ANES Bibliography 2010-2019
Abramowitz, Alan and Jennifer McCoy. 2019. "United States: Racial Resentment, Negative Partisanship, and Polarization in Trump’s America." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 681:137.
Algara, Carlos. 2019. "The conditioning role of polarization in U.S. senate election outcomes: A direct-election era & voter-level analysis." Electoral Studies 59:1-16.
Argyle, Lisa P. and Jeremy Clayne Pope. 2019. "Political Polarization and Participation in the United States." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Arora, Maneesh. 2019. "Which Race Card? Understanding Racial Appeals in U.S. Politics." Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Irvine.
Barker, David C., Shaun Bowler, Christopher J. Carman, and Morten Wendelbo. 2019. "Compromise is for Losers? Loss Aversion and Support for Legislative Compromise." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Barreto, Matt A., Stephen Nuño, Gabriel R. Sanchez, and Hannah Walker. 2019. "The Racial Implications of Voter Identification Laws in America." American Politics Research 47:238-49.
Bassimir, AnjaMaria and Elesha J. Coffman 2019. "White evangelicals once admitted they were wrong about Nixon. Will Trump come next?" The Washington Post Online, August 21, 2019.
Bougher, Lori D. 2019. "The Party or the Program: Individual Differences in Affective Polarization." Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Washington DC.
Buyuker, Beysza Ekin. 2019. "Democracy and the “Other”: Drivers of Anti-Democratic Norms in the United States." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Carriere, Kevin R. 2019. "Ingroup and Outgroup Differentiation in Supporting Civil Liberties under Threat." Georgetown University.
Chan, Mathan Kar Ming. 2019. "Racial Conservatism and Turnout: Divergence of Non-White and White Evangelicals." Annual meeting of the American Political Science Assocation, Washington DC.
Chase-Sosnoff, Eric. 2019. "The Effect of Perceived Discrimination on Authoritarianism Among Stigmatized Racial Minorities: A Multi-level Analysis." The University of Chicago.
Chinoy, Sahil 2019. "Quiz: Let Us Predict Whether You’re a Democrat or a Republican." The New York Times, August 9, 2019.
Cisneros, Angel Saavedra. 2019. "Authoritarianism and Symbols: Military Presence and Mexican Politics." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Cohen, Jeffrey E. 2019. "Polls and Elections: Presidential Referendum Effects in the 2018 Midterm Election: An Initial Analysis." Presidential Studies Quarterly 49:669-83.
Cole, Geneva. 2019. "Elite Discourse and Evolving Racial Ideologies in the United States." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Compton, John W. 2019. "Religiosity and Respect for Diversity: The Mediating Effect of Institutions." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association,
Connors, Elizabeth C. 2019. "”Everyone’s Doing It:” How Political Polarization is Inflated by Social Messages." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Connors, Elizabeth C. 2019. "How Social Motivations & Partisan Contexts Influence Politics." Ph.D. Thesis, Political Science, State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Crowder, Chaya. 2019. "Intersectional Solidarity: A Political Consciousness of Race and Gender." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Dalege, Jonas, Denny Borsboom, Frenk van Harreveld, and Han L.J. van der Maas. 2019. "A Network Perspective on Political Attitudes: Testing the Connectivity Hypothesis." Social Psychological and Personality Science 10:746-56.
Dalton, Russell. 2019. Citizen Politics: Public Opinion and Political Parties in Advanced Industrial Democracies, 7th ed. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly.
Davis, Brandon Rudolph. 2019. "Religiosity and Public Opinion: Faith, Race, and Immigration." Religiosity and Public Opinion: Faith, Race, and Immigration, Washington DC.
Davis, Nicholas T. 2019. "Identity Sorting and Political Compromise." American Politics Research 47.
Davis, Nicholas T., Samara Klar, and Christopher R. Weber. 2019. "Affective Consistency and Sorting." Social Science Quarterly 100:2477-94.
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Delage, Jonas, Denny Borsboom, Frenk van Harreveld, and Han L. J. van der Maas. 2019. "A Network Perspective on Attitude Strength: Testing the Connectivity Hypothesis." Social Psychological and Personality Science 10:746-56.
DeSante, Christopher D. and Candis Watts Smith. 2019. "How Racial Empathy Moderates White Identity and Racial Resentment." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Devine, Christopher J. and Kyle C. Kopko. 2019. "Bringing Voters into the Equation: An Individual-Level Analysis of the Vice Presidential Home State Advantage." Presidential Studies Quarterly.
d’Urso, Amanda Sahar, Alexandra Filindra, Beysza Ekin Buyuker, and Noah J. Kaplan. 2019. "Before Trump: White Support for Republican Presidential Candidates in the 21c." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Ebner, David Brooks. 2019. "Economic Anxiety, Racial Insecurity, and the “Rise of China”." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Edsall, Thomas B. 2019. "The Political Magic of Us vs. Them." The New York Times, February 13, 2019.
Edwards, Jairemy. 2019. "U.S. perceptions of economic mobility since the enactment of NAFTA and their impact on American politics and society." The University of Texas at El Paso.
Elder, Laurel. 2019. "Why We Love Michelle: Understanding Public Support for First Lady Michelle Obama." Politics & Gender 15:403-30.
Enamorado, Ted. 2019. "Active Learning for Probabilisitic Record Linkage." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Enders, Adam and Miles T. Armaly. 2019. "The Differential Effects of Actual and Perceived Polarization." Political Behavior 41:815-39.
Enders, Adam M. and Jamil S. Scott. 2019. "The Increasing Racialization of American Electoral Politics, 1988-2016." American Politics Research 47:275-303.
Filindra, Alexandra and Noah J. Kaplan. 2019. "Not Just about Performance: The Racial Antecedents of Whites’ Public Mistrust." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Fishbein, Dan 2019. "Fishbein: Cancel “Canceled”." The Dartmouth, February 14, 2019.
Fridkin, Kim L. and Patrick Kenney. 2019. "Measuring Emotional Responses to Negative Commercials." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Goff, Sean and Daniel J. Lee. 2019. "Prospects for Third Party Electoral Success in a Polarized Era." American Politics Research 47:1324-44.
Gøtzsche-Astrup, Oluf. 2019. "Personality Moderates the Relationship Between Uncertainty and Political Violence: Evidence from Two Large U.S. Sampes." Personality and Individual Differences 139:102-9.
Greene, William and Mi-son Kim. 2019. "Hispanic Millennial Ideology: Surprisingly, No Liberal “Monolith” Among College Students." Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 41:287-311.
Greer, Christina M., Christine Marie Slaughter, and Chaya Crowder. 2019. "Black Women: Keepers of Democracy, Democratic Process & the Democratic Party." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Grollman, Eric Anthony. 2019. "Americans’ Gender Attitudes at the Intersection of Sexual Orientation and Gender." Journal of Homosexuality 66:141.
Guggenheim, Lauren, Colleen McClain, Yioryos Nardis, and Ted Brader. 2019. "Comparing Face-to-face and Web Modes in the ANES 2016 Time Series Study."
Gummer, Tobias, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Roßmann. Joss. 2019. "Learning Effects in Coders and their Implications for Managing Content Analyses." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 22:139-52.
Hansen, Eric R. and Andrew Tyner. 2019. "Educational Attainment and Social Norms of Voting." Political Behavior:1-25.
Harrison, Brian F. and Melissa R. Michelson. 2019. "Gender, Masculinity Threat, and Support for Transgender Rights: An Experimental Study." Sex Roles 80:63-75.
Herrero, Laia Castro, Frank Esser, and Lilach Nir. 2019. "An Analysis of News Use on Political Efficacy and Trust across 5 Decades." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Hickel, Flavio R. 2019. "American vs Latinx Identity: Explaining Support for Restrictive Immigration." Religiosity and Public Opinion: Faith, Race, and Immigration, Washington DC.
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Horwitz, Sima Nechama. 2019. "Blended identities and immigrant political participation." Political Science, State University of New York at Stony Brook, PsycINFO
Jackman, Simon and Bradley Spahn. 2019. "Why Does the American National Election Study Overestimate Voter Turnout?" Political Analysis 27:193-207.
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Jedinger, Alexander. 2019. "The role of right‐wing authoritarianism and political sophistication in shaping attitudes toward redistribution." European Journal of Social Psychology 49:560-73.
Jones, Phil. 2019. "Political Distinctiveness and Diversity among LGBT Americans." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
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Kaufman, Chelsea N. 2019. "Rural political participation in the United States: alienation or action?" Rural Society 28:127-43.
Kaufmann, Eric 2019. "Americans Are Divided by Their Views on Race, Not Race Itself." The New York Times, March 18, 2019.
Kehrberg, Jason. 2019. "Authoritarianism and Gun Rights in the American States." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Khazan, Olga 2019. "What Your Politics Do to Your Morals: A twist in the science of how people form their political identities." The Atlantic, September 9, 2019.
Kim, Jin Woo and Eunji Kim. 2019. "Identifying the Effect of Political Rumor Diffusion Using Variations in Survey Timing." Quarterly Journal of Political Science 14:293-311.
Kim, Jin Woo, Brendan Nyhan, Andrew M Guess, and Jason A. Reifler. 2019. "How Online Comments Affect Polarization and Incivility." Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Kingzette, Jonathan. 2019. "The Differential Impact of Ideology on Out-group and In-group Party Affect." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Kitschelt, Herbert. 2019. "Secular Partisan Realignment in the United States: The Socioeconomic Reconfiguration of White Partisan Support since the New Deal Era." Politics & Society 47:425-79.
Knuckey, Jonathan. 2019. "”I Just Don’t Think She Has a Presidential Look”: Sexism and Vote Choice in the 2016 Election." Social Science Quarterly 100:342-58.
Lacy, Dean, Emerson M.S. Niou, Philip Paolino, and Robert A. Rein. 2019. "Measuring Preferences for Divided Government: Some Americans Want Divided Government and Vote to Create It." Political Behavior 41:79-103.
Levchak, Philip J. and Charisse C. Levchak. 2019. "Race and Politics: Predicting Support for 2016 Presidential Primary Candidates among White Americans." Sociological Inquiry.
Lewis-Beck, Michael S. and Stephen Quinlan. 2019. "The Hillary Hypotheses: Testing Candidate Views of Loss." Perspectives on Politics 17:646-665.
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Lu, Yanqin and Jae Kook Lee. 2019. "Partisan Information Sources and Affective Polarization: Panel Analysis of the Mediating Role of Anger and Fear." Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96:767-83.
Madrid, Raul and Dong-Wook Lee. 2019. "The Political Geography of Wage Inequality and Public Opinion Toward Latinos." Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Assocation, Washington DC.
Maltby, Elizabeth A., Jielu Yao, and Rachel Torres. 2019. "Policing Participation: Policy Feedback in Context." Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Manento, Cory. 2019. "If an Endorsement Falls in the Forest: Party Elites and Voter Distrust." Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Assocation, Washington DC.
Mann, Marcus Larson. 2019. "How Political Differentiation of Knowledge Authority Affects Public Understandings of Science and Political Media." Ph.D. Thesis, Sociology, Duke University.
Martherus, James Lucien. 2019. "Party Norms and Partisan “Apostates”." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Martini, Nicholas F. and Samuel Schutt. 2019. "Diverted from the “Correct Vote”? Foreign Policy Influence on Electoral Behavior." Social Science Quarterly 100:259-71.
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Messing, Solomon, Yphtach Lelkes, and Sean Westwood. 2019. "What Election Forecasts Mean for Electoral Competition and Voter Turnout." Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Assocation, Washington DC.
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Mohanty, Pete and Norman Matloff. 2019. "The Tower Method: a Novel Approach to Missingness." Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Nguyen, Quynh. 2019. "Taking a Step Back: Economic Performance and Issue Salience of International Trade Policy." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 31:25-44.
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Parsons, Katherine. 2019. "Ideology and Support for Political Violence." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Patenaude, Willis, III. 2019. "Modern American Populism: Analyzing the Economics Behind the “Silent Majority,” the Tea Party, and Trumpism." The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 78:787-834.
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Powell, Sierra and April A. Johnson. 2019. "Patterns and Mechanisms of Political Participation among People with Disabilities." Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 44:382-423.
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Roseman, Ira, Kyle Mattes, and David P. Redlawsk. 2019. "Testing an Integrative Theory of Beliefs and Emotions Predicting Trump Support." Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC.
Rothwell, Valerie, Gordon Hodson, and Elvira Prusaczyk. 2019. "Why Pillory Hillary? Testing the Endemic Sexism Hypothesis Regarding the 2016 U.S. Election." Personality and Individual Differences 138:106-8.
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Shino, Enrijeta, Michael D. Martinez, and Michael Binder. 2019. "Do Surveys Other than ANES Mobilize the Electorate?" Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washingont DC.
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Thornton, Judd R., Robert N. Lupton, and Williams Meyers. 2019. "Political Sophistication and Support for Group-Specific Equality." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association,
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Garcia-Rios, Sergio, Francisco Pedraza, and Bryan Wilcox-Archuleta. 2018. "Direct and Indirect Xenophobic Attacks: Unpacking Portfolios of Identity." Political Behavior 41:633-656.
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Goff, Sean and Daniel J. Lee. 2018. "Prospects for Third Party Electoral Success in a Polarized Era." American Politics Research.
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