Conference on Cross-National Research in Social Sciences
Ann Arbor, Michigan
October 2-8, 1977
by Hans D. Klingemann
Some Problems of Data Analysis in Comparative Research
by Klaus R. Allerbeck
The Sociopolitical Decision and Indicator System for the Federal Republic of Germany
by Ralph Brennecke
The Readline-Project: A Cross-Cultural Approach for the Development of Textual Indicators
by Alexander Deichsel
The Comparative MP and CS Project: Conceptual and Technical Problems S.J. Eldersveld
by S.J. Eldersveld
The Organizational Infrastructure of a Cross-National, Inter-Disciplinary Survey on the Living Conditions of Young Families and their Children
by Rudolf Fisch
Resources for Cross-National Research
by Thomas A. Herz
Policy Innovation in Modern Federal Systems: Establishing and Implementing Research Priorities
by Richard I. Hofferbert, Gunther Schafer, Raimund Germann, and Uli Widmaier
Some Observations on the Logic of International Comparisons
by K. Hope
The Roots of Political Action: Progress and Problems in a Cross-National Research Project
by Ronald Inglehart
The Contribution of Microanalytic Simulation Models to the Theory of Income Distribution
by Hans-Juergen Krupp
A Brief History of the Project: Gesellschaftliche und Politische Indikatoren Fur Unterstutzung/Opposition, Zufriedenheit/Unzufriedenheit und Beherrschung/Machtlosigkeit
by Edward N. Muller
Strategies for Comparative Political Behavior Research
by Bradley Richardson
Studying Elite Political Culture: Problems in Design and Interpretation
by Bert A. Rockman
The Conduct of Comparative Research
by Donald J. Treiman.
Problems and Complications in Comparative Elite Research – the Dutch Case
by Theo Van der Tak
Report on a Conference on Crossnational Research in the Social Sciences
by Max Kaase and Warren E. Miller