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2016 Time Series Study
List of Release Variables
version | ANES 2012 Time Series Release Version |
caseid | ANES 2012 Time Series Case ID |
weight_ftf | ANES 2012 Time Series Post-stratified weight for face-to-face cases |
weight_web | ANES 2012 Time Series Post-stratified weight for web cases |
weight_full | ANES 2012 Time Series Post-stratified weight for full sample |
psu_full | ANES 2012 Time Series sample PSU for full sample |
psu_ftf | ANES 2012 Time Series sample PSU for FTF sample component |
strata_full | ANES 2012 Time Series sample strata for full sample |
strata_ftf | ANES 2012 Time Series sample strata for FTF sample component |
ftf_oversample | ANES 2012 Time Series FTF Oversample Case |
wave_completions | ANES 2012 Time Series number of waves completed |
mode | ANES 2012 Time Series interview mode |
gend_gendobs | PRE: FTF ONLY: INTERVIEWER: Is R male or female (Observation) |
gender_respondent_x | SUMMARY: Gender of Respondent for both FTF and Web modes |
2012 PRE: Campaign Interest | |
interest_attention | PRE: How often does R pay attn to politics and elections |
interest_following | PRE: Interested in following campaigns standard |
interest_wherevote | PRE: Does R know where to go to vote in neighborhood |
interest_voted2008 | PRE: Did R vote for President in 2008 |
interest_whovote2008 | PRE: Recall of last (2008) Presidential vote choice |
interest_whovote2008_oth | PRE: Other Specify- Recall of last (2008) Presidential vote choice |
2012 PRE: Media Exposure | |
prmedia_useinet | PRE: FTF ONLY: HH Internet use |
prmedia_wkinews | PRE: Days in typical week review news on internet |
prmedia_atinews | PRE: Attention to internet news |
prmedia_wktvnws | PRE: Days in typical week watch news on TV |
prmedia_attvnews | PRE: Attention to TV news |
prmedia_wkpaprnws | PRE: Days in typical wk read news in print newspaper |
prmedia_atpprnews | PRE: Attention to printed newspaper news |
prmedia_wkrdnws | PRE: Days in typical week listen news on radio |
prmedia_atrdnews | PRE: Attention to radio news |
2012 PRE: Registration and Vote | |
prevote_regist_addr | PRE: R registered to vote (pre-election)- sample address |
prevote_regist_noaddr | PRE: WEB ONLY: R registered to vote (pre-election)- no sample address |
prevote_reg | PRE: FTF ONLY: Other Registr. location- city and state identifiable |
prevote_reg_recordstate | PRE: FTF ONLY: Oth Registr. location – state recorded in correct field |
prevote_reg_recordcity | PRE: FTF ONLY: Oth Registr. location – city recorded in correct field |
prevote_reg_state | PRE: FTF ONLY: Other Registr. location – state of registr. (FIPS CODE) |
prevote_reg_samestate | PRE: FTF ONLY: Oth Reg. location – state same as hsehold’s state (Y/N) |
prevote_regincnty | PRE: Is R registered to vote in preload county (resid) |
prevote_regyrs3cat | PRE: How long has R been registered at location (collapsed) |
prevote_regyrsfull | PRE: RESTRICTED: How long has R been registered at location (full) |
prevote_regname | PRE: Name under which R registered to vote- was name given |
prevote_regpty_state | PRE: Does recorded state of registration have party registration |
prevote_regpty | PRE: Party of registration (also asked if state not recorded correctly) |
prevote_regpty_oth | PRE: RESTRICTED: Other specify- Party of registration |
prevote_regint | PRE: Does R intend to register to vote |
prevote_primv | PRE: Did R vote in the Presidential primary or caucus |
prevote_primvwho | PRE: For which candidate did R vote in Presidential prim |
prevote_primvwho_oth | PRE: Oth specify- For which candidate did R vote in Presidential prim |
prevote_voted | PRE: Already voted in General Election |
prevote_vconf | PRE: Confirmation voted (early) in November 6 election |
prevote_howvote | PRE: In what manner did R vote |
prevote_ckbcard | PRE: Is Pre Ballot Card correct (IF FTF: IWR CHECKPOINT) |
prevote_ballot_color | PRE: FTF ONLY: Assigned color for Ballot Card (if displayed) |
prevote_presvt | PRE: Did R vote for President |
prevote_presvtwho | PRE: For whom did R vote for President |
prevote_presvtwho_oth | PRE: Other specify- For whom did R vote for President |
prevote_presstr | PRE: Preference strong for Pres cand for whom R voted |
prevote_vtpresdec | PRE: How long before election R made decision Pres vote |
prevote_vtpresdec_dkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: Hw lng bef elct R made decsn Pres vt: DK/RF selected |
prevote_intpres | PRE: Does R intend to vote for President |
prevote_intpreswho | PRE: For whom does R intend to vote for President |
prevote_intpreswho_oth | PRE: Other specify- For whom does R intend to vote for President |
prevote_intpresst | PRE: Pref strng for Pres cand for whom R intends to vote |
prevote_prefpres | PRE: Does R prefer Pres cand (no intent to register) |
prevote_prefprwho | PRE: Preference for Pres cand (no intent to register) |
prevote_prefprwho_oth | PRE: Other specify- Preference for Pres cand (no intent to register) |
prevote_prefprstr | PRE: Preference strong for Pres cand (no intent to reg) |
prevote_votehs | PRE: Did R vote for U.S. House of Representatives |
prevote_hsvtbc | PRE: For whom did R vote for U.S. House (Ballot Card) |
prevote_hsvtnobc | PRE: For whom did R vote for U.S. House (no Ballot Card) |
prevote_inths | PRE: Does R intend to vote for U.S. House |
prevote_inthsbc | PRE: For whom does R intend to vote for U.S. House (Ballot Card) |
prevote_inthsnobc | PRE: For whom does R intend to vote for U.S. House (no Ballot Card) |
prevote_hspref | PRE: Does R prefer U.S. House candidate |
prevote_hsprefbc | PRE: Whom does R prefer for U.S. House (Ballot Card) |
prevote_hsprefnobc | PRE: Whom does R prefer for U.S. House (no Ballot Card) |
prevote_senhhstate | PRE: FTF ONLY: Senate election in state of residence |
prevote_senregstate | PRE: FTF ONLY: Sen election in state of regist (R not regist at resid) |
prevote_votesen | PRE: Did R vote for U.S. Senate |
prevote_vtsenbc | PRE: R’s vote for U.S. Senate (Ballot Card) |
prevote_vtsennobc | PRE: R’s vote for U.S. Senate (no Ballot Card) |
prevote_intsen | PRE: Does R intend to vote for U.S. Senate |
prevote_intsenbc | PRE: For whom does R intend to vote for U.S. Senate (Ballot Card |
prevote_intsennobc | PRE: For whom does R intend to vote for US. Senate (no ballot cd) |
prevote_senpref | PRE: Does R prefer U.S. Senate candidate |
prevote_senprefbc | PRE: Whom does R prefer for U.S. Senate (Ballot Card) |
prevote_senprefnobc | PRE: Whom does R prefer for U.S. Senate (no Ballot Card) |
prevote_govhhstate | PRE: FTF ONLY: Gubernatorial election in state of residence |
prevote_govregstate | PRE: FTF ONLY: Gov election in state of regist (R not regist at resid) |
prevote_votegov | PRE: Did R vote for governor |
prevote_vtgovbc | PRE: R’s vote for governor(Ballot Card) |
prevote_vtgovnobc | PRE: R’s vote for governor (no Ballot Card) |
prevote_intgov | PRE: Does R intend to vote for governor |
prevote_intgovbc | PRE: For whom does R intend to vote for governor (Ballot Card) |
prevote_intgovnobc | PRE: For whom does R intend to vote for governor (no ballot cd) |
prevote_govpref | PRE: Does R prefer gubernatorial candidate |
prevote_govprefbc | PRE: Whom does R prefer for governor (Ballot Card) |
prevote_govprefnobc | PRE: Whom does R prefer for governor (no Ballot Card) |
2012 PRE: Presidential Candidate Likes-Dislikes | |
candlik_likedpc | PRE: Is there anything R likes about Democratic Pres cand |
candlik_likewhatdpc | PRE: What is it that R likes about Democratic Pres cand |
candlik_disldpc | PRE: Is there anything R dislikes about Democratic Pres cand |
candlik_dislwhatdpc | PRE: What is it that R dislikes about Democratic Pres cand |
candlik_likerpc | PRE: Is there anything R likes about Republican Pres cand |
candlik_likewhatrpc | PRE: What is it that R likes about Republican Pres cand |
candlik_dislrpc | PRE: Is there anything R dislikes about Republican Pres cand |
candlik_dislwhatrpc | PRE: What is it that R dislikes about Republican Pres cand |
2012 PRE: Approve Congress | |
congapp_job | PRE: Approval of Congress handling its job |
congapp_jobst | PRE: Strength appr/disapprove Congress handling its job |
congapp_job_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Approval of Congress |
2012 PRE: Approve President | |
presapp_track | PRE: Are things in the country on right track |
presapp_job | PRE: Approve or disapprove President handling job as Pres |
presapp_jobstr | PRE: How much approve or disapp Pres handling job |
presapp_job_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Approval of President handling of job |
presapp_econ | PRE: Approve or disapprove President handling economy |
presapp_econstr | PRE: How much approve or disapprove Pres handling economy |
presapp_econ_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Approval of President handling economy |
presapp_foreign | PRE: Approve or disapprove President handling foreign rel |
presapp_foreignstr | PRE: How much approve/disapprove Pres handling foreign rrel |
presapp_foreign_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Approval of President handling foreign relations |
presapp_health | PRE: Approve or disapprove President handling health care |
presapp_healthstr | PRE: How much approve/disapprove Pres handling health care |
presapp_health_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Approval of President handling health care |
presapp_war | PRE: Approve or disapprove President handling war in Afghanst |
presapp_warstr | PRE: How much approve/disapprove Pres handling war in Afghanst |
presapp_war_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Approval of President handling war in Afghanistan |
2012 PRE: Feeling Thermometers – Political Figures | |
ft_dpc | PRE: Feeling Thermometer: Democratic Presidential cand |
ft_rpc | PRE: Feeling Thermometer: Republican Presidential cand |
ft_dvpc | PRE: Feeling Thermometer: Democratic Vice-Pres cand |
ft_rvpc | PRE: Feeling Thermometer: Republican Vice-Pres cand |
ft_hclinton | PRE: Feeling Thermometer: Hillary Clinton |
ft_gwb | PRE: Feeling Thermometer: GW Bush |
2012 PRE: Feeling Thermometers – Political Parties | |
ft_dem | PRE: Feeling Thermometer: Democratic Party |
ft_rep | PRE: Feeling Thermometer: Republican Party |
2012 PRE: Major Party Likes-Dislikes | |
ptylik_likdp | PRE: Is there anything R likes about Democratic Party |
ptylik_lwhatdp | PRE: What does R like about Democratic party |
ptylik_disldp | PRE: Is there anything R dislikes about Democratic Party |
ptylik_dwhatdp | PRE: What does R dislike about the Democratic party |
ptylik_likrp | PRE: Is there anything R likes about Republican Party |
ptylik_lwhatrp | PRE: What does R like about Republican party |
ptylik_dislrp | PRE: Is there anything R dislikes about Republican Party |
ptylik_dwhatrp | PRE: What does R dislike about the Republican party |
2012 PRE: R Financial Status | |
finance_finfam | PRE: R living with how many family members |
finance_finpast | PRE: R better/worse off than 1 year ago |
finance_finpastamt | PRE: R how much better/worse off than 1 year ago |
finance_finpast_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Better or worse off than 1 year ago |
finance_finnext | PRE: Will R be financially better/worse off one year from now |
finance_finnextamt | PRE: R how much better/worse off 1 year from now |
finance_finnext_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Better or worse off 1 year from now |
2012 PRE: Health Care and Health | |
health_insured | PRE: Does R have health insurance |
health_2010hcr | PRE: Favor or oppose 2010 health care law |
health_2010hcrfav | PRE: Strength support 2010 health care law |
health_2010hcropp | PRE: Strength oppose 2010 health care law |
health_2010hcr_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Support 2010 health care law |
health_self | PRE: Health of R |
health_smoke | PRE: Smoked Cigarettes |
health_smokeamt | PRE: If smoked, how many now |
2012 PRE: Presidential Candidate Affects | |
candaff_angdpc | PRE: Affect for Democratic Pres cand: angry |
candaff_angdpcoft | PRE: How often affect angry about Democratic Pres cand |
candaff_hpdpc | PRE: Affect for Democratic Pres cand: hopeful |
candaff_hpdpcoft | PRE: How often affect hopeful about Democratic Pres cand |
candaff_afrdpc | PRE: Affect for Democratic Pres cand: afraid |
candaff_afrdpcoft | PRE: How often affect afraid about Democratic Pres cand |
candaff_prddpc | PRE: Affect for Democratic Pres cand: proud |
candaff_prddpcoft | PRE: How often affect proud about Democratic Pres cand |
candaff_angrpc | PRE: Affect for Republican Pres cand: angry |
candaff_angrpcoft | PRE: How often affect angry about Republican Pres cand |
candaff_hprpc | PRE: Affect for Republican Pres cand: hopeful |
candaff_hprpcoft | PRE: How often affect hopeful about Republican Pres cand |
candaff_afrrpc | PRE: Affect for Republican Pres cand: afraid |
candaff_afrrpcoft | PRE: How often affect afraid about Republican Pres cand |
candaff_prdrpc | PRE: Affect for Republican Pres cand: proud |
candaff_prdrpcoft | PRE: How often affect proud about Republican Pres cand |
2012 PRE: Liberal-Conservative 7pt Scale Placement | |
libcpre_self | PRE: 7pt scale Liberal/conservative self-placement |
libcpre_choose | PRE: If R had to choose liberal or conservative self-placemt |
libcpre_dpc | PRE: 7pt scale liberal/conservative – Dem Pres cand |
libcpre_rpc | PRE: 7pt scale liberal/conservative – Rep Pres cand |
libcpre_ptyd | PRE: 7pt scale liberal/conservative Dem party |
libcpre_ptyr | PRE: 7pt scale liberal/conservative Rep party |
2012 PRE: Split or Same Party for President and Congress | |
divgov_splitgov | PRE: Party Control or split government |
2012 PRE: (splice) How Likely / Percent Chance Likely to Vote – PLACEMENT 1 | |
likelypct_howlikvt1 | PRE: [1/2 SAMPLE 2A] How likely is it that R will vote in Nov |
likelypct_whatpct1 | PRE: [1/2 SAMPLE 2B] What is percent chance R will vote in Nov |
2012 PRE: Campaign Finance | |
campfin_limcorp | PRE: Should gov be able to limit corporate contributions |
campfin_banads | PRE: Ban corporate/union ads for candidates |
2012 PRE: Larger or Smaller Income Gap Now | |
ineq_incgap | PRE: Income gap today more or less than 20 years ago |
ineq_gapmore | PRE: How much larger is income gap today |
ineq_gapless | PRE: How much smaller is income gap today |
ineq_incgap_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Income gap size compared to 20 years ago |
2012 PRE: Efficacy – (splice) Standard / Revised | |
effic_complicstd | PRE: [STD] Politics/govt too complicated to understand |
effic_undstd | PRE: [STD] Good understanding of political issues |
effic_carestd | PRE: [STD] Publ officials don’t care what people think |
effic_saystd | PRE: [STD] Have no say about what govt does |
effic_complicrev | PRE: [REV] Politics/govt too complicated to understand |
effic_undrev | PRE: [REV] Good understanding of political issues |
effic_carerev | PRE: [REV] Publ officials don’t care what people think |
effic_sayrev | PRE: [REV] Have no say about what govt does |
2012 PRE: U.S. Economy | |
econ_ecnow | PRE: Current economy good or bad |
econ_ecpast | PRE: National economy better/worse in last year |
econ_ecpastamt | PRE: How much national economy better/worse in last year |
econ_ecpast_x | PRE: SUMMARY- U.S. economy better or worse than 1 year ago |
econ_ecnext | PRE: Economy better or worse in next 12 months |
econ_ecnextamt | PRE: How much econ better/worse next 12 months |
econ_ecnext_x | PRE: SUMMARY- U.S. economy better or worse 1 year from now |
econ_unpast | PRE: Unemployment better or worse in last year |
econ_unlast | PRE: How much unemployment better or worse in last year |
econ_unpast_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Unemployment better or worse than 1 year ago |
econ_unnext | PRE: More or less unemployment in next year |
2012 PRE: Blame for Poor Economic Conditions | |
ecblame_pres | PRE: How much is President to blame for poor econ conditions |
ecblame_fmpr | PRE: How much former President to blame for poor econ conds |
ecblame_dem | PRE: How much Dems in Congress to blame for poor econ conds |
ecblame_rep | PRE: How much Reps in Congress to blame for poor econ conds |
ecblame_bank | PRE: How much Wall St. bankers to blame for poor econ conds |
ecblame_cons | PRE: How much consumers to blame for poor economic conds |
ecblame_lend | PRE: How much lenders to blame for poor economic conditions |
ptyperf_ptyecon | PRE: Which party better: handling nation’s economy |
2012 PRE: Winner of upcoming Presidential race | |
preswin_care | PRE: Care who wins Presidential Election |
preswin_win | PRE: Who does R think will be elected President |
preswin_win_oth | PRE: Other specify- Who does R think will be elected President |
preswin_close | PRE: Will Pres race be a close or will (winner) win by a lot |
preswin_state | PRE: Which Pres cand will carry state |
preswin_state_oth | PRE: Other specify- Which Pres cand will carry state |
preswin_closest | PRE: Will Pres race be close in state |
2012 PRE: (splice) Is Voting a Duty or Choice | |
preswin_dutychoice | PRE: [VERSION 1A] Does R consider voting a duty or choice |
preswin_choiceduty | PRE: [VERSION 1B] Does R consider voting a choice or duty |
preswin_dutyst | PRE: How strongly does R feel that voting is a duty |
preswin_choicest | PRE: How strongly does R feel that voting is a choice |
preswin_dutychoice_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Does R consider voting as duty/choice |
2012 PRE: Strength of U.S. Position in the World | |
usworld_stronger | PRE: During last year, U.S. position in world weaker/str |
usworld_stay | PRE: Country would be better off if we just stayed home |
2012 PRE: R Party ID | |
pid_self | PRE: Party ID: Does R think of self as Dem, Rep, Ind or what |
pid_self_oth | PRE: RESTRICTED: Other specify- Party ID |
pid_strong | PRE: Party Identification strong – Democrat/Republican |
pid_lean | PRE: No Party Identification – closer to Dems or Reps |
pid_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Party ID |
2012 PRE: Support of Tea Party | |
tea_supp | PRE: Tea Party support |
tea_suppstr | PRE: Strength support or oppose tea party |
tea_suppln | PRE: Neither – closer to support or oppose |
tea_supp_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Tea Party support |
2012 PRE: Presidential Candidate Traits | |
ctrait_dpcmoral | PRE: Pres Dem cand trait moral |
ctrait_dpclead | PRE: Pres Dem cand trait strong leadership |
ctrait_dpccare | PRE: Pres Dem cand trait really cares |
ctrait_dpcknow | PRE: Pres Dem cand trait knowledgeable |
ctrait_dpcint | PRE: Pres Dem cand trait intelligent |
ctrait_dpchonst | PRE: Pres Dem cand trait honest |
ctrait_rpcmoral | PRE: Pres Rep cand trait moral |
ctrait_rpclead | PRE: Pres Rep cand trait strong leadership |
ctrait_rpccare | PRE: Pres Rep cand trait really cares |
ctrait_rpcknow | PRE: Pres Rep cand trait knowledgeable |
ctrait_rpcint | PRE: Pres Rep cand trait intelligent |
ctrait_rpchonst | PRE: Pres Rep cand trait honest |
2012 PRE: War in Afghanistan Worth the Cost | |
war_worthit | PRE: Was war worth the cost |
war_terror | PRE: War increased or decreased threat of terrorism |
2012 PRE: Spending-Services 7pt Scale Placement | |
spsrvpr_ssself | PRE: 7pt scale spending and Services self-placement |
spsrvpr_ssdpc | PRE: 7pt scale spending and Services Dem Presidential cand |
spsrvpr_ssrpc | PRE: 7pt scale spending and Services Rep Presidential cand |
spsrvpr_ssdem | PRE: 7pt scale spending and Services Dem Party |
spsrvpr_ssrep | PRE: 7pt scale spending and Services Rep Party |
2012 PRE: Defense Spending 7pt Scale Placement | |
defsppr_self | PRE: 7pt scale defense spending self-placement |
defsppr_dpc | PRE: 7pt scale defense spending Dem Pres cand |
defsppr_rpc | PRE: 7pt scale defense spending Rep Pres cand |
defsppr_dem | PRE: 7pt scale defense spending Dem Party |
defsppr_rep | PRE: 7pt scale defense spending Rep Party |
2012 PRE: Government-Private Health Insurance 7pt Scale Placement | |
inspre_self | PRE: 7pt scale govt-private medical insur scale: self-plmt |
inspre_dpc | PRE: 7pt scale govt-private medical insur scale: Dem Pres cand |
inspre_rpc | PRE: 7pt scale govt-private medical insur scale: Rep Pres cand |
inspre_dem | PRE: 7pt scale govt-private medical insur scale: Dem Party |
inspre_rep | PRE: 7pt scale govt-private medical insur scale: Rep Party |
2012 PRE: Should Access to Guns be Easier or Harder (Gun Control) | |
gun_control | PRE: Should fed govt make it more difficult to buy a gun |
gun_importance | PRE: Importance of gun access issue to R |
2012 PRE: Guaranteed Jobs and Income 7pt Scale Placement | |
guarpr_self | PRE: 7pt scale guaranteed job-income scale: self-placement |
guarpr_dpc | PRE: 7pt scale guaranteed job-income scale: Dem Pres cand |
guarpr_rpc | PRE: 7pt scale guaranteed job-income scale: Rep Pres cand |
guarpr_dem | PRE: 7pt scale guaranteed job-income scale: Dem Party |
guarpr_rep | PRE: 7pt scale guaranteed job-income scale: Rep Party |
2012 PRE: U.S. Immigration Policies | |
immig_policy | PRE: U.S. government policy toward unauthorized immigrants |
immig_citizen | PRE: Opinion on proposal to allow citzship to some illeg aliens |
immig_checks | PRE: Opinion on laws to allow immigr status checks on suspects |
2012 PRE: Aid to Blacks 7pt Scale Placement | |
aidblack_self | PRE: 7pt scale govt assistance to blacks scale: self-placemt |
aidblack_dpc | PRE: 7pt scale govt assistance to blacks scale: Dem Pres cand |
aidblack_rpc | PRE: 7pt scale govt assistance to blacks scale: Rep Pres cand |
2012 PRE: Environment-jobs 7pt Scale Placement | |
envjob_self | PRE: 7pt scale environment-jobs tradeoff self-placement |
envjob_dpc | PRE: 7pt scale environment-jobs tradeoff Dem Pres cand |
envjob_rpc | PRE: 7pt scale environment-jobs tradeoff Rep Pres cand |
2012 PRE: Affirmative action – Universities and the Workplace | |
aa_uni | PRE: Does R favor or oppose affirmative action in universities |
aa_unifav | PRE: How much does R favor affirmative action in universities |
aa_uniopp | PRE: How much does R oppose affirmative action in universities |
aa_uni_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Favor/oppose affirmative action in universities |
aa_work | PRE: Does R favor or oppose affirmative action at work |
aa_workfav | PRE: How much does R favor affirmative action at work |
aa_workopp | PRE: How much does R oppose affirmative action at work |
aa_work_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Favor/oppose affirmative action at work |
2012 PRE: Spending Levels for Federal Programs | |
fedspend_ss | PRE: Federal Budget Spending: Social Security |
fedspend_schools | PRE: Federal Budget Spending: public schools |
fedspend_scitech | PRE: Federal Budget Spending: science and technology |
fedspend_crime | PRE: Federal Budget Spending: dealing with crime |
fedspend_welfare | PRE: Federal Budget Spending: welfare programs |
fedspend_child | PRE: Federal Budget Spending: child care |
fedspend_poor | PRE: Federal Budget Spending: aid to the poor |
fedspend_enviro | PRE: Federal Budget Spending: protecting the environment |
2012 PRE: Knowledge of Presidential Candidates’ Religions | |
candrel_dpc | PRE: What is the religion of the Democratic Presidential cand |
candrel_dpc_oth | PRE: Other specify- What is the religion of the Dem Presidential cand |
candrel_rpc | PRE: What is the religion of the Republican Presidential cand |
candrel_rpc_oth | PRE: Other specify- What is the religion of the DemoPresidential cand |
2012 PRE: Trust in Government | |
trustgov_trustgrev | PRE: [REV] How often trust govt in Wash to do what is right |
trustgov_trustgstd | PRE: [STD] How often trust govt in Wash to do what is right |
trustgov_bigintrst | PRE: Govt run by a few big interests or for benefit of all |
trustgov_waste | PRE: Does government waste much tax money |
trustgov_corrpt | PRE: How many in government are corrupt |
2012 PRE: Social Trust | |
trust_social | PRE: How often can people be trusted |
2012 PRE: Efficacy of Elections | |
respons_elections | PRE: Elections make govt pay attention |
2012 PRE: Expected Economic Effect of Win by Presidential Candidates | |
econcand_dwin | PRE: Economy better or worse if Dem Pres cand wins |
econcand_rwin | PRE: Economy better or worse if Rep Pres cand wins |
2012 PRE: Environmental Policies | |
envir_drill | PRE: Favor or oppose increased U.S. offshore drilling |
envir_nuke | PRE: Should US have more or fewer nuclear power plants |
2012 PRE: Global Warming | |
envir_gwarm | PRE: Is global warming happening or not |
envir_gwgood | PRE: Rising temperatures good or bad |
envir_gwhow | PRE: Anthropogenic climate change |
2012 PRE: (splice) Laws to Protect Gays and Lesbians / Homosexuals | |
gayrt_discrev | PRE: [REV] Should laws protect gays/lesbians against job discrim |
gayrt_discstrev | PRE: [REV] How mch fav/opp laws protect gays/lesbians job discr |
gayrt_discrev_x | PRE: SUMMARY REV version- favor laws against gays/lesbians job discrim |
gayrt_discstd | PRE: [STD] Should laws protect homosexuals against job discrim |
gayrt_discststd | PRE: [STD] How mch fav/opp laws protect homosexuals job discrim |
gayrt_discstd_x | PRE: SUMMARY STD version- favor laws against gays/lesbians job discrim |
2012 PRE: (splice) Military Service For Gays and Lesbians / Homosexuals | |
gayrt_milrev | PRE: [REV] Should gays and lesbians serve in U.S. armed forces |
gayrt_milstrev | PRE: [REV] Strength favor/opp allow gays serve in armed forces |
gayrt_milrev_x | PRE: SUMMARY REV version- allow gays/lesbians serve in US armed forces |
gayrt_milstd | PRE: [STD] Should homosexuals serve in U.S. armed forces |
gayrt_milststd | PRE: [STD] Strength fav/opp allow homosexuals serve armed forces |
gayrt_milstd_x | PRE: SUMMARY STD version- allow gays/lesbians serve in US armed forces |
2012 PRE: Marriage and Adoption of Children by Gays and Lesbians | |
gayrt_adopt | PRE: Should gay and lesbian couples be allowed to adopt |
gayrt_marry | PRE: R position on gay marriage |
2012 PRE: Abortion (standard self-placement) | |
abortpre_4point | PRE: STD Abortion: self-placement |
abortpre_4point_oth | PRE: Other specify- STD Abortion: self-placement |
2012 PRE: Death Penalty | |
penalty_favdpen | PRE: R favor/oppose death penalty |
penalty_dpenstr | PRE: Strength R favors/opposes death penalty |
penalty_favopp_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Favor death penalty |
2012 PRE: Administration Made U.S. More or Less Secure | |
presadm_secure | PRE: U.S. more or less secure than when Pres took office |
2012 PRE: (splice) How Likely / Percent Chance Likely to Vote – PLACEMENT 2 | |
pctlikely_whatpct2 | PRE: [1/2 SAMPLE 2B] What is percent chance R will vote in Nov |
pctlikely_howlikvt2 | PRE: [1/2 SAMPLE 2A] How likely is it that R will vote in Nov |
2012 PRE: Religious Attitudes and Practice | |
relig_import | PRE: Is religion important part of R life |
relig_guide | PRE: Religion provides guidance in day-to-day living |
relig_pray | PRE: How often does R pray |
relig_pray_oth | PRE: Other specify- How often does R pray |
relig_wordgod | PRE: Is Bible word of God or men |
relig_wordgod_oth | PRE: Other specify- Is Bible word of God or men |
relig_church | PRE: Ever attend church or religious services |
relig_churchoft | PRE: Attend religious services how often |
relig_churchwk | PRE: Attend church more often than once a week |
relig_chmember | PRE: Ever think of self as part of church or denomination |
2012 PRE: Respondent Religion | |
relig_7cat_x | PRE: Religion summary 7 categories |
relig_mastersummary | PRE: Religion master summary |
relig_group | PRE: (Attends church) R major religious group |
relig_groupna | PRE: (Nonattendance) R major religious group |
relig_denom | PRE: Major relig denomination |
relig_bapt | PRE: Specific Baptist denomination |
relig_indbapt | PRE: Specific indep. Baptist denomination |
relig_luth | PRE: Specific Lutheran denomination |
relig_meth | PRE: Specific Methodist denomination |
relig_presb | PRE: Specific Presbyterian denomination |
relig_refrm | PRE: Specific Reformed denomination |
relig_brethr | PRE: Specific Brethren denomination |
relig_discp | PRE: Specific Disciples denomination |
relig_chchrst | PRE: Specific Church of Christ denomination |
relig_chgod | PRE: Specific Church of God denomination |
relig_pent | PRE: RESTRICTED: Specific Pentacostal/Holiness denomination |
relig_denother | PRE: Description other denomination |
relig_othxian | PRE: Specific other denomination Christian |
relig_jewisha | PRE: (Attends) Specific Jewish denomination |
relig_jewishna | PRE: (Nonattendance) Specific Jewish denomination |
relig_bornagn | PRE: Does Christian R consider self born again |
2012 PRE: Type of Religious Identity | |
relig_ident_1st | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered self-descript R religious identity- 1st mention |
relig_ident_2nd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered self-descript R religious identity- 2nd mention |
relig_ident_3rd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered self-descript R religious identity- 3rd mention |
relig_religident_prog | PRE: R self-description religious identity: mention Progressive |
relig_religident_nontrad | PRE: R self-description religious identity: mention nontraditional |
relig_religident_secular | PRE: R self-description religious identity: mention secular |
relig_religident_agnostic | PRE: R self-description religious identity: mention agnostic |
relig_religident_atheist | PRE: R self-description religious identity: mention atheist |
relig_religident_spiritual | PRE: R self-descript relig identity: mention spiritual, not religious |
relig_religident_none | PRE: R self-description religious identity: mention none |
relig_religident_dkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: R self-description religious identity: mention DKRF |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Age | |
dem_birthmo | PRE: RESTRICTED: Birthdate: month of birth |
dem_birthdy | PRE: RESTRICTED: Birthdate: day of birth |
dem_birthyr | PRE: Birthdate: year of birth |
dem_age_r_x | PRE: SUMMARY: Age of R |
dem_agegrp_iwdate_x | PRE: SUMMARY- R age on interview date (age group) |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Marital/Partnership Status | |
dem_marital | PRE: Marital status |
dem_partner | PRE: Domestic partnership status |
dem_edu | PRE: Highest level of Education |
dem_edu_oth | PRE: RESTRICTED: Other specify- R highest level of education |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Education | |
dem_dipged | PRE: R: Diploma or GED |
dem_edugroup_x | PRE: SUMMARY- R level of highest education (group) |
dem_edusp | PRE: Spouse/partner: Highest Level of Education |
dem_edusp_oth | PRE: RESTRICTED: Other specify- Spouse highest level of education |
dem_dipgedsp | PRE: Spouse: Diploma or GED |
dem_eduspgroup_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Spouse level of highest education (group) |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Military Service | |
dem_veteran | PRE: R ever served on active duty in Armed Forces |
dem_milwhen_1st | PRE: When was R active military service- 1st mention |
dem_milwhen_2nd | PRE: When was R active military service- 2nd mention |
dem_milwhen_3rd | PRE: When was R active military service- 3rd mention |
dem_milwhen_4th | PRE: When was R active military service- 4th mention |
dem_milnow | PRE: RESTRICTED: Still in Armed Forces |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Employment Status and Occupation | |
dem_emptype_1st | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered R employment status- 1st mention |
dem_emptype_2nd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered R employment status- 2nd mention |
dem_emptype_3rd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered R employment status- 3rd mention |
dem_emptype_4th | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered R employment status- 4th mention |
dem_emptype_work | PRE: R employment status: mention working now |
dem_emptype_layoff | PRE: R employment status: mention temporarily laid off |
dem_emptype_unemp | PRE: R employment status: mention unemployed |
dem_emptype_retire | PRE: R employment status: mention retired |
dem_emptype_disabled | PRE: R employment status: mention permanently disabled |
dem_emptype_hmaker | PRE: R employment status: mention homemaker |
dem_emptype_student | PRE: R employment status: mention student |
dem_emptype_dkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: R employment status: mention DK/RF |
dem_empstatus_2digitfin_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Final 2-digit empl status based on full employmt/occ section |
dem_empstatus_1digitfin_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Final 1-digit empl status based on full employmt/occ section |
dem_empstatus_initial | PRE: Initial employment status for R occupation section |
dem_hsworkg | PRE: Initial status Homemaker/student: working now |
dem_hsjob6mo | PRE: Initial status Homemaker/student: job in last 6 mon |
dem_retiremo | PRE: RESTRICTED: Initial status retiree – when retired MONTH |
dem_retiredy | PRE: RESTRICTED: Initial status retiree – when retired DAY |
dem_retireyr | PRE: Initial status retiree – when retired YEAR |
dem_retireperiod_x | PRE: SUMMARY- Retiree date of retirement |
dem_everwk | PRE: Initial status unemployed/disabled: R ever work for pay |
dem_occpast | PRE: Past occupation (R ret/dis/unemp/hmkr/stud) |
dem_indpast | PRE: Past industry (R ret/dis/unemp/hmkr/stud) |
dem_semplpst | PRE: Past self-empl status (R ret/dis/unemp/hmkr/stud) |
dem_empgovpst | PRE: Past occupation: govt work (R ret/dis/unemp/hmkr/stud) |
dem_rdjob6mon | PRE: Initial status unempl/ret/disabled: job in last 6 mo |
dem_hrsrecent | PRE: Recent occupation: how many hours worked avg week |
dem_rdworkg | PRE: Initial status retired/disabled: working now |
dem_lookwk | PRE: Init status nonworkg ret/dis/unemp/hmkr/st: look for work |
dem_findjob | PRE: Init status nonworkg ret/dis/unemp/hmkr/st: worry find job |
dem_occnow | PRE: Working/TLO now – occupation- whether response given |
dem_indnow | PRE: Working/TLO – industry- whether response given |
dem_semplnow | PRE: Working/TLO now – work for self |
dem_empgovnow | PRE: Working/TLO now – work for govt |
dem_hrsnow | PRE: Working/TLO now – how many hours R works |
dem_okhrsnow | PRE: Working/TLO now – hours works OK |
dem_losejob | PRE: Working/TLO now: worry about losing job in near fute |
dem_offwork | PRE: Working now: out of work or laid off in last 6 mos |
dem_hrsreduce | PRE: Working now: had reduction in work hrs or pay cut |
dem_emptypesp_1st | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered spouse/partner employment status- 1st mention |
dem_emptypesp_2nd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered spouse/partner employment status- 2nd mention |
dem_emptypesp_3rd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered spouse/partner employment status- 3rd mention |
dem_emptypesp_4th | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered spouse/partner employment status- 4th mention |
dem_emptypesp_work | PRE: Spouse/partner employment status: mention working now |
dem_emptypesp_layoff | PRE: Spouse/partner employment status: mention temporarily laid off |
dem_emptypesp_unemp | PRE: Spouse/partner employment status: mention unemployed |
dem_emptypesp_retire | PRE: Spouse/partner employment status: mention retired |
dem_emptypesp_disabled | PRE: Spouse/partner employment status: mention permanently disabled |
dem_emptypesp_hmaker | PRE: Spouse/partner employment status: mention homemaker |
dem_emptypesp_student | PRE: Spouse/partner employment status: mention student |
dem_emptypesp_dkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: Spouse/partner employment status: mention DK/RF |
dem_csesjobsp | PRE: Spouse/partner job |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Union Membership | |
dem_unionhh | PRE: Anyone in HH belong to labor union |
dem_unionwho_1st | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered who belongs to labor union- 1st mention |
dem_unionwho_2nd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered who belongs to labor union- 2nd mention |
dem_unionwho_r | PRE: Who belongs to labor union: mention Respondent |
dem_unionwho_spouse | PRE: Who belongs to labor union: mention spouse |
dem_unionwho_personoth | PRE: Who belongs to labor union: mention another person |
dem_unionwho_dkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: Who belongs to labor union: mention DK/RF |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Social Class | |
dem_class | PRE: Think of self as belonging to class |
dem_whichclass | PRE: Social Class: working or middle |
dem_whichclass_oth | PRE: Other specify- Social Class: working or middle |
dem_chclass | PRE: Social Class: had to choose working/middle |
dem_chclass_oth | PRE: Other specify- Social Class: had to choose working/middle |
dem_avgclass | PRE: Social class: average or upper working/middle class |
dem_avgclass_oth | PRE: Other specify- Social class: avg or upper working/middle class |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Hispanic Ethnicity | |
dem_hisp | PRE: R: Are you Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino |
dem_hisptyp_1st | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered mentions Hispanic type – 1st mention |
dem_hisptyp_2nd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered mentions Hispanic type – 2nd mention |
dem_hisptyp_mex | PRE: R: Which Hispanic group are you- mention Mexican |
dem_hisptyp_mexam | PRE: R: Which Hispanic group are you- mention Mexican-American |
dem_hisptyp_chicano | PRE: R: Which Hispanic group are you- mention Chicano |
dem_hisptyp_puertorican | PRE: R: Which Hispanic group are you- mention Puerto Rican |
dem_hisptyp_cuban | PRE: R: Which Hispanic group are you- mention Cuban |
dem_hisptyp_cubanam | PRE: R: Which Hispanic group are you- mention Cuban-American |
dem_hisptyp_othhisp | PRE: R: Which Hispanic group are you- mention other Hispanic |
dem_hisptyp_dkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: R: Which Hispanic group are you- DK/RF |
dem_hispoth | PRE: RESTRICTED: R other Hispanic group |
dem_hispmost | PRE: R: Hispanic group R most identifies with |
dem_hispmost_oth | PRE: RESTRICTED: Other specify- Hispanic group R most identifies with |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Self-Identification of R Race | |
dem_racecps_1st | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered race self-identification: 1st mention |
dem_racecps_2nd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered race self-identification: 2nd mention |
dem_racecps_3rd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered race self-identification: 3rd mention |
dem_racecps_white | PRE: Race self-identification: mention White |
dem_racecps_black | PRE: Race self-identification: mention Black |
dem_racecps_native | PRE: Race self-identification: mention Native American |
dem_racecps_asian | PRE: Race self-identification: mention Asian |
dem_racecps_pacif | PRE: Race self-identification: mention Pacific Islander |
dem_racecps_othrace | PRE: Race self-identification: mention other race |
dem_racecps_racedkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: Race self-identification: DK/RF |
dem_racecps_oth | PRE: RESTRICTED: Other specify- Race self-identification |
dem_raceeth_x | PRE: SUMMARY- R race and ethnicity group |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Self-Identification of R Ethnicity-Nationality | |
dem_ethnic | PRE: RESTRICTED: Ethnic or nationality group |
dem_numeth | PRE: FTF ONLY: IWR CHECKPOINT: number of ethnic mentions |
dem_mosteth | PRE: RESTRICTED: Ethnic group most close |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Nativity | |
dem_parents | PRE: Native status of parents |
dem_nativity | PRE: Rs: born U.S., Puerto Rico, or some other country |
dem_nativity_oth | PRE: RESTRICTED: Oth spec- R: born U.S., Puerto Rico, or other country |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Hispanic Rs: Background and Language | |
dem_hispgpar | PRE: LATINO Rs: how many grandparents born outside the U.S. |
dem_hispcntry | PRE: RESTRICTED: LATINO Rs: country of Latino heritage |
dem_hispcntry_oth | PRE: RESTRICTED: Other specify- LATINO Rs: country of Latino heritage |
dem_arr | PRE: RESTRICTED: NON-US BORN Rs: When did R arrive in U.S. |
dem_arrperiod | PRE: NON-US BORN Rs: Time period when R arrived in U.S. |
dem_cit | PRE: RESTRICTED: NON-US BORN Rs: In what year did R become a U.S. citizen |
dem_citperiod | PRE: NON-US BORN Rs: Time period when R became citizen |
dem_hisplang | PRE: LATINO Rs: language at home |
2012 PRE: Children and School Enrollment | |
dem2_ch10less | PRE: How many children in HH age 10 or younger |
dem2_ch11to17 | PRE: How many children in HH age 11-17 |
dem2_numchild | PRE: Total Number of children in HH |
dem2_schenrl_1st | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered school enrollment of child(ren)- 1st mention |
dem2_schenrl_2nd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered school enrollment of child(ren)- 2nd mention |
dem2_schenrl_3rd | PRE: FTF ONLY: Ordered school enrollment of child(ren)- 3rd mention |
dem2_schenrl_public | PRE: School enrollment of child(ren)- mention public |
dem2_schenrl_privrel | PRE: School enrollment of child(ren)- mention private religious |
dem2_schenrl_privnonrel | PRE: School enrollment of child(ren)- mention private nonreligious |
dem2_schenrl_home | PRE: School enrollment of child(ren)- mention home school |
dem2_schenrl_enrollno | PRE: School enrollment of child(ren)- mention no enrollment |
dem2_schenrl_enrolldkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: School enrollment of child(ren)- DK/RF |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Internet and Telephone Devices | |
dem2_inethome | PRE: Internet use at home |
dem2_inettyp | PRE: Broadband or dial-up home Internet connection |
dem2_landline | PRE: Number of landline telephone numbers at home |
dem2_cellnum | PRE: Number of cell phone numbers in household |
dem2_cellpers | PRE: Does R personally have a cell phone |
dem2_smartph | PRE: Is R’s cell phone a smartphone |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Residence Background | |
dem3_grewup | PRE: Where R grew up (STATE OR COUNTRY) |
dem3_yearscomm | PRE: How long lived in this community YRS collapsed |
dem3_yearscomm_full | PRE: RESTRICTED: How long lived in this community YRS (full) |
dem3_moscomm | PRE: RESTRICTED: How long lived in this community MONTHS |
dem3_prevzip | PRE: RESTRICTED: Zip Code of previous residence |
dem3_prevcty | PRE: RESTRICTED: City/state of previous residence |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Home Ownership | |
dem3_ownhome | PRE: Does R family own/rent home |
dem3_ownhome_oth | PRE: Other specify- Does R family own/rent home |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Name Change | |
dem3_namech | PRE: Name ever changed |
dem3_namechyr | PRE: RESTRICTED: Year of most recent change |
dem3_altname | PRE: Use of alternate names |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Recent Mobility | |
dem3_lenaddr | PRE: Years R lived at address (collapsed) |
dem3_lenaddr_full | PRE: RESTRICTED: Years R lived at address (full) |
dem3_add5yr_state | PRE: RESTRICTED: If R has lived in current state <5yrs, R state 5 yrs ago |
dem3_add5yr_samestate | PRE: If R has lived in current state <5yrs, R state 5 yrs ago same |
2012 PRE: Demographics – Types of I.D. | |
dem3_driver | PRE: Does R have unexpired Driver’s License |
dem3_passport | PRE: Does R have passport |
dem3_govtid | PRE: Does R have government issued ID |
2012 PRE: CASI Module Test Screens | |
casistart_iwrset4 | PRE: FTF CASI ONLY: SETUP TEST- Does R have a dog |
casistart_iwrset6 | PRE: FTF CASI ONLY: SETUP TEST- What R ate for breakfast |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – R Gender (only if not already determined) | |
selfgend_gender | PRE: FTF CASI ONLY: are you (R) male or female (not IWR obs) |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – R Wealth Assets | |
wealth_stocks | PRE: CASI/WEB Has R ever nvested in Stock Market |
wealth_whoinvest | PRE: CASI/WEB R stock market investment through work |
wealth_vachome | PRE: CASI/WEB Has R ever owned vacation home |
wealth_ownrental | PRE: CASI/WEB Has R ever owned property that you rented |
wealth_stockgrnts | PRE: CASI/WEB Has R every been awarded stock grants or options |
wealth_undland | PRE: CASI/WEB Has R ever owned underdeveloped land |
wealth_investbus | PRE: CASI/WEB Has R ever invested in someone’s business |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – R Income | |
inc_totinc | PRE: RESTRICTED: CASI/WEB Total income amount |
inc_totmiss40 | PRE: CASI/WEB Total income amt missing – is it ge or lt 40K |
inc_totmiss20 | PRE: CASI/WEB Total income amt missing – is it ge or lt 20K |
inc_totl20 | PRE: CASI/WEB Total income amt missing – is it categories lt 20K |
inc_totg20l40 | PRE: CASI/WEB Total income amt missing – is it categories 20-40K |
inc_totmiss70 | PRE: CASI/WEB Total income amt missing – is it ge or lt 70K |
inc_totg40l70 | PRE: CASI/WEB Total income amt missing – is it categories 40-70K |
inc_totmiss100 | PRE: CASI/WEB Total income amt missing – is it ge or lt 100K |
inc_totg70l100 | PRE: CASI/WEB Total income amt missing – is it categories 70-100K |
inc_totg100 | PRE: CASI/WEB Total income amt missing – is it categories 100+K |
inc_incgroup_pre | PRE: CASI/WEB: SUMARY- Pre family income (see also: incgroup_prepost) |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – Type of Media Sources Used to Follow Pres Campaign | |
medsrc_campsrcs_1st | PRE: FTF CASI ONLY: Ordr’d med srces R followd abt the Pres: 1st mentn |
medsrc_campsrcs_2nd | PRE: FTF CASI ONLY: Ordr’d med srces R followd abt the Pres: 2nd mentn |
medsrc_campsrcs_3rd | PRE: FTF CASI ONLY: Ordr’d med srces R followd abt the Pres: 3rd mentn |
medsrc_campsrcs_4th | PRE: FTF CASI ONLY: Ordr’d med srces R followd abt the Pres: 4th mentn |
medsrc_campsrcs_5th | PRE: FTF CASI ONLY: Ordr’d med srces R followd abt the Pres: 5th mentn |
medsrc_campsrcs_tvnews | PRE: CASI/WEB Media srces R followed about the Pres: mention TV news |
medsrc_campsrcs_newsp | PRE: CASI/WEB Media srces R foll’d about the Pres: mention newspapers |
medsrc_campsrcs_tvtalk | PRE: CASI/WEB Media srces R foll’d abt the Pres: mention TV talk shows |
medsrc_campsrcs_inet | PRE: CASI/WEB Media sources R followed about the Pres: mention Intnet |
medsrc_campsrcs_radio | PRE: CASI/WEB Media sources R followed about the Pres: mention radio |
medsrc_campsrcs_none | PRE: CASI/WEB Media sources R followed about the Pres: none |
medsrc_campsrcs_dkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: CASI Media sources R followed about the Pres: DK/RF |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – TV Programs Watched to Follow Pres Campaign | |
medsrc_tvprog_01 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: none on screen 1 |
medsrc_tvprog_02 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches regularly: mention 60 Minutes |
medsrc_tvprog_03 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv prgs R watches reg’ly: mention ABC News Nightline |
medsrc_tvprog_04 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv prgs R watch reg’ly: mentn ABC World News Tonight |
medsrc_tvprog_05 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches regularly: mention America Live |
medsrc_tvprog_06 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv prgs R watches reg’ly: mentn America This Morning |
medsrc_tvprog_07 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches reg’ly: mentn America’s Newsroom |
medsrc_tvprog_08 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches regularly: mention American Idol |
medsrc_tvprog_09 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches regularly: mentn Anderson Cooper |
medsrc_tvprog_10 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches reg’ly: mentn The Big Bang Theory |
medsrc_tvprog_11 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches regularly: mentn CBS Evening News |
medsrc_tvprog_12 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches regularly: mentn CBS This Morning |
medsrc_tvprog_13 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches reg’ly: mentn Chris Matthews Show |
medsrc_tvprog_14 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches regularly: mention Colbert Report |
medsrc_tvprog_15 | PRE: CASI/WEB Tv prgs R wtch reg’ly: mentn Daily Show with Jon Stewart |
medsrc_tvprog_16 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watch regly: mentn Dancing with the Stars |
medsrc_tvprog_17 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches regularly: mention Dateline NBC |
medsrc_tvprog_18 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention Doctors |
medsrc_tvprog_19 | PRE: CASI/WEB Tv prgs R watches reg’ly: mentn The Ellen DeGeneres Show |
medsrc_tvprog_20 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches reg’ly: mention Face the Nation |
medsrc_tvprog_21 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention The Five |
medsrc_tvprog_22 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches regularly: mention Fox Report |
medsrc_tvprog_23 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention Frontline |
medsrc_tvprog_24 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches regly: mentn Good Morning America |
medsrc_tvprog_25 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention Hannity |
medsrc_tvprog_26 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention Huckabee |
medsrc_tvprog_27 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention Insider |
medsrc_tvprog_28 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches reg’ly: mention Jimmy Kimmel Live |
medsrc_tvprog_29 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches reg’ly: mention Key & Peele |
medsrc_tvprog_30 | PRE: CASI/WEB Tv prgs R watch: The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson |
medsrc_tvprog_31 | PRE: CASI/WEB Tv prgs R watch: mention Late Show with David Letterman |
medsrc_tvprog_32 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv programs R watches reg’ly: mention Meet the Press |
medsrc_tvprog_33 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv programs R watches reg’ly: mention The Mentalist |
medsrc_tvprog_34 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv programs R watches reg’ly: mentn NBC Nightly News |
medsrc_tvprog_35 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention NCIS |
medsrc_tvprog_36 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches reg’ly: mention O’Reilly Factor |
medsrc_tvprog_37 | PRE: CASI/WEB Tv prgs R watches: On the Record with Greta Van Susteren |
medsrc_tvprog_38 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches reg’ly: mentn Person of Interest |
medsrc_tvprog_39 | PRE: CASI/WEB Tv prgs R watch reg’ly: Rock Center with Brian Williams |
medsrc_tvprog_40 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches reg’ly: mentn Saturday Night Live |
medsrc_tvprog_41 | PRE: CASI/WEB Tv prgs R watches reg’ly: Special Report with Bret Baier |
medsrc_tvprog_42 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches reg’ly: mention Tavis Smiley |
medsrc_tvprog_43 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches reg’ly: mention Sunday Morning |
medsrc_tvprog_44 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention The View |
medsrc_tvprog_45 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention This Week |
medsrc_tvprog_46 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches regularly: mention Today Show |
medsrc_tvprog_47 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches reg’ly: mention The Voice |
medsrc_tvprog_48 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention The Talk |
medsrc_tvprog_49 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention Al Punto |
medsrc_tvprog_50 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches regularly: mention Al Rojo Vivo |
medsrc_tvprog_51 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches regularly: mention Aqui y Ahora |
medsrc_tvprog_52 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches reg’ly: mention CNN en Espanol |
medsrc_tvprog_53 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches reg’ly: mention Despierta America |
medsrc_tvprog_54 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches reg’ly: mentn ElGordo y La Flaca |
medsrc_tvprog_55 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention Enfoque |
medsrc_tvprog_56 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: mention Hoy |
medsrc_tvprog_57 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv prgs R watches reg’ly: Lo Mejor de Caso Cerrado |
medsrc_tvprog_58 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches reg’ly: Noticiero Enrique Gratas |
medsrc_tvprog_59 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches reg’ly: Noticiero Telemundo |
medsrc_tvprog_60 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch tv progs R watches reg’ly: mentn Noticiero Univision |
medsrc_tvprog_61 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches reg’ly: Pa’lante con Cristiana |
medsrc_tvprog_62 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches reg’ly: mentn Pequenos Gigantes |
medsrc_tvprog_63 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches reg’ly: mention Primer Impacto |
medsrc_tvprog_64 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv progs R watches reg’ly: mention Sabado Gigante |
medsrc_tvprog_nonescr1 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: none on screen 1 |
medsrc_tvprog_nonescr2 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: none on screen 2 |
medsrc_tvprog_nonescr3 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: none on screen 3 |
medsrc_tvprog_nonescr4 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which tv programs R watches regularly: none on screen 4 |
medsrc_tvprog_dkscr1 | PRE: FTF ONLY: CASI Which television programs R watches regularly: screen 1 DK |
medsrc_tvprog_dkscr2 | PRE: FTF ONLY: CASI Which television programs R watches regularly: screen 2 DK |
medsrc_tvprog_dkscr3 | PRE: FTF ONLY: CASI Which television programs R watches regularly: screen 3 DK |
medsrc_tvprog_dkscr4 | PRE: FTF ONLY: CASI Which television programs R watches regularly: screen 4 DK |
medsrc_tvprog_rfscr1 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which television programs R watches regularly: screen 1 RF |
medsrc_tvprog_rfscr2 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which television programs R watches regularly: screen 2 RF |
medsrc_tvprog_rfscr3 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which television programs R watches regularly: screen 3 RF |
medsrc_tvprog_rfscr4 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which television programs R watches regularly: screen 4 RF |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – Radio Programs Heard to Follow Pres Campaign | |
medsrc_radio_01 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio prgs R lstns reg’ly: All Things Considered (NPR) |
medsrc_radio_02 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R lstns reg’ly: mention The Dave Ramsey Show |
medsrc_radio_03 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R lstns reg’ly: mention The Ed Shultz Show |
medsrc_radio_04 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R listens regularly: mention Fresh Air (NPR) |
medsrc_radio_05 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R lstns to reg’ly: mentn Glenn Beck Program |
medsrc_radio_06 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio prgs R lstns reg’ly: mentn The Laura Ingraham Show |
medsrc_radio_07 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R listens reg’ly: mentn The Mark Levin Show |
medsrc_radio_08 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R lstns reg’ly: mentn Morning Edition (NPR) |
medsrc_radio_09 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R listens reg’ly: mentn The Neal Boortz Show |
medsrc_radio_10 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio prgs R lstns reg’ly: mentn The Power (Joe Madison) |
medsrc_radio_11 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R lstns reg’ly: mentn The Rush Limbaugh Show |
medsrc_radio_12 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio prgs R lstns: The Savage Nation (Michael Savage) |
medsrc_radio_13 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R lstns reg’ly: mentn The Sean Hannity Show |
medsrc_radio_14 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R listens reg’ly: Talk of the Nation (NPR) |
medsrc_radio_15 | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R listens reg’ly: The Thom Hartmann Program |
medsrc_radio_none | PRE: CASI/WEB Radio progs R listens reg’ly: none of the above selected |
medsrc_radio_dkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: CASI Which radio programs R listens to regularly: DK/RF |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – Websites Used to Follow Pres Campaign | |
medsrc_websites_01 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch websites R visits reg’ly: ABC News (abcnews.go.com) |
medsrc_websites_02 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which web sites R visits regularly: CNN (cnn.com) |
medsrc_websites_03 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wbsites R visits regly: Drudge Report (drudgereport.com) |
medsrc_websites_04 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which web sites R visits regularly: Forbes (forbes.com) |
medsrc_websites_05 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which web sites R visits reg’ly: Fox News (foxnews.com) |
medsrc_websites_06 | PRE: CASI/WEB Websites R visits: Good Morning America (gma.yahoo.com) |
medsrc_websites_07 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch sites R visits reg’ly: Google News (news.google.com) |
medsrc_websites_08 | PRE: CASI/WEB Websites R visits: Huffington Post (huffingtonpost.com) |
medsrc_websites_09 | PRE: CASI/WEB Sites R visits reg’ly: Los Angeles Times (latimes.com) |
medsrc_websites_10 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which web sites R visits reg’ly: MSNBC (msnbc.msn.com) |
medsrc_websites_11 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch sites R visits reg’ly: New York Times (nytimes.com) |
medsrc_websites_12 | PRE: CASI/WEB Sites R visits reg’ly: Today Show (today.msnbc.msn.com) |
medsrc_websites_13 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch websites R visits reg’ly: USA Today (usatoday.com) |
medsrc_websites_14 | PRE: CASI/WEB Websites R visits: Washington Post (washingtonpost.com) |
medsrc_websites_15 | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch wbsites R visits reg’ly: Yahoo News (news.yahoo.com) |
medsrc_websites_othweb | PRE: CASI/WEB Which websites R visits regularly: mention other website |
medsrc_websites_oth | PRE: CASI/WEB Other specify- Which web sites R visits regularly |
medsrc_websites_none | PRE: CASI/WEB Which sites R visits reg’ly: none of the above selected |
medsrc_websites_dkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: CASI Which web sites R visits regularly: DK/RF |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – Print Newspapers Read to Follow Pres Campaign | |
medsrc_printnews_01 | PRE: CASI/WEB Print papers R reads: New York Times/ www.nytimes.com |
medsrc_printnews_02 | PRE: CASI/WEB Print papers R reads reg’ly: USA Today/ www.usatoday.com |
medsrc_printnews_03 | PRE: CASI/WEB Print paprs R reads: Wall Street Journal/ online.wsj.com |
medsrc_printnews_04 | PRE: CASI/WEB Pnt papr R read: Washington Post/ www.washingtonpost.com |
medsrc_printnews_05 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 05 |
medsrc_printnews_06 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 06 |
medsrc_printnews_07 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 07 |
medsrc_printnews_08 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 08 |
medsrc_printnews_09 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 09 |
medsrc_printnews_10 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 10 |
medsrc_printnews_11 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 11 |
medsrc_printnews_12 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 12 |
medsrc_printnews_13 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 13 |
medsrc_printnews_14 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 14 |
medsrc_printnews_15 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 15 |
medsrc_printnews_othnews | PRE: CASI/WEB Which print papers R reads reg’ly: mention other newsp |
medsrc_printnews_none | PRE: CASI/WEB Print papers R reads reg’ly: none of the above selected |
medsrc_printnews_dkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: CASI Which print newspapers R reads regularly: DK/RF |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – Online Newspapers Read to Follow Pres Campaign | |
medsrc_inetnews_01 | PRE: CASI/WEB Onln paprs R read regly: New York Times/ www.nytimes.com |
medsrc_inetnews_02 | PRE: CASI/WEB Online paprs R reads reg’ly: USA Today/ www.usatoday.com |
medsrc_inetnews_03 | PRE: CASI/WEB Onlin paprs R reads: Wall Street Journal/ online.wsj.com |
medsrc_inetnews_04 | PRE: CASI/WEB Onl pprs R read: Washington Post/ www.washingtonpost.com |
medsrc_inetnews_05 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 05 |
medsrc_inetnews_06 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 06 |
medsrc_inetnews_07 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 07 |
medsrc_inetnews_08 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 08 |
medsrc_inetnews_09 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 09 |
medsrc_inetnews_10 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 10 |
medsrc_inetnews_11 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 11 |
medsrc_inetnews_12 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 12 |
medsrc_inetnews_13 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 13 |
medsrc_inetnews_14 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 14 |
medsrc_inetnews_15 | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention newspaper 15 |
medsrc_inetnews_othnews | PRE: CASI/WEB Which online papers R reads reg’ly: mention other newsp |
medsrc_inetnews_none | PRE: CASI/WEB Wch onlin paprs R reads reg’ly: none of the above selctd |
medsrc_inetnews_dkrf | PRE: FTF ONLY: CASI Which online newspapers R reads regularly: DK/RF |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – Social Media Used to Follow Pres Campaign | |
medsrc_socmedia | PRE: CASI/WEB No.days in wk R uses soc media to lrn abt Pres election |
medsrc_blogs | PRE: CASI/WEB No.days in week R uses blogs to learn abt Pres election |
medsrc_specblogs | PRE: CASI/WEB Which blogs R uses to learn abt Pres election |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – R Gun Ownership | |
owngun_owngun | PRE: CASI/WEB Does R own a gun |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – WORDSUM Module | |
wordsum_setb | PRE: CASI/WEB Wordsum set B (incl DKRF) CORRECT/INCORRECT |
wordsum_setd | PRE: CASI/WEB Wordsum set D (incl DKRF) CORRECT/INCORRECT |
wordsum_sete | PRE: CASI/WEB Wordsum set E (incl DKRF) CORRECT/INCORRECT |
wordsum_setf | PRE: CASI/WEB Wordsum set F (incl DKRF) CORRECT/INCORRECT |
wordsum_setg | PRE: CASI/WEB Wordsum set G (incl DKRF) CORRECT/INCORRECT |
wordsum_seth | PRE: CASI/WEB Wordsum set H (incl DKRF) CORRECT/INCORRECT |
wordsum_setj | PRE: CASI/WEB Wordsum set J (incl DKRF) CORRECT/INCORRECT |
wordsum_setk | PRE: CASI/WEB Wordsum set K (incl DKRF) CORRECT/INCORRECT |
wordsum_setl | PRE: CASI/WEB Wordsum set L (incl DKRF) CORRECT/INCORRECT |
wordsum_seto | PRE: CASI/WEB Wordsum set O (incl DKRF) CORRECT/INCORRECT |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – Sexual Orientation | |
orientn_rgay | PRE: CASI/WEB Sexual orientation of R |
orientn_knowgay | PRE: CASI/WEB Sexual orientation of family and friends |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – R Political Knowledge | |
preknow_prestimes | PRE: CASI/WEB Polit knowledge: number times can be elected (incl DKRF) |
preknow_sizedef | PRE: CASI/WEB Political knowledge: size of federal deficit (incl DKRF) |
preknow_senterm | PRE: Years Senator Elected (incl DKRF) |
preknow_medicare | PRE: CASI/WEB Political knowledge: What is Medicare (incl DKRF) |
preknow_leastsp | PRE: CASI/WEB Political knowledge: program Fed govt spends (incl DKRF) |
2012 PRE: CASI Module – R Satisfaction with Life | |
happ_lifesatisf | PRE: How satisfied is R with life |
2012 POST: Campaign Media Exposure | |
mediapo_tv | POST: Watch campaign programs on TV |
mediapo_tvamt | POST: How many campaign programs on TV |
mediapo_radio | POST: Hear radio speeches/discussn about Pres campaign |
mediapo_radioamt | POST: How many radio speech/discussn abt Pres campaign |
mediapo_nwsprev | POST: Read about Presidential campaign in newspaper |
mediapo_nwsprevamt | POST: How many stories abt Pres campaign in newspaper |
mediapo_net | POST: View/hear internet information abt Pres campaign |
mediapo_netamt | POST: How often internet info about Pres campaign |
mediapo_site | POST: Did R visit website of candidate |
mediapo_siteamt | POST: How often visited website of candidate or party |
2012 POST: Mobilization | |
mobilpo_party | POST: Did party contact R about 2012 campaign |
mobilpo_wparty | POST: Which party contacted R about 2012 campaign |
mobilpo_wparty_oth | POST: Other specify- Did party contact R about 2012 campaign |
mobilpo_contactoth | POST: Did anyone other than parties contact R about cands |
mobilpo_latino | POST: LATINO Rs: Was contact by Latino person(s) |
mobilpo_lang | POST: LATINO Rs: Was contact in Spanish or English |
mobilpo_reg | POST: Anyone talk to R abt registering or getting out to vote |
mobilpo_rmob | POST: R talk to anyone about voting for or against cand or pty |
mobilpo_rally | POST: R go to any political meetings, rallies, speeches |
mobilpo_sign | POST: R wear campaign button or post sign or bumper sticker |
mobilpo_otherwork | POST: R do any (other) work for party or candidate |
mobilpo_ctbcand | POST: R contribute money to specific candidate campaign |
mobilpo_ctbcndpty | POST: Party of candidate for whom R contributed money |
mobilpo_ctbcndpty_oth | POST: RESTRICTED: Other specify – party of candidate for whom R contributed money |
mobilpo_ctbpty | POST: R contribute money to political party |
mobilpo_ctbwhpty | POST: Party to which R contributed |
mobilpo_ctbwhpty_oth | POST: RESTRICTED: Other specify -party to which R contributed |
mobilpo_ctboth | POST: R contribute to any other group for/against a cand |
2012 POST: DHS Political Engagement | |
dhsinvolv_march | POST: DHS: Has R in past 4 years: joined a protest march |
dhsinvolv_board | POST: DHS: Has R in past 4 years: attended city/school brd |
dhsinvolv_netpetition | POST: DHS: Has R in past 4 years: sign internet petition |
dhsinvolv_petition | POST: DHS: Has Rin past 4 years: signed paper petition |
dhsinvolv_relig | POST: DHS: Has R in past 4 years: given money to relig. org |
dhsinvolv_org | POST: DHS: Has R in past 4 years: gave money to soc/pol org |
dhsinvolv_call | POST: DHS: Has R in past 4 yrs: called radio/TV about polit iss |
dhsinvolv_message | POST: DHS: sent a message on Facebook/Twitter about polit iss |
dhsinvolv_letter | POST: DHS: written a letter to newspaper/mag about polit iss |
dhsinvolv_contact1 | POST: Contact U.S. Representative or Senator |
dhsinvolv_contact2_1st | POST: Who did R contact: U.S. Senator or Representative_1st mention |
dhsinvolv_contact2_2nd | POST: Who did R contact: U.S. Senator or Representative_2nd mention |
dhsinvolv_contact2_3rd | POST: Who did R contact: U.S. Senator or Representative_3rd mention |
dhsinvolv_contact2_4th | POST: Who did R contact: U.S. Senator or Representative_4th mention |
dhsinvolv_contact2_stsen | POST: Who did R contact: was it U.S. Senator from R’s state |
dhsinvolv_contact2_othsen | POST: Who did R contact: was it U.S. Senator from another state |
dhsinvolv_contact2_distrep | POST: Who did R contact: was it R’s district U.S. Representative |
dhsinvolv_contact2_othrep | POST: Who did R contact: was it other U.S. Representative |
dhsinvolv_contact2_dkrf | POST: FTF ONLY: Who did R contact: DK/RF |
2012 POST: Registration and Vote | |
postvote_regpre | POST: FTF ONLY: Was R registered Pre-election |
postvote_votedpre | POST: FTF ONLY: Did registered R report voting Pre-election |
postvote_prestatus_nonvtr | POST: FTF ONLY: Status of pre-election nonvoters |
postvote_regist_addr | POST: Is R registered at address of residence |
postvote_regist_noaddr | POST: WEB ONLY: Is R registered (address not determined) |
postvote_reg | POST: FTF ONLY: Other Registr. location- city and state identifiable |
postvote_reg_state | POST: FTF ONLY: Other Regist. location – state of registr. (FIPS CODE) |
postvote_reg_samestate | POST: FTF ONLY: Oth Regist. location – state same as household’s (Y/N) |
postvote_regincnty | POST: Is R registered to vote in preload county (residence) |
postvote_regyrs3cat | POST: How long has R been registered at location (collapsed) |
postvote_regyrsfull | POST: RESTRICTED: How long has R been registered at location (full) |
postvote_regname | POST: Name under which R is registered to vote |
postvote_regpty_state | POST: Does recorded state of registration have party registration |
postvote_regpty | POST: Party of registration |
postvote_regpty_oth | POST: RESTRICTED: Other specify- Party of registration |
postvote_rvote | POST: Did R vote in the November general election |
rvote2012_x | PREPOST SUMMARY: Did R vote in November general election |
postvote_ckbcard | POST: Is Post Ballot Card correct (IF FTF: IWR CHECKPOINT) |
postvote_ballotcolor | POST: FTF ONLY: Assigned color for Ballot Card (if displayed) |
postvote_presvt | POST: Did R vote for President |
postvote_presvtwho | POST: For whom did R vote for President |
presvote2012_x | PREPOST SUMMARY: For whom did R vote for President in 2012 |
postvote_presvtwho_oth | POST: Other specify- For whom did R vote for President |
postvote_presstr | POST: Preference strong for Pres cand for whom R voted |
postvote_vtpresdec | POST: How long before election R made decision Pres vote |
postvote_vtpresdec_dkrf | POST: FTF ONLY: How lng bef electn made decisn Pres vt: DK/RF selectd |
postvote_prefpres | POST: Does R prefer Pres cand |
postvote_prefprwho | POST: Preference for Pres cand |
postvote_prefprwho_oth | POST: Other specify- Preference for Pres cand |
postvote_prefprstr | POST: Preference strong for Pres cand |
postvote_votehs | POST: Did R vote for U.S. House of Representatives |
postvote_hsvtbc | POST: For whom did R vote for U.S. House (Ballot Card) |
postvote_hsvtnobc | POST: For whom did R vote for U.S. House (no Ballot Card) |
hsevote2012_x | PREPOST SUMMARY: For whom did R vote for U.S. House in 2012 |
postvote_hspref | POST: Does R prefer U.S. House candidate |
postvote_hsprefbc | POST: Whom does R prefer for U.S. House (Ballot Card) |
postvote_hsprefnobc | POST: Whom does R prefer for U.S. House (no Ballot Card) |
postvote_senhhstate | POST: FTF ONLY: Senate election in state of residence |
postvote_senregstate | POST: FTF ONLY: Sen elctn reg state (R not reg at resid Pre or Post) |
postvote_votesen | POST: Did R vote for U.S. Senate |
postvote_vtsenbc | POST: R’s vote for U.S. Senate (Ballot Card) |
postvote_vtsennobc | POST: R’s vote for U.S. Senate (no Ballot Card) |
senvote2012_x | PREPOST SUMMARY: For whom did R vote for U.S. Senate in 2012 |
postvote_senpref | POST: Does R prefer U.S. Senate candidate |
postvote_senprefbc | POST: Whom does R prefer for U.S. Senate (Ballot Card) |
postvote_senprefnobc | POST: Whom does R prefer for U.S. Senate (no Ballot Card) |
postvote_govhhstate | POST: FTF ONLY: Gubernatorial election in state of residence |
postvote_govregstate | POST: FTF ONLY: Gov elctn reg state (R not reg at resid Pre or Post) |
postvote_votegov | POST: Did R vote for gubernatorial candidate |
postvote_vtgovbc | POST: R’s vote for governor (Ballot Card) |
postvote_vtgovnobc | POST: R’s vote for governor (no Ballot Card) |
govvote2012_x | PREPOST SUMMARY: For whom did R vote for Governer in 2012 |
postvote_govpref | POST: Does R prefer gubernatorial candidate |
postvote_govprefbc | POST: Whom does R prefer for governor (Ballot Card) |
postvote_govprefnobc | POST: Whom does R prefer for governor (no Ballot Card) |
2012 POST: Party Better for Women | |
ptywom_bettrpty | POST: Party does better job for the interests of women |
2012 POST: Politcal Knowledge – Office Recognition | |
ofcrec_speaker | POST: Office recognition: Speaker of the House Boehner |
ofcrec_speaker_correct | POST: Office recognition: Correct for Speaker of the House Boehner |
ofcrec_speaker_probe | POST: FTF ONLY: Office recognition probe: Speaker of the House Boehner |
ofcrec_vp | POST: Office recognition: Vice-President Biden |
ofcrec_vp_correct | POST: Office recognition: Correct for Vice-President Biden |
ofcrec_vp_probe | POST: FTF ONLY: Office recognition probe: Vice-President Biden |
ofcrec_pmuk | POST: Office recognition: Prime Minister of UK Cameron |
ofcrec_pmuk_correct | POST: Office recognition: Correct for Prime Minister of UK Cameron |
ofcrec_pmuk_probe | POST: FTF ONLY: Office recognition probe: Prime Minister of UK Cameron |
ofcrec_cj | POST: Office recognition: US Supreme Ct Chief Justice Roberts |
ofcrec_cj_correct | POST: Office recognition: Correct for US Supreme Ct Chief Justice Roberts |
ofcrec_cj_probe | POST: FTF ONLY: Office recognition probe: US Supreme Ct Chief Justice |
2012 POST: Feeling Thermometers – Political Figures | |
ftpo_pres | POST: Feeling thermometer: Democratic Presidential candidate |
ftpo_rpc | POST: Feeling thermometer: Republican Presidential candidate |
ftpo_rpcsp | POST: Feeling thermometer: spouse of Republican Presidential cand |
ftpo_dpcsp | POST: Feeling thermometer: spouse of Democratic Presidential cand |
ftpo_hdc | POST: Feeling thermometer: HOUSE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE |
ftpo_hrc | POST: Feeling thermometer: HOUSE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE |
ftpo_hoth | POST: Feeling thermometer: HOUSE IND/3rd-PARTY CANDIDATE |
ftpo_sdc | POST: Feeling thermometer: SENATE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE |
ftpo_src | POST: Feeling thermometer: SENATE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE |
ftpo_soth | POST: Feeling thermometer: SENATE IND/3rd-PARTY CANDIDATE |
ftpo_sensr | POST: Feeling thermometer: SR. SENATOR IN STATE WITHOUT RACE |
ftpo_senjr | POST: Feeling thermometer: JR. SENATOR IN STATE WITHOUT RACE |
ftpo_sennot | POST: Feeling thermometer: NONRUNNING SENATOR IN STATE W/RACE |
ftpo_dvpc | POST: Feeling thermometer: Democratic Vice Presidential cand |
ftpo_rvpc | POST: Feeling thermometer: Republican Vice Presidential cand |
ftpo_roberts | POST: Feeling thermometer: John Roberts |
2012 POST: Feeling Thermometers – Groups | |
ftgr_xfund | POST: Feeling thermometer: CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS |
ftgr_catholics | POST: Feeling thermometer: CATHOLICS |
ftgr_feminists | POST: Feeling thermometer: FEMINISTS |
ftgr_fedgov | POST: Feeling thermometer: FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN WASHINGTON |
ftgr_liberals | POST: Feeling thermometer: LIBERALS |
ftgr_middle | POST: Feeling thermometer: MIDDLE CLASS PEOPLE |
ftgr_unions | POST: Feeling thermometer: LABOR UNIONS |
ftgr_poor | POST: Feeling thermometer: POOR PEOPLE |
ftgr_military | POST: Feeling thermometer: THE MILITARY |
ftgr_bigbus | POST: Feeling thermometer: BIG BUSINESS |
ftgr_welfare | POST: Feeling thermometer: PEOPLE ON WELFARE |
ftgr_cons | POST: Feeling thermometer: CONSERVATIVES |
ftgr_working | POST: Feeling thermometer: WORKING CLASS PEOPLE |
ftgr_ussc | POST: Feeling thermometer: THE U.S. SUPREME COURT |
ftgr_gay | POST: Feeling thermometer: GAY MEN AND LESBIANS |
ftgr_congress | POST: Feeling thermometer: CONGRESS |
ftgr_rich | POST: Feeling thermometer: RICH PEOPLE |
ftgr_muslims | POST: Feeling thermometer: MUSLIMS |
ftgr_xian | POST: Feeling thermometer: CHRISTIANS |
ftgr_atheists | POST: Feeling thermometer: ATHEISTS |
ftgr_mormons | POST: Feeling thermometer: MORMONS |
ftgr_tea | POST: Feeling thermometer: TEA PARTY |
2012 POST: Approval House Incumbent | |
hseinc_approval | POST: Approve or disapprove of House incumbent |
hseinc_appstr | POST: How much approve House incumbent |
hseinc_disstr | POST: How much disapprove House incumbent |
hseinc_approval_x | POST: SUMMARY- House incumbent approval |
hseinc_hinctouch | POST: How good a job does House incumbent do in district |
2012 POST: Most Important Problem in the U.S. | |
mip_problem1 | POST: Mention 1 most important problems facing the country |
mip_prob1_dkrf | POST: FTF ONLY: DK/RF selectd- 1st most import probs to USA (no text) |
mip_prob1pty | POST: Party to deal with mention 1 MIP |
mip_problem2 | POST: Mention 2 most important problems facing the country |
mip_prob2_dkrf | POST: FTF ONLY: DK/RF selectd- 2nd most import probs to USA (no text) |
mip_prob2pty | POST: Party to deal with mention 2 MIP |
mip_problem3 | POST: Mention 3 most important problems facing the country |
mip_prob3_dkrf | POST: FTF ONLY: DK/RF selectd- 3rd most import probs to USA (no text) |
mip_prob3pty | POST: Party to deal with mention 3 MIP |
mip_mostproblem | POST: Which among mentions is the most important problem |
mip_mostprob_dkrf | POST: FTF ONLY: DK/RF slctd- most among import probs 2 USA (no text) |
2012 POST: Security in Public Places | |
securpub_secchg | POST: Changes in security at public places |
2012 POST: Political Knowledge – Party with House Majority | |
knowl_housemaj | POST: Know party with most members in House before election |
knowl_senmaj | POST: Know party with most members in Senate before electn |
2012 POST: U.S. Woman President | |
wpres_gdbd | POST: Women President in next 20 years |
wpres_gdstr | POST: How good would it be if we had a woman President |
wpres_bdstr | POST: How bad would it be if we had a woman President |
wpres_gdbd_x | POST: SUMMARY- How good/bad woman Pres in next 20yrs |
wpres_importyes | POST: Important that woman elected president – Good |
wpres_importno | POST: Important that woman elected president –Bad |
2012 POST: Reducing Federal Budget Deficit | |
budget_deficit | POST: Favor or oppose reducing federal deficit |
budget_deficitfav | POST: How strongly favor reducing deficit |
budget_deficitopp | POST: How strongly oppose reducing deficit |
budget_deficitlean | POST: Lean to favor or oppose deficit reduction |
budget_deficit_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor reducing the Federal budget deficit |
budget_defimp | POST: Importance of reducing deficit |
budget_rdef250k | POST: Reduce deficit by raising personal inc tax for over 250K inc |
budget_rdefmed | POST: Reduce deficit by replacing medicare with voucher system |
budget_rdefctax | POST: Reduce deficit by increasing corporate taxes |
budget_rdefmil | POST: Reduce deficit by cutting military spending |
budget_rdefemp | POST: Reduce deficit by cutting fed employees by 10 percent |
budget_rdefgov | POST: Reduce deficit by cutting govt activities excluding military |
2012 POST: R Patriotism | |
patriot_flag | POST: Emotion seeing flag fly |
patriot_love | POST: Love of country |
patriot_amident | POST: Important being American |
2012 POST: Tax on Millionaires | |
milln_milltax | POST: Favor or oppose tax on millionaires |
milln_milltaxst | POST: How strongly favor/oppose |
milln_milltax_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor tax on millionaires |
2012 POST: Government See to Fair Jobs for Blacks | |
fairjob_opin | POST: Opinion about govt ensuring fair jobs for blacks |
fairjob_opin_oth | POST: Other specify- opinion about fair jobs |
fairjob_yes | POST: How much feel govt should ensure fair jobs for blacks |
fairjob_no | POST: How much feel govt not ensure fair jobs for blacks |
fairjob_opin_x | POST: SUMMARY- Opinion about govt ensuring fair jobs for blacks |
2012 POST: Limit U.S. Imports | |
imports_limit | POST: Favor or oppose limits on foreign imports |
2012 POST: U.S. Support of Israel | |
israel_support | POST: Is U.S. too supportive of Israel or not supportive enough |
2012 POST: U.S. Immigration | |
immigpo_level | POST: What should immigration levels be |
immigpo_jobs | POST: How likely immigration will take away jobs |
2012 POST: Effects of Health Care Law | |
hlthlaw_qual | POST: Health Care Law effect on health care services |
hlthlaw_num | POST: Health Care Law effect on number insured |
2012 POST: Iran Nuclear Weapon Development | |
iran_nukdev | POST: Iran trying to develop nuclear weapons |
iran_nukdip | POST: Try to stop Iranian nuclear dev: direct diplomatic talks |
iran_nuksanct | POST: Try to stop Iranian nuclear dev: increase sanctions |
iran_nuksite | POST: Try to stop Iranian nuclear dev: bomb development sites |
iran_nukeinvd | POST: Try to stop Iranian nuclear dev: invade with U.S. troops |
2012 POST: China – Economic and Military Threat | |
china_econ | POST: Effect of China’s economic expansion on U.S. |
china_mil | POST: China military threat |
2012 POST: R Conditions of Economic Peril | |
ecperil_putoffmed | POST: Put off checkup and vaccines |
ecperil_payhlthcst | POST: Will you pay all costs |
ecperil_worry | POST: Worry about financial situation |
ecperil_home | POST: Home tenure |
ecperil_payany | POST: Any payments for home for non-owners non-renters |
ecperil_payhouse | POST: Able to make housing payments |
ecperil_lostjobs | POST: Anyone lost jobs |
2012 POST: Liberal-Conservative 7pt Scale Placement | |
libcpo_self | POST: 7pt scale liberal-Conservate: self placement |
libcpo_selfch | POST: If had to choose, liberal or conservative |
libcpo_hdc | POST: 7pt scale liberal-conservative: Democratic House cand |
libcpo_hrc | POST: 7pt scale liberal-conservative: Republican House cand |
2012 POST: Use of Scientific Methods to Solve Problems | |
science_use | POST: How oft shd govt use scientific methods to solve imp probs |
2012 POST: Abortion (standard placements) | |
abort_dpc4 | POST: STD Abortion: Democratic Presidential cand placemt |
abort_dpc4_oth | POST: Other specify- abortion placement of Dem Pres cand |
abort_rpc4 | POST: STD Abortion: Republican Presidential cand placemt |
abort_rpc4_oth | POST: Other specify- abortion placement of Rep Pres cand |
abort_dem4 | POST: STD Abortion: Democratic party placement |
abort_dem4_oth | POST: Other specify- abortion placement of Dem party |
abort_rep4 | POST: STD Abortion: Republican party placement |
abort_rep4_oth | POST: Other specify- abortion placement of Rep party |
2012 POST: Abortion Approval – Scenarios | |
abort_health | POST: REV Abortion: R favor/oppose legal when nonfatal health risk |
abort_healthfav | POST: REV How much R favor abortion legal for nonfatal health risk |
abort_healthopp | POST: REV How much R oppose abortn legal for nonfatal health risk |
abort_healthln | POST: REV R lean favor/opp abortion legal for nonfatal health risk |
abort_health_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor abortion legal for nonfatal health risk of mother |
abort_fatal | POST: REV Abortion: R favor/oppose legal when fatal health risk |
abort_fatalfav | POST: REV How much R favor abortion legal for fatal health risk |
abort_fatalopp | POST: REV How much R oppose abortion legal for fatal health risk |
abort_fatalln | POST: REV R lean favor/oppose abortion legal for fatal health risk |
abort_fatal_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor abortion legal for fatal risk of mother |
abort_incest | POST: REV Abortion: R favor/oppose legal in incest cases |
abort_incestfav | POST: REV How much R favor abortion legal in incest cases |
abort_incestopp | POST: REV How much R oppose abortion legal in incest cases |
abort_incestln | POST: REV R lean favor/oppose abortion legal in incest cases |
abort_incest_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor abortion legal for cases of incest |
abort_rape | POST: REV Abortion: R favor/oppose legal in rape cases |
abort_rapefav | POST: REV How much R favor abortion legal in rape cases |
abort_rapeopp | POST: REV How much R oppose abortion legal in rape cases |
abort_rapelean | POST: REV R lean favor/oppose abortion legal in rape cases |
abort_rape_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor abortion legal for cases of rape |
abort_bd | POST: REV Abortion: R favor/oppose legal in birth defect cases |
abort_bdfav | POST: REV How much R favor abortion legal in birth defect cases |
abort_bdopp | POST: REV How much R oppose abortion legal in birth defect cases |
abort_bdln | POST: REV R lean favor/oppose abortion legal in birth defect case |
abort_bd_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor abortion legal for cases of birth defect |
abort_fin | POST: REV Abortion: R favor/oppose legal in financial hardshp cases |
abort_finfav | POST: REV How much R favor abortion legal in finan hardship cases |
abort_finopp | POST: REV How much R oppose abortion legal in finan hardship cases |
abort_finln | POST: REV Lean fav/oppose abortion legal in finan hardship cases |
abort_fin_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor abortion legal for cases of financial hardship |
abort_sex | POST: REV Abortion: R favor/oppose legal to select child gender |
abort_sexfav | POST: REV How much R favor abortn legal to select child gender |
abort_sexopp | POST: REV How much R oppose abortn legal to select child gender |
abort_sexln | POST: REV R lean favor/opp abortn legal to select child gender |
abort_sex_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor abortion legal to select child gender |
abort_choice | POST: Abortion: favor/oppose legal as woman’s choice |
abort_choicefav | POST: How much R favor abortion legal as woman’s choice |
abort_choiceopp | POST: How much R oppose abortn legal as woman’s choice |
abort_choiceln | POST: R lean favor/opp abortion legal as woman’s choice |
abort_choice_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor abortion legal as woman’s choice |
2012 POST: Court Approval Required for Wiretaps | |
wiretap_warrant | POST: Favor or oppose court auth for terr suspect wiretaps |
2012 POST: Outsourcing of jobs | |
outsource_enc | POST: Should govt encourage/discourage outsourcing |
outsource_encst | POST: How much should govt encourage/discourage outsourcing |
outsource_enc_x | POST: SUMMARY- Encourage outsourcing of jobs |
2012 POST: Social Security Investments | |
ssinv_invest | POST: Favor or oppose Social Security in stocks and bonds |
ssinv_invfav | POST: How much favor Social Security in stocks and bonds |
ssinv_invopp | POST: How much oppose Social Security in stocks and bonds |
ssinv_invln | POST: R lean favor or oppose Social Security in stocks and bonds |
ssinv_invest_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor Social Security investment in stocks and bonds |
2012 POST: Neo-nullification (state vs Federal law) | |
neonull_strule | POST: Favor or oppose state decision whether federal law applies |
neonull_strulest | POST: How much favor/opp state decision whether fed law applies |
neonull_strule_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor state decision when federal law applies to state |
2012 POST: Legalization of Marijuana | |
pot_legal | POST: Should marijuana be legal |
2012 POST: Power and Role of Federal Government | |
govrole_big | POST: Govt bigger because too involved OR bigger problems |
govrole_market | POST: Need strong govt for complex problems OR free market |
govrole_lessmore | POST: Less govt better OR more that govt should be doing |
govrole_regbus | POST: Regulation of Business |
2012 POST: Discuss Politics | |
discuss_disc | POST: Ever discuss politics with family or friends |
discuss_discpstwk | POST: Days in past week discussed politics |
2012 POST: Mormon Religion | |
mormon_xn | POST: Mormon a Christian religion |
mormon_known | POST: Mormon people you know |
mormon_beliefs | POST: Mormon common beliefs with self |
2012 POST: Factors of Aversion to/Preference for Presidential Candidates | |
factor_rpcrel | POST: Pres cand aversion-pref factor: Mitt Romney’s Mormon relig |
factor_dpcrace | POST: Pres cand aversion-pref factor: Barack Obama’s race |
factor_ahcare | POST: Pcand factor: the Affordable Health Care Act or ‘Obamacare’ |
factor_econ | POST: Pres cand aversion-pref factor: the economy |
factor_fpol | POST: Pres cand aversion-pref factor: foreign policy |
factor_dpcrel | POST: Pres cand aversion-preference factor: Dem Pres cand relig |
factor_rpcwlth | POST: Pres cand aversion-preference factor: Mitt Romney’s wealth |
factor_pcdem | POST: Pres cand aver-pref factor: the fact that Obama is Democrat |
factor_pcrep | POST: Pres cand aver-pref factor:the fact that Romney is Republican |
2012 POST: Party Differences | |
ptydiff_diff | POST: Important differences in what major parties stand for |
ptycons_cons | POST: Is one of the parties more conservative than the other |
ptycons_ptyconswh | POST: Which is the party that is more conservative |
2012 POST: Favor or Oppose TARP | |
tarp_favopp | POST: Does R favor or oppose the TARP program |
tarp_favoppst | POST: How much does R favor or oppose the TARP program |
tarp_favopp_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor the TARP program |
2012 POST: Attitudes toward Supreme Court Authority | |
scourt_elim | POST: Do away with the Supreme Court |
scourt_elimstr | POST: Do away with court – strength |
scourt_elimln | POST: Do away with court – lean |
scourt_elim_x | POST: SUMMARY- Should the Supreme Court be done away with |
scourt_remove | POST: Remove Supreme Court Judges |
scourt_removestr | POST: Remove Supreme Court Judges — strength |
scourt_removeln | POST: Remove Supreme Court Judges – lean |
scourt_remove_x | POST: SUMMARY- Should it be possible to remove Supreme Ct judges |
2012 POST: Public Engagement | |
involv_communwk | POST: Has R done community work in past 12 months |
involv_govoffic | POST: Has R contacted official to express view in past 12 mo |
involv_commmtg | POST: Did R attend meeting on school/community issue past 12 mo |
involv_numorgs | POST: Number of organizations in which R is a member |
involv_voltr | POST: Has R done any volunteer work in past 12 months |
involv_charity | POST: Has R contributed to church or charity in past 12 mo |
2012 POST: Social Group Links | |
link_black | POST: Black R: life be affected by what happens to blacks |
link_blackamt | POST: Black R: how much life affected by what happens to blacks |
link_hisp | POST: Hisp R: life be affected by what happens to Hispanics |
link_hispamt | POST: Hisp R: how much life affected by what happens to Hisps |
link_white | POST: White R: life be affected by what happens to whites |
link_whiteamt | POST: White R: how much life affected by what happens to whites |
link_wom | POST: Female R: life be affected by what happens to women |
link_womamt | POST: Female R: how much life affected by what happens to women |
link_oth | POST: Life affected by what happens to other people |
link_othamt | POST: How much life affected by what happens to others |
2012 POST: Moral Traditionalism | |
trad_adjust | POST: Agree/disagree: world is changing and we should adjust |
trad_lifestyle | POST: Agree/disagree: newer lifestyles breaking down society |
trad_tolerant | POST: Agree/disagree: be more tolerant of other moral stds |
trad_famval | POST: Agree/disagree: more emphasis on traditional family values |
2012 POST: Racial Resentment | |
resent_workway | POST: Agree/disagree: blacks shd work way up w/o special favors |
resent_slavery | POST: Agree/disagree: past slavery make more diff for blacks |
resent_deserve | POST: Agree/disagree: blacks have gotten less than deserve |
resent_try | POST: Agree/disagree: blacks must try harder to get ahead |
2012 POST: Trust in Government – Corruption | |
trustgvpo_crook | POST: How many in government are crooked |
2012 POST: Efficacy – (splice) Standard / Revised | |
efficpo_complicstd | POST: [STD] Politics/govt too complicated to understand |
efficpo_undstd | POST: [STD] Good understanding of political issues |
efficpo_carestd | POST: [STD] Publ officials don’t care what people think |
efficpo_saystd | POST: [STD] Have no say about what govt does |
efficpo_complicrev | POST: [REV] Politics/govt too complicatd to understand |
efficpo_undrev | POST: [REV] Good understanding of political issues |
efficpo_carerev | POST: [REV] Publ officials don’t care what peopl think |
efficpo_sayrev | POST: [REV] Have no say about what govt does |
efficpo_bothside | POST: How often see both disagreeing parties as right |
2012 POST: Electoral Integrity | |
electintpo_countfair | POST: Electoral integrity Post: are votes counted fairly |
electintpo_jrnlfair | POST: Electoral integrity Post: is journalist coverage fair |
electintpo_elecofffair | POST: Electoral integrity Post: are election officials fair |
electintpo_richbuy | POST: Electoral integrity Post: do the rich buy elections |
electintpo_votechc | POST: Electoral integrity Post: do voters have a genuine choice |
2012 POST: Women’s Role | |
women_bond | POST: Easier or harder for working mother to bond with child |
women_bondea | POST: How much easier for working mother to bond with child |
women_bondha | POST: How much harder for working mother to bond with child |
women_bond_x | POST: SUMMARY- Working mother’s bond with child |
women_works | POST: Better if man works and woman takes care of home |
women_worksbetter | POST: How much better if man works and woman at home |
women_worksworse | POST: How much worse if man works and woman at home |
women_works_x | POST: SUMMARY- Better if man works and woman takes care of home |
2012 POST: Modern Sexism | |
modsex_discamt | POST: Discrimination against women |
modsex_media | POST: Media pay more attention to discrimination |
modsex_mediamore | POST: How much more attn should media pay to discrim against women |
modsex_medialess | POST: How much less attn should media pay to discrim against women |
modsex_media_x | POST: SUMMARY- How much attn media should pay to discrim against women |
modsex_special | POST: Do women demanding equality seek special favors |
modsex_disc | POST: How often do hiring and promotion discriminate agst women |
modsex_prob | POST: Do women complaining about discrim cause more problems |
modsex_oppor | POST: Do women or men have more opport for achievmt in the U.S. |
modsex_menmore | POST: How much more opportunities for achievement do men have |
modsex_wommore | POST: How much more opportunities for achievement do women have |
modsex_oppor_x | POST: SUMMARY- Opportunities compared for women and men |
2012 POST: Affirmative Action in Hiring | |
aapost_hire | POST: For or against preferential hiring/promotion of blacks |
aapost_hire_oth | POST: Other specify – for or against pref hiring/promotion of blacks |
aapost_hirefav | POST: Strength favor preferential hiring/promotion of blacks |
aapost_hireopp | POST: Strength oppose preferential hiring/promotion blacks |
aapost_hire_x | POST: SUMMARY- Favor preferential hiring and promotion of blacks |
2012 POST: Authoritarianism (children’s traits) | |
auth_ind | POST: Child trait more important: independence or respect |
auth_cur | POST: Child trait more important: curiosity or good manners |
auth_obed | POST: Child trait more important: obedience or self-reliance |
auth_consid | POST: Child trait more important: considerate or well-behaved |
2012 POST: Equalitarianism | |
egal_equal | POST: Society should make sure everyone has equal opportunity |
egal_toofar | POST: We have gone too far pushing equal rights |
egal_bigprob | POST: Its a big problem that we dont give equal chance to succeed |
egal_worryless | POST: We’d be better off if worried less about equality |
egal_notbigprob | POST: Not a big problem if some have more chance in life |
egal_fewerprobs | POST: If people were treated more fairly would be fewer probs |
2012 POST: Is Increase in Govt Wiretapping Too Much | |
wiretappo_toofar | POST: Has increase in govt wiretap powers gone too far |
cog_opinions | POST: Does R have opinions about many, some or few things |
2012 POST: Cognitive Style | |
cog_opin | POST: Does R have fewer or more opinions than average person |
cog_opinfew | POST: R have a lot or somewhat fewer opinions than average |
cog_opinmore | POST: R have a lot or somewhat more opinions than average |
cog_opin_x | POST: SUMMARY- Number of opinions R has compared to average person |
2012 POST: Non-Mainstream Beliefs | |
nonmain_born | POST: Was the President born in the U.S. |
nonmain_endlife | POST: Does Health Care Act authorize end-of-life decision |
nonmain_govt911 | POST: DId the U.S. government know about 9/11 in advance |
nonmain_bias | POST: Does the Administration favor blacks or whites |
nonmain_hurric | POST: Did the govt direct Katrina flooding into poor areas |
2012 POST: CSES Module – Level of Public Expenditures | |
cses_exphlth | POST: CSES: Public expenditure Health |
cses_expeduc | POST: CSES: Public expenditure: eduction |
cses_expunemp | POST: CSES: Public expenditure: unemployment benefits |
cses_expdef | POST: CSES: Public expenditure: defense |
cses_expss | POST: CSES: Public expenditure: pensions |
cses_expbusind | POST: CSES: Public expenditure: business and industry |
cses_exppolc | POST: CSES: Public expenditure: police and law enforcement |
cses_expwelf | POST: CSES: Public expenditure: welfare benefits |
2012 POST: CSES Module – R Standard of Living | |
cses_impstdliv | POST: CSES: CSES: Improving standard of living |
2012 POST: CSES Module – State of the Economy | |
cses_econ | POST: CSES: State of economy |
cses_econb | POST: CSES: State of economy better |
cses_econw | POST: CSES: State of economy worse |
cses_govtact | POST: CSES: Govt action income inequality |
2012 POST: CSES Module – Efficacy | |
cses_diffpower | POST: CSES: 5pt scale: make a difference who is in power |
cses_diffvote | POST: CSES: 5pt scale: make a difference who one votes for |
2012 POST: CSES Module – Like-Dislike 10pt Scale | |
cses_dptylike | POST: CSES: 10pt scale: like-dislike Democratic Party |
cses_rptylike | POST: CSES: 10pt scale: like-dislike Republican Party |
cses_rpclike | POST: CSES: 10pt scale: like-dislike Republican Pres cand |
cses_dpclike | POST: CSES: 10pt scale: like-dislike Democratic Pres cand |
2012 POST: CSES Module – Left-Right 10pt Scale | |
cses_dptyleft | POST: CSES: 10pt scale: left-right Democratic Party |
cses_rptyleft | POST: CSES: 10pt scale: left-right Republican Party |
cses_selfleft | POST: CSES: 10pt scale: left-right self placement |
2012 POST: CSES Module – Satisfaction with Democracy | |
cses_satisdem | POST: CSES: Satisfied with way democracy works in the U.S |
2012 POST: CSES Module – Closeness to Political Parties | |
cses_closepty | POST: CSES: Close to any political party |
cses_ptymore | POST: CSES: Closer to one party |
cses_ptyclost | POST: CSES: Which party R is closest to |
cses_ptyclost_oth | POST: RESTRICTED: CSES: Party closest to |
cses_degclose | POST: CSES: Degree closeness |
2012 POST: CSES Module – Mobilization | |
cses_contct | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact |
cses_ftf | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact – in person |
cses_mail | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact – by mail |
cses_phone | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact – by phone |
cses_txtmsg | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact – text messaging |
cses_email | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact – email |
cses_socnet | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact – social network |
cses_ptycont_1st | POST: FTF ONLY: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact mention 1 |
cses_ptycont_2nd | POST: FTF ONLY: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact mention 2 |
cses_ptycont_3rd | POST: FTF ONLY: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact mention 3 |
cses_ptycont_4th | POST: FTF ONLY: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact mention 4 |
cses_ptycont_5th | POST: FTF ONLY: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact mention 5 |
cses_ptycont_dc | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact Democratic candidate |
cses_ptycont_rc | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact Republican candidate |
cses_ptycont_dp | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact Democratic party |
cses_ptycont_rp | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact Republican party |
cses_ptycont_othcont | POST: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact Other |
cses_ptycont_oth | POST: Other Specify- CSES Mobilization: institutional contact |
cses_ptycont_dkrf | POST: FTF ONLY: CSES: Mobilization: institutional contact DK/RF |
cses_persuade | POST: CSES: Mobilization: personal contact |
cses_persftf | POST: CSES: Mobilization: personal contact – in person |
cses_persmail | POST: CSES: Mobilization: personal contact – by mail |
cses_persph | POST: CSES: Mobilization: personal contact – by phone |
cses_perstxt | POST: CSES: Mobilization: personal contact – text message |
cses_perseml | POST: CSES: Mobilization: personal contact – email |
cses_persweb | POST: CSES: Mobilization: personal contact – social network |
cses_mobph | POST: CSES: Mobilization: sign up online information or alerts |
2012 POST: CSES Module – Political Knowledge | |
cses_poliinfone | POST: CSES: Political information – Secy Treasury |
cses_polinftwo_rate | POST: CSES: Political information – number used for unemployment rate |
cses_polinftwo_date | POST: CSES: Political information – date used for date of unempl rate |
cses_polinftwo | POST: CSES: Political information – unemployment rate |
cses_poliinfthree | POST: CSES: Political information – party 2nd in House seats won |
cses_poliinffour | POST: CSES: Political information – Secy of the U.N. |
2012 POST: CSES Module – Income Level and Assets | |
cses_increduc | POST: CSES: Household income in next 12 months |
cses_ownresid | POST: CSES: Ownership: residence |
cses_ownoth | POST: CSES: Ownership: real estate |
cses_ownstck | POST: CSES: Ownership: stocks or bonds |
cses_ownsavg | POST: CSES: Ownership: savings |
2012 POST: CSES Module – How Hard to Find Another Job | |
cses_diffjob | POST: CSES: R find another job |
cses_spdiffjb | POST: CSES: Spouse/partner find another job |
2012 POST: DHS Terrorism Threat | |
dhs_threat | POST: DHS: Does federal govt pose a threat to citizens |
dhs_threatamt | POST: DHS: How much of a threat does federal govt pose to citizens |
dhs_appterr | POST: DHS: Approve/disappr govt efforts to reduce terrorism |
dhs_appterrmch | POST: DHS: How much approve efforts to reduce terrorism |
dhs_disterrmch | POST: DHS: How much disapprove efforts to reduce terrorism |
dhs_attack | POST: DHS: Likely terrorist attack killing 100/more in nxt yr |
dhs_torture | POST: DHS: Favor or oppose torture for suspected terrorists |
dhs_torturefav | POST: DHS: How much favor torture for suspected terrorists |
dhs_tortureopp | POST: DHS: How much oppose torture for suspected terrorists |
2012 POST: Hispanic Rs – Ethnic Assimilation and Preservation | |
pohisp_hispnews | POST: HISPANIC: news in English or Spanish |
pohisp_hispnews_oth | POST: HISPANIC: Other specify- news in English or Spanish |
pohisp_uselang | POST: HISPANIC: how much R uses English or Spanish |
pohisp_renglish | POST: HISPANIC : not English-only -converse well in English |
pohisp_renglish_oth | POST: HISPANIC: Oth spec- how well speak in English (not English only) |
pohisp_rspanish | POST: HISPANIC: not Spanish-only: converse well in Spanish |
pohisp_rspanish_oth | POST: HISPANIC: Oth spec- how well speak in Spanish (not Spanish only) |
pohisp_keepspan | POST: HISPANIC: how important to speak Spanish |
pohisp_readeng | POST: HISPANIC: how impt to read and write English in U.S. |
pohisp_speakeng | POST: HISPANIC: how important to speak English in US |
pohisp_impassim | POST: HISPANIC: how important to blend in |
pohisp_impdistinct | POST: HISPANIC: how important to maintain culture |
pohisp_cnctcntry | POST: HISPANIC: how often contact with ancestral country |
pohisp_viscntry | POST: HISPANIC: how often visit ancestral country |
pohisp_moneycntry | POST: HISPANIC: how often send money ancestral country |
pohisp_polcntry | POST: HISPANIC: attn to politics in ancestral country |
pohisp_votecntry | POST: HISPANIC: did R ever vote in ancestral country |
2012 POST: CASI Module Test Screens | |
casistartpo_iwrset4 | POST: FTF CASI ONLY: SETUP TEST- Does R have a dog |
casistartpo_iwrset6 | POST: FTF CASI ONLY: SETUP TEST- What R ate for breakfast |
2012 POST: CASI Module – Feeling Thermometers – Racial Groups | |
ftcasi_asian | POST: CASI/WEB: Feeling thermometer: ASIAN-AMERICANS |
ftcasi_hisp | POST: CASI/WEB: Feeling thermometer: HISPANICS |
ftcasi_black | POST: CASI/WEB: Feeling thermometer: BLACKS |
ftcasi_illegal | POST: CASI/WEB: Feeling thermometer: ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS |
ftcasi_white | POST: CASI/WEB: Feeling thermometer: WHITES |
2012 POST: CASI Module – Influence of Racial Groups | |
racecasi_infwhite | POST: CASI/WEB: How much influence do whites have in U.S. politics |
racecasi_infblacks | POST: CASI/WEB: How much influence do blacks have in U.S. politics |
racecasi_infhisp | POST: CASI/WEB: How much influence do Hisp have in U.S. politics |
racecasi_sympblacks | POST: CASI/WEB: How often has felt sympathy for blacks |
racecasi_admblacks | POST: CASI/WEB: How often has felt admiration for blacks |
2012 POST: CASI Module – Importance of Racial and Religious Identity | |
ident_hispid | POST: CASI/WEB: How important is being Hispanic to identity |
ident_whiteid | POST: CASI/WEB: How important is being White to identity |
ident_blackid | POST: CASI/WEB: How important is being Black to identity |
ident_nativeid | POST: CASI/WEB: How important is being Native Am to identity |
ident_asianid | POST: CASI/WEB: How important is being Asian to identity |
ident_pacifid | POST: CASI/WEB: How important is being Pacific Islander to identity |
ident_otherid | POST: CASI/WEB: How important is being Other to identity |
ident_religid_preload | POST: CASI/WEB: Preload religious group for importance of religious identity |
ident_religid | POST: CASI/WEB: How important is religious identification to identity |
ident_amerid | POST: CASI/WEB: How important is being American to identity |
2012 POST: CASI Module – Increased Economic Inequality | |
ineqinc_ineqgb | POST: CASI/WEB: Is increased income inequality in U.S. good |
ineqinc_ineqreduc | POST: CASI/WEB: Does R favor-oppose govt reducing income ineqality |
2012 POST: CASI Module – Racial Group Stereotypes | |
stype_hwkwhite | POST: CASI/WEB: stereotype: Whites hardworking |
stype_hwkblack | POST: CASI/WEB: Stereotype: Blacks hardworking |
stype_hwkhisp | POST: CASI/WEB: Stereotype: Hispanics hardworking |
stype_hwkasian | POST: CASI/WEB: Stereotype: Asians hardworking |
stype_intwhite | POST: CASI/WEB: Stereotype: Whites intelligent |
stype_intblack | POST: CASI/WEB: Stereotype: Blacks intelligent |
stype_inthisp | POST: CASI/WEB: Stereotype: Hispanics intelligent |
stype_intasian | POST: CASI/WEB: Stereotype: Asians intelligent |
2012 POST: CASI Module – TIPI | |
tipi_extra | POST: CASI/WEB: TIPI extraverted, enthusiastic |
tipi_crit | POST: CASI/WEB: TIPI critical, quarrelsome |
tipi_dep | POST: CASI/WEB: TIPI dependable, self-disciplined |
tipi_anx | POST: CASI/WEB: TIPI anxious, easily upset |
tipi_open | POST: CASI/WEB: TIPI open to new experiences |
tipi_resv | POST: CASI/WEB: TIPI reserved, quiet |
tipi_warm | POST: CASI/WEB: TIPI sympathetic, warm |
tipi_disorg | POST: CASI/WEB: TIPI disorganized, careless |
tipi_calm | POST: CASI/WEB: TIPI calm, emotionally stable |
tipi_conv | POST: CASI/WEB: TIPI conventional, uncreative |
2012 POST: CASI Module – R Income | |
incpo_totinc | POST: RESTRICTED: CASI/WEB: Total income amount |
incpo_totmiss40 | POST: CASI/WEB: Total income amt missing – is it ge or lt 40K |
incpo_totmiss20 | POST: CASI/WEB: Total income amt missing – is it ge or lt 20K |
incpo_totl20 | POST: CASI/WEB: Total income amt missing – is it categories lt 20K |
incpo_totg20l40 | POST: CASI/WEB: Total income amt missing – is it categories 20-40K |
incpo_totmiss70 | POST: CASI/WEB: Total income amt missing – is it ge or lt 70K |
incpo_totg40l70 | POST: CASI/WEB: Total income amt missing – is it categories 40-70K |
incpo_totmiss100 | POST: CASI/WEB: Total income amt missing – is it ge or lt 100K |
incpo_totg70l100 | POST: CASI/WEB: Total income amt missng – is it categories 70-100K |
incpo_totg100 | POST: CASI/WEB: Total income amt missing – is it categories 100+K |
incgroup_prepost_x | CASI/WEB: PREPOST SUMMARY- Family income |
2012 POST: CASI Module – Group Discrimination | |
discrim_blacks | POST: CASI/WEB: Discrimination in the U.S. against Blacks |
discrim_hispanics | POST: CASI/WEB: Discrimination in the U.S. against Hispanics |
discrim_whites | POST: CASI/WEB: Discrimination in the U.S. against Whites |
discrim_gays | POST: CASI/WEB: Discrimination in the U.S. against Gays and Lesbians |
discrim_women | POST: CASI/WEB: Discrimination in the U.S. against Women |
discrim_self | POST: CASI/WEB: How much discrimination has R faced personal |
2012 POST: Religion Stereotypes | |
rstype_violcath | POST: WEB ONLY: religious stereotype violent – Catholics |
rstype_violprot | POST: WEB ONLY: religious stereotype violent – Protestants |
rstype_violmusl | POST: WEB ONLY: religious stereotype violent – Muslims |
rstype_violmorm | POST: WEB ONLY: religious stereotype violent – Mormons |
rstype_violnonrel | POST: WEB ONLY: religious stereotype violent – nonreligious |
rstype_patrcath | POST: WEB ONLY: religious stereotype patriotic – Catholcs |
rstype_patrmusl | POST: WEB ONLY: religious stereotype patriotic – Muslims |
rstype_patrmorm | POST: WEB ONLY: religious stereotype patriotic – Mormons |
rstype_patrprot | POST: WEB ONLY: religious stereotype patriotic – Protestants |
rstype_patrnonrel | POST: WEB ONLY: religious stereotype patriotic – non-religious |
2012 SAMPLE VARS | |
sample_state | Sample- state of Respondent address (2-char Postal abbrev) |
sample_stfips | Sample- state FIPS code |
sample_region | Sample- Census region |
sample_district | Sample – U.S. Congr district of Respondent address (113th U.S. Congress) |
sample_district_prev | Sample – previous U.S. Congr district of Respondent address (112th U.S. Congress) |
sample_countyfips | RESTRICTED: Sample- county FIPS code |
sample_countyname | RESTRICTED: Sample- county name |
sample_ftf_replicate | FTF ONLY: Sample- sample replicate |
sample_ftf_advletdate | FTF ONLY: Sample- date of advance letter |
sample_ftf_chumflag | FTF ONLY: Sample- CHUM flag (CHUM procedure) |
sample_tract | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Sample- Census tract |
sample_ftf_timezone | FTF ONLY: Sample- time zone |
sample_web_statusmsa | WEB ONLY: Sample- MSA status |
sample_web_cbsa | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Sample- CBSA |
sample_web_mktarea | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Sample- designated Market Area |
sample_ftf_zip | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Sample – zip code |
admin_pre_ftf_iwdatebeg | Pre admin- Beginning date of FTF IW (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_pre_web1_iwdatebeg | Web Pre admin- Beginning date of Web Pre PART 1 (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_pre_web2_iwdatebeg | Web Pre admin- Beginning date of Web Pre PART 2 (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_pre_ftf_iwbegtime | Pre admin- Beginning time of FTF IW (HHMMSS) |
admin_pre_web1_iwbegtime | Web Pre admin- Beginning time of Web Pre PART 1 (HHMMSS) |
admin_pre_web2_iwbegtime | Web Pre admin- Beginning time of Web Pre PART 2 (HHMMSS) |
admin_pre_iwlength | Pre admin – Length of pre-election interviewing |
admin_pre_web1length | Pre admin – Length of 1st 1/2 pre-election Web survey |
admin_pre_web2length | Pre admin – Length of 2nd 1/2 pre-election Web survey |
admin_pre_ftf_iwdatefin | Pre admin- Ending date of FTF Pre IW (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_pre_web1_iwdatefin | Pre admin- Ending date of Web Pre PART 1 (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_pre_web2_iwdatefin | Pre admin- Ending date of Web Pre PART 2 (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_pre_ftf_iwfintime | Pre admin- Ending time of FTF IW (HHMMSS) |
admin_pre_web1_iwfintime | Pre admin- Ending time of Web Pre PART 1 (HHMMSS) |
admin_pre_web2_iwfintime | Pre admin- Ending time of Web Pre PART 2 (HHMMSS) |
admin_pre_iwrecorded | FTF ONLY: Pre admin- R consent to recording Pre-election IW |
admin_pre_lang_start | Pre admin – language of Pre-election IW: starting language |
admin_pre_ltr_notif | FTF ONLY: Pre admin- Letter: was R sent Pre-election notification letter |
admin_pre_ltr_notifdate | FTF ONLY: Pre admin- Letter: date of Pre-election notification letter (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_pre_ltr_refcon1 | FTF ONLY: Pre admin- Letter: was R sent Pre-election refusal conversion letter 1 |
admin_pre_ltr_refcon1date | FTF ONLY: Pre admin- Letter: date of Pre-election ref-conversion letter 1 (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_pre_ltr_refcon2 | FTF ONLY: Pre admin- Letter: was R sent Pre-election refusal conversion letter 2 |
admin_pre_ltr_refcon2date | FTF ONLY: Pre admin- Letter: date of Pre-election ref-conversion letter 2 (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_pre_ltr_lockedbldg | FTF ONLY: Pre admin- Letter: was R sent Pre-election locked building letter |
admin_pre_ltr_lockedbldgdate | FTF ONLY: Pre admin- Letter: date of Pre-election locked bldg letter(YYYYMMDD) |
admin_pre_ltr_nocont | FTF ONLY: Pre admin- Letter: was R sent Pre-election no-contact letter |
admin_pre_ltr_nocontdate | FTF ONLY: Pre admin- Letter: date of Pre-election no-contact letter (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_post_ftf_iwdatebeg | Post admin- Beginning date of FTF IW (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_post_web1_iwdatebeg | Web Post admin- Beginning date of Web Post PART 1 (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_post_web2_iwdatebeg | Web Post admin- Beginning date of Web Post PART 2 (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_post_ftf_iwbegtime | Post admin- Beginning time of FTF IW (HHMMSS) |
admin_post_web1_iwbegtime | Web Post admin- Beginning time of Web Post PART 1 (HHMMSS) |
admin_post_web2_iwbegtime | Web Post admin- Beginning time of Web Post PART 2 (HHMMSS) |
admin_post_iwlength | Post admin – Length of post-election interviewing |
admin_post_web1length | Post admin – Length of 1st 1/2 post-election Web survey |
admin_post_web2length | Post admin – Length of 2nd 1/2 post-election Web survey |
admin_post_ftf_iwdatefin | Post admin- Ending date of FTF Post IW (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_post_web1_iwdatefin | Post admin- Ending date of Web Post PART 1 (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_post_web2_iwdatefin | Post admin- Ending date of Web Post PART 2 (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_post_ftf_iwfintime | Post admin- Ending time of FTF IW (HHMMSS) |
admin_post_web1_iwfintime | Post admin- Ending time of Web Post PART 1 (HHMMSS) |
admin_post_web2_iwfintime | Post admin- Ending time of Web Post PART 2 (HHMMSS) |
admin_post_iwrecorded | FTF ONLY: Post admin- R consent to recording Post-election IW |
admin_post_lang_start | Post admin – language of Post-election IW: starting language |
admin_post_ltr_notif | FTF ONLY: Post admin- Letter: was R sent Post-election notification letter |
admin_post_ltr_notifdate | FTF ONLY: Post admin- Letter: date of Post-election notification letter (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_post_ltr_refcon | FTF ONLY: Post admin- Letter: was R sent Post-election refusal conversion letter |
admin_post_ltr_refcondate | FTF ONLY: Post admin- Letter: date of Post-election ref-conversion letter (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_post_ltr_nocont1 | FTF ONLY: Post admin- Letter: was R sent Post-election no-contact letter 1 |
admin_post_ltr_nocont1date | FTF ONLY: Post admin- Letter: date of Post-election no-contact letter 1 (YYYYMMDD) |
admin_post_ltr_nocontfin | FTF ONLY: Post admin- Letter: was R sent Post-election final no-contact letter |
admin_post_ltr_nocontfindate | FTF ONLY: Post admin- Letter: date of Post-election final no-contact letter (YYYYMMDD) |
hhlist_completed | FTF ONLY: was household listing completed |
hhlist_attempts | FTF ONLY: HH listing- how many screener (HH listing) attempts |
hhlist_datecompl | FTF ONLY: HH listing- screener completion date (YYYYMMDD) |
hhlist_r_number | FTF ONLY: HH listing- person number in HH listing selected as Respondent |
hhlist_r_agegrp | FTF ONLY: HH listing- selected Respondent- age listed in screener |
hhlist_r_age | FTF ONLY: HH listing- selected Respondent- age listed in screener |
hhlist_r_hisp | FTF ONLY: HH listing- selected Respondent- listed as Spanish, Hispanic or Latino |
hhlist_r_obshisp | FTF ONLY: HH listing- selected Respondent- not listed, observ clearly Hisp /Latino |
hhlist_r_black | FTF ONLY: HH listing- selected Respondent- listed as African-American or Black |
hhlist_r_obsblack | FTF ONLY: HH listing- selected Respondent- not listed, observ clearly AfrAm/Black |
hhlist_listtot | FTF ONLY: HH listing- total persons listed |
hhlist_hhtot | FTF ONLY: HH listing- total persons listed who are household members (usually resides at samp addr) |
hhlist_elighhtot | FTF ONLY: HH listing- total persons listed as eligible household members |
hhlist_hisphhtot | FTF ONLY: HH listing- total persons listed as Hispanic and household members |
hhlist_blackhhtot | FTF ONLY: HH listing- total persons listed as Black and household members |
hhlist_person1_eligible | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: eligible |
hhlist_person1_whyinelig | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: why not eligible |
hhlist_person1_resid | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: list as usually residing in household |
hhlist_person1_agegrp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: list age (group) |
hhlist_person1_agefull | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: HHLIST- Person 1: list age – full |
hhlist_person1_agemiss | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: list age DK/RF – will 18+ on electn day |
hhlist_person1_obs18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: list age all missing- obs clearly age elig |
hhlist_person1_age18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: list age 17 – will be 18 by election day |
hhlist_person1_citz | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: list as citizen |
hhlist_person1_hisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: list as Hispanic |
hhlist_person1_obshisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: list if Hispanic missing- obs clearly Hisp |
hhlist_person1_black | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: listed as Black/African-American |
hhlist_person1_obsblack | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 1: list if Black missing – obs clearly Black |
hhlist_person2_eligible | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: eligible |
hhlist_person2_whyinelig | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: why not eligible |
hhlist_person2_resid | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: list as usually residing in household |
hhlist_person2_agegrp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: list age (group) |
hhlist_person2_agefull | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: HHLIST- Person 2: list age – full |
hhlist_person2_agemiss | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: list age DK/RF – will 18+ on electn day |
hhlist_person2_obs18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: list age all missing- obs clearly age elig |
hhlist_person2_age18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: list age 17 – will be 18 by election day |
hhlist_person2_citz | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: list as citizen |
hhlist_person2_hisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: list as Hispanic |
hhlist_person2_obshisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: list if Hispanic missing- obs clearly Hisp |
hhlist_person2_black | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: listed as Black/African-American |
hhlist_person2_obsblack | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 2: list if Black missing – obs clearly Black |
hhlist_person3_eligible | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: eligible |
hhlist_person3_whyinelig | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: why not eligible |
hhlist_person3_resid | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: list as usually residing in household |
hhlist_person3_agegrp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: list age (group) |
hhlist_person3_agefull | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: HHLIST- Person 3: list age – full |
hhlist_person3_agemiss | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: list age DK/RF – will 18+ on electn day |
hhlist_person3_obs18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: list age all missing- obs clearly age elig |
hhlist_person3_age18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: list age 17 – will be 18 by election day |
hhlist_person3_citz | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: list as citizen |
hhlist_person3_hisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: list as Hispanic |
hhlist_person3_obshisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: list if Hispanic missing- obs clearly Hisp |
hhlist_person3_black | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: listed as Black/African-American |
hhlist_person3_obsblack | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 3: list if Black missing – obs clearly Black |
hhlist_person4_eligible | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: eligible |
hhlist_person4_whyinelig | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: why not eligible |
hhlist_person4_resid | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: list as usually residing in household |
hhlist_person4_agegrp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: list age (group) |
hhlist_person4_agefull | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: HHLIST- Person 4: list age – full |
hhlist_person4_agemiss | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: list age DK/RF – will 18+ on electn day |
hhlist_person4_obs18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: list age all missing- obs clearly age elig |
hhlist_person4_age18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: list age 17 – will be 18 by election day |
hhlist_person4_citz | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: list as citizen |
hhlist_person4_hisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: list as Hispanic |
hhlist_person4_obshisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: list if Hispanic missing- obs clearly Hisp |
hhlist_person4_black | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: listed as Black/African-American |
hhlist_person4_obsblack | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 4: list if Black missing – obs clearly Black |
hhlist_person5_eligible | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: eligible |
hhlist_person5_whyinelig | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: why not eligible |
hhlist_person5_resid | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: list as usually residing in household |
hhlist_person5_agegrp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: list age (group) |
hhlist_person5_agefull | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: HHLIST- Person 5: list age – full |
hhlist_person5_agemiss | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: list age DK/RF – will 18+ on electn day |
hhlist_person5_obs18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: list age all missing- obs clearly age elig |
hhlist_person5_age18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: list age 17 – will be 18 by election day |
hhlist_person5_citz | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: list as citizen |
hhlist_person5_hisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: list as Hispanic |
hhlist_person5_obshisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: list if Hispanic missing- obs clearly Hisp |
hhlist_person5_black | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: listed as Black/African-American |
hhlist_person5_obsblack | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 5: list if Black missing – obs clearly Black |
hhlist_person6_eligible | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: eligible |
hhlist_person6_whyinelig | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: why not eligible |
hhlist_person6_resid | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: list as usually residing in household |
hhlist_person6_agegrp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: list age (group) |
hhlist_person6_agefull | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: HHLIST- Person 6: list age – full |
hhlist_person6_agemiss | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: list age DK/RF – will 18+ on electn day |
hhlist_person6_obs18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: list age all missing- obs clearly age elig |
hhlist_person6_age18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: list age 17 – will be 18 by election day |
hhlist_person6_citz | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: list as citizen |
hhlist_person6_hisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: list as Hispanic |
hhlist_person6_obshisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: list if Hispanic missing- obs clearly Hisp |
hhlist_person6_black | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: listed as Black/African-American |
hhlist_person6_obsblack | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 6: list if Black missing – obs clearly Black |
hhlist_person7_eligible | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: eligible |
hhlist_person7_whyinelig | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: why not eligible |
hhlist_person7_resid | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: list as usually residing in household |
hhlist_person7_agegrp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: list age (group) |
hhlist_person7_agefull | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: HHLIST- Person 7: list age – full |
hhlist_person7_agemiss | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: list age DK/RF – will 18+ on electn day |
hhlist_person7_obs18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: list age all missing- obs clearly age elig |
hhlist_person7_age18 | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: list age 17 – will be 18 by election day |
hhlist_person7_citz | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: list as citizen |
hhlist_person7_hisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: list as Hispanic |
hhlist_person7_obshisp | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: list if Hispanic missing- obs clearly Hisp |
hhlist_person7_black | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: listed as Black/African-American |
hhlist_person7_obsblack | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- Person 7: list if Black missing – obs clearly Black |
hhlist_iwrid | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- IWR id of interviewer completing the screener |
dwell_completed | FTF ONLY- Dwelling unit- DU module completed |
dwell_datecompl | FTF ONLY- Dwelling unit- date DU module completed |
dwell_winsign | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ1: No. campaign or political signs visible in structure window(s) |
dwell_winsign_dsc | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Dwell unit- DUQ2: Describe window sign(s) |
dwell_frontsign | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ3: No. campaign or political signs visible in front/outside structure |
dwell_frontsign_dsc | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Dwell unit- DUQ4: Describe front/outside sign(s) |
dwell_sign_dpc | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ5: Do any of the signs support Barack Obama |
dwell_sign_rpc | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ6: Do any of the signs support Mitt Romney |
dwell_relig | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ7: Religious items/symbols around structure |
dwell_religmsg_spec | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Dwell unit- DUQ7: Specify religious message |
dwell_secur_mention1 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ8: What security measures or barriers are present 1 |
dwell_secur_mention2 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ8: What security measures or barriers are present 2 |
dwell_secur_mention3 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ8: What security measures or barriers are present 3 |
dwell_secur_mention4 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ8: What security measures or barriers are present 4 |
dwell_secur_mention5 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ8: What security measures or barriers are present 5 |
dwell_structure | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ9: Type of structure |
dwell_structure_oth | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Dwell unit- DUQ9: Other type of structure |
dwell_strctsize | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ10: Size of structure |
dwell_strctsize_oth | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Dwell unit- DUQ10: Other size of structure |
dwell_structresid | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ11: Is structure residential |
dwell_block_urban | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ12: Is block urban |
dwell_block_resid | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ13: Is block residential |
dwell_block_resid_oth | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Dwell unit- DUQ13: Other block type |
dwell_hu_cond_mention1 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ14: Conditions of the building 1 |
dwell_hu_cond_mention2 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ14: Conditions of the building 2 |
dwell_hu_cond_mention3 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ14: Conditions of the building 3 |
dwell_hu_cond_mention4 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ14: Conditions of the building 4 |
dwell_hu_cond_mention5 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ14: Conditions of the building 5 |
dwell_hu_cond_mention6 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ14: Conditions of the building 6 |
dwell_hu_cond_mention7 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ14: Conditions of the building 7 |
dwell_hu_cond_mention8 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ14: Conditions of the building 8 |
dwell_hu_cond_mention9 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ14: Conditions of the building 9 |
dwell_hu_cond_mention10 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ14: Conditions of the building 10 |
dwell_area_cond_mention1 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ15: Conditions within sight of the housing unit 1 |
dwell_area_cond_mention2 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ15: Conditions within sight of the housing unit 2 |
dwell_area_cond_mention3 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ15: Conditions within sight of the housing unit 3 |
dwell_area_cond_mention4 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ15: Conditions within sight of the housing unit 4 |
dwell_area_cond_mention5 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ15: Conditions within sight of the housing unit 5 |
dwell_area_cond_mention6 | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ15: Conditions within sight of the housing unit 6 |
dwell_bldg_relcond | FTF ONLY: Dwell unit- DUQ16: Condition of the building relative to others on same street/road |
dwell_iwrid | FTF ONLY: HHLIST- IWR id of interviewer completing the DU (dwelling unit) module |
recontact_completed | FTF ONLY- Recontact- Pre-election recontact module completed (after Pre interview) |
recontact_rname_given | FTF ONLY: Recontact- did R give name (is any text present) |
recontact_sampaddr_correct | FTF ONLY: Recontact- Respondent: is address on record correct? |
recontact_newaddr_given | FTF ONLY: Recontact- is new address given (is any text present) |
recontact_addr_err | FTF ONLY: Recontact- Respondent: is new address correction or move? |
recontact_phone_given | FTF ONLY: Recontact- did R give phone number |
recontact_have2ndphone | FTF ONLY: Recontact- Respondent: have 2nd phone? |
recontact_haveemail | FTF ONLY: Recontact- Respondent: have email address? |
recontact_setappt | FTF ONLY: Recontact- did R set appt for Post IW |
recontact_setappt_date | FTF ONLY: Recontact- date of appt for Post IW |
recontact_refreason | FTF ONLY: Recontact- reason for refusing to set Post appt |
recontact_c1_name_given | FTF ONLY: Recontact- did R give name of other contact person 1 (any text present) |
recontact_c1_relshp | FTF ONLY: Recontact- Respondent: relationship of other contact person 1 |
recontact_c1_addr_given | FTF ONLY: Recontact- did R give addr of oth contact person 1 (any street addr text present) |
recontact_c1_phone_given | FTF ONLY: Recontact- did R give phone number of other contact person 1 |
recontact_c1_haveothph | FTF ONLY: Recontact- Respondent: does contact person 1 have other phone? |
recontact_c1_haveemail | FTF ONLY: Recontact- Respondent: does contact person 1 have email address? |
recontact_c2_name_given | FTF ONLY: Recontact- did R give name of other contact person 2 (any text present) |
recontact_c2_relshp | FTF ONLY: Recontact- Respondent: relationship of other contact person 2 |
recontact_c2_addr_given | FTF ONLY: Recontact- did R give addr of oth contact person 2 (any street addr text present) |
recontact_c2_phone_given | FTF ONLY: Recontact- did R give phone number of other contact person 2 |
recontact_c2_haveothph | FTF ONLY: Recontact- Respondent: does contact person 2 have other phone? |
recontact_c2_haveemail | FTF ONLY: Recontact- Respondent: does contact person 2 have email address? |
recontact_iwrid | FTF ONLY: Recontact- IWR id of interviewer completing the recontact module |
iwrobspre_completed | FTF ONLY- Pre IWR Obs- IWR obs module completed (after Pre-election IW) |
iwrobspre_skintone | PRE: FTF ONLY: IWR OBS: Skin tone category of respondent |
iwrobspre_winsigns | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- No. signs in window |
iwrobspre_winsigns_dsc | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre IWR Obs- Describe signs in window |
iwrobspre_frontsigns | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- No. signs outside/in front |
iwrobspre_frontsigns_dsc | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre IWR Obs- Describe signs in front |
iwrobspre_sign_dpc | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Any sign for Dem Pres cand |
iwrobspre_sign_rpc | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Any sign for Rep Pres cand |
iwrobspre_othpresent1 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Others present during IW 1 |
iwrobspre_othpresent2 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Others present during IW 2 |
iwrobspre_othpresent3 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Others present during IW 3 |
iwrobspre_othpresent4 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Others present during IW 4 |
iwrobspre_othpresent5 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Others present during IW 5 |
iwrobspre_othpresent6 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Others present during IW 6 |
iwrobspre_coop | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R cooperation |
iwrobspre_levinfo | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R level of information |
iwrobspre_intell | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R apparent intelligence |
iwrobspre_suspic | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R suspicious |
iwrobspre_interest | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R interest in IW |
iwrobspre_sincere | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R sincerity |
iwrobspre_doubtsnc | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Places where sincerity doubted |
iwrobspre_doubtsnc_dsc | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre IWR Obs- Where sincerity doubted |
iwrobspre_estinc | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Estimate family income |
iwrobspre_estage | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Estimate R age |
iwrobspre_gender | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R gender |
iwrobspre_esteduc | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Estimate R education level |
iwrobspre_esteduc_oth | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre IWR Obs- Specify other: R education level |
iwrobspre_react1 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 1 |
iwrobspre_react2 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 2 |
iwrobspre_react3 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 3 |
iwrobspre_react4 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 4 |
iwrobspre_react5 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 5 |
iwrobspre_react6 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 6 |
iwrobspre_react7 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 7 |
iwrobspre_react8 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 8 |
iwrobspre_react9 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 9 |
iwrobspre_iwrentry_casi | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Did R enter all CASI responses himself/herself |
iwrobspre_iwraid_casi1 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Did R require any assistance in CASI module 1 |
iwrobspre_iwraid_casi2 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Did R require any assistance in CASI module 2 |
iwrobspre_iwraid_casi3 | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Did R require any assistance in CASI module 3 |
iwrobspre_datecompl | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR Obs- Date IWR obs module completed |
iwrobspre_iwrid | FTF ONLY: Pre IWR obs- IWR id of interviewer completing Pre IWR observations |
iwrobspost_completed | FTF ONLY- Post IWR Obs- IWR obs module completed (after Post-election IW) |
iwrobspost_othpresent1 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- Others present during IW 1 |
iwrobspost_othpresent2 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- Others present during IW 2 |
iwrobspost_othpresent3 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- Others present during IW 3 |
iwrobspost_othpresent4 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- Others present during IW 4 |
iwrobspost_othpresent5 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- Others present during IW 5 |
iwrobspost_othpresent6 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- Others present during IW 6 |
iwrobspost_coop | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R cooperation |
iwrobspost_levinfo | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R level of information |
iwrobspost_intell | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R apparent intelligence |
iwrobspost_suspic | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R suspicious |
iwrobspost_interest | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R interest in IW |
iwrobspost_sincere | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R sincerity |
iwrobspost_doubtsnc | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- Places where sincerity doubted |
iwrobspost_doubtsnc_dsc | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: POST IWR Obs- Where sincerity doubted |
iwrobspost_react1 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 1 |
iwrobspost_react2 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 2 |
iwrobspost_react3 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 3 |
iwrobspost_react4 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 4 |
iwrobspost_react5 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 5 |
iwrobspost_react6 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 6 |
iwrobspost_react7 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 7 |
iwrobspost_react8 | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- R reaction to IW 8 |
iwrobspost_iwrentry_casi | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- Did R enter all CASI responses himself/herself |
iwrobspost_iwraid_casi | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- Did R require any assistance in CASI module |
iwrobspost_datecompl | FTF ONLY: Post IWR Obs- Date IWR obs module completed |
iwrobspost_iwrid | FTF ONLY: Post IWR obs- IWR id of interviewer completing Post IWR observations |
iwrdesc_pre_completed | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR description: IWR agree to description module |
iwrdesc_pre_iwrid | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR description: pre-election survey IWR id |
iwrdesc_pre_skintone | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: skintone |
iwrdesc_pre_born_year | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre survey IWR descr: year born |
iwrdesc_pre_age | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre survey IWR descr: age |
iwrdesc_pre_agegrp | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: agr group |
iwrdesc_pre_educ | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre survey IWR descr: education |
iwrdesc_pre_educgrp | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: education group |
iwrdesc_pre_gender | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: gender |
iwrdesc_pre_lang | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: Spanish spoken |
iwrdesc_pre_exper | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre survey IWR descr: experience |
iwrdesc_pre_exper_grp | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: experience (grouped) |
iwrdesc_pre_hisp | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: Hispanic |
iwrdesc_pre_race_white | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: White |
iwrdesc_pre_race_black | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: Black |
iwrdesc_pre_race_other | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: Race other than white or black |
pre_iwrdsc_race_native | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre survey IWR descr: Native american |
iwrdesc_pre_race_asian | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre survey IWR descr: Asian |
iwrdesc_pre_race_pacif | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre survey IWR descr: Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian |
iwrdesc_pre_race_oth | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Pre survey IWR descr: Other race |
iwrdesc_pre_pid | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: Party ID |
iwrdesc_pre_pid_demstr | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: strong Democrat |
iwrdesc_pre_pid_repstr | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: strong Republican |
iwrdesc_pre_pid_lean | FTF ONLY: Pre survey IWR descr: leaning toward either major party |
iwrdesc_post_completed | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR description: IWR agree to description module |
iwrdesc_post_iwrid | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR description- post-election survey IWR id |
iwrdesc_post_skintone | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: skintone |
iwrdesc_post_born_year | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Post survey IWR descr: year born |
iwrdesc_post_age | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Post survey IWR descr: age |
iwrdesc_post_agegrp | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: agr group |
iwrdesc_post_educ | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Post survey IWR descr: education |
iwrdesc_post_educgrp | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: education group |
iwrdesc_post_gender | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: gender |
iwrdesc_post_lang | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: Spanish spoken |
iwrdesc_post_exper | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Post survey IWR descr: experience |
iwrdesc_post_exper_grp | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: experience (grouped) |
iwrdesc_post_hisp | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: Hispanic |
iwrdesc_post_race_white | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: White |
iwrdesc_post_race_black | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: Black |
iwrdesc_post_race_other | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: Race other than white or black |
post_iwrdsc_racenative | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Post survey IWR descr: Native american |
iwrdesc_post_raceasian | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Post survey IWR descr: Asian |
iwrdesc_post_racepacif | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Post survey IWR descr: Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian |
iwrdesc_post_race_oth | FTF ONLY: RESTRICTED: Post survey IWR descr: Other race |
iwrdesc_post_pid | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: Party ID |
iwrdesc_post_pid_demstr | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: strong Democrat |
iwrdesc_post_pid_repstr | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: strong Republican |
iwrdesc_post_pid_lean | FTF ONLY: Post survey IWR descr: leaning toward either major party |
profile_completed | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Date completed |
profile_panelentrydate | WEB ONLY: Date R entered the Panel (YYYYMMDD) |
profile_recruittype | WEB ONLY: Panel recruitment type |
profile_surveyscompleted | WEB ONLY: Number of surveys completed up to and including October 10, 2012 |
profile_headhh | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R household head |
profile_hhsize | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Size of R household |
profile_housing | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Housing type of respondent home |
profile_homeown | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R home ownership status |
profile_educdegree | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R education |
profile_educ | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R education 4 categories |
profile_region9 | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Sample address region 9 categories |
profile_hhchild0to1 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Core profile- household children 0-1 |
profile_hhchild2to5 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Core profile- household children 2-5 |
profile_hhchild6to12 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Core profile- household children 6-12 |
profile_hhchild13to17 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Core profile- household children 13-17 |
profile_hhchild0to5_x | WEB ONLY: SUMMARY: Core profile- household children 0-5 |
profile_hhchild6to17_x | WEB ONLY: SUMMARY: Core profile- household children 6-17 |
profile_hhadults | WEB ONLY: Core profile- household adults 18/older |
profile_raceeth | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Race-ethnicity |
profile_gender | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R gender |
profile_marital | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R marital status |
profile_hhincome | WEB ONLY: Core profile- household income 19 categories |
profile_empstatus | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Current employment status — OLD |
profile_inetaccess | WEB ONLY: Core profile- household internet access |
profile_pid7_x | WEB ONLY: SUMMARY: Core profile- political party affiliation (7 cat) |
profile_hhmembers | WEB ONLY: Core profile Are there other members in household |
profile_race_r | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Race (collapsed) |
profile_racefull_r | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Race |
profile_censusrace_r | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Race, Census categories (collapsed) |
profile_censusracefull_r | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Race, Census categories |
profile_hisp | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Are you of Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino descent? |
profile_lang | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R language |
profile_preferlang | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R prefer to do surveys in Spanish or English |
profile_primelang | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R primary language |
profile_spanspeak | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Level of Spanish speaking proficiency |
profile_spanread | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Level of Spanish reading proficiency |
profile_engspeak | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Level of English speaking proficiency |
profile_engread | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Level of English reading proficiency |
profile_race1 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Core Profile- Race ident 1 (not ordered) |
profile_race2 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Core Profile- Race ident 2 (not ordered) |
profile_race3 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Core Profile- Race ident 3 (not ordered) |
profile_racemost | WEB ONLY: Core Profile- Race R identifies with most (collapsed) |
profile_racemost_full | WEB ONLY: Core Profile- Race R identifies with most (full) |
profile_spanishsurv | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Spanish survey taker |
profile_trynewprod | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Try new products before other people |
profile_newbrands | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Often try new brands |
profile_looknewprod | WEB ONLY: Core profile- When shopping I look for what is new |
profile_trynew1st | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Like to be first to try something new |
profile_tellothersnew | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Like to tell others about what is new |
profile_hhshopamt | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Amount of household grocery shopping |
profile_rparentguard | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R parent or legal guardian |
profile_emptynext | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Empty nest household |
profile_everparent | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R ever a parent |
profile_hhlandline | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Working landline in household |
profile_hhcellphone | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Working cell phone in household |
profile_phoneuse | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Cell phone/landline phone use |
profile_computers | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Number of computers in household |
profile_inetcomputers | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Number of computers connected to the Internet |
profile_inet_dialup | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Internet connection dial-up |
profile_inet_dsl | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Internet connection DSL |
profile_inet_cable | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Internet connection Cable modem |
profile_inet_bband | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Internet connection mobile broadband |
profile_inet_satell | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Internet connection satellite |
profile_inet_fiboptics | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Internet connection fiber optics |
profile_inet_tohbband | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Internet connection other broadband |
profile_inet_wireless | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Internet connection wireless |
profile_inet_other | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Internet connection something else |
profile_birthmonth | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Core profile- Month of birth |
profile_birthday | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Core profile- Day of birth |
profile_birthyear | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Year of birth |
profile_rpet_cat | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Does R have any pets : cat |
profile_rpet_dog | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Does R have any pets : dog |
profile_rpet_fish | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Does R have any pets : fish |
profile_rpet_bird | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Does R have any pets : bird |
profile_rpet_gerbil | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Does R have any pets : gerbil etc. |
profile_rpet_reptile | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Does R have any pets : reptile |
profile_rpet_horse | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Does R have any pets : horse |
profile_rpet_other | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Does R have any pets : other |
profile_oth_hhpet | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Does anyone in the HH own a pet? |
profile_rstudent | WEB ONLY: Core profile- R full-time or part-time student? |
profile_dualincome | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Dual income household |
profile_numjobs | WEB ONLY: Core profile- How many jobs R has |
profile_fulltimejob | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Full-time/part-time main job or main job |
profile_jobind | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Core profile- Industry (tight scale) in current or main job |
profile_ind_foodmfg | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Food Manufacturing |
profile_ind_bevtob | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing |
profile_ind_pharm | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing |
profile_ind_healthprod | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Health, Personal Care, and Beauty Product Manufacturing |
profile_ind_hhprod | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Household Product Manufacturing |
profile_ind_advert | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Advertising Agencies |
profile_ind_healthcare | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Health Care |
profile_ind_mktresearch | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Market Research and Public Opinion Polling |
profile_ind_marketing | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Marketing Consulting Services |
profile_ind_pubrel | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Public Relations Agencies |
profile_ind_broadcast | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Broadcasting |
profile_ind_finance | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Finance |
profile_ind_retail | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Retail Trade |
profile_ind_foodbev | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Food and Beverage Stores |
profile_occ1current | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Occupation (detailed) in current or main job |
profile_occ2current | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Major occupation group in current or main job |
profile_occ3current | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Occupation (tight scale) in current or main job |
profile_employersize | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Total number of persons working for employer |
profile_occ1recent | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Occupation (detailed) in most recent job |
profile_occ2recent | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Major occupation group in most recent job |
profile_occ3recent | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Occupation (tight scale) in most recent job |
profile_hhpurchdec | WEB ONLY: Core profile- Major purchase decisions in household |
paprofile_lang | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Survey language |
paprofile_righttrack | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q1: country on right track |
paprofile_mip | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q2: most important issue facing the U.S. today |
paprofile_mip_oth | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- Q2: most important issue- other |
paprofile_regist | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q3: Is R currently registered to vote |
paprofile_everreg | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q4: has R ever been registered to vote |
paprofile_vote2008_pres | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q5: did R vote in 2008 presidential election |
paprofile_howvote2008_pres | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q6: how did R vote in 2008 pres election |
paprofile_pres2008_oth | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- Q6: other vote- R vote 2008 pres election |
paprofile_vote2010_congr | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q6B: did R vote in 2010 Congressional election |
paprofile_howvote2010_congr | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q6C: how did R vote in 2010 Congr election |
paprofile_pid | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q7: party identification |
paprofile_othpid | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- Q7: party identification- other |
paprofile_pidstrong_rep | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q8: strength Repub party identification |
paprofile_pidstrong_dem | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q9: strength Dem party identification |
paprofile_pidcloser | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q10: PID closer to which party |
paprofile_libcon_self | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11: 7pt liberal-conservative self rating |
paprofile_libcon_pres | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11A: 7pt liberal-conservative President rating |
paprofile_favrate_pres | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q12: overall impression of President favorable |
paprofile_presperf | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q13: approve Pres on job as President |
paprofile_presperf_econ | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(1): approve Pres on the economy |
paprofile_presperf_deficit | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(2): approve Pres on federal deficit |
paprofile_presperf_healthc | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(3): approve Pres on healthcare |
paprofile_presperf_taxes | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(4): approve Pres on taxes |
paprofile_presperf_educ | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(5): approve Pres on education |
paprofile_presperf_forgnpol | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(6): approve Pres on foreign policy |
paprofile_presperf_racerel | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(7): approve Pres on race relations |
paprofile_presperf_envir | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(8): approve Pres on the environment |
paprofile_presperf_immig | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(9): approve Pres on immigration |
paprofile_presperf_terror | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(10): approve Pres on terrorism |
paprofile_presperf_afghan | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(11): approve Pres on Afghanistan situation |
paprofile_presperf_jobs | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(12): approve Pres on jobs |
paprofile_presperf_energy | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q14(13): approve Pres on energy |
paprofile_prestime_forgnpol | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q15(1): time of Pres on foreign policy issues |
paprofile_prestime_economic | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q15(2): time of Pres on economic issues |
paprofile_prestime_domestic | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q15(3): time of Pres on domestic policy issues |
paprofile_prestime_homesec | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q15(4): time of Pres home security since 9/11 |
paprofile_interestpolit | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q16: interest in politics and public affairs |
paprofile_freqpolit_work | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- PIN1(1): how often politics at work |
paprofile_freqpolit_church | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- PIN1(2): how often politics at church |
paprofile_freqpolit_friends | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- PIN1(3): how often politics friends |
paprofile_freqpolit_family | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- PIN1(4): how often politics family |
paprofile_freqpolit_blog | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- PIN1(5): how often politics inet msg board/blog |
paprofile_freqpolit_socmedia | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- PIN1(6): how often politics social media |
paprofile_politinfo_radio | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- MED1(1): politics info from radio |
paprofile_politinfo_inetnews | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- MED1(2): politics info from internet news sites |
paprofile_politinfo_prntnwsp | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- MED1(3): politics info from print newspapers |
paprofile_politinfo_tv | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- MED1(4): politics info from television |
paprofile_politinfo_mags | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- MED1(5): politics info from magazines |
paprofile_politinfo_blogs | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- MED1(6): politics info from internet blogs |
paprofile_politinfo_socmedia | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- MED1(7): politics info from social media |
paprofile_ancestry_1 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG1(1): R ancestry 1 (not ordered) |
paprofile_ancestry_2 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG1(2): R ancestry 2 (not ordered) |
paprofile_ancestry_3 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG1(3): R ancestry 3 (not ordered) |
paprofile_ancestry_4 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG1(4): R ancestry 4 (not ordered) |
paprofile_ancestry_5 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG1(5): R ancestry 5 (not ordered) |
paprofile_rlang_1 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG3(1): languages R speaks 1 |
paprofile_rlang_2 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG3(2): languages R speaks 2 |
paprofile_rlang_3 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG3(3): languages R speaks 3 |
paprofile_otherslang_1 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG4(1): languages others speak 1 |
paprofile_otherslang_2 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG4(2): languages others speak 2 |
paprofile_otherslang_3 | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG4(3): languages others speak 3 |
paprofile_borncit | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- QEG23: Was R born a citizen |
paprofile_whencit | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG24: Year R become a citizen |
paprofile_priorcit | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG25: R prior citizenship |
paprofile_multcit | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- QEG26: Is R a citizen of more than 1 country |
paprofile_2ndcit | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- QEG28: Country of 2nd citizenship |
paprofile_orient_r | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q23: R sexual orientation |
paprofile_orient_oth | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q22: Sexual orientation of friends and family |
paprofile_transgender | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- Q23A: Does R consider self transgender |
paprofile_unionmem | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q24: Is R a member of a labor union |
paprofile_aarp | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q24A: Is R a member of the AARP |
paprofile_milit | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- Q25: R ever served on active military duty |
paprofile_milit_family | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q25A: Family serving on active military duty |
paprofile_religion | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q26: What is R’s religion |
paprofile_religionfull | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q26: What is R’s religion |
paprofile_religion_oth | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- Q26: What is R’s religion -other |
paprofile_bornagain | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q26A: IS R born-again or evangelical Christian |
paprofile_jewish | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- Q26B: R consider self Jewish |
paprofile_jewishparent | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- Q26C: R Jewish mother or father |
paprofile_attend | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q27: How often R attends religious services |
paprofile_orgservice | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q28(1): R active in service club or frat org |
paprofile_orgveterans | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q28(2): R active in veterans group |
paprofile_orgrelig | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q28(3): R active in religious group |
paprofile_orgsenior | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q28(4): R active in senior center or group |
paprofile_orgwomen | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q28(5): R active in womens group |
paprofile_orgpolitiss | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q29(1): R active in issue-oriented polit group |
paprofile_orgcivic | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q29(2): R active in non-partisan civic org |
paprofile_orgschool | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q29(3): R active in school club or association |
paprofile_orgyouth | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q29(4): R active in hobby/sport team/youth grp |
paprofile_orgneighb | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q29(5): R active in neighborhd assoc/commun grp |
paprofile_orgethnic | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q29(6): R active in racial/ethnic interest grp |
paprofile_attendpta | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q30(1): R attend PTA/school grp mtg in last yr |
paprofile_attendcommun | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q30(2): R attend community grp mtg in last yr |
paprofile_donateblood | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q30(3): R donated blood in last yr |
paprofile_givecharity | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q30(4): R gave money to charity in last yr |
paprofile_workcharity | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q30(5): R worked for church/charity in last yr |
paprofile_rally | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31(1): R attend protest or rally in last yr |
paprofile_govtoffic | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31(2): R contact govt official in last yr |
paprofile_prescamp | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31(3): R work for pres campaign in last yr |
paprofile_othcamp | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31(4): R work for oth cand or issue in last yr |
paprofile_moneyprescamp | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31(5): R gave money to pres campgn in last yr |
paprofile_moneyothcamp | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31(6): R gave money oth cand/issue in last yr |
paprofile_workcommuniss | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31(7): R work in commun on issue in last yr |
paprofile_workcommbd | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31(8): R serve on community board in last yr |
paprofile_lettertonewsp | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31(9): R written letter to editor in last yr |
paprofile_messagebd | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31(10): R polit comment message brd in last yr |
paprofile_publicofc | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31(11): R held publicly elected ofc in last yr |
paprofile_1stcamp | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q31A: First time involved in a polit campaign |
paprofile_active_teapty | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11D(1): R active in Tea Party movement |
paprofile_active_envir | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11D(2): R active in envirnmental rights movemt |
paprofile_active_womrts | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11D(3): R active in womens rights movement |
paprofile_active_equrts | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11D(4): R active in racial equality movement |
paprofile_active_righttolife | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11D(5): R active in right to life movement |
paprofile_active_peace | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11D(6): R active in peace movement |
paprofile_active_lgbt | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11D(7): R active in LGBT rights movement |
paprofile_active_occupy | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11D: R active in Occupy movement |
paprofile_recent_teapty | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11E(1): R Tea Party movement in last yr |
paprofile_recent_envir | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11E(2): R envrnmental rights movemt in last yr |
paprofile_recent_womrts | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11E(3): R womens rights movement in last yr |
paprofile_recent_equrts | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11E(4): R racial equality movement in last yr |
paprofile_recent_righttolife | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11E(5): R right to life movement in last yr |
paprofile_recent_peace | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11E(6): R peace movement in last yr |
paprofile_recent_lgbt | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11E(7): R LGBT rights movement in last yr |
paprofile_recent_occupy | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q11E(8): R Occupy movement in last yr |
paprofile_moneyenvir | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q32(1): Given money to environ org in last yr |
paprofile_timeenvir | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q32(2): Given time to environ org in last yr |
paprofile_recyclepaper | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q32(3): Recycled paper in last yr |
paprofile_recyclecans | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q32(4): Recycled cans in last yr |
paprofile_recycleglass | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q32(5): Recycled glass in last yr |
paprofile_recycleplast | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q32(6): Recycled plastic in last yr |
paprofile_prodrecycled | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q32(7): Chose product becse recycled in last yr |
paprofile_energycut | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q32(8): Took steps to reduce energy in last yr |
paprofile_replacebulbs | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q32(9): Replaced fluoresc bulbs with CFLs |
paprofile_otherenvir | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q32(10): Other environmental in last yr |
paprofile_engytaxcredit | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q32A: Qualify resid energy income tax credit |
paprofile_selfenvironlst | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q33: Describe yourself as an environmentalist |
paprofile_hhguns | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q34: Have guns or revolvers in home or garage |
paprofile_pistol | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q35(1): Type of gun- pistol selected |
paprofile_shotgun | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q35(2): Type of gun- shotgun selected |
paprofile_rifle | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q35(3): Type of gun- rifle selected |
paprofile_othergun | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q35(4): Type of gun- other selected |
paprofile_othergun_type | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- Q35(4): Type of gun- other |
paprofile_personalgun | WEB ONLY: Polit Affairs profile- Q36: Does any gun personally belong to R |
paprofile_comments | WEB ONLY: RESTRICTED: Polit Affairs profile- R comments you would like to share |
2012 CANDIDATES AND RACES (House, Senate, Gubernatorial) | |
race2012_sen | 2012 election – U.S. Senate race in state (state of Respondent address) |
race2012_gov | 2012 election – governor race in state (state of Respondent address) |
typerace2012_hse | 2012 election – type race for U.S. House (ballot at address of Respondent) |
typerace2012_sen | 2012 election – type race for U.S. Senate (ballot at address of Respondent) |
typerace2012_gov | 2012 election – type race for state governor (ballot at address of Respondent) |
cand_hse_dem_name | Candidate – name: 2012 U.S. House Democratic cand (ballot at address of Respondent) |
cand_hse_dem_gend | Candidate – gender: 2012 U.S. House Democratic cand (ballot at address of Respondent) |
cand_hse_dem_code | Candidate – code: 2012 U.S. House Democratic cand (ballot at address of Respondent) |
cand_hse_rep_name | Candidate – name: 2012 U.S. House Republican cand (ballot at address of Respondent) |
cand_hse_rep_gend | Candidate – gender: 2012 U.S. House Republican cand (ballot at address of Respondent) |
cand_hse_rep_code | Candidate – code: 2012 U.S. House Republican cand (ballot at address of Respondent) |
cand_hse_oth_name | Candidate – name: 2012 U.S. House other (3rd) cand (ballot at address of Respondent) |
cand_hse_oth_gend | Candidate – gender: 2012 U.S. House other (3rd) cand (ballot at address of Respondent) |
cand_hse_oth_code | Candidate – code: 2012 U.S. House other (3rd) cand (ballot at address of Respondent) |
cand_hse_oth_pty | Candidate – party: 2012 U.S. House other (3rd) cand (ballot at address of Respondent) |
cand_sen_dem_name | Candidate – name: 2012 U.S. Senate Democratic cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_sen_dem_gend | Candidate – gender: 2012 U.S. Senate Democratic cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_sen_dem_code | Candidate – code: 2012 U.S. Senate Democratic cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_sen_rep_name | Candidate – name: 2012 U.S. Senate Republican cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_sen_rep_gend | Candidate – gender: 2012 U.S. Senate Republican cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_sen_rep_code | Candidate – code: 2012 U.S. Senate Republican cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_sen_oth_name | Candidate – name: 2012 U.S. Senate other (3rd) cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_sen_oth_gend | Candidate – gender: 2012 U.S. Senate other (3rd) cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_sen_oth_code | Candidate – code: 2012 U.S. Senate other (3rd) cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_sen_oth_pty | Candidate – party: 2012 U.S. Senate other (3rd) cand (state of Respondent address) |
sen_norace_srsen_name | U.S. Senator – name: Senior Senator in state without 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
sen_norace_srsen_pty | U.S. Senator – party: Senior Senator in state without 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
sen_norace_srsen_gend | U.S. Senator – gender: Senior Senator in state without 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
sen_norace_srsen_code | U.S. Senator – code: Senior Senator in state without 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
sen_norace_jrsen_name | U.S. Senator – name: Junior Senator in state without 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
sen_norace_jrsen_pty | U.S. Senator – party: Junior Senator in state without 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
sen_norace_jrsen_gend | U.S. Senator – gender: Junior Senator in state without 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
sen_norace_jrsen_code | U.S. Senator – code: Junior Senator in state without 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
sen_race_sennotup_name | U.S. Senator – name: nonrunning Senator in state with 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
sen_race_sennotup_pty | U.S. Senator – party: nonrunning Senator in state with 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
sen_race_sennotup_gend | U.S. Senator – gender: nonrunning Senator in state with 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
sen_race_sennotup_code | U.S. Senator – code: nonrunning Senator in state with 2012 Senate race (state of Respondent address) |
cand_gov_dem_name | Candidate – name: 2012 gubernatorial Democratic cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_gov_dem_gend | Candidate – gender: 2012 gubernatorial Democratic cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_gov_dem_code | Candidate – code: 2012 gubernatorial Democratic cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_gov_rep_name | Candidate – name: 2012 gubernatorial Republican cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_gov_rep_gend | Candidate – gender: 2012 gubernatorial Republican cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_gov_rep_code | Candidate – code: 2012 gubernatorial Republican cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_gov_oth_name | Candidate – name: 2012 gubernatorial other (3rd) cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_gov_oth_gend | Candidate – gender: 2012 gubernatorial other (3rd) cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_gov_oth_code | Candidate – code: 2012 gubernatorial other (3rd) cand (state of Respondent address) |
cand_gov_oth_pty | Candidate – party: 2012 gubernatorial other (3rd) cand (state of Respondent address) |
hserep_before_electn_name | Name of U.S. House Representative in office prior to November elections – for address of Respondent |
hserep_before_electn_pty | Party of U.S. House Representative in office prior to November elections – for address of Respondent |
hserep_before_electn_gend | Gender of U.S. House Representative in office prior to November elections – for address of Respondent |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_01 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 1 (20/20) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_02 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 2 (60 Minutes) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_03 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 3 (ABC News Nightline) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_04 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 4 (ABC World News Tonight) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_05 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 5 (America Live) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_06 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 6 (America This Morning) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_07 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 7 (America’s Newsroom) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_08 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 8 (American Idol) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_09 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 9 (Anderson Cooper) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_10 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 10 (The Big Bang Theory) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_11 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 11 (CBS Evening News) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_12 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 12 (CBS This Morning) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_13 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 13 (Chris Matthews Show) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_14 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 14 (Colbert Report) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_15 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 15 (Daily Show w/Jon Stewart) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_16 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 16 (Dancing w/the Stars) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_17 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 17 (Dateline NBC) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_18 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 18 (Doctors) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_19 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 19 (Ellen DeGeneres Show) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_20 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 20 (Face the Nation) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_21 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 21 (The Five) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_22 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 22 (Fox Report) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_23 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 23 (Frontline) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_24 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 24 (Good Morning America) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_25 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 25 (Hannity) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_26 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 26 (Huckabee) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_27 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 27 (Insider) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_28 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 28 (Jimmy Kimmel Live) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_29 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 29 (Key & Peele) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_30 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 30 (Late Late Show w/Craig Ferguson) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_31 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 31 (Late Show w/David Letterman) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_32 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 32 (Meet the Press) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_33 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 33 (The Mentalist) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_34 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 34 (NBC Nightly News) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_35 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 35 (NCIS) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_36 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 36 (O’Reilly Factor) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_37 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 37 (On the Record w/Greta Van Susteren) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_38 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 38 (Person of Interest) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_39 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 39 (Rock Center w/Brian Williams) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_40 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 40 (Saturday Night Live) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_41 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 41 (Special Report w/Bret Baier) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_42 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 42 (Tavis Smiley) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_43 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 43 (Sunday Morning) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_44 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 44 (The View) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_45 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 45 (This Week) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_46 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 46 (Today Show) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_47 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 47 (The Voice) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_48 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 48 (The Talk) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_49 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 49 (Al Punto) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_50 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 50 (Al Rojo Vivo) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_51 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 51 (Aqui y Ahora) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_52 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 52 (CNN en Espanol) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_53 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 53 (Despierta America) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_54 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 54 (ElGordo y La Flaca) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_55 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 55 (Enfoque) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_56 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 56 (Hoy) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_57 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 57 (Lo Mejor de Caso Cerrado) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_58 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 58 (Noticiero Enrique Gratas) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_59 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 59 (Noticiero Telemundo) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_60 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 60 (Noticiero Univision) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_61 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 61 (Pa’lante con Cristiana) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_62 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 62 (Pequenos Gigantes) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_63 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 63 (Primer Impacto) |
randordq_medsrc_tvprog_64 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered TV programs: TV program 64 (Sabado Gigante) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog01_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 1 (20/20) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog02_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 2 (60 Minutes) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog03_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 3 (ABC News Nightline) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog04_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 4 (ABC World News Tonight) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog05_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 5 (America Live) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog06_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 6 (America This Morning) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog07_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 7 (America’s Newsroom) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog08_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 8 (American Idol) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog09_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 9 (Anderson Cooper) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog10_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 10 (The Big Bang Theory) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog11_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 11 (CBS Evening News) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog12_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 12 (CBS This Morning) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog13_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 13 (Chris Matthews Show) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog14_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 14 (Colbert Report) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog15_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 15 (Daily Show w/Jon Stewart) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog16_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 16 (Dancing w/the Stars) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog17_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 17 (Dateline NBC) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog18_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 18 (Doctors) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog19_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 19 (Ellen DeGeneres Show) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog20_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 20 (Face the Nation) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog21_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 21 (The Five) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog22_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 22 (Fox Report) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog23_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 23 (Frontline) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog24_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 24 (Good Morning America) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog25_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 25 (Hannity) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog26_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 26 (Huckabee) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog27_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 27 (Insider) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog28_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 28 (Jimmy Kimmel Live) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog29_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 29 (Key & Peele) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog30_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 30 (Late Late Show w/Craig Ferguson) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog31_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 31 (Late Show w/David Letterman) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog32_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 32 (Meet the Press) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog33_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 33 (The Mentalist) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog34_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 34 (NBC Nightly News) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog35_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 35 (NCIS) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog36_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 36 (O’Reilly Factor) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog37_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 37 (On the Record w/Greta Van Susteren) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog38_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 38 (Person of Interest) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog39_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 39 (Rock Center w/Brian Williams) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog40_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 40 (Saturday Night Live) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog41_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 41 (Special Report w/Bret Baier) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog42_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 42 (Tavis Smiley) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog43_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 43 (Sunday Morning) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog44_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 44 (The View) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog45_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 45 (This Week) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog46_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 46 (Today Show) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog47_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 47 (The Voice) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog48_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 48 (The Talk) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog49_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 49 (Al Punto) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog50_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 50 (Al Rojo Vivo) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog51_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 51 (Aqui y Ahora) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog52_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 52 (CNN en Espanol) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog53_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 53 (Despierta America) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog54_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 54 (ElGordo y La Flaca) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog55_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 55 (Enfoque) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog56_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 56 (Hoy) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog57_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 57 (Lo Mejor de Caso Cerrado) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog58_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 58 (Noticiero Enrique Gratas) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog59_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 59 (Noticiero Telemundo) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog60_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 60 (Noticiero Univision) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog61_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 61 (Pa’lante con Cristiana) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog62_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 62 (Pequenos Gigantes) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog63_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 63 (Primer Impacto) |
randord_medsrc_tvprog64_scrn | Pre: Screen number of media-source numbered TV program: TV program 64 (Sabado Gigante) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_01 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 1 (All Things Considered [NPR]) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_02 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 2 (Dave Ramsey Show) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_03 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 3 (Ed Shultz Show) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_04 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 4 (Fresh Air [NPR]) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_05 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 5 (Glenn Beck Program) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_06 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 6 (Laura Ingraham Show) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_07 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 7 (Mark Levin Show) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_08 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 8 (Morning Edition [NPR]) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_09 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 9 (Neal Boortz Show) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_10 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 10 (The Power [Joe Madison]) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_11 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 11 (Rush Limbaugh Show) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_12 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 12 (Savage Nation [Michael Savage]) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_13 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 13 (Sean Hannity Show) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_14 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 14 (Talk of the Nation [NPR]) |
randordq_medsrc_radio_15 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered radio programs: radio program 15 (Thom Hartmann Program) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_01 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 1 (abcnews.go.com) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_02 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 2 (CNN [cnn.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_03 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 3 (Drudge Report [drudgereport.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_04 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 4 (Forbes [forbes.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_05 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 5 (Fox News [foxnews.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_06 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 6 (Good Morning America [gma.yahoo.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_07 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 7 (Google News [news.google.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_08 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 8 (Huffington Post [huffingtonpost.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_09 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 9 (Los Angeles Times [latimes.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_10 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 10 (MSNBC [msnbc.msn.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_11 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 11 (New York Times [nytimes.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_12 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 12 (Today Show [today.msnbc.msn.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_13 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 13 (USA Today [usatoday.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_14 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 14 (Washington Post [washingtonpost.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_websites_15 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered web sites: web site 15 (Yahoo News [news.yahoo.com]) |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_01 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 1 (New York Times/ www.nytimes.com) |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_02 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 2 (USA Today/ www.usatoday.com) |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_03 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 3 (Wall Street Journal/ online.wsj.com) |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_04 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 4 (Washington Post/ www.washingtonpost.com) |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_05 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 5 [RESTRICTED NAME] |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_06 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 6 [RESTRICTED NAME] |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_07 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 7 [RESTRICTED NAME] |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_08 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 8 [RESTRICTED NAME] |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_09 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 9 [RESTRICTED NAME] |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_10 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 10 [RESTRICTED NAME] |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_11 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 11 [RESTRICTED NAME] |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_12 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 12 [RESTRICTED NAME] |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_13 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 13 [RESTRICTED NAME] |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_14 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 14 [RESTRICTED NAME] |
randordq_medsrc_newsp_15 | Pre: Order of media-source numbered print/online newspapers: newspaper 15 [RESTRICTED NAME] |
randsplice_revisedstandard | Pre and Post: Standard or revised version of questions having std/revised version alternatives |
randopts_fwdrev | Pre and Post: Forward reverse order of response options |
randordq_cands_parties | Pre and Post: Order of Democratic/Republican questions for parties and candidates |
randord_vote_ptynames | Pre and Post: Assigned order for Dem/Rep candidate names: Pre and Post vote sections and Ballot Card |
randordq_web_pretherms | Pre: WEB ONLY: Order of political figure thermometers after Pres cands |
randordq_affects | Pre: Order of Presidential candidate affects |
rand_place_likelypercent | Pre: Placement of vote likelihood questions |
randordq_ecblame_pres | Pre: Order of economic blame item: President |
randordq_ecblame_prevpres | Pre: Order of economic blame item: former President |
randordq_ecblame_congdem | Pre: Order of economic blame item: Democrats in Congress |
randordq_ecblame_congrep | Pre: Order of economic blame item: Republicans in Congress |
randordq_ecblame_wallstr | Pre: Order of economic blame item: Wall Street bankers |
randordq_ecblame_consumers | Pre: Order of economic blame item: consumers |
randordq_ecblame_lenders | Pre: Order of economic blame item: lenders |
randord_econperf_ptynames | Pre: Order of party names in party performance question: handling the economy |
randsplice_dutychoice | Pre: Question splice: version duty/choice to vote or version choice/duty to vote |
randord_pid_ptynames | Pre: Order of party names in party identification question |
randordq_trait_moral | Pre: Order of Presidential candidate trait: moral |
randordq_trait_strong | Pre: Order of Presidential candidate trait: strong leadership |
randordq_trait_cares | Pre: Order of Presidential candidate trait: really cares |
randordq_trait_know | Pre: Order of Presidential candidate trait: knowledgeable |
randordq_trait_intell | Pre: Order of Presidential candidate trait: intelligent |
randordq_trait_honest | Pre: Order of Presidential candidate trait: honest |
randsplice_fedspendtxt | Pre: Wording choice in Federal spending items |
randordq_fedspend_socsec | Pre: Order of Federal spending item: Social Security |
randordq_fedspend_pubsch | Pre: Order of Federal spending item: public schools |
randordq_fedspend_scitech | Pre: Order of Federal spending item: science and technology |
randordq_fedspend_crime | Pre: Order of Federal spending item: dealing with crime |
randordq_fedspend_welfare | Pre: Order of Federal spending item: welfare programs |
randordq_fedspend_child | Pre: Order of Federal spending item: child care |
randordq_fedspend_poor | Pre: Order of Federal spending item: aid to the poor |
randordq_fedspend_envir | Pre: Order of Federal spending item: protecting the environment |
randopts_pk_medicare | Pre: Order of numbered response option choices for Political knowledge item: Medicare |
randopts_pk_spendleast | Pre: Order of numbered response option choices for Political knowledge item: program with least spending by Federal govt |
randord_womenperf_ptynames | Post: order of major party names: party that does better job in the interest of women |
randordq_ftf_thermpo_pcpcsp | Post: FTF ONLY: Democratic/Republican order in Pres cand, and then Pres cand spouse, thermometers |
randordq_web_thermpopc | Post: WEB ONLY: Democratic/Republican order in Pres cand thermometers |
randordq_web_thermpopcsp | Post: WEB ONLY: Democratic/Republican order in Pres cand spouse thermometers |
randordq_thermpo_hscand | Post: FTF ONLY: Democratic/Republican order of House cand thermometers (after Pres cands and Pres cand spouses |
randordq_web_thermpo_sencand | Post: WEB ONLY: Order of political figure thermometers after Pres cands: Senate Democratic candidate |
randordq_web_thermpo_senatrs | Post: WEB ONLY: Order of political figure thermometers after Pres cands: Senior Senator in state without Senate race |
randordq_web_thermpo_vpc | Post: WEB ONLY: Order of political figure thermometers after Pres cands: Democratic Vice Presidential candidate |
randordq_grptherm_xfund | Post: Order of group thermometer: Christian fundamentalists |
randordq_grptherm_cath | Post: Order of group thermometer: Catholics |
randordq_grptherm_feminst | Post: Order of group thermometer: feminists |
randordq_grptherm_fedgov | Post: Order of group thermometer: Federal government in Washington |
randordq_grptherm_lib | Post: Order of group thermometer: liberals |
randordq_grptherm_midclass | Post: Order of group thermometer: middle class people |
randordq_grptherm_labor | Post: Order of group thermometer: labor unions |
randordq_grptherm_poor | Post: Order of group thermometer: poor people |
randordq_grptherm_milit | Post: Order of group thermometer: the military |
randordq_grptherm_bigbusn | Post: Order of group thermometer: big business |
randordq_grptherm_welfare | Post: Order of group thermometer: people on welfare |
randordq_grptherm_conserv | Post: Order of group thermometer: conservatives |
randordq_grptherm_wkclass | Post: Order of group thermometer: working class people |
randordq_grptherm_suprct | Post: Order of group thermometer: U.S. Supreme Court |
randordq_grptherm_gaylesb | Post: Order of group thermometer: gay men and lesbians |
randordq_grptherm_congress | Post: Order of group thermometer: Congress |
randordq_grptherm_rich | Post: Order of group thermometer: rich people |
randordq_grptherm_muslim | Post: Order of group thermometer: Muslims |
randordq_grptherm_xtian | Post: Order of group thermometer: Christians |
randordq_grptherm_atheist | Post: Order of group thermometer: atheists |
randordq_grptherm_mormon | Post: Order of group thermometer: Mormons |
randordq_grptherm_teapty | Post: Order of group thermometer: Tea Party |
randord_mip_ptynames | Post: order of major party names: party to best handle most important problem(s) |
randordq_deficit_inctax | Post: Order of deficit reduction item: raise taxes for incomes over 25K |
randordq_deficit_medvouch | Post: Order of deficit reduction item: replace Medicare with voucher system |
randordq_deficit_corptax | Post: Order of deficit reduction item: increase corporate taxes |
randordq_deficit_cutmilit | Post: Order of deficit reduction item: cut Military spending |
randordq_deficit_fedemp | Post: Order of deficit reduction item: cut Federal employees 10percent |
randordq_deficit_cutgovt | Post: Order of deficit reduction item: cut govt excluding military |
randordq_ftf_abort_pc | Post: FTF ONLY: Order of Presidential candidate, party questions abortion 7pt scale |
randordq_abort_healthnonfatl | Post: Order of abortion scenarios: nonfatal health risk to mother |
randordq_abort_healthfatal | Post: Order of abortion scenarios: fatal health risk to mother |
randordq_abort_incest | Post: Order of abortion scenarios: incest |
randordq_abort_rape | Post: Order of abortion scenarios: rape |
randordq_abort_defect | Post: Order of abortion scenarios: birth defect |
randordq_abort_financial | Post: Order of abortion scenarios: financial hardship |
randordq_abort_gendpref | Post: Order of abortion scenarios: gender preference |
randord_factor_pcnamestxt | Post: order of major party names: candidate R favors due to preference/aversion factor |
randordq_factor_rpcreligion | Post: Order of Presidential candidate preference/aversion factor: Mormon religion of Mitt Romney |
randordq_factor_dpcrace | Post: Order of Presidential candidate preference/aversion factor: race of Barack Obama |
randordq_factor_hcarelaw | Post: Order of Presidential candidate preference/aversion factor: Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) |
randordq_factor_economy | Post: Order of Presidential candidate preference/aversion factor: the economy |
randordq_factor_foreignpol | Post: Order of Presidential candidate preference/aversion factor: foreign policy |
randordq_factor_dpcreligion | Post: Order of Presidential candidate preference/aversion factor: religion of Barack Obama |
randordq_factor_rpcwealth | Post: Order of Presidential candidate preference/aversion factor: wealth of Mitt Romney |
randordq_factor_dpcparty | Post: Order of Presidential candidate preference/aversion factor: politial party of Barack Obama |
randordq_factor_rpcparty | Post: Order of Presidential candidate preference/aversion factor: politial party of Mitt Romney |
randopts_pk_secytreas | Post: Order of numbered response option choices for political knowledge item: Treasury Secretary |
randopts_pk_pty2ndhse | Post: Order of numbered response option choices for political knowledge item: political party 2nd in House seats won |
randopts_pk_secyun | Post: Order of numbered response option choices for political knowledge item: U.N. Secretary |
randordq_casitherm_asianam | Post: Order of group thermometer: Asian-Americans |
randordq_casitherm_hisp | Post: Order of group thermometer: Hispanics |
randordq_casitherm_black | Post: Order of group thermometer: Blacks |
randordq_casitherm_illegal | Post: Order of group thermometer: illegal immigrants |
randordq_casitherm_white | Post: Order of group thermometer: Whites |
randordq_stereogroups | Post: Order of numbered stereotype groups (after Whites) |
randordq_discrim_black | Post: Order of discrimination group: Blacks |
randordq_discrim_hisp | Post: Order of discrimination group: Hispanics |
randordq_discrim_white | Post: Order of discrimination group: Whites |
randordq_discrim_gay | Post: Order of discrimination group: gays and lesbians |
randordq_discrim_women | Post: Order of discrimination group: women |
randordq_stereorelig | Post: Order of (Web only) religion stereotype groups |
invited_inetrecontact2013 | WEB ONLY: Respondent invited to 2013 Internet Recontact Survey |