Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

1976 Time Series Study

Pre-election Wave

View the 1976 Pre-election Respondent Booklet 
View the 1976 Pre-election Questionnaire 


Administration of the 1976 Pre-election Respondent Booklet:

Question Card/Page Variables Description
A12a-A12e Page 1 V763046-V763050 R’s participation in any of 5 activities addressing nat’l problem
A16a-A16f Page 2 V763065-V763070 R’s participation in any of 6 activities addressing local problem
B10a-B10h; B10a(a)-B10a(h) Page 3 V763146-V763161 Of 7 listed effects of recession, which have happened to R’s family/to R
E7, E8 Page 4 V763215, V763216 5-point scale (All/None) on area blacks being pro-desegregation, area whites being pro-segregation
F3a-F3g; F4a-F4g Page 5 V763227-V763240 7-point scale (Agree/Disagree) on candidate evaluation statements (7 per candidate)
F5a-F5g Page 6 V763241-V763247 7-point scale (Gov’t see to job and good SOL/each person get ahead on own) on job and good standard of living – placement for self, 2 individuals, 2 parties, liberals, conservatives
F6a-F6j Page 7 V763248-V763256 7-point scale (protect rights of accused/stop crime regardless) on rights of accused – placement for self, 2 individuals, 2 parties, 2 groups, liberals, conservatives
F7a-F7g Page 8 V763257-V763263 7-point scale (Bus/Keep Children in Neighborhood Schools) on integration – placement for self, 2 individuals, 2 parties, 2 groups
F8a-F8j Page 9 V763264-V763272 7-point scale (Gov’t should help minority groups/minority groups should help themselves) on Gov’t help for minorities – placement for self, 2 individuals, 2 parties, 4 groups
F9a-F9j Page 10 V763273-V763281 7-point scale (gov’t insurance plan/private insurance plan) on health insurance – placement for self, 2 individuals, 2 parties, 4 groups
F12a-F12h, F12j, F12k, F12m Page 11 V763286-V763296 7-point scale (Liberal/Conservative) – placement for self, 8 individuals, 2 parties
G1a-G1h, G1j, G1k, G1m, G1n, G1p-G1s Page 12 V763297-V763312 Feeling Thermometer for 16 individuals
G2, G2a(1), G2a(2) Page 13 V763313-V763315 Of 16 listed Pres/VP candidates, which have higher moral standards? (2 mentions)
G3a-G3h, G3j, G3k, G3m, G3n, G3p-G3s; G4a-G4h, G4j, G4k, G4m, G4n, G4p-G4s Page 14 V763316-V763347 Of 16 listed groups, which better off with Carter/Ford
H7a, H7b, H7c Page 15 V763354-V763356 7-point scale (A great deal/None) on evaluation of politics/politicians/courts
H10 Page 16 V763360 10-point scale (Left/Right) on political leaning – placement for self
S49, S49a; S50 Page 17 V763507, V763508 Estimated income for 1975 (20 categories) (total for family, R; total for just R)