2004 Time Series Study
Updates & Errata
Defense spending 7-point scales (variables V043142, V043146, V043147, V043144, V043145) were correctly administered to respondents although the labels for the endpoint categories in the codebook documentation represent an error in the instrument. Endpoint labels in the codebook represent what appeared onscreen to interviewers during administration of the survey. However, although incorrect, they do not represent the endpoint labels which were correct in the Respondent Booklet used by respondents to make a number selection from the scale. The 2004 data for these variables should be considered representing questions administered comparably to other years.
Documentation for the 2004 Stratum-SECU variable (V040103) incorrectly describes the 1st digit as stratum and the last 2 digits as SECU. Instead, the documentation should state that the 1st TWO (2) digits correspond to Stratum and last (1) digit to SECU.
December 13, 2009
Case ID 0357 should be dropped from the 2004prepost study. The interview was conducted with input from both the selected respondent and someone other than the selected respondent, without any way to identify the source of individual responses.
The total n for the ANES 2004 Time Series study is now 1,211 cases.
October 13, 2006
Variable label statement files and codebook documentation:
V042408a: should read ‘D2a’
V042408a: should read ‘D2a’
V042408b: should read ‘D2b’
V042408c: should read ‘D2c’
V042408d: should read ‘D2d’
V042415a: should read ‘K2a’
V042415b: should read ‘K2b’
V042415c should read ‘K2c’
V042415d: should read ‘K2d’
V042415e: should read ‘K2e’
V042415f: should read ‘K2f’
V042415g: should read ‘K2g’
V044417b variable label should be: ‘PostRand.17b. Order of P6c Hispanics trustworthy scale’
V044417c variable label should be: ‘PostRand.17c. Order of P6d Asian-Americans trustworthy scale’V044403f: Codebook description should read ‘D1p’
October 13, 2006
V045254 cases coded 3 should be coded 5; 4 cases coded 5 should be coded 7.
The applicable recode in SPSS is:
if V045250a = 5 V045254 = 7.
if V045250a = 3 V045254 = 5.V045254 code value labels are:
1. Democratic
5. Republican
7. Other {SPECIFY}
8. Don’t know
9. Refused
INAP. no closeness to any party (5,8,9 in Q13b); no post IW
August 16, 2005
Besides correcting all errata from the previous (April) release, the following updates have been made:
1. interviewer characteristics data for the Pre (V042103-V042109) and for the Post (V044103-V044109) are provided
2. for comparability with previous studies, variables based on 1990 Census occupation coding are added for stacked occupation (V043262m,V043262n, V043262p), for past occupation (V043268d,V043268e,V043268f), and for current occupation (V043278d, V043278e,V043278f)
3. indication found within the ‘problem’ thumbnail (interviewer end-of-interview note regarding any problems in interview administration) is flagged for terminology left-right (V045300a) and terminology liberal-conservative (V045300b) unfamiliarity.
Already Applied
Previous Dataset Release: April 19, 2005 Version
August 5, 2005Statements in quotes to which the respondent was asked to agree or disagree in the 2004 ANES questionnaires did not export to the release codebook. These texts will be included in the next release and are as follows:
'There are some things about America today that make me feel ashamed
of America'
'There are some things about America today that make me feel ashamed
of America'
'There are some things about America today that make me feel angry
about America'
'There are some things about America today that make me feel angry
about America'
'When women demand equality these days, they are actually seeking
special favors'.
'Women often miss out on good jobs because of discrimination'.
'Women who complain about harassment cause more problems than they solve'.
'The world is always changing and we should adjust our view of moral
behavior to those changes.'
'The newer lifestyles are contributing to the breakdown of our society.'
'We should be more tolerant of people who choose to live according to their
own moral standards, even if they are very different from our own.'
'This country would have many fewer problems if there were more emphasis on
traditional family ties.'
'Irish, Italians, Jewish and many other minorities overcame prejudice and
worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without any special favors.'
'Generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make
it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class.'
'Over the past few years, blacks have gotten less than they deserve.'
'It's really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would
only try harder they could be just as well off as whites.'
'Public officials don't care much what people like me think.'
'People like me don't have any say about what the government does.'
'A working mother can establish just as warm and secure a relationship with
her children as a mother who does not work.'
'It is much better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside
the home and the woman takes care of the home and family.'
'Our society should do whatever is necessary to make sure that everyone has
an equal opportunity to succeed.'
'We have gone too far in pushing equal rights in this country.'
'One of the big problems in this country is that we don't give everyone an
equal chance.'
'This country would be better off if we worried less about how equal
people are.'
'It is not really that big a problem if some people have more of a chance
in life than others.'
'If people were treated more equally in this country we would have many fewer
'Democracy may have problems but it's better than any other form of
June 29, 2005
Users have requested that we add a collapsed version of the occupational prestige variable (V043262d) to the public dataset. Since a collapsed version of the variable is not a concern in terms of respondent confidentiality, we plan to add such a variable to the next version of the public release file.
In the meantime, we are providing a file containing the new variable (V043262q), along with variable V040001 for purposes of merging with the main file. The file is a ZIP file; within the ZIP file is an Excel file containing the data. The ZIP file can be downloaded by clicking on the following link:
The codes have been collapsed into six groups of approximately equal size, as shown in this frequency:
Code 1 N=183 Code 2 N=179 Code 3 N=186 Code 4 N=190 Code 5 N=182 Code 6 N=177
The codebook entry for the variable will be:
======================================================================== V043262q Y6x14. STACKED: Collapsed past/current occup prestige score ======================================================================== IF RETIRED OR ELSE UNEMPL/NONWORKING DISABLED WHO HAS EVER WORKED FOR PAY / IF R IS NOT RETIRED AND IS WORKING NOW/TLO : QUESTION: --------- What kind of work did you do on your last regular job? (What was your occupation)? What were your most important activities or duties? / What is your main occupation? What kind of work do you do? What are your most important activities or duties? VALID CODES: ------------ 1. Lowest prestige scores . . 6. Highest prestige scores MISSING CODES: -------------- 8 Military 9 DK; NA; Don't know; Not ascertained INAP. 9 in Y6c; 4 or 6 in Y6c and 5,8,9 in Y9; 7,8 in Y6c and 5,8,9 in Y7a NOTES: ------ Collapsed from Y6x4; coding approximates as closely as possible equal size groupings of respondents by ranked scores, i.e., code 1 corresponds (approximately) to the bottom 16.67% of scored cases and code 6 corresponds (approximately) to the top 16.67% of scored cases. TYPE: ----- Numeric Dec 0
June 8, 2005
For respondents who gave more than a single mention of racial self-identification, order of mention is not indicated in summary V043299. Specific mentions for such cases should have been included in the release data file corresponding to values listed here as V043299a (mention 1) and V043299b (mention 2). [Note: no respondent gave more than 2 mentions].
Future releases of the ANES 2004 will include variables V043299a and V043299b.
V040001 V043299 V043299a V043299b
43 35 30 50
96 35 70 .
97 45 50 40
126 15 10 50
184 35 30 50
209 35 70 .
339 25 20 50
446 23 20 30
545 25 20 50
552 45 50 40
697 35 50 30
724 14 10 40
773 14 10 40
850 25 70 .
913 45 70 .
922 25 70 .
1082 35 50 30
1124 15 70 .
1146 35 50 30
1166 45 40 50
June 2, 2005
In V044004 and V044008, case 696 should be coded for date 11/06/2004, and case 995 should be missing data. The date 1106 had been incorrectly assigned to case 995 instead of case 696.
Previous Dataset Release: March 30, 2005 Version
April 19, 2005
A user has brought to our attention that data for the 11 items in the federal spending battery (V043164-V043174) are misaligned in the March 30, 2005 version and earlier.
Data for the first two questions is not usable as a result; data for the next nine questions can be salvaged by renaming the following variables as shown:
RENAME V043164=V043166 V043165=V043167 V043166=V043168 V043167=V043169 V043168=V043170 V043169=V043171 V043170=V043172 V043171=V043173 V043172=V043174
We will be providing a new version of the file today to correct all 11 variables. If you are already making use of a past version of the file, you can correct 9 of the 11 variables using the above code.
Previous Dataset Release: March 28, 2005 Version
March 30, 2005
The post-election weight variable, V040102, incorrectly contained the pre-election weight values (duplicate of V040101) in the data file. The march 30 version .zip file has restored the correct values of V040102.
March 29, 2005
In the STATA statements file containing code label formats (nes04fmt.do) two unnecessary period characters (.) appear. The 03-28-2004 version formats file will run successfully to create the STATA system file, however the periods have been removed in the 03-29-2004 revised .zip file of the 2004 release. (The periods appear in the formats for V043178, prior to label text.)
March 28, 2005
Among other things, the ANES 2004 Full Release provides the addition of the complete set of 2004 non-survey study variables, together with some minor changes to survey variables, including, among other changes: 1) the addition of pre-post summaries (V045145x, V045146x, V045147x, V045148x, V045149x) for the split-wave patriotism module; 2) some correction to marital status summary coding in V043251x and V043292, based on review of full information available in the complete household listing data; and 3) correction to V045027 code labels and coding (timing of decision for vote for President).
Previous Dataset Release: January 31, 2005 Version
February 4, 2005
V044501 provides state abbreviation and district number for post-interview cases. For pre-only cases, state and district of interview location are:
V040001 V044501
------- -------
0004 AR04
0009 CA48
0017 CT03
0019 NY04
0022 NY14
0031 LA04
0032 NJ02
0047 MA04
0049 MD07
0054 IN06
0065 FL12
0067 IN06
0076 TX26
0079 MD04
0081 UT03
0087 VA04
0107 MD02
0128 NY03
0131 TX17
0155 VA03
0161 UT02
0171 IN06
0196 MA02
0212 LA04
0214 WA09
0220 OH18
0222 CA48
0231 GA03
0236 MD04
0244 NY11
0259 TX02
0278 OR04
0281 AL07
0291 NJ02
0314 VA04
0319 CA27
0321 IN06
0342 MA10
0374 VA07
0375 IN06
0378 NH02
0416 CA47
0420 MO02
0421 AR04
0431 CA31
0440 AL07
0448 MI04
0450 FL12
0451 CA40
0454 PA08
0479 MA04
0515 MN01
0519 NH02
0520 OH14
0521 MA07
0525 IA03
0529 MO02
0532 CA04
0540 AR04
0553 IA03
0575 WA09
0593 NY02
0598 IL08
0603 AL03
0615 MI08
0621 PA08
0627 VA03
0629 TX17
0634 CO06
0636 LA04
0660 CA46
0662 UT02
0663 NJ02
0667 UT03
0670 TN02
0678 IL07
0685 TX02
0689 NY14
0693 MN01
0695 UT02
0712 NY09
0713 CA40
0725 CA35
0726 MA08
0745 CA46
0750 FL12
0754 UT02
0758 VA04
0781 AL07
0799 NY09
0804 NY08
0820 MA07
0831 AL03
0850 NY17
0852 IL07
0853 MO03
0854 TX17
0855 UT01
0857 NJ02
0861 MN01
0862 LA04
0865 UT02
0879 LA04
0920 MD07
0942 VA04
0948 IN06
0949 MN01
0952 AL07
0956 WI04
0957 WI05
0961 MA01
0969 CA20
0971 TX30
0978 NJ02
0995 MI04
1011 MA02
1022 VA09
1029 NY04
1043 LA04
1044 CA31
1056 AR04
1060 CA04
1062 CA30
1067 CA04
1070 AL07
1084 MO03
1094 MA02
1101 IA03
1102 VA09
1108 MD07
1110 NY28
1126 OH11
1132 MI12
1134 MN01
1138 NJ01
1139 CA34
1141 MN01
1152 NJ02
1158 CA39
1160 AR04
1161 OR04
1168 VA03
1176 AL06
1182 TX02
1204 CA12
1210 AR04