1984 Continuous Monitoring
About the Dataset
- Number of Cases: 3496
- Number of Variables: 716
Study Content Highlights
Interviews were conducted by telephone throughout the year, with a total of 46 separate cross-section samples selected by a random digit dialing design, and an average of 76 respondents interviewed in each of the 46 sample weeks. Although the survey instrument was very much the same from one sample week to the next, some questions were deleted and others added during the course of the campaign, as issues became more or less relevant. Thirteen versions of the questionnaire were incorporated into this data file.
Continuous Monitoring was designed to examine the impact of the election campaign on voters’ perceptions, beliefs, and preferences. Respondents were questioned about their knowledge of the candidates’ stand on the issues, about their own stand on the issues, and about their opinions and evaluations of the candidates.
Study Design Highlights
Interviews were conducted by telephone throughout the year, with a total of 46 separate cross-section samples selected by a random digit dialing design, and an average of 76 respondents interviewed in each of the 46 sample weeks. Although the survey instrument was very much the same from one sample week to the next, some questions were deleted and others added during the course of the campaign, as issues became more or less relevant. Thirteen versions of the questionnaire were incorporated into this data file. Conducted January 1, 1984-December 31, 1984.