ANES Bibliography 1980-1989
Abramowitz, Alan I. and Jeffrey A. Segal. 1989. “Beyond Willie Horton and the Pledge of Allegiance: National Issues in the 1988 Senate, House and Presidential Elections.” Presented at the Conference on Electing the Senate, Houston, TX.
Abramson, Paul R. 1989. “Generations and Political Change in the United States.” in Research in Political Sociology, edited by R. G. Braugart and M. M. Braungart.
Aldrich, John H., John L. Sullivan, and Eugene Borgida. 1989. “Foreign Affairs and Issue Voting: Do Presidential Candidates ‘Waltz Before a Blind Audience’?” American Political Science Review 83:123-41.
Alford, John R. and John R. Hibbing. 1989. “The Disparate Electoral Security of House and Senate Incumbents.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta.
Alford, Robert R. and Edgar L. Feige. 1989. “Information Distortions in Social Systems: The Underground Economy and Other Observer-Subject-Policymaker Feedbacks.” Pp. 57-80 in The Underground Economies: Tax Evasion and Information Distortion, edited by E. L. Feige. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Barker, Lucius J. 1989. “Jackson’s Candidacy in Political-Social Perspective.” in Jesse Jackson’s 1984 Presidential Campaign: Challenge and Change in American Politics, edited by L. J. Barker and R. W. Walters. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Bennett, Stephen Earl. 1989. “Left Behind: Economic Adversity and Declining Turnout among Noncollege Young Whites, 1964-1988.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Memphis.
Bennett, Stephen Earl. 1989. “Trends in Americans’ Political Information, 1967-1987.” American Politics Quarterly 17:422-35.
Bennett, Stephen Earl and Linda L. M. Bennett. 1989. “Enduring Gender Differences in Political Interest: The Impact of Socialization and Political Dispositions.” American Politics Quarterly 17:105-22.
Bennett, Stephen Earl and Linda L. M. Bennett. 1989. “Interest in American Presidential Election Campaigns.” Polity 22:341-54.
Bernstein, Robert A. 1989. Elections, Representation, and Congressional Voting Behavior: The Myth of Constituency Control. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Boyd, Richard W. 1989. “The Effects of Primaries and Statewide Races on Voter Turnout.” Journal of Politics 51:730-9.
Brady, David W., Richard A. Brody, and John A. Ferejohn. 1989. “Constituency Preferences and Senatorial Actions: Modeling the Representation of Constituency Interests.” Presented at the Conference on Electing the Senate, Houston.
Brehm, John. 1989. “How Survey Nonresponse Damages Political Analysis.” Presented at the American Political Science Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Brody, Richard A. and Catherine R. Shapiro. 1989. “Policy Failure and Public Support: The Iran-Contra Affair and Public Assessment of President Reagan.” Political Behavior 11:353-69.
Campbell, James E. 1989. “The Cross-Pressured Partisan.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Carmines, Edward G. and James A. Stimson. 1989. Issue Evolution: Race and the Transformation of American Politics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Carroll, Susan J. 1989. “Gender Politics and the Socializing Impact of the Women’s Movement.” in Political Learning in Adulthood: A Sourcebook of Theory and Research, edited by R. S. Sigel. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Chuang, Yao Chia. 1989. “Policy Voting and Persuasion in American Presidential Elections: The Role of Attitude Importance.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
Claggett, William. 1989. “Partisan Acquisition Policy Relevant Parties and Realignments.” The Western Political Quarterly 42:225-44.
Clarke, Harold D. and Alan C. Acock. 1989. “National Elections and Political Attitudes: The Case of Political Efficacy.” British Journal of Political Science 19:551-62.
Cook, Elizabeth Adell. 1989. “Measuring Feminist Consciousness.” Women and Politics 93:71-88.
Craig, Stephen C. and Michael D. Martinez. 1989. “Perceived Choice and Institutional Support: Limits to Rational Partisanship.” Polity 21:606-18.
Dubin, Jeffrey A. and Douglas Rivers. 1989. “Selection Bias in Linear Regression, Logit and Probit Models.” Sociological Methods and Research 18:360-90.
Edsall, Thomas B. 1989. “The 1980s: Political Earthquake or a Blip?; Scholars Debate Magnitude and Significance of Voters’ Trend Toward GOP.” The Washington Post, September 3, 1989, pp. 4.
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Eliott, Euel and Marianne C. Stewart. 1989. “Models of Economic Evaluations and Presidential Voting in the 1988 American National Elections.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Memphis, TN.
Elliott, Euel Wilson. 1989. Issues and Elections: Presidential Voting in Contemporary America – A Revisionist View. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Ellison, Christopher G. and David A. Gay. 1989. “Black Political Participation Revisited: A Test of Compensatory, Ethnic Community, and Public Arena Models.” Social Science Quarterly 70:101-19.
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Erikson, Robert S. 1989. “Economic Conditions and the Presidential Vote.” American Political Science Review 83:567-73.
Erikson, Robert S. 1989. “Roll Calls, Reputations, and Representation in the U.S. Senate.” Presented at the Conference on Electing the Senate, Houston, TX.
Erikson, Robert S. 1989. “Ronald Reagan and the ‘Michigan’ Model of the Vote.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Erikson, Robert S., Thomas D. Lancaster, and David W. Romero. 1989. “Group Components of the Presidential Vote, 1952-1984.” Journal of Politics 51:337-46.
Finifter, Ada W. and Bernard M. Finifter. 1989. “Party Identification and Political Adaptation of American Migrants in Australia.” Journal of Politics 51:599-630.
Finkel, Steven E. 1989. “The Effects of the 1980 and 1984 Campaigns on Mass Ideological Orientations: Testing the Salience Hypothesis.” The Western Political Quarterly 42:325-46.
Fiorina, Morris P. and Kenneth A. Shepsle. 1989. “Is Negative Voting an Artifact?” American Journal of Political Science 33:423-39.
Fisher, III, Samuel H. 1989. “Ideological Sophistication and Choice of Presidential and Congressional Candidates.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Fossett, Mark A. and K. Jill Kiecolt. 1989. “The Relative Size of Minority Populations and White Racial Attitudes.” Social Science Quarterly 70:820-35.
Franklin, Charles H. 1989. “Eschewing Obfuscation? Campaigns and the Perception of Senate Incumbents.” Presented at the Conference on Electing the Senate, Houston, TX.
Friedman, Sally. 1989. “Is Anybody Listening? The Relationship Between Incumbent Positions and Constituent Perceptions.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Geer, John G. 1989. “Assessing Changes in the Public’s Evaluation of the New Deal Party System, 1952-1988.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Geer, John G. 1989. Nominating Presidents: An Evaluation of Voters and Primaries. New York, NY: Greenwood Press.
Glaser, James M. 1989. “The Limited Impact of Racial Issues on Partisan Change in the South.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Gold, Howard J. 1989. “Hollow Mandates: American Public Opinion and the Conservative Shift.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Graham, Thomas W. 1989. American Public Opinion on NATO, Extended Deterrence, and Use of Nuclear Weapons. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, Inc.
Granberg, Donald and Thad A. Brown. 1989. “On Affect and Cognition in Politics.” Social Psychology Quarterly 52:171-82.
Groves, Robert M. 1989. Survey Errors and Survey Costs. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience.
Gurin, Patricia, Shirley Hatchett, and James S. Jackson. 1989. Hope and Independence: Blacks’ Response to Electoral and Party Politics. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.
Herring, Cedric. 1989. “Acquiescence or Activism? Political Behavior Among the Politically Alienated.” Political Psychology 10:135-53.
Herring, Cedric. 1989. “Convergence, Polarization, or What? Racially Based Changes in Attitudes and Outlooks, 1964-1984.” Sociological Quarterly 30:267-81.
Herring, Cedric. 1989. Splitting the Middle: Political Alienation, Acquiescence, and Activism Among America’s Middle Layers. New York, NY: Praeger.
Hibbing, John R. and John R. Alford. 1989. “Constituency Population and Representation in the United States Senate.” Presented at the Conference on Electing the Senate, Houston, TX.
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Huckfeldt, R. Robert and Carol Weitzel Kohfeld. 1989. Race and the Decline of Class in American Politics. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
Huddy, Leonie. 1989. “Generational Agreement on Old-Age Policies: Explanations Based on Realistic Interests, Symbolic Political Attitudes, and Age Identities.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.
Hurley, Patricia A. 1989. “Partisan Representation and the Failure of Realignment in the 1980s.” American Journal of Political Science 33:240-61.
Hurley, Patricia A. 1989. “The Senate, Representation and Recruitment to the Presidency.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Hurwitz, Jon, Mark Peffley, and Paul Raymond. 1989. “Presidential Support During the Iran-Contra Affair: An Individual Level Analysis of Presidential Reappraisal.” American Politics Quarterly 17:359-85.
Inglehart, Ronald. 1989. Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Iyengar, Shanto. 1989. “How Citizens Think About National Issues: A Matter of Responsibility.” American Journal of Political Science 33:878-900.
Jacobson, Gary C. and Raymond E. Wolfinger. 1989. “Information and Voting in California Senate Elections.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 14:509-29.
Jacoby, William G. 1989. “Ideological Identification and Issue Attitudes.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Jaynes, Gerald David and Robin Murphy Williams. 1989. A Common Destiny: Blacks and American Society. Washington D.C.: National Academies Press.
Kane, Emily Wright. 1989. “Ideological Consensus in Gender Relations.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Kellstedt, Lyman A. 1989. “The Meaning and Measurement of Evangelicalism: Problems and Prospects.” in Religion and Political Behavior in the United States, edited by T. G. Jelen. New York: Praeger.
Kenski, Henry C. and William Lockwood. 1989. “The Catholic Vote from 1980 to 1986: Continuity or Change?” in Religion and Political Behavior in the United States, edited by T. G. Jelen. New York: Praeger.
Kenski, Henry C. and Lee Sigelman. 1989. “Where the Votes Come From in Senate Elections: Group Components of the 1988 Senate Vote.” Presented at the Conference on Electing the Senate, Houston, TX.
Kinder, Donald R., Gordon S. Adams, and Paul W. Gronke. 1989. “Economics and Politics in the 1984 American Presidential Election.” American Journal of Political Science 33:491-515.
Kinder, Donald R., Tali Mendelberg, Michael Dawson, Sanders Lynn M., Steven J. Rosenstone, Jocelyn Sargent, and Cathy Cohen. 1989. “Race and the 1988 American Presidential Election.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Knight, Kathleen and Carolyn V. Lewis. 1989. “Liberalism and Conservativism in Presidential Election Politics.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Krasno, Jonathan S. 1989. “Campaign Effects on the Public’s View of Senators.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Krasno, Jonathan S. 1989. “Senate Campaign Themes in 1989.” Presented at the Conference on Electing the Senate, Houston, TX.
Krassa, Michael A. 1989. “Compositional Voting and the Rational Preference for Polarized Representation.” Presented at the Conference on Electing the Senate, Houston, TX.
Krosnick, Jon A. and Duane F. Alwin. 1989. “Aging and Suspectibility to Attitude Change.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 57:416-25.
Lau, Richard R. 1989. “Construct Accessibility and Electoral Choice.” Political Behavior 11:5-32.
Lau, Richard R. 1989. “Individual and Contextual Influences on Group Identification.” Social Psychology Quarterly 52:220-31.
Leighley, Jan E. 1989. “Political Attitudes and Participation: Does Intensity Breed Activity?” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta.
Leighley, Jan E. 1989. “Social Interaction as a Stimulus of Political Participation.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago.
Lewis-Beck, Michael S. and Andrew Skalaban. 1989. “Citizen Forecasting: Can Voters See into the Future?” British Journal of Politics 19:145-53.
Little, Thomas H. 1989. “Southern and Non-Southern Political Behavior: The Nature of Convergence, 1964-1988.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Memphis, TN.
Lockerbie, Brad. 1989. “Change in Party Identification: The Role of Prospective Economic Evaluations.” American Politics Quarterly 17:291-311.
Luskin, Robert C., John P. McIver, and Edward G. Carmines. 1989. “Issues and the Transmission of Partisanship.” American Journal of Political Science 33:440-58.
Marshall, Thomas R. 1989. Public Opinion and the Supreme Court. Boston, MA: Unwin Hyman.
Marston, Linda L. 1989. “Race, Class and Presidential Politics: Social Group Support for Jesse Jackson in 1984.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Martinez, Michael D. 1989. “Prospecting for Prospective Voters.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Memphis.
Miller, Arthur H. 1989. “Public Judgments of Senatorial Candidates.” Presented at the Conference on Electing the Senate, Houston, TX.
Miller, Arthur H. and Christopher Wlezien. 1989. “The Social Group Dynamics of Political Evaluations.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Miller, Warren E. and Santa M. Traugott. 1989. American National Election Studies Data Sourcebook, 1952-1986. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Niemi, Richard G., John Mueller, and Tom W. Smith. 1989. Trends in Public Opinion: A Compedium of Survey Data. New York, NY: Greenwood Press.
Niemi, Richard G., David R. Reed, and Herbert F. Weisberg. 1989. “Measuring Partisanship and Independence: Constituency and Commitment.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Norrander, Barbara. 1989. “Ideological Representativeness of Presidential Primary Voters.” American Journal of Political Science 33:570-87.
Norrander, Barbara. 1989. “Turnout in the 1988 Presidential Primaries: Testing Alternative Models.” Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL.
Parker, Glenn R. 1989. “Looking Beyond Reelection: Revising Assumptions about the Factors Motivating Congressional Behavior.” Public Choice 63:237-52.
Parker, Glenn R. 1989. “Members of Congress and Their Constituents: The Home Style Connection.” in Congress Reconsidered, edited by L. C. Dodd and B. I. Oppenheimer. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press.
Parker, Glenn R. 1989. “The Role of Constituent Trust in Congressional Elections.” Public Opinion Quarterly 53:175-96.
Patterson, Kelly D. 1989. “Candidates, Platforms, and Party Leaders: Governability in an Age of Party Decline.” Ph.D. dissertation Thesis, Columbia University, New York, NY.
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Peterson, Steven A. and Thomas Conlon. 1989. “Incumbents’ Contacts with Constituents: Effects on Citizens’ Political Orientations.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Petrocik, John R. 1989. “An Expected Party Vote: New Data for an Old Concept.” American Journal of Political Science 33:44-66.
Petrocik, John R. 1989. “Issues and Agendas: Electoral Coalitions in the 1988 Election.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Petterson, Per Arnt. 1989. “Comparing Non-Voters in the USA and Norway.” European Journal of Political Research 17:351-9.
Pierce, Patrick A. 1989. “Political Sophistication and the Use of Candidate Traits in Candidate Evaluations.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Pomper, Gerald M. and Loretta Sernekos. 1989. “The ‘Bake Sale’ Theory of Voting Participation.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
Powell, Lynda W. 1989. “Analyzing Misinformation: Perceptions of Congressional Candidates’ Ideologies.” American Journal of Political Science 33:272-93.
Rabinowitz, George B. and Stuart Elaine MacDonald. 1989. “A Directional Theory of Issue Voting.” American Political Science Review 83:93-121.
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Shelley, III, Mack C. and Steven G. Koven. 1989. “Dealignment, Realignment and the 1988 Vote: Evidence from Senate Elections.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
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Smidt, Corwin E. 1989. “Change and Stability Among Southern Evangelicals.” in Religion in American Politics, edited by C. W. Dunn. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press.
Smidt, Corwin E. 1989. “Identifying Evangelical Respondents: An Analysis of Born-Again and Bible Questions Used Across Different Surveys.” in Religion and Political Behavior in the United States, edited by T. G. Jelen. New York, NY: Praeger.
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Stewart, III, Charles. 1989. “What Do They Get for Their Money? The Puzzle of Spending in Senate Elections.” Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA.
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