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Conference on Congressional Elections

University of Rochester

October 27-28, 1977


This was the first in a series of research conferences organized by the Board in its effort to being ideas, interests and talents of particular segments of the larger research community to bear on the studies of elections and electoral behavior conducted biennially by the Center for Political Studies. The conference was in many ways experimental, designed to implement the Board’s mandate to serve as a bridge between the Center and the research community and to orient the conferees to the opportunities for expanded research on congressional elections. The purposes of the conference were essentially two: First, to explore what degree of consensus might exist among the conferees, as representatives of the research community, with regard to needs and priorities in the field of congressional elections research; and, second, to suggest long-term steps that might be taken in the congressional elections field following the 1978 election.
Memo  from the ANES Board Chair, Heinz Eulau

Memo on Congressional Elections
by Richard F. Fenno and Edward Tufte

Some Suggestions for Future Congressional Election Studies
by Alan I. Abramowitz

Letter of Suggestions for Future Congressional Election Research Conferences: Oversampling
by David W. Brady and Charles S. Bullock III

Memorandum For Conference on Congressional Election Research
by Richard F. Fenno Jr. and Edward R. Tufte

Response to the Fenno-Tufte Memorandum: Citizen Perception and Response to Congress
by Morris P. Fiorina

Memorandum Regarding Possible Future Research on Congressional Elections: Electoral Competitions
by Linda L. Fowler

Congressional Election Research: Information and Incumbency
by Morris P. Fiorina

Congressional Election Research: Information and Incumbency
by Barbara Hinckley

The Context and Conduct of Congressional Election Campaigns
by Gary C. Jacobson

Memorandum for Conference on Congressional Election Research: Cross Sectional Findings and Longitudinal Data
by Henry C. Kenski

What Does the Voter Have to Tell Us and How Do We Get Him to Talk?
by Sam Kernell

Letter of Interest for Conference on Congressional Election Research: Sampling Design and Content of Survey Instrument
by Thomas E. Mann

Unaswered Questions, Unasked Questions in Congressional Election Research: A Memorandum to the Board of Overseers, National Election Studies
by Candice J. Nelson

Memorandum on ‘The Content of Congressional Evaluations’
by Glenn R. Parker

Five Problems of Congressional Politics in Search of Survey Data
by Samuel C. Patterson

Concerns with the Use of CPS Election Studies for Purpose of Researching House of Representatives Relationship with Constituents
by Walter J. Stone

Approaches to the Study of the Role of Issues in Congressional Issues
by Eric M. Uslaner

Considerations for Research on Congressional Elections: Voter Decision Making and the Decline of Challengers
by Gerald C. Wright Jr.

PS Winter 1978 report  on the ANES Congressional Elections Conference

ANES Board Report on the Congressional Elections Conference