2004 Panel Study
About the Dataset
- Type of Study: Panel Study
- Completions: 840 post-election
- Sample: all panel
- Modes used: telephone
- Weights: P040101
- Auxiliary files: contextual file
Study Content Highlights
The 2004 phase of the panel study was given in large part to questions that capture the likely consequences of the election contest of 2000 and the terrorist attack of September 11th, as understood and interpreted by ordinary Americans. This included instrumentation on participation in political and civic life, satisfaction with democratic institutions, support for administration policy, views on Afghanistan, Iraq, and homeland security.
Study Design Highlights
This study completes the empanelment of cases from the ANES 2000 Time Series Study which was carried out over three studies and for which complete data are available in the ANES derivative file, the ANES 2000-2004 Merged File. For the ANES 2004 Panel Study, the sample consisted of the 1,187 ‘panel’ respondents who had previously provided a pre-election interview in both the ANES 2000 Time Series Study and the ANES 2002 Time Series Study. The re-interviews for the ANES 2004 Panel Study were conducted in the fall of 2004 immediately after the presidential election. Reinterviews for this study were post-election only, beginning on November 3, 2004 and ending December 20, 2004, with an average 45 minute length. Randomization was used extensively throughout the questionnaire, for purposes of randomizing order within batteries or question series, application of half-sampling to some questions, and random ordering of question blocks. Data collection was conducted entirely on the telephone by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas (now Abt Associates) using CATI instrumentation and interviewers stationed in New York City.
Weights Summary
P040101 is a panel weight constructed for longitudinal analysis.
Auxiliary File Description
The ANES 2004 Auxiliary File of contextual data was created to provide a core of information for analysts interested in examining, or gathering data related to, the 2004 general elections in a larger framework: candidate biographical data, past elections, expenditures, House and Senate member records and ratings, and district and state descriptions. The 436 records represent all U.S. Congressional districts (and, for population description, the District of Columbia) and thus may be used with both the ANES 2004 Time Series Study and the ANES 2004 Panel File.