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75 Years of the ANES

Reflections on 75 years of the ANES

Lynn Vavreck, UCLA
We reached out to a handful of researchers who have contributed to the studies over the years or who have used ANES data in their research or classrooms. Read what they had to say on this page of reflections and comments about the ANES.

ANES at APSA 2024

120th American Political Science Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition
September 5-8, 2024
Phildalphia, PA

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the ANES: New Directions
Thursday, September 5, 2024, noon to 1:30 pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center (PCC), Room 203A

  • Inaccurate Beliefs Undermine Support for Solutions after Disaster, Talbot M Andrews, University of Connecticut
  • Do They Even Care? Empirical Evidence for Importance of Listening in Democracy, Andrew I Thompson, George Washington University
  • Identity and Political Behavior across the Urban-Rural Spectrum, Kristin Kay Lunz Trujillo, University of South Carolina and Jennifer Lin, Northwestern University
  • Research on Race and Ethnic Politics and the ANES, Amanda Sahar d’Urso, Georgetown University
    Nicholas A. Valentino, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Chair)
    Yanna Krupnikov, University of Michigan
    Nicholas Carlo Dias, University of Pennsylvania

The American National Election Studies (ANES) has been pivotal to the development of research on public, elections and voting behavior. To celebrate 75 years of the ANES, this panel brings together scholarship that is using ANES data in innovative ways. Jointly, the work in the panel represents new directions in the ANES, while underscoring the importance of survey for research on American politics.


The American National Election Studies at 75: Their Past, Present, and Future
Friday, September 6, 2024, 8:00 am to 9:30 am
Pennsylvania Convention Center (PCC), 112B

  • Geoffrey C. Layman, University of Notre Dame (chair)
  • John H. Aldrich, Duke University
  • Diana C. Mutz, University of Pennsylvania
  • Virginia Sapiro, Boston University and University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Merrill Shanks, University of California-Berkeley
  • Nicholas A. Valentino, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

75th Anniversary Celebration of the American National Election Study
Fri, September 6, 7:30 to 9:00pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center (PCC), 109B

Sponsored by:

  • Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior
  • Political Psychology
  • The University of Michigan’s Center for Political Studies

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the ANES: New Directions
Thursday, September 5, 2024, noon to 1:30 pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center (PCC), Room 203A

  • Inaccurate Beliefs Undermine Support for Solutions after Disaster, Talbot M Andrews, University of Connecticut
  • Do They Even Care? Empirical Evidence for Importance of Listening in Democracy, Andrew I Thompson, George Washington University
  • Identity and Political Behavior across the Urban-Rural Spectrum, Kristin Kay Lunz Trujillo, University of South Carolina and Jennifer Lin, Northwestern University
  • Research on Race and Ethnic Politics and the ANES, Amanda Sahar d’Urso, Georgetown University
    Nicholas A. Valentino, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Chair)
    Yanna Krupnikov, University of Michigan
    Nicholas Carlo Dias, University of Pennsylvania

The American National Election Studies (ANES) has been pivotal to the development of research on public, elections and voting behavior. To celebrate 75 years of the ANES, this panel brings together scholarship that is using ANES data in innovative ways. Jointly, the work in the panel represents new directions in the ANES, while underscoring the importance of survey for research on American politics.


The American National Election Studies at 75: Their Past, Present, and Future
Friday, September 6, 2024, 8:00 am to 9:30 am
Pennsylvania Convention Center (PCC), 112B

  • Geoffrey C. Layman, University of Notre Dame (chair)
  • John H. Aldrich, Duke University
  • Diana C. Mutz, University of Pennsylvania
  • Virginia Sapiro, Boston University and University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Merrill Shanks, University of California-Berkeley
  • Nicholas A. Valentino, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

75th Anniversary Celebration of the American National Election Study
Fri, September 6, 7:30 to 9:00pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center (PCC), 109B

Sponsored by:

  • Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior
  • Political Psychology
  • The University of Michigan’s Center for Political Studies

ANES at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association


81st Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference
April 4-7, 2024
Hybrid Format: In-Person at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago, IL or Online

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Seventy-five Years of the ANES: Challenges, Innovations and What Comes Next

Tasha Philpot, University of Texas, Austin (Chair)
Nicholas Valentino, University of Michigan
Ted Brader, University of Michigan
Daron Shaw, University of Texas, Austin
Leonie Huddy, State University of New York at Stony Brook

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Celebrating 75 Years of the ANES: New Directions from Junior Scholars

Saif Tarek Abdelrasol (Virginia Tech)
Max Allamong (Duke University)
Marco M. Aviña (Harvard University)
Kalin Bennett (Notre Dame University)
Anne Chang (University of Michigan)
Hyun Euh (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Matthew Kim (University of Wisconsin)
Sara Kirshbaum (Vanderbilt University)
Asfa Shakeel (London School of Economics)
Wei Zhong (New York University)

Videos about ANES

NSF and the American National Election Studies, D. Sunshine Hillygus, Duke University, November 2022.

The American National Election Studies: Measuring Public Opinion Since 1948 Nick Valentino, University of Michigan, August 2022.

ISR Insights Speaker Series – The ANES: History and Insights from Recent Surveys, Vincent L. Hutchings, University of Michigan, August 2020.

The American National Election Study and Archived Data at ICPSR, Introduction by Michael W. Traugott and Presentation by Vincent L. Hutchings, University of Michigan, July 2020.

Articles about ANES History

Aldrich, John. (2017) “The American National Elections Study as ‘Gold Standard’ for Survey Research in the Twenty-First Century,” ANES Board Report.

Weisberg, H. F. (2016). Reflections: The Michigan Four and Their Study of American Voters: A Biography of a Collaboration. PS: Political Science & Politics, 49(4), 845–858.

Burns, Nancy (2006). The Michigan, then National, then American National Election Studies .

Sapiro, Virginia. (1999) Fifty Years of the National Election Studies: A Case Study in the History of “Big Social Science.” Paper prepared for the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta.

Miller, Warren E. (1994) An organizational history of the intellectual origins of the American National Election Studies, European Journal of Political Research, 25: 247-265.


Visual History of the ANES

For more about the origin of ANES, read A Visual History of the American National Election Studies, by Michigan’s Center for Political Studies.