.Summary.10. Post timing - section K MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.10. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION K --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000249 Post.Summary.11. Post timing - section L MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.11. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION L --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000250 Post.Summary.12. Post timing - section M MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.12. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION M --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000251 Post.Summary.13. Post timing - section N MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.13. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION N --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000252 Post.Summary.14. Post timing - section P MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.14. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION P --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000253 Post.Summary.15. Post timing - section Q MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.15. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION Q --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000254 Post.Summary.16. Post timing - section R MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.16. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION R --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000255 Post.Summary.17. Post timing - section S MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.17. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION S --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000256 Post.Summary.18. Post timing - section T MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.18. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION T --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000257 Post.Summary.19. Post timing - section V MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.19. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION V --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000258 Post.Summary.20. Post timing - section Y MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.20. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION Y --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000259 Post.Summary.21. Post timing - section Z MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 999.99 Numeric Post-Summary.21. POST SECTION TIMING - SECTION Z --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: section length is the amount of lapsed time between the beginning and ending of the section as recorded by the instrument application, and may be affected by suspension of interview, power failure, application failure, R digressions and interruptions etc. Number of minutes (2 decimal places) is coded, except: 999.99 NA 000.00 No Post IW ============================== M000260 Post.Summary.22. Wrong CD admin(preload) MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Summary.22. POST: Wrong CD administered (preloaded)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: 3 cases (case IDs 900,1016,1114) were misidentified in the preload as PA cases but were actually conducted in New Jersey; the actual CD for the NJ location is not determined. Variables for survey questions which were administered according to Preload information are unchanged (affected cases not set to missing data). State and CD variables (e.g. P000079, P000080 etc.) are set to missing data but sampling variables associated with segment are correct for the actual segment location (if FTF mode). 0. No misidentification of CD 1. Wrong CD identified (administered) 9. No Post IW ============================== M000261 Post.Summary.23. Type error in preload MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Summary.23. POST: Type of error in preload --------------------------------------------------------------------- Code 1 corresponds to 3 cases in WV where Senate type race was misidentified as type race 12 instead of type race 19 (note: 1 additional case in WV had correct Senate type race preloaded). For the 3 cases coded 1, the preload information for the Senate Independent/3rd party candidate was not preloaded. 0. No error in Preload 1. Wrong Senate type race preloaded (WV, 3 cases) 2. Wrong CD (1 in Post-Summary.22) 9. No Post IW ============================== M000262 Post.Summary.24. Flag-Post rand failure MD: EQ 9 Numeric Post-Summary.24. POST: Flag - randomization failure in Post admin --------------------------------------------------------------------- On 11/16/00 it was discovered that the survey instrument program had an error in setting randomization. Interviews --or, for some interviews administered over several days, portions of interviews --that were conducted prior to the correction of this error (in the 2nd VQ released on 11/16/00) were not administered with correctly functioning randomization. All cases administered prior to the correction of this error were administered as if only one choice in the randomization were available (in almost all cases, an identical choice). The randomization variables documented in P001752-P001810 describe the types of randomizations affected. 0. No randomization failure 1. Post randomization failure in at least a portion of the interview 9. No Post IW ============================== M000301 A1. Attention R paid to campaigns MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A1. Some people don't pay much attention to political campaigns. How about you? Would you say that you have been very much interested, somewhat interested or not much interested in the political campaigns so far this year? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY MUCH INTERESTED 3. SOMEWHAT INTERESTED 5. NOT MUCH INTERESTED 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000302 A2. Does R care about Pres election MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A2. Generally speaking, would you say that you personally care a good deal who wins the presidential election this fall, or that you don't care very much who wins? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CARE A GOOD DEAL 3. DON'T CARE VERY MUCH 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000303 A3. Did R vote in 1996 election MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A3. In 1996 Bill Clinton ran on the Democratic ticket against Bob Dole for the Republicans, and Ross Perot as an independent candidate. Do you remember for sure whether or not you voted in that election? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK' RESPONSE] 1. YES, VOTED 5. NO, DIDN'T VOTE --> SKIP TO A4/A5 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP A4/A5 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000304 A3a. Who did R vote for in 1996 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A3a. IF R VOTED FOR PRESIDENT IN 1996: Which one did you vote for? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK' RESPONSE] 1. BILL CLINTON 3. BOB DOLE 5. ROSS PEROT 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,5,8,9 in A3 ============================== M000305 A4a. Does R like anything about Gore MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A4a. Is there anything in particular about Vice President Al Gore that might make you want to vote for him? --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of the A4 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about Gore) and the A5 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about GW Bush) was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO A4c 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO A4c 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000306 A4b(1). #1 detail about Gore R likes MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9995 Numeric A4b(1). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR GORE: Is there anything in particular about Vice President Al Gore that might make you want to vote for him? (What is that?) MENTION 1 - GORE 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 9001. R has been influenced by spouse 9002. R has been influenced by someone else 9995. NA 9998. DK 9999. Refused to say 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A4a ============================== M000307 A4b(2). #2 detail about Gore R likes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4b(2). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR GORE: Is there anything in particular about Vice President Al Gore that might make you want to vote for him? (What is that?) MENTION 2 - GORE 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A4a; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A4b(1); no further mentions ============================== M000308 A4b(3). #3 detail about Gore R likes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4b(3). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR GORE: Is there anything in particular about Vice President Al Gore that might make you want to vote for him? (What is that?) MENTION 3 - GORE 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A4a; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A4b(1); no further mentions ============================== M000309 A4b(4). #4 detail about Gore R likes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4b(4). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR GORE: Is there anything in particular about Vice President Al Gore that might make you want to vote for him? (What is that?) MENTION 4 - GORE 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A4a; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A4b(1); no further mentions ============================== M000310 A4b(5). #5 detail about Gore R likes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4b(5). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR GORE: Is there anything in particular about Vice President Al Gore that might make you want to vote for him? (What is that?) MENTION 5 - GORE 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A4a; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A4b(1); no further mentions ============================== M000311 A4c. Does R dislike anything about Gore MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A4c. Is there anything in particular about Al Gore that might make you want to vote against him? --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of the A4 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about Gore) and the A5 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about GW Bush) was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. Yes 5. No --> A5a Or A6 8. Don't Know --> A5a Or A6 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000312 A4d(1). #1 detail about Gore R dislikes MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9001 Numeric A4d(1). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST GORE: Is there anything in particular about Al Gore that might make you want to vote against him? (What is that?) MENTION 1 - GORE 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 9001. R has been influenced by spouse 9002. R has been influenced by someone else 9995. NA 9998. DK 9999. Refused to say 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A4c ============================== M000313 A4d(2). #2 detail about Gore R dislikes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4d(2). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST GORE: Is there anything in particular about Al Gore that might make you want to vote against him? (What is that?) MENTION 2 - GORE 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A4c; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A4d(1); no further mentions ============================== M000314 A4d(3). #3 detail about Gore R dislikes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4d(3). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST GORE: Is there anything in particular about Al Gore that might make you want to vote against him? (What is that?) MENTION 3 - GORE 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A4c; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A4d(1); no further mentions ============================== M000315 A4d(4). #4 detail about Gore R dislikes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4d(4). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST GORE: Is there anything in particular about Al Gore that might make you want to vote against him? (What is that?) MENTION 4 - GORE 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A4c; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A4d(1); no further mentions ============================== M000316 A4d(5). #5 detail about Gore R dislikes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4d(5). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST GORE: Is there anything in particular about Al Gore that might make you want to vote against him? (What is that?) MENTION 5 - GORE 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A4c; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A4d(1); no further mentions ============================== M000317 A5a. Does R like anything about Bush MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A5a. Is there anything in particular about Texas Governor George W. Bush that might make you want to vote for him? --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of the A4 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about Gore) and the A5 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about GW Bush) was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO A5c 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO A5c 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000318 A5b(1). #1 detail about Bush R likes MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9001 Numeric A5b(1). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR BUSH: Is there anything in particular about Texas Governor George W. Bush that might make you want to vote for him? (What is that?) MENTION 1 - GW BUSH 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 9001. R has been influenced by spouse 9002. R has been influenced by someone else 9995. NA 9998. DK 9999. Refused to say 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A5a ============================== M000319 A5b(2). #2 detail about Bush R likes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A5b(2). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR BUSH: Is there anything in particular about Texas Governor George W. Bush that might make you want to vote for him? (What is that?) MENTION 2 - GW BUSH 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A5a; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A5b(1); no further mentions ============================== M000320 A5b(3). #3 detail about Bush R likes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A5b(3). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR BUSH: Is there anything in particular about Texas Governor George W. Bush that might make you want to vote for him? (What is that?) MENTION 3 - GW BUSH 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A5a; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A5b(1); no further mentions ============================== M000321 A5b(4). #4 detail about Bush R likes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A5b(4). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR BUSH: Is there anything in particular about Texas Governor George W. Bush that might make you want to vote for him? (What is that?) MENTION 4 - GW BUSH 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A5a; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A5b(1); no further mentions ============================== M000322 A5b(5). #5 detail about Bush R likes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A5b(5). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE FOR BUSH: Is there anything in particular about Texas Governor George W. Bush that might make you want to vote for him? (What is that?) MENTION 5 - GW BUSH 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A5a; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A5b(1); no further mentions ============================== M000323 A5c. Does R dislike anything about Bush MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A5c. Is there anything in particular about George W. Bush that might make you want to vote against him? --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of the A4 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about Gore) and the A5 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about GW Bush) was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO A4a or A6 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO A4a or A6 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000324 A5d(1). #1 detail about Bush R dislikes MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9001 Numeric A5d(1). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST BUSH: Is there anything in particular about George W. Bush that might make you want to vote against him? (What is that?) MENTION 1 - GW BUSH 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 9001. R has been influenced by spouse 9002. R has been influenced by someone else 9995. NA 9998. DK 9999. Refused to say 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A5c ============================== M000325 A5d(2). #2 detail about Bush R dislikes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A5d(2). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST BUSH: Is there anything in particular about George W. Bush that might make you want to vote against him? (What is that?) MENTION 2 - GW BUSH 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A5c; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A5d(1); no further mentions ============================== M000326 A5d(3). #3 detail about Bush R dislikes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A5d(3). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST BUSH: Is there anything in particular about George W. Bush that might make you want to vote against him? (What is that?) MENTION 3 - GW BUSH 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A5c; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A5d(1); no further mentions ============================== M000327 A5d(4). #4 detail about Bush R dislikes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A5d(4). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST BUSH: Is there anything in particular about George W. Bush that might make you want to vote against him? (What is that?) MENTION 4 - GW BUSH 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A5c; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A5d(1); no further mentions ============================== M000328 A5d(5). #5 detail about Bush R dislikes MD: EQ 0 Numeric A5d(5). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING THAT WOULD MAKE R VOTE AGAINST BUSH: Is there anything in particular about George W. Bush that might make you want to vote against him? (What is that?) MENTION 5 - GW BUSH 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE? UNTIL R SAYS NO] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in A5c; 9001,9002,9995,9998,9999 in A5d(1); no further mentions ============================== M000329 A6. Number of days R watched nat'l news MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric A6. How many days in the past week did you watch the national network news on TV? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. NONE --> SKIP TO A7 1. ONE DAY 2. TWO DAYS 3. THREE DAYS 4. FOUR DAYS 5. FIVE DAYS 6. SIX DAYS 7. EVERY DAY 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF; NA ============================== M000330 A6a/A6a.T. Attention to national news MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A6a/A6a.T. IF R WATCHED NATIONAL NETWORK TV NEWS IN PAST WEEK: FTF: Please look at page 1 of the booklet. How much attention do you pay to news on national news shows about the campaign for President -- a great deal, quite a bit, some, very little, or none? TELEPHONE: How much attention do you pay to news on national news shows about the campaign for President -- a great deal, quite a bit, some, very little, or none? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL 2. QUITE A BIT 3. SOME 4. VERY LITTLE 5. NONE 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,8,9 in A6 ============================== M000331 A7. Days R watched early local news MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric A7. How many days in the past week did you watch the local TV news shows such as "Eyewitness News" or "Action News" in the late afternoon or early-evening? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. NONE 1. ONE DAY 2. TWO DAYS 3. THREE DAYS 4. FOUR DAYS 5. FIVE DAYS 6. SIX DAYS 7. EVERY DAY ============================== M000332 A8. Days R watched late local news MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric A8. How many days in the past week did you watch the local TV news shows in the late evening? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. NONE 1. ONE DAY 2. TWO DAYS 3. THREE DAYS 4. FOUR DAYS 5. FIVE DAYS 6. SIX DAYS 7. EVERY DAY 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF; NA ============================== M000333 A8a/A8a.T. Attention to local news MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A8a/A8a.T. IF NUMBER OF DAYS WATCHED IS NOT 0 FOR BOTH EARLY AND LATE LOCAL NEWS: FTF: Please look at page 1 of the booklet. How much attention do you pay to news on local news shows about the campaign for President -- a great deal, quite a bit, some, very little, or none? TELEPHONE: How much attention do you pay to news on local news shows about the campaign for President -- a great deal, quite a bit, some, very little, or none? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL 2. QUITE A BIT 3. SOME 4. VERY LITTLE 5. NONE 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,8,9 in A7 and A8 ============================== M000334 A9. Does R have cable or satellite tv MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A9. Do you have either cable or satellite television? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 5. No 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000335 A10. Days R read a daily newspaper MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric A10. How many days in the past week did you read a daily newspaper? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. NONE --> SKIP TO A11 1. ONE DAY 2. TWO DAYS 3. THREE DAYS 4. FOUR DAYS 5. FIVE DAYS 6. SIX DAYS 7. EVERY DAY 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF; NA ============================== M000336 A10a. Did R read about campaign in paper MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A10a. IF R READ/DK IF READ NEWSPAPER ANY DAYS IN PAST WEEK: Did you read about the campaign in any newspaper? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO A11 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO A11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,8,9 in A10 ============================== M000337 A10b/A10b.T. Attention to newspaper articles MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A10b/A10b.T. IF R READ/DK IF READ NEWSPAPER ANY DAYS IN PAST WEEK: IF R READ ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN: FTF: (Please look at page 1 of the booklet.) How much attention do you pay to newspaper articles about the campaign for President -- a great deal, quite a bit, some, very little, or none? TELEPHONE: How much attention do you pay to newspaper articles about the campaign for President -- a great deal, quite a bit, some, very little, or none? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL 2. QUITE A BIT 3. SOME 4. VERY LITTLE 5. NONE 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,5,8,9 in A10a ============================== M000338 A11. Did R see ads for candidates on tv MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A11. Do you recall seeing any ads for political candidates on television this fall? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yes 5. No 8. Don't Know 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000339 A12. Approve/disappr Clinton job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A12. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling his job as president? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. APPROVE 5. DISAPPROVE 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO B1 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000340 A12a. Strength of approval/disapproval of Clinton MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A12a. IF R APPROVES CLINTON HANDLING JOB AS PRESIDENT/ IF R DISAPPROVES CLINTON HANDLING JOB AS PRESIDENT: Strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,0 in A12 ============================== M000341 A12x. Summary app/disapp Clinton job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A12x. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling his job as president? Strongly or not strongly? SUMMARY: APPROVAL/ DISAPPROVAL OF CLINTON JOB AS PRESIDENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from A12 and A12a. 1. Approve strongly 2. Approve not strongly 4. Disapprove not strongly 5. Disapprove strongly 8. DK (in A12 or A12a) 9. RF (in A12 or A12b) 0. NA ============================== M000342 B1. Did R care about House election MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B1. As you know, representatives to Congress in Washington are being chosen in this election from congressional districts all around the country. How much would you say that you personally care about the way the election to the U.S. House of Representatives comes out: do you care very much, pretty much, not very much or not at all? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY MUCH 2. PRETTY MUCH 3. NOT VERY MUCH 4. NOT AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000343 B2. Does R remember names of House cands MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B2. Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO B3 8. DK --> SKIP TO B3 9. RF 0. NA; Washington D.C. ============================== M000344 B2a. #1 recalled name, House cand MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric B2a. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? 1ST RECALLED NAME - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANY OTHERS?] ** codes 30,38,39 used only if name appears on candidate list (if name not on candidate list, code 97 is used) 30. Third party or independent House candidate --nonincumbent ** 31. Democratic candidate in open House race 32. Republican candidate in open House race 33. Democratic House incumbent 34. Republican House incumbent 35. Democratic House challenger 36. Republican House challenger 38. Third party or independent House candidate--2nd nonincumbent ** 39. Third party or independent House candidate--incumbent 97. Name not on candidate list for this race 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; Inap, R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C. ============================== M000345 B2a1. #1 recall party, House cand MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B2a1. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? What is [NAME'S] party? 1ST RECALLED NAME - RECALLED PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democrat 2. Republican 7. Other Party (specify) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; Inap, R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C. ============================== M000346 B2ax1. #1 House cand recall-actual party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B2ax1. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? 1ST RECALLED NAME - ACTUAL PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democratic candidate (31,33,35) 2. Republican candidate (32,34,36) 3. Other (30,39) 7. Name given not on candidate list (97) 8. DK name but know party 9. DK name and DK/NA party; NA; RF 0. INAP, 5,8,9,0 in B2 ============================== M000347 B2ax2. #1 House cand recall- accuracy MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric B2ax2. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? What is [NAME'S] party? 1ST RECALLED NAME - ACCURACY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2. Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3. Valid candidate name given, DK or NA for party associated with name 4. Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5. Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA for party associated with name 6. No candidate name given (DK or NA) -- any party mention 7. No candidate name given (DK) -- DK or NA for party 9. NA for candidate name and NA for party mention 0. Inap, 5,8,9,0 in B2 ============================== M000348 B2b. #2 recalled name, House cand MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric B2b. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? 2ND RECALLED NAME - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANY OTHERS?] ** codes 30,38,39 used only if name appears on candidate list (if name not on candidate list, code 97 is used) 30. Third party or independent House candidate --nonincumbent ** 31. Democratic candidate in open House race 32. Republican candidate in open House race 33. Democratic House incumbent 34. Republican House incumbent 35. Democratic House challenger 36. Republican House challenger 38. Third party or independent House candidate--2nd nonincumbent ** 39. Third party or independent House candidate--incumbent 97. Name not on candidate list or this race 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; Inap, R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C.; no further mention ============================== M000349 B2b1. #2 recall party, House cand MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B2b1. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? What is [NAME'S] party? 2ND RECALLED NAME - RECALLED PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democrat 2. Republican 7. Other Party (specify) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; Inap, R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C.; no further mention ============================== M000350 B2bx1. #2 House cand recall-actual party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B2bx1. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? 2ND RECALLED NAME - ACTUAL PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democratic candidate (31,33,35) 2. Republican candidate (32,34,36) 3. Other (30,39) 7. Name given not on candidate list (97) 8. DK name but know party 9. DK name and DK/NA party; NA; RF 0. INAP, 5,8,9,0 in B2; no further mention ============================== M000351 B2bx2. #2 House cand recall- accuracy MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric B2bx2. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? What is [NAME'S] party? 2ND RECALLED NAME - ACCCURACY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2. Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3. Valid candidate name given, DK or NA for party associated with name 4. Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5. Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA for party associated with name 6. No candidate name given (DK or NA) -- any party mention 7. No candidate name given (DK) -- DK or NA for party 9. NA for candidate name and NA for party mention 0. Inap, 5,8,9,0 in B2; no further mention ============================== M000352 B2c. #3 recalled name, House cand MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric B2c. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? 3RD RECALLED NAME - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANY OTHERS?] ** codes 30,38,39 used only if name appears on candidate list (if name not on candidate list, code 97 is used) 30. Third party or independent House candidate --nonincumbent ** 31. Democratic candidate in open House race 32. Republican candidate in open House race 33. Democratic House incumbent 34. Republican House incumbent 35. Democratic House challenger 36. Republican House challenger 38. Third party or independent House candidate--2nd nonincumbent ** 39. Third party or independent House candidate--incumbent 97. Name not on candidate list for this race 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; Inap, R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C.; no further mention ============================== M000353 B2c1. #3 recall party, House cand MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B2c1. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? What is [NAME'S] party? 3RD RECALLED NAME - RECALLED PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democrat 2. Republican 7. Other Party (specify) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; Inap, R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C.; no further mention ============================== M000354 B2cx1. #3 House cand recall-actual party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B2cx1. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? 3RD RECALLED NAME - ACTUAL PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democratic candidate (31,33,35) 2. Republican candidate (32,34,36) 3. Other (30,39) 7. Name given not on candidate list (97) 8. DK name but know party 9. DK name and DK/NA party; NA; RF 0. INAP, 5,8,9,0 in B2; no further mention ============================== M000355 B2cx2. #3 House cand recall-accuracy MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric B2cx2. IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who are running in the November election from this district? Who are they? What is [NAME'S] party? 3RD RECALLED NAME - ACCURACY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2. Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3. Valid candidate name given, DK or NA for party associated with name 4. Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5. Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA for party associated with name 6. No candidate name given (DK or NA) -- any party mention 7. No candidate name given (DK) -- DK or NA for party 9. NA for candidate name and NA for party mention 0. Inap, 5,8,9,0 in B2; no further mention ============================== M000356 B3. Congress job approve/dissapr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the U.S. Congress has been handling its job? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. APPROVE 5. DISAPPROVE 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO C1 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000357 B3a. Strength of approval/disapproval of Cong MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B3a. IF R APPROVES U.S. CONGRESS HANDLING ITS JOB/ IF R DISAPPROVES U.S. CONGRESS HANDLING ITS JOB: (Do you approve or disapprove of the way the U.S. Congress has been handling its job?) Strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,0 in B3 ============================== M000358 B3x. Summary R approval of US Congress MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B3x. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the U.S. Congress has been handling its job? Strongly or not strongly? SUMMARY: R APPROVAL OF U.S. CONGRESS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from B3 and B3a. 1. Approve strongly 2. Approve not strongly 4. Disapprove not strongly 5. Disapprove not strongly 8. DK (in B3 or B3a) 9. RF (in B3 or B3a) 0. NA ============================== M000359 C1a/C1a.T. Thermometer Bill Clinton MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C1a/C1a.T. FTF: (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate:) Bill Clinton TELEPHONE: The first person is: Bill Clinton Where on that feeling thermometer would you rate Bill Clinton? THERMOMETER - BILL CLINTON --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE FOR DON'T KNOW RESPONSE: WHEN YOU SAY DON'T KNOW DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE PERSON IS OR DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND?] After C1a was administered as the first name, C1b-C1e were administered in random order as the 2nd-5th names; C1f and C1g were randomly administered as the 6th or 7th names; C1h-C1j were randomly adminstered as the 8th or 9th names. C1k was administerd as the last (10th) name. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000360 C1b/C1b.T. Thermometer Gore MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C1b/C1b.T. FTF: (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate:) Al Gore TELEPHONE: The next person is: Al Gore (Where on that feeling thermometer would you rate him?) THERMOMETER - AL GORE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE FOR DON'T KNOW RESPONSE: WHEN YOU SAY DON'T KNOW DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE PERSON IS OR DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND?] After C1a was administered as the first name, C1b-C1e were administered in random order as the 2nd-5th names; C1f and C1g were randomly administered as the 6th or 7th names; C1h-C1j were randomly adminstered as the 8th or 9th names. C1k was administerd as the last (10th) name. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000361 C1c/C1c.T. Thermometer George W Bush MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C1c/C1c.T. FTF: (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate:) George W. Bush TELEPHONE: The next person is: George W. Bush (Where on that feeling thermometer would you rate him?) THERMOMETER - GEORGE W. BUSH --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE FOR DON'T KNOW RESPONSE: WHEN YOU SAY DON'T KNOW DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE PERSON IS OR DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND?] After C1a was administered as the first name, C1b-C1e were administered in random order as the 2nd-5th names; C1f and C1g were randomly administered as the 6th or 7th names; C1h-C1j were randomly adminstered as the 8th or 9th names. C1k was administerd as the last (10th) name. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000362 C1d/C1d.T. Thermometer Buchanan MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C1d/C1d.T. FTF: (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate:) Pat Buchanan TELEPHONE: The next person is: Pat Buchanan (Where on that feeling thermometer would you rate him THERMOMETER - PAT BUCHANAN --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE FOR DON'T KNOW RESPONSE: WHEN YOU SAY DON'T KNOW DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE PERSON IS OR DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND?] After C1a was administered as the first name, C1b-C1e were administered in random order as the 2nd-5th names; C1f and C1g were randomly administered as the 6th or 7th names; C1h-C1j were randomly adminstered as the 8th or 9th names. C1k was administerd as the last (10th) name. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000363 C1e/C1e.T. Thermometer Nader MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C1e/C1e.T. FTF: (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate:) Ralph Nader TELEPHONE: The next person is: Ralph Nader (Where on that feeling thermometer would you rate him?) THERMOMETER - RALPH NADER --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE FOR DON'T KNOW RESPONSE: WHEN YOU SAY DON'T KNOW DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE PERSON IS OR DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND?] After C1a was administered as the first name, C1b-C1e were administered in random order as the 2nd-5th names; C1f and C1g were randomly administered as the 6th or 7th names; C1h-C1j were randomly adminstered as the 8th or 9th names. C1k was administerd as the last (10th) name. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000364 C1f/C1f.T. Thermometer Mccain MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C1f/C1f.T. FTF: (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate:) John McCain TELEPHONE: The next person is: John McCain (Where on that feeling thermometer would you rate him? THERMOMETER - JOHN MCCAIN --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE FOR DON'T KNOW RESPONSE: WHEN YOU SAY DON'T KNOW DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE PERSON IS OR DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND?] After C1a was administered as the first name, C1b-C1e were administered in random order as the 2nd-5th names; C1f and C1g were randomly administered as the 6th or 7th names; C1h-C1j were randomly adminstered as the 8th or 9th names. C1k was administerd as the last (10th) name. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000365 C1g/C1g.T. Thermometer Bradley MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C1g/C1g.T. FTF: (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate:) Bill Bradley TELEPHONE: The next person is: Bill Bradley (Where on that feeling thermometer would you rate him?) THERMOMETER - BILL BRADLEY --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE FOR DON'T KNOW RESPONSE: WHEN YOU SAY DON'T KNOW DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE PERSON IS OR DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND?] After C1a was administered as the first name, C1b-C1e were administered in random order as the 2nd-5th names; C1f and C1g were randomly administered as the 6th or 7th names; C1h-C1j were randomly adminstered as the 8th or 9th names. C1k was administerd as the last (10th) name. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000366 C1h/C1h.T. Thermometer Lieberman MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C1h/C1h.T. FTF: (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate:) Joseph Lieberman TELEPHONE: The next person is:: Joseph Lieberman (Where on that feeling thermometer would you rate him?) THERMOMETER - JOSEPH LIEBERMAN --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE FOR DON'T KNOW RESPONSE: WHEN YOU SAY DON'T KNOW DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE PERSON IS OR DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND?] After C1a was administered as the first name, C1b-C1e were administered in random order as the 2nd-5th names; C1f and C1g were randomly administered as the 6th or 7th names; C1h-C1j were randomly adminstered as the 8th or 9th names. C1k was administerd as the last (10th) name. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000367 C1j/C1j.T. Thermometer Cheney MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C1j/C1j.T. FTF: (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate:) Dick Cheney TELEPHONE: The next person is:: Dick Cheney (Where on that feeling thermometer would you rate him?) THERMOMETER - DICK CHENEY --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE FOR DON'T KNOW RESPONSE: WHEN YOU SAY DON'T KNOW DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE PERSON IS OR DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND?] After C1a was administered as the first name, C1b-C1e were administered in random order as the 2nd-5th names; C1f and C1g were randomly administered as the 6th or 7th names; C1h-C1j were randomly adminstered as the 8th or 9th names. C1k was administerd as the last (10th) name. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000368 C1k/C1k.T. Thermometer Hillary Clinton MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C1k/C1k.T. FTF: (Looking at page 2 of the booklet) (How would you rate:) Hillary Clinton TELEPHONE: The next person is:: Hillary Clinton (Where on that feeling thermometer would you rate her?) THERMOMETER - HILLARY CLINTON --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE FOR DON'T KNOW RESPONSE: WHEN YOU SAY DON'T KNOW DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THE PERSON IS OR DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND?] After C1a was administered as the first name, C1b-C1e were administered in random order as the 2nd-5th names; C1f and C1g were randomly administered as the 6th or 7th names; C1h-C1j were randomly adminstered as the 8th or 9th names. C1k was administerd as the last (10th) name. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ............................................................................ C2. Still using the thermometer: ============================== M000369 C2a. Thermometer Dem Party MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C2a. (How would you rate:) the Democratic Party THERMOMETER - DEMOCRATIC PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- C2a, C2b, C2c were administered in random order; C2d was administered last. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000370 C2b. Thermometer Rep Party MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C2b. (How would you rate:) the Republican Party THERMOMETER - REPUBLICAN PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- C2a, C2b, C2c were administered in random order; C2d was administered last. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000371 C2c. Thermometer Reform Party MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C2c. (How would you rate:) Reform Party THERMOMETER - REFORM PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- C2a, C2b, C2c were administered in random order; C2d was administered last. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ============================== M000372 C2d. Thermometer parties in general MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric C2d. (How would you rate:) Political parties in general THERMOMETER - POLITICAL PARTIES IN GENERAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- C2a, C2b, C2c were administered in random order; C2d was administered last. 0-100 995. NA 997. DON'T RECOGNIZE 998. DK WHERE TO RATE 999. RF ............................................................................ D0. I'd like to ask you what you think are the good and bad points about the two national parties. ============================== M000373 D1. Like anything- Dem Party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric D1. Is there anything in particular that you like about the Democratic party? --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of the D1/D2 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about Democratic Party) and the D3/D4 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about the Republican party) was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO D2 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO D2 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000374 D1a(1). #1 like Dem Party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9001 Numeric D1a(1). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you like about the Democratic party? (What is that?) MENTION 1 - DEMOCRATIC PARTY 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 9001. R has been influenced by spouse 9002. R has been influenced by someone else 9995. NA 9998. DK 9999. Refused to say 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D1 ============================== M000375 D1a(2). #2 like Dem Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D1a(2). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you like about the Democratic party? (What is that?) MENTION 2 - DEMOCRATIC PARTY 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D1; no further mentions ============================== M000376 D1a(3). #3 like Dem Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D1a(3). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you like about the Democratic party? (What is that?) MENTION 3 - DEMOCRATIC PARTY 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D1; no further mentions ============================== M000377 D1a(4). #4 like Dem Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D1a(4). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you like about the Democratic party? (What is that?) MENTION 4 - DEMOCRATIC PARTY 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D1; no further mentions ============================== M000378 D1a(5). #5 like Dem Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D1a(5). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you like about the Democratic party? (What is that?) MENTION 5 - DEMOCRATIC PARTY 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D1; no further mentions ============================== M000379 D2. Dislike anything- Dem Party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric D2. Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Democratic party? --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of the D1/D2 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about Democratic Party) and the D3/D4 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about the Republican party) was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO D3 or D5 ============================== M000380 D2a(1). #1 dislike Dem Party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9001 Numeric D2a(1). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Democratic party? (What is that?) MENTION 1 - DEMOCRATIC PARTY 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 9001. R has been influenced by spouse 9002. R has been influenced by someone else 9995. NA 9998. DK 9999. Refused to say 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D2 ============================== M000381 D2a(2). #2 dislike Dem Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D2a(2). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Democratic party? (What is that?) MENTION 2 - DEMOCRATIC PARTY 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D2; no further mentions ============================== M000382 D2a(3). #3 dislike Dem Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D2a(3). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Democratic party? (What is that?) MENTION 3 - DEMOCRATIC PARTY 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D2; no further mentions ============================== M000383 D2a(4). #4 dislike Dem Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D2a(4). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Democratic party? (What is that?) MENTION 4 - DEMOCRATIC PARTY 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D2; no further mentions ============================== M000384 D2a(5). #5 dislike Dem Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D2a(5). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT DEMOCRATIC PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Democratic party? (What is that?) MENTION 5 - DEMOCRATIC PARTY 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D2; no further mentions ============================== M000385 D3. Like anything- Rep Party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric D3. Is there anything in particular that you like about the Republican party? --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of the D1/D2 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about Democratic Party) and the D3/D4 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about the Republican party) was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO D4 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO D4 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000386 D3a(1). #1 like Rep Party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9001 Numeric D3a(1). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT REPUBLICAN PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you like about the Republican party? (What is that?) MENTION 1 - REPUBLICAN PARTY 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 9001. R has been influenced by spouse 9002. R has been influenced by someone else 9995. NA 9998. DK 9999. Refused to say 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D3 ============================== M000387 D3a(2). #2 like Rep Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D3a(2). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT REPUBLICAN PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you like about the Republican party? (What is that?) MENTION 2 - REPUBLICAN PARTY 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D3; no further mentions ============================== M000388 D3a(3). #3 like Rep Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D3a(3). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT REPUBLICAN PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you like about the Republican party? (What is that?) MENTION 3 - REPUBLICAN PARTY 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D3; no further mentions ============================== M000389 D3a(4). #4 like Rep Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D3a(4). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT REPUBLICAN PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you like about the Republican party? (What is that?) MENTION 4 - REPUBLICAN PARTY 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D3; no further mentions ============================== M000390 D3a(5). #5 like Rep Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D3a(5). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R LIKES ABOUT REPUBLICAN PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you like about the Republican party? (What is that?) MENTION 5 - REPUBLICAN PARTY 'LIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTHING ELSE YOU LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D3; no further mentions ============================== M000391 D4. Dislike anything- Rep Party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric D4. Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Republican party? --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of the D1/D2 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about Democratic Party) and the D3/D4 series ('likes' and 'dislikes' about the Republican party) was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO D1 or D5 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO D1 or D5 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000392 D4a(1). #1 dislike Rep Party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9001 Numeric D4a(1). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT REPUBLICAN PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Republican party? (What is that?) MENTION 1 - REPUBLICAN PARTY 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 9001. R has been influenced by spouse 9002. R has been influenced by someone else 9995. NA 9998. DK 9999. Refused to say 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D4 ============================== M000393 D4a(2). #2 dislike Rep Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D4a(2). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT REPUBLICAN PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Republican party? (What is that?) MENTION 2 - REPUBLICAN PARTY 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D4; no further mentions ============================== M000394 D4a(3). #3 dislike Rep Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D4a(3). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT REPUBLICAN PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Republican party? (What is that?) MENTION 3 - REPUBLICAN PARTY 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D4; no further mentions ============================== M000395 D4a(4). #4 dislike Rep Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D4a(4). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT REPUBLICAN PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Republican party? (What is that?) MENTION 4 - REPUBLICAN PARTY 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D4; no further mentions ============================== M000396 D4a(5). #5 dislike Rep Party MD: EQ 0 Numeric D4a(5). IF R SAYS THERE IS SOMETHING R DISLIKES ABOUT REPUBLICAN PARTY: Is there anything in particular that you don't like about the Republican party? (What is that?) MENTION 5 - REPUBLICAN PARTY 'DISLIKES' --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANYTING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? UNTIL R SAYS NO.] See PARTY-CANDIDATE MASTER CODE. Codes 1-1304 and: 8999. Other miscellaneous 0000. Inap 5,8,9,0 in D4; no further mentions ============================== M000397 D5. Preference for divided government MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric D5. Do you think it is better when one party controls both the presidency and Congress, better when control is split between the Democrats and Republicans, or doesn't it matter? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. BETTER WHEN ONE PARTY CONTROLS BOTH 3. BETTER WHEN CONTROL IS SPLIT 5. IT DOESN'T MATTER 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000398 E1/E1.T. Better/worse off in last year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric E1/E1.T. FTF: We are interested in how people are getting along financially these days. Would you say that you (and your family living here) are better off, worse off, or just about the same financially as you were a year ago? TELEPHONE: We are interested in how people are getting along financially these days. Would you say that you (and your family) are better off, worse off, or just about the same financially as you were a year ago? --------------------------------------------------------------------- A half-sample of respondents was randomly selected for administration of the E section. 1. BETTER 3. WORSE --> Skip to E1b 5. THE SAME --> Skip to E2 8. DK --> Skip to E2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R not selected for half-sample ============================== M000399 E1a. How much better off- last year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric E1a. IF R'S FAMILY HAS BEEN BETTER OFF IN LAST YEAR: Much better or somewhat better? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Much Better --> E2 5. Somewhat Better --> E2 8. DK --> E2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in E1/E1.T ============================== M000400 E1b. How much worse off- last year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric E1b. IF R'S FAMILY HAS BEEN WORSE OFF IN LAST YEAR: Much worse or somewhat worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Much Worse 5. Somewhat Worse 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in E1/E1.T ============================== M000401 E1x. Summary R econ situation last year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric E1x. Would you say that you (and your family [FTF: living here]) are better off, worse off, or just about the same financially as you were a year ago? Much better/worse or somewhat better/worse? SUMMARY - R FINANCIAL SITUATION IN PAST YEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from E1/E1.T and E1a/E1b. 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. Same 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 8. DK (in E1 or E1a/E1b) 9. RF (in E1 or E1a/E1b) 0. NA; INAP, R not selected for half-sample ============================== M000402 E2/E2.T. Did R delay med/dent treatment MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric E2/E2.T. FTF: In the past year did you (or anyone in your family living here) put off medical or dental treatment because you didn't have the money? TELEPHONE: In the past year did you (or anyone in your family) put off medical or dental treatment because you didn't have the money? --------------------------------------------------------------------- A half-sample of respondents was randomly selected for administration of the E section. 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R not selected for half-sample ============================== M000403 E3/E3.T. Expect better/worse in next year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric E3/E3.T. FTF: Now looking ahead, do you think that a year from now you (and your family living here) will be better off financially, worse off, or just about the same as now? TELEPHONE: Now looking ahead, do you think that a year from now you (and your family) will be better off financially, worse off, or just about the same as now? --------------------------------------------------------------------- A half-sample of respondents was randomly selected for administration of the E section. 1. BETTER 3. WORSE --> Skip to E3B 5. THE SAME --> Skip to F1 8. DK --> Skip to F1 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R not selected for half-sample ============================== M000404 E3a. How much better off- next year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric E3a. IF R THINKS FAMILY WILL BE BETTER OFF A YEAR FROM NOW: Much better off or somewhat better off? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH BETTER --> SKIP to F1 5. SOMEWHAT BETTER --> SKIP to F1 8. DK --> SKIP to F1 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in E3/E3.T ============================== M000405 E3b. How much worse off- next year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric E3b. IF R THINKS FAMILY WILL BE WORSE OFF A YEAR FROM NOW: Much worse off or somewhat worse off? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH WORSE 5. SOMEWHAT WORSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in E3/E3.T ============================== M000406 E3x. Summary R econ situation next year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric E3x. Now looking ahead, do you think that a year from now you (and your family [FTF: living here]) will be better off financially, worse off, or just about the same as now? Much better/worse off or somewhat better/worse off? SUMMARY: R FINANCIAL SITUATION IN NEXT YEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from E3 and E3a/b. 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. Just about the same 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 8. DK (in E3 or E3a/E3b) 9. RF (in E 3 or E3a/E3b) 0. NA; INAP, R not selected for half sample ============================== M000407 F1a. Angry- Gore affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F1a. (Think about Al Gore.) Has Al Gore (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done) -- ever made you feel: ANGRY --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series , and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP to next F1 in randomization 8. DK --> SKIP to next F1 in randomization 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000408 F1aa. Angry- how often Gore affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F1aa. IF R SAYS GORE HAS MADE R FEEL ANGRY: How often would you say you've felt angry -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very often 2. Fairly often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely ============================== M000409 F1b. Hopeful- Gore affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F1b. (Think about Al Gore.) Has Al Gore (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done) -- ever made you feel: HOPEFUL --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series, and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP to next F1 in randomization 8. DK --> SKIP to next F1 in randomization 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000410 F1bb. Hopeful- how often Gore affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F1bb. IF R SAYS GORE HAS MADE R FEEL HOPEFUL: How often would you say you've felt hopeful -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very often 2. Fairly often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in F1b ============================== M000411 F1c. Afraid- Gore affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F1c. (Think about Al Gore.) Has Al Gore (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done) -- ever made you feel: AFRAID --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series, and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. Yes 5. No --> Next F1 In Randomization 8. DK --> Next F1 In Randomization 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000412 F1cc. Afraid- how often Gore affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F1cc. IF R SAYS GORE HAS MADE R FEEL AFRAID: How often would you say you've felt afraid -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very Often 2. Fairly Often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in F1c ============================== M000413 F1d. Proud- Gore affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F1d. (Think about Al Gore.) Has Al Gore (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done) -- ever made you feel: PROUD --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series, and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP to next F1 in randomization 8. DK --> SKIP to next F1 in randomization 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000414 F1dd. Proud- how often Gore affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F1dd. IF R SAYS GORE HAS MADE R FEEL PROUD: How often would you say you've felt proud -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very Often 2. Fairly Often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in F1d ============================== M000415 F2a. Angry- Bush affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F2a. (Think about George W. Bush.) Has George W. Bush (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done --) ever made you feel: ANGRY --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series, and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP to next F2 in randomization 8. DK --> SKIP to next F2 in randomization 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000416 F2aa. Angry- how often Bush affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F2aa. IF R SAYS GEORGE W. BUSH HAS MADE R ANGRY: How often would you say you've felt angry -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very often 2. Fairly often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in F2a ============================== M000417 F2b. Hopeful- Bush affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F2b. (Think about George W. Bush.) Has George W. Bush (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done --) ever made you feel: HOPEFUL --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series, and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP to next F2 in randomization ============================== M000418 F2bb. Hopeful- how often Bush affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F2bb. IF R SAYS GEORGE W. BUSH HAS MADE R HOPEFUL: How often would you say you've felt hopeful -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very often 2. Fairly often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in F26 ============================== M000419 F2c. Afraid- Bush affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F2c. (Think about George W. Bush.) Has George W. Bush (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done --) ever made you feel: AFRAID --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series, and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP to next F2 in randomization 8. DK --> SKIP to next F2 in randomization 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000420 F2cc. Afraid- how often Bush affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F2cc. IF R SAYS GEORGE W. BUSH HAS MADE R AFRAID: How often would you say you've felt afraid -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very often 2. Fairly often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in F2c ============================== M000421 F2d. Proud- Bush affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F2d. (Think about George W. Bush.) Has George W. Bush (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done --) ever made you feel: PROUD --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series, and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP to next F2 in randomization 8. DK --> SKIP to next F2 in randomization 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000422 F2dd. Proud- how often Bush affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F2dd. IF R SAYS GEORGE W. BUSH HAS MADE R PROUD: How often would you say you've felt proud -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very often 2. Fairly often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in F2d ============================== M000423 F3a. Angry- Buchanan affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F3a. (Think about Pat Buchanan.) Has Pat Buchanan (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done --) ever made you feel: ANGRY --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series, and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Buchanan affects were dropped during the field period (09/28/00). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. Yes 5. No --> Next F3 In Randomization 8. DK --> SKIP to next F3 in randomization 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, question dropped ============================== M000424 F3aa. Angry- how often Buchanan affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F3aa. IF R SAYS BUCHANAN HAS MADE R ANGRY: How often would you say you've felt angry -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very often 2. Fairly often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in F3a ============================== M000425 F3b. Hopeful- Buchanan affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F3b. (Think about Pat Buchanan.) Has Pat Buchanan (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done --) ever made you feel: HOPEFUL --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series, and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Buchanan affects were dropped during the field period (09/28/00). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. Yes 5. No --> Next F3 In Randomization 8. DK --> SKIP to next F3 in randomization 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, question dropped ============================== M000426 F3bb. Hopeful- how often Buchanan affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F3bb. IF R SAYS BUCHANAN HAS MADE R HOPEFUL: How often would you say you've felt hopeful -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very often 2. Fairly often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in F3b ============================== M000427 F3c. Afraid- Buchanan affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F3c. (Think about Pat Buchanan.) Has Pat Buchanan (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done --) ever made you feel: AFRAID --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series, and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Buchanan affects were dropped during the field period (09/28/00). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. Yes 5. No --> Next F3 In Randomization 8. DK --> SKIP to next F3 in randomization 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, question dropped ============================== M000428 F3cc. Afraid- how often Buchanan affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F3cc. IF R SAYS BUCHANAN HAS MADE R AFRAID: How often would you say you've felt afraid-- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very often 2. Fairly often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in F3c ============================== M000429 F3d. Proud- Buchanan affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F3d. (Think about Pat Buchanan.) Has Pat Buchanan (because of the kind of person he is, or because of something he has done --) ever made you feel: PROUD --------------------------------------------------------------------- The order of Presidential candidate affects series (Gore F1 series, GW Bush F2 series, and Buchanan F3 series) is randomized; for each candidate, the order of affects is also randomized. Buchanan affects were dropped during the field period (09/28/00). Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. Yes 5. No --> Next F3 In Randomization 8. DK --> SKIP to next F3 in randomization 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, question dropped ============================== M000430 F3dd. Proud- how often Buchanan affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F3dd. IF R SAYS BUCHANAN HAS MADE R PROUD: How often would you say you've felt proud -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Very often 2. Fairly often 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in F3d ============================== M000431 F6(1). #1 most important problem MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 991 Numeric F6(1). What do you think are the most important problems facing this country? MENTION 1 - MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANY OTHER IMPORTANT PROBLEMS FACING THE COUNTRY? UNTIL R SAYS NONE] A half sample of Rs were randomly selected for administration of the 'most important problem' questions F6-F7. See MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM master code. Codes 001-899 and: 990. Other specific mention not codeable elsewhere 991. "There were no issues"; "no issues, just party politics" 992. "There was no campaign in my district" 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. Inap, R not selected for half-sample administration (see Pre-Admin.2b, P000005b=0) ============================== M000432 F6(2). #2 most important problem MD: EQ 0 Numeric F6(2). What do you think are the most important problems facing this country? MENTION 2 - MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANY OTHER IMPORTANT PROBLEMS FACING THE COUNTRY? UNTIL R SAYS NONE] See MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM master code. Codes 001-899 and: 990. Other specific mention not codeable elsewhere 000. INAP, 000, 991-999 in F6(1); no further mention ============================== M000433 F6(3). #3 most important problem MD: EQ 0 Numeric F6(3). What do you think are the most important problems facing this country? MENTION 3 - MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANY OTHER IMPORTANT PROBLEMS FACING THE COUNTRY? UNTIL R SAYS NONE] See MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM master code. Codes 001-899 and: 990. Other specific mention not codeable elsewhere 000. INAP, 000, 991-999 in F6(1); no further mention ============================== M000434 F6(4). #4 most important problem MD: EQ 0 Numeric F6(4). What do you think are the most important problems facing this country? MENTION 4 - MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANY OTHER IMPORTANT PROBLEMS FACING THE COUNTRY? UNTIL R SAYS NONE] See MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM master code. Codes 001-899 and: 990. Other specific mention not codeable elsewhere 000. INAP, 000, 991-999 in F6(1); no further mention ============================== M000435 F6x. Checkpoint for # of mentions MD: EQ 9 Numeric F6x. CHECKPOINT: NUMBER OF IMPORTANT PROBLEMS MENTIONED BY R --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF UNSURE WHETHER ONE PROBLEM OR MORE THAN ONE PROBLEM, CODE MORE THAN 1.] A half sample of Rs were randomly selected for administration of the 'most important problem' questions F6-F7. 0. No problem mentioned (000, 991-999 in F6(1)) 1. One problem mentioned 2. Two or more problems mentioned 9. R not selected for administration of F6-F7 ============================== M000436 F7. Choice - most important problem MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 998 Numeric F7. IF R HAS MADE 2 OR MORE MENTIONS OF 'MOST IMPORTANT' PROBLEM: Of those you've mentioned, what would you say is the single most important problem the country faces? --------------------------------------------------------------------- A half sample of Rs were randomly selected for administration of the 'most important problem' questions F6-F7. See MOST IMPORTANT PROBLEM master code. If R mentioned only 1 problem, that mention is duplicated here. Codes 001-899 and: 990. Other specific mention not codeable elsewhere 998. DK 999. RF 000. Inap, R not selected for administration of F6-F7 (0 in F6x) ============================== M000437 F8. Gov't performance on most imp problem MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F8. IF R HAS MADE ANY MENTION OF 'MOST IMPORTANT' PROBLEM: How good a job is the government in Washington doing in dealing with this problem -- a good job, only fair, or a poor job? --------------------------------------------------------------------- A half-sample of respondents was randomly selected for administration of section F. 1. A GOOD JOB 3. ONLY FAIR 5. A POOR JOB 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R not selected for section F administration; 0,9 in F6x ============================== M000438 F9. Party performance on most imp problem MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric F9. IF R HAS MADE ANY MENTION OF 'MOST IMPORTANT' PROBLEM: Which political party do you think would be most likely to get the government to do a better job in dealing with this problem -- the Republicans, the Democrats, or wouldn't there be much difference between them? --------------------------------------------------------------------- A half-sample of respondents was randomly selected for administration of section F. 1. REPUBLICANS 3. DEMOCRATS 5. THERE WOULDN'T BE MUCH DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM 7. NEITHER PARTY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R not selected for section F administration; 0,9 in F6x ============================== M000439 G1a. Self placement lib-con scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G1a. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. FTF respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1-G5) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E). For the telephone version of the 7-point scale, see G1a.T; for FTF (and telephone) branching format, see G6.E (P000442). 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL --> Skip to G2 2. LIBERAL --> Skip to G2 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL --> Skip to G2 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD --> G1b 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE --> Skip to G2 6. CONSERVATIVE --> Skip to G2 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE --> Skip to G2 8. DK --> G1b 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode; R selected for branching version 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH [DO NOT PROBE] --> G1b ============================== M000439a G1a.T. Self placement lib-con scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G1a.T. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: TELEPHONE: When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal; moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, extremely conservative, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. Phone respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1.T-G5.T) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E). For the FTF version of the 7-point scale, see G1a; for telephone (and FTF) branching format, see G6.E (P000442) 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL --> Skip to G2 2. LIBERAL --> Skip to G2 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL --> Skip to G2 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD --> G1b 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE --> Skip to G2 6. CONSERVATIVE --> Skip to G2 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE --> Skip to G2 8. DK --> G1b 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode; R selected for branching version 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH [DO NOT PROBE] --> G1b ============================== M000440 G1ax. Summary: combined FTF/ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G1ax. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE: When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal; moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, extremely conservative, or haven't you thought much about this? COMBINED FTF/PHONE 7PT-SCALE LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE SELF-PLACEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G1a and G1a.T. 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, R selected for branching version 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH [DO NOT PROBE] ============================== M000441 G1b. Had to choose lib-con self-placemt MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G1b. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF SELF-PLACEMENT IS MODERATE, DK OR HAVEN'T THOUGHT: If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. LIBERAL 3. CONSERVATIVE 5. MODERATE 7. R REFUSES TO CHOOSE 8. DK 0. NA; INAP, 1-3, 5-7 or RF/NA in G1a or G1a.T; R selected for branching version ============================== M000441a G1bx. Summary: comb FTF/phone-lib-con MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G1bx. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? TELEPHONE: When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal; moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, extremely conservative, or haven't you thought much about this? If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? SUMMARY: 3-CATEGORY LIB-CON SELF-PLACEMENT FROM 7PT-SCALE SERIES: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G1ax and G1b. This is the traditional summary used in 7-pt scale FTF administration in previous years. Recode values used for each category appear in the order: G1a,G1b. 1. Liberal (1/2/3,0; 0/4/8,1) 3. Moderate (0/4/8,5; 4,7/8/9/NA) 5. Conservative (5/6/7,0; 0/4/8,3) 7. Refused to choose (0/8,7) 8. DK (0/8,8) 9. NA/RF to entire question series (RF/NA,0) 0. NA to follow up question G4aa (0/8,9/NA) ============================== M000442 G6.E. Self placement lib-con branching MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G6.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: We hear a lot of talk these days about liberals and conservatives. When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as a liberal, a conservative, a moderate, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. See also: G1a and G1a.T (P000439 and P000439a). Respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1-G5/G1.T-G5.T) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E) 1. A LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G6b.E 3. A CONSERVATIVE --> SKIP TO G6a.E 5. A MODERATE --> SKIP TO G6a.E 7. NEITHER [VOL] --> SKIP TO G6a.E 8. DK --> SKIP TO G6a.E 9. RF; NA; INAP, R selected for 7-point scale version 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH [DO NOT PROBE] --> SKIP TO G6a.E ============================== M000443 G6a.E. Had to choose lib-con branching MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G6a.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF SELF-PLACEMENT IS DK/NEITHER/MODERATE/NO THOUGHT: If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G7.E 3. CONSERVATIVE --> SKIP TO G7.E 5. MODERATE[VOL] --> SKIP TO G7.E 7. R REFUSES TO CHOOSE [VOL] --> SKIP TO G7.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO G7.E 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,3,9 in G6.E ============================== M000444 G6b.E. R strong liberal or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G6b.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF SELF-PLACEMENT IS LIBERAL: Would you call yourself a strong liberal or a not very strong liberal? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G7.E 5. NOT VERY STRONG LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G7.E 8. DK --> SKIP TO G7.E 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,7,8,9,0 in G6.E ============================== M000445 G6c.E. R strong conservative or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G6c.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF SELF-PLACEMENT IS CONSERVATIVE: Would you call yourself a strong conservative or a not very strong conservative? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG CONSERVATIVE 5. NOT VERY STRONG CONSERVATIVE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,7,8,9,0 in G6.E ============================== M000446 G6x1. Summary self plcmnt lib-con scale/brnch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G6x1. BOTH 7-POINT SCALE AND BRANCHING LIB-CON SERIES: 7-POINT SCALE FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? 7-POINT SCALE PHONE: When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal; moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, extremely conservative, or haven't you thought much about this? If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? BRANCHING (FTF AND PHONE): When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as a liberal, a conservative, a moderate, or haven't you thought much about this? If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? Would you call yourself a strong liberal or a not very strong liberal? Would you call yourself a strong conservative or a not very strong conservative? COMBINED 7-POINT LIB-CON SELF-PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE /BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from: - branching data in G6.E, G6a.E, G6b.E, G6c.E. - 7-pt scale data in G1ax, G1b. NOTE: To make 7pt scale data comparable with the construction of a 7-pt summary of branching data, both the 7pt-scale data in G1ax and the "had to choose" data in G1b were used for constructing this summary. For both 7pt-scale and branching cases, Rs who answered moderate (4 in 7pt-scale) or DK or 'haven't thought much' (branching: or 'neither') were asked for the "had to choose" selection of liberal or conservative. Branching: If R selected liberal or conservative but strength followup was missing data (typically: DK) then 'not strong' has been coded in G6x1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: strong liberal 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: not strong liberal 3. SCALE: 3; had to choose liberal / BRANCHING: had to choose liberal 4. SCALE: 4; had to choose moderate/ BRANCHING: had to choose moderate 5. SCALE: 5; had to choose conserv/ BRANCHING: had to choose conserv 6. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: not strong conservative 7. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: strong conservative 8. DK 9. R refuses to choose 0. NA ============================== M000446a G6x1a. 7pt lib-con summary - FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G6x1a. IF FTF MODE: BOTH 7-POINT SCALE AND BRANCHING LIB-CON SERIES: 7-POINT SCALE FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? BRANCHING (FTF): When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as a liberal, a conservative, a moderate, or haven't you thought much about this? If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? Would you call yourself a strong liberal or a not very strong liberal? Would you call yourself a strong conservative or a not very strong conservative? --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the the equivalent of G6x1 for FTF cases only, summarizing FTF data from both 7-pt scale and branching formats. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: strong liberal 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: not strong liberal 3. SCALE: 3; had to choose liberal / BRANCHING: had to choose liberal 4. SCALE: 4; had to choose moderate/ BRANCHING: had to choose moderate 5. SCALE: 5; had to choose conserv/ BRANCHING: had to choose conserv 6. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: not strong conservative 7. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: strong conservative 8. DK 9. R refuses to choose 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000446b G6x1b. 7pt lib-con summary - PHONE MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G6x1b. IF PHONE MODE: BOTH 7-POINT SCALE AND BRANCHING LIB-CON SERIES: 7-POINT SCALE PHONE: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? BRANCHING (PHONE): When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as a liberal, a conservative, a moderate, or haven't you thought much about this? If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? Would you call yourself a strong liberal or a not very strong liberal? Would you call yourself a strong conservative or a not very strong conservative? --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the the equivalent of G6x1 for phone cases only, summarizing telephone data from both 7-pt scale and branching formats. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: strong liberal 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: not strong liberal 3. SCALE: 3; had to choose liberal / BRANCHING: had to choose liberal 4. SCALE: 4; had to choose moderate/ BRANCHING: had to choose moderate 5. SCALE: 5; had to choose conserv/ BRANCHING: had to choose conserv 6. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: not strong conservative 7. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: strong conservative 8. DK 9. R refuses to choose 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000447 G6x2. Comb.7pt & branching summ MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G6x2. BOTH 7-POINT SCALE AND BRANCHING LIB-CON SERIES: 7-POINT SCALE FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? 7-POINT SCALE PHONE: When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal; moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, extremely conservative, or haven't you thought much about this? 7PT FTF AND PHONE: If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? BRANCHING (FTF AND PHONE): When it comes to politics, do you usually think of yourself as a liberal, a conservative, a moderate, or haven't you thought much about this? If you had to choose, would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative? Would you call yourself a strong liberal/conservative or a not very strong liberal/ conservative? SUMMARY: 3-CATEGORY LIB-CON SELF-PLACEMENT FROM 7PT/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Collapsed from G6x1. 1. Liberal (1-3 in G6x1) 3. Moderate (4 in G6x1) 5. Conservative (5-7 in G6x1) 7. Refused to choose (9 in G6x1) 8. DK (8 in G6x1) 0. NA (0 in G6x1) ============================== M000448 G2. Clinton placement lib-con scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G2. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: FTF: Where would you place Bill Clinton on this scale? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. FTF respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1-G5) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E). For the telephone version of the 7-point scale, see G2.T.; for branching format, see G7.E (P000450). 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode; R selected for branching version ============================== M000448a G2.T. Clinton plcmnt lib-con scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G2.T. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: TELEPHONE: What about Bill Clinton? Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. FTF respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1-G5) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E). For the telephone version of the 7-point scale, see G2.T.; for branching format, see G7.E (P000450). Phone respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1.T-G5.T) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E). For the FTF version of the 7-point scale, see G2; for branching format, see G7.E (P000450). 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; R selected for branching version ============================== M000449 G2x. Combined FTF/ph Clinton lib-con MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G2x. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: FTF: Where would you place Bill Clinton on this scale? TELEPHONE: What about Bill Clinton? Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative? COMBINED FTF/PHONE 7PT-SCALE LIB-CON CLINTON PLACEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G2/G2.T. 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for branching version ============================== M000450 G7.E. Clinton placement lib-con branch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G7.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: What about Bill Clinton? Is Bill Clinton a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. Respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1-G5/G1.T-G5.T) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E) 1. LIBERAL --> G7a.E 2. CONSERVATIVE --> SKIP TO G7b.E 3. MODERATE --> SKIP TO RANDOMIZED G8.E, G9.E, OR G10.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO RANDOMIZED G8.E, G9.E, OR G10.E 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for 7-point scale version ============================== M000451 G7a.E. Clinton strong liberal or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G7a.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF CLINTON PLACEMENT IS LIBERAL: Would you call Bill Clinton a strong liberal or a not very strong liberal? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G8.E, G9.E, OR G10.E 5. NOT VERY STRONG LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G8.E, G9.E, OR G10.E 8. DK --> SKIP TO G8.E, G9.E OR G10.E 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 2,3,8,9,0 in G7.E ============================== M000452 G7b.E. Clinton strong conservtive or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G7b.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF CLINTON PLACEMENT IS CONSEVATIVE: Would you call Bill Clinton a strong conservative or a not very strong conservative? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG CONSERVATIVE 5. NOT VERY STRONG CONSERVATIVE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,3,8,9,0 in G7.E ============================== M000453 G7x1.E. 5-pt br summary Clinton lib-con MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G7x1.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: What about Bill Clinton? Is Bill Clinton a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate? Would you call Bill Clinton a strong liberal/ conservative or a not very strong liberal/conservative? SUMMARY: 5PT LIB-CON CLINTON PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G7.E/G7a.E/G7b.E. 1. Strong liberal 2. Not very strong liberal 3. Moderate 4. Not very strong conservative 5. Strong conservative 8. DK in G7.E 9. RF in G7.E 0. NA; INAP, R selected for 7-point scale version ============================== M000454 G7x2. Comb.7pt/br summ Clinton lib-con MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G7x2. BOTH 7-POINT SCALE AND BRANCHING LIB-CON SERIES: 7-POINT SCALE FTF: Where would you place Bill Clinton on this scale? 7-POINT SCALE PHONE: What about Bill Clinton? Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative? BRANCHING (FTF AND PHONE): What about Bill Clinton? Is Bill Clinton a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate? Would you call Bill Clinton a strong liberal/ conservative or a not very strong liberal/conservative? COMBINED 5-PT LIB-CON CLINTON PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE /BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G2x and G7x1.E 1. SCALE: 1 ; BRANCHING: Strong liberal 2. SCALE: 2 ; BRANCHING: Not very strong liberal 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: Moderate 4. SCALE: 6 ; BRANCHING: Not very strong conservative 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Strong conservative 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000455 G3. Gore placement lib-con scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G3. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: FTF: Where would you place Al Gore on this scale? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. FTF respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1-G5) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E). For the telephone version of the 7-point scale, see G3.T; for branching version, see G8.E (P000459). The order in which G3, G4, and G5 were administered was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK --> SKIP TO NEXT PRES. CAND OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode; R selected for branching version ============================== M000455a G3.T. Gore placement lib-con scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G3.T. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? (Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. Phone respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1.T-G5.T) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E). For the FTF version of the 7-point scale, see G3; for branching version, see G8.E (P000459). The order in which G3.T, G4.T, and G5.T were administered was randomized. 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK --> SKIP TO NEXT PRES. CAND OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; R selected for branching version ============================== M000456 G3x. Combined FTF/ph Gore lib-con scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G3x. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: FTF: Where would you place Al Gore on this scale? TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? (Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative?) SUMMARY: COMBINED FTF/PHONE 7PT-SCALE LIB-CON GORE PLACEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G3/G3.T 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for branching version ============================== M000457 G3a. Gore-certain lib-con placement FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G3a. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF GORE PLACEMENT IS NOT DK: FTF: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 3. PRETTY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 8. DK --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode; 8,9,0 in G3 ============================== M000458 G3a.T. Gore-certain lib-con plcmnt phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G3a.T. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF GORE PLACEMENT IS NOT DK: TELEPHONE: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 3. PRETTY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 8. DK --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 8,9,0 in G3.T ============================== M000458a G3ax.T. Combined - certain Gore lib-con placement MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G3ax.T. IF GORE PLACEMENT IS NOT DK: FTF: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? TELEPHONE: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? COMBINED FTF/PHONE 7PT SCALE CERTAINTY - GORE PLACEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- This combines data from G3a and G3a.T. 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9, NA in G3/G3.T; R selected for branching format ============================== M000459 G8.E. Gore placement lib-con branch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G8.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: What about Al Gore? (Is Al Gore a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. See also G3 and G3.T (P000455 and P000455a). Respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1-G5/G1.T-G5.T) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E) The order in which G8.E, G9.E, and G10.E were administered was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. LIBERAL --> G8a.E 2. CONSERVATIVE --> SKIP TO G8b.E 3. MODERATE --> SKIP TO G8c.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO NEXT NAME IN RANDOMIZATION 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for 7-point scale version ============================== M000460 G8a.E. Gore strong liberal or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G8a.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF GORE PLACEMENT IS LIBERAL: Would you call Al Gore a strong liberal or a not very strong liberal? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G8c.E 5. NOT VERY STRONG LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G8c.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO NEXT NAME IN RANDOMIZATION 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 2,3,8,9,0 in G8.E ============================== M000461 G8b.E. Gore strong conservative or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G8b.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF GORE PLACEMENT IS CONSERVATIVE: Would you call Al Gore a strong conservative or a not very strong conservative? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG CONSERVATIVE --> G8c.E 5. NOT VERY STRONG CONSERVATIVE --> G8c.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO NEXT NAME IN RANDOMIZATION 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,3,8,9,0 in G8.E ============================== M000462 G8x1.E. 5-pt br summary Gore lib-con MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G8x1.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: What about Al Gore? (Is Al Gore a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate?) Would you call Al Gore a strong liberal/conservative or a not very strong liberal/conservative? SUMMARY: 5PT LIB-CON GORE PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G8.E/G8a.E/G8b.E 1. Strong liberal 2. Not very strong liberal 3. Moderate 4. Not very strong conservative 5. Strong conservative 8. DK in G8.E 9. RF in G8.E 0. NA; INAP, R selected for 7-point scale version ============================== M000463 G8x2. Comb.7pt/br summ Gore lib-con MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G8x2. BOTH 7-POINT SCALE AND BRANCHING LIB-CON SERIES: 7-POINT SCALE FTF: Where would you place Al Gore on this scale? 7-POINT SCALE PHONE: What about Al Gore? (Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative?) BRANCHING (FTF AND PHONE:) What about Al Gore? (Is Al Gore a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate?) Would you call Al Gore a strong liberal/conservative or a not very strong liberal/conservative? COMBINED 5-POINT LIB-CON GORE PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G3x and G8x1.E 1. SCALE: 1 ; BRANCHING: Strong liberal 2. SCALE: 2 ; BRANCHING: Not very strong liberal 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: Moderate 4. SCALE: 6 ; BRANCHING: Not very strong conservative 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Strong conservative 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000464 G8c.E. Gore-certain lib-con placement br MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G8c.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF GORE PLACEMENT IS MODERATE/ IF STRENGTH OF LIBERAL/CONSERVATIVE PLACEMENT IS NOT DK: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 3. PRETTY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 8. DK --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9 or NA in G8.E; 8,9,or NA in G8a.E/G8b.E ============================== M000464a G8cx 7pt/branching summary Gore crtn l-c MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G8cx. BOTH 7-POINT SCALE AND BRANCHING LIB-CON SERIES: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? COMBINED LIB-CON CERTAINTY - GORE PLACEMENT FROM 7PT/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G3ax.T and G8c.E. 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9 or NA in G3/G3.T/G8.E; 8,9,or NA in G8a.E/G8b.E ============================== M000465 G4. Bush placement lib-con scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G4. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush on this scale? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. FTF respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1-G5) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E). For the telephone version of the 7-point scale, see G4.T; for branching format see G9.E (P000469). The order in which G3, G4, and G5 were administered was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK --> SKIP TO NEXT PRES CAND OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode; R selected for branching version ============================== M000465a G4.T. Bush placement lib-con scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G4.T. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. Phone respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1.T-G5.T) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E). For the FTF version of the 7-point scale, see G4; for branching format see G9.E (P000469). The order in which G3.T, G4.T, and G5.T were administered was randomized. 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK --> SKIP TO NEXT PRES CAND OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; R selected for branching version ============================== M000466 G4x. Combined FTF/ph Bush lib-con scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G4x. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush on this scale? TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative?) SUMMARY: COMBINED FTF/PHONE 7PT-SCALE LIB-CON GW BUSH PLACEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G4/G4.T 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for branching version ============================== M000467 G4a. Bush-certain lib-con placement FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G4a. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF GW BUSH PLACEMENT IS NOT DK: FTF: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 3. PRETTY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 8. DK --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode; 8,9,0 in G4 ============================== M000468 G4a.T. Bush-certain plcmnt lib-con phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G4a.T. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF GW BUSH PLACEMENT IS NOT DK: TELEPHONE: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 3. PRETTY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 8. DK --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 8,9,0 in G4.T ============================== M000468a G4ax.T. Combined - certain GW Bush lib-con placement MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G4ax.T. IF GW BUSH PLACEMENT IS NOT DK: FTF: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? TELEPHONE: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? COMBINED FTF/PHONE 7PT SCALE CERTAINTY - GW BUSH PLACEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- This combines data from G4a and G4a.T. 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in G4/G4.T; R selected for branching format ============================== M000469 G9.E. Bush placement lib-con branch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G9.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: What about George W. Bush? (Is George W. Bush a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. See also G4 and G4.T (P000465 and P000465a). Respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1-G5/G1.T-G5.T) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E) The order in which G8.E, G9.E, and G10.E were administered was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. LIBERAL --> G9a.E 2. CONSERVATIVE --> SKIP TO G9b.E 3. MODERATE --> SKIP TO G9c.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO NEXT NAME IN RANDOMIZATION 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for 7-point scale version ============================== M000470 G9a.E. Bush strong liberal or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G9a.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF GW BUSH PLACEMENT IS LIBERAL: Would you call George W. Bush a strong liberal or a not very strong liberal? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G9c.E 5. NOT VERY STRONG LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G9c.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO NEXT NAME IN RANDOMIZATION 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 2,3,8,9,0 in G9.E ============================== M000471 G9b.E. Bush strong conservative or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G9b.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF GW BUSH PLACEMENT IS CONSERVATIVE: Would you call George W. Bush a strong conservative or a not very strong conservative? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG CONSERVATIVE --> SKIP TO G9c.E 5. NOT VERY STRONG CONSERVATIVE --> SKIP TO G9c.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO NEXT NAME IN RANDOMIZATION 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,3,8,9,0 in G9.E ============================== M000472 G9x1.E. 5-pt br summary Bush lib-con MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G9x1.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: What about George W. Bush? (Is George W. Bush a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate?) Would you call George W. Bush a strong liberal/ conservative or a not very strong liberal/conservative? SUMMARY: 5PT LIB-CON GW BUSH PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G9.E/G9a.E/G9b.E 1. Strong liberal 2. Not very strong liberal 3. Moderate 4. Not very strong cosnervative 5. Strong conservative 8. DK in G9.E 9. RF in G9.E 0. NA; INAP, R selected for 7-point scale version ============================== M000473 G9x2. Comb.7pt/br summ Bush lib-con MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G9x2. BOTH 7-POINT SCALE AND BRANCHING LIB-CON SERIES: 7-POINT SCALE FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush on this scale? 7-POINT SCALE PHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative?) BRANCHING (FTF AND PHONE:) What about George W. Bush? (Is George W. Bush a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate?) Would you call George W. Bush a strong liberal/ conservative or a not very strong liberal/conservative? COMBINED 5-POINT LIB-CON GW BUSH PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE /BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G4x and G9x1.E 1. SCALE: 1 ; BRANCHING: Strong liberal 2. SCALE: 2 ; BRANCHING: Not very strong liberal 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: Moderate 4. SCALE: 6 ; BRANCHING: Not very strong conservative 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Strong conservative 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000474 G9c.E. Bush-certain lib-con placement br MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G9c.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF GW BUSH PLACEMENT IS MODERATE/ IF STRENGTH OF LIBERAL/CONSERVATIVE PLACEMENT IS NOT DK: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 3. PRETTY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 8. DK --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9 or NA in G9.E; 8,9 or NA in G9a.E/G9b.E ============================== M000474a G9cx 7pt/branching summary Bush crtn l-c MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G9cx. BOTH 7-POINT SCALE AND BRANCHING LIB-CON SERIES: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? COMBINED LIB-CON CERTAINTY - GW BUSH PLACEMENT FROM 7PT/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G4ax.T and G9c.E. 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9 or NA in G4/G4.T/G9.E; 8,9,or NA in G9a.E/G9b.E ============================== M000475 G5. Buchanan placement lib-con scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G5. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: FTF: Where would you place Pat Buchanan on this scale? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. FTF respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1-G5) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E). For the telephone version of the 7-point scale version see G5.T; for branching format see G10.E (P000479). The order in which G3, G4, and G5 were administered was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK --> SKIP TO NEXT PRES CAND OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode; R selected for branching version ============================== M000475a G5.T. Buchan plcmnt lib-con scale phon MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G5.T. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: TELEPHONE: What about Pat Buchanan? (Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. Phone respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1.T-G5.T) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E) For the FTF version of the 7-point scale version see G5; for branching format see G10.E (P000479). The order in which G3.T, G4.T, and G5.T were administered was randomized. 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK --> SKIP TO NEXT PRES CAND OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; R selected for branching version ============================== M000476 G5x. Combined FTF/ph Buchan lib-con scl MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G5x. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: FTF: Where would you place Pat Buchanan on this scale? TELEPHONE: What about Pat Buchanan? (Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative?) SUMMARY: COMBINED FTF/PHONE 7PT-SCALE LIB-CON BUCHANAN PLACEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G5/G5.T 1. EXTREMELY LIBERAL 2. LIBERAL 3. SLIGHTLY LIBERAL 4. MODERATE; MIDDLE OF THE ROAD 5. SLIGHTLY CONSERVATIVE 6. CONSERVATIVE 7. EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for branching version ============================== M000477 G5a. Buchan-crtn lib-con plcemnt FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G5a. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF BUCHANAN PLACEMENT IS NOT DK: FTF: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 3. PRETTY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 8. DK --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode; 8,9,0 in G5 ============================== M000478 G5a.T. Buchan-crtn lib-con plcemnt phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G5a.T. IF R SELECTED FOR 7-POINT SCALE VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF BUCHANAN PLACEMENT IS NOT DK: TELEPHONE: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 3. PRETTY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 8. DK --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 8,9,0 in G5.T ============================== M000478a G5ax.T. Combined - certain Buchanan lib-con placement MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G5ax.T. FTF: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? TELEPHONE: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? COMBINED FTF/PHONE 7PT SCALE CERTAINTY - BUCHANAN PLACEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- This combines data from G5a and G5a.T. 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in G5/G4.T; R selected for branching format ============================== M000479 G10.E. Buchanan placement lib-con branch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G10.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: What about Pat Buchanan? (Is Pat Buchanan a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE 'DK'] See Form description item Pre-Admin.2d (P000005e) for a general description of the administration of liberal- conservative placements. See also G5 and G5.T (P000475 and P000475a). Respondents were randomly selected to be administered the 7-point scale (G1-G5/G1.T-G5.T) or branching format (G6.E-G10.E) The order in which G8.E, G9.E, and G10.E were administered was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. LIBERAL --> G10a.E 2. CONSERVATIVE --> SKIP TO G10b.E 3. MODERATE --> SKIP TO G10c.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO NEXT NAME IN RANDOMIZATION 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for 7-point scale version ============================== M000480 G10a.E. Buchanan strong liberal or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G10a.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF BUCHANAN PLACEMENT IS LIBERAL: Would you call Pat Buchanan a strong liberal or a not very strong liberal? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G10c.E 5. NOT VERY STRONG LIBERAL --> SKIP TO G10c.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO NEXT NAME IN RANDOMIZATION 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 2,3,8,9,0 in G10.E ============================== M000481 G10b.E. Buchan strong conserv or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G10b.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF BUCHANAN PLACEMENT IS CONSERVATIVE: Would you call Pat Buchanan a strong conservative or a not very strong conservative? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG CONSERVATIVE --> G10c.E 5. NOT VERY STRONG CONSERVATIVE --> G10c.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO NEXT NAME IN RANDOMIZATION 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,3,8,9,0 in G10.E ============================== M000482 G10x1.E. 5-pt br summary Buchan lib-con MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G10x1.E. IF R SELECTED BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: What about Pat Buchanan? (Is Pat Buchanan a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate?) Would you call Pat Buchanan a strong liberal/ conservative or a not very strong liberal/conservative? SUMMARY: 5PT LIB-CON BUCHANAN PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G10.E/G10a.E/G10b.E 1. Strong liberal 2. Not very strong liberal 3. Moderate 4. Not very strong conservative 5. Strong conservative 8. DK in G10.E 9. RF in G10.E 0. NA; INAP, R selected for 7-point scale version ============================== M000483 G10x2. Comb.7pt/br summ Buchan lib-con MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G10x2. BOTH 7-POINT SCALE AND BRANCHING LIB-CON SERIES: 7-POINT SCALE FTF: Where would you place Pat Buchanan on this scale? 7-POINT SCALE PHONE: What about Pat Buchanan? (Do you think he is extremely liberal, liberal, slightly liberal, moderate or middle of the road, slightly conservative, conservative, or extremely conservative?) BRANCHING (FTF AND PHONE) What about Pat Buchanan? (Is Pat Buchanan a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate?) Would you call Pat Buchanan a strong liberal/ conservative or a not very strong liberal/conservative? COMBINED 5PT LIB-CON GW BUSH PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE /BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G5x and G10x1.E 1. SCALE: 1 ; BRANCHING: Strong liberal 2. SCALE: 2 ; BRANCHING: Not very strong liberal 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: Moderate 4. SCALE: 6 ; BRANCHING: Not very strong conservative 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Strong conservative 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000484 G10c.E. Certain-Buchan plcmnt lib-con br MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G10c.E. IF R SELECTED FOR BRANCHING VERSION OF LIB-CON SERIES: IF BUCHANAN PLACEMENT IS MODERATE/ IF STRENGTH OF LIBERAL/CONSERVATIVE PLACEMENT IS NOT DK: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 3. PRETTY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN --> NEXT PRES. CANDIDATE OR G11 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9 or NA in G5/G5.T/G10.E; 8,9,or NA in G10a.E/G10b.E ============================== M000484a G10cx. 7pt/branching summ Buchan l-c crt MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G10cx. BOTH 7-POINT SCALE AND BRANCHING LIB-CON SERIES: How certain are you of this? Very certain, pretty certain or not very certain? COMBINED LIB-CON CERTAINTY - GW BUSH PLACEMENT FROM 7PT/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from G5ax.T and G10c.E. 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000485 G11. Who does R think will be elected MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G11. Who do you think will be elected President in November? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. AL GORE 2. GEORGE W. BUSH 3. PAT BUCHANAN 4. RALPH NADER 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) [VOL] 8. DK --> SKIP to G11b 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000486 G11a. Race close or not- cand named MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G11a. IF R NAMES PRES. CANDIDATE WHO R THINKS WILL WIN ELECTION: Do you think the Presidential race will be close or will [NAME GIVEN IN G11] win by quite a bit? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. WILL BE CLOSE --> SKIP to H1 or H1.E 5. WIN BY QUITE A BIT --> SKIP to H1 or H1.E 8. DK --> SKIP to H1 or H1.E 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,0 in G11 ============================== M000487 G11b. Race close or not- cand not named MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric G11b. IF R SAYS HE/SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHO WILL WIN THE PRES. ELECTION: Do you think the Presidential race will be close or will one candidate win by quite a bit? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. WILL BE CLOSE 5. WIN BY QUITE A BIT 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1-7 in G11 ============================== M000488a H1. US econ bttr/worse in last year stan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H1. IF R SELECTED FOR STANDARD VERSION: Now thinking about the economy in the country as a whole, would you say that OVER THE PAST YEAR the nation's economy has gotten better, stayed about the same, or gotten worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered H1 or H1.E 1. GOTTEN BETTER --> SKIP TO H1a 3. STAYED ABOUT THE SAME --> SKIP TO H2 5. GOTTEN WORSE --> SKIP TO H1b 8. DK --> SKIP TO H2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for H1.E ============================== M000488b H1.E. US econ bttr/worse in last year ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H1.E. IF R SELECTED FOR EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Now thinking about the economy in the country as a whole, would you say that OVER THE PAST YEAR the nation's economy has gotten worse, stayed about the same, or gotten better? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered H1 or H1.E 1. GOTTEN WORSE. --> SKIP TO H1b 3. STAYED ABOUT THE SAME --> SKIP TO H2 5. GOTTEN BETTER --> SKIP TO H1a 8. DK --> SKIP TO H2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for H1. ============================== M000489 H1a. How much better US econ past year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H1a. IF R THINKS ECONOMY BETTER IN THE LAST YEAR: Much better or somewhat better? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH BETTER --> SKIP TO H2 5. SOMEWHAT BETTER --> SKIP TO H2 8. DK --> SKIP TO H2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9 or NA in H1; 1,3,8,9 or NA in H1.E ============================== M000490 H1b. How much worse US econ last year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H1b. IF R THINKS ECONOMY WORSE IN THE LAST YEAR: Much worse or somewhat worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SOMEWHAT WORSE 5. MUCH WORSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,3,8,9 or NA in H1; 3,5,8,9 or NA in H1.E ============================== M000491 H1x. Summary US econ btr/worse last year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H1x. STANDARD VERSION: Now thinking about the economy in the country as a whole, would you say that OVER THE PAST YEAR the nation's economy has gotten worse, stayed about the same, or gotten better? EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Now thinking about the economy in the country as a whole, would you say that OVER THE PAST YEAR the nation's economy has gotten worse, stayed about the same, or gotten better? BOTH VERSIONS: Much better/worse or somewhat better/worse? COMBINED VERSION SUMMARY: ECONOMY IN LAST YEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H1/H1.E and H1a,H1b. 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. Stayed about the same 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 8. DK in H1/H1.E or H1a/b 9. RF in H1/H1.E or H1a/b 0. NA ============================== M000492a H2. Esr/hrdr to find work last year stan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H2. IF R SELECTED FOR STANDARD VERSION: Would you say that OVER THE PAST YEAR, it has gotten harder for people across the country to find enough work, stayed about the same, or gotten easier for people to find enough work? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered H2 or H2.E 1. GOTTEN HARDER --> SKIP TO H2a 3. STAYED THE SAME --> SKIP TO H4 5. GOTTEN EASIER --> SKIP TO H2b 8. DK --> SKIP TO H4 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for H2.E ============================== M000492b H2.E. Esr/hrdr to find work last year ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H2.E. IF R SELECTED FOR EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Would you say that OVER THE PAST YEAR, it has gotten easier for people across the country to find enough work, stayed about the same, or gotten harder for people to find enough work? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered H2 or H2.E 1. GOTTEN EASIER --> SKIP TO H2b 3. ABOUT THE SAME --> SKIP TO H4 5. GOTTEN HARDER 8. DK --> SKIP TO H4 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for H2 ============================== M000493 H2a. How much harder to find work lst yr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H2a. IF R SAYS IT HAS GOTTEN HARDER TO FIND WORK IN THE LAST YEAR: Much harder or a little harder? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH HARDER --> H4 5. A LITTLE HARDER --> H4 8. DK --> H4 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9 or NA in H2; 1,3,8,9 or NA in H2.E ============================== M000494 H2b. How much easier to find work lst yr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H2b. IF R SAYS IT HAS GOTTEN EASIER TO FIND WORK IN THE LAST YEAR: Much easier or a little easier? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH EASIER 5. A LITTLE EASIER 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,3,8,9 or NA in H2; 3,5,8,9 or NA in H2.E ============================== M000495 H2x. Summary employ opps in last year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H2x. STANDARD VERSION: Would you say that OVER THE PAST YEAR, it has gotten harder for people across the country to find enough work, stayed about the same, or gotten easier for people to find enough work? EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Would you say that OVER THE PAST YEAR, it has gotten easier for people across the country to find enough work, stayed about the same, or gotten harder for people to find enough work? BOTH VERSIONS: Much harder/easier or a little harder/easier? COMBINED VERSION SUMMARY: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN LAST YEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H2/H2.E and H2a,H2b. 1. Much harder 2. Somewhat harder 3. Stayed about the same 4. Somewhat easier 5. Much easier 8. DK in H2/H2.E or H2a/b 9. RF in H2/H2.E or H2a/b 0. NA ============================== M000496a H4. US econ bttr/worse in next year stan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H4. IF R SELECTED FOR STANDARD VERSION: What about THE NEXT 12 MONTHS? Do you expect the economy, in the country as a whole, to get better, stay about the same, or get worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered H4 or H4.E 1. GET BETTER --> SKIP TO H4a 3. STAY ABOUT THE SAME --> SKIP TO H5 5. GET WORSE --> SKIP TO H4b 8. DK --> SKIP TO H5 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for H4.E ============================== M000496b H4.E. US econ bttr/worse in next year ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H4.E. IF R SELECTED FOR EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: What about THE NEXT 12 MONTHS? Do you expect the economy, in the country as a whole, to get worse, stay about the same, or get better? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered H4 or H4.E 1. GET WORSE --> SKIP TO H4b 3. STAY ABOUT THE SAME --> SKIP TO H5 5. GET BETTER 8. DK --> SKIP TO H5 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for H4 ============================== M000497 H4a. How much better US econ in nxt year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H4a. IF R EXPECTS ECONOMY TO GET BETTER IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS: Much better or somewhat better? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH BETTER --> SKIP TO H5 5. SOMEWHAT BETTER --> SKIP TO H5 8. DK --> SKIP TO H5 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9 or NA in H4; 1,3,8,9 or NA in H4.E ============================== M000498 H4b. How much worse US econ in nxt year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H4b. IF R EXPECTS ECONOMY TO GET WORSE IN THE NEXT 12 MONTHS: Much worse or somewhat worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH WORSE 5. SOMEWHAT WORSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,3,8,9 or NA in H4; 3,5,8,9 or NA in H4.E ============================== M000499 H4x. Summary US econ in next year MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H4x. STANDARD VERSION: What about THE NEXT 12 MONTHS? Do you expect the economy, in the country as a whole, to get better, stay about the same, or get worse? EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: What about THE NEXT 12 MONTHS? Do you expect the economy, in the country as a whole, to get worse, stay about the same, or get better? Much worse or somewhat worse? SUMMARY: ECONOMY IN NEXT 12 MONTHS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H4/H4.E and H4a,H4b. 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. Stayed about the same 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 8. DK in H4/H4.E or Ha/b 9. RF in H4/H4.E or Ha/b 0. NA ============================== M000500 H5. Approve/dissap Clinton w/economy MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H5. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling the economy? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. APPROVE 5. DISAPPROVE --> SKIP to H5b 8. DK --> SKIP to H6 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000501 H5a. How much approve Clinton w/economy MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H5a. IF R APPROVES OF CLINTON'S HANDLING JOB AS PRESIDENT: Do you approve strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> SKIP to H7 5. NOT STRONGLY --> SKIP to H7 8. DK --> SKIP to H7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in H5 ============================== M000502 H5b. How much dissprv Clinton w/economy MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H5b. IF R DISAPPROVES OF CLINTON'S HANDLING JOB AS PRESIDENT: Do you disapprove strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,8,9,0 in H5 ============================== M000503 H5x. Summary Clinton w/economy MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H5x. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling the economy? Do you approve/disapprove strongly or not strongly? SUMMARY: APPROVAL OF CLINTON JOB AS PRESIDENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H5 and H5a/H5b. 1. Approve strongly 2. Approve not strongly 4. Disapprove not strongly 5. Disapprove strongly 8. DK in H5 or H5a/b 9. RF in H5 or H5a/b 0. NA ============================== M000504 H6. Is R invested in stock market MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H6. Do you personally, or jointly with a spouse, have any money invested in the stock market right now -- either in an individual stock or in a mutual fund? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000505 H7. Which party R thinks best to handle econ MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H7. Which party do you think would do a better job of handling the nation's economy..., the Democrats, the Republicans, or wouldn't there be much difference between them? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF 'DK' OR 'NEITHER PARTY' IS VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE] 1. DEMOCRATS 3. REPUBLICANS 5. WOULDN'T BE MUCH DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM/NO DIFFERENCE 7. NEITHER PARTY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000506 H8. Which party R thinks would avoid war MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H8. Looking ahead, do you think the problem of keeping out of war would be handled better IN THE NEXT FOUR YEARS by the Democrats, the Republicans, or about the same by both? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF 'DK' OR 'NEITHER PARTY' IS VOLUNTEERED, DO NOT PROBE] 1. DEMOCRATS 3. REPUBLICANS 5. ABOUT THE SAME BY BOTH 7. NEITHER PARTY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000507 H9. Us position in world weaker/stronger MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H9. Turning to some other types of issues facing the country. During the past year, would you say that the United States' position in the world has grown weaker, stayed about the same, or has it grown stronger? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. WEAKER 3. STAYED ABOUT THE SAME 5. STRONGER 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000508 H10. Increase/decrease immigratration MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H10. Do you think the number of immigrants from foreign countries who are permitted to come to the United States to live should be increased, decreased, or left the same as it is now? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. LEFT THE SAME AS IT IS NOW --> SKIP TO H11 OR H11.E 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO H11 OR H11.E 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000509 H10a. Inc/dec immigratn little or a lot MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H10a. IF R THINKS NUMBER OF IMMIGRANTS SHOULD BE INCREASED/ IF R THINKS NUMBER OF IMMIGRANTS SHOULD BE DECREASED: A little or a lot? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LITTLE 5. A LOT 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in H10 ============================== M000510 H10x. Summary immigration level MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H10x. Do you think the number of immigrants from foreign countries who are permitted to come to the United States to live should be increased, decreased, or left the same as it is now? A little or a lot? SUMMARY: IMMIGRATION LEVEL --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H10 and H10a. 1. Increased a lot 2. Increased a little 3. Left the same 4. Decreased a little 5. Decreased a lot 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,0 in H10 ============================== M000511a H11. Favor/oppose import limits stan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H11. IF R SELECTED FOR STANDARD VERSION: Some people have suggested placing new limits on foreign imports in order to protect American jobs. Others say that such limits would raise consumer prices and hurt American exports. Do you favor or oppose placing new limits on imports, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered H11 or H11.E 1. FAVOR --> SKIP TO H12 5. OPPOSE --> SKIP TO H12 7. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> SKIP TO H12 8. DK --> SKIP TO H12 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for H11.E ============================== M000511b H11.E. Favor/opp import limits ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H11.E. IF R SELECTED FOR EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Some people have suggested placing new limits on foreign imports in order to protect American jobs. Others say that such limits would raise consumer prices and hurt American exports. Do you favor or oppose placing new limits on imports? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered H11 or H11.E 1. FAVOR 5. OPPOSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for H11 ============================== M000512 H11x. Combined versions import limits MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 7 Numeric H11x. STANDARD VERSION: Some people have suggested placing new limits on foreign imports in order to protect American jobs. Others say that such limits would raise consumer prices and hurt American exports. Do you favor or oppose placing new limits on imports, or haven't you thought much about this? EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Some people have suggested placing new limits on foreign imports in order to protect American jobs. Others say that such limits would raise consumer prices and hurt American exports. Do you favor or oppose placing new limits on imports? COMBINED VERSION SUMMARY: IMPORT LIMITS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H11 and H11.E 1. Favor 5. Oppose 7. Haven't thought much (H11 only) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000513a H12. US better off to stay at home stan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H12. IF R SELECTED FOR STANDARD VERSION: Do you agree or disagree with this statement: This country would be better off if we just stayed home and did not concern ourselves with problems in other parts of the world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered H12 or H12.E 1. AGREE --> SKIP to H13 5. DISAGREE --> SKIP to H13 8. DK --> SKIP to H13 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for H12.E ============================== M000513b H12.E. US better off to stay at home ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H12.E. IF R SELECTED FOR EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Do you think this country would be better off if we just stayed home and did not concern ourselves with problems in other parts of the world, or do you think that this country would be better off trying to solve some problems in other parts of the world? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered H12 or H12.E 1. BETTER OFF IF WE JUST STAYED HOME 5. BETTER OFF TRYING TO SOLVE SOME PROBLEMS 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for H12 ============================== M000514 H12x. Combined versions isolationism MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H12x. STANDARD VERSION: Do you agree or disagree with this statement: This country would be better off if we just stayed home and did not concern ourselves with problems in other parts of the world. EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Do you think this country would be better off if we just stayed home and did not concern ourselves with problems in other parts of the world, or do you think that this country would be better off trying to solve some problems in other parts of the world? COMBINED VERSION SUMMARY: ISOLATIONISM --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H12 and H12.E 1. Agree/ Better off to stay home 5. Disagree/ Better off trying to solve problems 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000515 H13. Clinton foreign rel approve/disappr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H13. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling our relations with foreign countries? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. APPROVE 5. DISAPPROVE --> SKIP to H13b 8. DK --> SKIP to K1 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000516 H13a. Strength appove Clinton frgn rel MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H13a. IF R APPROVES CLINTON'S HANDLING OF FOREIGN RELATIONS: Do you approve strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> SKIP TO K1 5. NOT STRONGLY --> SKIP TO K1 8. DK --> SKIP TO K1 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in H13 ============================== M000517 H13b. Strength dissapr Clinton frgn rel MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H13b. IF R DISAPPROVES CLINTON'S HANDLING OF FOREIGN RELATIONS: Do you disapprove strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,8,9,0 in H13 ============================== M000518 H13x. Summary Clinton foreign relations MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric H13x. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling our relations with foreign countries? Do you approve/disapprove strongly or not strongly? SUMMARY: CLINTON HANDLING OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from H13 and H13a/b. 1. Approve strongly 2. Approve not strongly 4. Disapprove not strongly 5. Disapprove strongly 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,0 in H13 ============================== M000519 K1. Does R consider self Rep Dem or Ind MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K1. Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DEMOCRAT 2. REPUBLICAN --> SKIP TO K1b 3. INDEPENDENT --> SKIP TO K1c 4. OTHER PARTY [SPECIFY] --> SKIP TO K1c 5. NO PREFERENCE --> SKIP TO K1c 8. DK --> SKIP TO K1c 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000520 K1a. Is R a strong Democrat or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K1a. IF R CONSIDERS SELF A DEMOCRAT: Would you call yourself a strong Democrat or a not very strong Democrat? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG --> SKIP TO K2, K3, OR K4 5. NOT VERY STRONG --> SKIP TO K2, K3, OR K4 8. DK --> SKIP TO K2, K3, OR K4 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 2-5, 8,9,0 in K1 ============================== M000521 K1b. Is R a strong Republican or not MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K1b. IF R CONSIDERS SELF A REPUBLICAN: Would you call yourself a strong Republican or a not very strong Republican? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG --> SKIP TO K2, K3, OR K4 5. NOT VERY STRONG --> SKIP TO K2, K3, OR K4 8. DK --> SKIP TO K2, K3, OR K4 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,3,4,5,8,9,0 in K1 ============================== M000522 K1c. Is R closer to Rep or Dem Party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K1c. IF R'S PARTY PREFERENCE IS INDEPENDENT, NO PREFERENCE, OTHER, DK: Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican Party or to the Democratic party? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CLOSER TO REPUBLICAN 3. NEITHER [VOL] 5. CLOSER TO DEMOCRATIC 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,2,9,0 in K1 ============================== M000523 K1x. Party ID summary MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric K1x. Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what? Would you call yourself a strong Democrat/Republican or a not very strong Democrat/ Republican? Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican Party or to the Democratic party? SUMMARY: PARTY ID --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from K1, K1a/b, K1c. Code 8 (apolitical) was used only if the respondent had a code of 5 (no preference) in K1 and a code of 3,8 or 9 in K1c AND also showed little or no interest in politics in response to the following survey questions: PRE question A1.(interest in campaigns), PRE question B1 (care about Congressional race outcome), POST question C1 (voted), POST question F5 (follow public affairs); respondents who showed an interest in politics were coded 3. 0. Strong Democrat (1,1,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 1. Weak Democrat (1,5/8/9,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 2. Independent-Democrat (3/4/5/8,0,5 in K1, K1a/b, K1c 3. Independent-Independent (3,0,3/8/9 in K1, K1a/b, K1c; 8,0,3 and 5,0,3/8/9 if not apolitical) 4. Independent-Republican (3/4/5/8,0,1 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 5. Weak Republican (2,5/8/9,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 6. Strong Republican (2,1,0 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 7. Other; minor party; refuses to say (4,0,3/8/9 in K1, K1a/b, K1c) 8. Apolitical (8,0,3 or 5,0,3/8/9 in E6, E6a/b, E6c and no interest in politics 9. NA (8/9,0,0 in E6, E6a/b, E6c) ============================== M000524 K2a. Gore trait - moral MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K2a. Think about Al Gore. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Al Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) GORE TRAIT - MORAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000525 K2b. Gore trait - really cares MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K2b. Think about Al Gore. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Al Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) GORE TRAIT - REALLY CARES ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000526 K2c. Gore trait - knowledgeable MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K2c. Think about Al Gore. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Al Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) GORE TRAIT - KNOWLEDGEABLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000527 K2d. Gore trait - strong leader MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K2d. Think about Al Gore. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Al Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) GORE TRAIT - PROVIDES STRONG LEADERSHIP --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000528 K2e. Gore trait - dishonest MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K2e. Think about Al Gore. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Al Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) GORE TRAIT - DISHONEST --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000529 K2f. Gore trait - intelligent MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K2f. Think about Al Gore. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Al Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) GORE TRAIT - INTELLIGENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000530 K2g. Gore trait - out of touch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K2g. Think about Al Gore. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Al Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Gore extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) GORE TRAIT - OUT OF TOUCH WITH ORDINARY PEOPLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000531 K3a. Bush trait - moral MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K3a. Think about George W. Bush. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUSH TRAIT - MORAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000532 K3b. Bush trait - really cares MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K3b. Think about George W. Bush. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUSH TRAIT - REALLY CARES ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000533 K3c. Bush trait - knowledgeable MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K3c. Think about George W. Bush. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUSH TRAIT - KNOWLEDGEABLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000534 K3d. Bush trait - strong leader MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K3d. Think about George W. Bush. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUSH TRAIT - PROVIDES STRONG LEADERSHIP --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000535 K3e. Bush trait - dishonest MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K3e. Think about George W. Bush. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUSH TRAIT - DISHONEST --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000536 K3f. Bush trait - intelligent MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K3f. Think about George W. Bush. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUSH TRAIT - INTELLIGENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000537 K3g. Bush trait - out of touch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K3g. Think about George W. Bush. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe George W. Bush extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUSH TRAIT - OUT OF TOUCH WITH ORDINARY PEOPLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000538 K4a. Buchanan trait - moral MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K4a. Think about Pat Buchanan. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Pat Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUCHANAN TRAIT - MORAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00) Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; question dropped ============================== M000539 K4b. Buchanan trait - really cares MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K4b. Think about Pat Buchanan. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Pat Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUCHANAN TRAIT - REALLY CARES ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00) Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; question dropped ============================== M000540 K4c. Buchanan trait- knowledgeable MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K4c. Think about Pat Buchanan. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Pat Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUCHANAN TRAIT - KNOWLEDGEABLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00) Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; question dropped ============================== M000541 K4d. Buchanan trait - strong leader MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K4d. Think about Pat Buchanan. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Pat Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUCHANAN TRAIT - PROVIDES STRONG LEADERSHIP --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00) Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; question dropped ============================== M000542 K4e. Buchanan trait - dishonest MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K4e. Think about Pat Buchanan. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Pat Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUCHANAN TRAIT - DISHONEST --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00) Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; question dropped ============================== M000543 K4f. Buchanan trait - intelligent MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K4f. Think about Pat Buchanan. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Pat Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUCHANAN TRAIT - INTELLIGENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00) Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; question dropped ============================== M000544 K4g. Buchanan trait - out of touch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric K4g. Think about Pat Buchanan. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ' describe Pat Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Buchanan extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) BUCHANAN TRAIT - OUT OF TOUCH WITH ORDINARY PEOPLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] The order in which the 3 series K2, K3, and K4 were administered was randomized. Within each series, the order of the traits about that candidate was also randomized. Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00) Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. EXTREMELY WELL 2. QUITE WELL 3. NOT TOO WELL 4. NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; question dropped ============================== M000545 L1a. Self plcmnt-services/spend scl FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1a. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- For telephone (branching) version of this question see L1a.T. 1. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY FEWER SERVICES --> L1b 2. --> L1b 3. --> L1b 4. --> L1b 5. --> L1b 6. --> L1b 7. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY MORE SERVICES --> L1b 8. DK --> L1b 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> L1b ============================== M000546 L1a.T. Self plcmnt-services/spend scl phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1a.T. TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- For FTF (7-point scale) version of this question see L1a. 1. FEWER SERVICES; REDUCE SPENDING --> L1a1.T 5. MORE SERVICES; INCREASE SPENDING --> L2.T 7. SHOULD STAY THE SAME AS IT IS NOW [VOL] --> L1b.T 8. DK --> L1b.T 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> L1b.T ============================== M000547 L1a1.T. How much reduce serv/spend phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1a1.T. IF R THINKS THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD REDUCE SERVICES AND SPENDING: TELEPHONE: Should the government reduce services and spending a great deal or (reduce services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL --> L1b.T 5. ONLY SOME --> L1b.T 8. DK --> L1b.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,7,8,9,0 in L1a.T ============================== M000548 L1a2.T. How much incr serv/spend phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1a2.T. IF R THINKS THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD INCREASE SERVICES AND SPENDING: TELEPHONE: Should the government increase services and spending a great deal or (increase services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL --> L1b.T 5. ONLY SOME --> L1b.T 8. DK --> L1b.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,7,8,9,0 in L1a.T ============================== M000549 L1ax1. 5-pt br summary of self on serv/spend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 7 Numeric L1ax1. TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel or haven't you thought much about this? Should the government reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? SUMMARY: SPT SERV/SPEND SELF-PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1a.T and L1a1.T/L1a2.T 1. Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. Reduce spending and services only some 3. Stay same as now (3 in L1a.T) 4. Increase spending and services only some 5. Increase spending and services a great deal 7. Haven't thought much 8. DK in L1a.T or L1a1.T/L1a2.T 9. RF in L1a.T or L1a1.T/L1a2.T 0. NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1a.T; FTF mode ============================== M000550 L1ax2. Comb.7pt/br summ of self on serv/spend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1ax2. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel or haven't you thought much about this? Should the government reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? COMBINED 5PT SERV/SPEND SELF-PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE /BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1a and L1ax1 1. SCALE: 1; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. SCALE 2; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services only some 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: Stay same as now (3 in L1a.T) 4. SCALE: 6; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services only some 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services a great deal 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1a or L1a.T 0. Haven't thought much ============================== M000551 L1b. Clinton- serv/spend scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1b. FTF: Where would you place Bill Clinton on this issue? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L1b was administered first, then L1c and L1d were randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L1e and L1f were administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question see L1b.T 1. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY FEWER SERVICES --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 2. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 3. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 4. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 5. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 6. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 7. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY MORE SERVICES --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 8. DK --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000552 L1b.T. Clinton- serve/spend scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1b.T. TELEPHONE: What about Bill Clinton? Do you think he would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L1b.T was administered first, then L1c and L1d were randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L1e and L1f were administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the FTF version of this question, see L1b. 1. FEWER SERVICES; REDUCE SPENDING --> L1b1.T 5. MORE SERVICES; INCREASE SPENDING --> L1b2.T 7. SHOULD STAY THE SAME AS IT IS NOW [VOL] --> NEXT NAME 8. DK --> NEXT NAME 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000553 L1b1.T. Clinton- how much red srv/spd ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1b1.T. IF R THINKS CLINTON WOULD LIKE TO REDUCE SERVICES AND SPENDING: TELEPHONE: (Do you think he would like to) reduce services and spending a great deal or (reduce services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL --> NEXT NAME 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT NAME 8. DK --> NEXT NAME 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,7,8,9,0 in L1b.T ============================== M000554 L1b2.T. Clinton- how much inc srv/spd ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1b2.T. IF R THINKS CLINTON WOULD LIKE TO INCREASE SERVICES AND SPENDING: TELEPHONE: (Do you think he would like to) increase services and spending a great deal or (increase services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL --> NEXT NAME 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT NAME 8. DK --> NEXT NAME 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,7,8,9,0 in L1b.T ============================== M000555 L1bx1. 5-pt br summary Clinton srv/spnd MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1bx1. TELEPHONE: What about Bill Clinton? Do you think he would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending? (Do you think he would like to) reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? SUMMARY: 5PT SERV/SPEND CLINTON PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1b.T and L1b1.T/L1b2.T 1. Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. Reduce spending and services only some 3. Stay same as now (3 in L1b.T) 4. Increase spending and services only some 5. Increase spending and services a great deal 8. DK in L1b.T or L1b1.T/L1b2.T 9. RF in L1b.T or L1b1.T/L1b2.T 0. NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1b.T; FTF mode ============================== M000556 L1bx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Clinton srv/spnd MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1bx2. FTF: Where would you place Bill Clinton on this issue? TELEPHONE: What about Bill Clinton? Do you think he would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending? (Do you think he would like to) reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? SUMMARY: 5PT SERV/SPEND CLINTON PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1b and L1bx1 1. SCALE: 1; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. SCALE 2; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services only some 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: Stay same as now (3 in L1b.T) 4. SCALE: 6; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services only some 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services a great deal 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1b or L1b.T ============================== M000557 L1c. Gore- serv/spend scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1c. FTF: Where would you place Al Gore (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L1b was administered first, then L1c and L1d were randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L1e and L1f were administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L1c.T Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY FEWER SERVICES --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 2. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 3. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 4. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 5. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 6. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 7. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY MORE SERVICES --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 8. DK --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000558 L1c.T. Gore- serv/spend scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1c.T. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? (Do you think he would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L1b.T was administered first, then L1c and L1d were randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L1e and L1f were administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the FTF version of this question, see L1c. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. FEWER SERVICES; REDUCE SPENDING --> L1c1.T 5. MORE SERVICES; INCREASE SPENDING --> L1c2.T 7. SHOULD STAY THE SAME AS IT IS NOW [VOL]-->NEXT NAME/PARTY OR-->L2.T 8. DK -->NEXT NAME/PARTY OR-->L2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000559 L1c1.T. Gore- how much red serv/spend ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1c1.T. IF R THINKS GORE WOULD LIKE TO REDUCE SERVICES AND SPENDING: TELEPHONE: (Do you think he would like to) reduce services and spending a great deal or (reduce services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 8. DK --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,7,8,9,0 in L1c.T ============================== M000560 L1c2.T. Gore- how much inc serv/spend ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1c2.T. IF R THINKS GORE WOULD LIKE TO INCREASE SERVICES AND SPENDING: TELEPHONE: (Do you think he would like to) increase services and spending a great deal or (increase services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 8. DK --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,7,8,9,0 in L1c.T ============================== M000561 L1cx1. 5-pt br summary Gore serv/spend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1cx1. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? (Do you think he would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) (Do you think he would like to) reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? SUMMARY: 5PT SERV/SPEND GORE PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1c.T and L1c1.T/L1c2.T 1. Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. Reduce spending and services only some 3. Stay same as now (3 in L1c.T) 4. Increase spending and services only some 5. Increase spending and services a great deal 8. DK in L1c.T or L1c1.T/L1c2.T 9. RF in L1c.T or L1c1.T/L1c2.T 0. NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1c.T; FTF mode ============================== M000562 L1cx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Gore serv/spend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1cx2. FTF: Where would you place Al Gore (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? (Do you think he would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) (Do you think he would like to) reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? SUMMARY: 5PT SERV/SPEND GORE PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1c and L1cx1 1. SCALE: 1; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. SCALE 2; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services only some 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: Stay same as now (3 in L1c.T) 4. SCALE: 6; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services only some 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services a great deal 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1c or L1c.T ============================== M000563 L1d. Bush- serv/spend scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1d. FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L1b was administered first, then L1c and L1d were randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L1e and L1f were administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L1d.T Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY FEWER SERVICES --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 2. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 3. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 4. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 5. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 6. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 7. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY MORE SERVICES --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 8. DK --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000564 L1d.T. Bush- serv/spend scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1d.T. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L1b.T was administered first, then L1c and L1d were randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L1e and L1f were administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L1d. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. FEWER SERVICES; REDUCE SPENDING -->L1d1.T 5. MORE SERVICES; INCREASE SPENDING -->L1d2.T 7. SHOULD STAY THE SAME AS IT IS NOW [VOL]-->NEXT NAME/PARTY OR-->L2.T 8. DK -->NEXT NAME/PARTY OR-->L2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000565 L1d1.T. Bush- how much reduce serv/spend ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1d1.T. IF R THINKS GW BUSH WOULD LIKE TO REDUCE SERVICES AND SPENDING: TELEPHONE: (Do you think he would like to) reduce services and spending a great deal or (reduce services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 8. DK --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,7,8,9,0 in L1d.T ============================== M000566 L1d2.T. Bush- how much increase serv/spend ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1d2.T. IF R THINKS GW BUSH WOULD LIKE TO INCREASE SERVICES AND SPENDING: TELEPHONE: (Do you think he would like to) increase services and spending a great deal or (increase services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 8. DK --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,7,8,9,0 in L1d.T ============================== M000567 L1dx1. 5-pt br summary Bush serv/spend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1dx1. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) (Do you think he would like to) reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? SUMMARY: 5PT SERV/SPEND BUSH PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1d.T and L1d1.T/L1d2.T 1. Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. Reduce spending and services only some 3. Stay same as now (3 in L1d.T) 4. Increase spending and services only some 5. Increase spending and services a great deal 8. DK in L1d.T or L1d1.T/L1d2.T 9. RF in L1d.T or L1d1.T/L1d2.T 0. NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1d.T; FTF mode ============================== M000568 L1dx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Bush serv/spend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1dx2. FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) (Do you think he would like to) reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? SUMMARY: 5PT SERV/SPEND BUSH PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE /BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1d and L1dx1 1. SCALE: 1; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. SCALE 2; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services only some 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: Stay same as now (3 in L1d.T) 4. SCALE: 6; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services only some 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services a great deal 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1d or L1d.T ============================== M000569 L1e. Dem Party- serv/spend scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1e. FTF: Where would you place the Democratic Party (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L1b was administered first, then L1c and L1d were randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L1e and L1f were administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L1e.T Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY FEWER SERVICES --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 2. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 3. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 4. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 5. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 6. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 7. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY MORE SERVICES --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 8. DK --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000570 L1e.T. Dem Party- serv/spend scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1e.T. TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L1b.T was administered first, then L1c and L1d were randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L1e and L1f were administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L1e. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. FEWER SERVICES; REDUCE SPENDING --> L1e1.T 5. MORE SERVICES; INCREASE SPENDING --> L1e2.T 7. SHOULD STAY THE SAME AS IT IS NOW [VOL] --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L2.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000571 L1e1.T. Dem Party-how much red srv/sp ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1e1.T. IF R THINKS DEMOCRATIC PARTY WANTS TO REDUCE SERVICES/SPENDING: TELEPHONE: (Do you think they would like to) reduce services and spending a great deal or (reduce services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L2.T 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L2.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,7,8,9,0 in L1e.T ============================== M000572 L1e2.T. Dem Party-how much inc srv/sp ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1e2.T. IF R THINKS DEMOCRATIC PARTY WANTS TO INCREASE SERVICES/SPENDING: TELEPHONE: (Do you think they would like to) increase services and spending a great deal or (increase services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A Great Deal --> Next Party or L2 5. Only Some --> Next Party or L2 8. DK --> Next Party Or L2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,7,8,9,0 in L1e.T ============================== M000573 L1ex1. 5-pt br summary Dem Party srv/spd MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1ex1. TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) (Do you think they would like to) reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? SUMMARY: 5PT SERV/SPEND DEM PARTY PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1e.T and L1e1.T/L1e2.T 1. Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. Reduce spending and services only some 3. Stay same as now (3 in L1e.T) 4. Increase spending and services only some 5. Increase spending and services a great deal 8. DK in L1e.T or L1e1.T/L1e2.T 9. RF in L1e.T or L1e1.T/L1e2.T 0. NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1e.T; FTF mode ============================== M000574 L1ex2. Comb.7pt/br summ Dem Party srv/sp MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1ex2. FTF: Where would you place the Democratic Party (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) (Do you think they would like to) reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? SUMMARY: 5PT SERV/SPEND DEM PARTY PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1e and L1ex1 1. SCALE: 1; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. SCALE 2; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services only some 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: Stay same as now (3 in L1e.T) 4. SCALE: 6; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services only some 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services a great deal 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1e or L1e.T ============================== M000575 L1f. Rep Party- serv/spend scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1f. FTF: Where would you place the Republican Party (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L1b was administered first, then L1c and L1d were randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L1e and L1f were administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L1f.T Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY FEWER SERVICES --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 2. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 3. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 4. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 5. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 6. --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 7. GOVT SHOULD PROVIDE MANY MORE SERVICES --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 8. DK --> NEXT NAME /PARTY OR --> L2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000576 L1f.T. Rep Party- serv/spend scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1f.T. TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L1b.T was administered first, then L1c and L1d were randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L1e and L1f were administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L1f. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. FEWER SERVICES; REDUCE SPENDING --> L1f1.T 5. MORE SERVICES; INCREASE SPENDING --> L1f2.T 7. SHOULD STAY SAME AS IT IS NOW [VOL] --> Next Party or L2 8. DK --> Next Party Or L2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000577 L1f1.T. Rep Party-how much red srv/sp ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1f1.T. IF R THINKS REPUBLICAN PARTY WANTS TO REDUCE SERVICES/SPENDING: TELEPHONE: (Do you think they would like to) reduce services and spending a great deal or (reduce services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L2.T 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L2.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,7,8,9,0 in L1f.T ============================== M000578 L1f2.T. Rep Party-how much inc srv/sp ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1f2.T. IF R THINKS DEMOCRATIC PARTY WANTS TO INCREASE SERVICES/SPENDING: TELEPHONE: (Do you think they would like to) increase services and spending a great deal or (increase services and spending) only some? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GREAT DEAL --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L2.T 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L2.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,7,8,9,0 in L1f.T ============================== M000579 L1fx1. 5-pt br summary Rep Party srv/spd MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1fx1. TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) (Do you think they would like to) reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? SUMMARY: 5PT SERV/SPEND REP PTY PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1f.T and L1f1.T/L1f2.T 1. Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. Reduce spending and services only some 3. Stay same as now (3 in L1f.T) 4. Increase spending and services only some 5. Increase spending and services a great deal 8. DK in L1f.T or L1f1.T/L1f2.T 9. RF in L1f.T or L1f1.T/L1f2.T 0. NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1f.T; FTF mode ============================== M000580 L1fx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Rep Party srv/sp MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L1fx2. FTF: Where would you place the Republican Party (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they would like the government to provide fewer services in order to reduce spending or provide more services even if it means an increase in spending?) (Do you think they would like to) reduce/increase services and spending a great deal or (reduce/increase services and spending) only some? SUMMARY: 5PT SERV/SPEND REP PTY PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L1f and L1fx1 1. SCALE: 1; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services a great deal 2. SCALE 2; BRANCHING: Reduce spending and services only some 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: Stay same as now (3 in L1f.T) 4. SCALE: 6; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services only some 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Increase spending and services a great deal 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, DK/RF/NA in L1f or L1f.T ============================== M000581 L2a. Self plcemnt-def spending scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2a. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- For the telephone version of this question, see L2a.T 1. GOVT SHOULD DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2b 2. --> L2b 3. --> L2b 4. --> L2b 5. --> L2b 6. --> L2b 7. GOVT SHOULD INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2b 8. DK --> L2b 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> L2b ============================== M000582 L2a.T. Self plcemnt-def spending scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2a.T. TELEPHONE: Do you have an opinion on this issue or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- For the FTF version of this question, see L2a. 1. YES, HAVE AN OPINION 5. NO, NO OPINION (HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH) --> L2b.T 8. DK --> L2b.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000583 L2a1.T. Govt inc/dec def spending phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2a1.T. IF R DOES NOT SAY HE/SHE HAS NO OPINION ABOUT DEFENSE SPENDING: TELEPHONE: Do you feel the government should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or is the government spending on defense about the right amount now? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2a1a.T 3. INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2a1b.T 5. ABOUT THE RIGHT AMOUNT --> L2b.T/L2c.T 8. DK --> L2b.T/L2c.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,0 in L2a.T ============================== M000584 L2a1a.T. How much reduce def spending ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2a1a.T. IF R SAYS DOES NOT SAY HE/SHE HAS NO OPINION ABOUT DEFENSE SPENDING: IF R SAYS THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD REDUCE DEFENSE SPENDING: TELEPHONE: Should the government reduce defense spending a lot or a little? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> L2bT/L2c.T 5. A LITTLE --> L2b.T/L2c.T 8. DK --> L2b.T/L2c.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 3,5,8,9,0 in L2a1.T ============================== M000585 L2a1b.T. How much incres def spending ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2a1b.T. IF R SAYS DOES NOT SAY HE/SHE HAS NO OPINION ABOUT DEFENSE SPENDING: IF R SAYS THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING: TELEPHONE: Should the government increase defense spending a lot or a little? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> L2b.T/L2c.T 5. A LITTLE --> L2b.T/L2c.T 8. DK --> L2b.T/L2c.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,5,8,9,0 in L2a1.T ============================== M000586 L2ax1. 5-pt br summary defense spending MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 7 Numeric L2ax1. TELEPHONE: Do you have an opinion on this issue or haven't you thought much about this? Do you feel the government should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or is the government spending on defense about the right amount now? Should the government decrease/increase defense spending a lot or a little? SUMMARY: 5PT DEF SPENDING SELF-PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L2a.T, L2a1.T and L2a1a.T/L2a1b.T 1. Decrease defense spending a lot 2. Decrease defense spending a little 3. About the right amount (5 in L2a1.T) 4. Increase defense spending a little 5. Increase defense spending a lot 7. Haven't thought much (5 in L2a.T) 8. DK in L2a1.T or L2a1a.T/L2a1b.T 9. RF in L2a1.T or L2a1a.T/L2a1b.T 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in L2a.T or L2a1.T; FTF mode ============================== M000587 L2ax2. Comb.7pt/br summ defense spending MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2ax2. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE: Do you have an opinion on this issue or haven't you thought much about this? Do you feel the government should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or is the government spending on defense about the right amount now? Should the government decrease/increase defense spending a lot or a little? SUMMARY: 5PT DEFENSE SPENDING SELF-PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L2a and from L2a.T/L2a1.T/L2a1a.T/L2a1b.T. 1. SCALE: 1; BRANCHING: Decrease defense spending a lot 2. SCALE: 2; BRANCHING: Decrease defense spending a little 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: About the right amount (5 in L2a1.T) 4. SCALE: 6; BRANCHING: Increase defense spending a little 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Increase defense spending a lot 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in L2a; 8,9,NA in L2a.T or L2a1.T; FTF mode 0. Haven't thought much ============================== M000588 L2b. Gore- defense spending scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2b. FTF: Where would you place Al Gore on this issue? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L2b and L2c were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names. L2e and L2f were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L2b.T Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 2. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 3. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 4. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 5. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 6. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 7. GOVT SHOULD INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000589 L2b.T. Gore- defense spending scale ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2b.T. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he believes we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L2b.T and L2c.T were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names. L2e.T and L2f.T were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L2b. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2b1.T 3. INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2b1.T 5. ABOUT THE RIGHT AMOUNT --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000590 L2b1.T. Gore-how much red/inc def spn ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2b1.T. IF R SAYS GORE WANTS TO REDUCE DEFENSE SPENDING/ IF R SAYS GORE WANTS TO INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING: TELEPHONE: A lot or a little? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3.T 5. A LITTLE --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3.T 8. DK --> NEXT NAME.PARTY OR --> L3.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,8,9,0 in L2b.T ============================== M000591 L2bx1. 5-pt br summary Gore def spend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2bx1. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he believes we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now? A lot or a little? SUMMARY: 5PT DEF SPENDING GORE PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L2b.T and L2b1.T/L2b2.T 1. Decrease defense spending a lot 2. Decrease defense spending a little 3. About the right amount (5 in L2b.T) 4. Increase defense spending a little 5. Increase defense spending a lot 8. DK in L2b.T or L2b1.T/L2b2.T 9. RF in L2b.T or L2b1.T/L2b2.T 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in L2b.T; FTF mode ============================== M000592 L2bx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Gore def spend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2bx2. FTF: Where would you place Al Gore on this issue? TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he believes we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now? A lot or a little? SUMMARY: 5PT DEF SPENDING GORE PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L2b and L2bx1. 1. SCALE: 1; BRANCHING: Decrease defense spending a lot 2. SCALE: 2; BRANCHING: Decrease defense spending a little 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: About the right amount (5 in L2b.T) 4. SCALE: 6; BRANCHING: Increase defense spending a little 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Increase defense spending a lot 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in L2b or L2b.T; FTF mode ============================== M000593 L2c. Bush- defense spending scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2c. FTF: (Still looking at Page 6). Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L2b and L2c were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names. L2e and L2f were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L2c.T Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 2. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 3. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 4. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 5. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 6. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 7. GOVT SHOULD INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000594 L2c.T. Bush- defense spending scale ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2c.T. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he believes we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L2b.T and L2c.T were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names. L2e.T and L2f.T were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L2c. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2c1.T 3. INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2c1.T 5. ABOUT THE RIGHT AMOUNT --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3.T 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000595 L2c1.T. Bush-how much red/inc def spd ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2c1.T. IF R SAYS GW BUSH WANTS TO REDUCE DEFENSE SPENDING/ IF R SAYS GW BUSH WANTS TO INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING: TELEPHONE: A lot or a little? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3.T 5. A LITTLE --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3.T 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,8,9,0 in L2c.T ============================== M000596 L2cx1. 5-pt br summary Bush def spend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2cx1. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he believes we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now?) A lot or a little? SUMMARY: 5PT DEF SPENDING GW BUSH PLACEMENT FROM BRANCH SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L2c.T and L2c1.T/L2c2.T 1. Decrease defense spending a lot 2. Decrease defense spending a little 3. About the right amount (5 in L2c.T) 4. Increase defense spending a little 5. Increase defense spending a lot 8. DK in L2c.T or L2c1.T/L2c2.T 9. RF in L2c.T or L2c1.T/L2c2.T 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in L2c.T; FTF mode ============================== M000597 L2cx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Bush def spend MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2cx2. FTF: (Still looking at Page 6). Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he believes we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now?) A lot or a little? SUMMARY: 5PT DEF SPENDING GW BUSH PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L2c and L2cx1. 1. SCALE: 1; BRANCHING: Decrease defense spending a lot 2. SCALE: 2; BRANCHING: Decrease defense spending a little 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: About the right amount (5 in L2c.T) 4. SCALE: 6; BRANCHING: Increase defense spending a little 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Increase defense spending a lot 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in L2c or L2c.T; FTF mode ============================== M000598 L2d. Dem Party-def spending scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2d. FTF: (Still looking at Page 6). Where would you place the Democratic Party (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L2b and L2c were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names. L2e and L2f were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L2d.T Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 2. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 3. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 4. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 5. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 6. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 7. GOVT SHOULD INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000599 L2d.T. Dem Party-def spend scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2d.T. TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they believe we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L2b.T and L2c.T were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names. L2e.T and L2f.T were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L2d. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2d1.T 3. INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2d1.T 5. ABOUT THE RIGHT AMOUNT --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L3.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L3.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000600 L2d1.T. Dem Party-how much red/inc ds ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2d1.T. IF R SAYS DEMOCRATIC PARTY WANTS TO REDUCE DEFENSE SPENDING/ IF R SAYS DEMOCRATIC PARTY WANTS TO INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING: TELEPHONE: A lot or a little? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L3.T 5. A LITTLE --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L3.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L3.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,8,9,0 in L2d.T ============================== M000601 L2dx1. 5-pt br summary Dem Party def sp MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2dx1. TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they believe we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now? A lot or a little? SUMMARY: 5PT DEF SPENDING DEM PARTY PLACEMENT FROM BRANCH SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L2d.T and L2d1.T/L2d2.T 1. Decrease defense spending a lot 2. Decrease defense spending a little 3. About the right amount (5 in L2d.T) 4. Increase defense spending a little 5. Increase defense spending a lot 8. DK in L2d.T or L2d1.T/L2d2.T 9. RF in L2d.T or L2d1.T/L2d2.T 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in L2d.T; FTF mode ============================== M000602 L2dx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Dem Party def sp MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2dx2. FTF: (Still looking at Page 6). Where would you place the Democratic Party (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they believe we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now? A lot or a little? SUMMARY: 5PT DEF SPENDING DEM PTY PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L2d and L2dx1. 1. SCALE: 1; BRANCHING: Decrease defense spending a lot 2. SCALE: 2; BRANCHING: Decrease defense spending a little 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: About the right amount (5 in L2d.T) 4. SCALE: 6; BRANCHING: Increase defense spending a little 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Increase defense spending a lot 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in L2d or L2d.T; FTF mode ============================== M000603 L2e. Rep Party-def spending scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2e. FTF: (Still looking at Page 6). Where would you place the Republican Party (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L2b and L2c were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names. L2e and L2f were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L2e.T Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 2. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 3. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 4. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 5. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 6. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 7. GOVT SHOULD INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000604 L2e.T. Rep Party-def spend scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2e.T. TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they believes we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L2b.T and L2c.T were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names. L2e.T and L2f.T were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question, see L2e. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. DECREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2e1.T 3. INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING --> L2e1.T 5. ABOUT THE RIGHT AMOUNT --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L3.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L3.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000605 L2e1.T. Rep Party-how much inc/red ds ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2e1.T. IF R SAYS REPUBLICAN PARTY WANTS TO REDUCE DEFENSE SPENDING/ IF R SAYS REPUBLICAN PARTY WANTS TO INCREASE DEFENSE SPENDING: TELEPHONE: A lot or a little? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> NEXT PARTY OR L3.T 5. A LITTLE --> NEXT PARTY OR L3.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR L3.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,8,9,0 in L2e.T ============================== M000606 L2ex1. 5-pt br summary Rep Party def sp MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2ex1. TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they believes we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now?) A lot or a little? SUMMARY: 5PT DEF SPENDING REP PARTY PLACEMENT FROM BRANCH SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L2e.T and L2e1.T/L2e2.T 1. Decrease defense spending a lot 2. Decrease defense spending a little 3. About the right amount (5 in L2e.T) 4. Increase defense spending a little 5. Increase defense spending a lot 8. DK in L2e.T or L2e1.T/L2e2.T 9. RF in L2e.T or L2e1.T/L2e2.T 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in L2e.T; FTF mode ============================== M000607 L2ex2. Comb.7pt/br summ Rep Party def sp MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L2ex2. FTF: (Still looking at Page 6). Where would you place the Republican Party (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they believes we should decrease defense spending, increase defense spending, or that Government spending on defense is about the right amount now?) A lot or a little? SUMMARY: 5PT DEF SPENDING REP PTY PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L2e and L2ex1. 1. SCALE: 1; BRANCHING: Decrease defense spending a lot 2. SCALE: 2; BRANCHING: Decrease defense spending a little 3. SCALE: 3,4,5; BRANCHING: About the right amount (5 in L2e.T) 4. SCALE: 6; BRANCHING: Increase defense spending a little 5. SCALE: 7; BRANCHING: Increase defense spending a lot 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,NA in L2e or L2e.T; FTF mode ============================== M000608 L3(1). Ckpt: FTF/ph, reg/exp. Numeric L3(1). CHECKPOINT: MODE AND VERSION FOR GOVT/PRIVATE MEDICAL INSURANCE SELF-PLACEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- FTF: Rs were randomly assigned to the standard 7-point scale or to an experimental version of the 7-point scale (with endpoints reversed). Phone: Rs were randomly assigned to 2 versions of the branching format; in the 2nd version, the initial placement question is coded in reverse. 1. FTF standard version 2. FTF experimental version 3. PHONE version 1 4. PHONE version 2 ============================== M000608a L3a. Self placement-private or govt insur MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L3a. IF R SELECTED FOR STANDARD VERSION: FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L3 for complete text. FTF respondents were randomly selected to be administered either L3a (standard) or L3a.E (experimental). The endpoints are reversed in the experimental version of this question. For telephone versions of this question, see L3a.T and L3a.TE. 1. GOVT INSURANCE PLAN --> SKIP TO L4 2. --> SKIP TO L4 3. --> SKIP TO L4 4. --> SKIP TO L4 5. --> SKIP TO L4 6. --> SKIP TO L4 7. PRIVATE INSURANCE PLAN --> SKIP TO L4 8. DK --> SKIP TO L4 9. RF; NA; INAP, 2, 3, 4 in L3(1) 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH --> SKIP TO L4 ============================== M000608b L3a.E. Self placement-insur scale FTF ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L3a.E. IF R SELECTED FOR EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L3.E for complete text. FTF respondents were randomly selected to be administered either L3a (standard) or L3a.E (experimental). The endpoints are reversed in the experimental version of this question. For telephone versions of this question, see L3a.T and L3a.TE. 1. PRIVATE INSURANCE PLAN --> L4 2. --> L4 3. --> L4 4. --> L4 5. --> L4 6. --> L4 7. GOVT INSURANCE PLAN --> L4 8. DK --> L4 9. RF; NA; INAP, 1, 3, 4 in L3(1) 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> L4 ============================== M000609 L3ax. Comb. FTF versions R insurnc scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L3ax. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? COMBINED FTF: STANDARD/EXPERIMENTAL 7 PT MEDICAL INSURANCE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L3a/L3a.E. 1. GOVT INSURANCE PLAN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PRIVATE INSURANCE PLAN 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, phone mode [3, 4 in L3(1)] 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ============================== M000610a L3a.T. Self placement-insur scale phone stan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L3a.T. IF R SELECTED FOR VERSION 1: TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L3.T for complete text. Phone respondents were randomly selected to be administered either L3a.T (version 1) or L3a.TE (version 2). The coding is reversed in version 2 of this question. For FTF versions of this question, see L3a and L3a.E. 1. SHOULD BE A GOVT INSURANCE PLAN --> SKIP TO L3a1.T 5. INDIVIDUALS SHOULD PAY MEDICAL EXPENSES THROUGH PRIVATE INSURANCE PLAN --> SKIP TO L3a2.T 7. SHOULD STAY THE SAME AS IT IS NOW [VOL] --> SKIP TO L4 8. DK --> SKIP TO L4.T 9. RF; NA; INAP, 1, 2, 4 in L3(1) 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> SKIP TO L4.T ============================== M000610b L3a.TE. Self placement-insur scale phone ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L3a.TE. IF R SELECTED FOR VERSION 2: TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L3.TE for complete text. Phone respondents were randomly selected to be administered either L3a.T (version 1) or L3a.TE (version 2). The coding is reversed in version 2 of this question. For FTF versions of this question, see L3a and L3a.E. 1. INDIVIDUALS SHOULD PAY MEDICAL EXPENSES THROUGH PRIVATE INSURANCE PLAN --> L3a2.T 5. SHOULD BE A GOVT INSURANCE PLAN --> L3a1.T 7. SHOULD STAY THE SAME AS IT IS NOW --> L4.T 8. DK --> L4.T 9. RF; NA; INAP, 1, 2, 3 in L3(1) 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> L4.T ============================== M000611 L3ax.TE. Comb. Ph versions R insur scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L3ax.T. TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel or haven't you thought much about this? COMBINED PHONE VERSION 1/VERSION 2 - MEDICAL INSURANCE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L3a.T and L3a.TE 1. SHOULD BE A GOVT INSURANCE PLAN 5. INDIVIDUALS SHOULD PAY MEDICAL EXPENSES THROUGH PRIVATE INSURANCE PLAN 7. SHOULD STAY THE SAME AS IT IS NOW [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode [1,2 in L3(1)] 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS ============================== M000612 L3a1/a2.T. Strength of insurance plan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L3a1/a2.T. BOTH TELEPHONE VERSIONS: IF R FEELS THERE SHOULD BE GOVERNMENT INSURANCE PLAN/ IF R FEELS INDIVIDUALS SHOULD PAY THROUGH PRIVATE INSURANCE PLAN: TELEPHONE: Do you feel strongly or not strongly that there should be a government insurance plan?/ Do you feel strongly or not strongly that individuals should pay through private insurance plan? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> L4.T 5. NOT STRONGLY --> L4.T 8. DK --> L4.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,0 or RF/NA in L3a.T or L3a.TE ============================== M000613 L3x1. 5-pt br summary R on pri/govt insurance MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L3x1. TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel or haven't you thought much about this? Do you feel strongly or not strongly that there should be a a government insurance plan?/ Do you feel strongly or not strongly that individuals should pay through private insurance plan? SUMMARY: 5PT MED INSURANCE SELF-PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built L3ax.T and L3a1.T/L3a2.T 1. Strongly - government insurance plan 2. Not strongly - government insurance plan 3. Stay the same as it is now 4. Not strongly - individual insurance 5. Strongly - individual insurance 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode [1,2 in L3(1)] 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS ============================== M000614 L3x2. Comb.7pt/br summ of R on pri/govt insurance MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L3x2. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel or haven't you thought much about this? Do you feel strongly or not strongly that there should be a a government insurance plan?/ Do you feel strongly or not strongly that individuals should pay through private insurance plan? SUMMARY: 5PT MED INSURANCE SELF-PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L3ax and L3ax.T 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Strongly - govt insurance plan 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - govt insurance plan 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 ; BRANCHING: Stay the same as it is now 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - individual insurance 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Strongly - individual insurance 8. DK 9. RF; NA 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS ============================== M000615 L4a. R plcmnt-guar job/std liv scl FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4a. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- For the telephone version of this question see L4a.T. 1. GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING --> L4b. 2. --> L4b. 3. --> L4b. 4. --> L4b. 5. --> L4b. 6. --> L4b. 7. GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN --> L4b. 8. DK --> L4b. 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> L4b. ============================== M000616 L4a.T. R plcmnt-guar job/std liv scl ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4a.T. TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- For the FTF version of this question see L4a. 1. GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING --> L4a1.T 5. GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN --> L4a2.T 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] --> L4b.T/L4c.T 8. DK --> L4b.T/L4c.T 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> L4b.T/L4c.T ============================== M000617 L4a1.T. How much should gov guar jobs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4a1.T. IF R THINKS GOVERNMENT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING: TELEPHONE: Do you feel strongly that the government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or not so strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> L4b.T/L4c.T 5. NOT STRONGLY --> L4b.T/L4c.T 8. DK --> L4b.T/L4c.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,7,8,9,0 in L4a.T ============================== M000618 L4a2t. How much should ppl get by on own MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4a2.T. IF R THINKS GOVERNMENT SHOULD LET EACH GET AHEAD ON THEIR OWN: TELEPHONE: Do you feel strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own, or not so strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> L4b.T/L4c.T 5. NOT STRONGLY --> L4b.T/L4c.T 8. DK --> L4b.T/L4c.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,7,8,9,0 in L4a.T ============================== M000619 L4x1. 5-pt br summary guaranteed jobs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4x1. TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel or haven't you thought much about this? Do you feel strongly that the government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or not so strongly? Do you feel strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own, or not so strongly? SUMMARY: 5PT GUARANTEED JOBS SELF-PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L4a; built from L4a.T and L4a1.T/L4a2.T 1. Strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 2. Not strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Not strongly - govt leave people on own 5. Strongly - govt leave people on own 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS ============================== M000620 L4x2. Comb.7pt/br summ guaranteed jobs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4x2. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel or haven't you thought much about this? Do you feel strongly that the government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or not so strongly? Do you feel strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own, or not so strongly? SUMMARY: 5PT GUARANTEED JOBS SELF-PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L4a and L4x1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - govt leave people on own 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Strongly - govt leave people on own 8. DK 9. RF; NA 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS ============================== M000621 L4b. Gore-guar job/std liv scl FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4b. FTF: (Still looking at Page 9) Where would you place Al Gore on this issue? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L4b and L4c were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names; L4e and L4f were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question see L4b.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5. 2. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5 3. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5 4. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5 5. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5 6. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5 7. GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000622 L4b.T. Gore-guar job/std liv scl phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4b.T. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he feels government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L4b.T and L4c.T were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names; L4e.T and L4f.T were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the FTF version of this question see L4b. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING --> L4b1.T 5. GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN --> L4b2T 7. OTHER/IT DEPENDS/NEITHER [VOL] --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR -->L5.T 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000623 L4b1/b2.T. Gore-strength of guar job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4b1/b2.T. IF R SAYS GORE THINKS GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD LIVING/ IF R SAYS GORE THINKS GOVT SHOULD LET EACH ON OWN: TELEPHONE: Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5.T 5. NOT STRONGLY --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5.T 8. DK --> NEXT NAME.PARTY OR --> L5.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in L4b.T ============================== M000624 L4bx1. 5-pt br summary Gore guar job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4bx1. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he feels government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own? SUMMARY: 5PT GUARANTEED JOBS GORE PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L4b.T and L4b1.T/L4b2. 1. Strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 2. Not strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Not strongly - govt leave people on own 5. Strongly - govt leave people on own 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000625 L4bx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Gore guar job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4bx2. FTF: (Still looking at Page 9) Where would you place Al Gore on this issue? TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he feels government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own? SUMMARY: 5PT GUARANTEED JOBS GORE PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L4b and L4bx1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - govt leave people on own 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Strongly - govt leave people on own 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000626 L4c. Bush-guar job/std liv scl FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4c. FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L4b and L4c were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names; L4e and L4f were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question see L4c.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000627 L4c.T. Bush-guar job/std liv scl phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4c.T. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he feels government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L4b.T and L4c.T were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names; L4e.T and L4f.T were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the FTF version of this question see L4c. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING --> L4c1.T 5. GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN --> L4c1.T 7. OTHER/IT DEPENDS/NEITHER [VOL] --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5.T 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000628 L4c1/c2.T. Bush-strength guar job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4c1/c2.T. IF R SAYS GW BUSH THINKS GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD LIVING/ IF R SAYS GW BUSH THINKS GOVT SHOULD LET EACH ON OWN: TELEPHONE: Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5.T 5. NOT STRONGLY --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L5.T 8. DK --> NEXT NAME.PARTY OR --> L5.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in L4c.T ============================== M000629 L4cx1. 5-pt br summary Bush guar job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4cx1. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he feels government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own?) Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own ? SUMMARY: 5PT GUARANTEED JOBS BUSH PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L4c.T and L4c1.T/L4c2.T 1. Strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 2. Not strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Not strongly - govt leave people on own 5. Strongly - govt leave people on own 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000630 L4cx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Bush guar job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4cx2. FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he feels government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own?) Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own ? SUMMARY: 5PT GUARANTEED JOBS BUSH PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L4c and L4cx1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - govt leave people on own 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Strongly - govt leave people on own 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000631 L4d. Dem Party-guar job/std liv scl FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4d. FTF: Where would you place the Democratic Party (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L4b and L4c were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names; L4e and L4f were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question see L4d.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000632 L4d.T. Dem Party-guar job/std liv scl ph MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4d.T. TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they feel government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L4b.T and L4c.T were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names; L4e.T and L4f.T were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the FTF version of this question see L4d. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING --> L4d1.T 5. GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN --> L4d1.T 7. OTHER/IT DEPENDS/NEITHER [VOL] --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L5.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L5.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000633 L4d1/d2.T. Dem Party-strength guar job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4d1/d2.T. IF R SAYS DEM PARTY THINKS GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STD OF LIVING/ IF R SAYS DEM PARTY THINKS GOVT SHOULD LET EACH ON OWN: TELEPHONE: Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L5.T 5. NOT STRONGLY --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L5.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L5.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in L4d.T ============================== M000634 L4dx1. 5-pt br summary Dem Party guar jb MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4dx1. TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they feel government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own?) Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own ? SUMMARY: 5PT GUAR JOBS DEM PARTY PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L4d.T and L4d1.T/L4d2.T 1. Strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 2. Not strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Not strongly - govt leave people on own 5. Strongly - govt leave people on own 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000635 L4dx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Dem Party gua jb MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4dx2. FTF: Where would you place the Democratic Party (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they feel government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own?) Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own ? SUMMARY: 5PT GUAR JOBS DEM PARTY PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L4d and L4dx1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - govt leave people on own 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Strongly - govt leave people on own 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000636 L4e. Rep Party-guar job/std liv FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4e. FTF: Where would you place the Republican Party (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] FTF: L4b and L4c were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names; L4e and L4f were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the telephone version of this question see L4e.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000637 L4e.T. Rep Party-guar job/std liv phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4e.T. TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they feel government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] PHONE: L4b.T and L4c.T were randomly administered as the 1st or 2nd names; L4e.T and L4f.T were then randomly administered as the 3rd or 4th names. For the FTF version of this question see L4e. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING --> L4e1.T 5. GOVT SHOULD LET EACH PERSON GET AHEAD ON OWN-->NEXT PARTY OR-->L5.T 7. OTHER/IT DEPENDS/NEITHER [VOL] --> L4e1.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L5.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000638 L4e1/e2.T. Rep Party-strength guar job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4e1/e2.T. IF R SAYS REP PARTY THINKS GOVT SHOULD SEE TO JOBS AND STD OF LIVING/ IF R SAYS REP PARTY THINKS GOVT SHOULD LET EACH ON OWN: TELEPHONE: Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> NEXT PARTY OR L5.T 5. NOT STRONGLY --> NEXT PARTY OR L5.T 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR L5.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in L4e.T ============================== M000639 L4ex1. 5-pt br summ Rep Party guar job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4ex1. TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they feel government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own?) Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own? SUMMARY: 5PT GUAR JOBS REP PARTY PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L4e.T and L4e1.T/L4e2.T 1. Strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 2. Not strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Not strongly - govt leave people on own 5. Strongly - govt leave people on own 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000640 L4ex2. Comb.7pt/br summ Rep Party guar job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L4ex2. FTF: Where would you place the Republican Party (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they feel government should see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living, or that government should just let each person get ahead on their own?) Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should see to jobs and a good standard of living? Do you think they feel strongly or not strongly that the government should just let each person get ahead on their own? SUMMARY: 5PT GUAR JOBS REP PARTY PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L4e and L4ex1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - govt see to jobs & std living 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - govt leave people on own 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Strongly - govt leave people on own 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000641 L5a. R plcmnt-aid to blacks scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5a. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L5 for complete text. For the telephone version of this question see L5a.T. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> L5b. 2. --> L5b. 3. --> L5b. 4. --> L5b. 5. --> L5b. 6. --> L5b. 7. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES --> L5b. 8. DK --> L5b. 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> L5b. ============================== M000642 L5a.T. R plcmnt-aid to blacks scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5a.T. TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L5.T for complete text. For the FTF version of this question see L5a. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> L5a1.T 5. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES --> L5a1.T 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] --> L5b.T 8. DK --> L5b.T 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> L5b.T ============================== M000643 L5a1/a2.T. R-strength aid to blacks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5a1/a2.T. IF R THINKS GOVERNMENT SHOULD HELP BLACKS/ IF R THINKS BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES: TELEPHONE: Should the government help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? Should blacks have to help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. GREAT EXTENT --> L5b.T 5. ONLY SOME --> L5b.T 8. DK --> L5b.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in L5a.T ============================== M000644 L5ax1. 5-pt br summary R aid to blacks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5ax1. TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? Should the government help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? Should blacks have to help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS SELF-PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5a.T and L5a1.T/L5a2.T. 1. Govt help blacks to great extent 2. Govt help blacks to some extent 3. Other/neither/depends 4. Should help themselves to some extent 5. Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. Haven't thought much about it ============================== M000645 L5ax2. Comb.7pt/br summ R aid to blacks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5ax2. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? Should the government help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? Should blacks have to help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS SELF-PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5a and L5ax1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to great extent 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to some extent 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/neither/depends 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to some extent 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. Haven't thought much about it ============================== M000646 L5b. Clinton plcmnt-aid to blacks scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5b. FTF: (Still looking at page 10) Where would you place Bill Clinton on this issue? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See L5 for complete text. FTF: L5b is administered first, then L5c and L5d are randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L5e and L5f are then randomly administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question see L5b.T. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 2. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 3. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 4. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 5. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 6. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 7. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000647 L5b.T. Clinton-aid to blacks scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5b.T. TELEPHONE: What about Bill Clinton? (Do you think he feels that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See L5.T for complete text. TELEPHONE: L5b.T is administered first, then L5c.T and L5d.T are randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L5e.T and L5f.T are then randomly administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the FTF version of this question see L5b. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> L5b1.T 5. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES --> L5b1.T 7. OTHER/IT DEPENDS/NEITHER [VOL] --> NEXT NAME 8. DK --> NEXT NAME 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000648 L5b1/b2.T. Clinton-strength aid to blacks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5b1/b2.T. IF R SAYS CLINTON THINKS GOVERNMENT SHOULD HELP BLACKS/ IF R SAYS CLINTON THINKS BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES: TELEPHONE: (Do you think he feels the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think he feels blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. GREAT EXTENT --> NEXT NAME 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT NAME 8. DK --> NEXT NAME 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in L5b.T ============================== M000649 L5bx1. 5-pt br summary Clinton aid to blacks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5bx1. TELEPHONE: What about Bill Clinton? (Do you think he feels that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) (Do you think he feels the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think he feels blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS CLINTON PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5b.T and L5b1.T/L5b2.T. 1. Govt help blacks to great extent 2. Govt help blacks to some extent 3. Other/neither/depends 4. Should help themselves to some extent 5. Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000650 L5bx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Clinton aid to blacks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5bx2. FTF: (Still looking at page 10) Where would you place Bill Clinton on this issue? TELEPHONE: What about Bill Clinton? (Do you think he feels that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) (Do you think he feels the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think he feels blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS CLINTON PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5b and L5bx1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to great extent 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to some extent 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/neither/depends 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to some extent 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000651 L5c. Gore plcmnt-aid to blacks scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5c. FTF: (Still looking at page 10) Where would you place Al Gore (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See L5 for complete text. FTF: L5b is administered first, then L5c and L5d are randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L5e and L5f are then randomly administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question see L5c.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 2. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 3. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 4. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 5. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 6. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 7. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000652 L5c.T. Gore-aid to blacks scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5c.T. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? (Do you think he feels that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See L5.T for complete text. TELEPHONE: L5b.T is administered first, then L5c.T and L5d.T are randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L5e.T and L5f.T are then randomly administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the FTF version of this question see L5c. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> L5c1.T 5. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES --> L5c1.T 7. OTHER/IT DEPENDS/NEITHER [VOL] --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000653 L5c1/c2.T. Gore-strength aid to blacks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5c1/c2.T. IF R SAYS GORE THINKS GOVERNMENT SHOULD HELP BLACKS/ IF R SAYS GORE THINKS BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES: TELEPHONE: (Do you think he feels the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think he feels blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. GREAT EXTENT --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in L5c.T ============================== M000654 L5cx1. 5-pt br summary Gore aid to blks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5cx1. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? (Do you think he feels that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) (Do you think he feels the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think he feels blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS GORE PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5c.T and L5c1.T/L5c2.T. 1. Govt help blacks to great extent 2. Govt help blacks to some extent 3. Other/neither/depends 4. Should help themselves to some extent 5. Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000655 L5cx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Gore aid to blks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5cx2. FTF: (Still looking at page 10) Where would you place Al Gore (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? (Do you think he feels that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) (Do you think he feels the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think he feels blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS GORE PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5c and L5cx1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to great extent 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to some extent 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/neither/depends 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to some extent 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000656 L5d. Bush plcmnt-aid to blacks scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5d. FTF: (Still looking at page 10) Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See L5 for complete text. FTF: L5b is administered first, then L5c and L5d are randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L5e and L5f are then randomly administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question see L5d.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 2. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 3. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 4. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 5. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 6. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 7. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. ============================== M000657 L5d.T. Bush-aid to blacks scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5d.T. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he feels that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See L5.T for complete text. TELEPHONE: L5b.T is administered first, then L5c.T and L5d.T are randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L5e.T and L5f.T are then randomly administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the FTF version of this question see L5d. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> L5d1.T 5. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES --> L5d1.T 7. OTHER/IT DEPENDS/NEITHER [VOL] --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000658 L5d1/d2.T. Bush-strength aid to blacks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5d1/d2.T. IF R SAYS GW BUSH THINKS GOVERNMENT SHOULD HELP BLACKS/ IF R SAYS GW BUSH THINKS BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES: TELEPHONE: (Do you think he feels the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think he feels blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. GREAT EXTENT --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in L5d.T ============================== M000659 L5dx1. 5-pt br summary Bush aid to blks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5dx1. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he feels that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) (Do you think he feels the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think he feels blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS BUSH PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5d.T and L5d1.T/L5d2.T. 1. Govt help blacks to great extent 2. Govt help blacks to some extent 3. Other/neither/depends 4. Should help themselves to some extent 5. Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000660 L5dx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Bush aid to blks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5dx2. FTF: (Still looking at page 10) Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? (Do you think he feels that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) (Do you think he feels the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think he feels blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS BUSH PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5d and L5dx1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to great extent 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to some extent 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/neither/depends 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to some extent 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000661 L5e. Dem Party plcmnt-aid to blks scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5e. FTF: (Still looking at page 10) Where would you place the Democratic Party (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See L5 for complete text. FTF: L5b is administered first, then L5c and L5d are randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L5e and L5f are then randomly administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question see L5e.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 2. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 3. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 4. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 5. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 6. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 7. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES--> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000662 L5e.T. Dem Party-aid to blks scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5e.T. TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they feel that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See L5.T for complete text. TELEPHONE: L5b.T is administered first, then L5c.T and L5d.T are randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L5e.T and L5f.T are then randomly administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the FTF version of this question see L5e. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> L5e1.T 5. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES --> L5e1.T 7. OTHER/IT DEPENDS/NEITHER [VOL] --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L6. 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR -->L6. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000663 L5e1/e2.T. Dem Party-strgth aid to blks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5e1/e2.T. IF R SAYS DEMOCRATIC PARTY THINKS GOVERNMENT SHOULD HELP BLACKS/ IF R SAYS DEMOCRATIC PARTY THINKS BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES: TELEPHONE: (Do you think they feel the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think they feel blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. GREAT EXTENT --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L6. 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L6. 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L6. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in L5e.T ============================== M000664 L5ex1. 5-pt br summary Dem Party aid blks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5ex1. TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they feel that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) (Do you think they feel the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think they feel blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS DEM PARTY PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5e.T and L5e1.T/L5e2.T. 1. Govt help blacks to great extent 2. Govt help blacks to some extent 3. Other/neither/depends 4. Should help themselves to some extent 5. Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000665 L5ex2. Comb.7pt/br summ Dem Party aid blks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5ex2. FTF: (Still looking at page 10) Where would you place the Democratic Party (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about the Democratic Party? (Do you think they feel that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) (Do you think they feel the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think they feel blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS DEM PARTY PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5e and L5ex1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to great extent 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to some extent 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/neither/depends 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to some extent 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000666 L5f. Rep Party plcmnt-aid to blks scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5f. FTF: (Still looking at page 10) Where would you place the Republican Party (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See L5 for complete text. FTF: L5b is administered first, then L5c and L5d are randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L5e and L5f are then randomly administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the telephone version of this question see L5f.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 2. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 3. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 4. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 5. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 6. --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 7. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 8. DK --> NEXT NAME/PARTY OR --> L6. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000667 L5f.T. Rep Party-aid to blks scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5f.T. TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they feel that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See L5.T for complete text. TELEPHONE: L5b.T is administered first, then L5c.T and L5d.T are randomly administered as the 2nd or 3rd names. L5e.T and L5f.T are then randomly administered as the 4th or 5th names. For the FTF version of this question see L5f. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. GOVT SHOULD HELP BLACKS --> L5f1.T 5. BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES --> L5f1.T 7. OTHER/IT DEPENDS/NEITHER [VOL] --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L6. 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR --> L6. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000668 L5f1/f2.T. Rep Party-strgth aid to blks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5f1/f2.T. IF R SAYS REPUBLICAN PARTY THINKS GOVERNMENT SHOULD HELP BLACKS/ IF R SAYS REPUBLICAN PARTY THINKS BLACKS SHOULD HELP THEMSELVES: TELEPHONE: (Do you think they feel the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think they feel blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. GREAT EXTENT --> NEXT PARTY OR L6. 5. ONLY SOME --> NEXT PARTY OR L6. 8. DK --> NEXT PARTY OR L6. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in L5f.T ============================== M000669 L5fx1. 5-pt br summary Rep Party aid blks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5fx1. TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they feel that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) (Do you think they feel the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think they feel blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS REP PARTY PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5f.T and L5f1.T/L5f2.T. 1. Govt help blacks to great extent 2. Govt help blacks to some extent 3. Other/neither/depends 4. Should help themselves to some extent 5. Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000670 L5fx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Rep Party aid blks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L5fx2. FTF: (Still looking at page 10) Where would you place the Republican Party (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about the Republican Party? (Do you think they feel that government should make every effort to improve the social and economic position of blacks, or that government should not make any special effort to help blacks because they should help themselves?) (Do you think they feel the government should) help blacks to a great extent or only to some extent? (Do you think they feel blacks should have to) help themselves to a great extent or only to some extent? SUMMARY: 5PT AID BLACKS REP PARTY PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L5f and L5fx1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to great extent 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Govt help blacks to some extent 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/neither/depends 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to some extent 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Should help themselves to a great extent 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000671a L6. Appr/disappr affirmative action stan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L6. IF R SELECTED FOR STANDARD VERSION: Some people think that if a company has a history of discriminating against blacks when making hiring decisions, then they should be required to have an affirmative action program that gives blacks preference in hiring. What do you think? Should companies that have discriminated against blacks have to have an affirmative action program? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered either L6 (standard) or L6.E (experimental). 1. YES, THEY SHOULD HAVE TO HAVE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION --> GO TO L6a 5. NO, THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE TO HAVE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION --> GO TO L6b 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) [VOL] --> GO TO L7 8 DK --> GO TO L7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for L6.E ============================== M000671b L6.E. Appr/disappr affirmative action ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L6.E. IF R SELECTED FOR EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Some people think that if a company has a history of discriminating against blacks when making hiring decisions, then they should be required to have an affirmative action program that gives blacks preference in hiring. What do you think? Should companies that have discriminated against blacks have to have an affirmative action program or should companies not have to have an affirmative action program? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered either L6 (standard) or L6.E (experimental). 1. YES, THEY SHOULD HAVE TO HAVE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION --> GO TO L6a 5. NO, THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE TO HAVE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION --> GO TO L6b 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) [VOL] --> GO TO L7 8. DK --> GO TO L7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for L6 ============================== M000672 L6a. Strength for affirmative action MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L6a. IF R SAYS COMPANIES SHOULD HAVE TO HAVE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: Do you feel strongly or not strongly (that they should have to have affirmative action)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> GO TO L7 5. NOT STRONGLY --> GO TO L7 8. DK --> GO TO L7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,7,8,9 or NA in L6 or L6.E ============================== M000673 L6b. Strength against affirmative action MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L6b. IF R SAYS COMPANIES SHOULD NOT HAVE TO HAVE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: Do you feel strongly or not strongly (that they should not have to have affirmative action)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,7,8,9 or NA in L6 or L6.E ============================== M000674 L6x. Summary affirmative action MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L6x. STANDARD VERSION: Some people think that if a company has a history of discriminating against blacks when making hiring decisions, then they should be required to have an affirmative action program that gives blacks preference in hiring. What do you think? Should companies that have discriminated against blacks have to have an affirmative action program? EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Some people think that if a company has a history of discriminating against blacks when making hiring decisions, then they should be required to have an affirmative action program that gives blacks preference in hiring. What do you think? Should companies that have discriminated against blacks have to have an affirmative action program or should companies not have to have an affirmative action program? COMBINED AFFIRMATIVE ACTION (STANDARD/EXPERIMENTAL) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L6, L6.E. 1. Yes, they should have to have affirmative action 5. No, they should not have to have affirmative action 7. Other 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000674a L6x1. Summary - Strength of feeling MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 7 Numeric L6x1. STANDARD VERSION: Some people think that if a company has a history of discriminating against blacks when making hiring decisions, then they should be required to have an affirmative action program that gives blacks preference in hiring. What do you think? Should companies that have discriminated against blacks have to have an affirmative action program? EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Some people think that if a company has a history of discriminating against blacks when making hiring decisions, then they should be required to have an affirmative action program that gives blacks preference in hiring. What do you think? Should companies that have discriminated against blacks have to have an affirmative action program or should companies not have to have an affirmative action program? BOTH VERSIONS: Do you feel strongly or not strongly (that they should not have to have affirmative action)? SUMMARY - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION (STANDARD/EXPERIMENTAL) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L6, L6.E and L6a/L6b. 1. Strongly - should have to have affirmative action 2. Not strongly - should have to have affirmative action 4. Not strongly - shouldn't have to have affirmative action 5. Strongly - shouldn't have to have affirmative action 7. Other 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000675 L7a. Inc/dec build and repair highways MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7a. BUILDING AND REPAIRING HIGHWAYS (If you had a say in making up the federal budget this year, should federal spending on BUILDING AND REPAIRING HIGHWAYS be increased decreased or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000676 L7b. Inc/dec welfare programs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7b. What about WELFARE PROGRAMS? (Should federal spending on WELFARE PROGRAMS be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000677 L7c. Inc/dec spending on aids research MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7c. What about SPENDING ON AIDS RESEARCH? (Should federal spending on SPENDING ON AIDS RESEARCH be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000678 L7d. Inc/dec foreign aid MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7d. What about FOREIGN AID? (Should federal spending on FOREIGN AID be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000679 L7e. Inc/dec food stamps MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7e. What about FOOD STAMPS? (Should federal spending on FOOD STAMPS be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000680 L7f. Inc/dec aid to poor people MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7f. What about AID TO POOR PEOPLE? (Should federal spending on AID TO POOR PEOPLE be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000681 L7g. Inc/dec Social Security MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7g. What about SOCIAL SECURITY? (Should federal spending on SOCIAL SECURITY be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000682 L7h. Inc/dec environmental protection MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7h. What about ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION? (Should federal spending on ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000683 L7j. Inc/dec public schools MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7j. What about PUBLIC SCHOOLS? (Should federal spending on PUBLIC SCHOOLS be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000684 L7k. Inc/dec dealing with crime MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7k. What about DEALING WITH CRIME? (Should federal spending on DEALING WITH CRIME be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000685 L7m. Inc/dec child care MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7m. What about CHILD CARE? (Should federal spending on CHILD CARE be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000686 L7n. Inc/dec against illegal immigrants MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7n. What about TIGHTENING BORDER SECURITY TO PREVENT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? (Should federal spending on TIGHTENING BORDER SECURITY TO PREVENT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000687 L7p. Inc/dec aid to blacks MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L7p. What about AID TO BLACKS? (Should federal spending on AID TO BLACKS be increased, decreased, or kept about the same?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See L7 intro. The order of L7b-L7p was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. INCREASED 3. DECREASED 5. KEPT ABOUT THE SAME 7. CUT OUT ENTIRELY [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000688 L8. App/dis using surplus for tax cuts MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L8. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about how to spend the extra money the federal government is likely to have in the near future. Some people have proposed that most of the expected federal budget surplus should be used to cut taxes. Do you approve or disapprove of this proposal? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. APPROVE 5. DISAPPROVE 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO L9 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000689 L8a/b. Strength app/dis tax cuts MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L8a/b. IF R APPROVES USING FEDERAL BUDGET SURPLUS TO CUT TAXES/ IF R DISAPPROVES USING FEDERAL BUDGET SURPLUS TO CUT TAXES: Do you approve of this proposal strongly or not strongly?/ Do you disapprove of this proposal strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,0 in L8 ============================== M000690 L8x. Summary tax cuts from surplus MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L8x. Some people have proposed that most of the expected federal budget surplus should be used to cut taxes. Do you approve or disapprove of this proposal? Do you approve of this proposal strongly or not strongly? Do you disapprove of this proposal strongly or not strongly? SUMMARY: TAX CUT FROM SURPLUS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L8 and L8a/b. 1. Approve strongly 2. Approve not strongly 4. Disapprove not strongly 5. Disapprove strongly 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000691 L9. App/dis surplus for Soc Sec medicare MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L9. Some people have proposed that most of the expected federal budget surplus should go to protecting social security and Medicare. Do you approve or disapprove of this proposal? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. APPROVE 5. DISAPPROVE 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO M1 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000692 L9a/b. Strength app/dis Soc Sec medicare MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L9a/b. IF R APPROVES USING SURPLUS FOR SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE/ IF R DISAPPROVES USING SURPLUS FOR SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE: Do you approve of this proposal strongly or not strongly?/ Do you disapprove of this proposal strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,0 in L9 ============================== M000693 L9x. Summary surplus for Soc Sec medcare MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric L9x. Some people have proposed that most of the expected federal budget surplus should go to protecting social security and Medicare. Do you approve or disapprove of this proposal? Do you approve of this proposal strongly or not strongly? Do you disapprove of this proposal strongly or not strongly? SUMMARY: USE SURPLUS TO PROTECT SOCIAL SECURITY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from L9 and L9a/b. 1. Approve strongly 2. Approve not strongly 4. Disapprove not strongly 5. Disapprove strongly 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000694 M1/M1.T. Abortion self-placement MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M1/M1.T. FTF: Please look at page 11 of the booklet. There has been some discussion about abortion during recent years. Which one of the opinions on this page best agrees with your view? You can just tell me the number of the opinion you choose. TELEPHONE: There has been some discussion about abortion during recent years. I am going to read you a short list of opinions. Please tell me which one of the opinions best agrees with your view? You can just tell me the number of the opinion you choose. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. BY LAW, ABORTION SHOULD NEVER BE PERMITTED. 2. THE LAW SHOULD PERMIT ABORTION ONLY IN CASE OF RAPE, INCEST, OR WHEN THE WOMAN'S LIFE IS IN DANGER. 3. THE LAW SHOULD PERMIT ABORTION FOR REASONS OTHER THAN RAPE, INCEST, OR DANGER TO THE WOMAN'S LIFE, BUT ONLY AFTER THE NEED FOR THE ABORTION HAS BEEN CLEARLY ESTABLISHED. 4. BY LAW, A WOMAN SHOULD ALWAYS BE ABLE TO OBTAIN AN ABORTION AS A MATTER OF PERSONAL CHOICE. 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000695 M1a. Importance of abortion to R MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M1a. ALL ABORTION RESPONDENTS: How important is this issue to you personally? Not at all important, not too important, somewhat important, very important, or extremely important? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 2. NOT TOO IMPORTANT 3. SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT 4. VERY IMPORTANT 5. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000696 M1b/M1b.T. Gore-abortion scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M1b/M1b.T. FTF: Where would you place Al Gore on abortion? TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore (on abortion)? Which opinion best agrees with his views? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] The order in which abortion items M1b/M1b.T and M1c/M1c.T were administered was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. BY LAW, ABORTION SHOULD NEVER BE PERMITTED. 2. THE LAW SHOULD PERMIT ABORTION ONLY IN CASE OF RAPE, INCEST, OR WHEN THE WOMAN'S LIFE IS IN DANGER. 3. THE LAW SHOULD PERMIT ABORTION FOR REASONS OTHER THAN RAPE, INCEST, OR DANGER TO THE WOMAN'S LIFE, BUT ONLY AFTER THE NEED FOR THE ABORTION HAS BEEN CLEARLY ESTABLISHED. 4. BY LAW, A WOMAN SHOULD ALWAYS BE ABLE TO OBTAIN AN ABORTION AS A MATTER OF PERSONAL CHOICE. 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) [VOL] 8. DK --> SKIP TO M1c OR M2 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000697 M1b1. Gore-certain abortion placement MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M1b1. IF GORE'S POSITION ON ABORTION IS NOT DK/REF: How certain are you of Al Gore's position? Very certain, pretty certain, or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8, 9, 0 in M1b/M1b.T ============================== M000698 M1c/M1c.T. Bush-abortion scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M1c/M1c.T. FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush (on abortion)? TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush (on abortion)? Which opinion best agrees with his views? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] The order in which abortion items M1b/M1b.T and M1c/M1c.T were administered was randomized. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. BY LAW, ABORTION SHOULD NEVER BE PERMITTED. 2. THE LAW SHOULD PERMIT ABORTION ONLY IN CASE OF RAPE, INCEST, OR WHEN THE WOMAN'S LIFE IS IN DANGER. 3. THE LAW SHOULD PERMIT ABORTION FOR REASONS OTHER THAN RAPE, INCEST, OR DANGER TO THE WOMAN'S LIFE, BUT ONLY AFTER THE NEED FOR THE ABORTION HAS BEEN CLEARLY ESTABLISHED. 4. BY LAW, A WOMAN SHOULD ALWAYS BE ABLE TO OBTAIN AN ABORTION AS A MATTER OF PERSONAL CHOICE. 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) [VOL] 8. DK --> SKIP TO M1b OR M2 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000699 M1c1. Bush-certain abortion placement MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M1c1. IF GEORGE W. BUSH'S POSITION ON ABORTION IS NOT DK/REF: How certain are you of George W. Bush's position? Very certain, pretty certain, or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8, 9, 0 in M1c/M1c.T ============================== M000700 M2. App/dis abortion parental consent MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M2. Would you favor or oppose a law in your state that would require a teenage girl under age 18 to receive her parent's permission before she could obtain an abortion? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. FAVOR 5. OPPOSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000701 M2a. Strength abortion parental consent MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M2a. IF R FAVORS ABORTION LAW REQUIRING MINORS' PARENTAL PERMISSION/ IF R OPPOSES ABORTION LAW REQUIRING MINORS' PARENTAL PERMISSION: Strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,0 in M2 ============================== M000702 M2x. Summary abortion parental consent MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M2x. Would you favor or oppose a law in your state that would require a teenage girl under age 18 to receive her parent's permission before she could obtain an abortion? Strongly or not strongly? SUMMARY: PARENTAL CONSENT FOR ABORTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M2 and M2a. 1. Favor strongly 2. Favor not strongly 4. Oppose not strongly 5. Oppose strongly 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000703 M3. Fav/oppose prtl-birth abortion ban MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M3. There has been discussion recently about a proposed law to ban certain types of late-term abortions, sometimes called partial birth abortions. Do you favor or oppose a law that would make these types of abortions illegal? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. FAVOR 5. OPPOSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000704 M3a/b. Strength fav/opp p-b abortion ban MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M3a/b. IF R FAVORS BAN ON LATE-TERM ABORTIONS/ IF R OPPOSES BAN ON LATE-TERM ABORTIONS: Do you strongly or not strongly favor/oppose a law that would that would make these types of abortions illegal? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8, 9, 0 in M3 ============================== M000705 M3x. Summary partial-birth abortion ban MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M3x. There has been discussion recently about a proposed law to ban certain types of late-term abortions, sometimes called partial birth abortions. Do you favor or oppose a law that would make these types of abortions illegal? Do you strongly or not strongly favor/oppose a law that would that would make these types of abortions illegal? SUMMARY: BAN ON LATE-TERM ABORTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M3 and M3a/b. 1. Favor strongly 2. Favor not strongly 4. Oppose not strongly 5. Oppose strongly 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000706 M4. Ckpt: FTF/ph, reg/exp. Numeric M4(1). CHECKPOINT: MODE AND VERSION FOR ENVIRONMENT VERSUS JOBS SELF-PLACEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- FTF: Rs were randomly assigned to the standard 7-point scale or to an experimental version of the 7-point scale (without "haven't thought much about it" option). Phone: Rs were randomly assigned to 2 versions of the branching format; in the 2nd version, the initial placement question does not include the "haven't thought much about it" option. 1. FTF standard version (M4a) 2. FTF experimental version (M4a.E) 3. PHONE version 1 (M4a.T) 4. PHONE version 2 (M4a.TE) ============================== M000707a M4a. R-jobs/envir scale FTF stan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4a. IF R SELECTED FOR STANDARD VERSION: FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4 for complete text. Respondents were randomly selected to be administered either M4a (standard) or M4a.E (experimental). For the telephone versions of this question see M4a.T and M4a.TE. 1. PROTECT ENVIRONMENT, EVEN IF IT COSTS JOB & STANDARD OF LIVING --> SKIP TO M4b 2. --> SKIP TO M4b 3. --> SKIP TO M4b 4. --> SKIP TO M4b 5. --> SKIP TO M4b 6. --> SKIP TO M4b 7. JOBS & STANDARD OF LIVING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ENVIRONMENT --> SKIP TO M4b 8. DK --> SKIP TO M4b 9. RF; NA; INAP, 2, 3, 4 in M4(1) 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> SKIP TO M4b ============================== M000707b M4a.E. R-jobs/envir scale FTF ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4a.E. IF R SELECTED FOR EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4.E for complete text. Respondents were randomly selected to be administered either M4a (standard) or M4a.E (experimental). For the telephone versions of this question see M4a.T and M4a.TE. 1. PROTECT ENVIRONMENT, EVEN IF IT COSTS JOB & STANDARD OF LIVING --> SKIP TO M4b 2. --> SKIP TO M4b 3. --> SKIP TO M4b 4. --> SKIP TO M4b 5. --> SKIP TO M4b 6. --> SKIP TO M4b 7. JOBS & STANDARD OF LIVING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ENVIRONMENT --> SKIP TO M4b 8. DK --> SKIP TO M4b 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1, 3, 4 in M4(1) ============================== M000708 M4ax. Comb. FTF versions jobs/envir MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4ax. FTF STANDARD VERSION: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? FTF EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Where would you place yourself on this scale? COMBINED FTF STANDARD/EXPERIMENTAL - 7PT JOBS VS. ENVIRONMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M4a, M4a.E. 1. PROTECT ENVIRONMENT, EVEN IF IT COSTS JOB & STANDARD OF LIVING 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. JOBS & STANDARD OF LIVING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ENVIRONMENT 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS (M4a only) ============================== M000709a M4a.T. R-jobs/envir br phone stan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4a.T. IF R SELECTED FOR VERSION 1: TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4.T for complete text. Respondents were randomly selected to be administered either M4a.T (version 1) or M4a.TE (version 2). For the FTF versions of this question see M4a and M4a.E. 1. PROTECT ENVIRONMENT, EVEN IF IT COSTS JOB & STANDARD OF LIVING --> M4a1.T/ 5. JOBS & STANDARD OF LIVING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ENVIRONMENT --> M4a1.T 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] --> SKIP TO M4b/M4c.T 8. DK --> SKIP TO M4b/M4c.T 9. RF; NA; INAP, 1, 2, 4 in M4(1) 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ============================== M000709b M4a.TE. R-jobs/envir phone ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4a.TE. IF R SELECTED FOR VERSION 2: TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See M4.TE for complete text. Respondents were randomly selected to be administered either M4a.T (version 1) or M4a.TE (version 2). For the FTF versions of this question see M4a and M4a.E. 1. PROTECT ENVIRONMENT, EVEN IF IT COSTS JOB & STANDARD OF LIVING --> M4a1.T/ 5. JOBS & STANDARD OF LIVING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ENVIRONMENT --> M4a1.T 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] --> SKIP TO M4b/M4c.T 8. DK --> SKIP TO M4b/M4c.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1, 2, 3 in M4(1) ============================== M000710 M4ax.T. Comb. Ph versions jobs/envir MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4ax.T. TELEPHONE VERSION 1: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE VERSION 2: Which is closer to the way you feel? COMBINED TELEPHONE VERSIONS - ENVIRONMENT VS. JOBS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M4a.T and M4a.TE 1. PROTECT ENVIRONMENT, EVEN IF IT COSTS JOB & STANDARD OF LIVING 5. JOBS & STANDARD OF LIVING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ENVIRONMENT 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH (M4a.T only) ============================== M000711 M4a1/a2.T. Strength jobs/envir MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4a1/a2.T. BOTH TELEPHONE VERSIONS: IF PROTECTING ENVIRONMENT IS MORE IMPORTANT/ IF MAINTAINING JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING ARE MORE IMPORTANT: TELEPHONE: Is protecting the environment much more important (than maintaining jobs and standard of living) or only somewhat more important?/ Are maintaining jobs and standard of living much more important (than protecting the environment) or only somewhat more important? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH MORE IMPORTANT --> M4b.T/M4c.T 5. ONLY SOMEWHAT MORE IMPORTANT --> M4b.T/M4c.T 8. DK --> M4b.T/M4c.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 0,7,8 or RF/NA in M4a.T; 7,8,9 or NA in M4a.TE ============================== M000712 M4a1x1. 5-pt br summary jobs/envir MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4a1x1. TELEPHONE VERSION 1: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE VERSION 2: Which is closer to the way you feel? BOTH TELEPHONE VERSIONS: Is protecting the environment much more important (than maintaining jobs and standard of living) or only somewhat more important? Are maintaining jobs and standard of living much more important (than protecting the environment) or only somewhat more important? SUMMARY: 5PT ENV/JOBS SELF-PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M4ax.T and M4a1/a2.T 1. Environment much more important 2. Environment somewhat more important 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Jobs somewhat more important 5. Jobs much more important 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. Haven't thought much (from M4a.T only) ============================== M000713 M4a1x2. Comb.7pt/br summ jobs/envir MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4a1x2. FTF STANDARD VERSION: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? FTF EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Where would you place yourself on this scale? TELEPHONE VERSION 1: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE VERSION 2: Which is closer to the way you feel? BOTH TELEPHONE VERSIONS: Is protecting the environment much more important (than maintaining jobs and standard of living) or only somewhat more important? Are maintaining jobs and standard of living much more important (than protecting the environment) or only somewhat more important? SUMMARY: 5PT ENV/JOBS SELF-PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M4a and M4a1x1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Environment much more important 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Environment somewhat more important 3. SCALE: 3 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 4 / BRANCHING: Jobs somewhat more important 5. SCALE: 5 / BRANCHING: Jobs much more important 8. DK 9. RF; NA 0. Haven't thought much (from M4a and M4a.T only) ============================== M000714 M4b. Gore-jobs/envir scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4b. FTF: Where would you place Al Gore on this issue? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See M4 for complete text. FTF: M4b and M4c were administered in random order. For the telephone version of this question see M4b.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. PROTECT ENVIRONMENT, EVEN IF IT COSTS JOB & STANDARD OF LIVING --> M4c. OR M5. 2. --> M4c. OR M5. 3. --> M4c. OR M5. 4. --> M4c. OR M5. 5. --> M4c. OR M5. 6. --> M4c. OR M5. 7. JOBS & STANDARD OF LIVING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ENVIRONMENT --> M4c. OR M5. 8. DK --> M4c. OR M5. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000715 M4b.T. Gore-jobs/envir scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4b.T. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he thinks it is important to protect the environment even if it costs some jobs, OR that protecting the environment is not as important as maintaining jobs and our standard of living? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See M4.T for complete text. TELEPHONE: M4b and M4c were administered in random order. For the FTF version of this question see M4b. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. PROTECT ENVIRONMENT, EVEN IF IT COSTS JOB & STANDARD OF LIVING --> SKIP TO M4c.T OR --> M5. 5. JOBS & STANDARD OF LIVING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ENVIRONMENT --> SKIP TO M4c.T OR --> M5. 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] --> SKIP TO M4c.T OR --> M5. 8. DK --> SKIP TO M4c.T OR --> M5. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000716 M4b1/b2.T. Gore-strength jobs/envir MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4b1/b2.T. IF R SAYS GORE THINKS PROTECTING ENVIRONMENT IS MORE IMPORTANT/ IF R SAYS GORE THINKS JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING ARE MORE IMPORTANT: TELEPHONE: Does he think protecting the environment much more important (than maintaining jobs and standard of living) or only somewhat more important?/ Does he think maintaining jobs and standard of living much more important (than protecting the environment) or only somewhat more important? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH MORE IMPORTANT 5. SOMEWHAT MORE IMPORTANT 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 or NA in M4b.T ============================== M000717 M4bx1. 5-pt br summary jobs/envir MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4bx1. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he thinks it is important to protect the environment even if it costs some jobs, OR that protecting the environment is not as important as maintaining jobs and our standard of living? Does he think protecting the environment much more important (than maintaining jobs and standard of living) or only somewhat more important? Does he think maintaining jobs and standard of living much more important (than protecting the environment) or only somewhat more important? SUMMARY: 5PT ENV/JOBS GORE PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M4b.T and M4b1.T/M4b2.T. 1. Environment much more important 2. Environment somewhat more important 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Jobs somewhat more important 5. Jobs much more important 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000718 M4bx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Gore jobs/envir MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4bx2. FTF: Where would you place Al Gore on this issue? TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he thinks it is important to protect the environment even if it costs some jobs, OR that protecting the environment is not as important as maintaining jobs and our standard of living? Does he think protecting the environment much more important (than maintaining jobs and standard of living) or only somewhat more important? Does he think maintaining jobs and standard of living much more important (than protecting the environment) or only somewhat more important? SUMMARY: 5PT ENV/JOBS GORE PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Environment much more important 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Environment somewhat more important 3. SCALE: 3 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 4 / BRANCHING: Jobs somewhat more important 5. SCALE: 5 / BRANCHING: Jobs much more important 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000719 M4c. Bush-jobs/envir scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4c. FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See M4 for complete text. FTF: M4b and M4c were administered in random order. For the telephone version of this question see M4c.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. PROTECT ENVIRONMENT, EVEN IF IT COSTS JOB & STANDARD OF LIVING --> M4b. OR M5. 2. --> M4b. OR M5. 3. --> M4b. OR M5. 4. --> M4b. OR M5. 5. --> M4b. OR M5. 6. --> M4b. OR M5. 7. JOBS & STANDARD OF LIVING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ENVIRONMENT --> M4b. OR M5. 8. DK --> M4b. OR M5. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000720 M4c.T. Bush-jobs/envir scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4c.T. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? Do you think he thinks it is important to protect the environment even if it costs some jobs, OR that protecting the environment is not as important as maintaining jobs and our standard of living? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See M4.T for complete text. TELEPHONE: M4b and M4c were administered in random order. For the FTF version of this question see M4c. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. PROTECT ENVIRONMENT, EVEN IF IT COSTS JOB & STANDARD OF LIVING --> SKIP TO M4b.T OR --> M5. 5. JOBS & STANDARD OF LIVING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ENVIRONMENT --> SKIP TO M4b.T OR --> M5. 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] --> SKIP TO M4b.T OR --> M5. 8. DK --> SKIP TO M4b.T OR --> M5. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000721 M4c1/c2.T. Bush-strength jobs/envir MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4c1/c2.T. IF R SAYS GW BUSH THINKS PROTECTING ENVIRONMENT IS MORE IMPORTANT/ IF R SAYS GW BUSH THINKS JOBS AND STANDARD OF LIVING ARE MORE IMPORTANT: TELEPHONE: Does he think protecting the environment much more important (than maintaining jobs and standard of living) or only somewhat more important?/ Does he think maintaining jobs and standard of living much more important (than protecting the environment) or only somewhat more important? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH MORE IMPORTANT 5. SOMEWHAT MORE IMPORTANT 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 or NA in M4c.T ============================== M000722 M4cx1. 5-pt br summary Bush jobs/envir MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4cx1. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? Do you think he thinks it is important to protect the environment even if it costs some jobs, OR that protecting the environment is not as important as maintaining jobs and our standard of living? Does he think protecting the environment much more important (than maintaining jobs and standard of living) or only somewhat more important? Does he think maintaining jobs and standard of living much more important (than protecting the environment) or only somewhat more important? SUMMARY: 5PT ENV/JOBS BUSH PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M4c.T and M4c1.T/M4c2.T. 1. Environment much more important 2. Environment somewhat more important 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Jobs somewhat more important 5. Jobs much more important ============================== M000723 M4cx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Bush jobs/envir MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M4cx2. FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? Do you think he thinks it is important to protect the environment even if it costs some jobs, OR that protecting the environment is not as important as maintaining jobs and our standard of living? Does he think protecting the environment much more important (than maintaining jobs and standard of living) or only somewhat more important? Does he think maintaining jobs and standard of living much more important (than protecting the environment) or only somewhat more important? SUMMARY: 5PT ENV/JOBS BUSH PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M4c and M4cx1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Environment much more important 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Environment somewhat more important 3. SCALE: 3 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 4 / BRANCHING: Jobs somewhat more important 5. SCALE: 5 / BRANCHING: Jobs much more important 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000724 M5. Fav/oppose homosexuals in military MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M5. Do you think homosexuals should be allowed to serve in the United States Armed Forces or don't you think so? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. HOMOSEXUALS SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO SERVE --> M5a 5. HOMOSEXUALS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO SERVE --> M5b 8. DK --> M6a 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000725 M5a. Strngth fav homosexuals in military MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M5a. IF R SAYS ALLOW HOMOSEXUALS TO SERVE IN ARMED FORCES: Do you feel strongly or not strongly that homosexuals should be allowed to serve? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> M6a 5. NOT STRONGLY --> M6a 8. DK --> M6a 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in M5 ============================== M000726 M5b. Strngth opp homosexuals in military MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M5b. IF R SAYS DO NOT ALLOW HOMOSEXUALS TO SERVE IN ARMED FORCES: Do you feel strongly or not strongly that homosexuals should not be allowed to serve? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,8,9,0 in M5 ============================== M000727 M5x. Summary homosexuals in military MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M5x. Do you think homosexuals should be allowed to serve in the United States Armed Forces or don't you think so? Do you feel strongly or not strongly that homosexuals should be allowed to serve? Do you feel strongly or not strongly that homosexuals should not be allowed to serve? SUMMARY: HOMOSEXUALS IN ARMED FORCES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M5 and M5a/b. 1. Strongly - should be allowed to serve 2. Not strongly - should be allowed to serve 4. Not strongly - should not be allowed to serve 5. Strongly - should not be allowed to serve 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000728 M6a. R-gun control scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6a. Do you think the federal government should make it more difficult for people to buy a gun than it is now, make it easier for people to buy a gun, or keep these rules about the same as they are now? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MORE DIFFICULT --> SKIP TO M6a1 3. MAKE IT EASIER --> SKIP TO M6a2 5. KEEP THESE RULES ABOUT THE SAME --> SKIP TO M6a3 8. DK --> SKIP TO M6a3 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000729 M6a1. R-strength more gun control MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6a1. IF R SAYS GOVT SHOULD MAKE IT MORE DIFFICULT TO BUY A GUN: A lot more difficult or somewhat more difficult? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT MORE DIFFICULT --> SKIP TO M6a3 5. SOMEWHAT MORE DIFFICULT --> SKIP TO M6a3 8. DK --> SKIP TO M6a3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in M6a ============================== M000730 M6a2. R-strength less gun control MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6a2. IF R SAYS GOVT SHOULD MAKE IT EASIER TO BUY A GUN: A lot easier or somewhat easier? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT EASIER 5. SOMEWHAT EASIER 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in M6a ============================== M000731 M6ax. Summary gun control MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6ax. Do you think the federal government should make it more difficult for people to buy a gun than it is now, make it easier for people to buy a gun, or keep these rules about the same as they are now? A lot easier/more difficult or somewhat easier/more difficult? SUMMARY: R POSITION ON GUN RESTRICTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M6 and M6a/b. 1. A lot more difficult 2. Somewhat more difficult 3. Keep rules about the same 4. Somewhat easier 5. A lot easier 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000732 M6a3. R-importance of gun control MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6a3. ALL GUN RESTRICTION RESPONDENTS: How important is this issue to you personally? Not at all important, not too important, somewhat important, very important, or extremely important? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 2. NOT TOO IMPORTANT 3. SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT 4. VERY IMPORTANT 5. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000733 M6b. Gore plcmnt-gun control scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6b. Where would you place Al Gore? Do you think he would like to make it more difficult for people to buy a gun, make it easier for people to buy a gun, or keep these rules about the same as they are now? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE] M6c and M6c were administered in random order. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. MORE DIFFICULT 3. MAKE IT EASIER 5. KEEP THESE RULES ABOUT THE SAME --> SKIP TO M6b3 8. DK --> SKIP TO M6c 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000734 M6b1/b2. Gore-strength more/less gun ctl MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6b1/b2. IF R THINKS GORE WOULD LIKE IT EASIER TO BUY A GUN/ IF R THINKS GORE WOULD LIKE IT MORE DIFFICULT TO BUY A GUN: A lot easier or somewhat easier?/ A lot more difficult or somewhat more difficult? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> M6b3 5. SOMEWHAT --> M6b3 8. DK --> SKIP TO M6c 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in M6b ============================== M000735 M6bx. Summary Gore gun control MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6bx. Where would you place Al Gore? Do you think he would like to make it more difficult for people to buy a gun, make it easier for people to buy a gun, or keep these rules about the same as they are now? A lot easier/more difficult or somewhat easier/ more difficult? SUMMARY: GORE POSITION ON GUN RESTRICTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M6b and M6b1/b2. 1. A lot more difficult 2. Somewhat more difficult 3. Keep rules about the same 4. Somewhat easier 5. A lot easier 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000736 M6b3. Gore-certain gun control placement MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6b3. IF R SAYS GORE WANTS MORE DIFFICULT/EASIER TO BUY GUN: IF STRENGTH OF GORE PLACEMENT IS NOT DK/RF: How certain are you of Al Gore's position? Very certain, pretty certain, or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,0 in M6b1/M6b2 ============================== M000737 M6c. Bush plcmnt-gun control scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6c. Where would you place George W. Bush? Do you think he would like to make it more difficult for people to buy a gun, make it easier for people to buy a gun, or keep these rules about the same as they are now? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE] M6c and M6c were administered in random order. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. MORE DIFFICULT 3. MAKE IT EASIER 5. KEEP THESE RULES ABOUT THE SAME --> M6c2 8. DK --> N1/n1.e 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000738 M6c1/c2. Bush-strength more/less gun ctl MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6c1/c2. IF R THINKS G.W. BUSH WOULD LIKE IT EASIER TO BUY A GUN/ IF R THINKS G.W. BUSH WOULD LIKE IT MORE DIFFICULT TO BUY A GUN: A lot easier or somewhat easier? A lot more difficult or somewhat more difficult? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> M6c3 5. SOMEWHAT --> M6c3 8. DK --> SKIP TO N1/N1.E 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in M6c ============================== M000739 M6cx. Summary Bush gun control MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6cx. Where would you place George W. Bush? Do you think he would like to make it more difficult for people to buy a gun, make it easier for people to buy a gun, or keep these rules about the same as they are now? A lot easier/more difficult or somewhat easier/ more difficult? SUMMARY: GW BUSH POSITION ON GUN RESTRICTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from M6c and M6c1/c2. 1. A lot more difficult 2. Somewhat more difficult 3. Keep rules about the same 4. Somewhat easier 5. A lot easier 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000740 M6c3. Bush-certain gun control placement MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric M6c3. IF R SAYS GW BUSH WANTS MORE DIFFICULT/EASIER TO BUY GUN: IF STRENTH OF GW BUSH PLACEMENT IS NOT DK/RF: How certain are you of George W. Bush's position? Very certain, pretty certain, or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,0 in M6c1/M6c2 ============================== M000741a N1. Fav/opp school voucher program stan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N1. IF R SELECTED FOR STANDARD VERSION: Do you favor or oppose a school voucher program that would allow parents to use tax funds to send their children to the school of their choice, even if it were a private school? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered either N1 (standard) or N1.E (experimental). 1. FAVOR SCHOOL VOUCHER PROGRAM --> SKIP TO NIa 5. OPPOSE SCHOOL VOUCHER PROGRAM --> SKIP TO N1a 8. DK --> SKIP TO N2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for N1.E ============================== M000741b N1.E. Fav/opp school voucher program ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N1.E. IF R SELECTED FOR EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Do you favor or oppose a school voucher program that would allow parents to use tax funds to send their children to the school of their choice, even if it were a private school, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly selected to be administered either N1 (standard) or N1.E (experimental). 1. FAVOR SCHOOL VOUCHER PROGRAM --> N1a 5. OPPOSE SCHOOL VOUCHER PROGRAM --> N1a 8. DK --> SKIP TO N2 9. RF; NA; INAP, R selected for N1 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> SKIP TO N2 ============================== M000742 N1x. Combined versions school vouchers MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N1x. STANDARD VERSION: Do you favor or oppose a school voucher program that would allow parents to use tax funds to send their children to the school of their choice, even if it were a private school? EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Do you favor or oppose a school voucher program that would allow parents to use tax funds to send their children to the school of their choice, even if it were a private school, or haven't you thought much about this? COMBINED VERSIONS - SCHOOL VOUCHERS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from N1 and N1.E. 1. FAVOR SCHOOL VOUCHER PROGRAM 5. OPPOSE SCHOOL VOUCHER PROGRAM 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, R selected for N1 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS (N1.E only) ============================== M000743 N1a/b. Strength fav/opp school vouchers MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N1a/b. IF R FAVORS SCHOOL VOUCHER PROGRAM/ IF R OPPOSES SCHOOL VOUCHER PROGRAM: Do you favor/oppose a school voucher program strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: an error in the instrument programming excluded for this question respondents from the standard version; only respondents from N1.E were asked N1a/b. 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,8,9 or NA in N1.E; R selected for N1 and excluded in error from N1a/b ============================== M000744 N1ax. Summary school vouchers MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N1ax. STANDARD VERSION: Do you favor or oppose a school voucher program that would allow parents to use tax funds to send their children to the school of their choice, even if it were a private school? EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: Do you favor or oppose a school voucher program that would allow parents to use tax funds to send their children to the school of their choice, even if it were a private school, or haven't you thought much about this? BOTH VERSIONS: Do you favor/oppose a school voucher program strongly or not strongly? SUMMARY: R POSITION ON SCHOOL VOUCHERS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Build from N1x and N1a/b. 1. Favor strongly 2. Favor not strongly 4. Oppose not strongly 5. Oppose strongly 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, R selected for N1 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS (N1.E only) ============================== M000745 N2. R fav/opp English official language MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N2. Do you favor a law making English the official language of the United States, meaning government business would be conducted in English only, or do you oppose such a law? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. FAVOR 3. NEITHER FAVOR NOR OPPOSE [VOL] 5. OPPOSE 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000746 N3. R interest in school integration MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N3. Some people say that the government in Washington should see to it that white and black children go to the same schools. Others claim that this is not the government's business. Have you been interested enough in this question to favor one side over the other? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO N4 8. DK --> SKIP TO N4 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000747 N3a. Fav/opp gov help school integration MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N3a. IF R HAS OPINION WHETHER GOVT SEE TO BLACK/WHITE KIDS IN SAME SCHOOLS: Do you think the government in Washington should see to it that white and black children go to the same schools or stay out of this area as it is not the government's business? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SEE TO IT THAT WHITE AND BLACK CHILDREN GO TO THE SAME SCHOOLS 5. STAY OUT OF THIS AREA AS IT IS NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS 7. OTHER; DEPENDS 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in N3 ============================== M000748 N4. Fav/opp h-sexual couples adopt chldn MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N4. Do you think gay or lesbian couples, in other words, homosexual couples, should be legally permitted to adopt children? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000749 N5. Fav/opp death penalty MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N5. Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. FAVOR --> SKIP TO N5a 5. OPPOSE --> SKIP TO N5b 8. DK --> SKIP TO P1 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000750 N5a. How much favor death penalty MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N5a. IF R FAVORS DEATH PENALTY FOR PERSONS CONVICTED OF MURDER: (Do you favor the death penalty for persons convicted of murder) strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> P1/P1.E 5. NOT STRONGLY --> P1/P1.E 8. DK --> P1/P1.E 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in N5 ============================== M000751 N5b. How much oppose death penalty MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N5b. IF R OPPOSES DEATH PENALTY FOR PERSONS CONVICTED OF MURDER: (Do you oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder) strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,8,9,0 in N5 ============================== M000752 N5x. Summary R position on death penalty MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric N5x. Do you favor or oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder? (Do you favor/oppose the death penalty for persons convicted of murder) strongly or not strongly? SUMMARY: R POSITION ON DEATH PENALTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from N5 and N5a/b. 1. Favor strongly 2. Favor not strongly 4. Oppose not strongly 5. Oppose strongly 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000753 P1. Ckpt: FTF/ph, reg/exp. Numeric P1(1). CHECKPOINT: MODE AND VERSION FOR WOMEN'S EQUAL ROLE SELF-PLACEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- FTF: Rs were randomly assigned to the standard 7-point scale or to an experimental version of the 7-point scale (without "haven't thought much about it" option). Phone: Rs were randomly assigned to 2 versions of the branching format; in the 2nd version, the initial placement question does not include the "haven't thought much about it" option. 1. FTF standard 2. FTF experimental 3. PHONE version 1 4. PHONE version 2 ============================== M000754a P1a. R plcmnt equal role scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1a. IF R SELECTED FOR STANDARD VERSION: FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for complete text. FTF respondents were randomly selected to be administered either P1a (standard) or P1a.E (experimental). For the telephone versions of this question see P1a.T and P1a.TE. 1. WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 2. --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 3. --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 4. --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 5. --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 6. --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 7. A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 8. DK --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 9. RF; NA; INAP, 2,3,4 in P1(1) 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. ============================== M000754b P1a.E. R plcmnt equal role scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1a.E. IF R SELECTED FOR EXPERIMENTAL VERSION: FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1 for complete text. FTF respondents were randomly selected to be administered either P1a (standard) or P1a.E (experimental). For the telephone versions of this question see P1a.T and P1a.TE. 1. WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 2. --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 3. --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 4. --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 5. --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 6. --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 7. A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 8. DK --> SKIP TO P1.b/P1c. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,3,4 in P1(1) ============================== M000755 P1ax. Comb. FTF versions R equal role sc MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1ax. FTF STANDARD FORMAT: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? FTF EXPERIMENTAL FORMAT: Where would you place yourself on this scale? COMBINED FTF STANDARD/EXPERIMENTAL VERSIONS - WOMEN'S ROLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P1a and P1a.E. 1. WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS (P1a only) ============================== M000756a P1a.T. R equal role branch stan MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1a.T. IF R SELECTED FOR VERSION 1: TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1.T for complete text. Phone respondents were randomly selected to be administered either P1a.T (version 1) or P1a.TE (version 2). For the FTF versions of this question see P1a and P1a.E. 1. WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES --> P1a1.T 5. A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME --> P1a1.T 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] --> P1b.T/P1c.T 8. DK --> P1b.T/P1c.T 9. RF; NA; INAP, 1,2,4 in P1(1) 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ============================== M000756b P1a.TE. R equal role branch ex MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1a.TE. IF R SELECTED FOR VERSION 2: TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See P1.T for complete text. Phone respondents were randomly selected to be administered either P1a.T (version 1) or P1a.TE (version 2). For the FTF versions of this question see P1a and P1a.E. 1. WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES --> P1a1.T 5. A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME --> P1a1.T 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] --> P1b.T/P1c.T 8. DK --> P1b.T/P1c.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,2,3 in P1(1) ============================== M000757 P1ax.T. Comb. Ph. Versions R eql role br MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1ax.T. TELEPHONE VERSION 1: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE VERSION 2: Which is closer to the way you feel? COMBINED TELEPHONE VERSIONS - WOMEN'S ROLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P1a.T and P1a.TE. 1. WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES 5. A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH (P1a.T only) ============================== M000758 P1a1/a2.T. R strength equal roles MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1a1/a2.T. BOTH TELEPHONE VERSIONS: IF R SAYS MEN AND WOMEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES/ IF R SAYS A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME: TELEPHONE: Do you feel strongly or not strongly that men and women should have equal roles?/ Do you feel strongly or not strongly that a woman's place is in the home? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> SKIP TO P1b.T/P1c.T 5. NOT STRONGLY --> SKIP TO P1b.T/P1c.T 8. DK --> SKIP TO P1b.T/P1c.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 0,7,8 or RF/NA in P1a.T; 7,8,9 or NA in P1a.TE ============================== M000759 P1a1x1. 5-pt br summary R equal role MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1a1x1. TELEPHONE VERSION 1: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE VERSION 2: Which is closer to the way you feel? BOTH TELEPHONE VERSIONS: Do you feel strongly or not strongly that men and women should have equal roles? Do you feel strongly or not strongly that a woman's place is in the home? SUMMARY: 5PT WOMENS ROLE SELF-PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P1ax.T and P1a1/a2.T 1. Strongly - women equal role 2. Not strongly - equal role 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Not strongly - place is in the home 5. Strongly - place is in the home 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH (standard format only) ============================== M000760 P1a1x2. Comb.7pt/br summ R equal role MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1a1x2. FTF STANDARD FORMAT: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? FTF EXPERIMENTAL FORMAT: Where would you place yourself on this scale? TELEPHONE VERSION 1: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEPHONE VERSION 2: Which is closer to the way you feel? BOTH VERSIONS: Do you feel strongly or not strongly that men and women should have equal roles? Do you feel strongly or not strongly that a woman's place is in the home? SUMMARY: 5PT WOMENS ROLE SELF-PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P1ax and P1a1x1 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Strongly - women equal role 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - equal role 3. SCALE: 3 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 4 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - place is in the home 5. SCALE: 5 / BRANCHING: Strongly - place is in the home 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH (standard format only) ============================== M000761 P1b. Gore-equal role scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1b. FTF: (Still looking at page 13) Where would you place Al Gore (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See P1 for complete text. FTF: P1b and P1c were administered in random order. For the telephone version of this question see P1b.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 2. --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 3. --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 4. --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 5. --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 6. --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 7. A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 8. DK --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000762 P1b.T. Gore-equal role scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1b.T. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he feels that women should have an equal role with men in running business, industry and government, OR that a woman's place is in the home? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See P1 for complete text. TELEPHONE: P1b.T and P1c.T were administered in random order. For the FTF version of this question see P1b. 1. WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES --> P1b1.T 5. A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME --> P1b1.T 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] --> P1c.T OR --> P2.T 8. DK --> P1c.T OR --> P2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000763 P1b1/b2.T. Gore-strength equal role MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1b1/b2.T. IF R THINKS GORE FEELS MEN AND WOMEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES/ IF R THINKS GORE FEELS THAT A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME: TELEPHONE: Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that men and women should have equal role?/ Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that a woman's place is in the home? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> P1c.T OR --> P2.T 5. NOT STRONGLY --> P1c.T OR --> P2.T 8. DK --> P1c.T OR --> P2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in P1b.T ============================== M000764 P1bx1. 5-pt br summary Gore equal role MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1bx1. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he feels that women should have an equal role with men in running business, industry and government, OR that a woman's place is in the home? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that men and women should have equal role? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that a woman's place is in the home? SUMMARY: 5PT WOMENS ROLE GORE PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P1b.T and P1b1/b2.T 1. Strongly - women equal role 2. Not strongly - equal role 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Not strongly - place is in the home 5. Strongly - place is in the home ============================== M000765 P1bx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Gore equal role MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1bx2. FTF: (Still looking at page 13) Where would you place Al Gore (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he feels that women should have an equal role with men in running business, industry and government, OR that a woman's place is in the home? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that men and women should have equal role? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that a woman's place is in the home? SUMMARY: 5PT WOMENS ROLE GORE PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P1b and P1bx1 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Strongly - women equal role 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - equal role 3. SCALE: 3 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 4 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - place is in the home 5. SCALE: 5 / BRANCHING: Strongly - place is in the home 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000766 P1c. Bush-equal role scale FTF MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1c. FTF: (Still looking at page 13) Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See P1 for complete text. FTF: P1b and P1c were administered in random order. For the telephone version of this question see P1c.T. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 2. --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 3. --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 4. --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 5. --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 6. --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 7. A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME --> SKIP TO P1c./P2 8. DK --> SKIP TO P1b./P2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000767 P1c.T. Bush-equal role scale phone MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1c.T. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? Do you think he feels that women should have an equal role with men in running business, industry and government, OR that a woman's place is in the home? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See P1 for complete text. TELEPHONE: P1b.T and P1c.T were administered in random order. For the FTF version of this question see P1c. 1. WOMEN AND MEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES 5. A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] 8. DK --> P1b.T OR --> P2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000768 P1c1/c2.T. Bush-strength equal role MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1c1/c2.T. IF R THINKS GW BUSH FEELS MEN AND WOMEN SHOULD HAVE EQUAL ROLES/ IF R THINKS GW BUSH FEELS THAT A WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HOME: TELEPHONE: Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that men and women should have equal roles?/ Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that a woman's place is in the home? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY --> P1c.T OR --> P2.T 5. NOT STRONGLY --> P1c.T OR --> P2.T 8. DK --> P1c.T OR --> P2.T 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 7,8,9,0 in P1c.T ============================== M000769 P1cx1. 5-pt br summary Bush equal role MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1cx1. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? Do you think he feels that women should have an equal role with men in running business, industry and government, OR that a woman's place is in the home? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that men and women should have equal role? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that a woman's place is in the home? SUMMARY: 5PT WOMENS ROLE BUSH PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P1c.T and P1c1/c2.T 1. Strongly - women equal role 2. Not strongly - equal role 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Not strongly - place is in the home 5. Strongly - place is in the home 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; FTF mode ============================== M000770 P1cx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Bush equal role MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P1cx2. FTF: (Still looking at page 13) Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? Do you think he feels that women should have an equal role with men in running business, industry and government, OR that a woman's place is in the home? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that men and women should have equal role? Do you think he feels strongly or not strongly that a woman's place is in the home? SUMMARY: 5PT WOMENS ROLE BUSH PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P1c and P1cx1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Strongly - women equal role 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - equal role 3. SCALE: 3 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 4 / BRANCHING: Not strongly - place is in the home 5. SCALE: 5 / BRANCHING: Strongly - place is in the home 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000771 P2a. self placmnt-envir regulation scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2a. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See P2 for complete text. For the telephone version of this question see P2a.T 1. TOUGHER REGULATIONS ON BUSINESS NEEDED TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. REGULATIONS TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT ALREADY TOO MUCH A BURDEN ON BUSINESS 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS ============================== M000772 P2a.T. R-envir regulation branch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2a.T. TELEPHONE: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- See P2.T for complete text. For the FTF version of this question see P2a. 1. TOUGHER REGULATIONS ON BUSINESS NEEDED TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT 5. REGULATIONS TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT ALREADY TOO MUCH A BURDEN ON BUSINESS 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. HAVEN'T THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THIS ============================== M000773 P2a1.T. How much tougher regulation MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2a1.T. IF R THINKS TOUGHER REGULATION ON BUSINESS NEEDED: TELEPHONE: Do we need to toughen regulations to protect the environment a lot, or just somewhat? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> P2a3 5. SOMEWHAT --> P2a3 8. DK --> P2a3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,7,8,9,0 in P2a.T ============================== M000774 P2a2.T. How much are regulatns a burden MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2a2.T. IF R THINKS REGULATIONS ALREADY TOO MUCH BURDEN: TELEPHONE: Are regulations to protect the environment way too much of a burden on business or just somewhat of a burden? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. WAY TOO MUCH 5. SOMEWHAT 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,7,8,9,0 in P2a.T ============================== M000775 P2ax1. 5-pt br summary R envir regul MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2ax1. TELEHPONE: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? Do we need to toughen regulations to protect the environment a lot, or just somewhat? Are regulations to protect the environment way too much of a burden on business or just somewhat of a burden? SUMMARY: 5PT ENVIR REG SELF-LACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P2a.T and P2a1/a2.T 1. Toughen regulations a lot 2. Toughen regulations a little 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Regulations somewhat of a burden 5. Regulations way too much burden 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, FTF mode 0. Haven't thought much about it ============================== M000776 P2ax2. Comb.7pt/br summ R envir regul MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2ax2. FTF: Where would you place yourself on this scale, or haven't you thought much about this? TELEHPONE: Which is closer to the way you feel, or haven't you thought much about this? Do we need to toughen regulations to protect the environment a lot, or just somewhat? Are regulations to protect the environment way too much of a burden on business or just somewhat of a burden? SUMMARY: 5PT ENVIR REG SELF-PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P2a and P2ax1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Toughen regulations a lot 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Toughen regulations a little 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Regulations somewhat of a burden 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Regulations way too much burden 8. DK 9. RF; NA 0. Haven't thought much about it ============================== M000777 P2aa. How important is envir regulation MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2aa. ALL ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION RESPONDENTS: How important is this issue to you personally? Not at all important, not too important, somewhat important, very important, or extremely important? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 2. NOT TOO IMPORTANT 3. SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT 4. VERY IMPORTANT 5. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000778 P2b. Gore placmnt-envir regulation scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2b. FTF: Where would you place Al Gore on this issue? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See P2 for complete text. P2b and P2c were administered in random order. For the telephone version of this question see P2b.T Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. TOUGHER REGULATIONS ON BUSINESS NEEDED TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT --> P2bb 2. --> P2bb 3. --> P2bb 4. --> P2bb 5. --> P2bb 6. --> P2bb 7. REGULATIONS TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT ALREADY TOO MUCH A BURDEN ON BUSINESS 8. DK --> SKIP TO P2c OR P3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000779 P2b.T. Gore-envir regulation branch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2b.T. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he believes we need much tougher government regulations on business in order to protect the environment, OR that current regulations to protect the environment are already too much of a burden on business? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See P2.T for complete text. P2b.T and P2c.T were administered in random order. For the FTF version of this question see P2b. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. TOUGHER REGULATIONS ON BUSINESS NEEDED TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT 5. REGULATIONS TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT ALREADY TOO MUCH A BURDEN ON BUSINESS 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000780 P2b1.T. Gore-strength tougher regulation MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2b1.T. IF R THINKS GORE FEELS TOUGHER ENV REGULATION ON BUSINESS NEEDED: TELEPHONE: Do you think he believes that we need to toughen regulations to protect the environment a lot, or just somewhat? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> P2bb 5. SOMEWHAT --> P2bb 8. DK --> P2c.T OR --> P3. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,7,8,9,0 in P2b.T ============================== M000781 P2b2.T. Gore-strength regulation burden MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2b2.T. IF R THINKS GORE FEELS ENV REGULATIONS ALREADY TOO MUCH BURDEN: TELEPHONE: Do you think he believes regulations to protect the environment are way too much of a burden on business or just somewhat of a burden? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. WAY TOO MUCH --> P2bb 5. SOMEWHAT --> P2bb 8. DK --> P2c.T OR -->P3. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,7,8,9,0 in P2b.T ============================== M000782 P2bx1. 5-pt br summary Gore envir regul Numeric P2bx1. TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he believes we need much tougher government regulations on business in order to protect the environment, OR that current regulations to protect the environment are already too much of a burden on business? Do you think he believes that we need to toughen regulations to protect the environment a lot, or just somewhat? Do you think he believes regulations to protect the environment are way too much of a burden on business or just somewhat of a burden? SUMMARY: 5PT ENVIR REG GORE PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P2b.T and P2b1/b2.T. 1. Toughen regulations a lot 2. Toughen regulations a little 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Regulations somewhat of a burden 5. Regulations way too much burden 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000783 P2bx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Gore envir regul MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2bx2. FTF: Where would you place Al Gore on this issue? TELEPHONE: What about Al Gore? Do you think he believes we need much tougher government regulations on business in order to protect the environment, OR that current regulations to protect the environment are already too much of a burden on business? Do you think he believes that we need to toughen regulations to protect the environment a lot, or just somewhat? Do you think he believes regulations to protect the environment are way too much of a burden on business or just somewhat of a burden? SUMMARY: 5PT ENVIR REG GORE PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bult from P2b and P2bx1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Toughen regulations a lot 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Toughen regulations a little 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Regulations somewhat of a burden 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Regulations way too much burden 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000784 P2bb. Gore-certain envir regulation MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2bb. IF R'S PLACEMENT OF GORE IS NOT DK OR OTHER/DEPENDS/NEITHER: How certain are you of Al Gore's position? Very certain, pretty certain, or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9 or NA in P2b; 7,8,9 or NA in P2b.T ============================== M000785 P2c. Bush placemnt-envir regulation scale MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2c. FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See P2 for complete text. P2b and P2c were administered in random order. For the telephone version of this question see P2c.T Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. TOUGHER REGULATIONS ON BUSINESS NEEDED TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT --> P2cc 2. --> P2cc 3. --> P2cc 4. --> P2cc 5. --> P2cc 6. --> P2cc 7. REGULATIONS TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT ALREADY TOO MUCH A BURDEN ON BUSINESS --> P2cc 8. DK --> P2b OR P3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M000786 P2c.T. Bush-envir regulation branch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2c.T. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? Do you think he believes we need much tougher government regulations on business in order to protect the environment, OR that current regulations to protect the environment are already too much of a burden on business? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE DK] See P2.T for complete text. P2b.T and P2c.T were administered in random order. For the FTF version of this question see P2c. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. TOUGHER REGULATIONS ON BUSINESS NEEDED TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT 5. REGULATIONS TO PROTECT ENVIRONMENT ALREADY TOO MUCH A BURDEN ON BUSINESS 7. OTHER, IT DEPENDS, NEITHER [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000787 P2c1.T. Bush-strength tougher regulation MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2c1.T. IF R THINKS GW BUSH FEELS TOUGHER ENV REGULATION ON BUSINESS NEEDED: TELEPHONE: Do you think he believes that we need to toughen regulations to protect the environment a lot, or just somewhat? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> P2cc 5. SOMEWHAT --> P2cc 8. DK --> P2b.T OR --> P3. 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 5,7,8,9,0 in P2c.T ============================== M000788 P2c2.T. Bush-strength regulation burden MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2c2.T. IF R THINKS GW BUSH FEELS ENV REGULATIONS ALREADY TOO MUCH BURDEN: TELEPHONE: Do you think he believes regulations to protect the environment are way too much of a burden on business or just somewhat of a burden? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. WAY TOO MUCH --> P2cc 5. SOMEWHAT --> P2cc 8. DK --> P2b.T OR --> P3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,7,8,9,0 in P2c.T ============================== M000789 P2cx1. 5-pt br summary Bush envir regul MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2cx1. TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? Do you think he believes we need much tougher government regulations on business in order to protect the environment, OR that current regulations to protect the environment are already too much of a burden on business? Do you think he believes that we need to toughen regulations to protect the environment a lot, or just somewhat? Do you think he believes regulations to protect the environment are way too much of a burden on business or just somewhat of a burden? SUMMARY: 5PT ENVIR REG BUSH PLACEMENT FROM BRANCHING SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P2c.T and P2c1/c2.T 1. Toughen regulations a lot 2. Toughen regulations a little 3. Other/depends/neither 4. Regulations somewhat of a burden 5. Regulations way too much burden 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M000790 P2cx2. Comb.7pt/br summ Bush envir regul MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2cx2. FTF: Where would you place George W. Bush (on this issue)? TELEPHONE: What about George W. Bush? Do you think he believes we need much tougher government regulations on business in order to protect the environment, OR that current regulations to protect the environment are already too much of a burden on business? Do you think he believes that we need to toughen regulations to protect the environment a lot, or just somewhat? Do you think he believes regulations to protect the environment are way too much of a burden on business or just somewhat of a burden? SUMMARY: 5PT ENVIR REG BUSH PLACEMENT FROM 7PT SCALE/BRANCHING --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P2c and P2cx1. 1. SCALE: 1 / BRANCHING: Toughen regulations a lot 2. SCALE: 2 / BRANCHING: Toughen regulations a little 3. SCALE: 3,4,5 / BRANCHING: Other/depends/neither 4. SCALE: 6 / BRANCHING: Regulations somewhat of a burden 5. SCALE: 7 / BRANCHING: Regulations way too much burden 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000791 P2cc. Bush-certain envir regulation MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P2cc. IF R'S PLACEMENT OF GW BUSH IS NOT DK OR OTHER/DEPENDS/NEITHER: How certain are you of George W. Bush's position? Very certain, pretty certain, or not very certain? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY CERTAIN 3. PRETTY CERTAIN 5. NOT VERY CERTAIN 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9 or NA in P2c; 7,8,9 or NA in P2c.T ============================== M000792 P3. R expect to vote in Nov election MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P3. So far as you know now, do you expect to vote in the national elections this coming November or not? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO P3c 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO P3c 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000793 P3a. Who will R vote for President MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P3a. IF R EXPECTS TO VOTE IN NOVEMBER ELECTION: Who do you think you will vote for in the election for President? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: NEEDLESS TO SAY, THE ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IS A LONG TIME AWAY IN NOVEMBER. BUT I'D LIKE TO ASK YOU FOR YOUR BEST GUESS ABOUT WHO YOU WILL VOTE FOR IN THE ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT IN NOVEMBER.] 1. AL GORE 2. GEORGE W. BUSH 3. PAT BUCHANAN 4. RALPH NADER 5. NONE (if voter, will not vote for president) [VOL] --> SKIP TO P3c 7. OTHER, (SPECIFY): 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO P4 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in P3 ============================== M000794 P3b. Strength of preference for candidate MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P3b. IF R EXPECTS TO VOTE IN NOVEMBER ELECTION: IF INTENDED PRESIDENTIAL VOTE IS NOT NONE OR DK/RF: Would you say that your preference for [GORE/BUSH/BUCHANAN/OTHER] is strong or not strong? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG --> SKIP TO P4 5. NOT STRONG --> SKIP TO P4 8. DK --> SKIP TO P4 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9 or 0 in P3a ============================== M000795 P3c. If R voted, who would R vote for President MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P3c. IF TURNOUT INTENT IS WILL NOT/DK IF WILL VOTE IN NOVEMBER/ IF VOTE INTENT IS TO VOTE BUT NOT FOR PRESIDENT: If you were going to vote, who do you think you would vote for in the election for President? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: NEEDLESS TO SAY, THE ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IS A LONG TIME AWAY IN NOVEMBER. BUT I'D LIKE TO ASK YOU FOR YOUR BEST GUESS ABOUT WHO YOU WOULD VOTE FOR IN THE ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT IN NOVEMBER.] 1. AL GORE 2. GEORGE W. BUSH 3. PAT BUCHANAN 4. RALPH NADER 5. NONE (if voter, will not vote for president) [VOL] --> SKIP TO P4 7. OTHER, (SPECIFY): 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO P4 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0, 9 in P3; 1-4,7,8,9 or NA in P3a ============================== M000796 P3d. Strength of preference for candidate MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P3d. IF TURNOUT INTENT IS WILL NOT/DK IF WILL VOTE IN NOVEMBER/ IF VOTE INTENT IS TO VOTE BUT NOT FOR PRESIDENT: IF R NAMES PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE HE WOULD VOTE FOR IF VOTING: Would you say that your preference for is strong or not strong? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG 5. NOT STRONG 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,0,8,9 in P3c ============================== M000797 P4. Which party will control the House MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P4. The next couple of questions are about what you think will happen as a result of the upcoming elections. After the November election, which party do you think will have the most members in the U.S. House of Representatives -- the Republicans or the Democrats? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. REPUBLICANS 5. DEMOCRATS 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000798 P5. Which party will control the Senate MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P5. Again, after the November election, which party do you think will have the most members in the U.S. Senate, -- the Republicans or the Democrats? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. REPUBLICANS 5. DEMOCRATS 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000799 P6. Interest in fair treatment in jobs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P6. Some people feel that if black people are not getting fair treatment in jobs, the government in Washington ought to see to it that they do. Others feel that this is not the federal government's business. Have you had enough interest in this question to favor one side over the other? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES, HAVE INTEREST IN QUESTION --> P6a 5. NO, HAVEN'T HAD INTEREST --> P7 8. DK --> P7 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000800 P6a. Govt should ensure Blacks equ trtment in jobs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P6a. IF R HAS HAD INTEREST IN ISSUE OF FAIR TREATMENT IN JOBS: How do you feel? Should the government in Washington see to it that black people get fair treatment in jobs OR is this not the federal government's business? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. GOVERNMENT IN WASHINGTON SHOULD SEE TO IT THAT BLACK PEOPLE GET FAIR TREATMENT IN JOBS 5. THIS IS NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK -->P7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in P6 ============================== M000801 P6a1. Strength blacks equal trtmnt jobs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P6a1. IF R HAS HAD INTEREST IN ISSUE OF FAIR TREATMENT IN JOBS: IF R'S POSITION IS SEE TO FAIR TREATMENT/ IF R'S POSITION IS NOT THE FEDERAL GOVT'S BUSINESS: Do you feel strongly or not strongly about that? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,7,8,9 in P6a ============================== M000802 P6x. Summary blacks equal treatment jobs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 7 Numeric P6x. How do you feel? Should the government in Washington see to it that black people get fair treatment in jobs OR is this not the federal government's business? Do you feel strongly or not strongly about that? SUMMARY: R POSITION ON FAIR TREATMENT IN JOBS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P6,P6a,P6a1. 1. Strongly - govt should see to fair treatment 2. Not strongly - govt should see to fair treatment 4. Not strongly - not the government's business 5. Strongly - not the government's business 7. Other 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no interest (5 in P6) ============================== M000803 P7. Preferences for blacks in jobs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P7. Some people say that because of past discrimination, blacks should be given preference in hiring and promotion. Others say that such preference in hiring and promotion of blacks is wrong because it gives blacks advantages they haven't earned. What about your opinion -- are you for or against preferential hiring and promotion of blacks? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. FOR PREFERENTIAL HIRING AND PROMOTION OF BLACKS --> P7a 5. AGAINST PREFERENTIAL HIRING AND PROMOTION OF BLACKS --> P7b 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) --> section Q as randomly selected 8. DK --> section Q as randomly selected 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000804 P7a. Strength for preference blks jobs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P7a. IF R FAVORS PREFERENCE IN HIRING AND PROMOTION OF BLACKS: Do you favor preference in hiring and promotion strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,7,8,9,0 in P7 ============================== M000805 P7b. Strength against preference blks jobs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric P7b. IF R OPPOSES PREFERENCE IN HIRING AND PROMOTION OF BLACKS: Do you oppose preference in hiring and promotion strongly or not strongly? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONGLY 5. NOT STRONGLY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,7,8,9,0 in P7 ============================== M000806 P7x. Summary preference for blacks jobs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 7 Numeric P7x. What about your opinion- are you for or against preferential hiring and promotion of blacks? Do you favor/oppose preference in hiring and promotion strongly or not strongly? SUMMARY: R POSITION ON AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN JOBS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from P7 and P7a/b. 1. Favor strongly 2. Favor not strongly 4. Oppose not strongly 5. Oppose strongly 7. Other 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000807 Q1. Budget deficit lg/sm since 1992 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q1. As you know, Bill Clinton was first elected President in November 1992. He will soon be leaving office after 8 years as President. The next several questions ask whether you think things have changed since Clinton came into office. First, would you say that compared to 1992, the federal budget deficit is now smaller, larger, or about the same? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. 1. GOTTEN SMALLER 3. GOTTEN LARGER --> SKIP TO Q1b 5. STAYED ABOUT THE SAME --> SKIP TO Q2 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000808 Q1a. Deficit much/somewhat smaller MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q1a. IF R SAYS THE BUDGET DEFICIT IS SMALLER THAN IN 1992: (Would you say that the budget deficit is) much smaller or somewhat smaller? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH SMALLER --> SKIP TO Q2 5. SOMEWHAT SMALLER --> SKIP TO Q2 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in Q1 ============================== M000809 Q1b. Deficit much/somewhat larger MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q1b. IF R SAYS THE BUDGET DEFICIT IS LARGER THAN IN 1992: (Would you say that the budget deficit is) much larger or somewhat larger? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH LARGER 5. SOMEWHAT LARGER 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in Q1 ============================== M000810 Q1x. Summary budget deficit since 1992 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q1x. First, would you say that compared to 1992, the federal budget deficit is now smaller, larger, or about the same? (Would you say that the budget deficit is) much smaller/ larger or somewhat smaller/larger? SUMMARY: BUDGET DEFICIT SINCE 1992 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Q1 and Q1a/b. 1. Much smaller 2. Somewhat smaller 3. About the same 4. Somewhat larger 5. Much larger 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000811 Q2. Spending on poor inc/dec since 1992 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q2. Has federal spending on assistance to the poor been increased, decreased, or has it stayed about the same as in 1992? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. 1 INCREASED 3 DECREASED 5 STAYED ABOUT THE SAME --> SKIP TO Q3 8 DK --> SKIP TO Q3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000812 Q2a. How much inc/dec aid to poor MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q2a. IR SAYS SPENDING ON POOR HAS DECREASED SINCE 1992/ IR SAYS SPENDING ON POOR HAS INCREASED SINCE 1992: A lot or somewhat? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT 5. SOMEWHAT 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Q2 ============================== M000813 Q2x. Summary assistance to poor MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q2x. Has federal spending on assistance to the poor been increased, decreased, or has it stayed about the same as in 1992? A lot or somewhat? SUMMARY: FEDERAL ASSISTANCE TO THE POOR --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Q2 and Q2a. 1. Increases a lot 2. Increased somewhat 3. Stayed about the same 4. Decreased somewhat 5. Decreased a lot 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000814 Q3. Economy better/worse compared to 1992 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q3. Would you say that compared to 1992, the nation's economy is better, worse, or about the same? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. 1. BETTER 3. WORSE --> SKIP TO Q3b 5. THE SAME --> SKIP TO Q4 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q4 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000815 Q3a. Economy much/somewhat better MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q3a. IF R SAYS NATION'S ECONOMY IS BETTER SINCE 1992: (Would you say) much better or somewhat better? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH BETTER --> SKIP TO Q4 5. SOMEWHAT BETTER --> SKIP TO Q4 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q4 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in Q3 ============================== M000816 Q3b. Economy much/somewhat worse MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q3b. IF R SAYS NATION'S ECONOMY IS WORSE SINCE 1992: (Would you say) much worse or somewhat worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH WORSE 5. SOMEWHAT WORSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in Q3 ============================== M000817 Q3x. Summary economy since 1992 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q3x. Would you say that compared to 1992, the nation's economy is better, worse, or about the same? (Would you say) much better/worse or somewhat better/ worse? SUMMARY: ECONOMY SINCE 1992 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Q3 and Q3a/b. 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. About the same 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000818 Q4. Clinton made economy better/worse MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q4. Since 1992, would you say President Clinton has made the nation's economy better, made the economy worse, or had no effect on the economy one way or the other? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. 1. MADE THE ECONOMY BETTER 3. MADE THE ECONOMY WORSE --> SKIP TO Q4b 5. NO EFFECT --> SKIP TO Q5 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q5 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000819 Q4a. Clinton made econ much/somewhat better MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q4a. IF R SAYS CLINTON HAS MADE ECONOMY BETTER SINCE 1992: Much better or somewhat better? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH BETTER --> SKIP TO Q5 5. SOMEWHAT BETTER --> SKIP TO Q5 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q5 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in Q4 ============================== M000820 Q4b. Clinton made econ much/somewhat worse MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q4b. IF R SAYS CLINTON HAS MADE ECONOMY WORSE SINCE 1992: Much worse or somewhat worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH WORSE 5. SOMEWHAT WORSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in Q4 ============================== M000821 Q4x. Summary Clinton effect on US econ MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q4x. Since 1992, would you say President Clinton has made the nation's economy better, made the economy worse, or had no effect on the economy one way or the other? Much better/worse or somewhat better/worse? SUMMARY: CLINTON EFFECT ON ECONOMY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Q4 and Q4a/b. 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. No effect 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000822 Q5. Clinton admin hurt/help R personally MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q5. Have you personally been helped or have you been hurt economically by the Clinton Administration, or hasn't it affected you one way or the other? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. 1. HELPED 3. HURT 5. NOT AFFECTED 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000823 Q6. U.S. more/less secure since 1992 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q6. Would you say that compared to 1992, the United States is more secure from its foreign enemies, less secure, or hasn't this changed very much? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. 1. MORE SECURE 3. LESS SECURE --> SKIP TO Q6b 5. NO CHANGE --> SKIP TO Q7 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000824 Q6a. U.S. much more secure from enemies MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q6a. IF R SAYS U.S. MORE SECURE FROM ENEMIES SINCE 1992: (Would you say) much more secure or somewhat more secure? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH MORE SECURE --> SKIP TO Q7 5. SOMEWHAT MORE SECURE --> SKIP TO Q7 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in Q6 ============================== M000825 Q6b. U.S much less secure from enemies MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q6b. IF R SAYS U.S. LESS SECURE FROM ENEMIES SINCE 1992: (Would you say) much less secure or somewhat less secure? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH LESS SECURE 5. SOMEWHAT LESS SECURE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in Q6 ============================== M000826 Q6x. Summary US secure from for enemies MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q6x. Would you say that compared to 1992, the United States is more secure from its foreign enemies, less secure, or hasn't this changed very much? (Would you say) much more/less secure or somewhat more/ less secure? SUMMARY: U.S. SECURITY FROM FOREIGN ENEMIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Q6 and Q6a/b. 1. Much more secure 2. Somewhat more secure 3. Not changed very much 4. Somewhat less secure 5. Much less secure 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000827 Q7. Clinton made U.S. more/less secure MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q7. Would you say that Clinton administration has made the United States more secure from its foreign enemies, less secure, or hasn't it made much difference either way? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. 1. MORE SECURE 3. LESS SECURE --> SKIP TO Q7b 5. NO CHANGE --> SKIP TO Q8 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q8 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000828 Q7a. Clinton made U.S. much/smwhat more secure MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q7a. IF R SAYS CLINTON ADMINISTRATION MADE U.S. MORE SECURE: Much more secure or somewhat more secure? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH MORE SECURE --> SKIP TO Q8 5. SOMEWHAT MORE SECURE --> SKIP TO Q8 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q8 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in Q7 ============================== M000829 Q7b. Clinton made U.S. much/smwhat less secure MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q7b. IF R SAYS CLINTON ADMINISTRATION MADE U.S. LESS SECURE: Much less secure or somewhat less secure? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH LESS SECURE 5. SOMEWHAT LESS SECURE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in Q7 ============================== M000830 Q7x. Summ- Clinton impact on U.S. security MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q7x. Would you say that Clinton administration has made the United States more secure from its foreign enemies, less secure, or hasn't it made much difference either way? Much more/less secure or somewhat more/less secure? SUMMARY: CLINTON ADMINISTRATION EFFECT ON U.S. SECURITY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Q7 and Q7a/b. 1. Much more secure 2. Somewhat more secure 3. Hasn't made much difference 4. Somewhat less secure 5. Much less secure 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000831 Q8. U.S. crime rate better/worse since 1992 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q8. Would you say that compared to 1992 the nation's crime rate has gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. 1. BETTER 3. WORSE --> SKIP TO Q8b 5. THE SAME --> SKIP TO Q9 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q9 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000832 Q8a. U.S. crime rate much or smwhat better MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q8a. IF R SAYS U.S. CRIME RATE HAS GOTTEN BETTER SINCE 1992: (Would you say) much better or somewhat better? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH BETTER --> SKIP TO Q9 5. SOMEWHAT BETTER --> SKIP TO Q9 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q9 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in Q8 ============================== M000833 Q8b. U.S. crime rate much or smwhat worse MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q8b. IF R SAYS U.S. CRIME RATE HAS GOTTEN WORSE SINCE 1992: (Would you say) much worse or somewhat worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH WORSE 5. SOMEWHAT WORSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in Q8 ============================== M000834 Q8x. Summary - U.S. crime rate since 1992 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q8x. Would you say that compared to 1992 the nation's crime rate has gotten better, gotten worse, or stayed about the same? (Would you say) much better/worse or somewhat better/ worse? SUMMARY: U.S. CRIME RATE SINCE 1992 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Q8 and Q8a/b. 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. Stayed about the same 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000835 Q9. Clinton made crime rate better/worse MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q9. Would you say that Clinton administration has made the nation's crime rate better, worse, or hasn't it made much difference either way? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. 1. BETTER 3. WORSE --> SKIP TO Q9b 5. NO DIFFERENCE --> SKIP TO Q10 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q10 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000836 Q9a. Clinton made crime rate much/smwhat btr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q9a. IF R SAYS CLINTON ADMINISTRATION MADE U.S. CRIME RATE BETTER: Much better or somewhat better? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH BETTER --> SKIP TO Q10 5. SOMEWHAT BETTER --> SKIP TO Q10 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q10 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in Q9 ============================== M000837 Q9b. Clinton made crime rate much/smwhat wrse MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q9b. IF R SAYS CLINTON ADMINISTRATION MADE U.S. CRIME RATE WORSE: Much worse or somewhat worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH WORSE 5. SOMEWHAT WORSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in Q9 ============================== M000838 Q9x. Summary - Clinton impact on crime rate MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q9x. Would you say that Clinton administration has made the nation's crime rate better, worse, or hasn't it made much difference either way? Much better/worse or somewhat better/worse? SUMMARY: EFFECT OF CLINTON ADMINISTRATION ON CRIME RATE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Q9 and Q9a/b. 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. Hasn't made much difference 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000839 Q10. Moral climate btr/worse since 1992 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q10. Would you say that compared to 1992, the nation's moral climate has gotten better, stayed about the same, or gotten worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. 1. BETTER 3. WORSE --> SKIP TO Q10b 5. THE SAME --> SKIP TO Q11 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000840 Q10a.Moral climate much/smwhat better MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q10a. IF R SAYS MORAL CLIMATE IS BETTER SINCE 1992: (Would you say) much better or somewhat better? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH BETTER --> SKIP TO Q11 5. SOMEWHAT BETTER --> SKIP TO Q11 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q11 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in Q10 ============================== M000841 Q10b.Moral climate much/smwhat worse MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q10b. IF R SAYS MORAL CLIMATE IS WORSE SINCE 1992: (Would you say) much worse or somewhat worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH WORSE 5. SOMEWHAT WORSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in Q10 ============================== M000842 Q10x. Summary moral climate since 1992 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q10x. Would you say that compared to 1992, the nation's moral climate has gotten better, stayed about the same, or gotten worse? (Would you say) much better/worse or somewhat better/ worse? SUMMARY: U.S. MORAL CLIMATE SINCE 1992 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Q10 and Q10a/b. 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. Stayed about the same 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000843 Q11. Clinton made moral climate btr/worse MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q11. Has the Clinton administration made the nation's moral climate better, worse, or hasn't it made much difference either way? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. 1. BETTER 3. WORSE --> SKIP TO Q11b 5. NO DIFFERENCE --> SKIP TO Q14 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q14 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000844 Q11a.Clinton made moral climate much/swht btr MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q11a. IF R SAYS CLINTON ADMINISTRATION MADE MORAL CLIMATE BETTER: Much better or somewhat better? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH BETTER --> SKIP TO Q14 5. SOMEWHAT BETTER --> SKIP TO Q14 8. DK --> SKIP TO Q14 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in Q11 ============================== M000845 Q11b.Clinton made moral climate much/swht wrse MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q11b. IF R SAYS CLINTON ADMINISTRATION MADE MORAL CLIMATE WORSE: Much worse or somewhat worse? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MUCH WORSE 5. SOMEWHAT WORSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in Q11 ============================== M000846 Q11x. Summary - Clinton impact on moral climate MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q11x. Has the Clinton administration made the nation's moral climate better, worse, or hasn't it made much difference either way? Much better/worse or somewhat better/worse? SUMMARY: EFFECT OF CLINTON ADMINISTRATION ON MORAL CLIMATE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Q11 and Q11a/b. 1. Much better 2. Somewhat better 3. Hasn't made much difference 4. Somewhat worse 5. Much worse 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, ; INAP, R selected for Q14-Q15 sections in the Pre ============================== M000847 Q14a. Angry- Clinton affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q14a. (Has Bill Clinton -- because of the kind of person he is or because of something he has done, ever made you feel:) ANGRY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton affects were asked in random order. Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP to next affect 8. DK --> SKIP to next affect 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q1-Q11 in the Pre ============================== M000848 Q14a1. Angry- how oft Clinton affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q14a1. IF R SAYS CLINTON HAS MADE R ANGRY: How often would you say you've felt angry -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY OFTEN 2. FAIRLY OFTEN 3. OCCASIONALLY 4. RARELY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Q14a ============================== M000849 Q14b. Hopeful- Clinton affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q14b. (Has Bill Clinton -- because of the kind of person he is or because of something he has done, ever made you feel:) HOPEFUL --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton affects were asked in random order. Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP to next affect 8. DK --> SKIP to next affect 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q1-Q11 in the Pre ============================== M000850 Q14b1. Hopeful- how oft Clinton affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q14b1. IF R SAYS CLINTON HAS MADE R HOPEFUL: How often would you say you've felt hopeful -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY OFTEN 2. FAIRLY OFTEN 3. OCCASIONALLY 4. RARELY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Q14b ============================== M000851 Q14c. Afraid- Clinton affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q14c. (Has Bill Clinton -- because of the kind of person he is or because of something he has done, ever made you feel:) AFRAID --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton affects were asked in random order. Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP to next affect 8. DK --> SKIP to next affect 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q1-Q11 in the Pre ============================== M000852 Q14c1. Afraid- how often Clinton affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q14c1. IF R SAYS CLINTON HAS MADE R AFRAID: How often would you say you've felt afraid -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY OFTEN 2. FAIRLY OFTEN 3. OCCASIONALLY 4. RARELY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Q14c ============================== M000853 Q14d. Proud- Clinton affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q14d. (Has Bill Clinton -- because of the kind of person he is or because of something he has done, ever made you feel:) PROUD --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton affects were asked in random order. Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP to next affect 8. DK --> SKIP to next affect 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q1-Q11 in the Pre ============================== M000854 Q14d1. Proud- how oft Clinton affect MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q14d1. IF R SAYS CLINTON HAS MADE R AFRAID: How often would you say you've felt proud -- very often, fairly often, occasionally, or rarely? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY OFTEN 2. FAIRLY OFTEN 3. OCCASIONALLY 4. RARELY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Q14d ============================== M000855 Q15a/Q15a.T. Clinton trait-moral MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q15a/Q15a.T. FTF: Please look at page 4 of the booklet. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ?" describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) TELEPHONE: In your opinion, does the phrase he (is)'' describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) MORAL --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] Clinton traits were asked in random order. Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1 EXTREMELY WELL 2 QUITE WELL 3 NOT TOO WELL 4 NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q1-Q11 in the Pre ============================== M000856 Q15b/Q15b.T. Clinton trait-really cares MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q15b/Q15b.T. FTF: Please look at page 4 of the booklet. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ?" describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) TELEPHONE: In your opinion, does the phrase he (is) '' describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) REALLY CARES ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] Clinton traits were asked in random order. Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1 EXTREMELY WELL 2 QUITE WELL 3 NOT TOO WELL 4 NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q1-Q11 in the Pre ============================== M000857 Q15c/Q15c.T. Clinton trait-knowledgeable MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q15c/Q15c.T. FTF: Please look at page 4 of the booklet. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ?" describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) TELEPHONE: In your opinion, does the phrase he (is) '' describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) KNOWLEDGEABLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] Clinton traits were asked in random order. Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1 EXTREMELY WELL 2 QUITE WELL 3 NOT TOO WELL 4 NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q1-Q11 in the Pre ============================== M000858 Q15d/Q15d.T. Clinton trait-strong leader MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q15d/Q15d.T. FTF: Please look at page 4 of the booklet. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ?" describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) TELEPHONE: In your opinion, does the phrase he (is) '' describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) PROVIDES STRONG LEADERSHIP --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] Clinton traits were asked in random order. Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1 EXTREMELY WELL 2 QUITE WELL 3 NOT TOO WELL 4 NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q1-Q11 in the Pre ============================== M000859 Q15e/Q15e.T. Clitnon trait-dishonest MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q15e/Q15e.T. FTF: Please look at page 4 of the booklet. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ?" describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) TELEPHONE: In your opinion, does the phrase he (is) '' describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) DISHONEST --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] Clinton traits were asked in random order. Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1 EXTREMELY WELL 2 QUITE WELL 3 NOT TOO WELL 4 NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q1-Q11 in the Pre ============================== M000860 Q15f/Q15f.T. Clinton trait-intelligent MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q15f/Q15f.T. FTF: Please look at page 4 of the booklet. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ?" describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) TELEPHONE: In your opinion, does the phrase he (is) '' describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) INTELLIGENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] Clinton traits were asked in random order. Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1 EXTREMELY WELL 2 QUITE WELL 3 NOT TOO WELL 4 NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q1-Q11 in the Pre ============================== M000861 Q15g/Q15g.T. Clinton trait-out of touch MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Q15g/Q15g.T. FTF: Please look at page 4 of the booklet. In your opinion, does the phrase 'he is ?" describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) TELEPHONE: In your opinion, does the phrase he (is) '' describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all? (What about ? [Does this phrase describe Bill Clinton extremely well, quite well, not too well, or not well at all?]) OUT OF TOUCH WITH ORDINARY PEOPLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DO NOT PROBE "DK"] Clinton traits were asked in random order. Respondents were randomly assigned either to the retrospective assessments battery (Q1-Q11) or the affects and traits battery (Q14-Q15). If R did not get selected for the retrospective battery in the Pre election instrument they were assigned administration in the Post (S1-S11) and vice versa. Randomization: Randomization is documented within the collection of randomization variables that appear at the end of the Pre survey vars. The question numbers for randomization variables closely follow survey question numbers, preceded by "Rand" [e.g. for questions A4/A5 there is a randomization variable Rand.A4/A5]. 1 EXTREMELY WELL 2 QUITE WELL 3 NOT TOO WELL 4 NOT WELL AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R selected for Q1-Q11 in the Pre ============================== M000862 R1. How opinionated is R MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric R1. Some people have opinions about almost everything; other people have opinions about just some things; and still other people have very few opinions. What about you? Would you say you have opinions about almost everything, about many things, about some things, or about very few things? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ALMOST EVERYTHING 2. MANY THINGS 3. SOME THINGS 4. VERY FEW THINGS ============================== M000863 R1a. Fewer or more opinions than avg MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric R1a. Compared to the average person do you have fewer opinions about whether things are good or bad, about the same number of opinions, or more opinions? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. FEWER OPINIONS 3. ABOUT THE SAME NUMBER OF OPINIONS 5. MORE OPINIONS 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000864 R1a1. How much more opinions than avg MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric R1a1. IF R SAYS HE/SHE HAS MORE OPINIONS THAN THE AVERAGE PERSON: Would you say that you have a lot more opinions or just somewhat more opinions? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT MORE OPINIONS --> SKIP TO R2 5. SOMEWHAT MORE OPINIONS --> SKIP TO R2 8. DK --> SKIP TO R2 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,3,8,9,0 in R1a ============================== M000865 R1a2. More much fewer opinions than avg MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric R1a2. IF R SAYS HE/SHE HAS FEWER OPINIONS THAN THE AVERAGE PERSON: Would you say that you have a lot fewer opinions or just somewhat fewer opinions? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT FEWER OPINIONS 5. SOMEWHAT FEWER OPINIONS 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in R1a ============================== M000866 R1x. Summary degree R opinionated MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric R1x. Compared to the average person do you have fewer opinions about whether things are good or bad, about the same number of opinions, or more opinions? Would you say that you have a lot more/fewer opinions or just somewhat more/fewer opinions? SUMMARY: DEGREE R OPINIONATED --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from R1a and R1a1/R1a2. 1. A lot fewer 2. Somewhat fewer 3. About the same 4. Somewhat more 5. A lot more 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000867 R2. Does R like respnsbty for thinking MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric R2. Some people like to have responsibility for handling situations that require a lot of thinking, and other people don't like to have responsibility for situations like that. What about you? Do you like having responsibility for handling situations that require a lot of thinking, do you dislike it, or do you neither like it nor dislike it? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. LIKE 3. DISLIKE --> SKIP TO R2b 5. NEITHER LIKE OR DISLIKE --> SKIP TO R3 8. DK --> SKIP TO R3 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000868 R2a. How much like respnbty for thinking MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric R2a. IF R SAYS R LIKES SITUATIONS REQUIRING A LOT OF THINKING: Do you like it a lot or just somewhat? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> SKIP TO R3 5. SOMEWHAT --> SKIP TO R3 8. DK --> SKIP TO R3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 3,5,8,9,0 in R2 ============================== M000869 R2b. How much dislike rsbty for thinking MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric R2b. IF R SAYS R DISLIKES SITUATIONS REQUIRING A LOT OF THINKING: Do you dislike it a lot or just somewhat? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DISLIKE IT A LOT 5. DISLIKE IT SOMEWHAT 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,5,8,9,0 in R2 ============================== M000870 R2x. Summary like/dislike thinking MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric R2x. What about you? Do you like having responsibility for handling situations that require a lot of thinking, do you dislike it, or do you neither like it nor dislike it? Do you like/dislike it a lot or just somewhat? SUMMARY: R LIKE/DISLIKE FOR INTENSIVE THOUGHT --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from R2 and R2a/b. 1. Like it a lot 2. Like it somewhat 3. Neither like it nor dislike it 4. Dislike it somewhat 5. Dislike it a lot 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000871 R3. Like simple or complex problems MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric R3. Some people prefer to solve simple problems instead of complex ones, whereas other people prefer to solve more complex problems. Which type of problem do you prefer to solve: simple or complex? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SIMPLE 5. COMPLEX 8. DON'T KNOW 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000872 S1. Is religion important to R MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric S1. Do you consider religion to be an important part of your life, or not? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. IMPORTANT 5. NOT IMPORTANT --> SKIP TO S3 8. DON'T KNOW --> SKIP TO S3 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000873 S2. How much guidance from religion MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric S2. IF R SAYS THAT RELIGION IS IMPORTANT: Would you say your religion provides some guidance in your day-to-day living, quite a bit of guidance, or a great deal of guidance in your day-to-day life? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SOME 3. QUITE A BIT 5. A GREAT DEAL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in S1 ============================== M000874 S3/S3.T. How often does R pray MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric S3/S3.T. FTF: Please look at page 15 of the booklet. People practice their religion in different ways. Outside of attending religious services, do you pray several times a day, once a day, a few times a week, once a week or less or never? TELEPHONE: People practice their religion in different ways. Outside of attending religious services, do you pray several times a day, once a day, a few times a week, once a week or less or never? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SEVERAL TIMES A DAY 2. ONCE A DAY 3. A FEW TIMES A WEEK 4. ONCE A WEEK OR LESS 5. NEVER 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000875 S4/S4.T. How often does R read the bible MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric S4/S4.T. FTF: Still looking at page 15 of the booklet. Outside of attending religious services, do you read the Bible several times a day, once a day, a few times a week, once a week or less or never? TELEPHONE: Outside of attending religious services, do you read the Bible several times a day, once a day, a few times a week, once a week or less or never? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SEVERAL TIMES A DAY 2. ONCE A DAY 3. A FEW TIMES A WEEK 4. ONCE A WEEK OR LESS 5. NEVER 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000876 S5/S5.T. Bible is word of God or men MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric S5/S5.T. FTF: Please look at page 16 of the booklet. Which of these statements comes closest to describing your feelings about the Bible? You can just give me the number of your choice. TELEPHONE: I am going to read you a short list of statements. Please tell me which of these statements comes closest to describing your feelings about the Bible? You can just give me the number of the statement you choose. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. THE BIBLE IS THE ACTUAL WORD OF GOD AND IS TO BE TAKEN LITERALLY, WORD FOR WORD. 2. THE BIBLE IS THE WORD OF GOD BUT NOT EVERYTHING IN IT SHOULD BE TAKEN LITERALLY, WORD FOR WORD. 3. THE BIBLE IS A BOOK WRITTEN BY MEN AND IS NOT THE WORD OF GOD. 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000877 X1. Attend religious services MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X1. Lots of things come up that keep people from attending religious services even if they want to. Thinking about your life these days, do you ever attend religious services, apart from occasional weddings, baptisms or funerals? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES --> SKIP TO X2 5. NO --> SKIP TO X1a 8. DK --> SKIP TO X1a 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000878 X1a. Part of a church or denomination MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X1a. IF R DOES NOT ATTEND RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Regardless of whether you now attend any religious services do you ever think of yourself as part of a particular church or denomination? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES --> X3 5. NO --> GO TO Y1 8. DK --> GO TO Y1 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,9,0 in X1 ============================== M000879 X2. Attend religious services how often MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X2. IF R ATTENDS RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Do you go to religious services every week, almost every week, once or twice a month, a few times a year, or never? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EVERY WEEK --> X2a 2. ALMOST EVERY WEEK --> X3 3. ONCE OR TWICE A MONTH --> X3 4. A FEW TIMES A YEAR --> X3 5. NEVER --> X3 8. DK --> X3 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,5,8,9 in X1 ============================== M000880 X2a. Attend relig serv > once/week MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X2a. IF R SAYS ATTENDS RELIGIOUS SERVICES 'EVERY WEEK': Would you say you go to religious services once a week or more often than once a week? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ONCE A WEEK 2. MORE OFTEN THAN ONCE A WEEK 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9, 0 in X1; 2-5,8,9 or NA in X2 ============================== M000881 X3. Attend church checkpoint MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric X3. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH: / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION: CHECKPOINT: CHURCH ATTENDANCE --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES --> X3a 5. NO (5 in X1) --> X3b 9. RF (9 in X1) 0. INAP, 0 in X1 ============================== M000882 X3a. Attend protestant/Cath/Jewish/other MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X3a. IF R ATTENDS RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Do you mostly attend a place of worship that is Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish, or something else? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. PROTESTANT --> X4 2. CATHOLIC --> X7 3. JEWISH --> X6a 7. OTHER --> X4 8. DK --> SKIP TO Y1 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,5,9 in X3 ============================== M000883 X3b. Belong protestant/Cath/Jewish/other MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X3b. IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION: Do you consider yourself Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish, or something else? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. PROTESTANT --> X4 2. CATHOLIC --> SKIP TO X7 3. JEWISH --> SKIP TO X6b 7. OTHER --> X4 8. DK --> SKIP TO Y1 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9 or NA in X1a; 1,0,9 in X3 ============================== M000884 X4. Denomination/other specify MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric X4. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER'/ IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER': What church or denomination is that? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. BAPTIST --> SKIP TO X4b 2. EPISCOPALIAN/ANGLICAN/CHURCH OF ENGLAND --> SKIP TO X7 3. LUTHERAN --> SKIP TO X4c 4. METHODIST --> SKIP TO X4d 5. JUST PROTESTANT --> SKIP TO X7 6. PRESBYTERIAN --> SKIP TO X4e 7. REFORMED --> SKIP TO X4f 8. BRETHREN --> SKIP TO X4g 9. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN --> SKIP TO X7 10. CHRISTIAN OR JUST CHRISTIAN --> SKIP TO X4h 11. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST --> SKIP TO X7 12. CHURCH (or CHURCHES) OF CHRIST --> SKIP TO X4i 13. UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST --> SKIP TO X7 14. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST --> SKIP TO X7 15. CHURCH OF GOD --> SKIP TO X4j 16. ASSEMBLY OF GOD --> SKIP TO X7 17. CONGREGATIONALIST --> SKIP TO X7 18. HOLINESS --> SKIP TO X4k 19. PENTACOSTAL --> SKIP TO X4k 20. FRIENDS, QUAKER --> SKIP TO X7 21. ORTHODOX, e.g. Greek, Russian (SPECIFY);C --> SKIP TO X7 22. NON-DENOMINATIONAL - PROTESTANT --> SKIP TO X7 23. MORMONS --> SKIP TO X7 24. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES --> SKIP TO X7 25. LATTER DAY SAINTS --> SKIP TO X7 26. UNITARIAN/UNIVERSALIST --> SKIP TO X7 27. BUDDHIST --> SKIP TO X7 28. HINDU --> SKIP TO X7 29. MUSLIM/ISLAM --> SKIP TO X7 30. NATIVE AMERICAN --> SKIP TO X7 95. NA 98. DK --> SKIP TO X7 99. RF 00. INAP, 9,0 in X1; 5,8,9 or NA in X1a; 2,3,8,9 or NA in X3a/b 90. OTHER (SPECIFY) --> SKIP TO X4m ============================== M000885 X4(1). (blanked) denomination other Character X4(1). IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER'/ IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER': IF R DENOMINATION IS 'OTHER': What church or denomination is that? TEXT OF X4 DENOMINATION CODE 90 'OTHER' (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable has been blanked to preserve confidentiality. ============================== M000886 X4a. Baptist group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X4a. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION IS BAPTIST IN X4: With which Baptist group is your church associated? Is it the Southern Baptist Convention, the American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A., the American Baptist Association, an independent Baptist church or some other Baptist group? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION --> X7 2. AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCHES IN USA --> X7 3. AMERICAN BAPTIST ASSOCIATION --> X7 4. INDEPENDENT BAPTIST --> X7 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,2-99 in X4 ============================== M000887 X4b. Independent Baptist group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X4b. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION IS BAPTIST IN X4: IF R'S CHURCH IS INDEPENDENT BAPTIST: Are you affiliated with any larger Baptist group or is this strictly a local church? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. LARGER BAPTIST GROUP [SPECIFY] --> X7 2. LOCAL --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1-3,7,8,9,0 in X4a ============================== M000888 X4c. Lutheran group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X4c. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION IS LUTHERAN IN X4: Is this church part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American, the Missouri Synod, or some other Lutheran group? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH --> X7 2. MISSOURI SYNOD --> X7 7. OTHER [SPECIFY] --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,1,2,4-99 in X4 ============================== M000889 X4d. Methodist group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X4d. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION IS METHODIST IN X4: Is your church part of the United Methodist Church, African Methodist Episcopal, or some other Methodist group? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH --> X7 2. AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL --> X7 7. OTHER [SPECIFY] --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,1-3,5-99 in X4 ============================== M000890 X4e. Presbyterian group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X4e. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION IS PRESBYTERIAN IN X4: Is this the Presbyterian Church in the USA or some other Presbyterian group? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH USA (FORMERLY UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH) --> X7 7. OTHER [SPECIFY] --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,1-5,7-99 in X4 ============================== M000891 X4f. Reformed group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X4f. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION IS REFORMED IN X4: Is this the Christian Reformed Church, the Reformed Church in America or some Other Reformed group? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH --> X7 2. THE REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA --> X7 7. OTHER [SPECIFY] --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,1-6,8-99 in X4 ============================== M000892 X4g. Brethren group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X4g. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION IS BRETHREN IN X4: Is this the church of the Brethren, the Plymouth Brethren, or what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN --> X7 2. THE PLYMOUTH BRETHREN --> X7 7. OTHER [SPECIFY] --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,1-7,9-99 in X4 ============================== M000893 X4h. Christian group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X4h. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R SAYS DENOMINATION IS 'CHRISTIAN' IN X4: When you say "Christian" does that mean the denomination called the "Christian Church Disciples of Christ," or some other Christian denomination, or do you mean to say "I am just a Christian"? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST --> X7 2. I AM JUST A CHRISTIAN --> X7 7. OTHER [SPECIFY] --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,1-9,11-99 in X4 ============================== M000894 X4i. Church of Christ group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X4i. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION IS CHURCH OF CHRIST IN X4: Is this the Church of Christ or the United Church of Christ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CHURCH OF CHRIST --> X7 2. UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,1-11,13-99 in X4 ============================== M000895 X4j. Church of God group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X4j. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION IS CHURCH OF GOD IN X4: Is this the Church of God of Anderson, Indiana; the Church of God of Cleveland, Tennessee; the Church of God in Christ; or some other Church of God? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ANDERSON, INDIANA --> X7 2. CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE --> X7 3. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST --> X7 7. OTHER [SPECIFY] --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,1-14,16-99 in X4 ============================== M000896 X4k. (blanked) holiness/pentacostal Character X4k. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION IS HOLINIESS OR PENTACOSTAL IN X4: What kind of church is that? What is it called exactly? Is that part of a larger church or denomination? What is the church called? HOLINESS OR PENTACOSTAL TEXT (18 and 19 in X4) --------------------------------------------------------------------- [THESE QUESTIONS ARE PROBES. USE THESE AND OTHERS TO GET AS MUCH SPECIFIC INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE] This field has been blanked. The open-ended responses are hand-coded into the religion summary variable. ============================== M000897 X4a-j. (blanked) other Character X4a-j. IF R'S DENOMINATION SPECIFIES 'OTHER' IN X4a-X4k: TEXT OF OTHER (SPECIFY) IN DENOMINATIONAL FOLLOWUPS: --------------------------------------------------------------------- This field has been blanked. The open-ended responses are hand-coded into the religion summary variable. ============================== M000898 X4m. (blanked) other group/denomination Character X4m. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION 'OTHER' IN X4: What is it called exactly? Is that church part of a denomination? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [USE ANY OR ALL AS NECESSARY; GET AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE] This field has been blanked. The open-ended responses are hand coded into the religion summary variable. ============================== M000899 X4m1. Is other group christian MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X4m1. IF R ATTENDS CHURCH AND ATTENDS AS PROTESTANT OR 'OTHER' IN X3a / IF R DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF 'OTHER' IN X3b: IF R DENOMINATION 'OTHER' IN X4: Is that group Christian? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES --> X7 5. NO --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,1-30,95-99 in X4 ============================== M000900 X6a. Attend Jewish group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X6a. IF R ATTENDS RELIGIOUS SERVICES AND IS JEWISH IN X3a: Do you usually attend a synagogue or temple that is Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ORTHODOX` --> X7 2. CONSERVATIVE --> X7 3. REFORM --> X7 7. OTHER [SPECIFY] --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,2,7,8,9,0 in X3a ============================== M000901 X6b. Jewish denomination MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X6b. IF R DOES NOT ATTEND RELIGIOUS SERVICES BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION AND CONSIDERS SELF JEWISH IN X3b: Do you consider yourself Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, or what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ORTHODOX --> X7 2. CONSERVATIVE --> X7 3. REFORM --> X7 7. OTHER [SPECIFY] --> X7 8. DK --> X7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,2,7,8,9,0 in X3b ============================== M000902 X7. Member place of worship MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X7. IF R ATTENDS RELIGIOUS SERVICES/ IF R DOES NOT ATTEND RELIGIOUS SERVICES BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF CHURCH OR DENOMINATION: Are you officially a member of a parish, congregation, temple or other place of worship? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES --> X8 or Y1 5. NO --> X8 or Y1 8. DK --> X8 or Y1 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,9 in X1; 5,8,9 or NA in X1a ============================== M000903 X8. Born-again christian MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric X8. IF R ATTENDS RELIGIOUS SERVICES/ IF R DOES NOT ATTEND RELIGIOUS SERVICES BUT THINKS OF SELF AS PART OF A CHURCH OR DENOMINATION: IF R IDENTIFIES A CHRISTIAN RELIGION IN X3a, X3b, X4 OR X4m1: Would you call yourself a born-again Christian, that is, have you personally had a conversion experience related to Jesus Christ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,9 in X1; 5,8,9 or NA in X1a; 3,8,9 or NA in X3a/b; 5,8,9 or NA in X4m1 ============================== M000904 X9x. Religion summary MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric X9x. Do you mostly attend a place of worship that is Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish, or something else / Do you consider yourself Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish, or something else? JEWISH: Do you usually attend a synagogue or temple that is Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or what/ Do you consider yourself Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, or what? PROTESTANT OR SOMETHING ELSE: What church or denomination is that? IF BAPTIST: With which Baptist group is your church associated? Is it the Southern Baptist Convention, the American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A., the American Baptist Association, an independent Baptist church or some other Baptist group? (INDEPENDENT BAPTIST:) Are you affiliated with any larger Baptist group or is this strictly a local church? IF LUTHERAN: Is this church part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American, the Missouri Synod, or some other Lutheran group? IF METHODIST: Is your church part of the United Methodist Church, African Methodist Episcopal, or some other Methodist group? IF PRESBYTERIAN: Is this the Presbyterian Church in the USA or some other Presbyterian group? IF REFORMED: Is this the Christian Reformed Church, the Reformed Church in America or some Other Reformed group? IF BRETHREN: Is this the church of the Brethren, the Plymouth Brethren, or what?' IF 'CHRISTIAN': When you say "Christian" does that mean the denomination called the "Christian Church Disciples of Christ" or some other Christian denomination, or do you mean to say "I am just a Christian"? IF CHURCH OF CHRIST: Is this the Church of Christ or the United Church of Christ? IF CHURCH OF GOD: Is this the Church of God of Anderson, Indiana; the Church of God of Cleveland, Tennessee; the Church of God in Christ; or some other Church of God? IF PENTECOSTAL OR HOLINESS: What kind of church is that? What is it called exactly? Is that part of a larger church or denomination? What is that church called? IF OTHER: What is it called exactly? Is that church part of a denomination? IF OTHER: Is that group Christian? RELIGION SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable summarizes the information gathered in questions X3a/b, X4, X4a-m, X4m1, X6a/b. Information collected in the open-ended responses to the religion section component questions have been hand coded into this summary variable. NOTE: in 1 case, an R whose initial religious group was identified as Protestant was discovered, upon further probing, to be Roman Catholic. Codes 010-990 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, no religious identification or preference (and R does not attend religious services) ============================== M000905 Y1(1). Month of birth MD1: EQ 98, MD2: GE 99 Numeric Y1(1). What is the month, day and year of your birth? MONTH --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01-12 98. DK 99. RF; NA ============================== M000906 Y1(2). Day of birth (blanked) Numeric Y1(2). What is the month, day and year of your birth? DAY (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable is blanked. ============================== M000907 Y1(3). Year of birth MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9998 Numeric Y1(3). What is the month, day and year of your birth? YEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9998. DK 9999. RF 0000. NA ============================== M000908 Y1x. Respondent age MD: EQ 0 Numeric Y1x. What is the month, day and year of your birth? SUMMARY - RESPONDENT AGE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Age was calculated by subtracting the year of birth from 2000. For cases where R refused to give year of birth or year of birth was NA in the survey variable, a check was made of Household listing information: if age of R was included in the Household listing, it was included here from the Household listing. Codes 17-96 and: 97. 97 and older 00. NA ============================== M000909 Y2. Marital status MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y2. Are you married now and living with your (husband/wife) -- or are you widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never married? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: in cases 8,49,77,157,377,535,580,814,1087,1117,1202,1212, 1381,1639,1731 the partner/spouse identified in P000909 (marital status) was not a resident of the HU or was residing elsewhere on temporary basis. In cases 1281,1516,46,312,133,23,222 there is no information about spouse/partner. 1. MARRIED 2. WIDOWED 3. DIVORCED 4. SEPARATED 5. NEVER MARRIED 6. PARTNERED, NOT MARRIED [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000910 Y3. Highest grade completed MD1: EQ 98, MD2: GE 99 Numeric Y3. What is the highest grade of school or year of college you have completed? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 00-12 YEARS 13-16 YEARS --> SKIP TO Y3b 17. 17+ YEARS --> SKIP TO Y3b 98. DK 99. RF; NA ============================== M000911 Y3a. Diploma/GED MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y3a. IF HIGHEST GRADE OF EDUCATION IS 0-12 YEARS OR DK: Did you get a high school diploma or pass a high school equivalency test? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES --> SKIP TO Y4 IF MARRIED/PARTNERED, IF NOT SKIP TO Y5 5. NO --> SKIP TO Y4 IF MARRIED/PARTNERED, IF NOT SKIP TO Y5 8. DK --> SKIP TO Y4 IF MARRIED/PARTNERED, IF NOT SKIP TO Y5 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 13-16 or NA in Y3 ============================== M000912 Y3b. Highest degree earned MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric Y3b. IF HIGHEST GREADE OF EDUCATION IS 13+ YEARS: What is the highest degree that you have earned? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. BACHELOR'S DEGREE 02. MASTER'S DEGREE 03. PhD, LIT, SCD, DFA, DLIT, DPH, DPHIL, JSC, SJD 04. LLB, JD 05. MD, DDS, DVM, MVSA, DSC, DO 06. JDC, STD, THD 07. ASSOCIATE DEGREE (AA) 96. NO DEGREE EARNED 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 0-12, 99 in Y3 ============================== M000913 Y3x. R educ summary MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Y3x. What is the highest grade of school or year of college you have completed? Did you get a high school diploma or pass a high school equivalency test? What is the highest degree that you have earned? SUMMARY: R EDUCATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y3, Y3a, Y3b. 1. 8 grades or less and no diploma or equivalency [0-8 in Y3, 5 in Y3a] 2. 9-11 grades, no further schooling (incl. 12 years without diploma or equivalency) [9-12 in Y3, 5 in Y3a] 3. High school diploma or equivalency test [0-12 in Y3, 1 in Y3a] 4. More than 12 years of schooling, no higher degree (13-17 in Y3, 96 in Y3b) 5. Junior or community college level degrees (AA degrees) (07 in Y3b) 6. BA level degrees; 17+ years, no advanced degree (01 in Y3b) 7. Advanced degree, including LLB [13-17 in Y3, 2-6 in Y3b] 8. DK [98 in Y3, 8 in Y3a; 98 in Y3b] 9. NA [99 in Y3; 9 in Y3a; 99 or NA in Y3b] ============================== M000914 Y4. Highest grade of partner MD1: EQ 98, MD2: GE 99 Numeric Y4. IF MARRIED OR PARTNERED: What is the highest grade of school or year of college (your husband/your wife/your partner) has completed? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 00-12 YEARS 13-16 YEARS --> SKIP TO Y4b 17. 17+ YEARS --> SKIP TO Y4b 98. DK 99. RF; NA; INAP, 2-5,8,9,0 in Y2 ============================== M000915 Y4a. Partner diploma/GED MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y4a. IF HIGHEST GRADE OF SPOUSE/PARTNER IS 0-12 YEARS OR DK: Did (he/she) get a high school diploma or pass a high school equivalency test? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES --> SKIP TO Y5 5. NO --> SKIP TO Y5 8. DK --> SKIP TO Y5 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 13-17, 99 in Y4 ============================== M000916 Y4b. Partner highest degree MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric Y4b. IF HIGHEST GRADE OF SPOUSE/PARTNER EDUCATION IS 13+ YEARS: What is the highest degree that(he/she) has earned? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. BACHELOR'S DEGREE 02. MASTER'S DEGREE 03. PhD, LIT, SCD, DFA, DLIT, DPH, DPHIL, JSC, SJD 04. LLB, JD 05. MD, DDS, DVM, MVSA, DSC, DO 06. JDC, STD, THD 07. ASSOCIATE DEGREE (AA) 96. NO DEGREE EARNED 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 1-12, 98, 99 in Y4 ============================== M000917 Y4x. Sp educ. Summary MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Y4x. What is the highest grade of school or year of college (your husband/your wife/your partner) has completed? Did (he/she) get a high school diploma or pass a high school equivalency test? What is the highest degree that(he/she) has earned? SUMMARY: SPOUSE/PARTNER EDUCATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y4, Y4a, Y4b. Note: 3 cases [561,1017,1719] coded 98 (DK) for number of school years in Y4 and 'no' in Y4a (no high school diploma) are coded 2 here; 3 cases [77,1057,1799] where R indicated 12 years of schooling but DK for Y4a diploma are coded 2. 1. 8 grades or less and no diploma or equivalency [0-8 in Y4, 5 in Y4a] 2. 9-11 grades, no further schooling (incl. 12 years without diploma or equivalency) [9-12 in Y4, 5 in Y4a] 3. High school diploma or equivalency test [0-12 in Y4, 1 in Y4a] 4. More than 12 years of schooling, no higher degree (13-17 in Y4, 96 in Y4b) 5. Junior or community college level degrees (AA degrees) (07 in Y4b) 6. BA level degrees; 17+ years, no advanced degree (01 in Y4b) 7. Advanced degree, including LLB [13-17 in Y4, 2-6 in Y4b] 8. DK [98 in Y4, 8 in Y4a; 98 in Y4b] 9. NA [99 in Y4; 9 in Y4a; 99 or NA in Y4b] ============================== M000918 Y6(1). Assigned employment status MD: EQ 0 Numeric Y6(1). Please look at page 17 of the booklet. We'd like to know if you are working now, temporarily laid off, or are you unemployed, retired, permanently disabled, a homemaker, a student, or what? ASSIGNED EMPLOYMENT SERIES --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. This variable describes the series of employment questions to which R is initially assigned according to R's self- identification of employment status. By contrast, the Y6(2) and Y6(3) employment status summary variables are built using relevant information from R's Y6(1) self-identification and also from information obtained during questioning (especially number of hours worked). Initial series assignment from multiple mentions given by R for his or her own employment status is as follows: RET ONLY or (RET and any others) -->retired series HM/ST ONLY or (HM/ST and UN/DIS/WN/TLO) -->hmkr/st series DIS ONLY or (DIS and UN/WN/TLO) -->disabled series WN/TLO ONLY -->wrkg now series Note that Rs initially assigned per Y6(1) to the RETIRED, DISABLED or HOMEMAKER/STUDENT series are redirected from within those series to the WORKING NOW series if the R was also currently working (both series completed if retired or disabled). For this reason, the WORKING NOW series appears last in codebook variables: - P000921-000931 UNEMPLOYED [UN] - P000932-000944 RETIRED [RET] - P000945-000956 PERMANENTLY DISABLED [DIS] - P000957-000967 HOMEMAKER/STUDENT [HM/ST] - P000968-000978 WORKING NOW/TEMP. LAID OFF [WN/TLO] 1. Assigned WORKING NOW series - working now (Y7-Y7j) 2. Assigned WORKING NOW series - temporarily laid off (Y7-Y7j) 3. Assigned UNEMPLOYED series (Y9-Y10h) 4. Assigned RETIRED series (Y11-Y12j) 5. Assigned PERMANENTLY DISABLED series (Y13-Y14j) 6. Assigned HOMEMAKER series (Y15-Y16j) 7. Assigned STUDENT series (Y15-Y16j) ============================== M000919 Y6(2). 2 digit employment status MD: EQ 0 Numeric Y6(2). Please look at page 17 of the booklet. We'd like to know if you are working now, temporarily laid off, or are you unemployed, retired, permanently disabled, a homemaker, a student, or what? EMPLOYMENT STATUS 2 DIGIT SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built using Y5, Y12g, Y14g, Y15, Y7e. This is a summary which describes R's occupation status as categorized AFTER all information has been collected. Note that case 1263 has been coded 81 rather than 18 although number of hours worked (P000974) was coded as DK; for this case, information in the thumbnail indicated that R worked only a few hours a week. 10. WORKING NOW only 15. WORKING NOW and retired (R volunteers), currently working 20 or more hours per week 16. WORKING NOW and permanently disabled, currently working 20 or more hours per week 17. WORKING NOW and homemaker (R volunteers), currently working 20 or more hours per week 18. WORKING NOW and student (R volunteers), currently working 20 or more hours per week 20. TEMPORARILY LAID OFF 40. UNEMPLOYED 50. RETIRED, no other occupation 51. RETIRED and working now (R volunteers), currently working fewer than 20 hours per week 60. PERMANENTLY DISABLED, not working 61. PERMANENTLY DISABLED and working now, currently working fewer than 20 hours per week 70. HOMEMAKER, no other occupation 71. HOMEMAKER and working now (R volunteers), currently working fewer than 20 hours per week 75. HOMEMAKER and student (R volunteers), no other occupation 80. STUDENT, no other occupation 81. STUDENT and working now (R volunteers), currently working fewer than 20 hours per week 00. NA ============================== M000920 Y6(3). 1 digit employment status MD: EQ 0 Numeric Y6(3). Please look at page 17 of the booklet. We'd like to know if you are working now, temporarily laid off, or are you unemployed, retired, permanently disabled, a homemaker, a student, or what? EMPLOYMENT STATUS 1 DIGIT SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y6(2) 1. R WORKING NOW (working now or working 20 hours or more per week if also retired, permanently disabled, homemaker or student 2. R TEMPORARILY LAID OFF [20 in Y6(2)] 4. R UNEMPLOYED [40 in Y6(2)] 5. R RETIRED, not working or working fewer than 20 hours per week [50,51 in Y6(2)] 6. R PERMANENTLY DISABLED, not working or working fewer than 20 hours per week [60,61 in Y6(2)] 7. R HOMEMAKER, not working or working fewer than 20 hours per week [also nonworking Rs who are both homemakers and students-- 70,71,75 in Y6(2)] 8. R STUDENT, not working or working fewer than 20 hours per week ([80,81 in Y6(2)] 0. NA ============================== M000921 Y9. R unemp: ever worked for pay MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y9. IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: Have you ever done any work for pay? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> Y10g 8. DK --> Y10g 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1) ============================== M000922 Y10a(1). 2-digit occup MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric Y10a(1). IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R UNEMPLOYED: 2 DIGIT OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- See the OCCUPATION master code. The stacked version of this question is at Y17(1), at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. Codes 1-71 and: 95. NA 98. DK 99. RF 00. INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000922a Y10a(2). 3-digit occup (blanked) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y10a(2). IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R UNEMPLOYED: 3 DIGIT CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See the OCCUPATION master code. The stacked version of this question is at Y17(1a), at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. Contact ANES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. Codes 1-905 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000923 Y10a(3). 1-digit occup summary MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric Y10a(3). IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? UNEMPLOYED: COLLAPSED CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Collapsed from Y10a(2). The stacked version of this question is at Y17(2), at end of R employment section. 1. Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2. Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3. Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4. Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5. Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6. Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7. Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8. Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9. Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10. Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11. Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12. Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13. Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14. Member of Armed Forces (Census category 903-905) 95. NA 98. DK 99. RF 00. INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000924 Y10a(4). Prestige code (blanked) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 99.99 Numeric Y10a(4). IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R OCCUPATION: PRESTIGE SCORE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at Y17(3), at end of R employment section. Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James A. Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been coded 0 missing to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact ANES project staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to this data. 99.99. 995,998,999 in Y10a(2) 00.00. INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000925 Y10b. R unemp: past industry code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y10b. IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: What kind of business or industry was that? R OCCUPATION - CENSUS INDUSTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at Y17(4), at end of R employment section. See 1980 CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 10-932 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000926 Y10c. R unemp: past self employed MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y10c. IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed or what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SOMEONE ELSE 3. BOTH SELF AND SOMEONE ELSE 5. SELF-EMPLOYED --> Y10e 8. DK --> Y10e 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,5,8,9 in Y9 ============================== M000927 Y10d. R unemp: past employed by govt MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y10d. IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: IF WAS NOT SELF-EMPLOYED ONLY: Were you employed by a federal, state or local government? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y10c ============================== M000928 Y10e. R unemp: work last 6 months MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y10e. IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: Have you had a job in the last six months? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> Y10g 8. DK --> Y10g 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,5,8,9 in Y9 ============================== M000929 Y10f. R unemp: hrs/wk 6 months MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 996 Numeric Y10f. IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: IF HAS HAD A JOB IN THE LAST 6 MOS: About how many hours did you work on your job in the average week? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-168 996. INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y10e 998. DK 999. RF 000. NA ============================== M000930 Y10g. R unemp: looking for work now MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y10g. IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: Are you looking for work at the present time? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> Y25 8. DK --> Y25 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1) ============================== M000931 Y10h. R unemp: worry about find job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y10h. IF UNEMPLOYED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY: IF LOOKING FOR WORK AT PRESENT: How worried are you about not being able to find a job in the near future; a lot, somewhat, or not much at all? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> Y25 3. SOMEWHAT --> Y25 5. NOT MUCH AT ALL --> Y25 8. DK --> Y25 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y10g ============================== M000932 Y11(1). Retired: month of retirement MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Y11(1). IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): When did you retire? MONTH --------------------------------------------------------------------- MONTH: 01. JANUARY 02. FEBRUARY 03. MARCH 04. APRIL 05. MAY 06. JUNE 07. JULY 08. AUGUST 09. SEPTEMBER 10. OCTOBER 11. NOVEMBER 12. DECEMBER 96. INAP, 1,2,3,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1) 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA ============================== M000933 Y11(2). Retired: year of retirement MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9996 Numeric Y11(2). IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): When did you retire? YEAR --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9996. INAP, 1,2,3,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1) 9998. DK 9999. RF 0000. NA ============================== M000934 Y12a(1). 2-digit occup retired MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric Y12a(1). IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R RETIRED: 2 DIGIT OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- See the OCCUPATION master code. The stacked version of this question is at Y17(1), at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. 95. NA 98. DK 99. RF 00. INAP, 1,2,3,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1) ============================== M000934a Y12a(2). 3-digit occup (blanked) retired MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y12a(2). IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R RETIRED: 3 DIGIT CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See the OCCUPATION master code. The stacked version of this question is at Y17(1a), at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. Contact ANES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. Codes 1-905 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, 1,2,3,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1) ============================== M000935 Y12a(3). 1-digit occup summary retired MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric Y12a(3). IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R RETIRED: COLLAPSED CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Collapsed from Y10a(2). The stacked version of this question is at Y17(2), at end of R employment section. 1. Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2. Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3. Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4. Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5. Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6. Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7. Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8. Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9. Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10. Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11. Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12. Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13. Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14. Member of Armed Forces (Census category 903-905) 95. NA 98. DK 99. RF 00. INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000936 Y12a(4). Prestige code (blanked) retired MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 99.99 Numeric Y12a(4). IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R OCCUPATION: PRESTIGE SCORE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at Y17(3), at end of R employment section. Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James A. Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been coded 0 missing to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact ANES project staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to this data. 99.99. 995,998,999 in Y12a(2) 00.00. INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000937 Y12b. R ret: industry code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y12b. IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): What kind of business or industry was that? R OCCUPATION - CENSUS INDUSTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at Y17(4), at end of R employment section. See 1980 CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 10-932 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, 1,2,3,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1) ============================== M000938 Y12c. R ret: self employed MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y12c. IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed or what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SOMEONE ELSE 3. BOTH SELF AND SOMEONE ELSE 5. SELF-EMPLOYED --> Y12e 8. DK --> Y12e 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,2,3,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1) ============================== M000939 Y12d. R ret: employed by govt MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y12d. IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): IF WAS NOT SELF-EMPLOYED ONLY: Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed or what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y12c ============================== M000940 Y12e. R ret: work last 6 months MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y12e. IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): Have you had a job in the last six months? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> Y12g 8. DK --> Y12g 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,2,3,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1) ============================== M000941 Y12f. R ret: hours/wk work 6 months MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 996 Numeric Y12f. IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): IF HAS HAD A JOB IN LAST 6 MOS: About how many hours did you work on your job in the average week? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-168 996. INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y12e 998. DK 999. RF 000. NA ============================== M000942 Y12g. R ret: working for pay MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y12g. IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): Are you doing any work for pay at the present time? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES --> SKIP TO Y7 (below) 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,2,3,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1) ============================== M000943 Y12h. R ret: looking for work now MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y12h. IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: Are you looking for work at the present time? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> Y25 8. DK --> Y25 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,8,9,0 in Y12g ============================== M000944 Y12j. R ret: worry about finding job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y12j. IF RETIRED IS AN EMPLOYMENT STATUS CATEGORY IN Y6(1): IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R IS LOOKING FOR WORK: How worried are you about not being able to find a job in the near future -- a lot, somewhat, or not much at all? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> Y25 3. SOMEWHAT --> Y25 5. NOT MUCH AT ALL --> Y25 8. DK --> Y25 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,5,8,9 in Y12h ============================== M000945 Y13. R disabled: ever worked for pay MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y13. IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: Have you ever done any work for pay? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> Y14h 8. DK --> Y14h 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1-4,6,7,0 in Y6(1) ============================== M000946 Y14a(1). 2-digit occup disabled MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y14a(1). IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R DISABLED: 2 DIGIT OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- See the OCCUPATION master code. The stacked version of this question is at Y17(1), at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. 95. NA 98. DK 99. RF 00. INAP, 1-4,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y13 ============================== M000946a Y14a(2). 3-digit occup (blanked) disable MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y14a(2). IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R DISABLED: 3 DIGIT CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See the OCCUPATION master code. The stacked version of this question is at Y17(1a), at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. Contact ANES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. Codes 1-905 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, 1-4,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y13 ============================== M000947 Y14a(3). 1-digit occup summary disabled MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric Y14a(3). IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R DISABLED: COLLAPSED CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Collapsed from Y10a(2). The stacked version of this question is at Y17(2), at end of R employment section. 1. Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2. Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3. Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4. Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5. Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6. Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7. Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8. Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9. Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10. Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11. Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12. Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13. Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14. Member of Armed Forces (Census category 903-905) 95. NA 98. DK 99. RF 00. INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000948 Y14a(4). Prestige code (blanked) disable MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 99.99 Numeric Y14a(4). IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R OCCUPATION: PRESTIGE SCORE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at Y17(3), at end of R employment section. Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James A. Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been coded 0 missing to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact ANES project staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to this data. 99.99. 995,998,999 in Y14a(2) 00.00 INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000949 Y14b. R dis: industry code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y14b. IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: What kind of business or industry was that? R OCCUPATION - CENSUS INDUSTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at Y17(4), at end of R employment section. See 1980 CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 10-932 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, 1-4,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y13 ============================== M000950 Y14c. R dis: self employed MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y14c. IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed or what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SOMEONE ELSE 3. BOTH SELF AND SOMEONE ELSE 5. SELF-EMPLOYED --> Y14e 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y13 ============================== M000951 Y14d. R dis: work for govt MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y14d. IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: IF WAS NOT SELF-EMPLOYED ONLY: Were you employed by a federal, state or local government? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y14c ============================== M000952 Y14e. R dis: work last 6 months MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y14e. IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: Have you had a job in the last six months? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> Y14g 8. DK --> Y14g 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y13 ============================== M000953 Y14f. R dis: hours/wk work 6 mnths MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 996 Numeric Y14f. IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: IF HAS HAD A JOB IN THE LAST 6 MOS: About how many hours did you work on your job in the average week? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-168 996. INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y14e 998. DK 999. RF 000. NA ============================== M000954 Y14g. R dis: working for pay now MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y14g. IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF HAS EVER DONE WORK FOR PAY: IF HAS HAD A JOB IN THE LAST 6 MOS: Are you doing any work for pay at the present time? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Rs who respond "yes" to this question are also asked the WORKING NOW series for current employment. 1. YES --> SKIP TO Y7 (below) 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y14e ============================== M000955 Y14h. R dis: looking for work now MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y14h. IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R HAS NEVER WORKED FOR PAY/ IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY BUT NOT IN LAST 6 MOS./ IF R HAS WORKED IN LAST 6 MOS. BUT IS NOT WORKING NOW: Are you looking for work at the present time? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> Y25 8. DK --> Y25 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8,9,0 in Y13; 8,9 or NA in Y14e; 1,8,9 or NA in Y14g ============================== M000956 Y14j. R dis: worry about finding job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y14j. IF DISABLED IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R HAS NEVER WORKED FOR PAY/ IF R HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY BUT NOT IN LAST 6 MOS./ IF R HAS WORKED IN LAST 6 MOS. BUT IS NOT WORKING NOW: IF LOOKING FOR WORK AT PRESENT: How worried are you about not being able to find a job in the near future; a lot, somewhat, or not much at all? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> Y25 3. SOMEWHAT --> Y25 5. NOT MUCH AT ALL --> Y25 8. DK --> Y25 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y14h ============================== M000957 Y15. Homemaker/student: work for pay MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y16. IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: Are you doing any work for pay at the present time? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES --> SKIP TO Y7 (below) 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,2,3,4,5,0 in Y6(1) ============================== M000958 Y15a. Hmk/stu: work last 6 mon MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y16a. IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: In the last six months, did you do any work for pay? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> Y16h 8. DK --> Y16h 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,8,9,0 in Y16 ============================== M000959 Y16a(1). 2-digit occup hmk/stu MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric Y16a(1). IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED FOR PAY IN LAST 6 MOS.: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: 2 DIGIT OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- See the OCCUPATION master code. The stacked version of this question is at Y17(1), at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. 95. NA 98. DK 99. RF 00. INAP, 1,2,3,4,5,0 in Y6(1); 1,8,9 or NA in Y16; 5,8,9 or NA in Y16a ============================== M000959a Y16a(2). 3-digit occup (blanked) hmk/stu MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y16a(2). IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED FOR PAY IN LAST 6 MOS.: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: 3 DIGIT CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See the OCCUPATION master code. The stacked version of this question is at Y17(1a), at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. Contact ANES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. Codes 1-905 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, 1,2,3,4,5,0 in Y6(1); 1,8,9 or NA in Y16; 5,8,9 or NA in Y16a ============================== M000960 Y16a(3). 1-digit occup summary hmk/stu MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric Y16a(3). IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED FOR PAY IN LAST 6 MOS.: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R HOMEMAKER/STUDENT: COLLAPSED CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Collapsed from Y10a(2). The stacked version of this question is at Y17(2), at end of R employment section. 1. Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2. Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3. Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4. Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5. Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6. Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7. Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8. Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9. Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10. Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11. Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12. Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13. Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14. Member of Armed Forces (Census category 903-905) 95. NA 98. DK 99. RF 00. INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000961 Y16a(4). Prestige code (blanked) hmk/stu MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 99.99 Numeric Y16a(4). IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED FOR PAY IN LAST 6 MOS.: What kind of work did you do on your last regular job (What was your occupation?) What were your most important duties or activities? R OCCUPATION: PRESTIGE SCORE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at Y17(3), at end of R employment section. Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James A. Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been coded 0 missing to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact ANES project staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to this data. 99.99. 995,998,999 in Y16a(2) 00.00. INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000962 Y16b. Hmk/stu: industry code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y16b. IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED FOR PAY IN LAST 6 MOS.: What kind of business or industry was that? R OCCUPATION - CENSUS INDUSTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at Y17(4), at end of R employment section. See 1980 CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 10-932 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, 1,2,3,4,5,0 in Y6(1); 1,8,9 or NA in Y16; 5,8,9 or NA in Y16a ============================== M000963 Y16c. Hmk/stu: self employed MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y16c. IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED FOR PAY IN LAST 6 MOS.: Did you work for someone else, were you self-employed or what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SOMEONE ELSE 3. BOTH SELF AND SOMEONE ELSE 5. SELF-EMPLOYED --> Y16f 8. DK --> Y16f 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y16a ============================== M000964 Y16d. Hmk/stu: worked for govt MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y16d. IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED FOR PAY IN LAST 6 MOS.: IF R WAS NOT SELF-EMPLOYED ONLY: Were you employed by a federal, state or local government? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y16c ============================== M000965 Y16f. Hmk/stu: hrs/wk wrk last 6 months MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 996 Numeric Y16f. IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R HAS WORKED FOR PAY IN LAST 6 MOS.: About how many hours did you work on your job in the average week? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-168 996. INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y16a 998. DK 999. RF 000. NA ============================== M000966 Y16h. Hmk/stu: looking for work MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y16h. IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: Are you looking for work at the present time? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> Y25 8. DK --> Y25 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1,8,9,0 in Y16 ============================== M000967 Y16j. Hmk/stu: worry about finding job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y16j. IF HMAKER/STUDENT IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY AND NOT ALSO RETIRED: IF R IS NOT DOING ANY WORK FOR PAY AT PRESENT: IF R IS LOOKING FOR WORK: How worried are you about not being able to find a job in the near future -- a lot, somewhat, or not much at all? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT --> Y25 3. SOMEWHAT --> Y25 5. NOT MUCH AT ALL --> Y25 8. DK --> Y25 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y16h ============================== M000968 Y7a(1). 2-digit occup R work now MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric Y7a(1). IF WORKING NOW/TLO IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: What is your main occupation (What sort of work do you do?) What are your most important activities or duties? R WORKING NOW/TLO: 2 DIGIT OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- See the OCCUPATION master code. The stacked version of this question is at Y17(1), at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. 95. NA 98. DK 99. RF 00. INAP, 0 in Y6(1); 3,4,5,6,7 in Y6(1) and not also working [40,50,60,70,75,80 or 0 in Y6(2)] ============================== M000968a Y7a(2). 3-digit occup (blanked) R wk now MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y7a(2). IF WORKING NOW/TLO IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: What is your main occupation (What sort of work do you do?) What are your most important activities or duties? R WORKING NOW/TLO: 3 DIGIT CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See the OCCUPATION master code. The stacked version of this question is at Y17(1a), at end of R employment section. The original 3-digit 1980 Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect respondents' anonymity. Contact ANES Project Staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to the full 3-digit code values. Codes 1-905 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, 0 in Y6(1); 3,4,5,6,7 in Y6(1) and not also working [40,50,60,70,75,80 or 0 in Y6(2)] ============================== M000969 Y7a(3). 1-digit occup summary R work now MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric Y7a(3). IF WORKING NOW/TLO IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: What is your main occupation (What sort of work do you do?) What are your most important activities or duties? R WORKING NOW/TLO: COLLAPSED CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Collapsed from Y10a(2). The stacked version of this question is at Y17(2), at end of R employment section. 1. Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2. Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3. Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4. Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5. Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6. Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7. Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8. Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9. Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10. Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11. Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12. Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13. Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14. Member of Armed Forces (Census category 903-905) ============================== M000970 Y7a(4). Prestige code (blanked) R wk now MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric Y7a(4). IF WORKING NOW/TLO IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: What is your main occupation (What sort of work do you do?) What are your most important activities or duties? R OCCUPATION: PRESTIGE SCORE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at Y17(3), at end of R employment section. Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James A. Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been coded 0 missing to preserve respondents' anonymity. Contact ANES project staff for information about a procedure by which it is possible to gain access to this data. 98.00 903,904,905 in Y7a(2) 99.99. 995,998,999 in Y7a(2) 00.00. INAP, 1,2,4,5,6,7,0 in Y6(1); 5,8,9 or NA in Y9 ============================== M000971 Y7b. Work now/TLO: industry code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y7b. IF WORKING NOW/TLO IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: What kind of (business/industry) is that? R OCCUPATION - CENSUS INDUSTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------- The stacked version of this question is at Y17(4), at end of R employment section. See 1980 CENSUS INDUSTRY Master Code. Codes 10-932 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, 0 in Y6(1); 3,4,5,6,7 in Y6(1) and not also working [40,50,60,70,75,80 or 0 in Y6(2)] ============================== M000972 Y7c. Work now/TLO: self employed MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y7c. IF WORKING NOW/TLO IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: Do you work for someone else, are you self-employed or what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. SOMEONE ELSE 3. BOTH SELF AND SOMEONE ELSE 5. SELF-EMPLOYED --> Y7e 8. DK --> Y7e 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0 in Y6(1); 3,4,5,6,7 in Y6(1) and not also working ============================== M000973 Y7d. Work now/TLO: work for govt MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y7d. IF WORKING NOW/TLO IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: IF NOT SELF-EMPLOYED ONLY: Are you employed by a federal, state or local government? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y7c ============================== M000974 Y7e. Work now/TLO: hours work MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 996 Numeric Y7e. IF WORKING NOW/TLO IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: About how many hours do you work on your job in the average week? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-168 996. INAP, 0 in Y6(1); 3,4,5,6,7 in Y6(1) and not also working 998. DK 999. RF 000. NA ============================== M000975 Y7f. Work now/TLO: work hours right MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y7f. IF WORKING NOW/TLO IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: IF NUMBER OF HOURS WORKED IS NOT DK/REF: Is that more hours than you want to work, fewer hours than you want to work, or generally about right? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MORE 3. FEWER 5. ABOUT RIGHT 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0, 996-998 in Y7e ============================== M000976 Y7g. Work now/TLO: worry lose job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y7g. IF WORKING NOW/TLO IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: How worried are you about losing your job in the near future: a lot, somewhat, or not much at all? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A LOT 3. SOMEWHAT 5. NOT MUCH AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0 in Y6(1); 3,4,5,6,7 in Y6(1) and not also working ============================== M000977 Y7h. Work now: out work/layoff last 6mo MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y7h. IF WORKING NOW IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: Were you out of work or laid off at any time during the last six months? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 2,0 in Y6(1); 3,4,5,6,7 in Y6(1) and not also working ============================== M000978 Y7j. Work now: reduction in hrs/pay MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y7j. IF WORKING NOW IS HIGHEST Y6(1) CATEGORY/ IF RETIRED OR DISABLED OR HOMEMAKER/STUDENT BUT ALSO WORKING: During the last six months, have you had a reduction in your work hours or had to take a cut in pay at any time for reasons other than illness or personal choice? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 2,0 in Y6(1); 3,4,5,6,7 in Y6(1) and not also working ============================== M000979 Y17(1). Stacked - 2 digit occup MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric Y17(1). IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED:/ IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: What is/was your main occupation? What sort of work do/did you do? STACKED - 2 DIGIT OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built from Y7a(1), Y10a(1), Y12a(1), Y14a(1). This variable combines employment data for all Rs except nonworking homemakers and students (i.e., their data for employment in the past 6 months are omitted). The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have their current occupation from Y7a coded here. Retirees who are also currently working have past occupation from Y12a coded here rather than current occupation in Y7a. If R is disabled and not working but has worked in the past, or if R is unemployed, then past employment is represented here. The original 3-digit 1990 US Census Occupation variable has been recoded into 71 subgroups, in order to protect Respondents' anonymity. See CENSUS OCCUPATION Master Code. Codes 01-71 and: 95. NA 98. DK 99. RF 00. Inap, 70, 75, 80, 0 in Y6(2); 5,8,9,NA in Y9 ; 5,8,9,NA in Y13 ============================== M000979a Y17(1a). Stacked - 3 dig occup (blanked) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y17(1a). IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED:/ IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: What is/was your main occupation? What sort of work do/did you do? What are/were your most important activities or duties? STACKED - 3-DIGIT CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built from Y7a(2), Y10a(2), Y12a(2), Y14a(2). This variable combines employment data for all Rs except nonworking homemakers and students (i.e., their data for employment in the past 6 months are omitted). The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have their current occupation from Y7a coded here. Retirees who are also currently working have past occupation from Y12a coded here rather than current occupation in Y7a. If R is disabled and not working but has worked in the past, or if R is unemployed, then past employment is represented here. This variable has been blanked to preserve confidentiality. Codes 1-905 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. Inap, 70, 75, 80, 0 in Y6(2); 5,8,9,NA in Y9 ; 5,8,9,NA in Y13 ============================== M000980 Y17(2). Stacked - 1 digit occup MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 95 Numeric Y17(2). IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED:/ IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: What is/was your main occupation? What sort of work do/did you do? What are/were your most important activities or duties? STACKED - COLLAPSED CENSUS OCCUPATION CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built from Y7a(3), Y10a(3), Y12a(3), Y14a(3). This variable combines employment data for all Rs except nonworking homemakers and students (i.e., their data for employment in the past 6 months are omitted). The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have their current occupation from Y7a coded here. Retirees who are also currently working have past occupation from Y12a coded here rather than current occupation in Y7a. If R is disabled and not working but has worked in the past, or if R is unemployed, then past employment is represented here. 1. Executive, Administrative and Managerial (Census categories 001-039) 2. Professional Specialty Occupations (Census categories 040-199) 3. Technicians and Related Support Occupations (Census categories 200-235) 4. Sales Occupation (Census categories 236-285) 5. Administrative Support, including clerical (Census categories 286-389) 6. Private Household (Census categories 403-407) 7. Protective Service (Census categories 408-427) 8. Service except Protective and Household (Census categories 428-469) 9. Farming, Forestry and Fishing Occupations (Census categories 470-499) 10. Precision Production, Craft and Repair Occupations (Census categories 500-699) 11. Machine Operators, Assemblers and Inspectors (Census categories 700-799) 12. Transportation and Material Moving Occupations (Census categories 800-859) 13. Handlers, Equipment Cleaners, Helpers and Laborers (Census categories 860-890) 14. Member of Armed Forces (Census category 903-905) 95. NA 98. DK 99. RF 00. Inap, 70, 75, 80, 0 in Y6(2); 5,8,9,NA in Y9 ; 5,8,9,NA in Y13 ============================== M000981 Y17(3). Stacked - occ prestige (blanked) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric Y17(3). IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED:/ IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: What is/was your main occupation? What sort of work do/did you do? What are/were your most important activities or duties? STACKED - OCCUPATION PRESTIGE (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built from Y7a(4), Y10a(4), Y12a(4), Y14a(4). This variable represents employment data for all Rs except nonworking homemakers and students (i.e., their data for employment in the past 6 months are not used). The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have their current occupation from Y7a represented here. Retirees who are also currently working have past occupation from Y12a represented here rather than current occupation in Y7a. If R is disabled and not working but has worked in the past, or if R is unemployed, then past employment is represented here. Prestige scores are based on Occupational Prestige Ratings from the 1989 General Social Survey, by James A. Davis, Robert W. Hodge, Keiko Nakao, Tom W. Smith, and Judith Treas (ICPSR 9593), Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor MI 48106, December 1991. Prestige Score data have been coded 0 missing to preserve respondents' anonymity. 98.00 903,904,905 in Y7a(2)/Y10a(2)/Y12a(2)/Y14a(2) 99.99. 995,998,999 in Y7a(2)/Y10a(2)/Y12a(2)/Y14a(2) 00.00. INAP, 70, 75, 80, 0 in Y6(2); 5,8,9,NA in Y9 ; 5,8,9,NA in Y13 ============================== M000982 Y17(4). Stacked - industry MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 995 Numeric Y17(4). IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED:/ IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: What do/did they make or do where you work/ed? What kind of a business or industry is/was that? STACKED - OCCUPATION INDUSTRY --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built from Y7b, Y10b, Y12b, Y14b. This variable combines industry data for all Rs except nonworking homemakers and students (i.e., their data for industry of employment in the past 6 months are omitted). The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have industry of their current occupation from Y7b coded here. Retirees who are also currently working have industry of past occupation from Y12b coded here rather than industry of current occupation in Y7b. If R is disabled and not working but has worked in the past, or if R is unemployed, then past employment is represented here. Codes 10-932 and: 995. NA 998. DK 999. RF 000. INAP, 70, 75, 80, 0 in Y6(2); 5,8,9,NA in Y9 ; 5,8,9,NA in Y13 ============================== M000983 Y17(5). Stacked - work for self MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y17(5). IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED:/ IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: Do/did you work for someone else, are/were you self- employed, or what? STACKED - WORK FOR SELF --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built from Y7c, Y10c, Y12c, Y14c. This variable combines data for all Rs except nonworking homemakers and students (i.e., their data for employment in the past 6 months are omitted). The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have description of their current occupation from Y7c coded here. Retirees who are also currently working have description of past occupation from Y12c coded here rather than for current occupation in Y7c. If R is disabled and not working but has worked in the past, or if R is unemployed, then past employment is represented here. 1. SOMEONE ELSE 3. BOTH SELF AND SOMEONE ELSE 5. SELF-EMPLOYED 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 70, 75, 80, 0 in Y6(2); 5,8,9,NA in Y9 ; 5,8,9,NA in Y13 ============================== M000984 Y17(6). Stacked - employed by govt MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y17(6). IF R WORKED NOT EXCLUSIVELY FOR SELF and: IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: / IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: Are/were you employed by a federal, state or local government? STACKED - EMPLOYED BY GOVERNMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built from Y7d, Y10d, Y12d, Y14d. This variable combines data for all Rs except nonworking homemakers and students (i.e., their data for employment in the past 6 months are omitted). The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have description of their current occupation from Y7d coded here. Retirees who are also currently working have description of past occupation from Y12d coded here rather than for current occupation in Y7d. If R is disabled and not working but has worked in the past, or if R is unemployed, then past employment is represented here. 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 70, 75, 80, 0 in Y6(2); 5,8,9,NA in Y9 ; 5,8,9,NA in Y13; 5,8,9,NA in Y10c/Y12c/Y14c/Y7c ============================== M000985 Y17(7). Stacked - hours per week MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 996 Numeric Y17(7). IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED BUT HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED BUT HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: / IF R IS DISABLED BUT HAS WORKED IN PAST 6 MONTHS: About how many hours do/did you work on your job in the average week? STACKED - HOURS WORKING/WORKED PER WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built from Y7e, Y10f, Y12f, Y14f. This variable combines data for all Rs currently working or who have worked within the past six months: - Employed or temp. laid off [present employment Y7e], - Unemployed [employment within past 6 months Y10f], - Retired [employment within past 6 months Y12f], - Permanently disabled [employment within past 6 months Y14f]. Note that homemakers or students without current outside employment are coded 00 [Y16f data are NOT used]. The disabled and homemakers or students who are also currently working have data for their current occupation from Y7e coded here. For retirees, since data for number of hours worked describes recent employment within past 6 months, this may in effect describe pre-retirement employment (i.e. for very recent retirees), current employment (i.e. for working retirees at a post-retirement job that has been held in the last 6 months), or employment that is neither pre-retirement nor a current job bur rather an interim position. 1-168 996. INAP, 70,75,80,0 in Y6(2); 5,8,9,NA in Y9; 5,8,9,NA in Y13; 5,8,9,NA in Y10e, Y12e or Y14e 998. DK 999. RF 000. NA ============================== M000986 Y17(8). Stacked - worr abt los/find job MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y17(8). IF R IS WORKING NOW OR TLO/ : IF R IS RETIRED AND NOT CURRENTLY WORKING: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED:/ IF R IS DISABLED AND NOT CURRENTLY WORKING: How worried are you about losing your job/ not being able to find a job in the near future: A LOT, SOMEWHAT, or NOT MUCH AT ALL? STACKED - WORRIED ABOUT LOSING/FINDING JOB --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built from Y7g, Y10h, Y12j, Y14j. This variable combines data for all Rs who are currently: - Employed or temp. laid off [Y7g], (including working retired and working disabled) - Unemployed [Y10h], - Retired and not working [Y12j], - Permanently disabled and not working [Y14j]. Note that homemakers or students without current outside employment are coded 0 [Y16j data are NOT used]. 1. A LOT 3. SOMEWHAT 5. NOT MUCH AT ALL 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 70, 75, 80, 0 in Y6(2); 5,8,9,NA in Y10g; 5,8,9,NA in Y12h; 5,8,9,NA in Y14h ============================== M000987 Y17(9). Stacked - job in past 6 mos. MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y17(9). IF R IS UNEMPLOYED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY / IF R IS RETIRED/ IF R IS DISABLED AND HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY: Have you had a job in the past 6 months? STACKED - JOB IN PAST 6 MONTHS --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built from Y10e, Y12e, Y14e. This variable combines data for all Rs who are currently: - Unemployed [Y10e], - Retired [Y12e], - Permanently disabled, if R has ever worked [Y14e] NOTE: For nonworking homemakers and students, data from Y16a are NOT included. 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; Inap, 0,10,17,18,20,70,71,75,80,81 in Y6(2); 5,8,9,NA in Y9; 5,8,9,NA in Y13 ============================== M000988 Y17(10). Stacked - looking for work MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y17(10). IF R IS RETIRED AND NOT CURRENTLY WORKING: / IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: / IF R IS DISABLED AND NOT WORKING NOW: Are you looking for work at the present time? STACKED - LOOKING FOR WORK --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y6. Built from Y10g, Y12h, Y14h. This variable combines data for all Rs who are currently: - Unemployed [Y10g], - Retired, if R is not currently working [Y12h], - Permanently disabled, if R has ever worked but is not currently working [Y14h]. NOTE: For nonworking homemakers and students, data from Y16h are NOT included. 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; Inap, 0,10,17,18,20,70,71,75,80,81 in Y6(2); 1,8,9,NA in Y12g; 1,8,9,NA in Y14g ============================== M000989 Y17(11). Stacked - ever work for pay MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y17(11). IF R IS UNEMPLOYED: / IF R IS DISABLED: Have you ever done any work for pay? STACKED - EVER WORK FOR PAY --------------------------------------------------------------------- See notes Y4. Built from Y9 and Y13. 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 10,15,17,18,20,50,51,70,71,75,80,81,0 in Y6(2) ============================== M000990 Y25. Anyone in HH belong to union MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y25. Do you or anyone else in this household belong to a labor union? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO Y26 8. DK --> SKIP TO Y26 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000991a Y25a1. Who belongs to union #1 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y25a1. IF SOMEONE IN HOUSEHOLD BELONGS TO LABOR UNION: Who is it that belongs? MENTION 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. RESPONDENT 2. R's WIFE OR FEMALE PARTNER 3. R's HUSBAND OR MALE PARTNER 4. SOMEONE ELSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,5,8,9 in Y25 ============================== M000991b Y25a2. Who belongs to union #2 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y25a2. IF SOMEONE IN HOUSEHOLD BELONGS TO LABOR UNION Who is it that belongs? MENTION 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. RESPONDENT 2. R's WIFE OR FEMALE PARTNER 3. R's HUSBAND OR MALE PARTNER 4. SOMEONE ELSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,5,8,9 in Y25; no further mention ============================== M000991c Y25a3. Who belongs to union #3 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y25a3. IF SOMEONE IN HOUSEHOLD BELONGS TO LABOR UNION Who is it that belongs? MENTION 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. RESPONDENT 2. R's WIFE OR FEMALE PARTNER 3. R's HUSBAND OR MALE PARTNER 4. SOMEONE ELSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0,5,8,9 in Y25; no further mention ============================== M000992 Y26. IWR chkpt: # of Persons age 14+ MD: EQ 9 Numeric Y26. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: IS R THE ONLY HOUSEHOLD MEMBER AGE 14 OR OLDER? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This variable was completed by interviewers. In 67 cases, households corresponding to more than 1 adult were incorrectly coded 1 in this variable; as a result of the effect upon the skip pattern, household income was not asked. For these cases, the following revisions have been made to the original data: P000992 recoded to 5; P000993 [HH income] and P000994 [HH income summary] recoded to 00 NA; P000995 [R income] assigned the value formerly coded in P000996; P000996 recoded to 96 Inap. 1. YES, R IS ONLY HH MEMBER 14+ --> SKIP TO Y28 5. NO, THERE ARE OTHER HH MEMBERS 14+ 9. NA ============================== M000993 Y27/Y27.T. HH income - others in HH 14+ MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Y27/Y27.T. IF NO, R IS NOT ONLY MEMBER AGE 14+: FTF: Please look at page 18 of the booklet. Please look at the booklet and tell me the letter of the income group that includes the income of all members of your family living here in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. TELEPHONE: I am going to read you a list of income categories. Please tell me which category best describes the. total income of all members of your family living in your house in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. Please stop me when I get to your family's income. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF UNCERTAIN: WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST GUESS?] 1. A. NONE OR LESS THAN $4,999 2. B. $5,000-$9,999 3. C. $10,000-$14,999 4. D. $15,000-$24,999 5. E. $25,000-$34,999 6. F. $35,000-$49,999 7. G. $50,000-$64,999 8. H. $65,000-$74,999 9. J. $75,000-$84,999 10. K. $85,000-$94,999 11. M. $95,000-$104,999 12. N. $105,000-$114,999 13. P. $115,000-$124,999 14. Q. $125,000-$134,999 15. R. $135,000-$144,999 16. S. $145,000-$154,999 17. T. $155,000-$164,999 18. U. $165,000-$174,999 19. V. $175,000-$184,999 20. W. $185,000-$194,999 21. X. $195,000-$199,999 22. Y. $200,000 and over 96. INAP, 1,9 in Y26 98. DK 99. Z. REFUSED 00. NA ============================== M000994 Y27x. HH income -all HHs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric Y27x. IF NO, R IS NOT ONLY HOUSEHOLD MEMBER AGE 14+ / IF YES, R IS ONLY HOUSEHOLD MEMBER AGE 14+: FTF - R ONLY HH MEMBER AGE 14 OR OLDER: Please look at page 18 of the booklet. Please look at the booklet and tell me the letter of the income group that includes the income of all members of your family living here in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. FTF - R ONLY HH MEMBER AGE 14 OR OLDER: (RB, page 18) Please tell me the letter of the income group that includes the income you had in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. TELEPHONE - R ONLY HH MEMBER AGE 14 OR OLDER: I am going to read you a list of income categories. Please tell me which category best describes the. total income of all members of your family living in your house in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. Please stop me when I get to your family's income. TELEPHONE - R ONLY HH MEMBER AGE 14 OR OLDER: I am going to read you a list of all icome categories. Please tell me which category best describes the total income you had in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. Please stop me when I get to your income category. SUMMARY: HOUSEHOLD INCOME --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF UNCERTAIN: WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST GUESS?] This variables combines data for Respondents from households with other members age 14 and older and data for Respondents who are the only member age 14 and older. 1. A. NONE OR LESS THAN $4,999 2. B. $5,000-$9,999 3. C. $10,000-$14,999 4. D. $15,000-$24,999 5. E. $25,000-$34,999 6. F. $35,000-$49,999 7. G. $50,000-$64,999 8. H. $65,000-$74,999 9. J. $75,000-$84,999 10. K. $85,000-$94,999 11. M. $95,000-$104,999 12. N. $105,000-$114,999 13. P. $115,000-$124,999 14. Q. $125,000-$134,999 15. R. $135,000-$144,999 16. S. $145,000-$154,999 17. T. $155,000-$164,999 18. U. $165,000-$174,999 19. V. $175,000-$184,999 20. W. $185,000-$194,999 21. X. $195,000-$199,999 22. Y. $200,000 and over 98. DK 99. Z. REFUSED 00. NA (9 in ============================== M000995 Y27a/Y27a.T. R income - others in HH 14+ MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Y27a/Y27a.T. IF NO, R IS NOT ONLY HOUSEHOLD MEMBER AGE 14+: FTF: (RB, still on page 18) Now we are interested in the income that you yourself received in 1999, not including any of the income received by (your spouse and the rest of your family). Please look at this page and tell me the income you yourself had in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. TELEPHONE: Now we are interested in the income that you yourself received in 1999, not including any of the income received by (your spouse and) the rest of your family. Please tell me which category best describes the income you yourself had in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. Please stop me when I get to your income category. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF UNCERTAIN: WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST GUESS?] 1. A. NONE OR LESS THAN $4,999 2. B. $5,000-$9,999 3. C. $10,000-$14,999 4. D. $15,000-$24,999 5. E. $25,000-$34,999 6. F. $35,000-$49,999 7. G. $50,000-$64,999 8. H. $65,000-$74,999 9. J. $75,000-$84,999 10. K. $85,000-$94,999 11. M. $95,000-$104,999 12. N. $105,000-$114,999 13. P. $115,000-$124,999 14. Q. $125,000-$134,999 15. R. $135,000-$144,999 16. S. $145,000-$154,999 17. T. $155,000-$164,999 18. U. $165,000-$174,999 19. V. $175,000-$184,999 20. W. $185,000-$194,999 21. X. $195,000-$199,999 22. Y. $200,000 and over 96. INAP, 1,9 in Y26 98. DK 99. Z. REFUSED 00. NA ============================== M000996 Y28/Y28.T. R income - only HH member 14+ MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Y28/Y28a.T. IF YES, R IS ONLY HOUSEHOLD MEMBER AGE 14+: FTF: (RB, page 18) Please tell me the letter of the income group that includes the income you had in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. TELEPHONE: I am going to read you a list of all icome categories. Please tell me which category best describes the total income you had in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. Please stop me when I get to your income category. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF UNCERTAIN: WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST GUESS?] 1. A. NONE OR LESS THAN $4,999 2. B. $5,000-$9,999 3. C. $10,000-$14,999 4. D. $15,000-$24,999 5. E. $25,000-$34,999 6. F. $35,000-$49,999 7. G. $50,000-$64,999 8. H. $65,000-$74,999 9. J. $75,000-$84,999 10. K. $85,000-$94,999 11. M. $95,000-$104,999 12. N. $105,000-$114,999 13. P. $115,000-$124,999 14. Q. $125,000-$134,999 15. R. $135,000-$144,999 16. S. $145,000-$154,999 17. T. $155,000-$164,999 18. U. $165,000-$174,999 19. V. $175,000-$184,999 20. W. $185,000-$194,999 21. X. $195,000-$199,999 22. Y. $200,000 and over 96. INAP, 5,9 in Y26 98. DK 99. Z. REFUSED 00. NA ============================== M000997 Y28x. R income -all HHs MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric Y28x. IF NO, R IS NOT ONLY MEMBER AGE 14+ / IF YES, R IS ONLY MEMBER AGE 14+: FTF - R ONLY HH MEMBER AGE 14 OR OLDER: (RB, still on page 18) Now we are interested in the income that you yourself received in 1999, not including any of the income received by (your spouse and the rest of your family). Please look at this page and tell me the income you yourself had in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. FTF - R ONLY HH MEMBER AGE 14 OR OLDER: (RB, page 18) Please tell me the letter of the income group that includes the income you had in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. TELEPHONE - R ONLY HH MEMBER AGE 14 OR OLDER: Now we are interested in the income that you yourself received in 1999, not including any of the income received by (your spouse and) the rest of your family. Please tell me which category best describes the income you yourself had in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. Please stop me when I get to your income category. TELEPHONE - R ONLY HH MEMBER AGE 14 OR OLDER: I am going to read you a list of all icome categories. Please tell me which category best describes the total income you had in 1999 before taxes. This figure should include salaries, wages, pensions, dividends, interest, and all other income. Please stop me when I get to your income category. SUMMARY: R INCOME --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF UNCERTAIN: WHAT WOULD BE YOUR BEST GUESS?] 1. A. NONE OR LESS THAN $4,999 2. B. $5,000-$9,999 3. C. $10,000-$14,999 4. D. $15,000-$24,999 5. E. $25,000-$34,999 6. F. $35,000-$49,999 7. G. $50,000-$64,999 8. H. $65,000-$74,999 9. J. $75,000-$84,999 10. K. $85,000-$94,999 11. M. $95,000-$104,999 12. N. $105,000-$114,999 13. P. $115,000-$124,999 14. Q. $125,000-$134,999 15. R. $135,000-$144,999 16. S. $145,000-$154,999 17. T. $155,000-$164,999 18. U. $165,000-$174,999 19. V. $175,000-$184,999 20. W. $185,000-$194,999 21. X. $195,000-$199,999 22. Y. $200,000 and over 98. DK 99. Z. REFUSED 00. NA (9 in ============================== M000998 Y29. Ever think of self as wrk/mid class MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y29. (Not using the booklet) There's been some talk these days about different social classes. Most people say they belong either to the middle class or the working class. Do you ever think of yourself as belonging in one of these classes? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> Y29b 8. DK --> Y29b 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M000999 Y29a. Which one (workng or middle class) MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y29a. IF R CONSIDERS SELF MEMBER OF MIDDLE OR WORKING CLASS: Which one? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MIDDLE CLASS --> Y29c 5. WORKING CLASS --> Y29e 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) --> Y30 8. DK --> Y30 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y29 ============================== M001000 Y29b. If had to choose class MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y29b. IF R DOESN'T CONSIDER SELF MIDDLE OR WORKING CLASS: Well, if you had to make a choice, would you call yourself middle class or working class? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MIDDLE CLASS --> SKIP TO Y29c 5. WORKING CLASS --> SKIP TO Y29e 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) --> SKIP TO Y30 8. DK --> SKIIP TO Y30 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0 in Y29; 1,5 or NA in Y29a ============================== M001001 Y29c. Middle class- avg or upper MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y29c. IF R CONSIDERS SELF MIDDLE CLASS: Would you say that you are about average middle class or that you are in the upper part of the middle class? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. AVERAGE MIDDLE 5. UPPER MIDDLE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0 in 429; 5 or NA in Y29a; 5,7,8,9, NA in Y29b ============================== M001002 Y29d. Middle class - feel close to class MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y29d. IF R CONSIDERS SELF MIDDLE CLASS: Would you say you feel pretty close to middle class people, or that you don't feel much closer to them than to people in other classes? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CLOSE --> SKIP TO Y30 5. NOT CLOSE --> SKIP TO Y30 8. DK --> SKIP TO Y30 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0 in 429; 5 or NA in Y29a; 5,7,8,9, NA in Y29b ============================== M001003 Y29e. Working class - avg or upper MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y29e. IF R CONSIDERS SELF WORKING CLASS: Would you say that you are about average working class or that you are in the upper part of the working class? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. AVERAGE WORKING 5. UPPER WORKING 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0 in Y29; 1 or NA in Y29a; 1,7,8,9, NA in Y29b ============================== M001004 Y29f. Working class -feel close to class MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y29f. IF R CONSIDERS SELF WORKING CLASS: Would you say you feel pretty close to working class people, or that you don't feel much closer to them than to people in other classes? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CLOSE 5. NOT CLOSE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 0 in Y29; 1 or NA in Y29a; 1,7,8,9, NA in Y29b ============================== M001005 Y29x. Soc.class summary MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y29x. (Not using the booklet) There's been some talk these days about different social classes. Most people say they belong either to the middle class or the working class. Do you ever think of yourself as belonging in one of these classes? (IF YES:) Which one? (IF NO:) Well, if you had to make a choice, would you call yourself middle class or working class? (IF MIDDLE CLASS:) Would you say that you are about average middle class or that you are in the upper part of the middle class? (IF WORKING CLASS:) Would you say that you are about average working class or that you are in the upper part of the working class? SUMMARY: R SOCIAL CLASS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Y29, Y29a, Y29b,Y29c,Y29e. 1. Average working class 2. Working class -- NA if average or upper 3. Upper working class 4. Average middle class 5. Middle class - NA if average or upper 6. Upper middle class 7. Other 8. DK in Y29b 9. RF in Y29b 0. NA in Y29/Y29b ============================== M001006a Y30(1). Racial group #1 self-description MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric Y30(1). What racial or ethnic group or groups best describes you? MENTION 1 - RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. BLACK 20. ASIAN 30. NATIVE AMERICAN 40. HISPANIC OR LATINO 50. WHITE 60. OTHER SPECIFY - MISC. 75. OTHER SPECIFY - EAST INDIAN 76. OTHER SPECIFY - PACIFIC ISLANDER 79. OTHER SPECIFY - MORE THAN 3 MAJOR GROUPS 80. OTHER SPECIFY - 'AMERICAN' 90. OTHER SPECIFY - 'NONE'; 'DOESN'T MATTER" ETC. 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA ============================== M001006b Y30(2). Racial group #2 self-description MD: EQ 0 Numeric Y30(2). What racial or ethnic group or groups best describes you? MENTION 2 - RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. BLACK 20. ASIAN 30. NATIVE AMERICAN 40. HISPANIC OR LATINO 50. WHITE 60. OTHER SPECIFY - MISC. 75. OTHER SPECIFY - EAST INDIAN 76. OTHER SPECIFY - PACIFIC ISLANDER 79. OTHER SPECIFY - MORE THAN 3 MAJOR GROUPS 80. OTHER SPECIFY - 'AMERICAN' 90. OTHER SPECIFY - 'NONE'; 'DOESN'T MATTER" ETC. 00. NA; INAP, no further mention ============================== M001006c Y30(3). Racial group #3 self-description MD: EQ 0 Numeric Y30(3). What racial or ethnic group or groups best describes you? MENTION 3 - RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUP --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. BLACK 20. ASIAN 30. NATIVE AMERICAN 40. HISPANIC OR LATINO 50. WHITE 60. OTHER SPECIFY - MISC. 70. JEWISH 75. OTHER SPECIFY - EAST INDIAN 76. OTHER SPECIFY - PACIFIC ISLANDER 79. OTHER SPECIFY - MORE THAN 3 MAJOR GROUPS 80. OTHER SPECIFY - 'AMERICAN' 90. OTHER SPECIFY - 'NONE'; 'DOESN'T MATTER" ETC. 00. NA; INAP, no further mention ============================== M001007 Y30a. Both parents born in U.S.? MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y30a. Were both of your parents born in this country? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO ============================== M001008 Y30b(1). Ethnic/nationality group #1 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric Y30b(1). In addition to being American, what do you consider your main ethnic group or nationality group? MENTION 1 - ETHNIC OR NATIONALITY GROUP --------------------------------------------------------------------- See ETHNICITY master code. Codes 1-89, 91-94 and: 90. None 96. 'American' 97. Other group; combinations not codeable elsewhere 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA ============================== M001009 Y30b(2). Ethnic/nationality group #2 MD: EQ 0 Numeric Y30b(2). In addition to being American, what do you consider your main ethnic group or nationality group? MENTION 2 - ETHNIC OR NATIONALITY GROUP --------------------------------------------------------------------- See ETHNICITY master code. Codes 1-89,91-94 and: 90. None 96. 'American' 97. Other group; combinations not codeable elsewhere 00. NA; no further mention ============================== M001010 Y30bx. IWR ckpt: >2 ethnic mentions? MD: EQ 9 Numeric Y30bx1. INTERVIEWER CHECKPPOINT: NUMBER OF NATIONALITY OR ETHNIC GROUPS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Respondents who have identified more than one group are asked the 'choice' question Y30c. 0. NO NATIONALITY/GROUP MENTIONED 1. ONE NATIONALITY OR ETHNIC GROUP MENTIONED 2. 2 OR MORE NATIONALITY/GROUPS MENTIONED 9. RESPONDENT REFUSED OR DK/NA ANSWER TO NATIONALITY OR ETHNICITY ============================== M001010a Y30bx2. Number of ethnic groups mentioned MD1: EQ 96, MD2: GE 98 Numeric Y30bx2. NUMBER OF NATIONALITY OR ETHNIC GROUPS MENTIONED BY R --------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the exact number of mentions given by R 00. No mention (0 in Y30bx1) 01. One mention 02. Two mentions . . 06. Six mentions 96. Ethnicity question NA 98. R responded DK to ethnicity question 99. R refused ethnicity question ============================== M001011 Y30c. Choice of ethnic/nationality group MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric Y30c. IF MORE THAN 1 NATIONALITY/ETHNIC GROUP IDENTIFIED: With which of these groups do you most closely identify? CHOICE - ETHNIC OR NATIONALITY GROUP --------------------------------------------------------------------- See ETHNICITY master code. Rs giving only 1 mention to Y22 were not asked this question; their single response to Y22 has been duplicated in this variable. Note that this variable was coded according to IWR indentification of number of ethnic groups mentioned; in some instances, the IWR counted only 1 mention when in fact more than 1 was given by R. For such cases, the 'choice' variable (Y30c) was unasked. Codes 1-89,91-94 and: 90. None; neither 95. Both/all of them 96. 'American' 97. Other group; combinations not codeable elsewhere 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; 0,9 in Y30bx1 ============================== M001012 Y30x/Y31. Spanish or Hispanic descent MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y30x/Y31. INTERVIEWER CHECKPOINT: IS SPANISH OR HISPANIC GROUP MENTIONED AS MAIN GROUP? (IF NO:) Are you of Spanish or Hispanic origin or descent? IS R OF SPANISH OR HISPANIC ORIGIN OR DESCENT --------------------------------------------------------------------- The question about Spanish or Hispanic descent was directed to the respondent at the interviewer's discretion if the interviewer decided that R had not already mentioned a Spanish or Hispanic group in the ethnicity mentions. In a few cases, mentions coded 4,5,8,12 or 16 in Y30b(1) or Y30b(2) contradict what has been coded in this checkpoint. Note that, if R gave more than 2 mentions in Y30, the code for the specific Spanish or Hispanic group may not be represented in the 2 variables for Y30. See also Pre-Csheet.37 and Pre-Csheet.28 (P000068,P000069) and Post-Csheet.32 and Post-Csheet.33 (P000184d, P000184e). 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO Z1 8. DK --> SKIP TO Z1 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M001013 Y31a/Y31a.T. Category of Hispanic descnt MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Y31a/Y31a.T. IF R MENTIONED SPANISH OR HISPANIC GROUP/ IF R SAYS HE/SHE HAS SPANISH OR HISPANIC DESCENT: FTF: Please look at page 19 of the booklet and tell me which category best describes your Hispanic origin. TELEPHONE: Would you describe your Hispanic origin as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Latin American, Central American, or Spanish? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [CODE SPANISH OR HISPANIC GROUP W/O ASKING, IF R Y31a MENTIONS ONE OF THE RESPONSE OPTIONS BELOW] 1. MEXICAN 2. PUERTO RICAN 3. CUBAN 4. LATIN AMERICAN 5. CENTRAL AMERICAN 6. SPANISH 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) [VOL] 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5,8,9,0 in Y30x/Y31 ============================== M001014 Z1. Where R grew up-ICPSR st/cntry code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 998 Numeric Z1. Where was it that you grew up? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF UNITED STATES: WHICH STATE OR STATES?] Use STATE AND COUNTRY codes 101-997 and: 998. DK 999. RF 000. NA ============================== M001015 Z2. FTF- urbanicity where grew up MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Z2. FTF: Looking at page 20 of the booklet. Looking at this list, please tell me where you were mostly brought up? --------------------------------------------------------------------- For telephone format, see Z2.T/Z2a.T/Z2b.T 1. ON A FARM 2. IN THE COUNTRY, NOT ON A FARM 3. IN A SMALL CITY OR TOWN (UNDER 50,000 PEOPLE) 4. IN A MEDIUM-SIZED CITY (50,000 - 100,000) 5. IN A LARGE CITY (100,000 - 500,000) 6. IN A SUBURB OF A LARGE CITY 7. IN A VERY LARGE CITY (OVER 500,000) 8. IN A SUBURB OF A VERY LARGE CITY 9. DK 0. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M001016 Z2.T. Phone -urbanicity where grew up MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Z2.T. TELEPHONE: I am going to read you a list of categories. Please tell me which category best describes where you were mostly brought up? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [READ ANSWER LIST] For FTF format, see Z2. 1. ON A FARM 3. IN THE COUNTRY, NOT ON A FARM 5. IN A CITY 7. OR, IN A SUBURB OF A CITY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode ============================== M001017 Z2a. Phone -urbanicity where grew up MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Z2a.T. IF R BROUGHT UP IN A CITY: TELEPHONE: Were you mostly brought up in. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [READ ENTIRE ANSWER LIST] For FTF format, see Z2. 1. IN A SMALL CITY OR TOWN UNDER 50,000 PEOPLE 3. IN A MEDIUM-SIZED CITY 50,000-100,000 5. IN A LARGE CITY, 100,000-500,000 7. OR, IN A VERY LARGE CITY, OVER 500,000 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,3,7,8,9,0 in Z2.T ============================== M001018 Z2b. Phone - urbanicity where grew up MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Z2b.T. IF R BROUGHT UP IN A SUBURB OF A CITY: TELEPHONE: Were you mostly brought up in. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [READ ENTIRE ANSWER LIST] For FTF format, see Z2. 1. IN A SUBURB OF A LARGE CITY (100,000 TO 500,000 PEOPLE) 5. OR IN A SUBURB OF A VERY LARGE CITY (OVER 500,000 PEOPLE) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, FTF mode; 1,3,5,8,9,0 in Z2.T ============================== M001019 Z2x. Comb. Summary where R grew up MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Z2x. FTF: Looking at page 20 of the booklet. Looking at this list, please tell me where you were mostly brought up? TELEPHONE: I am going to read you a list of categories. Please tell me which category best describes where you were mostly brought up? Were you mostly brought up in. SUMMARY: SIZE OF PLACE WHERE R GREW UP --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Z2 and Z2.T/Z2a.T/Z2b.T. 1. ON A FARM 2. IN THE COUNTRY, NOT ON A FARM 3. IN A SMALL CITY OR TOWN (UNDER 50,000 PEOPLE) 4. IN A MEDIUM-SIZED CITY (50,000 - 100,000) 5. IN A LARGE CITY (100,000 - 500,000) 6. IN A SUBURB OF A LARGE CITY 7. IN A VERY LARGE CITY (OVER 500,000) 8. IN A SUBURB OF A VERY LARGE CITY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M001020a Z3(1). Mos. -how long lived in community MD1: EQ 96, MD2: GE 97 Numeric Z3(1). (Not using the booklet) How long have you lived in your present (CITY/TOWN/TOWNSHIP/COUNTY)? MONTHS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-23 and: 96. ALL MY LIFE 97. NA 98. DK 99. RF ============================== M001020b Z3(2). Yrs. -how long lived in community MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric Z3(2). (Not using the booklet) How long have you lived in your present (CITY/TOWN/TOWNSHIP/COUNTY)? YEARS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-89 and: 995. INAP, 96 in Z3(1) 997. NA 998. DK 999. RF ============================== M001020c Z3x. Summ. - how long lived in community MD1: EQ 96, MD2: GE 97 Numeric Z3x. (Not using the booklet) How long have you lived in your present (CITY/TOWN/TOWNSHIP/COUNTY)? SUMMARY: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN COMMUNITY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Z3(1) and Z3(2). 0. O-11 months 1. 12-23 months 2. 2 years . . 89. 89 years 96. 'All my life' 97. NA 98. DK 99. RF ============================== M001021a Z4(1)/Z4(1).T. Mos.-length resid in home MD1: EQ 96, MD2: GE 97 Numeric Z4(1)/Z4(1).T. FTF: How long have you lived in this (house/condo/apartment)? TELEPHONE: How long have you lived in your current home? MONTHS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-23 and: 96. ALL MY LIFE 97. NA 98. DK 99. RF ============================== M001021b Z4(2)/Z4(1).T. Yrs.-length resid in home MD1: EQ 995, MD2: GE 997 Numeric Z4(2)/Z4(2).T. FTF: How long have you lived in this (house/condo/apartment)? TELEPHONE: How long have you lived in your current home? YEARS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-100 and: 995. INAP, 96 in Z4(1)/Z4(1).T 997. NA 998. DK 999. RF ============================== M001021c Z4x. Summ. - length residence in home MD1: EQ 96, MD2: GE 97 Numeric Z4x. FTF: How long have you lived in this (house/condo/apartment)? TELEPHONE: How long have you lived in your current home? SUMMARY: LENGTH OF RESIDENCE IN HOME --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from Z4(1)/Z4(1).T and Z4(2)/Z4(2).T. 0. O-11 months 1. 12-23 months 2. 2 years . . 89. 89 years 96. 'All my life' 97. NA 98. DK 99. RF ============================== M001022 Z5. Does R family own/rent home MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Z5. (Do you/Does your family) own your home, pay rent, or what? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. OWN HOUSE 5. PAY RENT 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M001023 Z8. Does R have children MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric Z8. These are the last few questions. Often we find that people who have children or commute great distances have less time to participate in politics. How about you? Do you have any children? --------------------------------------------------------------------- (INCLUDE STEP AND ADOPTED CHILDREN) 1. YES 3. YES, STEPCHILDREN/ADOPTED [VOL] 5. NO --> SKIP TO Z9 8. DK --> SKIP TO Z9 9. RF 0. NA ============================== M001024 Z8a. How many children R has under 18 MD1: EQ 95, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Z8a. IF R HAS ANY CHILDREN: How many children do you have under 18? --------------------------------------------------------------------- O. --> SKIP TO Z9 1-25. 95. NA 96. INAP, 0,5,8,9 in Z8 98. DK 99. RF ============================== M001025 Z8b. R's children under 18 living w/R MD1: EQ 95, MD2: GE 96 Numeric Z8b. IF R HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: How many of them live with you at least half of the time? --------------------------------------------------------------------- O. --> SKIP TO Z9 1-25. 95. NA 96. INAP, 0, 95-99 in Z8a 98. DK 99. RF ============================== M001026a Z8c(1). Mention 1 minor child age MD1: EQ 95, MD2: GE 98 Numeric Z8c(1). IF R HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: What are the ages of your children? MENTION 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-17 95. INAP, 0, 95-99 in Z8a 98. DK 99. RF ============================== M001026b Z8c(2). Mention 2 minor child age MD: EQ 95 Numeric Z8c(2). IF R HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: What are the ages of your children? MENTION 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-17 95. INAP, 0, 95-99 in Z8a; 98 in Z8c(1); no further mention ============================== M001026c Z8c(3). Mention 3 minor child age MD: EQ 95 Numeric Z8c(3). IF R HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: What are the ages of your children? MENTION 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-17 95. INAP, 0, 95-99 in Z8a; 98 in Z8c(1); no further mention ============================== M001026d Z8c(4). Mention 4 minor child age MD: EQ 95 Numeric Z8c(4). IF R HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: What are the ages of your children? MENTION 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-17 95. INAP, 0, 95-99 in Z8a; 98 in Z8c(1); no further mention ============================== M001026e Z8c(5). Mention 5 minor child age MD: EQ 95 Numeric Z8c(5). IF R HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: What are the ages of your children? MENTION 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-17 95. INAP, 0, 95-99 in Z8a; 98 in Z8c(1); no further mention ============================== M001026f Z8c(6). Mention 6 minor child age MD: EQ 95 Numeric Z8c(6). IF R HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: What are the ages of your children? MENTION 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-17 95. INAP, 0, 95-99 in Z8a; 98 in Z8c(1); no further mention ============================== M001026g Z8c(7). Mention 7 minor child age MD: EQ 95 Numeric Z8c(7). IF R HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: What are the ages of your children? MENTION 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-17 95. INAP, 0, 95-99 in Z8a; 98 in Z8c(1); no further mention ============================== M001026h Z8c(8). Mention 8 minor child age MD: EQ 95 Numeric Z8c(8). IF R HAS CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: What are the ages of your children? MENTION 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-17 95. INAP, 0, 95-99 in Z8a; 98 in Z8c(1); no further mention ============================== M001027 Z9. How many miles R drives per day MD1: EQ 998, MD2: GE 999 Numeric Z9. (And finally), about how many miles do you drive in a typical day? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-996 997. 997 and more 998. DK 999. NA ============================== M001028 ZZ0. Education estimate if missed in IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ0. IF HIGHEST GRADE AND Y3a (DIPLOMA) ARE BOTH MISSING / IF HIGHEST GRADE <12 AND Y3a (DIPLOMA) ARE BOTH MISSING: ALTHOUGH THERE IS NO WAY OF BEING 100% ACCURATE, PLEASE GIVE YOUR BEST ESTIMATE OF THE RESPONDENT'S PROBABLE APPROXIMATE EDUCATION LEVEL [IF YOU FIND IT IMPOSSIBLE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN 2 CHOICES, SELECT 'OTHER' AND EXPLAIN] --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. LOW - PROBABLY LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA 2. PROBABLY HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA 3. AT LEAST SOME COLLEGE 4. OTHER (SPECIFY) 0. NA; INAP, education data not missing ============================== M001029 ZZ1. IWR obs: R gender Numeric ZZ1. R's sex is: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. MALE 2. FEMALE ============================== M001030 ZZ2. FTF IWR obs: R race MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric ZZ2. FTF: R's race is: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. WHITE 2. BLACK 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M001031a ZZ3(1). FTF: #1 others present during IW MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric ZZ3(1). FTF: Others present at time of interview: MENTION 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. NONE 1. CHLDREN UNDER 6 2. OLDER CHILDREN 3. SPOUSE 4. OTHER RELATIVES 5. OTHER ADULTS 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode ============================== M001031b ZZ3(2). FTF: #2 others present during IW MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric ZZ3(2). FTF: Others present at time of interview: MENTION 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CHLDREN UNDER 6 2. OLDER CHILDREN 3. SPOUSE 4. OTHER RELATIVES 5. OTHER ADULTS 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode; no further mention ============================== M001031c ZZ3(3). FTF: #3 others present during IW MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric ZZ3(3). FTF: Others present at time of interview: MENTION 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CHLDREN UNDER 6 2. OLDER CHILDREN 3. SPOUSE 4. OTHER RELATIVES 5. OTHER ADULTS 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode; no further mention ============================== M001031d ZZ3(4). FTF: #4 others present during IW MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric ZZ3(4). FTF: Others present at time of interview: MENTION 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CHLDREN UNDER 6 2. OLDER CHILDREN 3. SPOUSE 4. OTHER RELATIVES 5. OTHER ADULTS 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode; no further mention ============================== M001031e ZZ3(5). FTF: #5 others present during IW MD1: EQ 8, MD2: GE 9 Numeric ZZ3(5). FTF: Others present at time of interview: MENTION 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CHLDREN UNDER 6 2. OLDER CHILDREN 3. SPOUSE 4. OTHER RELATIVES 5. OTHER ADULTS 8. DK 9. RF; NA; INAP, Phone mode; no further mention ============================== M001032 ZZ4. IWR obs: R cooperation MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ4. R's cooperation was: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY GOOD 2. GOOD 3. FAIR 4. POOR 5. VERY POOR 0. NA ============================== M001033 ZZ5. IWR obs: R informed about politics MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ5. R's general level of information about politics and public affairs seemed: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY HIGH 2. FAIRLY HIGH 3. AVERAGE 4. FAIRLY LOW 5. VERY LOW 0. NA ============================== M001034 ZZ6. IWR obs: R intelligence MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ6. R's apparent intelligence: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY HIGH 2. FAIRLY HIGH 3. AVERAGE 4. FAIRLY LOW 5. VERY LOW 0. NA ============================== M001035 ZZ7. IWR obs: R suspicious MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ7. How suspicious did R seem to be about the study before the interview?: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. NOT AT ALL SUSPICIOUS 2. SOMEWHAT SUSPICIOUS 3. VERY SUSPICIOUS 0. NA ============================== M001036 ZZ8. IWR obs: R interest in IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ8. Overall, how great was R's interest in the interview? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY HIGH 2. FAIRLY HIGH 3. AVERAGE 4. FAIRLY LOW 5. VERY LOW 0. NA ============================== M001037 ZZ9. IWR obs: R sincerity MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ9. How sincere did R seem in his/her answers? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. COMPLETE SINCERE --> ZZ10 3. USUALLY SINCERE --> ZZ9a 5. OFTEN SEEMED TO BE INSINCERE --> ZZ9a 0. NA ============================== M001038 ZZ9a. IWR: obs: insincere in what part(blanked) Character ZZ9a. IF NOT COMPLETELY SINCERE: Were there any particular parts of the interview for which you doubted R's sincerity? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF SO NAME THEM BY SECTION OR QUESTION NUMBER] This variable is blanked. ============================== M001039 ZZ10. IWR obs: R report income correctly MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ10. FTF: Do you feel R reported income accurately? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES, THINK R REPORTED INCOME CORRECTLY 2. NO, THINK R REPORTED INCOME INCORRECTLY 3. NO, THINK R REPORTED INCOME DISHONESTLY 4. R REFUSED INCOME Q's 0. NA; INAP, phone mode ============================== M001040 ZZ10a. IWR obs: est income -surv inc off MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 97 Numeric ZZ10a. IF R DID NOT REPORT INCOME OR IWR SUSPECTS DID NOR REPORT CORRECTLY: If possible, give a reasonable estimate of what R's family income is (before taxes in 1999). --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A. NONE OR LESS THAN $4,999 2. B. $5,000-$9,999 3. C. $10,000-$14,999 4. D. $15,000-$24,999 5. E. $25,000-$34,999 6. F. $35,000-$49,999 7. G. $50,000-$64,999 8. H. $65,000-$74,999 9. J. $75,000-$84,999 10. K. $85,000-$94,999 11. M. $95,000-$104,999 12. N. $105,000-$114,999 13. P. $115,000-$124,999 14. Q. $125,000-$134,999 15. R. $135,000-$144,999 16. S. $145,000-$154,999 17. T. $155,000-$164,999 18. U. $165,000-$174,999 19. V. $175,000-$184,999 20. W. $185,000-$194,999 21. X. $195,000-$199,999 22. Y. $200,000 and over 97. DK 98. Y. Impossible to estimate 00. NA; INAP, 1 in ZZ10; phone mode ============================== M001041a ZZ11(1). Mention 1 - R reaction to IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ11(1). R's reaction to interview: MENTION 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. NEGATIVE - GENERAL 11. NEGATIVE - TOO LONG 12. NEGATIVE - TOO COMPLICATED 13. NEGATIVE - BORING/TEDIOUS/REPETITIOUS 15. R WANTED TO STOP BEFORE IW COMPLETED. AFTER STARTING IW, R MADE COMMENTS INDICATING REGRETS HAVING AGREED TO DO IW 20. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS ILL/DEAF/TIRED/HAD BAD EYESIGHT ETC. IW WAS HARD FOR R 22. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS CONFUSED BY Qs, R WAS SLOW READER. IW WAS HARD FOR R 30. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OR OWN SUITABILITY FOR IW 31. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE, CANDIDATE NAMES, ELECTION ISSUES, OR OWN LACK OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. 40. R WAS AGITATED OR STRESSED BY INTERVIEW PROCESS 41. R BECAME ANGRY AT INTERVIEW CONTENT 45. R BECAME CONCERNED ABOUT SAMPLING PURPOSES OR BIAS 50. R COULD NOT READ RESPONDENT BOOKLET (FTF ONLY) 70. R APPEARED TO ENJOY THE IW (R WAS COOPERATIVE/INTERESTED/PLEASANT) 80. NEUTRAL OR NO FEEDBACK 00. NA ============================== M001041b ZZ11(2). Mention 2 - R reaction to IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ11(2). R's reaction to interview: MENTION 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. NEGATIVE - GENERAL 11. NEGATIVE - TOO LONG 12. NEGATIVE - TOO COMPLICATED 13. NEGATIVE - BORING/TEDIOUS/REPETITIOUS 15. R WANTED TO STOP BEFORE IW COMPLETED. AFTER STARTING IW, R MADE COMMENTS INDICATING REGRETS HAVING AGREED TO DO IW 20. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS ILL/DEAF/TIRED/HAD BAD EYESIGHT ETC. IW WAS HARD FOR R 22. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS CONFUSED BY Qs, R WAS SLOW READER. IW WAS HARD FOR R 30. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OR OWN SUITABILITY FOR IW 31. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE, CANDIDATE NAMES, ELECTION ISSUES, OR OWN LACK OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. 40. R WAS AGITATED OR STRESSED BY INTERVIEW PROCESS 41. R BECAME ANGRY AT INTERVIEW CONTENT 45. R BECAME CONCERNED ABOUT SAMPLING PURPOSES OR BIAS 50. R COULD NOT READ RESPONDENT BOOKLET (FTF ONLY) 70. R APPEARED TO ENJOY THE IW (R WAS COOPERATIVE/INTERESTED/PLEASANT) 80. NEUTRAL OR NO FEEDBACK 00. NA; no further mention ============================== M001041c ZZ11(3). Mention 3 - R reaction to IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ11(3). R's reaction to interview: MENTION 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. NEGATIVE - GENERAL 11. NEGATIVE - TOO LONG 12. NEGATIVE - TOO COMPLICATED 13. NEGATIVE - BORING/TEDIOUS/REPETITIOUS 15. R WANTED TO STOP BEFORE IW COMPLETED. AFTER STARTING IW, R MADE COMMENTS INDICATING REGRETS HAVING AGREED TO DO IW 20. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS ILL/DEAF/TIRED/HAD BAD EYESIGHT ETC. IW WAS HARD FOR R 22. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS CONFUSED BY Qs, R WAS SLOW READER. IW WAS HARD FOR R 30. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OR OWN SUITABILITY FOR IW 31. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE, CANDIDATE NAMES, ELECTION ISSUES, OR OWN LACK OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. 40. R WAS AGITATED OR STRESSED BY INTERVIEW PROCESS 41. R BECAME ANGRY AT INTERVIEW CONTENT 45. R BECAME CONCERNED ABOUT SAMPLING PURPOSES OR BIAS 50. R COULD NOT READ RESPONDENT BOOKLET (FTF ONLY) 70. R APPEARED TO ENJOY THE IW (R WAS COOPERATIVE/INTERESTED/PLEASANT) 80. NEUTRAL OR NO FEEDBACK 00. NA; no further mention ============================== M001041d ZZ11(4). Mention 4 - R reaction to IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ11(4). R's reaction to interview: MENTION 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. NEGATIVE - GENERAL 11. NEGATIVE - TOO LONG 12. NEGATIVE - TOO COMPLICATED 13. NEGATIVE - BORING/TEDIOUS/REPETITIOUS 15. R WANTED TO STOP BEFORE IW COMPLETED. AFTER STARTING IW, R MADE COMMENTS INDICATING REGRETS HAVING AGREED TO DO IW 20. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS ILL/DEAF/TIRED/HAD BAD EYESIGHT ETC. IW WAS HARD FOR R 22. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS CONFUSED BY Qs, R WAS SLOW READER. IW WAS HARD FOR R 30. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OR OWN SUITABILITY FOR IW 31. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE, CANDIDATE NAMES, ELECTION ISSUES, OR OWN LACK OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. 40. R WAS AGITATED OR STRESSED BY INTERVIEW PROCESS 41. R BECAME ANGRY AT INTERVIEW CONTENT 45. R BECAME CONCERNED ABOUT SAMPLING PURPOSES OR BIAS 50. R COULD NOT READ RESPONDENT BOOKLET (FTF ONLY) 70. R APPEARED TO ENJOY THE IW (R WAS COOPERATIVE/INTERESTED/PLEASANT) 80. NEUTRAL OR NO FEEDBACK 00. NA; no further mention ============================== M001041e ZZ11(5). Mention 5 - R reaction to IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ11(5). R's reaction to interview: MENTION 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. NEGATIVE - GENERAL 11. NEGATIVE - TOO LONG 12. NEGATIVE - TOO COMPLICATED 13. NEGATIVE - BORING/TEDIOUS/REPETITIOUS 15. R WANTED TO STOP BEFORE IW COMPLETED. AFTER STARTING IW, R MADE COMMENTS INDICATING REGRETS HAVING AGREED TO DO IW 20. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS ILL/DEAF/TIRED/HAD BAD EYESIGHT ETC. IW WAS HARD FOR R 22. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS CONFUSED BY Qs, R WAS SLOW READER. IW WAS HARD FOR R 30. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OR OWN SUITABILITY FOR IW 31. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE, CANDIDATE NAMES, ELECTION ISSUES, OR OWN LACK OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. 40. R WAS AGITATED OR STRESSED BY INTERVIEW PROCESS 41. R BECAME ANGRY AT INTERVIEW CONTENT 45. R BECAME CONCERNED ABOUT SAMPLING PURPOSES OR BIAS 50. R COULD NOT READ RESPONDENT BOOKLET (FTF ONLY) 70. R APPEARED TO ENJOY THE IW (R WAS COOPERATIVE/INTERESTED/PLEASANT) 80. NEUTRAL OR NO FEEDBACK 00. NA; no further mention ============================== M001041f ZZ11(6). Mention 6 - R reaction to IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ11(6). R's reaction to interview: MENTION 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. NEGATIVE - GENERAL 11. NEGATIVE - TOO LONG 12. NEGATIVE - TOO COMPLICATED 13. NEGATIVE - BORING/TEDIOUS/REPETITIOUS 15. R WANTED TO STOP BEFORE IW COMPLETED. AFTER STARTING IW, R MADE COMMENTS INDICATING REGRETS HAVING AGREED TO DO IW 20. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS ILL/DEAF/TIRED/HAD BAD EYESIGHT ETC. IW WAS HARD FOR R 22. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS CONFUSED BY Qs, R WAS SLOW READER. IW WAS HARD FOR R 30. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OR OWN SUITABILITY FOR IW 31. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE, CANDIDATE NAMES, ELECTION ISSUES, OR OWN LACK OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. 40. R WAS AGITATED OR STRESSED BY INTERVIEW PROCESS 41. R BECAME ANGRY AT INTERVIEW CONTENT 45. R BECAME CONCERNED ABOUT SAMPLING PURPOSES OR BIAS 50. R COULD NOT READ RESPONDENT BOOKLET (FTF ONLY) 70. R APPEARED TO ENJOY THE IW (R WAS COOPERATIVE/INTERESTED/PLEASANT) 80. NEUTRAL OR NO FEEDBACK 00. NA; no further mention ============================== M001041g ZZ11(7). Mention 7 - R reaction to IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ11(7). R's reaction to interview: MENTION 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. NEGATIVE - GENERAL 11. NEGATIVE - TOO LONG 12. NEGATIVE - TOO COMPLICATED 13. NEGATIVE - BORING/TEDIOUS/REPETITIOUS 15. R WANTED TO STOP BEFORE IW COMPLETED. AFTER STARTING IW, R MADE COMMENTS INDICATING REGRETS HAVING AGREED TO DO IW 20. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS ILL/DEAF/TIRED/HAD BAD EYESIGHT ETC. IW WAS HARD FOR R 22. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS CONFUSED BY Qs, R WAS SLOW READER. IW WAS HARD FOR R 30. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OR OWN SUITABILITY FOR IW 31. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE, CANDIDATE NAMES, ELECTION ISSUES, OR OWN LACK OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. 40. R WAS AGITATED OR STRESSED BY INTERVIEW PROCESS 41. R BECAME ANGRY AT INTERVIEW CONTENT 45. R BECAME CONCERNED ABOUT SAMPLING PURPOSES OR BIAS 50. R COULD NOT READ RESPONDENT BOOKLET (FTF ONLY) 70. R APPEARED TO ENJOY THE IW (R WAS COOPERATIVE/INTERESTED/PLEASANT) 80. NEUTRAL OR NO FEEDBACK 00. NA; no further mention ============================== M001041h ZZ11(8). Mention 8 - R reaction to IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ11(8). R's reaction to interview: MENTION 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. NEGATIVE - GENERAL 11. NEGATIVE - TOO LONG 12. NEGATIVE - TOO COMPLICATED 13. NEGATIVE - BORING/TEDIOUS/REPETITIOUS 15. R WANTED TO STOP BEFORE IW COMPLETED. AFTER STARTING IW, R MADE COMMENTS INDICATING REGRETS HAVING AGREED TO DO IW 20. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS ILL/DEAF/TIRED/HAD BAD EYESIGHT ETC. IW WAS HARD FOR R 22. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS CONFUSED BY Qs, R WAS SLOW READER. IW WAS HARD FOR R 30. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OR OWN SUITABILITY FOR IW 31. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE, CANDIDATE NAMES, ELECTION ISSUES, OR OWN LACK OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. 40. R WAS AGITATED OR STRESSED BY INTERVIEW PROCESS 41. R BECAME ANGRY AT INTERVIEW CONTENT 45. R BECAME CONCERNED ABOUT SAMPLING PURPOSES OR BIAS 50. R COULD NOT READ RESPONDENT BOOKLET (FTF ONLY) 70. R APPEARED TO ENJOY THE IW (R WAS COOPERATIVE/INTERESTED/PLEASANT) 80. NEUTRAL OR NO FEEDBACK 00. NA; no further mention ============================== M001041j ZZ11(9). Mention 9 - R reaction to IW MD: EQ 0 Numeric ZZ11(9). R's reaction to interview: MENTION 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. NEGATIVE - GENERAL 11. NEGATIVE - TOO LONG 12. NEGATIVE - TOO COMPLICATED 13. NEGATIVE - BORING/TEDIOUS/REPETITIOUS 15. R WANTED TO STOP BEFORE IW COMPLETED. AFTER STARTING IW, R MADE COMMENTS INDICATING REGRETS HAVING AGREED TO DO IW 20. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS ILL/DEAF/TIRED/HAD BAD EYESIGHT ETC. IW WAS HARD FOR R 22. R COMPLAINED AND/OR IWR OBSERVED R WAS CONFUSED BY Qs, R WAS SLOW READER. IW WAS HARD FOR R 30. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OR OWN SUITABILITY FOR IW 31. R EXPRESSED DOUBTS/APOLOGIES/EMBARRASSMENTS OVER LACK OF POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE, CANDIDATE NAMES, ELECTION ISSUES, OR OWN LACK OF POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. 40. R WAS AGITATED OR STRESSED BY INTERVIEW PROCESS 41. R BECAME ANGRY AT INTERVIEW CONTENT 45. R BECAME CONCERNED ABOUT SAMPLING PURPOSES OR BIAS 50. R COULD NOT READ RESPONDENT BOOKLET (FTF ONLY) 70. R APPEARED TO ENJOY THE IW (R WAS COOPERATIVE/INTERESTED/PLEASANT) 80. NEUTRAL OR NO FEEDBACK 00. NA; no further mention ============================== M001042 Pre.Rand.A4/A5. Order-Gore,GWB lik/dis MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.A4/A5. Order of Gore and Bush in Pre A4-A5 Likes/dislikes --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gore first 2. GW Bush first 9. NA ============================== M001043 Pre.Rand.C1b. Pos-Gore in therms MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.C1b. Position of Gore in Pre Thermometers C1b-C1e / C1b.T-C1e.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton's name was always first. Codes 2 (2nd name) to 5 (5th name) and: ============================== M001044 Pre.Rand.C1c. Pos-GW Bush in therms MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.C1c. Position of GW Bush in Pre Thermometers C1b-C1e / C1b.T-C1e.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton's name was always first. Codes 2 (2nd name) to 5 (5th name) and: 9. NA ============================== M001045 Pre.Rand.C1d. Pos-Buchanan in therms MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.C1d. Position of Buchanan in Pre Thermometers C1b-C1e / C1b.T-C1e.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton's name was always first. Codes 2 (2nd name) to 5 (5th name) and: 9. NA ============================== M001046 Pre.Rand.C1e. Pos-Nader in thermoms MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.C1e. Position of Nader in Pre Thermometers C1b-C1e / C1b.T-C1e.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton's name was always first. Codes 2 (2nd name) to 5 (5th name) and: 9. NA ============================== M001047 Pre.Rand.C1f/g. Pos-Mccain, Bradley ther MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.C1f/g. Position of McCain and Bradley in Pre Thermometers C1f-C1g / C1f.T-C1g.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. McCain 6th name, Bradley 7th name 2. Bradley 6th name, McCain 7th name 9. NA ============================== M001048 Pre.Rand.C1h/k. Pos-Cheney,Liebermn ther MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.C1h/k. Position of Lieberman and Cheney in Pre Thermometers C1h-C1j / C1h.T-C1j.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Lieberman 8th name, Cheney 9th name 2. Cheney 8th name, Lieberman 9th name 9. NA ============================== M001049 Pre.Rand.C2. Order-parties in therms MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.C2. Order of 3 major parties in Pre thermometers C2a-C2c --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democratic 1st, Republican 2nd, Reform 3rd 2. Democratic 1st, Reform 2nd, Republican 3rd 3. Republican 1st, Democratic 2nd, Reform 3rd 4. Republican 1st, Reform 2nd, Democratic 3rd 5. Reform 1st, Democratic 2nd, Republican 3rd 6. Reform 1st, Republican 2nd, Democratic 3rd 9. NA ============================== M001050 Pre.Rand.D1/D3. Order-parties in lik/dis MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.D1/D3. Order of 2 major parties in Pre 'Likes-Dislikes' D1-D2/D3-D4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democratic party first (D1-D2), Republican party 2nd (D3-D4) 2. Republican Party first (D1-D2), Democratic party 2nd (D3-D4) 9. NA ============================== M001051 Pre.Rand.F1-F3. Order-Gore, GWB, Buchn MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F1-F3. Order of Gore, GW Bush, Buchanan in Pre Affects series F1,F2,F3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gore 1st, GW Bush 2nd, Buchanan 3rd 2. Gore 1st, Buchanan 2nd, GW Bush 3rd 3. GW Bush 1st, Gore 2nd, Buchanan 3rd 4. GW Bush 1st, Buchanan 2nd, Gore 3rd 5. Buchanan 1st, Gore 2nd, GW Bush 3rd 6. Buchanan 1st, GW Bush 2nd, Gore 3rd 9. NA ============================== M001052 Pre.Rand.F1a. Pos-angry -Gore affects MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F1. Pre: Position of Angry among Gore Affects F1a-F1d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001053 Pre.Rand.F1b. Pos-hopeful -Gore affects MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F1b. Pre: Position of Hopeful among Gore Affects F1a-F1d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001054 Pre.Rand.F1c. Pos-afraid -Gore affects MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F1c. Pre: Position of Afraid among Gore Affects F1a-F1d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001055 Pre.Rand.F1d. Pos-proud -Gore affects MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F1d. Pre: Position of Proud among Gore Affects F1a-F1d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001056 Pre.Rand.F2a. Pos-angry -GW Bush affects MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F2a. Pre: Position of Angry among GW Bush Affects F2a-F2d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001057 Pre.Rand.F2b. Pos-hopeful -GWB affects MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F2b. Pre: Position of Hopeful among GW Bush Affects F2a-F2d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001058 Pre.Rand.F2c. Pos-afraid -GWB affects MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F2c. Pre: Position of Afraid among GW Bush Affects F2a-F2d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001059 Pre.Rand.F2d. Pos-proud -GWB affects MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F2d. Pre: Position of Proud among GW Bush Affects F2a-F2d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001060 Pre.Rand.F3a. Pos-angry -Buchnn affects MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F3a. Pre: Position of Angry among Buchanan Affects F3a-F3d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001061 Pre.Rand.F3b. Pos-hopeful -Buchnn affcts MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F3b. Pre: Position of Hopeful among Buchanan Affects F3a-F3d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001062 Pre.Rand.F3c. Pos-afraid -Buchnn affcts MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F3c. Pre: Position of Afraid among Buchanan Affects F3a-F3d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001063 Pre.Rand.F3d. Pos-proud -Buchnn affcts MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.F3d. Pre: Position of Proud among Buchanan Affects F3a-F3d --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA ============================== M001064 Pre.Rand.G3-G5. Ord-Gore,GWB,Buch lib/con MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.G3-G5. Order of Gore, GW Bush, Buchanan in Pre Liberal-Conservative placements G3-G5 / G3.T-G5.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton placement was always first. 1. Gore 2nd, GW Bush 3rd, Buchanan 4th 2. Gore 2nd, Buchanan 3rd, GW Bush 4th 3. GW Bush 2nd, Gore 3rd, Buchanan 4th 4. GW Bush 2nd, Buchanan 3rd, Gore 4th 5. Buchanan 2nd, Gore 3rd, GW Bush 4th 6. Buchanan 2nd, GW Bush 3rd, Gore 4th 9. NA ============================== M001065 Pre.Rand.G8-G10.E. Ord-Gore,GWB,Buch lib/c MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.G8-10.E. Order of Gore, GW Bush, Buchanan in Pre Liberal-Conservative placements G8.E-G10.E --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton placement was always first. 1. Gore 2nd, GW Bush 3rd, Buchanan 4th 2. Gore 2nd, Buchanan 3rd, GW Bush 4th 3. GW Bush 2nd, Gore 3rd, Buchanan 4th 4. GW Bush 2nd, Buchanan 3rd, Gore 4th 5. Buchanan 2nd, Gore 3rd, GW Bush 4th 6. Buchanan 2nd, GW Bush 3rd, Gore 4th ============================== M001066 Pre.Rand.K2-K4. Ord-Gore,GWB,Buch traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K2-K4. Order of Gore, GW Bush, Buchanan in Pre Traits series K2,K3,K4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gore 1st, GW Bush 2nd, Buchanan 3rd 2. Gore 1st, Buchanan 2nd, GW Bush 3rd 3. GW Bush 1st, Gore 2nd, Buchanan 3rd 4. GW Bush 1st, Buchanan 2nd, Gore 3rd 5. Buchanan 1st, Gore 2nd, GW Bush 3rd 6. Buchanan 1st, GW Bush 2nd, Gore 3rd 9. NA ============================== M001067 Pre.Rand.K2a. Order-moral -Gore traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K2a. Pre: Order of Moral among Gore traits K2a-K2g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001068 Pre.Rand.K2b. Order-cares -Gore traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K2b. Pre: Order of Really Cares among Gore traits K2a-K2g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001069 Pre.Rand.K2c. Order-knowldg -Gore traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K2c. Pre: Order of Knowledgeable among Gore traits K2a-K2g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001070 Pre.Rand.K2d. Order-leader -Gore traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K2d. Pre: Order of Leadership among Gore traits K2a-K2g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001071 Pre.Rand.K2e. Order-dishon -Gore traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K2e. Pre: Order of Dishonest among Gore traits K2a-K2g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001072 Pre.Rand.K2f. Order-intell -Gore traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K2f. Pre: Order of Intelligent among Gore traits K2a-K2g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001073 Pre.Rand.K2g. Ord-out touch -Gore traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K2g. Pre: Order of Out of Touch among Gore traits K2a-K2g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001074 Pre.Rand.K3a. Order-moral -GWB traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K3a. Pre: Order of Moral among GW Bush traits K3a-K3g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001075 Pre.Rand.K3b. Order-cares -GWB traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K3b. Pre: Order of Really Cares among GW Bush traits K3a-K3g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001076 Pre.Rand.K3c. Order-knowldg -GWB traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K3c. Pre: Order of Knowledgeable among GW Bush traits K3a-K3g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001077 Pre.Rand.K3d. Order-leader -GWB traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K3d. Pre: Order of Leadership among GW Bush traits K3a-K3g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001078 Pre.Rand.K3e. Order-dishon -GWB traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K3e. Pre: Order of Dishonest among GW Bush traits K3a-K3g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001079 Pre.Rand.K3f. Order-intell -GWB traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K3f. Pre: Order of Intelligent among GW Bush traits K3a-K3g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001080 Pre.Rand.K3g. Ord-out touch -GWB traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K3g. Pre: Order of Out of Touch among GW Bush traits K3a-K3g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA ============================== M001081 Pre.Rand.K4a. Ord-moral -Buchanan traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K4a. Pre: Order of Moral among Buchanan traits K4a-K4g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00). Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA; Question dropped ============================== M001082 Pre.Rand.K4b. Ord-cares -Buchanan traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K4b. Pre: Order of Really Cares among Buchanan traits K4a-K4g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00). Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA; Question dropped ============================== M001083 Pre.Rand.K4c. Ord-knowl -Buchanan traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K4c. Pre: Order of Knowledgeable among Buchanan traits K4a-K4g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00). Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA; Question dropped ============================== M001084 Pre.Rand.K4d. Ord-leader -Buchann traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K4d. Pre: Order of Leadership among Buchanan traits K4a-K4g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00). Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA; Question dropped ============================== M001085 Pre.Rand.K4e. Ord-dishon -Buchann traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K4e. Pre: Order of Dishonest among Buchanan traits K4a-K4g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00). Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA; Question dropped ============================== M001086 Pre.Rand.K4f. Ord-intell -Buchann traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K4f. Pre: Order of Intelligent among Buchanan traits K4a-K4g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00). Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA; Question dropped ============================== M001087 Pre.Rand.K4g. Ord-out touch-Buchnn traits MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.K4g. Pre: Order of Out of Touch among Buchanan traits K4a-K4g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Buchanan traits were dropped during the field period (09/28/00). Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA; Question dropped ============================== M001088 Pre.Rand.L1c/L1d. Order-Gore,GWB serv/sp MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L1c/L1d. Pre: Order of Gore and GW Bush among Services/Spending placements L1c-L1d / L1c-L1d.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton's name was always first. 1. Gore 2nd name; GW Bush 3rd name 2. GW Bush 2nd name; Gore 3rd name 9. NA ============================== M001089 Pre.Rand.L1e/L1f. Order-Gore,GWB serv/sp MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L1e/L1f. Pre: Order of major parties among Services/Spending placements L1e-L1f / L1e-L1f.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton's name was always first. 1. Democratic party 4th name; Republican party 5th 2. Republican party 4th name; Democratic party 5th 9. NA ============================== M001090 Pre.Rand.L2b/L2c. Order-Gore,GWB def sp MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L2b/L2c. Pre: Order of Gore and GW Bush among Defense Spending placements L2b-L2c / L2b.T-L2c.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gore 1st name, GW Bush 2nd name 2. GW Bush 1st name, Gore 2nd name 9. NA ============================== M001091 Pre.Rand.L2d/L2e. Order-parties defse sp MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L2d/L2e. Pre: Order of major parties among Defense Spending placements L2d-L2e / L2d.T-L2e.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democratic Party 3rd name, Republican Party 4th 2. Republican Party 3rd name, Democratic Party 4th 9. NA ============================== M001092 Pre.Rand.L4b/L4c. Order-Gore,GWB guarjob MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L4b/L4c. Pre: Order of Gore and GW Bush among Guaranteed Jobs placements L4b-L4c / L4b.T-L4c.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gore 1st name, GW Bush 2nd name 2. GW Bush 1st name, Gore 2nd name 9. NA ============================== M001093 Pre.Rand.L4d/L4e. Order-parties guar job MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L4d/L4e. Pre: Order of major parties among Guaranteed Jobs placements L4d-L4e / L4d.T-L4e.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democratic Party 3rd name, Republican Party 4th 2. Republican Party 3rd name, Democratic Party 4th 9. NA ============================== M001094 Pre.Rand.L5c/L5d. Ord-Gore,GWB aid blcks MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L5c/L5d. Pre: Order of Gore and GW Bush among Aid to Blacks placements L5c-L5d /L5c.T-L5d.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton's name was always first. 1. Gore 2nd name; GW Bush 3rd name 2. GW Bush 2nd name; Gore 3rd name 9. NA ============================== M001095 Pre.Rand.L5e/L5f. Order-parties aid blks MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L5e/L5f. Pre Order of major parties among Aid to Blacks placements L5e-L5f /L5e.T-L5f.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- Clinton's name was always first. 1. Democratic party 4th name; Republican party 5th 2. Republican party 4th name; Democratic party 5th 9. NA ============================== M001096 Pre.Rand.L7b. Order-welfare -fed spendng MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7b. Order of Welfare among Pre Federal spending items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001097 Pre.Rand.L7c. Order-aids resch-fed spend MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7c. Order of Aids Research among Pre Federal spending items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001098 Pre.Rand.L7d. Order-forgn aid -fed spend MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7d. Order of Foreign Aid among Pre Federal spending items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001099 Pre.Rand.L7e. Order-food stps -fed spend MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7e. Order of Food Stamps among Pre Federal spending items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001100 Pre.Rand.L7f. Order-aid poor -fed spend MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7f. Order of Aid to Poor among Pre Federal spending items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001101 Pre.Rand.L7g. Order-soc sec -fed spend MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7g. Order of Soc Security among Pre Federal spending items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001102 Pre.Rand.L7h. Ord-env protect -fed spend MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7h. Order of Env Protection among Pre Federal spending items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001103 Pre.Rand.L7j. Ord-publ schls -fed spend MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7j. Order of Public Schls among Pre Federal spending items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001104 Pre.Rand.L7k. Ord-deal w/crime-fed spend MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7k. Order of Deal w/Crime among Pre Federal spending items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001105 Pre.Rand.L7m. Order-child care-fed spend MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7m. Order of Child Care among Pre Federal spendinging items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001106 Pre.Rand.L7n. Order-border sec-fed spend MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7n. Order of Border Security amng Pre Federal spending items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001107 Pre.Rand.L7p. Order-aid blacks-fed spend MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.L7p. Order of Aid to Blacks among Pre Federal spending items L7b-L7p --------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Repairing the highways' was always first (L7a). Codes 2-13 and: 9. NA ============================== M001108 Pre.Rand.M1b/M1c. Ord-Gore-GWB abortion MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.M1b/M1c. Pre: Order of Gore and GW Bush among Abortion placements M1b-M1c / M1b.T-M1c.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gore 1st name, GW Bush 2nd name 2. GW Bush 1st name, Gore 2nd name 9. NA ============================== M001109 Pre.Rand.M4b/M4c. Ord-Gore-envir/jobs MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.M4b/M4c. Pre: Order of Gore and GW Bush among Environment-Jobs placements M4b-M4c / M4b.T-M4c.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gore 1st name, GW Bush 2nd name 2. GW Bush 1st name, Gore 2nd name 9. NA ============================== M001110 Pre.Rand.M6b/M6c. Ord-Gore-gun restrictn MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.M6b/M6c. Pre: Order of Gore and GW Bush for Gun restriction placement M6b-M6c --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gore 1st name, GW Bush 2nd name 2. GW Bush 1st name, Gore 2nd name 9. NA ============================== M001111 Pre.Rand.P1b/P1c. Ord-Gore-women's role MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.P1b/P1c. Pre: Order of Gore and GW Bush among Women's Role placements P1b-P1c / P1b.T-P1c.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gore 1st name, GW Bush 2nd name 2. GW Bush 1st name, Gore 2nd name 9. NA ============================== M001112 Pre.Rand.P2b/P2c. Ord-Gore-envir reg MD: EQ 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.P2b/P2c. Pre: Order of Gore and GW Bush among Environmental regulation placements P2b-P2c / P2b.T-P2c.T --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Gore 1st name, GW Bush 2nd name 2. GW Bush 1st name, Gore 2nd name 9. NA ============================== M001113 Pre.Rand.Q14a. Ord-angry-Clinton affcts MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.Q14a. Pre: Order of Angry among Clinton Affects Q14a-Q14d. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA 0. Question administered in Post ============================== M001114 Pre.Rand.Q14b. Ord-hopeful-Clinton affcts MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.Q14b. Pre: Order of Hopeful among Clinton Affects Q14a-Q14d. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA 0. Question administered in Post ============================== M001115 Pre.Rand.Q14c. Ord-afraid -Clinton affcts MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.Q14c. Pre: Order of Afraid among Clinton Affects Q14a-Q14d. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA 0. Question administered in Post ============================== M001116 Pre.Rand.Q14d. Ord-proud-Clinton affcts MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.Q14d. Pre: Order of Proud among Clinton Affects Q14a-Q14d. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-4 and: 9. NA 0. Question administered in Post ============================== M001117 Pre.Rand.Q15a. Ord-moral-Clinton traits MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.Q15a. Pre: Order of Moral among Clinton traits Q15a-Q15g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA 0. Question administered in Post ============================== M001118 Pre.Rand.Q15b. Ord-cares-Clinton traits MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.Q15b. Pre: Order of Really Cares among Clinton traits Q15a-Q15g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA 0. Question administered in Post ============================== M001119 Pre.Rand.Q15c. Ord-knowl-Clinton traits MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.Q15c. Pre: Order of Knowledgeable amng Clinton traits Q15a-Q15g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA 0. Question administered in Post ============================== M001120 Pre.Rand.Q15d. Ord-leader-Clinton traits MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.Q15d. Pre: Order of Leadership among Clinton traits Q15a-Q15g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA 0. Question administered in Post ============================== M001121 Pre.Rand.Q15e. Ord-dishon-Clinton traits MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.Q15e. Pre: Order of Dishonest among Clinton traits Q15a-Q15g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA 0. Question administered in Post ============================== M001122 Pre.Rand.Q15f. Ord-intell-Clinton traits MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.Q15f. Pre: Order of Intelligent among Clinton traits Q15a-Q15g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA 0. Question administered in Post ============================== M001123 Pre.Rand.Q15g. Ord-out touch-Clint trait MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric Pre-Rand.Q15g. Pre: Order of Out of Touch among Clinton traits Q15a-Q15g --------------------------------------------------------------------- Codes 1-7 and: 9. NA 0. Question administered in Post ============================== M001201 A1. R interest in campaigns MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A1. Some people don't pay much attention to political campaigns. How about you? Would you say that you were very much interested, somewhat interested, or not much interested in following the political campaigns this year? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. VERY MUCH INTERESTED 3. SOMEWHAT INTERESTED 5. NOT MUCH INTERESTED 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001202 A2. R watched programs about campaign MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A2. Did you watch any programs about the campaign on television? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO A3 8. DK --> SKIP TO A3 9. RF --> SKIP TO A3 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001203 A2a. How many programs R watched about campaign MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A2a. IF R WATCHED PROGRAMS ABOUT CAMPAIGN: Would you say you watched a good many, several, or just one or two? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A GOOD MANY 3. SEVERAL 5. JUST ONE OR TWO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9, 0 in A2 ============================== M001204 A3. Does R ever discuss politics MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A3. Do you ever discuss politics with your family or friends? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO A4 8. DK --> SKIP TO A4 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001205 A3a. How often does R discuss politics MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 96 Numeric A3a. IF R DISCUSSES POLITICS: How many days in the past week did you talk about politics with family or friends? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-7 96. NONE (NO DAYS) 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9 in A3; no Post interview ============================== M001206 A4. Does R recall names of House candidates MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A4. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES, REMEMBER 5. NO, DON'T REMEMBER --> SKIP TO B1 8. DK --> SKIP TO B1 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview; Washington D.C. ============================== M001207 A4a1. Hse name recall 1 - cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric A4a1. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? 1ST RECALLED NAME - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANY OTHERS?] ** codes 30,38,39 used only if name appears on candidate list (if name not on candidate list, code 97 is used) 30. Third party or independent House candidate --nonincumbent ** 31. Democratic candidate in open House race 32. Republican candidate in open House race 33. Democratic House incumbent 34. Republican House incumbent 35. Democratic House challenger 36. Republican House challenger 38. Third party or independent House candidate--2nd nonincumbent ** 39. Third party or independent House candidate--incumbent 97. Name not on candidate list for this race 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; Inap, R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C.; no Post interview ============================== M001208 A4b1. Hse party recall 1 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A4b1. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? What is party? 1ST RECALLED NAME - RECALLED PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DEMOCRAT 5. REPUBLICAN 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C.; no Post interview ============================== M001209 A4(1)x1. Actual party of recall 1 MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4(1)x1. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? 1ST RECALLED NAME - ACTUAL PARTY OF CANDIDATE --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democrat 5. Republican 7. Other 0. INAP, 00,97,98 in A4a1 ============================== M001210 A4(2)x2. Accuracy of recall 1 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric A4(2)x2. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? What is party? 1ST RECALLED NAME - ACCURACY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from A4a1 and A4b1. 1. Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2. Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3. Valid candidate name given, DK or NA for party associated with name 4. Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5. Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA for party associated with name 6. No candidate name given (DK or NA) -- any party mention 7. No candidate name given (DK) -- DK or NA for party 9. NA/RF for candidate name and NA/RF for party mention 0. Inap, 5,8,9,0 in A4 ============================== M001211 A4a2. Hse name recall 2 - cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric A4a2. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? 2nd RECALLED NAME - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANY OTHERS?] ** codes 30,38,39 used only if name appears on candidate list (if name not on candidate list, code 97 is used) 30. Third party or independent House candidate --nonincumbent ** 31. Democratic candidate in open House race 32. Republican candidate in open House race 33. Democratic House incumbent 34. Republican House incumbent 35. Democratic House challenger 36. Republican House challenger 38. Third party or independent House candidate--2nd nonincumbent ** 39. Third party or independent House candidate--incumbent 97. Name not on candidate list for this race 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; Inap, no Post interview; R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C.; no further mention ============================== M001212 A4b2. Hse party recall 2 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A4b2. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? What is party? 2nd RECALLED NAME - RECALLED PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DEMOCRAT 5. REPUBLICAN 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview; R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C.; no further mention ============================== M001213 A4(2)x1. Actual party of recall 2 MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4(2)x1. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? 2nd RECALLED NAME - ACTUAL PARTY OF CANDIDATE --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democrat 5. Republican 7. Other 0. INAP, 00,97,98 in A4a2 ============================== M001214 A4(2)x2. Accuracy of recall 2 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric A4(2)x2. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? What is party? 2nd RECALLED NAME - ACCCURACY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from A4a2 and A4b2. 1. Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2. Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3. Valid candidate name given, DK or NA for party associated with name 4. Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5. Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA for party associated with name 6. No candidate name given (DK or NA) -- any party mention 7. No candidate name given (DK) -- DK or NA for party 9. NA for candidate name and NA for party mention 0. Inap, 5,8,9,0 in A4; no further mention ============================== M001215 A4a3. Hse name recall 3 - cand code MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4a3. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? 3RD RECALLED NAME - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: ANY OTHERS?] ** codes 30,38,39 used only if name appears on candidate list (if name not on candidate list, code 97 is used) 30. Third party or independent House candidate --nonincumbent ** 31. Democratic candidate in open House race 32. Republican candidate in open House race 33. Democratic House incumbent 34. Republican House incumbent 35. Democratic House challenger 36. Republican House challenger 38. Third party or independent House candidate--2nd nonincumbent ** 39. Third party or independent House candidate--incumbent 97. Name not on candidate list for this race 98. DK 00. NA; Inap, no Post interview; R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C.; no further mention ============================== M001216 A4b3. Hse party recall 3 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric A4b3. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? What is party? 3RD RECALLED NAME - RECALLED PARTY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DEMOCRAT 5. REPUBLICAN 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview; R says he/she does not recall names; Washington D.C.; no further mention ============================== M001217 A4(3)x1. Actual party of recall 3 MD: EQ 0 Numeric A4(3)x1. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? 3RD RECALLED NAME - ACTUAL PARTY OF CANDIDATE --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Democrat 5. Republican 7. Other 0. INAP, 00,97,98 in A4a3 ============================== M001218 A4(3)x2. Accuracy of recall 3 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric A4(3)x2. IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R SAYS HE/SHE RECALLS NAMES OF HOUSE CANDIDATES: Do you happen to remember the names of the candidates for Congress -- that is, for the House of Representatives in Washington -- who ran in the November election from this district? Who were they? What is party? 3RD RECALLED NAME - ACCURACY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from A4a3 and A4b3. 1. Valid candidate name given and correct party associated with name 2. Valid candidate name given but incorrect party associated with name 3. Valid candidate name given, DK or NA for party associated with name 4. Invalid candidate name given with any mention of party associated with name 5. Invalid candidate name given with DK or NA for party associated with name 6. No candidate name given (DK or NA) -- any party mention 7. No candidate name given (DK) -- DK or NA for party 9. NA for candidate name and NA for party mention 0. Inap, 5,8,9,0 in A4; no further mention ============================== M001219 B1. Party talked to R about campaign MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B1. As you know, the political parties try to talk to as many people as they can to get them to vote for their candidate. Did anyone from one of the political parties call you up or come around and talk to you about the campaign this year? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO B1b 8. DK --> SKIP TO B1b 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001220 B1a. Party that spoke to R about campgn MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B1a. IF SOMEONE FROM PARTY SPOKE TO R ABOUT CAMPAIGN: Which party was that? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DEMOCRATS 5. REPUBLICANS 6. BOTH 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9, 0 in B1 ============================== M001221 B1b. Anyone else talk to R about cands MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B1b. Other than someone from the two major parties, did anyone (else) call you up or come around and talk to you about supporting specific candidates in this last election? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001222 B1c. Party send R mail about campaign MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B1c. Did anyone from one of the political parties send you mail about the campaign this year? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO B1D 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001223 B1c1. Party that sent mail about campaign MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B1c1. IF POLITICAL PARTY SENT MAIL: Which party was that? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DEMOCRATS 5. REPUBLICANS 6. BOTH 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9, 0 in B1c ============================== M001224 B1d. Anyone else send mail about campaign MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B1d. Other than someone from the two major parties, did anyone (else) send you mail about supporting specific candidates in this last election? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001225 B2. Did R try to influence vote of others MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B2. We would like to find out about some of the things people do to help a party or a candidate win an election. During the campaign, did you talk to any people and try to show them why they should vote for or against one of the parties or candidates? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001226 B3. Did R display button/sticker/sign MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B3. Did you wear a campaign button, put a campaign sticker on your car, or place a sign in your window or in front of your house? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001227 B4. Did R go to meetings/rallies etc. MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B4. Did you go to any political meetings, rallies, speeches, dinners, or things like that in support of a particular candidate? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001228 B5. Did R do any other campaign work MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B5. Did you do any (other) work for one of the parties or candidates? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001229 B6. Did R contribute to candidate MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B6. During an election year people are often asked to make a contribution to support campaigns. Did you give money to an individual candidate running for public office? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO B7 8. DK --> SKIP TO B7 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001230 B6a. Party of candidate - R contribution MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B6a. IF R GAVE MONEY TO INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATE: Which party did that candidate belong to? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DEMOCRATS 3. REPUBLICANS 5. OTHER (SPECIFY) 6. BOTH DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE AND REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE (VOL) 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9, 0 in B6 ============================== M001231 B7. Did R give money to party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B7. Did you give money to a political party during this election year? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO B8 8. DK --> SKIP TO B8 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001232 B7a. Party - R contribution MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B7a. IF R GAVE MONEY TO POLITICAL PARTY: To which party did you give money? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DEMOCRATS 3. REPUBLICANS 5. OTHER (SPECIFY) 6. BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9, 0 in B7 ============================== M001233 B8. Did R give to group for/against candidate MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B8. Did you give any money to any other group that supported or opposed candidates? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001234 B9. Did anyone talk to R about registering or voting MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B9. During the campaign this year, did anyone talk to you about registering to vote or getting out to vote? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES, SOMEONE DID 5. NO, NO ONE DID 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001235 B10. Did moral/relig groups discuss cmpaign w/R MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B10. Were there any groups concerned with moral or religious issues that tried to encourage you to vote in a particular way? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES, THERE WERE GROUPS 5. NO, NO GROUPS TRIED TO ENCOURAGE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001236 B11. Clergy provide election information MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B11. Was information about candidates, parties, or political issues made available in your place of worship before the election? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [DON'T PROBE DK RESPONSE] 1. YES 5. NO, NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE 7. NO, DON'T GO TO CHURCH [VOL] --> C1 8. DK --> C1 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001237 B12. Did clergy encourage R to vote for cand or prty MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric B12. IF R DID NOT INDICATE NON-ATTENDANCE IN B11: Did the clergy or other church leaders at your place of worship encourage you to vote for a particular candidate or party? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO C1 8. DK --> SKIP TO C1 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 7, 8, 9, 0 in B11 ============================== M001238 B12a1. Clergy endorsement 1 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric B12a1. IF CLERGY/CHURCH ENDORSED CANDIDATE/PARTY: Which candidate? MENTION 1 - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF R SAYS CAN'T REMEMBER CANDIDATE NAME, PROBE: WHICH ELECTION OR WHAT OFFICE? ANY OTHERS?] PRESIDENT: 01. Democratic Presidential candidate (2000: Gore) 02. Republican Presidential candidate (2000: GW Bush) 03. Independent/3rd party Presidential candidate (2000:Buchanan,Nader) 05. Anti-Democratic Presidential candidate (2000: Anti-Gore) 06. Anti-Republican Presidential candidate (2000: Anti-Bush) SENATE: 11. Democratic Senate candidate in state without incumbent 12. Republican Senate candidate in state without incumbent 13. Democratic Senate incumbent candidate 14. Republican Senate incumbent candidate 15. Republican Senate challenger candidate 16. Republican Senate challenger candidate HOUSE: 31. Democratic House candidate in district without incumbent 32. Republican House candidate in district without incumbent 33. Democratic House incumbent candidate 34. Republican House incumbent candidate 35. Democratic House challenger candidate 36. Republican House challenger candidate OTHER - PARTY-SPECIFIC: 71. Democratic Candidate(s)--NA which office 72. Republican Candidate(s)--NA which office 73. Other Democratic Candidate--any office level 74. Other Republican Candidate--any office level 80. Other independent or minor party candidate--any office level 81. Democratic Party 82. Republican Party 85. Anti-'Democrats'; against any Democratic cand exc.Presidential 86. Anti-'Republicans'; against any Republican cand exc. Presidential 89. Other party OTHER - NOT PARTY SPECIFIC: 90. Vote on particular issue 91. 'Just to vote' 94. Nonpartisan/judicial candidate 95. Other candidate(s) for state/local offices (office level given but party NA) 96. Other groups or individuals which are neither parties nor organized supporters of specific candidates 97. Candidate name given but party and office level NA (low priority) 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9, 0 in B12 ============================== M001239 B12a2. Clergy endorsement 2 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric B12a2. IF CLERGY/CHURCH ENDORSED CANDIDATE/PARTY: Which candidate? MENTION 2 - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF R SAYS CAN'T REMEMBER CANDIDATE NAME, PROBE: WHICH ELECTION OR WHAT OFFICE? ANY OTHERS?] PRESIDENT: 01. Democratic Presidential candidate (2000: Gore) 02. Republican Presidential candidate (2000: GW Bush) 03. Independent/3rd party Presidential candidate (2000:Buchanan,Nader) 05. Anti-Democratic Presidential candidate (2000: Anti-Gore) 06. Anti-Republican Presidential candidate (2000: Anti-Bush) SENATE: 11. Democratic Senate candidate in state without incumbent 12. Republican Senate candidate in state without incumbent 13. Democratic Senate incumbent candidate 14. Republican Senate incumbent candidate 15. Republican Senate challenger candidate 16. Republican Senate challenger candidate HOUSE: 31. Democratic House candidate in district without incumbent 32. Republican House candidate in district without incumbent 33. Democratic House incumbent candidate 34. Republican House incumbent candidate 35. Democratic House challenger candidate 36. Republican House challenger candidate OTHER - PARTY-SPECIFIC: 71. Democratic Candidate(s)--NA which office 72. Republican Candidate(s)--NA which office 73. Other Democratic Candidate--any office level 74. Other Republican Candidate--any office level 80. Other independent or minor party candidate--any office level 81. Democratic Party 82. Republican Party 85. Anti-'Democrats'; against any Democratic cand exc.Presidential 86. Anti-'Republicans'; against any Republican cand exc. Presidential 89. Other party OTHER - NOT PARTY SPECIFIC: 90. Vote on particular issue 91. 'Just to vote' 94. Nonpartisan/judicial candidate 95. Other candidate(s) for state/local offices (office level given but party NA) 96. Other groups or individuals which are neither parties nor organized supporters of specific candidates 97. Candidate name given but party and office level NA (low priority) 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9, 0 in B12; no further mention ============================== M001240 B12a3. Clergy endorsement 3 MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric B12a3. IF CLERGY/CHURCH ENDORSED CANDIDATE/PARTY: Which candidate? MENTION 3 - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- [IF R SAYS CAN'T REMEMBER CANDIDATE NAME, PROBE: WHICH ELECTION OR WHAT OFFICE? ANY OTHERS?] PRESIDENT: 01. Democratic Presidential candidate (2000: Gore) 02. Republican Presidential candidate (2000: GW Bush) 03. Independent/3rd party Presidential candidate (2000:Buchanan,Nader) 05. Anti-Democratic Presidential candidate (2000: Anti-Gore) 06. Anti-Republican Presidential candidate (2000: Anti-Bush) SENATE: 11. Democratic Senate candidate in state without incumbent 12. Republican Senate candidate in state without incumbent 13. Democratic Senate incumbent candidate 14. Republican Senate incumbent candidate 15. Republican Senate challenger candidate 16. Republican Senate challenger candidate HOUSE: 31. Democratic House candidate in district without incumbent 32. Republican House candidate in district without incumbent 33. Democratic House incumbent candidate 34. Republican House incumbent candidate 35. Democratic House challenger candidate 36. Republican House challenger candidate OTHER - PARTY-SPECIFIC: 71. Democratic Candidate(s)--NA which office 72. Republican Candidate(s)--NA which office 73. Other Democratic Candidate--any office level 74. Other Republican Candidate--any office level 80. Other independent or minor party candidate--any office level 81. Democratic Party 82. Republican Party 85. Anti-'Democrats'; against any Democratic cand exc.Presidential 86. Anti-'Republicans'; against any Republican cand exc. Presidential 89. Other party OTHER - NOT PARTY SPECIFIC: 90. Vote on particular issue 91. 'Just to vote' 94. Nonpartisan/judicial candidate 95. Other candidate(s) for state/local offices (office level given but party NA) 96. Other groups or individuals which are neither parties nor organized supporters of specific candidates 97. Candidate name given but party and office level NA (low priority) 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9, 0 in B12a; no further mention ============================== M001241 C1. Did R vote MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C1. In talking to people about elections, we often find that a lot of people were not able to vote because they weren't registered, they were sick, or they just didn't have time. Which of the following statements best describes you: One, I did not vote (in the election this November); Two, I thought about voting this time - but didn't; Three, I usually vote, but didn't this time; or Four, I am sure I voted? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [INTERVIEWER: PLEASE READ ALL OPTIONS] 1. I DID NOT VOTE (IN THE ELECTION THIS NOVEMBER). 2. I THOUGHT ABOUT VOTING THIS TIME, BUT DIDN'T. 3. I USUALLY VOTE, BUT DIDN'T THIS TIME. 4. I AM SURE I VOTED --> SKIP TO C3 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001242 C2. Was R registered MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C2. IF R DID NOT VOTE: Were you registered to vote in this election? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES 5. NO --> SKIP TO C9(2) 6. VOL: NOT REQUIRED TO REGISTER IN R'S STATE --> SKIP TO C9(2) 8. DK --> SKIP TO C9(2) 9. RF --> SKIP TO C9(2) 0. NA; INAP, 0, 4 in C1 ============================== M001243 C3. Registered in county of IW? MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C3. IF R IS REGISTERED/ IF R VOTED: Your residence is located in County. Are you registered to vote in County? / Your residence is located in Washington D.C. Are you registered to vote in Washington D.C.? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES, REGISTERED IN (PRELOAD COUNTY) --> IF C1 IS YES GO TO C4, /WASHINGTON D.C ELSE GO TO C9(1)) 5. NO, REGISTERED IN OTHER COUNTY --> SKIP TO C3a 8. DK --> IF C1 IS YES GO TO C4, ELSE GO TO C9(1) 9. RF --> IF C1 IS YES GO TO C4, ELSE GO TO C9(1) 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview; 5, 6, 8, 9 or NA in C2 ============================== M001244 C3a1. State of registration MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric C3a1. IF R NOT REGISTERED IN COUNTY/ IN WASHINGTON D.C.: In what county and state are you registered? STATE OF REGISTRATION --------------------------------------------------------------------- ICPSR state code 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 1, 8, 9, 0 in C3 ============================== M001244a C3a2. County of registration (blank) Character C3a2. IF R NOT REGISTERED IN COUNTY/ IN WASHINGTON D.C.: In what county and state are you registered? COUNTY OF REGISTRATION (BLANKED) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This variable has been blanked to preserve the confidentiality of the respondent. ============================== M001245 C4. Did R vote on election day or before MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C4. IF R VOTED: Did you vote on election day -- that is, November 7th 2000, or did you vote at some time before this? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ELECTION DAY --> SKIP TO C5 5. SOME TIME BEFORE THIS --> C4a 8. DK --> SKIP TO C5 9. RF --> SKIP TO C5 0. NA; INAP, 1-3, 8, 9, 0 in C1 ============================== M001246 C4a. How long before election did R vote MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric C4a. IF R VOTED PRIOR TO ELECTION DAY: How long before November 7th did you vote? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE: A FEW DAYS, A WEEK, LONGER THAN THAT?] 01. Less than one week, 1-6 days 02. One week; 7 days 03. 1-2 weeks; 8-14 days 04. 2-3 weeks; 15-21 days 05. 3-4 weeks; 22-28 days 06. One month; 29-31 days 07. More than one month; 32-60 days 11. A few days; a couple of days; several days -- NFS 12. A few weeks; a couple of weeks; several weeks -- NFS 91. More than a few days -- NFS 92. More than a few weeks --NFS 97. Other 98. DK; not sure 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 1, 8, 9, 0 in C4 ============================== M001247 C4b. Did R vote in person or absentee MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C4b. IF R VOTED PRIOR TO ELECTION DAY: Did you vote in person or by absentee ballot? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. IN PERSON --> SKIP TO C5 5. ABSENTEE BALLOT --> SKIP TO C5 7. R VOLUNTEERS: BY MAIL [OREGON ONLY] --> SKIP TO C5 8. DK --> SKIP TO C5 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1, 8, 9, 0 in C4 ============================== M001248 C5. Did R vote for President? MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C5. IF R VOTED: How about the election for President? Did you vote for a candidate for President? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. YES, VOTED FOR PRESIDENT 5. NO, DIDN'T VOTE FOR PRESIDENT --> SKIP TO C9 8. DK --> SKIP TO C9 9. RF --> SKIP TO C9 0. NA; INAP, 1-3, 8, 9, 0 in C1 ============================== M001249 C6. R vote cast for President MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C6. IF R VOTED FOR PRESIDENT: Who did you vote for? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. AL GORE --> SKIP TO C6a 3. GEORGE W. BUSH --> SKIP TO C6a 5. PAT BUCHANAN --> SKIP TO C6a 6. RALPH NADER --> SKIP TO C6a 2. HOWARD PHILLIPS - CONSTITUTION PARTY CANDIDATE --> SKIP TO C6a 4. HARRY BROWN - LIBERTARIAN CANDIDATE --> SKIP TO C6a 7. R REPORTS VOTING FOR SELF --> SKIP TO C6a 8. DK --> SKIP TO C9 9. RF --> SKIP TO C9 0. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9, 0 in C5 ============================== M001250 C6a. How strong R support Pres cand MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C6a. IF PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CAST IS NOT DK/REF: Would you say that your preference for (IF NAME GIVEN: ) / (IF OTHER SPECIFY: this candidate) was strong or not strong? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. STRONG 5. NOT STRONG 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 8, 9, 0 in C6 ============================== M001251 C7. Timing of Pres vote decision MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric C7. IF PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CAST IS NOT DK/REF: How long before the election did you decide that you were going to vote the way you did? --------------------------------------------------------------------- [PROBE IF NECESSARY "WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN A FEW DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION, A WEEK, OR LONGER THAN THAT?] 01. Knew all along/from the first; always vote for the same party; before the convention/nomination (no mention of Gore/Bush/ Buchanan/Nader); before the primaries; 9 months or more 02. Before the convention because of Gore's/ Bush's/ Buchanan's/ Nader's candidacy; as soon as Gore/Bush/Buchanan/Nader said he would run; "months before"; "early on"; "long time/quite a bit before the election" 03. At the time of the Republican convention/ when Bush was nominated; just after the Republican convention; 3 months; July; "a few months";"2-3 months" 04. During the Democratic convention when Gore was nominated; just after the Democratic convention; 4 months; August 05. After the convention(s); during the campaign (NFS); 2 months; "a couple of months"; September 06. Five to seven weeks before the election 07. One month; three weeks; October; after the Presidential debates 08. About two weeks before the election; "ten days" 09. In the last few days of the campaign; the last part of it 10. On election day 11. During/after the primaries (not codeable in 02); "several months"; 5-8 months 12. After the vice-presidential debate 97. Other 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 8, 9, 0 in C6 ============================== M001252a C8(1). If R cld have cast more than one vote -1st MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric C8(1). IF PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CAST IS NOT DK/REF: If you could have cast more than one vote in the Presidential election this (past) November, is there any other candidate you would have found acceptable and have voted for? MENTION 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. AL GORE 3. GEORGE W BUSH 5. PAT BUCHANAN 6. RALPH NADER 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. NO OTHER CANDIDATE (VOL) 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 8, 9, 0 in C6 ============================== M001252b C8(2). If R cld have cast more than one vote -2nd MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric C8(2). IF PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CAST IS NOT DK/REF: If you could have cast more than one vote in the Presidential election this (past) November, is there any other candidate you would have found acceptable and have voted for? MENTION 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. AL GORE 3. GEORGE W BUSH 5. PAT BUCHANAN 6. RALPH NADER 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. NO OTHER CANDIDATE (VOL) 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 8, 9, 0 in C6; no further mention ============================== M001252c C8(3). If R cld have cast more than one vote -3rd MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric C8(3). IF PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CAST IS NOT DK/REF: If you could have cast more than one vote in the Presidential election this (past) November, is there any other candidate you would have found acceptable and have voted for? MENTION 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. AL GORE 3. GEORGE W BUSH 5. PAT BUCHANAN 6. RALPH NADER 7. OTHER (SPECIFY) 8. NO OTHER CANDIDATE (VOL) 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 8, 9, 0 in C6; no further mention ============================== M001253a C9(1). Hse ckpt: vote in/out county MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric C9(1). CHECKPOINT: VOTE IN COUNTY OF INTERIVEW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. R VOTED WITHIN COUNTY OF INTERVIEW 2. R VOTED OUTSIDE COUNTY OF INTERVIEW 3. R DID NOT VOTE (AND DK IF VOTED) 4. WASHINGTON DC 9. R VOTED - NA WHERE VOTED (TREAT AS WITHIN COUNTY) 0. INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001253b C9(2). Hse ckpt: order of Dem/Rep names MD: EQ 0 Numeric C9(2). IF R VOTED: CHECKPOINT: RANDOM ORDER OF DEMOCRATIC/REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE NAMES --------------------------------------------------------------------- This describes, for House vote and nonvoter House preference, the order in which names appeared on the FTF ballot card or the order in which names were read in Telephone administration. NOTE: in VT01 and VA05, the independent incumbent candidate was randomized, in the FTF ballot card and in the order of names in the Telephone wording, as if the candidate were a major party candidate: VT01 candidate Bernie Sanders was randomized as if a Democratic name, and in VA05 Virgil Goode Jr. was randomized as if a Republican name (no Democratic name was preloaded for VT01 and no Republican name was preloaded for VA05). All other ind/3rd-party candidate names appearing on the FTF ballot card or included in Telephone wording appear last in order. NOTE: ind/3rd-party candidate names are included in response codes/question wording whenever they have been preloaded; ind/3rd-party names are preloaded only for candidates who have been identified as especially viable. See note concerning randomization failure in P000262. 1. Democratic names first (FTF: BLUE BALLOT CARD) 2. Republican names first (FTF: GOLD BALLOT CARD) 0. INAP, 1-3, 8, 9, 0 in C1; Washington D.C. ============================== M001254 C9a/C11a.T. In-county: vote for House? MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C9a/C11a.T. IF R VOTED: IF VOTED IN COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: FTF: Here is a list of candidates for the major races in this district. How about the election for the House of Representatives in Washington. Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? TELEPHONE: How about the election for the House of Representatives in Washington. Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? --------------------------------------------------------------------- FTF: [SHOW BALLOT CARD] 1. YES, VOTED FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 5. NO, DIDN'T VOTE FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 2, 3, 4, 9, 0 in C9(1) ============================== M001255 C9b(1)/C11bx1.T. In-county House vote MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C9b(1)/C11bx1.T. IF R VOTED: IF VOTED IN COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R VOTED FOR CONGRESS: FTF: Who did you vote for? TELEPHONE: Did you vote for (the Democrat, , or) (the Republican, ) (IF IND/3RD PARTY CANDIDATE: or the candidate, ?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See C9(2) for the order in which names were presented on the ballot card/ read over the phone. The names of independent/3rd party candidates were present on the ballot card or read to the respondent only if that candidate's name was on the candidate list (preloaded into the instrument). Code 7 includes cases where R volunteered that he/she voted "a straight ticket" but no candidate for R's party ran; it also includes cases where R insists that he/she voted for a specific party's candidate but no candidate from that party ran in R's district. CODE 6 NOTE: In 8 cases where R resided in county of interview, R did not select one of the names from the district of the interview location but provided a name which was later identified as belonging to another congressional district. These cases have been coded 6 in P001255 but the candidate code and party identification according to the other district are coded in P001256 and P001257. In Pre-Sample.7 (P000085) and Pre-Sample.8 (P000086) these cases are coded as a vote outside CD of interview. TELEPHONE: The order in which the names of the major party candidates was read was randomized [see C9(2)]. If an independent/3rd party candidate was on the candidate list, his/her name was read last. 1. 3. , or) (the Republican, ) (IF IND/3RD PARTY CANDIDATE: or the candidate, ?) IN-COUNTY: HOUSE VOTE - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The names of independent/3rd party candidates were present on the ballot card or read to the respondent only if that candidate's name was on the candidate list (preloaded into the instrument). TELEPHONE: The order in which the names of the major party candidates was read was randomized [see C9(2)]. If an independent/3rd party candidate was on the candidate list, his/her name was read last. 30. Third party or independent House candidate --nonincumbent ** 31. Democratic candidate in open House race 32. Republican candidate in open House race 33. Democratic House incumbent 34. Republican House incumbent 35. Democratic House challenger 36. Republican House challenger 38. Third party or independent House candidate--2nd nonincumbent ** 39. Third party or independent House candidate--incumbent 97. Name not on candidate list for this race 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9, 0 in C9a/C11a.T ============================== M001257 C9b(3)/C11bx.T. In-House vote - party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C9b(3)/C11bx.T. IF R VOTED: IF VOTED IN COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R VOTED FOR CONGRESS: FTF: Who did you vote for? TELEPHONE: Did you vote for (the Democrat, , or) (the Republican, ) (IF IND/3RD PARTY CANDIDATE: or the candidate, ?) IN-COUNTY: HOUSE VOTE - PARTY SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- The names of independent/3rd party candidates were present on the ballot card or read to the respondent only if that candidate's name was on the candidate list (preloaded into the instrument). TELEPHONE: The order in which the names of the major party candidates was read was randomized [see C9(2)]. If an independent/3rd party candidate was on the candidate list, his/her name was read last. 1. Democratic 2. Republican 3. Other (3rd party or independent candidate) 7. Name not on candidate list for this race 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5, 8, 9, 0 in C9a/C11a.T ============================== M001258 C10a/C12a.T. Out-county: vote for House? MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C10a/C12a.T. IF R VOTED: IF VOTED OUTSIDE COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: How about the election for the House of Representatives in Washington. Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives? --------------------------------------------------------------------- FTF: [DO NOT SHOW BALLOT CARD] 1. YES, VOTED FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 5. NO, DIDN'T VOTE FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 7. R VOLUNTEERS: NO RACE IN STATE 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 1, 3, 4, 9, 0 in C9(1) ============================== M001259 C10b1/C12b1.T. Out- House vote - cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric C10b1/C12b1.T. IF R VOTED: IF VOTED OUTSIDE COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R VOTED FOR CONGRESS: Who did you vote for? Which party was that? OUT-OF-COUNTY: HOUSE VOTE - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- If R gave the name of a candidate from within his district of residence, it has been coded accordingly (codes 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,39). VOTED OUTSIDE DISTRICT OF IW: DISTRICT WITH NO RUNNING INCUMBENT: (VOTE VAR ONLY) 81. Democratic candidate 82. Republican candidate DISTRICT WITH RUNNING INCUMBENT: 83. Democratic incumbent 84. Republican incumbent 85. Democratic challenger 86. Republican challenger ALL DISTRICTS: 80. Third party or independent candidate ** 91. Democrat--no name given 92. Republican--no name given 97. Name not on candidate list (name unidentified with party or candidate or CD not identified) 98. DK --> C14a 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 5, 7, 8, 9, 0 in C10a/C12a.T ============================== M001260 C10b2/C12b2.T. Out- House vote - party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C10b2/C12b2.T. IF R VOTED: IF REGISTERED OUTSIDE COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R VOTED FOR CONGRESS: Who did you vote for? Which party was that? OUT-OF-COUNTY: HOUSE VOTE - PARTY SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DEMOCRAT 2. REPUBLICAN 3. OTHER (third party or independent candidate) 7. Name not on candidate list for this race 8. DK --> C14a 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5, 7, 8, 9, 0 in C10a/C12a.T ============================== M001261 C10c/C12c.T. Out- party ment of Hse vote MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C10c/C12c.T. IF R VOTED: IF REGISTERED OUTSIDE COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R VOTED FOR CONGRESS: Which party was that? PARTY ASSOCIATED BY RESPONDENT WITH HOUSE VOTE (OUT OF COUNTY) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. DEMOCRAT 5. REPUBLICAN 7. OTHER: SPECIFY 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 5, 7, 8, 9, 0 in C10a/C12a.T ============================== M001262 C10x1/C12x1.T. Summ- Hose vote cand code MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 98 Numeric C10x1/C12x1.T. IF R VOTED: IF VOTED IN/OUTSIDE COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R VOTED FOR CONGRESS: IN-COUNTY FTF: Who did you vote for? OUT-OF-COUNTY FTF AND TELEPHONE: Who did you vote for? Which party was that? IN-COUNTY TELEPHONE: Did you vote for (the Democrat, , or) (the Republican, ) (IF IND/3RD PARTY CANDIDATE: or the candidate, ?) SUMMARY: HOUSE VOTE - CANDIDATE CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from C9b(2)/C11bx2.T and C10b1/C12b1.T. ** IN-COUNTY: The names of independent/3rd party candidates were present on the ballot card or read to the respondent only if that candidate's name was on the candidate list (preloaded into the instrument). IN-COUNTY TELEPHONE: The order in which the names of the major party candidates was read was randomized [see C9(2)]. If an independent/3rd party candidate was on the candidate list, his/her name was read last. 30. Third party or independent House candidate --nonincumbent ** 31. Democratic candidate in open House race 32. Republican candidate in open House race 33. Democratic House incumbent 34. Republican House incumbent 35. Democratic House challenger 36. Republican House challenger 38. Third party or independent House candidate--2nd nonincumbent ** 39. Third party or independent House candidate--incumbent 97. Name not on candidate list for this race VOTED OUTSIDE DISTRICT OF IW (CODES 81-92): DISTRICT WITH NO RUNNING INCUMBENT: 81. Democratic candidate 82. Republican candidate DISTRICT WITH RUNNING INCUMBENT: 83. Democratic incumbent 84. Republican incumbent 85. Democratic challenger 86. Republican challenger ALL OUT OUT-OF-COUNTY DISTRICTS: 80. Third party or independent candidate ** 91. Democrat--no name given 92. Republican--no name given 97. Name not on candidate list 98. DK 99. RF 00. NA; INAP, 3,4,0 in C9(1); 5,8,9,NA in C9a/C11a.T or 5,7,8,9, NA in C10a/C12a.T ============================== M001263 C10x2/C12x2.T. Summary- House vote party MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C10x2/C12x2.T. IF R VOTED: IF VOTED IN/OUTSIDE COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: IF NOT WASHINGTON D.C.: IF R VOTED FOR CONGRESS: IN-COUNTY FTF: Who did you vote for? OUT-OF-COUNTY FTF AND TELEPHONE: Who did you vote for? Which party was that? IN-COUNTY TELEPHONE: Did you vote for (the Democrat, , or) (the Republican, ) (IF IND/3RD PARTY CANDIDATE: or the candidate, ?) SUMMARY: HOUSE VOTE - PARTY SUMMARY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Built from C10x1/C12x1.T 1. Democratic 2. Republican 3. Other (independent and 3rd party) 7. Name not on candidate list for this race 8. DK 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001264 C13(1). Sen ckpt: vote in/out county MD: EQ 0 Numeric C13(1). IF R VOTED: SENATE CHECKPOINT: RACE IN STATE OF INTERVIEW --------------------------------------------------------------------- For identification of states without races, see the Senate type race variable (P000204). 1. Race in state of interview 2. No race in state of inerview ============================== M001265 C13(2). Sen ckpt: order of Dem/Rep names MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 9 Numeric C13(2). SENATE CHECKPOINT: R VOTED IN/OUTSIDE COUNTY OF INTERVIEW --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. R VOTED WITHIN COUNTY OF INTERVIEW 2. R VOTED OUTSIDE COUNTY OF INTERVIEW 3. R DID NOT VOTE/DK IF VOTED 4. WASHINGTON DC 9. R VOTED - NA WHERE VOTED (TREATED AS WITHIN COUNTY) 0. INAP, no Post interview ============================== M001266 C13a/C15a.T. In-county: vote for Senate? MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C13a/C15a.T. IF R VOTED: IF SENATE ELECTION IN STATE: IF R VOTED IN COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: How about the election for the United States Senate? Did you vote for a candidate for the U.S. Senate? --------------------------------------------------------------------- FTF: [SHOW BALLOT CARD] 1. YES, VOTED FOR SENATE 5. NO, DIDN'T VOTE FOR SENATE 8. DK --> D1 9. RF 0. NA; INAP, 2 in C13(1) and/or 2, 3, 4, 0 in C13(2) ============================== M001267 C13b1/C15bx1.T. In county - Senate vote MD1: EQ 0, MD2: GE 8 Numeric C13b1/C15bx1.T. IF R VOTED: IF SENATE ELECTION IN STATE: IF R VOTED IN COUNTY OF RESIDENCE: IF VOTED FOR SENATE: FTF: Who did you vote for? TELEPHONE: Did you vote for (the Democrat, , or) (the Republican, ) (IF IND/3RD PARTY CANDIDATE NO.1: [or] the candidate,?) (IF IND/3RD PARTY CANDIDATE NO.2: or the candidate,?) --------------------------------------------------------------------- See C9(2) for the order in which names were presented on the ballot card/ read over the phone. The names of independent/3rd party candidates were present on the ballot card or read to the respondent only if that candidate's name was on the candidate list (preloaded into the instrument). Code 7 includes cases where R volunteered that he/she voted "a straight ticket" but no candidate for R's party ran; it also includes cases where R insists that he/she voted for a specific party's candidate but no candidate from that party ran in R's district. MISSOURI NOTE: In 4 cases in Missouri (IDs 581,1071,1072,1507) Rs voted for Mel Carnihan (deceased). Because this name was not included in the preload, these responses were coded 7. TELEPHONE: T