2023 Message Testing Study
About the Dataset
- Pilot Study
- Completions: 3624 qualified
- Sample: opt-in online quota sample
- Mode: Internet
- Weights: none available
Study Highlights
The ANES 2023 Message Testing Study was conducted for the purpose of preliminary testing of messages to recruit participants in the ANES Time Series studies. The study measures attitudes towards groups and objectives that may be mentioned in recruitment messages, such as research, universities, and students, and includes question wording experiments.
The survey was conducted using non-probability quota sampling with an opt-in online panel. This method produces a sample that may resemble the population on selected characteristics but may still differ in unknown ways on other characteristics. This is not a representative sample, and is intended only for pretesting of ANES recruitment materials.
Data collection was conducted between August 17 and September 5, 2023. Sample was provided by Bovitz. ANES staff programmed the survey and collected the data using the Qualtrics survey platform. The sample includes 4,137 responses, of which 3,624 are considered “qualified completes” who are adult U.S. citizens living in the 50 states or District of Columbia who completed the questionnaire once and passed an attention check.