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ANES Announcement: Call for Questionnaire Ideas for the 2023 Pilot and 2024 Time Series Studies​

From: Nicholas A. Valentino (Principal Investigator), University of Michigan; Shanto Iyengar (Principal Investigator), Stanford University; D. Sunshine Hillygus (Associate Principal Investigator), Duke University; and Daron Shaw (Associate Principal Investigator), University of Texas at Austin

The American National Election Studies (ANES) invites ideas for questionnaire content to be included in an upcoming pilot survey. The ANES 2023 Pilot Study survey will collect data on a national sample in the late fall of 2023.

The purpose of the pilot survey is to test the measurement qualities and scientific value of questions for possible inclusion in the ANES 2024 Time Series Survey. The pilot survey is a critical resource for the ANES principal investigators as they make difficult decisions about questionnaire content and design because it allows tests of the effectiveness of new questions and formats well in advance of the next presidential election. We invite you to help shape the study by sending us your ideas for questionnaire innovations.

Request for Community Input

The ANES is already working to identify new questions on an array of topics. Prior to every survey, we seek input from our national advisory board and, through invitations such as this, from the community of interested researchers at large. We see this process as a form of collective brainstorming, ensuring that a wider range of ideas are considered and ultimately yielding a better questionnaire. Hundreds of people have submitted ideas to the ANES over the past twelve years and collectively have had a significant impact on the content of ANES surveys. Anyone interested in using or improving ANES data is encouraged to provide input, regardless of their occupation or academic background.

What Kinds of Input are Most Valuable?

We invite two types of input. First, we welcome general suggestions about the topics or concepts that ought to be measured in the survey, especially if you believe they might otherwise be overlooked. We will consider these broad ideas carefully and could develop instrumentation to measure them. Second, we particularly welcome suggestions of specific survey questions (or revisions of older questions)—complete with full question wording and response options—whether you wrote the items or came across them elsewhere.

For both types of input, please describe briefly the rationale for inclusion of these topics or questions—in particular how their addition to ANES surveys may improve the ability of researchers to explain voting behavior and public opinion in the 2024 presidential election. Inspiration for innovations may come from theoretical advances or debates in the scholarly literature, methodological insights in survey measurement, or new developments in American politics. In addition, when recommending specific questions, please summarize any available evidence about the explanatory power and measurement qualities (e.g., validity, reliability, etc.) of the items. A brief list of variables needed to demonstrate the validity and reliability of the new content would be useful as well. Concise tables and brief textual summaries of testing procedures are welcome. Note that adopting long batteries of questions will almost certainly be infeasible, due to space constraints.

Keep in mind that the goal is to improve the overall content and design of ANES surveys. The ANES is a public good, intended to advance the study of voting behavior and public opinion as a field and thus to be broadly useful to researchers, students, and analysts of American politics. For that reason, we do not seek proposals whose primary purpose is to advance the research agenda of specific individuals or teams by placing measures from their projects “on the ANES.” To the extent we adopt measures from specific projects, it will be because we judge that inclusion of those items benefits the survey and its users broadly.

Justifying new instrumentation by briefly discussing a range of applications and hypothesis tests that it would make possible would strengthen any suggestion. With these caveats in mind, we will also consider experimental interventions for the ANES 2023 Pilot Study. This is most useful where one has reason to expect that how or when a question is asked may substantially affect its quality and value. In such cases, assigning respondents randomly to distinct variants of the question wording, response options, or question order may be useful. Experiments will be included primarily to assess measurement implications and improve quality, not to test substantive hypotheses.

Format and Deadline

Please submit your ideas in a Microsoft Word document, if possible. Suggestions of any level of detail are welcome, but please limit your submission, including supporting evidence (where relevant), to no more than five pages (11- or 12-point font, 1.5 or double spacing, one-inch margins). We will not have time to read longer documents. For full consideration, ideas should be submitted to ANES by 5:00 pm Eastern Time on Friday, September 15, 2023. Earlier submissions are encouraged. To submit your ideas, please email your file to the following address: [email protected]

What to Expect

We will be finalizing the pilot questionnaire in September and October. As always, the ANES will make the final questionnaire public, likely by December 2023. As this is not a competition, we will not be designating winners or losers, nor issuing acceptances or rejections. We regard all input as valuable regardless of the final decisions about what we have space to include on the pilot questionnaire. We regret that we will not have time to provide feedback on, or reactions to, specific suggestions. However, we may follow up in some cases if we have further questions about the ideas or evidence sent to us.

More about the Pilot Study

The pilot survey is currently expected to be in the field in December 2023. A national sample will be drawn from all fifty states and the District of Columbia. Interviews will be self-completed on the web and run at least 20 minutes in duration (on average). The target sample size has not been finalized but will be greater than 1,000 respondents and unlikely to exceed 3,000; you should not assume sufficient cases to analyze data at the level of individual states or congressional districts. Roughly one-third of the questionnaire will consist of standard ANES items (e.g., demographics, political predispositions, voting behavior) that are needed to assess the relevance and value of new items.