2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study: Overview
About The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study
The overarching theme of the surveys is citizen attitudes about government and society. These Internet surveys represent the most cost-effective way for the ANES user community to gauge political perceptions during one of the most momentous periods in American history. Aside from the historic nature of the current administration and the almost unprecedented economic crisis facing the country, we believe it is imperative that researchers assess attitudes about politics and society in the period leading up to the 2012 national elections. Potential topics include: attitudes about the performance of the Obama administration on the major issues of the day, evaluations of Congress and the Supreme Court, identification with and attitudes about the major political parties, and levels of interest in and engagement with national politics. This is primarily because these perceptions are unmistakably correlated with both presidential vote choice and levels of political participation. We intend to measure each of these topics at multiple points throughout the two-year period preceding the 2012 elections. In addition to these subjects, we envision that each of these surveys would explore a particular aspect of these political perceptions.
This Study includes five rolling cross-section surveys that will allow us the opportunity to pilot new items for possible inclusion on the 2012 time series. Proposals for the first three surveys of the study were accepted earlier this year. The first survey of the study was conducted in October 2010; the second survey was conducted in the Spring of 2011. The third survey will be in the field later this year.
We are currently accepting proposals for the final two surveys of the study. The fourth survey will be conducted in early 2012 and the final survey will be in the field in the middle of 2012. For the timelines and deadlines for the remaining surveys, please see the EGSS calendar.
By offering multiple opportunities for the user community to place their items on one or more surveys, we are providing the capacity to survey on a diverse set of topics that are relevant to a wide set of research communities. Lastly, the flexibility of these surveys as to both content and timing will allow the ANES to respond promptly to emerging political issues in this volatile period in our country’s history.
About the Online Commons
The design of the questionnaires for The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study will evolve from proposals and comments submitted to the Online Commons (OC). The OC is an online system designed to promote communication among scholars and to yield innovative proposals about the most effective ways to measure electorally-relevant concepts and relationships. The goal of the OC is to improve the quality and scientific value of ANES data collections, to encourage the submission of new ideas, and to make such experiences more beneficial to and enjoyable for investigators. In the last study cycle, more than 700 scholars sent over 200 proposals through the Online Commons.
Proposals for the inclusion of questions must include clear theoretical and empirical rationales. All proposals must also clearly state how the questions will increase the value of the respective studies. In particular, proposed questions must have the potential to help scholars understand the causes and/or consequences of turnout or candidate choice.
For more information about the criteria that will be used to evaluate proposals, please see the EGSS criteria.