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2024 Time Series Study

About the Dataset

  • Type of study: ANES Time Series Study

Fresh Cross-Sectional Sample

  • Sample universe: U.S. eligible voters (cross-section)
  • Sample composition: fresh cross-section cases
  • Number of waves: 2 (pre-eIection, post-election)
  • Modes used: in-person, internet, video, and mail

ANES 2016-2020-2024 Panel Sample

  • Sample universe: ANES 2016 internet and face-to-face post-election respondents who completed the 2020 post-election study
  • Sample composition: ANES 2016-2020 respondents
  • Number of waves: 2 (pre-eIection, post-election)
  • Modes used: internet

ANES-GSS 2024 Joint Study Sample:

  • Sample universe: General Social Survey (GSS) 2024 respondents who completed GSS prior to July 21
  • Sample composition: GSS 2024 respondents
  • Number of waves: 2 (pre-election, post-election)
  • Modes used: internet

Study Content Highlights

The 2024 study will offer new content on the following topics: election integrity, democratic norms, attitudes toward higher education, traits that might disqualify candidates from public office, attitudes about conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, job satisfaction, MENA descent, disability and mental health, student debt, gender identity, attitudes on changes to the Democratic ticket, political socialization of children, issue importance and issue ownership, an adaptive voter validation module, and expanded instrumentation on abortion attitudes.

Study Design Highlights

Data collection for the ANES 2024 Time Series Study pre-election survey runs from August 1 and ends November 4, prior to election day. The post-election study will be fielded in two replicates, with the first replicate scheduled to be released after election day, from November 7 to December 31, 2024, in keeping with the usual ANES practice of following-up with respondents immediately after the election. The second replicate will be fielded from January 15, 2025 to March 17, 2025 to capture respondent attitudes during the post-inaugural period.

The ANES 2024 Time Series Study is a mixed-mode design featuring a fresh cross-sectional sample. For the pre-election data collection, respondents will be recruited with address-based sampling, and data will be collected in parallel from in-person and internet samples, with a push-to-mail component for internet non-responders. For the post-election data collection, respondents who completed the pre-election survey in person will be invited to complete the survey via live video interviews. Web and mail respondents will complete the post-election survey in the same mode as the pre-election survey.

In addition to the fresh cross-sectional sample, the ANES 2024 Study continues to follow its 2016 respondents for a third election, featuring an online data collection before and after the election for a 2016 – 2020 – 2024 panel of ANES respondents. The 2024 study will also collect pre- and post-election data from GSS respondents. Finally, the 2024 ANES Time Series Study will interview the spouses and cohabiting partners of the ANES 2024 fresh cross-sectional respondents using a brief instrument that will be appended to the cross-sectional data. All datasets will be collected alongside the cross-sectional sample as part of the ANES 2024 Time Series Study.