1974 Time Series Study
About the Dataset
- Time Series Study
- Completions: 1,575 post-election
- Sample: fresh cross-section and panel
- Modes used: face-to-face
- Weights:V742003
Study Content Highlights
In addition to content on electoral participation, voting behavior, and public opinion, the 1974 ANES contains questions in other areas such as political efficacy and government responsiveness. Topical content focused on Watergate events, including thermometers for principal figures, and questions on the decision to impeach, the Nixon pardon, and the judiciary committee’s impeachment hearings. Other special-interest content includes questions on the Senate campaigns, evaluations of government and governmental institutions at various levels, and extensive coverage on respondent attitudes and behavior with regard to the media, including media as sources of campaign information.
Study Design Highlights
Besides being a stand-alone time series data collection, in which the full sample comprises a representative cross-section, the 1974 ANES is also, for the empanelled portion of the sample, the second wave in a three-wave study that first began together with the 1972 ANES and which later continued in conjunction with the 1976 ANES. The full panel file of data from these years, the 1972-1976 ANES Series File, also includes some cases not represented in the time series studies.
The sample consisted of panel respondents and fresh cross-section cases. The full 1974 cross-section sample used the 1972 sample frame to combine all housing units having a non-moving 1972 respondent in residence together with a one-third subsample of housing units which 1972 respondents had vacated and a one-third subsample of housing units that had zero chance of selection in 1972 or that produced non-responses or pre-election interviews only in 1972. Among 1101 panel respondents interviewed in 1974, 1100 had first been interviewed in the 1972 ANES. Administration of the 83-minute post-election interview began immediately after the November 5 elections, and continued until January 31, 1975. Among eligible cases, there were 1,575 completions (1101 panel, 424 fresh cross-sections).
Weights Summary
V742003 is an integer weight for the full sample of combined panel and fresh cross-section cases, to compensate for the reduced sampling rate used for the fresh cross-section (panel weighted 1 and fresh cross-section cases weighted 3).