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Previous Updates & Errata


New errata for the ANES 1992-1997 Merged File: Correction to codebook documentation of variable M960610

New release for the ANES 2012 Time Series Study: Release with religion master coding, 7-category religion summary, and candidate and randomization variables.

New errata for the 2013 Internet Recontact Study: Some truncated texts ar present in the release .dta file


New errata for the ANES 2008-2009 Panel Study: Error in the IAT file.

New errata for the ANES 2012 Time Series Study: This release includes the addition of non-survey variables.

The Pre-processing Preliminary Release of The 2012 Direct Democracy Study is now available for download in the Data Center. Please note: this is a rough draft and contains errors. ANES staff will work to correct all errors and to make the data easier to use.

The full release of the second survey of the The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study is now available for download in the Data Center.

The ANES Presentations from the 2013 APSA  have been added to the conferences page.

ANES Announcement : ANES invites you to attend an ANES related roundtable discussion at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.

New errata for the ANES 2012 Time Series Study: Full release of racial identification and 2 other corrections.

New errata for the ANES 2008 Time Series Study: Construction of summary varible currently missing all data

New errata for the ANES 2012 Time Series Study : Correction to web data variables.

ANES is pleased to announce that the 2012 Time Series Study is now available for download in the Data Center. Please visit the 2012 Time Series Study page for links to documentation and links to the proposals that lead to new content on the study. You can read the email announcement here.

ANES unveiled a new registration process for the Data Center. Visitors who wish to download data files will need to register for access to the data. Read details about the new registration process and an update on the 2012 Time Series in the full announcement.

The coding for a subset of open-ends from the ANES 2008 Time Series Study has concluded. Data and Documentation are available. Additional codes will be made available as we receive documentation for them.

We’ve added a new Utilities page with tools to help you explore and use ANES data. New tools will be added as they become available. We’d love to have feedback from you. Send us your comments or ideas today.

Spanish questionnaires for the ANES 2012 Time Series  are now available from the study page.

Questionnaires for the ANES 2012 Time Series are now available from the study page.


American National Election Studies Collaborating with NORC, ICPSR, and Partners on Improving Researchers Access to GSS and ANES Surveys ANES related roundtable discussion at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA)

ANES related roundtable discussion  at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA)

Preliminary release of the fourth survey of EGSS, The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study is now available for download. Check the Data Center for links to the dataset and documentation.

New release of the 2008 Time Series Study which corrects all known errata. The dataset is available for download from the Data Center.

Preliminary release of the third survey of EGSS, The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study is now available for download. Check the Data Center for links to the dataset and documentation.


2008-2009 Panel: Addition of redacted open-ended comments (respondent comments on 4 waves). A zip file provides redacted open-ended answers provided by respondents who were invited to make comments on Panel Study waves 1 and 2 and off-waves 7 and 8. Data are provided in SPSS, Excel, and comma-separated-values formats, and a readme text file describes the data.

A revised version of the working paper: The Quality of Government Records and Over-estimation of Registration and Turnout in Surveys: Lessons from the ANES 2008 Panel Study’s Registration and Turnout Validation Exercises,by Matthew K. Berent, Jon A. Krosnick and Arthur Lupia is now available.

ANES: Online Commons Deadline extension and APSA Public Meeting.The deadline to propose questions for inclusion on the ANES 2012 Time Series Study and the fourth survey of The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study has been extended. Proposals will now be accepted until 3:00p.m. EDT, September 13.

ANES reminder: Only 30 days left to propose questions There are only 30 days left to propose questions for inclusion on the ANES 2012 Time Series Study and the fourth survey of The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study.

The final release of the first survey of EGSS, The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study is now available for download. Check the Data Center for links to the dataset and documentation.

ANES Announcement: The ANES 2012 Time Series Study

ANES Announcement: Deadlines for the ANES 2010-2012 EGSS Online Commons Proposals

Preliminary release of the first survey of EGSS, The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study is now available for download. Check the Data Center for links to the dataset and documentation.

ANES is pleased to make available the ANES 2010 Panel Recontact Study. The release is available for download from the Data Center.

A new working paper is now available: The Quality of Government Records and Over-estimation of Registration and Turnout in Surveys: Lessons from the ANES 2008 Panel Study’s Registration and Turnout Validation Exercises,by Matthew K. Berent, Jon A. Krosnick and Arthur Lupia.

ANES Announcement: The Online Commons Comments Period Has Begun

ANES Announcement: Only 1 week left to submit proposals

ANES Announcement: Third Wave Deadlines for the ANES 2010-2012 EGSS


ANES Announcement: New Policy on Access to ANES Data

Preliminary release of the ANES 2010 Panel Recontact Study is now available for download. Check the Data Center for links to the dataset and documentation.

ANES Announcement: the American National Election Studies will be accepting proposals for questions to include on the last 3 waves of our new series of studies. Visit the Online Commons for more information.

A new technical report is now available: Benchmark Report for the 2008 American National Election Studies Time Series and Panel Study, by Matthew DeBell and Jonathan Cowden

ANES Announcement: Complete data and documentation for the ANES 2008-2009 Panel Study are now available

ANES is pleased to make available the complete ANES 2008-2009 Panel Study and a new release of the ANES 2008 Time Series Study which includes all variables with the exception of coded data for open-end responses. These releases are available for download from the Data Center.

ANES is pleased to announce that the ANES Time Series Cumulative Data File is now available for download. Check the Data Center for links to the dataset and documentation.

ANES Announcement: ANES: The Online Commons Comments Period Has Begun

ANES Reminder: The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study

ANES Announcement: Only 2 weeks left to propose questions

Papers from the 1987 ANES conference: Conference on Groups and American Politics are now available.

ANES Announcement: Only 30 days left to propose questions There are only 30 days left to propose questions for inclusion on the first two waves of The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study. Proposals will be accepted until 3:00p.m. EDT, May 5, 2010.

ANES Announcement: The 2010-2012 Evaluations of Government and Society Study As of March 5, 2010, the ANES will be accepting proposals for questions to include on a new series of studies. Proposals may be submitted through the ANES Online Commons. The deadline for proposals for the first and second wave is 3:00p.m. EDT, May 5, 2010.

ANES Announcement: ANES: The Online Commons Comments Period Has Begun

The ANES Bibliography found in Papers & Documents, has been updated. We continue to work on this great resource. The ANES Bibliography includes more than 5,600 citations. Help us keep the Bibliography current: use our online form to submit your work


ANES Announcement: ANES: The Online Commons Comments Period Has Begun

ANES announces a New Opportunity to Add Contextual and Other Auxiliary Variables to the 2008 ANES Time Series and Panel Study Datasets. We are calling on members of the research community to help us gather and make contributions to the 2008-2009 version of the ANES auxiliary data file through contributions to a dedicated forum on the ANES Online Commons.

The Technical Report: Computing Weights for American National Election Study Survey Data, by Matthew DeBell and Jon A. Krosnick has been added to Papers & Documents.

ANES Announcement: An invitation to learn about the ANES.

Field Material for the ANES 2008 Time Series Study has been added to the study page. You can now view the Pre-election Respondent Booklet as well as the Post-election Respondent Booklet.

ANES is pleased to make available redacted versions of the responses to the open-ended questions from the 2008 Time Series Study. The link to the ZIP file is under “Other Resources” at the left side of the 2008 Time Series Study page.

The Report on Decisions Made About Implicit Attitude Measurement in the 2008 American National Election Studies has been added to the website. This document by the ANES Principal Investigators describes the decision making process regarding the inclusion of measurement of implicit attitudes in the 2008 Time Series Study and the 2008-2009 Panel Study.

The ANES 2008 Time Series Study is now available for download. Check the Data Center for links to the dataset and documentation.

New Methodology documentation for the 2006 Pilot Study is now available. From the 2006 Pilot Study page, you can view links to the Methodology Report for the 2006 ANES Pilot Study Report and the CATI Code Annex to the Methodology Report.

Papers from the 1994 ANES conference: Candidate Evaluation are now available.

Papers from the 1995 ANES conference: Values and Predisposition are now available.Papers from the 1995 ANES conference: Values and Predisposition Conference are now available.

Papers from the 1994 ANES conference: Conference on the Impact of the Campaign are now available.

An “Advance Release” of the ANES 2008 Time Series Study is now available for download. Check the Data Center for links to the dataset and documentation.

The ANES Bibliography, found in the ANES Reference Library, has been updated. The ANES Bibliography now includes more than 5,300 citations. Help us keep the Bibliography current: use our online form to submit your work.

Links to 1988 Questionnaires, 1990 Questionnaires, and the 1992 Questionnaires have been added to the 1988-1992 Merged Senate File study page.

An “Advance Release” of the 2008-2009 Panel Study dataset and documentation is now available for download. This release includes the data from the six ANES waves completed in 2008, as well as the recruitment and profile surveys, and is available through our Data Center.

A new study page for the 2008-2009 Panel Study has been added.

The 2008 ANES Time Series Study questionnaires for both the Pre-election and Post-election are now available on the 2008 Study page.


ANES is pleased to announce a Conference on Optimal Coding of Open-Ended Survey Data, December 4-5, 2008. Speakers and participants will include leading scholars from large-scale surveys, coding staff members from major survey organizations and scholars who have published and thought extensively about optimal procedures for coding open-ended text. Space is limited to the first 50 registrants.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, A Report on the Social Network Battery in the 2006 ANES Pilot Study by Elif Erisen and Cengiz Erisen has been added to the Reference Library.

ANES Announcement: An invitation to learn about exciting new research opportunities being offered by ANES. You are cordially invited to attend a public meeting of the American National Election Studies at the APSA annual meeting in Boston. The public meeting is scheduled for 10am on Saturday, August 30th. After the updates will be a session where you are welcome to comment and pose questions of the PIs, Board of Overseers, and staff.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Belief in a Just World and Perceptions of Fair Treatment by Police by Daniel Lempert has been added to the Reference Library.

The ANES Help Center has been added to assist new users who might be unfamiliar with our data or the website. Answers to some frequently asked questions will continue to grow as we add more questions from the community.

The American National Election Studies is pleased to announce that Dr. Vincent Hutchings has been named Associate Principal Investigator. He will serve in this capacity for the rest of this year and throughout 2009.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Ten Values for Predicting Political Voting and Behavior: ANES 2006 Pilot Study/2004 Study by William A. McConochie and Kristian Dunn has been added to the Reference Library.

ANES announces a new policy regarding access to ANES Panel Study Data. The policy change will allow the PIs, along with the ANES staff, to monitor the panel data as they are collected to watch for warning signs of problems.

Respondent booklets are now available for the 1994 National Election Study, the 1996 National Election Study and the 1998 National Election Study.

We have added a new Conferences Button on our homepage. Here you’ll find links to papers, presentations, video files, and agendas from ANES conferences and events.

The 7-day Comments Period Has Begun! Between now and January 22, we ask that you make a small, but important contribution to the quality of the 2008 ANES surveys by offering advice that we and the proposals authors’ can use to increase the effectiveness of our questionnaires. You can read the full proposals in the Online Commons.

There is only one week left to propose questions for inclusion on upcoming American National Election Studies surveys! The deadline is January 15, 2008. For more information, please visit the Online Commons.


There are only 35 days left to propose questions for inclusion on two American National Election Studies (ANES) projects! The deadline is January 15, 2008. Question proposals for these initiatives will only be accepted via the ANES Online Commons – please go to its website to get information about these opportunities and learn how to submit proposals:

Gallup Inc. hosted a Conference on the ANES sponsored by the American National Science Foundation in Washington D.C. The agenda, list of participants, and slidesets from this conference are now available.

We are now accepting proposals for questions about terrorism, natural disasters, risk perception, and preparedness, for inclusion on the 2008 ANES Time Series Study and/or the 2008-2009 ANES Panel Study. Proposals will only be accepted via the ANES Online Commons.

An updated ANES Restricted Data Access application process is now in place. A letter from the ANES Principal Investigators discusses the update.

There are only 70 days left to propose content for the 2008 ANES Time Series Study! For more information, visit the “Study Description” link in the header of the Online Commons.

ANES has been working with Professor Michael McDonald of George Mason University on a vote validation demonstration project. A preliminary report on this activity is now available.

The Mexico 2006 Panel Study has been added to our list of Other Election Studies.

The German Society for Electoral Studies (DGfW) has been added to our list of Other Election Studies.

The OC is now open through 3pm on January 15, 2008 to accept proposals for questions to include in its 2008 ANES Time Series Study.

In 2005, the American National Election Studies (ANES) announced a new collaboration with the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS). The first product of that collaboration was the purchase of four minutes of time for ANES questions to appear on the 2006 Young Adult component of the Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (CNLSY). A preliminary dataset from this collaboration is now available.

On September 17, 2007, we will begin accepting proposals for questions to include on the face-to-face survey conducted before and after the 2008 election. Anyone can submit a proposal of items to be included in this study through the ANES Online Commons.

A new page had been added to the website which lists Previous Board Members.

You are cordially invited to attend a public meeting of the American National Election Studies at the APSA annual meeting in Chicago! Come learn about exciting new research opportunities being offered by ANES.

The Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA) Archive at the University of California Berkeley has added the 1948-2004 ANES Cumulative Data File to their online analysis tool. We would like to thank the SDA staff for this contribution to the ANES user community. Links to ANES files that appear in the SDA online analysis tool can be found on the ANES Data Center page.

The American National Election Studies announces two new programs: Bonus Minutes and Complementary Cases.The deadline for final acceptance of a Complementary Cases proposal is March 31, 2008. To maximize the likelihood of meeting this deadline, we recommend that Bonus Minutes proposals be submitted no later than December 1, 2007.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, ANES 2006 Pilot Report: Eschatology Items by Heather Rice, L.J. Zigerell, Jr., and David Barker has been added to the Reference Library.

ANES announces a new opportunity for scholars. Evaluate the 2006 Pilot Study data and provide input about whether to include these new measures in future ANES surveys.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Reexamining Religiosity A Report on the New Religion Items in the ANES 2006 Pilot Study by Mockabee, Stephen T., Kenneth D. Wald, and David C. Leege has been added to the Reference Library.

A new stand-alone 1980 Post-election questionnaire was posted, replacing the previous version which comprised a composite document for both the 1980 Post and other 1980 surveys.

The Data Center has been revised. Cascading style sheets make use of the full screen, links for new users have been added at the top of the page, and tabs have been implemented in the Data Products table to improve navigation and searching.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Measuring Ambivalence about Government in the 2006 ANES Pilot Study by Michael D. Martinez, Jason Gainous, and Stephen C. Craig has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Effects of Beliefs about the Stability or Malleability of Personality on Judgments of Political Candidates’ Character and Voting Behavior by Daniel C. Molden has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, The Need for Closure and Political Attitudes: Final Report for the ANES Pilot by Christopher M. Federico, John T. Jost, Antonio Pierro and Arie W. Kruglanski has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Toward a New Generation of Media Use Measures for the ANES: Report to the Board of Overseers by Scott L. Althaus and David H. Tewksbury has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Value-Dimensions in America by Steven Hitlin and Katherine Kramer has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Analysis of Interest in Politics Items From the 2006 Pilot by Danielle Shani has been added to the Reference Library.

A change in the ANES calendar: due to the dynamic nature of the upcoming elections and the many high quality proposals we received, the scheduled announcement of Online Commons outcomes has been delayed.

ANES Announcement: The ANES 2006 Pilot Study Full Release is Now Available. Any analysis of ANES Pilot Study data that is intended for publication should be based on this full release, which replaces the advance release.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, ANES Pilot Study Report: Abortion Items by L.J. Zigerell, Jr., David Barker and Heather Rice has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, The Generalized Trust Questions in the 2006 ANES Pilot Study by Eric M. Uslaner has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Basic Personal Values: A Report to the National Election Studies Board by Shalom H. Schwartz has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Measuring Perceived Effectiveness of Political Institutions: Report on the ANES Pilot Study 2006 by Daniel Schneider has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Gender Stereotypes and Gender Preferences on the 2006 ANES Pilot Study by Kira Sanbonmatsu and Kathleen Dolan has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, The Socionomic Perspective on Social Mood and Voting: Report on New Mood Measures in the 2006 ANES Pilot Study by Wayne D. Parker has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Trust in Government by Joseph Gershtenson and Dennis L. Plane has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, A Preliminary Analysis of the 2006 Pilot Study Responses to Questions on Progressivity of Taxes and Estate Tax by Ruben Durante and Louis Putterman has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Self-Monitoring and Political Attitudes by Adam J. Berinsky and Howard Lavine has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Sociotropic Voting and the Media: A Summary of Results From the 2006 ANES Pilot by Stephen D. Ansolabehere, Mark Meredith, Erik Snowberg, and J. M. Snyder, Jr. has been added to the Reference Library.

The 2006 Pilot Study Report, Defensive Confidence: 2006 ANES Analysis Report by Dolores Albarracin and Wei Wang has been added to the Reference Library.

Due to overwhelming interest in the panel the announcement of the Online Commons outcomes is delayed.

ANES announces the Evaluative Criteria for the Panel Study Proposals.

New errata for the Cumulative Data File. VCF0703 registration-turnout summary data for 1972.

The 14-day comments period for the 2008-2009 Panel Study has begun. Please help us evaluate the proposals for this exciting new study.

A draft HTML questionnaire has been posted for the 2006 ANES Pilot Study.

ANES Announcement: An Advance Release of the 2006 Pilot Study is Now Available . The release is to allow users to evaluate the effectiveness of the new questions in time to decide whether to propose them for inclusion on the 2008-2009 ANES Panel Study (the deadline is January 31).


New errata for the 2004 Time Series Study. Dropped case.

ANES Announcement: Only 50 Days Left to Propose Questions for the 2008-2009 Panel Study. The deadline for submitting proposals is January 31, to be followed by a short comment and revision period.

Webpages from the conference “The Psychology of Voting and Election Campaigns,” October 20-21, 2006 at Duke University have been added to the ANES website.

ANES announces the Policy on Use of its Survey Questions.

OC Reopens for 2008-2009 Panel Study Proposals.

ANES requests advice about questions to be included in National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) in 2008.

New errata for the Cumulative Data File. Correction for VCF0140a.

New errata for the Cumulative Data File. Miscellaneous corrections.

New errata for the Cumulative Data File. Updates included in 2005-Oct-31 version.

New errata for the 1998-1992 Merged Senate File. Duplicate cases and missing values for office recognition items.

New errata for the 2002 Time Series. Corrections to post L1/L2 alternate wording variables.

New errata for the 2002 Time Series. Corrections to V025019, V025019a variable labels and data.

New errata for the 1994 Time Series. Corrections to missing data in V940217,V940221.

New errata for the 2000 Time Series. Correction to L4.T introduction text.

New errata for the 1996 Time Series. Omission of randomization variables.

New errata for the 1996 Time Series. Addition and correction to spouse occupation data.

New errata for the 2004 Time Series. Variable label corrections for randomization variables.

New errata for the 2004 Time Series. Correction for V045254.

New errata for the 1998 Time Series. Variable label corrections and missing randomization variables.

ANES invites you to attend a conference on the Psychology of Voting and Election Campaigns.

ANES announces winning proposals for its 2006 Pilot Study.

ANES provides details of the evaluation process for the 2006 Pilot Study.

ANES invites you to attend two ANES-themed events at the upcoming Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.

ANES provided an update on the Pilot Study.

ANES has decided to extend the deadline for commenting on existing 2006 Pilot proposals for one week.

ANES announces support for the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES).

The ANES is accepting bids to conduct data collection for our 2006 Pilot Study.

Links to the Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA) archives at the University of California, Berkeley have been added to the ANES Data Center for the benefit of users that are interested in online (web-based) data analysis.

An announcement of the 2006 Pilot Study was posted.

New information was added to the project staff page.

Transcripts of the ANES Vision Celebration speeches were posted.

An announcement was posted for the opening of the Online Commons.

The ANES Bibliography was updated.

The ANES website has been updated.

The ANES Online Commons has been enabled and is open for registration.

A new description of the 2006 Pilot Study has been added.

A report on the first collaboration between the ANES and the National Longitudinal Surveys was posted.

Our website has been redesigned and reorganized. New pages were added for the Online Commons, links to Other Election Studies, and we’ve reinstituted the sitemap. Profiles for the 2005-2009 ANES Board of Overseers and 2005-2009 ANES Principal Investigators were also added.


New version of the 2004 NES is available for download, addressing the issue in new erratum “Data for federal spending battery (V043164-V043174) misaligned”.

New errata for the 2004 Time Series. Restoration of post-election weight variable V040102.

New errata for the 2004 Time Series. Deletion of unnecessary period character in STATA formats file (

ANES Announcement: Public Meeting at MPSA in Chicago, and Full Release of 2004 time series data.

New errata for the 2004 Time Series. Differences between the Advance Release and Full Release of the 2004 Time Series.

New errata for the 2002 ANES. Codebook Correction for V021202, Congressional District Number.

New errata for the 2004 Time Series. V044501 applies to post-interview cases only.

ANES Announcement: 2004 Advance Release is now available

ANES Announcement: Update on the 2004 Time Series Studies

A draft copy of the 2004 Time Series post-election panel questionnaire has been added to the 2004 Time Series Study page.

Revised the errata for the 1948-2002 Cumulative Data File.

Revised the pilot study reports section of the website.

A draft copy of the 2004 Time Series post-election questionnaire has been added to the 2004 ANES study page.

Revised the technical reports section of the website.

Added a new technical paper by Brian Duff, Michael J. Hanmer, Won-ho Park, and Ismail K. White, How Good is This Excuse?: Correction of Overreporting of Voter Turnout Bias in the 2002 Time Series Study.

A revised draft copy of the 2004 Time Series pre-election questionnaire has been added to the 2004 ANES study page.

A revised draft copy of the 2004 Time Series pre-election questionnaire has been added to the 2004 ANES study page.

ANES Announcement: APSA Meeting, 2004 Studies, etc.

A draft copy of the 2004 ANES pre-election questionnaire and respondent booklet have been added to the 2004 NES study page.

A link to the final report of ANES 2004 Planning Committee has been added to the 2004 Time Series Study page.

Revised the 1998 ANES page, the 1996 ANES page, and the 1994 ANES page.

New errata for 2002 Time Series Study. There are INAP cases in V024424, V024425.

New errata for 2002 Time Series Study. Corrections made to the codebook introduction file.

Updated the online codebook for the 1948-2002 ANES Cumulative Data File.

New release of the 1948-2002 Cumulative Data File is now available.
New release of the 2002 Time Series data files enhanced with 2000 variables for panel cases.

ANES Announcement: Public Meeting at MWPSA, 2004 NES Planning Committee Update, and NES Bibliography.

New Errata for the 2000 Time Series Study.

Revised the 2000 Time Series Study page.

Revised the 2002 Time Series Study page.

Redesigned our homepage to include an Experts List.

Added a page for the 2004 Time Series Study.


ANES Announcement: The 2004 Time Series Study: Process and Planning.

Added the online codebook for the ANES 1948-2002 Cumulative Data File.

Added the technical report: Report on Values and Predispositions Items for the 1998 National Election Study by William G. Jacoby.

ANES Announcements: ANES Fellows Competition, new Cumulative File, and CD-ROM note.

The ANES 1948-2002 Cumulative Data File is now available for download.

The Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior was updated to include 2002 variables.

Added new files for Questions Asked in ANES Surveys.

ANES Announcement: APSA Public Meeting and New Data Products.

The new 2002 ANES Auxiliary File on Contextual Data is now available for download.

The new 1996 ANES Auxiliary File on Group Membership is now available for download.

Updated the the 2002 Time Series Study Page

A minor correction is noted on the 2002 Time Series Study Full Release Errata Page. The post-election weight is missing in the file for a single case.

Note added answering “Where are the portable/transport files?” for the ANES 2002 Full Release.

The ANES 2002 Full Release is now available for download.

Added a technical paper by Jake Bowers and Michael J. Ensley, “Issues in Analyzing Data from the Dual-Mode 2000 American National Election Study.”

New Errata for the Advance Release of the ANES 2002 Time Series Study

ANES Announcement: MPSA Public Meeting and 2002 Information

The Advance Release of 2002 Time Series Study is now available!

Updated all The ANES Bibliography files.

Added links to the codebook introductions and appendices from the download pages.

Updated the The ANES Bibliography (PDF file only)


A draft version of the ANES 2002 Time Series Questionnaire is now available from the ANES 2002 Time Series Study Page.

An update on the status of NES 2002 is now available on the ANES 2002 Time Series Study Page.

New downloading pages for the ANES Pilot Studies and our Other Major Data Collections are now available.

We are pleased to announce the new ANES Data Center for the Time Series Studies. Everything available for download is now visible on fewer pages, for more efficient and faster browsing. Users may now download multiple files without having to re-enter their full registration information for each file. New downloading pages will soon be available for both the Pilot Studies and our Other Major Data Collections. This major improvement resulted from the direct input of the ANES user community and we welcome your ongoing feedback as we strive to better serve your needs for data.

Added a page for the ANES 2002 Time Series Study

Updated the ANES Bibliography

ANES requests applications for 2003-2004 NES Pre-Doctoral Fellows

The ANES 2002 Study is on!

New variable lists and descriptive summaries are now available for the ANES 2000.

Announced the release of the 1986 and 1990 Nonresponse ‘Bias’ Files

Updated the online codebook for the 1948-2000 Cumulative Data File

Update on the American National Election Studies

Added a new technical paper by Christopher Wlezien, A Note on the Endogeneity of Ideological Placements of Government Institutions

List of variables added for the 1948-2000 Cumulative Data File.

New variables added to the the 1948-2000 Cumulative Data File.


Updated the NES Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior with 2000 data

Updated Board membership information with newest Board member: John Aldrich

Announcement of ANES Fellows Program, 2002-2003

Update on the National Election Studies

Added a link to a new technical paper by Melanie C. Green, Jon A. Krosnick and Allyson L. Holbrook, The Survey Response Process in Telephone and Face-to-Face Surveys

Added links to the ANES Condensed codebook and Field Material for the 2000 Time Series Study.

Released the complete version of the 2000 Time Series Study dataset

Added a link to the newly released advance version of the 2000 Time Series Study dataset

Update on the National Election Studies

Added a technical paper by Laura Stoker and Jake Bowers, “Designing Multi-Level Studies: Sampling Voters and Electoral Contexts.”


Update on the 2000 American National Election Study

Added a technical paper by Larry Bartels, “Question Order and Declining Faith in Elections.”

Added updated information about release dates to the ANES 2000 study page.

Added the 1948 Pre and Post-election questionnaires

Added the 2000 ANES Post-election questionnaire

Added links to the questionnaires from the study pages.

Added an overview of the 2000 Time Series Study design

Added a Visual Overview for the NES Dataset I.D. System

Added the 2000 ANES Pre-election questionnaire

Announcement of ANES Fellows Program, 2001-2002

Added a 2000 Pilot Study Paper: Burns, Nancy and Donald Kinder, Social Trust and Democratic Politics, June 2, 2000.

Added a 2000 Pilot Study Paper: Rahn, Wendy and Thomas J. Rudolph, Report on the ANES 2000 Pilot Election Items, June 2000.

Added the ANES 2000 Pilot Study Page, dataset and questionnaire

Added links to the ANES 2000 Time Series Study Questionnaires (drafts)

Added enhanced information on the ANES 1948 through 1990 study pages

Added “Top 10 Things You Should Know About ANES”

Planning announcement for the 2000 ANES study

March 3, 2000
Added information about planning the 2000 Time Series Study

February 28, 2000
Added Technical Report #56, “Post-Stratified Cross-Sectional Analysis Weights for the 1992, 1994 and 1996
ANES data,” Survey Research Center Staff, University of Michigan. (March 1998).

February 17, 2000: The ANES Continuity Guide is now available in .PDF format

January 28, 2000: Updated and revised the ANES Dataset Version Table and the study errata pages.

September 23, 1999: Updated the NES Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior with 1998 data

August 16, 1999: Added the 1948-1998 Cumulative Data File

July 23, 1999: Added a revised version of the 1997 Pilot Study report Pro-life and Pro-Choice or Opponents and Supporters of Abortion? Linguistic Framing of the Objects of Evaluation by Virginia Saprio.

July 16, 1999: The ANES unveils its new website.

May 25, 1999: Updated and revised the ANES Dataset Version Table

May 3, 1999: All ANES datasets are now available for free downloading via the ANES Data Archive.

May 3, 1999: Added information about Special Access Requests (SPAR) and online form.

March 29, 1999: Added the 1998 ANES Pilot Study Questionnaire

March 16, 1999: Added new ANES Dataset Version Table

February 17, 1999: Added on-line versions (in Adobe Acrobat) of the 1987, 1989, 1991, and 1993 Pilot Study Reports

February 12, 1999: Added online versions (in Adobe Acrobat) of the 1979, 1983, and 1985 Pilot Study Reports

January 19, 1999: Errata for the ANES 1996 Time Series Study and the 1998 ANES CD-ROM have been added.

January 18, 1999: The NES Bibliography has been revised and updated.

December 17, 1998: Errata for the 1998 ANES CD-ROM have been added. (See errata for individual studies.)

October 19, 1998: Added a newly revised and updated version of The ANES Bibliography.

October 8, 1998: Added the 1992-1997 Merged Data File

October 1, 1998: Added the paper “ANES Contributions to Scholarship: A Review”

September 18, 1998: Added the Pilot Study Report Black Threat and Christian Fundamentalist Threat: A National Election Study 1997 Pilot Study Report, by Jake Bowers

September 18, 1998: Added the Technical Report The Surveycraft CATI system’s ‘Random Number Generation’ features and their Effects on Analysis of the ANES 1997 Pilot “Group threat” Experiment, by Steve Heeringa

May 11, 1998: Added Errata notice concerning the 1948-1996 Cumulative File.

April 2, 1998: : Added the new version of the 1996 NES Data including the new weight variables.

March 24, 1998: Updated information on the ANES 1948-1996 Cumulative Data File

March 9, 1998: Added the 1998 Core Document

March 9, 1998: Added Memo to the Research Community on the 1998 Time Series Study

February 9, 1998: Added Errata for the 1997 Pilot Study Data

December 17, 1997: Added Information on the 1997 Pilot Study data release

November 25, 1997: Added Call for Content for the 1998 Pilot Study

Data Release Announcements
The ANES 1948-1998 Cumulative File dataset is available via the ANES website
The 1998 Pilot Study dataset is available via the ANES website
The 1998 Time Series dataset is available via the ANES website
The first collection of micro-level data from CSES Module 1: 1996-2000
The 1992-1997 Merged Data File
1997 Pilot Data are available via the ANES website
Version 3 of the 1996 Time Series Study and new weight variables
ANES 1948-1996 Cumulative Data File
Information on the weight variables in the 1996 ANES
The 1996 National Election Study data are available via the ANES website.
ANES 1996 Time Series Study
ANES 1995 Pilot Study
Behavior Reporting Experiment
ANES 1994 Time Series Study

ANES Newsletters and Memos to the Research Community
ANES 1948-1998 Cumulative File dataset release announcement
Spring 1999 Newsletter (.PDF format)
ANES 1998 Pilot Study dataset release announcement
1998 ANES dataset release announcement
Memo on the 1998 Time Series Study
Call for Content for the ANES 1998 Pilot Study
May 1997 Newsletter
Call for Content for the ANES 1997 Pilot Study
Open Position: ANES Research Associate I, December 1999
February 1996 Newsletter
July 1995 Newsletter
April 1995 Newsletter
November 1994 Newsletter
July 1994 Newsletter
April 1994 Newsletter