Updated CDF and a new beta version of the ANES Guide
September 20, 2022
Dear American National Election Studies (ANES) User Community,
We are writing to announce that we have just released two new products:
1. An updated Cumulative Data File (CDF) is now available for download from the Data Center on the ANES website.
- Sixty-nine additional variables have been updated to include data from the ANES 2020 Time Series Study. A list of the updated variables can be found on Page 3 of the variable codebook. All eligible CDF variables are now updated with data from the ANES 2020 Time Series study.
- A post-election weight variable (VCF9999) has been newly added for study years and cases for which a post-election weight is available.
- Feeling thermometer ratings for three variables – Senators in States with a Senate Race, Senate Democratic Candidates, and Republican Candidates – have had their missing data codes revised and the full range (0-100) of feeling thermometer values reinstated.
2. We have also published a new beta version of the ANES Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior. The beta version of the Guide includes many additions and improvements, among them:
- More than 100 new charts have been added.
- Formatting, visualizations, and interactivity have been improved.
- Presidential term indicators are now displayed across the top of each chart.
- Users may break down charts by party identification, gender, education, race/ethnicity, age, south/non-south, and political knowledge, and often by a combination of two of those factors. Data points are now suppressed for which not enough cases are available for proper inference.
- Area charts have been added, in addition to line charts, where appropriate.
We would appreciate your feedback and ideas about the new beta version of the Guide by emailing to [email protected]. You can also still access the previous version of the Guide using this link.
Thank you for your use of and support for the ANES!
Best regards,
The ANES project