Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase

1998 Time Series

Updates & Errata

Current Dataset Release: August 10, 1999 Version

September 28, 2007
One 1998 ANES case (#1141) has inconsistency in variables which describe state code. FIPS state code in V980087 is correct; state and district should be AL07. Necessary corrections are:
V980086=41 (ICPSR state code)
V980088=AL07 (state abbrev and district)
V980089=4107 (FIPS state and district)
V980093=1073 (FIPS county code)
October 13, 2006
Randomization variables documenting order of abortion scale placements for the Democratic and Republican U.S. House candidates (V980507,V980508) and for the Democratic and Republican parties (V980509,V980510) were not included in the release data file.
These may be included in a future re-release of the 1998post study.Misc. variable label corrections:
V980705: should be ‘Republican House candidate in thermometers’
in the codebook introduction list.
V980725: should be ‘Dem/Rep parties in thermometers’
in the codebook introduction list, variable documentation and statement files.
V980775: should be ‘Position of Dem and Repub House candidates in environ reg’
in the codebook introduction list.
V980776: should be ‘Position of Dem and Repub parties in environ reg’
in the codebook introduction list and codebook variable documentation.

March 8, 2000
1) The following labels for variables should be corrected in the codebook Variable Description List (codebook intro file), in the Variable Label appearing in codebook entries (main codebook file), in the .sas/.sps data definition files, and in the variable labels residing within the SAS and SPSS portable (transport) files:

V980089 Sample.4.1996 STATE AND CD
V980103 Sample.18.1996 SAMPLING ERROR CODE

The correct labels are:

V980089 Sample.4.1998 STATE AND CD
V980103 Sample.18.1998 SAMPLING ERROR CODE

2) The following labels for variables should be corrected in the codebook Variable Description List (codebook intro file) only:

V980653 Y20a/Y21.R'S OWN INCOME IN 1995

The correct labels are:

V980652 Y20.R'S FAMILY INCOME IN 1997
V980653 Y20a/Y21.R'S OWN INCOME IN 1997

March 8, 2000
1 case in V980065 should be corrected:

--------  ----  ------  -----------------------  ----------------------
4928      1103  980065  21      Rep Inc,Dem cha  14       Dem Inc unopp

September 27, 1999
The correct variable label in the data definition files and codebook for V980516 should be:


The Variable Description List label for this variable is also incorrect in the codebook introduction.

September 24, 1999
The codebook has the codes for “Wouldn’t be much difference” and “Democrats” reversed for variable V980348.The value labels in the “.sas” and “.sps” files are also reversed.

September 23, 1999
1) For V980652 and V980653 the following note must be added describing an interviewer error. The data have already been corrected for the Interviewer error as much as possible, but the note is necessary for documentation and the marginals have not been updated in the codebook:”It was discovered after interviewing had concluded that, for at least a portion of their interviews, some interviewers coded the lowest income category when the respondent stated that he or she did not know what the household income was. Study staff has reviewed all interviewer comment material available to identify cases coded in the lowest category where comment notes clearly indicate Don’t Know or Refused; such cases have been recoded. However, it is not known whether there are additional cases without recorded comments) in which the lowest category had been incorrectly coded.”

Also, a note which describes 14 cases where individual income was higher than household income does not apply to the 1998 data and should be removed.

2) The code label for category M in V980653 should be $15,000-16,999 rather than $15,000-15,999.

August 12, 1999
Variable Description List listings of income variables V980652 and V980653 do not provide the correct year for reported year of income; year of reported income should be 1997.

August 10, 1999
The 1998 Time Series Study data release of August 10, 1999 includes these corrections to the March 19, 1999 data release, among others:

  • three errata were applied
  • added new dataset number
  • new column locations

Already Applied

Previous Dataset Release: March 19, 1999 Version

July 28, 1999

  • 1 case Likes/Dislikes incorrect
  • 16 cases income variables coded lowest category should be DK
  • Miscellaneous minor codebook corrections including Sampling Introduction numbers
  • 1 case V980088 character variable for state and congressional district incorrect
July 20, 1999
Sampling documentation in the codebook introduction file provides total N by mode (two numbers) – however, these numbers are not the final, corrected counts. The numbers found in the dataset variables and codebook marginals are correct.

March 19, 1999
The 1998 Time Series Study data release of March 19, 1999 includes these corrections to the March 16, 1999 data release, among others:

  • data and codebook revised

Previous Dataset Release: March 16, 1999 Version

(no items)