ANES Bibliography 1970-1979
Aldrich, John H., Richard G. Niemi, and David W. Rohde. 1979. “Issues.”
Andersen, Kristi. 1979. The Creation of a Democratic Majority 1928-1936. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Beck, Paul Allen. 1979. “The Electoral Cycle and Patterns of American Politics.” British Journal of Political Science 9:129-56.
Beck, Paul Allen and M. Kent Jennings. 1979. “Political Periods and Political Participation.” American Political Science Review 73:739-50.
Bennett, Stephen Earl, George F. Bishop, Robert W. Oldendick, and Alfred J. Tuchfarber. 1979. “Education and Mass Belief Systems: An Extension and Some New Questions.” Political Behavior 1:53-72.
Bensel, Richard F. and Elizabeth Sanders. 1979. “The Effect of Electoral Rules on Voting Behavior: The Electoral College and Shift Voting.” Public Choice 34:669-85.
Bishop, George F. , Robert W. Oldendick, Alfred J. Tuchfarber, and Stephen Earl Bennett. 1979. “Opinion Filtering and Political Attitude Structure.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Blair, Douglas H. 1979. “Electoral College Reform and the Distribution of Voting Power.” Public Choice 34:201-15.
Bokowski, Deborah and Aage R. Clausen. 1979. “Federalism, Representation, and the Amendment Process: The Case of the Equal Rights Amendment.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago.
Boyd, Richard W. 1979. “Structural and Attitudinal Explanations of Turnout.” NES Conference on Voter Turnout, San Diego, CA.
Boyd, William A. 1979. “Some Theoretical Consequences of Specifying Individual Level Models at the Aggregate Level.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago.
Brody, Richard A. 1979. “Measures of Party Identification in the 1979 Pilot Study.”
Brody, Richard A. and Bernard N. Grofman. 1979. “Choice vs. Involvement in Electoral Participation.” Presented at the Conference on Voter Turnout, San Diego.
Burstein, Paul. 1979. “Public Opinion, Demonstrations, and the Passage of Antidiscrimination Legislation.” Public Opinion Quarterly 43:157-72.
Busterna, John C. 1979. “Crossownership and the Marketplace of Ideas: Diversity of Opinion on National Political Issues.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI.
Cain, Bruce E., John A. Ferejohn, and Morris P. Fiorina. 1979. “The Roots of Legislator Popularity in Great Britain and the United States.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington.
Campbell, Bruce A. 1979. The American Electorate: Attitudes and Action. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Campbell, Bruce A. 1979. “Explaining Change in Party Identification: A Functional Approach.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington.
Cassel, Carol A. 1979. “Change in Electoral Participation in the South.” Journal of Politics 41:907-17.
Cassel, Carol A. 1979. “Predicting Party Identification, 1956-1976: Who Are the Republicans and Who Are the Democrats?” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago.
Claggett, William. 1979. “The Acquisition and Strengthening of Party Identification: A Reconceptualization and Reanalysis.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Conover, Pamela Johnston and Stanley Feldman. 1979. “Cognitive Schemata and the Development of Issue Positions.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Converse, Philip E. and Gregory B. Markus. 1979. “Plus ca Change…The New CPS Election Study Panel.” American Political Science Review 73:32-49.
Conway, M. Margaret. 1979. “Patterns of Political Participation in Mid-Term Congressional Elections During the 1970’s.” Presented at the Houston Conference on Senate Elections, Houston, TX.
Coombs, Steven L. 1979. “The Electoral Impact of Newspaper Editorials.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Copeland, Gary W. 1979. “The Effects of Congressional Campaign Expenditures on Voting Behavior: A Behavioral and Policy Analysis.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
Craig, Stephen C. 1979. “Citizen Demands and Political Reality: A Dynamic Model of Political Discontent.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
Craig, Stephen C. 1979. “Efficacy, Trust, and Political Behavior: An Attempt to Resolve a Lingering Conceptual Dilemma.” American Politics Quarterly 7:225-39.
Darcy, Robert E. 1979. “Changes in a Woman’s Political Attitudes Accompanying the Birth of her First Child.” in Families as Educators: Challenges & Opportunities, edited by D. G. Fournier and G. J. Ellis. Stillwater: Oklahoma State University.
Darcy, Robert E. 1979. “The Social Basis of American Politics.” Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology 7:58-63.
Denney, Michael. 1979. “Participant Citizenship in a Marginal Group: Union Mobilization of California Farm Workers.” American Journal of Political Science 23:330-7.
Dennis, Jack. 1979. “An Analysis of Some Measures of Partisanship Using the Pilot Study Data.”
Dimmick, John W., Thomas A. McCann, and Theodore W. Bolton. 1979. “Media Use and the Life Span.” American Behavioral Scientist 23:7-31.
Ellwood, John W. and Robert J. Spitzer. 1979. “The Democratic National Telethons: Their Successes and Failures.” Journal of Politics 41:828-64.
Erbring, Lutz and Peter Clarke. 1979. “NES ’80 Media Segment.”
Erikson, Robert S. 1979. “The SRC Panel Data and Mass Political Attitudes.” British Journal of Political Science 9:89-114.
Eulau, Heinz, Jonathan W. Siegel, and M. Stephen Weatherford. 1979. “A Technical Report on Interpersonal Context of Political Behavior.”
Feigert, Frank B. 1979. “Illusions of Ticket-splitting.” American Politics Quarterly 7:470-88.
Ferejohn, John A. and Morris P. Fiorina. 1979. “The Decline in Turnout in Presidential Elections.” Presented at the Conference on Voter Turnout, San Diego.
Fowler, Linda L. 1979. “Perceptions of District Heterogeneity: The Impact on Competition and Homestyle.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Gant, Michael M. 1979. “A Theory of Media Utilization in Election Campaigns.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Giles, Michael W. and Gerald C. Wright. 1979. “Social Status and Political Behavior: The Impact of Residential Context.” Paper presented for the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Grofman, Bernard N. and Richard A. Brody. 1979. “Candidate Evaluations vs. Involvement in Electoral Participation.” Presented at the Conference on Voter Turnout, San Diego, CA.
Grofman, Bernard N. and Herbert F. Weisberg. 1979. “Long-Term Voter Predispositions and Turnout.” Presented at the Conference on Voter Turnout, San Diego, CA.
Hadley, Charles D. and Susan E. Howell. 1979. “Partisan Conversion in the Northeast: An Analysis of Split Ticket Voting, 1952-1972.” American Politics Quarterly 7:259-82.
Hadley, David J. 1979. “Alienation and Presidential Voting, 1952-1972: A Normal Vote Analysis.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington.
Henderson, Gordon. 1979. American Democracy: People, Politics and Policies. Cambridge, MA: Winthrop.
Hensler, Carl P. and Brian Stipak. 1979. “Estimating Interval Scale Values for Survey Item Response Categories.” American Journal of Political Science 23:627-49.
Hill, Kim Quaile and Patricia A. Hurley. 1979. “Mass Participation, Electoral Competitiveness, and Issue-Attitude Agreement Between Congressmen and Constituents.” British Journal of Political Science 9:507-11.
Holland, Lauren Harriet. 1979. “The Politicization of Fishermen: A Case Study of Two California Coastal Communities.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.
Hurley, Patricia A. 1979. “Media Usage Patterns in Mass Public: Implications for Agenda Setting.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Fort Worth, TX.
Hurley, Patricia A. 1979. “Media Usage Patterns in the Mass Public: Potential Effects of Daily News Coverage.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Iyengar, Shanto. 1979. “Television News and Issue Salience, a Reexamination of the Agenda-setting Hypothesis.” American Politics Quarterly 7:395-416.
Jackson, John E. 1979. “Issues and Answers: Estimating Individual’s Preferences with Survey Data.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington D.C.
Jackson, John E. 1979. “Statistical Estimation of Possible Response Bias in Close-Ended Issue Questions.” Political Methodology 6.
Jackson-Beeck, Marilyn and Robert G. Meadow. 1979. “The Triple Agenda of Presidential Debates.” Public Opinion Quarterly 43:173-80.
Jacobson, Gary C. 1979. “On Adding Contextual Variables to National Election Surveys: Some Examples from the 1972 and 1974 Election Studies.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Jennings, M. Kent. 1979. “Another Look at the Life Cycle and Political Participation.” American Journal of Political Science 23:755-71.
Kagay, Michael R. 1979. “Changing Voter Turnout at American Presidential Elections.” Vital Issues 29.
Kiewiet, D. Roderick. 1979. “Approval Voting: The Case of the 1968 Election.” Polity 12:170-81.
Kinder, Donald R., Robert P. Abelson, and Susan T. Fiske. 1979. “Developmental Research on Candidate Instrumentation: Results and Recommendations.”
Kinder, Donald R. and D. Roderick Kiewiet. 1979. “Economic Discontent and Political Behavior: The Role of Personal Grievances and Collective Economic Judgements in Congressional Voting.” American Journal of Political Science 23:495-527.
Klecka, William R., Arthur H. Miller, and Louis Bolce. 1979. “The Abuse of the Scientific Enterprise: A Rejoinder to Lieske.” Political Methodology 6:63-74.
Knoke, David. 1979. “Stratification and the Dimensions of American Political Orientations.” American Journal of Political Science 23:772-91.
Kritzer, Herbert M. and Robert B. Eubank. 1979. “Presidential Coattails Revisited: Partisanship and Incumbency Effects.” American Journal of Political Science 23:615-26.
Ladd, Jr., Everett C., Marilyn Potter, Linda Basilick, Sally Daniels, and Dana Suszkiw. 1979. “The Polls: Taxing and Spending.” Public Opinion Quarterly 43:126-35.
Lau, Richard R. 1979. “Negativity in Person Perception with Applications to Political Behavior.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.
Lawrence, David G. 1979. “Candidate Orientation and the Quality of the American Electorate.” Polity 11:229-46.
LeBlanc, Hugh L. and Mary Beth Merrin. 1979. “Independents, Issue Partisanship and the Decline of Party.” American Politics Quarterly 7:240-55.
Leege, David C. 1979. “Public Trust and Confidence in Government after Vietnam.” Presented at the Hubert Humphrey Institute Conference, Macalester College.
Levitin, Teresa E. and Warren E. Miller. 1979. “Ideological Interpretations of Presidential Elections.” The American Political Science Review 73:751-71.
Lunch, William L. and Peter W. Sperlich. 1979. “American Public Opinion and the War in Vietnam.” Western Politics Quarterly 32:21-44.
Macaluso, Theodore F. and John Wanat. 1979. “Voting Turnout and Religiosity.” Polity 12:158-69.
Maddox, William S. 1979. “Changing Electoral Coalitions from 1952 to 1976.” Social Science Quarterly 60:309-22.
Maddox, William S. 1979. “The Psychological Foundations of Citizenship.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Maddox, William S. and Stuart A. Lilie. 1979. “An Alternate Analysis of Mass Belief Systems: Liberal, Conservative, Populist and Libertarian.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Mann, Thomas E. and Raymond E. Wolfinger. 1979. “Candidates and Parties in Congressional Elections.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington.
Margolis, Michael. 1979. Viable Democracy. New York, NY: Penguin.
Markus, Gregory B. and Philip E. Converse. 1979. “A Dynamic Simultaneous Equation Model of Electoral Choice.” American Political Science Review 73:1055-70.
McDonald, Michael. 1979. “Party Identification as a Cross-National Concept: Comparing the Fit of the Party ID Model in Japan and the U.S.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington D.C.
McDonald, Michael. 1979. “State Party Impact of Roll Call Voting in the U.S. House.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Merrin, Mary Beth and Hugh L. LeBlanc. 1979. “Parties and Candidates in 1972: Objects of Issue Voting.” Western Politics Quarterly 32:59-69.
Miller, Arthur H. 1979. “Current Trends in Political Trust.” Economic Outlook USA 6:58-9.
Miller, Arthur H. 1979. “The Institutional Focus of Political Distrust.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington.
Miller, Arthur H. 1979. “Normal Vote Analysis: Sensitivity to Change Over Time.” American Journal of Political Science 23:406-25.
Miller, Arthur H., Lutz Erbring, and Edie N. Goldenberg. 1979. “Type-set Politics: Impact of Newspapers on Public Confidence.” American Political Science Review 73:67-84.
Miller, Arthur H., Patricia Gurin, and Gerald Gurin. 1979. “Age Consciousness and Political Mobilization of Older Americans.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society, Washington.
Miller, Arthur H., Patricia Gurin, and Gerald Gurin. 1979. “Group Consciousness and Political Participation.” Presented at the Conference on Voter Turnout, San Diego, CA.
Miller, Arthur H. and Michael MacKuen. 1979. “Learning about the Candidates: The 1976 Presidential Debates.” Public Opinion Quarterly 43:326-46.
Miller, Arthur H. and Michael B. MacKuen. 1979. “Informing the Electorate: Effects of the 1976 Presidential Debates.” in The Great Debates, Carter vs. Ford, 1976, edited by S. Kraus. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Miller, Warren E. 1979. “Confidence in Government or a Crisis in Leadership?” Public Opinion 2:9-15, 60.
Miller, Warren E. and Teresa E. Levitin. 1979. “Ideological Interpretations of Presidential Elections.” American Political Science Review 73:751-71.
Myles, John F. 1979. “Differences in the Canadian and American Class Vote: Fact of Pseudofact?” American Journal of Sociology 84:1232-7.
Niemi, Richard G., Richard S. Katz, and David Newman. 1979. “Reconstructing Past Partisanship: The Failure of the Party Identification Recall Questions.”
O’Gorman, Hubert J. 1979. “White and Black Perceptions of Racial Values.” Public Opinion Quarterly 43:48-59.
Page, Benjamin I. and Calvin C. Jones. 1979. “Reciprocal Effects of Policy Preferences, Party Loyalties and the Vote.” American Political Science Review 73:1071-89.
Patterson, Samuel C., Roger Davidson, and Randall B. Ripley. 1979. A More Perfect Union: Introduction to American Government. Homewood, IL: Dorsey.
Petrocik, John R. 1979. “Levels of Issue Voting: The Effect of Candidate Pairs in Presidential Elections.” American Politics Quarterly 7:303-27.
Pierce, John C. and Paul R. Hagner. 1979. “Stability and Change in the Public’s Political Thinking.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Gatlinburg.
Pomper, Gerald M. 1979. “Elections in New Jersey.” in Politics in New Jersey, edited by A. Rosenthal. New Brunswick: Eagleton Institute.
Powell, Lynda W. 1979. “A Study of Financial Contributions in Congressional Elections.” Presented at the NES Research and Development Conference on Congressional Elections, Houston, TX.
Prysby, Charles L. 1979. “Mass Policy Orientations on Economic Issues in Post-Industrial America.” Journal of Politics 41:543-65.
Rainey, Hal G. 1979. “Tax Resentment and Perceptions of Government, Government Agencies, and Government Services.” Presented at the National Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Baltimore.
Reiter, Howard L. 1979. “Issue Publics and Political Sophistication.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago.
Reiter, Howard L. 1979. “Why is Turnout Down?” Public Opinion Quarterly 43:297-311.
Robinson, John P. 1979. “The Polls.” in The Great Debates: Carter vs. Ford 1976, edited by S. Kraus. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Rood, Steven. 1979. “A Reappraisal of Theories of Voting.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington.
Rose, Douglas D. 1979. “Citizen Uses of the Ford-Carter Debates.” Journal of Politics 41:214-21.
Samuelson, Robert J. 1979. “Fragmentation and Uncertainty Litter the Political Landscape.” National Journal 11:1721-92.
Schumaker, Paul. 1979. “Responsiveness to Citizen Preferences and Societal Problems in American Communities.” South Atlantic Urban Studies.
Scott, Wilbur J. and Alan C. Acock. 1979. “Socioeconomic Status, Unemployment Experience, and Political Participation: A Disentangling of Main and Interaction Effects.” Political Behavior 1:361-81.
Sears, David O. 1979. “Attitude Stability through the Life Cycle: Racial Prejudice as a Function of Environmental Consistency.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, San Diego.
Sears, David O., Carl P. Hensler, and Leslie K. Speer. 1979. “Whites’ Opposition to Busing: Self-interest or Symbolic Politics?” American Political Science Review 73:369-84.
Sears, David O. and Richard R. Lau. 1979. “Personal Impact, Governmental Performance, and Policy Attitudes: A Preliminary Analysis of the 1979 CPS Pilot Study.”
Shabad, Goldie and Kristi Anderson. 1979. “Candidate Evaluations by Men and Women.” Public Opinion Quarterly 43:18-35.
Shaffer, Stephen D. 1979. “Issue Voting in Presidential Elections: Towards a Synthesis of Competing Perspectives.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Shively, W. Phillips. 1979. “The Development of Party Identification Among Adults: Exploration of a Functional Model.” American Political Science Review 73:1039-54.
Sprague, John and Louis P. Westefield. 1979. “Campaign and Context Interaction.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Stimson, James A. and Paul Allen Beck. 1979. “Decomposing the American Electorate: Dealignment, Realignment or What?” Presented at the Florida State Conference on Critical Electoral Forces, Tallahassee, FL.
Stimson, James A. and Edward G. Carmines. 1979. “The Core Issue in Issue Constraint.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Stone, Walter J. 1979. “Electoral Change and Policy Representation in Congress: Domestic Welfare Issues from 1956-1972.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington.
Taylor, Scott Campbell. 1979. “The Impact of Urban Life on Democratic Citizenship.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, Rutgers University, New Brunswick.
Traugott, Michael W. 1979. “The Consequence of Validated Voting Measures for National Studies of Voter Turnout.” Presented at the annual meeting of the National Science Foundation Conference on Voter Turnout, San Diego, CA.
Traugott, Michael W. and John P. Katosh. 1979. “Response Validity in Surveys of Voting Behavior.” Public Opinion Quarterly 43:359-77.
Useem, Bert and Michael Useem. 1979. “Government Legitimacy and Political Stability.” Social Forces 57:840-52.
Van Wingen, John R. 1979. “Biases in the Partisan Identification Index as a Measure of Partisanship.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
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Weisberg, Herbert F. 1979. “The Validity of Voter Registration and Turnout Reports in Surveys.” Presented at the Conference on Voter Turnout, San Diego, CA.
Weisberg, Herbert F. and Tom Boyd. 1979. “Report on Party Identification Questions in Pilot Study.”
Weisberg, Herbert F. and Arthur H. Miller. 1979. “Evaluation of the Feeling Thermometer: A Report to the NES Board Based on Data from the 1979 Pilot Study Survey.”
Wides, Jeffrey W. 1979. “Perceived Economic Competency and the Ford/Carter Elections.” Political Science Quarterly 43:535-43.
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Abramson, Paul R. 1978. “Class Voting in the 1976 Presidential Election.” Journal of Politics 40:1066-72.
Abramson, Paul R. 1978. “Generational Replacement and Partisan Dealignment in Britain and the United States.” British Journal of Political Science 8:505-9.
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Bensel, Richard F. 1978. “Reciprocal Behavior and the Rules of the House of Representatives.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Bishop, George F., Robert W. Oldendick, Alfred J. Tuchfarber, and Stephen Earl Bennett. 1978. “The Changing Structure of Mass Belief Systems: Fact or Artifact?” Journal of Politics 40:781-87.
Bishop, George F., Alfred J. Tuchfarber, and Robert W.. Oldendick. 1978. “Change in the Structure of American Political Attitudes: The Nagging Question of Question Wording.” American Journal of Political Science 22:250-67.
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Cannon, Lynn Weber. 1978. “A Macro Social Indicator Model of Trends in Social Class Identification in the United States, 1949-1973.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Boston.
Cannon, Lynn Weber and Richard B. Miller. 1978. “The Effect of Socioeconomic and Demographic Characteristics on White Attitudes Toward Desegregation.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Sociological Society, Chicago, IL.
Cassel, Carol A. 1978. “Class Bases of Southern Politics Among Whites, 1952-1972.” Social Science Quarterly 58:700-07.
Clarke, Peter and Eric Fredin. 1978. “Newspapers, Television and Political Reasoning.” Public Opinion Quarterly 42:143-60.
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Erikson, Robert S. 1978. “Analyzing One Variable–Three Wave Panel Data: A Comparison of Two Models.” Political Methodology 5:151-66.
Erikson, Robert S. 1978. “Constituency Opinion and Congressional Behavior: A Reexamination of the Miller-Stokes Representation Data.” American Journal of Political Science 22:511-35.
Erikson, Robert S. and Gerald C. Wright. 1978. “Electoral Marginality and Congressional Representation.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York.
Feigert, Frank B. 1978. “A Caveat in Ticket-Splitting Studies.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Fiorina, Morris P. 1978. “Economic Retrospective Voting in American National Elections: A Micro-Analysis.” American Journal of Political Science 22:426-43.
Frohlich, Norman, Joe A. Oppenheimer, Jeffrey A. Smith, and Oran R. Young. 1978. “A Test of Downsian Voter Rationality: 1964 Presidential Voting.” American Political Science Review 72:178-97.
Ginsberg, Benjamin. 1978. “Elections as Legitimizing Institutions.” in Parties and Elections, edited by J. Fishel. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Ginsberg, Benjamin. 1978. “Participation and Party Survival.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southwest Political Science Association,
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Gitelson, Alan R. 1978. “An Analysis of Split-Ticket Voting Patterns at the Microanalytic Level.” Political Methodology 5:445-59.
Hinich, Melvin J. 1978. “Some Evidence on Non-Voting Models in the Spatial Theory of Electoral Competition.” Public Choice 33:83-102.
Hinich, Melvin J., L. Cahoon, and P.C. Ordeshook. 1978. “A Statistical Multidimensional Scaling Method Based on the Spatial Theory of Voting.” Pp. 243-78 in Graphical Representation of Multivariate Data, edited by R. C. Wang. New York: Academic Press.
Holm, John D. and John P. Robinson. 1978. “Ideological Identification and the American Voter.” Public Opinion Quarterly 42:235-46.
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Jackman, Mary R. 1978. “General and Applied Tolerance: Does Education Increase Commitment to Racial Integration?” American Journal of Political Science 22:302-23.
Jacobson, Gary C. 1978. “The Effects of Campaign Spending in Congressional Elections.” American Political Science Review 72:469-91.
Katosh, John P. and Michael W. Traugott. 1978. “The Effects of Local Administration on Voter Turnout in 1976.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Klorman, Ricardo. 1978. “Trend in Personal Finances and the Vote.” Public Opinion Quarterly 42:31-48.
Kritzer, Herbert M. 1978. “Ideology and American Political Elites.” Public Opinion Quarterly 42:484-502.
Lau, Richard R., Thad A. Brown, and David O. Sears. 1978. “Self-interest and Civilians’ Attitudes Toward the Vietnam War.” Public Opinion Quarterly 42:464-83.
Lederman, Susan S. 1978. “The Effect of Suburban Residence on Political Beliefs and Attitudes.” Ph.D dissertation Thesis, Rutgers Univerisity.
Levitin, Teresa E. and Warren E. Miller. 1978. “Ideological Interpretation of National Elections: Problems in the Analysis of Change.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York.
Long, Samuel. 1978. “Personality and Political Alienation Among White and Black Youth: A Test of the Social Deprivation Model.” Journal of Politics 40:433-57.
Mann, Thomas E. 1978. Unsafe at Any Margin: Interpreting Congressional Elections. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute.
McDonald, Michael. 1978. “Revising the Learning Model of Partisanship Acquisition on Development.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Miller, Arthur H. 1978. “Partisanship Reinstated?A Comparison of the 1972 and 1976 U. S. Presidential Elections.” British Journal of Political Science 8:129-52.
Miller, Arthur H., Patricia Gurin, and Gerald Gurin. 1978. “Electoral Implications of Group Identification and Consciousness: The Reintroduction of a Concept.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York.
Miller, Richard B. 1978. “The Effect of Socioeconomic and Demographic Characteristics on White Attitudes toward Desegregation.” Ph.D dissertation Thesis, Memphis State University.
Nelson, Cice J. 1978. “The Effect of Incumbency on Voting in Congressional Elections, 1964-1974.” Political Science Quarterly 93:665-78.
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Page, Benjamin I. 1978. Choices and Echos in Presidential Elections: Rational Man and Electoral Democracy. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Page, Benjamin I. and Calvin C. Jones. 1978. “Reciprocal Effects of Policy Preferences, Party Loyalties and the Vote.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York.
Panigelis, Nicholas L. 1978. “Black Political Participation in the United States: Some Recent Evidence.” American Sociological Review 43:756-71.
Pedersen, Johannes T. 1978. “Political Involvement and Partisan Change in Presidential Elections.” American Journal of Political Science 22:18-20.
Petrocik, John R. 1978. “Comment: Reconsidering the Reconsiderations of the 1964 Change in Attitude Consistency.” Political Methodology 5:361-8.
Piereson, James E. 1978. “Issue Alignment and the American Party System, 1956-1976.” American Politics Quarterly 6:275-307.
Poole, Keith T. 1978. “A Method for Testing the Equilibrium Theories of the Spatial Model of Party Competition.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.
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Rabinowitz, George B. 1978. “On the Nature of Political Issues: Insights from a Spatial Analysis.” American Journal of Political Science 22:793-817.
Shaffer, Stephen D. 1978. “Voting Behavior in Congressional, Gubernatorial, and Presidential Elections: A Comparative Analysis.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Smith, Gary D. 1978. “The Pulse of Presidential Popularity: Kennedy in Crisis.” Ph.D dissertation Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles.
Smith, Tom W. 1978. “In Search of House Effects: A Comparison of Responses to Various Questions by Different Survey Organizations.” Public Opinion Quarterly 42:443-63.
Sullivan, John L., James E. Piereson, and George E. Marcus. 1978. “Ideological Constraint in the Mass Public: A Methodological Critique and Some New Findings.” American Journal of Political Science 22:232-49.
Traugott, Michael W. and John P. Katosh. 1978. “Response Validity in Surveys of Voting Behavior.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Tufte, Edward R. 1978. Political Control of the Economy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Uslaner, Eric M. and John L. Sullivan. 1978. “Congressional Behavior and Electoral Marginality.” American Journal of Political Science 3:536-53.
Van Wingen, John R. 1978. “The Emergence of the Republican Party in the South.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
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