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ANES Announcement: Cumulative Data File (CDF) and additional new dataset releases now available

November 18, 2021

Dear American National Election Studies (ANES) User Community,

We write to announce that multiple new datasets are now available from the ANES website.

  • The ANES Cumulative Data File (CDF) now includes harmonized data from the ANES 2020 Time Series Study for 214 variables. The remaining 105 variables with corresponding information in the ANES 2020 Time Series Study will appear in future releases of the CDF. The updated CDF dataset and documentation is available to be downloaded from:
  • Data from the Non-Response Follow-Up (NRFU) to the ANES 2020 Time Series Study is newly available. By interviewing both respondents and non-respondents alike, the NRFU allows comparisons between the two groups and estimates of non-response bias in the Time Series. In addition, the data collection included several methodological experiments to test the impact of mail-based design parameters on response rates – an advance postcard, visible cash incentives, survey length, political versus non-political content, and alternate survey titles.

Questions? Contact us by email at [email protected]

Thank you for your use of and support for the ANES!

Best regards,
The ANES project