1978 Time Series Study
About the Dataset
- Time Series Study
- Includes: vote validation, contextual
- Completions: 2,304 post-election
- Sample: all fresh cross-section
- Modes used: face-to-face
- Weights: (none)
Study Content Highlights
In addition to content on electoral participation, voting behavior, and public opinion, the ANES 1978 contains questions in other areas such as media exposure and media evaluation. New content includes new batteries on candidate recall and on contact with House incumbents and candidates, and the first appearance of Congressional candidate feeling thermometers, the open-ended Congressional candidate ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ questions, and party thermometers.
Study Design Highlights
In some respects, the ANES 1978 was a watershed study, introducing much content subsequently considered core to the time series. Congressional context was greatly expanded, emphasizing respondent evaluations of candidates in the areas of issues, performance, behavior, and ability. Congressional-level questions which specified district-appropriate names of incumbents and candidates appeared for the first time. The ballot card was also introduced.
In the sample design for the ANES 1978,108 congressional districts constituted the primary areas. The sample was designed to yield estimates for congressional districts, however the sample was not intended to produce estimates of each district’s constituency. As in all time series studies, the ANES 1978 sample was drawn to represent a national cross-section. Administration of the post-election interview began immediately after the November 7 elections, and continued until January 25, 1979. The average interview length was 73 minutes, and 2,304 completions were yielded from 3,343 eligible in the sample.