Time Series Cumulative Data File: Updates & Errata
Current Dataset Release: September 16, 2022
Sixty-nine additional variables have been updated to include data from the ANES 2020 Time Series Study. A list of the updated variables can be found on Page 3 of the variable codebook. All eligible CDF variables are now updated with data from the ANES 2020 Time Series study. A post-election weight variable (VCF9999) has been newly added for study years and cases for which a post-election weight is available. Feeling thermometer ratings for three variables – Senators in States with a Senate Race, Senate Democratic Candidates, and Republican Candidates – have had their missing data codes revised and the full range (0-100) of feeling thermometer values reinstated.
The Cumulative Data File contains a total of 1,029 variables. This release updates 216 of those variables with data from the 2020 Time Series study. These 216 variables were prioritized for this release given their especially broad value to the user community. Currently 103 additional variables remain to be updated with 2020 data, and will appear in future releases of the Cumulative Data File. An additional 710 variables do not have corresponding questions in the 2020 study.
Notes from Review of U.S. House Race Description (11 cases)
11 cases with new information describing type of House race in VCF0902, VCF0904, and/or VCF0905.
This additional information regarding correct description of congressional district House race is for notification only; the indicated variables will not be corrected because administration of the surveys occurred with the original and uncorrected information regarding type of House race.
YEAR STCD CASE CURRENT VALUE VCF0004 VCF0900a VCF0006 VAR VALUE SHOULD BE ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------- 1. 1984 2505 1806 VCF0904 2 Inc is opposed 1 Inc is unopposed 2. 1984 7301 1913 VCF0904 2 Inc is opposed 0 No incumbent 3. 1986 1312 1731 VCF0904 1 Inc is unopposed 2 Inc is opposed 4. 1986 1318 1733 VCF0904 2 Inc is opposed 1 Inc is unopposed 5. 1986 1318 1744 VCF0904 2 Inc is opposed 1 Inc is unopposed 6. 1986 3203 1960 VCF0904 2 Inc is opposed 1 Inc is unopposed 7. 1986 1207 2073 VCF0904 1 Inc is unopposed 2 Inc is opposed 8. 1986 1312 2120 VCF0904 1 Inc is unopposed 2 Inc is opposed 9. 1998 4928 1103 VCF0902 21 Rep Inc, Dem cha 14 Dem Inc unopp 10. 1998 4928 1103 VCF0904 2 Inc is opposed 1 11. 1998 4928 1103 VCF0905 2 2 or more major cans 1 1 major cand
Already Applied
Previous Dataset Releases
September 10, 2019
This release adds 81 new variables, almost all of which include 2016 data. The new variables cover some CSES questions, newer versions of Presidential candidate traits evaluations, authoritarianism and political office recal, among other questions. Further additions to the CDF will follow in future releases. New variables are numbered beginning with VCF9201.
It has been discovered that the questions corresponding to VCF9033 and VCF9035 were not asked comparably in 2012. The 2012 data for VCF9033 and VCF9035 will be removed in the next release.
For 2016 data, VCF0702 (voter turnout) was created using an incorrect variable. However, correct turnout data are available in VCF0703, in a slightly different format. VCF0702 will be corrected in the next release.
The variable label for VCF0424 should read “POLITICAL FIGURE THERMOMETER: Democratic Presidential Candidate” instead of indicating Republican Presidential candidate.
This release includes remaining 2016 data that were previously not available, including data for some post-election thermometers, paradata variables, candidate and typeface variables and interviewer description variables, among others. 2016 full religion coding and summary religion coding have also been included.
It has been discovered that 2012 data for defense spending variables VCF0549, VCF0550, VCF0843, VCF9081 and VCF9089 are not comparable with other years. The 2012 data in these variables will be removed in the next release.
It has been discovered that the 1988 question on preferential hiring of blacks (V880856) is comparable to VCF0867. Data for 1988 were not included in VCF0867 due to an error in the 1988 codebook documentation for V880856. The 1988 data will be added in the next CDF release.
In this release, 2016 data have been incorporated except for several variables for which data are not yet final from the 2016 Time Series Study. 2016 case id values in VCF0006 represent the revised 4-digit case ids which will be effected in the next release of the 2016 Time Series Study (old case IDS will be preserved in V160001a ‘Westat ID’). View a dual listing of new and old values at case level.
In addition, corrections have been made to 2012 data for variables VCF0107, VCF0108, VCF0128, VCF0148, VCF0148a, VCF0149, VCF0310, VCF0501, VCF0608, VCF0656, VCF0714, VCF0992, VCF1017, VCF9030b and VCF9030c. 2012 data have been removed from VCF9012, and, when 2012 ‘Most Important Problem’ open-end responses are coded, a new preparation of 2012 data for VCF9012 will be implemented. Finally, data have been removed from VCF0138 as non-comparable for years 2002-2012, and 2012 data have been removed from VCF9026 as non-comparable.
Due to an error in the technical specifications, the 2012 Web instrument did not include “Haven’t Thought Much About It” as an onscreen category for the Liberal-Conservative Self Placement question. As a result, data coded as “Haven’t Thought Much About It” in the Cumulative Data File for variable VCF0803 reflects face-to-face cases only.
Coding of Yes and No in VCF0501 (important differences between parties) has been reversed for 2012 and will be corrected in the next release. Thanks to Carey Stapleton for notification about this issue.
This release includes new cross-year race-ethnicity summary variables outlined in the ANES Project Memo “Plan to update race & ethnicity variables on the ANES CDF” (new variables VCF0105a, VCF0105b, and revised variable VCF0106).
An error in variables VCF9073 and VCF9076-9079 has been discovered. The wrong source variable was used in the construction of these variables. ANES will re-release the Cumulative Data File with a corrected version of this variable shortly. Thank you to Dr, Matt Childers from the University of North Florida for bringing this to our attention.
- Variable VCF9040 is missing 2012 data from the current version of the Cumulative Data File. These data will be added in the next release. Thank you to Jennifer Chudy from the University of Michigan for noting its absence.
- An error in variable VCF9080 has been discovered. The wrong source variable was used in the construction of VCF9080. ANES will re-release the Cumulative Data File with a corrected version of this variable shortly. Thank you to Dr, Matt Childers from the University of North Florida for bringing this to our attention.
Coding of values 1,2 is reversed for VCF0310 and VCF0311 for 2012 data. Thanks to Matthew Childers for notification of these miscodes.
2004 Data missing for VCF0132
Correction to VCF0502 for 2008 data
Correction to VCF9047, VCF9048, VCF9049 for 2008 data
Correction to VCF0706 for 1948 data
Education summary VCF0140 and VCF0140a corrections
- 2008 data for VCF0649 (govt responsiveness index)
- 2008 data for VCF0648 (external efficacy index)
- 2008 data for VCF0522 (best party to keep out of war in next 4 years)