Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

What is the ANES Guide to Public Opinion?

The Guide provides immediate access to tables and graphs that display the ebb and flow of public opinion, electoral behavior, and choice in American politics over time. It serves as a resource for political observers, policy makers, and journalists, teachers,...

Why are some variables restricted?

In order to preserve respondent confidentiality, some variables are not released to the public. A subset of these restricted variables (e.g. respondent zip code, respondent birth day) can be applied for via our partners ICPSR. Some variables such as name and address...

Can I see the questionnaire you’re using in the field right now?

ANES sometimes makes its questionnaire available to the user community during data collection, so that users may begin to plan their analyses. At other times, ANES is unable to make the questionnaire available until data collection is complete, if releasing the...