2012 Time Series Study: Updates & Errata
Current Dataset Release: May 4, 2016 version
It has been discovered that data in the 2012 defense spending 7-point scale placements (variables defsppr_self, defsppr_dpc, defsppr_rpc, defsppr_dem, defsppr_rep) are not comparable to other years, due to incorrect endpoint labels in the the face-to-face Respondent Bookleet and on the Web instrument screen.
A new variable has been made available to indicate whether respondent members of the KnowledgePanel (i.e., respondents who completed the study on the Internet) did or did not receive a laptop computer to enable their participation in the KnowledgePanel. The “laptop” variable is coded 0 if the respondent did not receive a device and is coded 1 if the respondent did receive a device. These data are available in SPSS and .csv format and can be merged with the main dataset using the caseID variable. The file does not include entries for the cases in the face-to-face sample, for whom this variable is not applicable.
Laptop variable for Internet cases: SAV | CSV
We thank GfK for their assistance in making this variable available.
May 4, 2016
The May 4, 2016 version includes a new set of variables to replace medsrc_tvprog_none, medsrc_tvprog_dk, medsrc_tvprog_rf to more accurately describe the responses according to which screen R had just completed. Additionally, the variable sample_ftf_releasedate has been renamed sample_ftf_advletdate.
December 11, 2015
Includes corrections to variables dem2_ch10less and dem2_ch11to17.
August 31, 2015
Web mode Rs selected in the Pre for the ‘standard’ or traditional version of 4 efficacy items should have been administered the ‘revised’ version of the items in the Post survey, and Web Rs selected for the ‘revised’ version in the Pre survey should have been administered the ‘standard’ version in the Post. 2012 Internet respondents were administered the same version of efficacy items in both the Pre and Post.
PRE VARIABLES: effic_complicstd through effic_saystd; effic_complicrev through effic_sayrev
POST VARIABLES: efficpo_complicstd through efficpo_saystd; efficpo_complicrev through efficpo_sayrev.
May 28, 2015
Release includes upcoding of Respondent ‘Other’ race mentions in var dem_racecps_othrace; not upcoded previously due to disclosure restrictions which were originally tighter. Race-ethnicity summary variable dem_raceeth_x also updated (build from race and Hispanic status variables) accordingly.
Already Applied
May 19, 2015
Flag variable for web cases invited to participate in the ANES 2013 Internet Recontact Study. This variable will be added to the next full release of the 2012 Time Series study.
January 25, 2015
Release for variable ofcrec_cj_correct: .5 value label added, -.6 & -.7 missing values changed to -6 and -7
November 24, 2014
Release with candidate specific corrections and corrections to Inaps in vote section.
October 1, 2014
Candidate-specific corrections: Some candidate-specific corrections are forthcoming for the 2012 Time Series Study and will be posted soon.
March 10, 2014
Release with religion master coding, 7-category religion summary, and candidate and randomization variables.
February 17, 2014
Release with coded religion, age, and education variables.
January 17, 2014
Note for text variables in Stata 12 (or earlier) system files.
August 28, 2013
This release includes the addition of non-survey variables.
July 30, 2013
Full release of racial self-identification and 2 other corrections.
June 13, 2013
Correction to web data variables.